We all here, carried away by current events, missed one important episode in the political technological landscape of Russian life, namely, a surge of media interest in one of the most mysterious and controversial of the promoted people of the near-political party - "Doctor Lisa".

The surge was justified by the anniversary of the tragic events of last year, the plane crash near Sochi, which remains very mysterious, despite the officially voiced version of "pilot error", which sounded very uncertain.
According to the latest info in RIA dated 12/20/17 - the investigation will still be continued ..

The tragedy with the death of military musicians will remain a black spot in the history of Russian civil aviation, but the spot turned out to be not only dark, but also muddy, because it is full of omissions and inconsistencies, causing a lot of questions.

One of the main ones is the role in this whole gloomy story of "Doctor Lisa", who allegedly died along with all the passengers and crew of the ill-fated board, was discovered first and hastily solemnly buried under the collective lamentations of the liberal public, who, it seems, did not even notice the death of other people.

Any conversations on this topic immediately after the tragedy caused bouts of hysteria and accusations of "dancing on the bones of the Holy Great Martyr Lisa", but her figure itself, and the story of life and death, raised so many obvious questions that it would be necessary to return to it at some point. .
Actually, there were people who all this time systematically studied all the circumstances of the life path of the iconic figure, and therefore it is worth familiarizing yourself with the results of their investigation...

At the beginning of 2017, quite definitely reasonable doubt was already expressed about the presence of DL on board the fatal flight, moreover, a doubt that arose by no means from scratch and voiced from the pages of the large-circulation media, but this was only one of the clues, far from the only one, about which a whole range of investigative materials was published in social networks, a very small fraction of which I will quote further ...
They dance there from the stove, from the very beginning of the life path of DL -

Alternative biographies

There are significant gaps in both versions, but both show that Liza's family, whoever they were, had information about members of the Soviet government and the military industry. In one of them, a personal motive can be traced, according to which Lisa could commit fraud, forgery and other crimes.

Most of all I am interested in the question of where my childhood friends, youth, classmates and work colleagues before 1990 are.
She told so many times that she left the country in 1985, although this happened 5 years later.
And no one wanted to tell her: "Hey, listen, we were working together at that time!" Or: "I remember you at 86, I remember how you walked with a stroller in our yard."
Mythical classmates from 2nd honey, where are you?
After all, distant relatives?
(Sent in private:
P.K.Poskrebyshev - 09/22/1932.
P.P. Poskrebyshev (brother of Elizabeth) - 03/15/1963.
Pavel is married to Anzhelika Nikolaevna (05/09/1966), has a daughter, Sofia (05/14/1988). All are Poskrebyshevs. They live at the address: Chertanovskaya str., 20, building 1, apt. No. No.) But where are they?

When social networks first appeared, I started an account for myself, and immediately there were people whom I had forgotten to think about, including kindergarten boys and girls. So I quickly removed it. And here for 10 years every month either an article, an interview, or a film - and nothing.
Did they all die from the flu epidemic? We don't know what school Lisa went to. None of her classmates made themselves felt, although there were thousands of candles, flowers and tears on social networks with the inscription "remember, mourn." Either all her childhood friends were struck by anthrax, or they do not use the Internet for political reasons. Or is there some other reason we don't know about.

Intermediate debriefing

Through collective efforts during the reporting period, we managed to find out the following:

1. An additional source confirms the date of Lisa's departure from the USSR in the fall of 1990. This is a book by I.G. Glinka "Further - silence", M., 2005.

2. Psychological portrait of a Vlasovite and a traitor to the Motherland G.A. Glinka is supplemented by the memoirs of his daughter Irina, which coincide with the memoirs of S. Gollerbach:
- I didn’t go to the service, I wandered around somewhere for days on end, while my wife was looking for ways to earn money and raised her daughter. He behaved the same way in America.
- had numerous love affairs before and during the marriage with Irina's mother, kept correspondence with his mistresses at home. He jumped in front of the mirror, preening himself. He liked good clothes and starched collars with cuffs. If the first time it was not possible to fasten, in annoyance he threw them on the floor, and her mother had to wash and iron them again.

4. Kostya Glinka has serious psychological problems, which follows from his appearance, social circle and lifestyle. (Photos on instagram and fb).

5. The nature of E.P. Glinka with his son Alyosha require special attention in view of the discovery of new photographs.

6. In 2008 E.P. Glinka acquired 2 apartments in the elite Stalinist building No. 5 on Sretensky Boulevard. They can be valued up to two million dollars.

