Ekaterina Mishchenko

Healthy facial skin is the key to youth and attractiveness. Therefore, every woman tries to carefully take care of her face. Cosmetics and care products undergo the inevitable quality control. Soap occupies the first place in the series of checking products for the care of delicate facial skin.

To wash or not to wash your face with soap - that is the question!

Toilet soap is intended for personal hygiene. It is selected individually, according to the type of skin. Facial skin is delicate, sensitive to external irritants: weather phenomena, low-quality cosmetic products. There is an opinion that a fragrant briquette dries, so many women doubt whether it is possible to wash a delicate face with soap and do not use it when washing. But the modern market offers a large number of types of soap, including those that are produced exclusively for facial hygiene.

How to choose the right product for your skin type

There are several types of soap:

  1. solid: neutral or extra (composed of 78% fatty acids; gives little foam and does not get wet from water, suitable for oily skin);
  2. baby: the skin of a child is very delicate and sensitive, it is susceptible to allergens, so only natural ingredients are suitable for babies, with the addition of glycerin softening the skin, lanolin, decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, celandine, oak bark, calendula, string, baby soap is often used for persons with sensitive and allergy-prone skin;
  3. cream-soap contains a complex of moisturizing elements, due to which it becomes soft and "meltable", well suited for peeling on the face and provides winter care;
  4. liquid has a liquid consistency, is easy to use and has a pH close to the normal pH of the epidermis, you can wash your face with this soap without fear of overdrying the skin;
  5. handmade product consists only of natural ingredients; thanks to the ability to independently choose the combination of ingredients, it best suits individual requirements.

It can be made at home, all components are available to any hostess: the soap base is added to the infusion of herbs or plain water, the mixture is heated in a water bath. When the soap base melts, the mixture is removed from the heat, aromatic oils are poured in, mixed, then distributed, if desired, into molds, allowed to cool.

skin type:

  1. Dry. For this type, a soft, moisturizing cream soap with the addition of beneficial plant extracts and essential oils is suitable;
  2. Oily. For oily skin, a high-quality neutral solid without alkali is used, which gently cleanses, moisturizes and does not destroy the natural protective layer of the epidermis.
  3. Combined. It is more difficult to find soap for this type of skin, because. different parts of the face can be both oily and dry, in this case, hypoallergenic with vegetable oils is chosen.

What kind of soap is used in other countries?

Soap is not only an element of personal hygiene, but also a progressive cosmetic product. In many countries, cosmetologists pay great attention to the production of this product from natural ingredients, enriched with useful minerals, vitamins, and herbs. Preference is given to exclusively handmade products.

There are even special soap factories owned by the family business. All the necessary ingredients are grown on private plantations or, more rarely, purchased from suppliers.

In addition, today, cosmetics without preservatives, foaming agents, surfactants, phosphates and animal fats are popular.

Instead of animal fats - herbal extracts and vegetable oils: in addition to palm, coconut, olive oil, linseed and shea butter are added.

In Morocco, for example, a whole cosmetology industry is developed for the production of body and face products with the gifts of local nature. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the so-called "arabic black soap" for face. It is boiled on the basis of grated olive fruits with the addition of fragrant essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, and argan. It is the olive paste that gives the black color.

Turkish women use bay, rose, pistachio. Bay leaf tones, rose and extract from pistachio nuts have softening properties, give the face a healthy look.

Greece is famous for its olive soap with pomegranate juice, which has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as with honey, aloe, oatmeal, sage and lemon. Citrus soap is good for oily skin. The basic component of Indian is therapeutic clay, it corrects the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminating skin problems.

Among Chinese women, volcanic ash soap containing bamboo charcoal and volcanic shogo is considered very popular. It performs the function of a soft scrub, deeply cleansing pores from acne, enriching cells with minerals, acceptable for daily washing, because it does not cause peeling, thanks to its unique composition.

In Thailand, they produce a soap product with snake egg extract for rejuvenation. It is used not only as a cosmetic, but also as a medical remedy. An exotic product with snail mucus helps with wrinkles and stretch marks on the face.