7. Tatyana Neroni from the USA became interested in the Glinka case. In her blog, among other things, she reports that the Dartmouth Medical School, in response to her request to study E.P. answered in the negative. In the hospices of E.P. did not work, Glinka's charitable foundation Vale Hospice International had nothing to do with the work of American hospices.

8. Found 3 references to people who allegedly knew Lisa as a child:
- Larisa Bravitskaya knows a certain Yura who knew Lisa. She also posted 4 photos of a preschool girl who looks like Lisa;
- a certain Nadezhda, who came to the street. Pyatnitskaya with a photo from kindergarten No. 43, in which they were with Liza. There are no photos. Radio report "Vesti fm";
- a woman without a first and last name, called an aunt, says that Lisa did not get on the plane. Date 12/25/16 Life.ru

This was followed by another, among the last, recent, from December of this year, for example, there were such -

They write that dokhturliza studied at Moscow school number 74

I haven’t held a dokhturliza book in my hands yet, but as soon as I get out into the bookstore I’ll take a picture of unknown pictures and post them. The preface, which is on the Internet, says that her parents were Galina Ivanovna and Pyotr Konstantinovich Poskrebyshev, and that Lizochka studied at Moscow school No. 74 on Pyreva Street. According to the official website of the school, it was founded in 1939. But neither there nor on the VKontakte page is NOTHING about the famous doctor. Even such tired "celebrities" as Stas Namin, Gradsky and Keosayan are marked by the director among the students, but Lizochka, our dear, beloved swindler and swindler, is not.

And how wonderful it would be if the Dokhturliza Foundation and personally Gleb Glebych donated a dozen or two of this highly moral, instructive book marked "contains obscene language" to the school. How much children and teenagers would learn by reading Glinka's diary. How many fascinating things Gleb Glebych could tell about his dad, an old Vlasovite and a CIA agent who fled to the West.
I believe that GBOU secondary school No. 74 is simply obliged to perpetuate the memory of E.P. Glinka by attaching a memorial plaque with her colorful mug to the facade of the building. It will be ideologically true and correct, in the spirit of modern trends in social life and politics, when scoundrels and traitors of all stripes are glorified.

And such, drawing very revealing and colorful details of the struggle of the liberal associates of the heroine for a warm place at the head of the laundering fund, patronized by the DL until her mysterious disappearance, disguised as death -

Dokhturliza accomplices fight: Alania Zhurkina against K. Sokolova and Avilova

December 21, 2017, 19:27
Sokolova, a rapacious burry woman, seized the laundering fund of dokhturliza in tenacious hands, wiping Zhurkina and other lokhudra, less crafty and quick-witted. Lokhudra moan and complain, without naming names, but to no avail: they have remained on the periphery of financial flows, and neither the mention of the old witch Alekseeva, nor the attention of the press shines on them. And I want to eat. Tomorrow Malakhov should show some kind of show for the anniversary of the sinking. Selected places from Zhurkina's lamentation on FB, her spelling:

... During this year, I was accused of such sins, in the presence of which I should explode even just on the way to the church ....
But I really reconsidered my attitude towards people with whom I once did NOT work, but who for some reason have the audacity to judge my professional and human qualities. Previously, Liza and I were accused of cutting money, kidnapping Donbass children and selling them for organs, then a version began to hover that we (then we still had) a whole cartel to squeeze old women out of the world and take over their apartments. After her death, they started a rumor that she didn’t leave Fair Aid on her own, not because of her maternal problem, but was kicked out with a wild scandal and took away the safe with money ....
Yes, when our initiative group applied for membership in the Fair Aid organization, we were kicked off....
And the adopted daughters who ran in and sucked on the drones still don’t understand that with their tantrums and the struggle for the heritage of the DL, they drown both themselves and the cause, and all who believed in good and bright, trample the memory, desecrate, crap all of us .... "

Malakhov will show a show about Dokhturliza on December 22
December 14, 2017, 18:42
The accomplices have already filmed, Zhurkina writes that they will be shown on Friday, the 22nd, 3 days before the plane crash, or before the staged show with the accident / terrorist attack - only the participants and performers know what really happened there.
Well, at least the roles were distributed? Did you find classmates? Odnogruppnikov from the 2nd MOLGMI, now RNIMU them. Pirogov? Will sons Kostya and Alyosha tell you what a wonderful mother Lisa was? We have already heard about the happiness of being her husband from the son of Vlasov G.G. Glinka.
Who dissuaded her and threatened her with troubles is unclear. Most likely, they did not share anything with K. Sokolova or other scammers.
If someone wants to delve into it, it is worth reading a series of materials, in the comments to which, by the way, many curious details of the “Doctor Lisa case” were also revealed ...