If ideal skin is genetically incorporated in a person, then nothing can harm it. Some women wash their face with ordinary tap water without any cosmetics, while their skin looks several times better than those of those women who several times a day try to improve the appearance of their facial skin with the help of all kinds of foams, tonics, etc. .d. but not achieving the desired. So which is better? Is it worth it to completely abandon soap, or do you just need to choose the most suitable option for yourself?

You can wash your face with soap! Only everything will depend on the *correct* soap that is properly selected for your skin type. In the current widest range offered by various cosmetic companies, you can find products that consist only of herbal extracts and additives that form foam only when in direct contact with water. Cosmetic soaps do not contain alkalis, do not dry the skin, while cleansing it very gently.

You can wash your face glycerin or honey soap , provided that you have no problems with the skin itself. Also, instead of ordinary soap, you can use various mousses, foams or gels, which are excellent.

For example, liquid soap is perfect. It can be used by owners of both skin and skin, just before purchasing, carefully read the composition of this product. Do not forget that egg yolk, all kinds of oils and creams that make up the soap are for dry skin, and for oily skin you need to choose liquid soap , which contains lemon juice, soda, egg white.

By the way, even laundry soap has excellent cosmetic quality. And although it doesn’t look attractive at all and doesn’t smell very pleasant, you can’t find a better remedy in the fight against rashes. And on areas of skin with acne, such soap should be applied pointwise, without capturing the entire face. Washing the face with laundry soap just twice a week will give you clean, breathing healthy skin.

Also now many are making soap at home . If you decide to purchase a piece of such a fragrant, beautiful-looking soap for yourself, do not forget about your skin type, the most beautiful is not always the most useful. The right cleanser will always bring the desired result and your face will always look young and beautiful.

Do you want to have healthy, fresh and radiant skin? Wash your face every day. However, do it in the right way so as not to harm the skin, thereby causing it to become inflamed and irritated. If your skin is acne prone and dry, learn how to properly care for it.


Wash your face every day

Wash with warm water. Pin your hair up and wash with warm water. Using hot or cold water can cause irritation, but warm water gently cares for your skin without causing redness or irritation.

  • You can apply water to your face with your hands or use a towel dampened with water.
  • Moisturizing your skin before using your cleanser will make this process easier. Plus, you won't have to use too much cleanser.

Apply cleanser or soap with gentle, circular motions. Use very little product that suits your skin type. Remember that you don't need a lot of soap or cleanser to wash your face. Apply it on your face in circular motions. Massage your face for a minute.

Exfoliation is an essential step in your daily skin care routine. Exfoliation is a deep cleansing that frees the surface of the skin from dead skin particles and opens the pores. Follow this procedure every few days and your skin will look fresh and radiant. Using a facial scrub or towel, scrub your skin in circular motions, paying special attention to the driest or oiliest areas on your face.

  • However, remember that everything is good in moderation. Exfoliating too often can irritate the skin. Exfoliate only a few times a week, avoid putting too much pressure on the skin. On days when you don't need to exfoliate, just skip this step when you wash your face.
  • You can make your own facial scrub using what you have on hand. Mix 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon water or milk.
  • Wash off the foam with water and pat your face dry. Use warm water to rinse your face. Make sure you wash off all the foam. Use a towel to pat your face dry. Do not rub hard, as this irritates the skin and stimulates the appearance of wrinkles.

    Use a facial toner. If you want your skin to look smooth and even, use a facial toner. Apply tonic with a cotton swab, paying special attention to places where the pores are enlarged.

    Finish the whole process with a moisturizer. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type. The moisturizer helps protect the skin and keeps it looking young and radiant.

    • If you wash your face before bed, use a nighttime moisturizer.
    • If you'll be going out, use a moisturizer with an SPF, preferably SPF 15 or higher.

    Wash your face with acne prone skin

    Wash your face twice a day. You can do this in the morning and in the evening. Washing your face in the morning, you refresh the skin of the face and cleanse it of bacteria. When you wash your face in the evening, you remove sweat, dirt and makeup from your skin. However, do not wash your face more than twice, as frequent washing dries out the skin of the face.

    Use a cleanser that suits your acne-prone skin type. Regular cleansers can only exacerbate the problem. Chemicals, alcohol, and oils can irritate the skin and clog pores even more. Choose a tool that will help you solve your problem.