Her murky American laundering fund, created with the active participation of Chubais, her Ukrainian past, the biography of her husband, a descendant of a Vlasovite and a CIA agent, the circumstances of emigration and return, numerous scams related to citizenship and other unappetizing nuances that completely destroy the image of "Saint Lisa", who turned out to be not a doctor at all, and not a human rights activist, but a completely outspoken American agent who was introduced to us and carried out here, under the roof of powerful liberals and promoted by the liberal media, a very murky and suspicious activity.

The activity, the final chord of which, very likely, was the laying of an explosive device on board the fatal plane that plunged Russia into national mourning exactly a year ago ...

By the way, here is a summary plate of inconsistencies in the biographies of the Lys family, to which they have been trying to draw attention since 2011, the active participation of "Doctor Lisa" in the Swamp events and a text that accurately characterizes the atmosphere of a thick web of lies and fog that prevailed then, and even now around this character -


On the occasion of the funeral, another wave of well-organized and directed grief is expected, which should finally wash away the unpleasant questions of some individual, isolated spiteful critics who do not want to mourn and sob in unison. For some reason, some people keep digging and digging into biographies.
What do you care about Lisa's medical degree???
What are you clinging to her husband and his Russian diploma?
Do you care what year and how Liza left for America?
And what about "Kostya, Kostya"? If his mother took him away, then it was necessary! What other documents for the export of a child?
How dare you even think of asking such questions! How dare you doubt the innocence of Gleb Grozovsky. Oh, it's not here...

And finally, the most lethal argument: how many people have you warmed yourself, how many homeless people have bandaged festering wounds, how many wounded Donbass children have been taken out from under the bullets, how many dying people have been consoled?

Here are some shameless people. For 10 years they have been taught about the holiness of doctoral studies, but they resist.
Yes, there are some shortcomings, not everything is smooth, not everything is smooth, but there is the main thing - the chairs are intact. Masters of the artistic word, some Tatyana Tolstaya sprinkles another panegyric, and even refrains from her usual swearing.
(Update from 01/20/17. Not Tolstaya, but Kondratieva-Salgero wrote in such a spirit that yes, there were unpleasant moments, but the main thing was something else! Children and only children! And you, how much did you save? Etc. Here is a scream with them).

And the Church should also think about it. There is universal respect. Miracles shazzz will go, the right world will fix them.

But fresh, a month ago, there, according to the composition of fierce liberals, frantically promoting "Doctor Lisa" and her case even posthumously, it immediately becomes clear "whose" Russian "Mother Teresa" was -

Pokhaben from dohturliza with a signature stamp 18+. The first volume and hopefully the last

November 27, 2017, 18:46

The book contains fables of dokhturliza about hospices and tearful stories from her blog. Charity scammers call such stories a special term - motivating texts.
Well, these motivational texts have been published ....

By the way, do you recognize the handwriting of the Anglo-Saxon political strategists, in approximately the same way, albeit in different circumstances, sculpting and legendizing the #Nyasha project, which, mind you, began to become especially Maidan-active with the departure of "Doctor Liza" from the political arena?

And, by the way, on the subject of the fund, where SOME BELIEVED to embezzle funds raised to help the underprivileged -

... E. Glinka herself, once in the USA, completed the courses of the so-called. "palliative medicine" - this profession is often a kind of comforting charity, but more often it is a business on terminally ill people.

If a person sneezed and was told "Be healthy!" then this kind of "palliative care" is a comforting charity.

If someone, having organized a company to set up hospices for terminally ill people, withdrew more than half of the funds from philanthropists' donations for the needs of this company itself and competitive salariesTM, and even invited people with good TM genes to the positions of leading specialists, then this, of course, is an example of an effective medical business.

Palliative medicine, the specialty of Elizaveta Glinka, (as well as bankruptcy, the specialty of Gleb Glinka), turned out to be in great demand in the conditions of the fall of the socialist system and the transition to market relations. Her business career in Russia in the 1990s. and was later actively and eminently favorably covered in the Russian press by people with good genes. She herself has repeatedly confirmed her good origin: both by working for the party of billionaire M. Prokhorov "Civic Platform" (according to reference publications, in 2012 she was a member of the federal committee of this party), and by participating in the establishment on January 16, 2012 of the "League voters", together with such well-known public figures as Y. Shevchuk, G. Chkhartishvili, D. Bykov and others.