    Do not exfoliate. Many acne sufferers make this mistake. Using a scrub can only exacerbate the problem and cause more inflammation. If your skin has acne, it needs special care. Even if you're exfoliating, use products that won't cause more damage to your skin.

    • Instead of a facial scrub, use a washcloth to rub your face in a circular motion.
    • Never use a brush if your skin is acne prone.
  • Do not wash with hot water. Hot water can irritate the skin of the face, making it red and inflamed. Therefore, wash only with cool water. Also, avoid steaming your face, as this can exacerbate the problem.

    Blot your face gently. If your skin is acne prone, do not use a terry towel. Buy a soft towel to simply pat your skin dry. Wash your towel as often as possible to avoid introducing pathogenic bacteria.

    Use a moisturizer. If your skin is prone to acne, this leads to clogged pores quickly. Choose a cream that can be used for your skin type. If you decide to use an oil-based moisturizer, you can test it on a small patch of skin. Apply the cream and wait a few days, evaluate the result. Now you can decide whether to use this cream or not.

    • Aloe soothes irritated skin and gives it a healthy glow.
    • If your skin is very oily, don't use moisturizer at all, or only apply it to areas where your skin is dry.

    Wash dry skin

    Wash your face once a day. If you have very dry skin, wash your face no more than once a day. Do this in the evening before bed to wash makeup off your face. In the morning, simply rinse your face with warm water or wipe with a damp cloth. After that, apply a moisturizer.

    Use gentle soap or oil as your cleanser. Choose the right cleanser so that your skin does not become even more dry. For your skin type, a dry skin cleanser or oil will work.

    • If you use oil, simply wet your face with water and apply oil (almond, olive, jojoba, coconut, etc.) Use a tissue to wipe your face in circular motions, then rinse off with warm water.
    • If you choose to use a store-bought product, please note that it must not contain lauryl sulfate or laureate sulfate. Sulfates are very drying to the skin.
  • Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells. If you have very dry skin, do this more than once or twice a week. Scrub your skin in circular motions with a soft washcloth. This will remove all dead skin cells.

    • If your skin is very dry, you can exfoliate with oil. Dip the corner of a soft towel or cotton swab into coconut oil (or any oil of your choice). Rub the oil using circular motions. This will not only exfoliate the skin, but will also be good nutrition for it.
    • Do not use a washcloth, brush or any other abrasive material. Dry skin is more prone to wrinkles than normal or oily skin, so be extra careful.
  • Rinse your skin with cool or warm water. Hot water will dry out the skin, so use cool or warm water to rinse. In addition, there is no need to rinse the skin with plenty of water. You can simply wipe your face with a damp cloth.

  • Hello girls! In this article, we will talk about how to properly wash your face so that your face remains young and beautiful for as long as possible, and your skin is fresh and clean.

    Here - in simple language about everything you wanted to know about washing)

    Why is it important to learn how to wash properly?

    Washing is a very common process. Most girls do it automatically, while thinking about the problems, about the events of the day and whether or not to eat another piece of chocolate before bed.

    However, the ecology is now to hell, the pace of life is fast, and washing goes anyhow, according to an accelerated version and “back off”. And then it turns out “there was a girl, she was to blame” ...

    From the quality and correctness of washing, oh how much your beauty depends and how old you will look at fifty: 40 or all 65.

    Moreover, improper washing can harm no less than low-quality cosmetics or chemical cream.

    Plus, very often, although not always, skin problems (acne, acne, oiliness, dryness) are the result of improper skin care.

    Smart girls are those girls who are wondering: how to at least wash your face correctly in order to preserve the beauty, health and youthfulness of your face for a long time?

    After all, it is the face that is the first business card of each of us, and bad water, bad cosmetics, malnutrition, stress, lack of sleep and much more crumple, pollute and spoil this card.

    We wash our faces twice a day, and look:

    • if you wash your face incorrectly, then every day, over and over again, you provoke a deterioration in the condition of your skin and its faster withering
    • if you wash your face correctly, then every day, over and over again, you maintain your beauty and delay skin aging, making your face well-groomed ().

    Washing myths:

    Previously, some women were firmly convinced that the secret to facial beauty was washing with ordinary soap and ice water. Well, because a famous actress said so.