After the death of Dr. Lisa, the new head of her fund raised her salary by 5 times

https://m.ren.tv/novosti/2017-12-23/pos … e-zarplatu
After the death of Elizabeth Glinka in a plane crash a year ago, almost everything related to finances has changed in her Fair Aid Foundation. And these changes affected, first of all, not ordinary employees, but management.
The salary of the head of an international organization, for example, increased by more than 5 times. If Dr. Lisa paid herself 30 thousand rubles, then the new head of the fund has an income of 173 thousand rubles.
After the death of Elizabeth Glinka, the foundation urgently needed a new leader. The choice unexpectedly fell on Ksenia Sokolova, the former editor-in-chief of Esquire magazine...

DL, to her credit, she was smarter and didn't get so fired up.
She simply bought apartments in the center of Moscow for millions of dollars, telling everyone that she "finances the fund from personal savings and eats only half a day because of this" ...

In Pro pseudo "Dr. Lisa", who is not even a doctor even once.

Once Ira Zorkina tried to find where Lisa Glinka studied:
"At Vermont College, which is also listed in one of the biographies of the Reverend Doctorlisa, nothing was heard of her.
I don't know if Doctorlisa read the article in Moscow News, written in 2008 in very bad English, in which her place of study is already indicated as the Dortmund Medical School in Vermont. Maybe she didn’t read it, or maybe she had nothing against such a transcription. What difference does it make which of the non-existent Medical Schools she did not study at, right? In order to play doctor and be photographed in a white coat with a stethoscope around your neck, it is quite enough to blog under the name "Doctor Lisa", even if you have not really worked in your specialty for a day.
By the way, what is your specialty?
The choice is wide.
Here you have a resuscitator, here you have a pediatric anesthesiologist. This is from Second Mead. You can also choose from an oncologist and a specialist in palliative medicine. I hope that Doctorlisa still knows the difference between these specializations. Or maybe she has already forgotten what she was taught in Moscow in the eighties? She could well forget if she does not remember in her next interview what she said about herself in the previous one. And not only about yourself. Regarding the money donated to the foundation for the construction of a hospice in Yekaterinburg and missing in the Masterbank, Doctorliza also had several mutually exclusive explanations.

But that doesn't matter, does it?
It is important that people - believe. Believe Doctor Lisa.
They believe unconditionally, as true believers should.
I honestly don't know Who is Doctor Lisa and what she thinks of herself.
She has already played enough of the doctor and now she takes it higher - is she playing the saint? Does he play sincerely? Is she a “mirror” and sees herself the way others see her? Is she being used? Is she an adrenaline junkie, addicted to adrenaline, and can't live without adventure, danger and death? You can fantasize as much as you like."

What is "palliative care"? We open Wikipedia: "the principle of palliative care: the creation of protection against the painful manifestations of the disease, but not the treatment of the disease itself."
When someone sneezes and you say "bless you!" - you are a doctor of palliative medicine.
I'm not even kidding right now.

I also want to ask anyone - has anyone seen the diploma of the Second Honey of Elizaveta Poskrebysheva?
Well, at least one overwhelming photo? Well, at least someone who would say - "Yes, I studied with her."
Well, at least a photo of a student?

She generally had a bad memory.
Being the granddaughter of Poskrebyshev, and becoming Glinka only when she got married, in one interview she managed to call herself a descendant of the composer Glinka.

Extreme medicine - read care for the dying - is something that Dr. Lisa had an interest in from an early age and devoted her whole life to. Religion is always right there when people get sick, doomed, suffer, die. There is no need to repeat “opium for the people”, we must remember that all cults known today exist at the expense of donations from the afflicted and the inheritance of the property of the dead.

There is another story with the Yekaterinburg hospice, how the grandmother at first wanted to sign off her apartment for hospice, and then changed her mind, and a certain Oleg Kinev killed the grandmother. Do not believe it, but this Oleg Kinev was supposed to become the director of this hospice. And Doctorlisa was a beneficiary in this murder. But the case was turned in a completely different direction, they even dragged Roizman, Evgeny Vadimovich to this case, although he has nothing to do with it at all. And again, the inheritance of the property of the dying.
How strange, right?

There is also a story about Donetsk children who were taken out of the state of Ukraine by doctoral students without the permission of the Ukrainian authorities, without the permission of their guardians. And people can't find these kids. It's like they didn't exist at all.

Well, my favorite thing is finance.
“She doesn’t have any charitable foundation. There is an international public organization Fair Aid, a report for 2013. The total income is 8803 thousand rubles. The expenses for maintaining the fund are 5940 thousand. That is, 67% of the income goes to its own maintenance.

If this organization were re-registered as a charity, then, according to Article 17, paragraph 3 of the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations", these expenses could not exceed 20%.
The fund maintains itself, and the largest item of expenditure for charity (829 thousand) is vague: "targeted financial assistance and payment for the services of organizations to provide assistance." messages about current work: in March 2013 they fed the homeless, in July 2014 they took up the South-East of Ukraine. between these messages for more than a year there is nothing. She has no medical practice. whether it was at all is unknown.

A lot will be written and said about Elizabeth Glinka. Everything that she did to save human lives can only be overestimated or correctly evaluated by those whom she helped. Dr. Lisa always talked about her activities and the work of the Fair Aid Foundation with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, but almost never talked about her personal life. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Gleb Glinka lived together for 30 happy years.

Fast paced romance

An exhibition of expressionists was held at the House of Artists in Moscow, where Elizabeth met her future husband, Gleb Glinka. Young Lisa asked a stranger for a lighter, and he asked for her phone number. The man was much older than her and seemed very old to her. But in response to a request to call, for some reason she agreed. When asked about the date, she said that she had an exam in forensic medicine.

He met her at the morgue and was shocked by the difference between Russian and American morgues. Gleb Glinka was Russian by origin, but was born and raised in America. Nevertheless, he was always drawn to his historical homeland.

According to Gleb Glebovich, a week after they met, they both knew that they would definitely get married and live together all their lives. She has always liked strong men. Elizaveta Petrovna was attracted not by physical strength, but by the ability to make decisions and bear responsibility for them. If the man was still smart and educated, then she could well fall in love with him. Gleb Glebovich Glinka studied and brilliantly graduated from college in English literature, followed by law school, with the same excellent grades. Much later, already in Russia at the age of 60, he passed the exam in the Russian bar and was also excellent.

He was ready to stay in Russia, next to his chosen one, but Lisa only laughed: “You will disappear here!”. In 1986 she graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute, received the profession of a pediatric resuscitator-anaesthesiologist. And until 1990 they lived in Moscow, then they left for America together, together with their eldest son Konstantin.

Between America and Russia

In America, Elizaveta Glinka graduated from medical school with a degree in palliative medicine. Gleb Glebovich advised her to pay attention to the hospice located not far from their house. Lisa began to help hopeless patients. She studied for five years how hospice work is built, what difficulties she has to face. And at the same time I understood that it is possible and necessary to alleviate the suffering of people.

Later they will return to Russia at the request of Elizabeth, they will spend 2 years in Kiev because of Gleb's contract. And everywhere Dr. Liza will help people. In Moscow, already having two sons, she will work with the First Moscow Hospice, in Kiev she will create her first hospice. The most amazing thing is that Gleb Glinka will always support his wife in everything. He, like no one else, understood: helping those in need for her is as natural a need as breathing.

measure of goodness

When Dr. Lisa's mother fell into a coma and lay in the Burdenko clinic, Elizaveta Glinka bought meat every day, especially loved by her mother, cooked it, ground it into a paste so that she could feed from a tube. She knew that her mother did not feel the taste of cooked food, but nevertheless, for two and a half years, she came to the hospital twice a day and fed her mother, holding her hand. That was all she was.

Gleb and Elizabeth raised two sons. But a third boy appeared in their family - Ilya. He was adopted in infancy, but when the boy was 13 years old, his adoptive mother died. When Dr. Lisa began to tell her husband about the fate of the boy, he immediately understood: he would become their son. He again supported his wife in her decision.

Probably, he could forbid his wife to engage in her activities. Elizaveta Glinka herself spoke of her readiness to stop work if she interferes with her family. But Gleb Glebovich believed that he had no moral right to do so.

"We were very happy together"

She loved her family and didn't like talking about them in interviews. She wanted to protect loved ones from publicity, especially when threats began to be heard against her. Dr. Lisa under any circumstances tried to spend the weekend with her family. The only time she changed this habit was December 25, 2016.

It was difficult for Gleb Glebovich to present gifts to his wife. A new thing literally in a couple of weeks could be seen on one of the acquaintances or even on her ward from the Paveletsky railway station, where Dr. Lisa fed and treated the homeless. And again he didn't protest. But she could not do otherwise and was even proud that her wards looked better than other homeless people.
When she first went to the conflict zone in Donbass to rescue seriously ill children, he realized how dangerous it was. But she again went at the behest of her heart to where she was needed.