    And the actress, apparently, was either mistaken herself, or deliberately lied to the audience - why reveal secrets? ..

    Be that as it may, washing with ordinary soap and only ice water is wrong.

    Can you wash with regular soap?

    Look: soap is an alkali, but our body defends itself against bacteria, viruses, fungi and other filth with an acidic environment, which is neutralized by alkali.And now, the acidic environment weakens, bacteria climb into the cells, destroy them, the skin deteriorates.

    Some girls use such a harsh soap, which can wash away sins. And after that they feel a pleasant tightness of the skin and think that this means that the skin is so tightened.

    In fact, in the soap strategy, the skin dries, dehydrates, irritates, cells dry. And this is fraught earlier appearance of wrinkles .

    If you want soap, use baby soap or another very mild one. Or homemade, the composition of which does not scare you.

    By the way, you should forget about ordinary soap, including when it comes to intimate hygiene ().

    Can I wash my face with ice water?

    You can if your skin is not prone to rosacea. But not with her alone, because if you start washing with ice water, then the pores will immediately become very narrow. And then you will not be able to qualitatively clean them from the dirt that has accumulated during the day or night.

    Is it true that the more you wash your face, the clearer your skin is?

    Technically yes. But in strategy, frequent washing leads to problems: with frequent washes, the own protective film of the face disappears - and this, again, is rapid dehydration, penetration of bacteria, and the production of excess fat by the skin.

    Therefore, two washings a day are quite enough, and the evening should be more thorough.

    We talked about how wrong, now let's learn how to wash ourselves in the morning and in the evening properly. First, I will give 10 rules, after which we will discuss each of them in detail.

    10 rules of quality washing:

    • wash twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Do not skip morning washing - the face is also dirty during the night.
    • use micellar water
    • start washing with warm water (not hot, but warm. You can - at room temperature).
    • use gentle cleansers instead of soaps and alcohol-based lotions.
    • do not spare the cleanser and cotton pads - you need to clean the skin to a clean cotton pad.
    • finish washing with cold water for contrast
    • if you have hard water, do a “control” face rinse with water from a good filter, boiled water or herbal decoction
    • do not dry your face with a towel, but gently pat it dry with a disposable paper towel
    • after washing, use a skin toning agent (ice / tonic / compresses)
    • then close the skin with a nourishing and moisturizing agent (cream / oil / mask)
    • if you are going to remove eye makeup with mascara, first place a cotton pad moistened with micellar water under the lower eyelashes
    • if cleansing went badly, use oil
    • you can finish washing with useful things: milk, kefir, mineral water
    • feed your skin with vitamins after washing

    And now let's talk in more detail about each rule, after which I will give step-by-step instructions for morning and evening washing:

    What you need to know about cleansing and nourishing the skin:

    Wash your face twice a day

    Wash your face twice a day: in the morning and in the evening . Rarely is not necessary. More often, as needed.

    Necessity is not when you have pimples or blackheads (more frequent washing will only hurt), but when, for example, your photo shoot is over and you need to remove heavy makeup to put on your usual one and go meet friends.

    Or if you are after a workout. Or if you work in a very dirty and dusty place, then you can also wash yourself once again.

    Do not forget to wash your face in the morning: at night and at night we do not drink water, the body and skin are a little dehydrated. Plus, whether you like it or not, a certain amount of dust and bacteria flying in the air settles on your face overnight, mixing with sebum and cream residue.

    And if you also rarely change pillowcases, then dangerous tenants who need to be washed off also move from pillowcases to your face.

    If you don't, hello inflammation, pimples and clogged pores.

    Use micellar water

    To avoid confusion: use micellar water BEFORE washing with regular water. It is possible and instead - a little later I will tell you in what cases.

    Micellar water is a very gentle cleanser. Micelles (compounds that are the active component of this water) bind well with grease, dirt and chemicals, as if taking them from your face and taking them with them into uncharted sewer distances.

    There is no alkali and alcohol in it, so there should be no dryness, no irritation, no allergies from micellar water (unless you managed to buy a fake).