On December 25, 2016, she boarded a plane bound for Syria. Dr. Lisa was carrying medicines for the university hospital. She will never return from this flight.
Gleb Glinka still cannot come to terms with the loss. He refuses to accept the fact that his beloved will never be around again. He will write in the afterword to her book: “I shared my life with her ...”

Dr. Lisa married an American citizen and lived happily with him for 30 years until death separated them.

Any transport accident is always grief, fear and horror of the inevitable, it is especially tragic when worthy people die, activists of public life who could have done a lot more. In the last week of 2016, on December 25, a plane of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia crashed near Sochi, on board were: the crew, the military, musicians of the Alexandrov ensemble, as well as a Russian public figure, philanthropist and famous doctor, Glinka Elizaveta Petrovna, who was popularly called simply " Dr. Lisa.


She was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow. His father was a military man, and his mother was a dietitian, wrote books on cooking and the proper use of vitamins, and worked on television. After graduating from school, Lisa Glinka entered the Pirogov Second Medical Institute, five years later she received a diploma in the specialty "children's resuscitator-anaesthetist". After completing her studies at the institute, according to some reports, she worked in one of the Moscow clinics, but some argue that she did not work in her specialty.

In the biography of Dr. Liza Glinka, the "American period" of her activity is of great importance. In 1990, she and her husband Mikhail moved to the United States. Abroad, she continued to practice medicine, went to work in a hospice. At that time, there were no such institutions in Russia, and Glinka was simply shocked by the structure of such a system. Indeed, in a hospice, a person doomed to death gets a chance to lead a more or less worthy life. In her interviews, Elena Petrovna emphasized that in such medical centers people feel happy and do not stop believing in recovery.


In addition to her Russian education, Dr. Lisa Glinka graduated from the Dartmouth Medical Institute in America with a degree in palliative medicine. Doctors in this field are trying to find ways to improve the quality of life of patients with incurable forms of cancer and other deadly diseases. The main help for them is psychological. It is especially difficult to teach people to live every second. Palliative medicine does not mean treatment, but rather help to prevent and stop severe pain.

In the late 90s, she and her husband went to Ukraine, in Kiev, Mikhail Glinka had a contract for temporary work. At this time, hospices had already opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and Elena Petrovna closely communicated with the doctors of these institutions. But there were no hospices in Kiev yet, and Dr. Liza took upon herself the organization of palliative wards at oncology centers. Thanks to her connections in the US, the American Vale Foundation founded the first hospice in Kiev. Two years later, Liza Glinka and her husband returned to the United States, but often returned to Ukraine and helped the hospice.

Foundation "Fair Aid"

In 2007, Elizaveta Petrovna returned to Moscow to take care of her sick mother. Since that time, her life has been inextricably linked with the promotion of the idea of ​​helping the terminally ill in Russia. In the summer of 2007, Lisa Glinka, together with the same enthusiasts, founded the Just Help charity foundation, which was financed by the Just Russia party. The Foundation was founded to provide palliative care to sick people, not only oncology, but any diseases that could lead to hospice. Low-income people, even the homeless, came here. Here they could receive medical care and psychological support.

Doctor Lisa Glinka, along with other doctors, visited Moscow railway stations more than once. Here, doctors distributed clothes and food to homeless people, residents of other cities also received help. Gradually, the Fair Aid Foundation expanded the scope of its activities, all of Russia learned about it after the fires of 2010, when activists of the organization were collecting money for the victims. At the same time, the media began to constantly broadcast the activities of Lisa Glinka, they began to recognize her, help, and some criticize her.

Social activity

The popularity of Dr. Lisa in Russia grew with each humanitarian action, and soon she began to engage in more than just medicine. In early 2012, together with other activists, among whom were famous actors, singers and politicians, the League of Voters was organized. The reason for the creation of this movement was very noble, all its members advocated fair elections, the goal of the community was to control the electoral process in presidential and parliamentary campaigns.

In the "League of Voters" Lisa, Elizaveta Glinka, dealt not with political issues, but with the problems of human freedom of speech and the possible consequences of juggling information. For example, in April 2012, activists went to Astrakhan, where a local mayoral candidate went on a hunger strike, he demanded a revision of the election results, as he considered them unfair. Dr. Lisa managed to dissuade him from causing harm to health and go to court for justice.


The activities of the association "League of Voters" soon became interested in the highest ranks, searches were carried out in the office of the institution, accounts were frozen for some time, but the misunderstanding was resolved, and all assets were returned. Lisa Glinka herself tried to maintain neutrality towards various political forces in the country. Although in the fall of 2012 she became a member of the committee of the party of Mikhail Prokhorov "Civil Platform", where she also dealt with issues of observance of civil rights. Very soon she and Prokhorov withdrew from the movement.

In 2012, by decree of President V.V. Putin, Elizaveta Petrovna was appointed a member of the council for the development of civil society, as well as the observance of human rights. By the nature of her activities, she has repeatedly attracted famous politicians and artists to charity. Assistants at different times were Sergei Chuev, Boris Grebenshchikov, Anatoly Chubais, Irina Khakamada and Vitali Klitschko.


Glinka Liza, together with the activists of the fund, often held all kinds of actions, for example, “Station on Wednesdays”. During such trips, doctors examined homeless people, provided them with medical care, gave them food and warm clothes; or "Friday Dinner" - free tables for the poor were arranged in the foundation's office. The doctors of the charitable organization became especially active in 2014 with the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass. Even after the death of Dr. Liza, the foundation continues to help wounded and seriously ill children who find themselves in the epicenter of the war.

Since 2006, Liza Glinka has been the leader of the Russian seriously ill people in hospice. In addition, she actively participated in the charitable organization "Country of the Deaf", which helps people with hearing problems. Thanks to the work of doctors, hospice departments have opened in many cities of Russia and the countries of the former USSR. The main work was carried out in the society itself. Elizaveta Petrovna and her associates sought to show all people that the hospice is not a place of death, but a home for life, even if it is short.

Humanitarian work in the East of Ukraine

The biography of Lisa Glinka received a new round in 2014, when her foundation took an active part in providing humanitarian assistance in the East of Ukraine. As a doctor and philanthropist, she could not help but go to places where blood was shed and medicines were in short supply. Moreover, Dr. Lisa was sincerely outraged by the policy of the Red Cross. Representatives of the world organization refused to bring medicines to the people of Donbass, because they did not like Putin's policy.

Soon the children for Liza Glinka come to the fore, she helped take out hundreds of children who need treatment in the capital's clinics. With her activities in the Donbass, she caused an abundance of criticism from the Ukrainian authorities, as well as some ill-wishers in our country. She was accused of her own PR, ostentatious assistance, waste of budgetary funds, and so on.


On December 25, 2016, an aircraft of the Ministry of Defense, flying from Moscow to Latakia (Syria), crashed into the sea, not far from the runway in Sochi. There were 92 people on board the plane: the crew, journalists from several channels, musicians from the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble, and Liza Glinka as head of the Fair Help Foundation.

The tragedy immediately caused a strong reaction in Russian society, people were shocked by the death of artists and one of the most active charitable figures in the country and around the world - Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka. Officially, the causes of the crash have not been named. There are several versions: from aircraft overload to pilot error. Many opponents of the policy of the Moscow government and generally ill-wishers immediately pointed to the terrorist attack as a possible cause of the crash. terrorist revenge for the military presence of Russian troops in Syria.

Be that as it may, on December 25, 2016, worthy and talented people died. Russia has lost a bright and good doctor in the face of Dr. Lisa Glinka. She has already flown to Syria more than once, bringing medicines, food, water and clothes to the hot spot. And this time she again carried a large load to the residents of Aleppo.

Personal life

According to some reports, Glinka Elizaveta Petrovna, “Doctor Liza,” as the children called her, did not have Russian citizenship, only American, which is why she was not officially appointed head of the Fair Aid Foundation. But she herself considered her homeland the place where someone needed her help. According to the recollections of friends and relatives, she read a lot, listened to classical music and jazz.

They met her husband Mikhail in their student years, she accompanied him for a long time on all business trips, including in America and Ukraine. She has three sons, one of whom is adopted. The family of Lisa Glinka was very upset by her death and, for obvious reasons, refused to comment on this matter.

Many people know Elizaveta Glinka as an active blogger, she ran her own LiveJournal page, where her work was described, issues of the Fair Help Foundation were resolved, for which she even received an award as Blogger of the Year.

Public opinion

Lisa Glinka has earned recognition as an altruist and "heavenly messenger" of the afflicted. It is difficult to count all the good deeds she has done throughout her life. In recent years, she has dealt with the problems of children, the observance of their rights to receive medical and psychological assistance. She was respected among doctors and politicians. Glinka brought up several dozen activists like herself, who wanted to help their neighbors just like that, for free.

Parallel to this opinion, there is also the exact opposite: some consider Dr. Lisa to be Putin’s henchman, propagandist for the war in Ukraine, and also accused of other political and economic sins. All these curses have no evidence, this is an example of propaganda, information warfare that is customary today.


For her charitable and social activities, Elizaveta Glinka, Dr. Liza, has been awarded prestigious awards more than once. In 2012, she received the "Order of Friendship" for many years of successful work. For her contribution to the promotion of charity in Russia in 2015, she was awarded the distinction “For Good Deed”. One of the last lifetime awards Glinka received before the fatal flight. The medal "Participant in the military operation in Syria" in 2016 was personally presented by V.V. Putin.

After her death, posthumously, she was awarded the medal "For purity of thoughts and nobility of deeds" with the wording "For an invaluable contribution to the triumph of Goodness and peace on Earth."


The sudden death of Liza Glinka came as a surprise to family, friends and associates, many projects were frozen, but most of the cases - a charitable foundation and humanitarian movements, everything created by Dr. Liza - continue to exist today. Many only after her death realized the scale of her work around the world and decided to continue the embodiment of altruistic ideas.

On January 16, 2017, a military children's sanatorium in Yevpatoriya, as well as the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital in Grozny and a hospice in Yekaterinburg were named after Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka.

Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka(commonly known as Dr. Lisa; February 20, 1962, Moscow - December 25, 2016, the Black Sea near Sochi, Russia) - Russian public figure and human rights activist. Philanthropist, resuscitator by education, executive director of the International Public Organization "Fair Help". Member of the Council under the President of Russia for the development of civil society and human rights.


Elizaveta was born in Moscow in the family of a military and nutritionist, culinary specialist and TV presenter Galina Poskrebysheva. In addition to Lisa and her brother, their family included two cousins ​​who were left orphans early. There was a version that Elizabeth is a relative of Alexander Poskrebyshev, but Glinka denied it.

In 1986 she graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute with a degree in pediatric resuscitation anesthetist. In 1990, she emigrated to the United States with her husband, an American lawyer of Russian origin, Gleb Glebovich Glinka. In 1991 she received her second medical degree in palliative medicine from the Dartmouth Medical School of Dartmouth College [non-authoritative source?]. Some sources report Glinka's American citizenship. Living in America, she got acquainted with the work of hospices, giving them five years.

She participated in the work of the First Moscow Hospice, then, together with her husband, moved to Ukraine for two years. In 1999, she founded a hospice in Kiev at the Oncological Hospital in Kiev. Member of the Board of the Vera Hospice Assistance Fund. Founder and President of the American Foundation VALE Hospice International.


In 2007, in Moscow, she founded the Fair Aid International Public Organization, sponsored by the Just Russia party. The organization provides material support and provides medical assistance to dying cancer patients, low-income non-oncological patients, and the homeless. Every week, volunteers go to the Paveletsky railway station, distribute food and medicine to the homeless, and provide them with free legal and medical assistance. According to a 2012 report, the organization sent an average of about 200 people a year to hospitals in Moscow and the Moscow region. Fair Aid also organizes hot spots for the homeless.

In 2010, Elizaveta Glinka collected financial assistance on her own behalf in favor of victims of forest fires. In 2012, Glinka and her organization organized a collection of things for flood victims in Krymsk. In addition, she participated in raising funds for flood victims, more than 16 million rubles were collected.

In January 2012, together with other public figures, she became the founder of the League of Voters, an organization that aims to control the observance of the electoral rights of citizens. Soon, the tax inspectorate conducted an unexpected audit at the Fair Help Foundation, as a result of which the organization's accounts were blocked, which, according to Glinka, they were not notified about. On February 1, the accounts were unblocked, and the fund continued to work.

In October 2012, she became a member of the federal committee of the Civic Platform party of Mikhail Prokhorov. In November, she was included in the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights).

With the beginning of the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, she provided assistance to people living in the territories of the DPR and LPR. In October 2014, she accused the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) of refusing to provide guarantees for a cargo of medicines under the pretext "we do not like the policy of your president." The head of the ICRC's regional delegation for Russia, Belarus and Moldova, Pascal Kutta, denied these accusations. At the end of October 2014, Elizaveta Glinka gave an interview to the Pravmir portal, where the words allegedly sounded: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I affirm that there are no Russian troops there, whether someone likes to hear it or not.” For these words, she was criticized by a number of people. Glinka herself denied this version of the text, after which Pravmir admitted its mistake and published a corrected version of the interview: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I did not see Russian troops there.” Later, in an interview with Snob magazine, Glinka clarified that she was talking only about her personal observations.