    Micellar water can be left on (i.e., to wash with micellar water without ordinary water) if you have an allergy that is aggravated by water, or if you didn’t have makeup on before washing (as in the morning, for example). But in this case, micellar water must be of exceptional quality and must be marked “does not require rinsing with water.”

    If you remove makeup with micellar water, rinsing is a must. Otherwise, all the rubbish will remain on your face.

    How to use:

    • if it is micellar water, apply it on a cotton pad (do not save). We put another cotton pad, slightly moistened with micellar water, under the lower eyelashes (so that the dirt is rubbed off on it. But this is if the eye makeup is powerful). We apply the first disc for a few seconds to the eye, then with gentle movements, without stretching the skin and without friction, remove makeup from it. We repeat the same with the second eye. Then we remove makeup from the entire face.
    • if it is a micellar gel, then a cotton pad is not needed: gently massage the entire face with the fingertips with the gel, then wash off this porridge with water.

    As for me, I enjoy using Garnier micellar water (such a transparent bottle with a pink cap). It is for all skin types, girls really like it, it cleanses perfectly.

    And I always wash it off with water, incl. in the morning.

    Keep in mind that if you are wearing very light makeup (let's say only eye shadow and lip gloss), then you don't need to use other cleansers.

    If you have a solid layer of cosmetics, then use an additional cleanser.

    Start washing with warm water

    Do not wash your face with hot water to avoid the appearance of a vascular network on your face. Do not wash your face very cold - the pores will narrow, and it will not be possible to clean them qualitatively.

    Alternatively, you can start washing with comfortable cool water, but we still need to slightly open the pores for better cleansing, so warm water is the best choice.

    Use gentle cleansers

    Micellar water is very good for primary cleansing and for the complete cleansing of mild impurities. But if you are wearing a lot of cosmetics or you just feel that the pollution is strong (dust, grease, sweat ...), then an additional deeper and more effective cleansing of the skin is necessary.

    It could be foam, mousse, lotion, milk (they are best for dry to normal skin) or gel(if you have oily skin, it is better to choose a gel) - everything to your taste. More precisely, the taste of your skin: it is necessary that after cleansing the skin does not itch, does not shrink, does not turn red and does not remain unpleasantly oily.

    Here you will need a product that is not entirely composed of alcohol or petroleum products. and which is right for you. In order not to harm the skin, I would recommend Clinique or Vichy products for your skin type.

    Buy these funds in official online stores (Vichy - here and Clinique - here), in order to do without pharmacy cheating prices and not fall for fakes. Plus, there are all sorts of promotions constantly taking place and there are loyalty programs.

    In addition to cleansers, from time to time I buy creams, serums and gifts for my girlfriends, sometimes thermal water (when winter and batteries are scalded or when it is very hot outside).

    • If you are already 18 years old with a little (+ 200-300 months), pay attention to anti-aging programs.
    • If you have very sensitive skin, then conventional products add stress to your skin, so pay attention to cosmetics laroche-posay- it is sharpened specifically for sensitive skin.
    • If you have problematic skin, then be sure to check out Clinique products.

    (But keep in mind: if your digestive tract or hormonal levels are spoiled, then do not forget to deal with them. And I had a friend whose acne was visible even to astronauts on the space station - she kept complaining that no cosmetics helped. It turned out that not cosmetics do not help, but gastritis muddies the water).

    Apply these products (cleansers) not on dry, but on wet skin - they need contact with water. Spread the product over the face with soft circular movements with your finger along the massage lines, from the center to the hairline and down. Take your time.

    Of course, such cleansing must be washed off with water - also warm and properly: it is impossible for particles of the cleanser to remain on your skin! Otherwise, they will continue to dry the skin, clog pores and disrupt cellular processes.

    About exfoliators

    Once a week or once every two weeks, you can additionally use a scrub to exfoliate dead skin particles (lightly massage the skin with a scrub, no harsh movements and rubbing, otherwise you will get acquainted with skin microtraumas!)

    I do not recommend any hard sponges and brushes for the face: again, the danger of microtrauma. Plus, you need to wash them after each use so thoroughly (they are a bacteria party!), It's easier to buy new ones every time.

    Spare no cleanser and cotton pads

    A good cleansing is the key to youth and beauty of your skin, do not underestimate its importance.

    If you skimp on cleansers, you will under-cleanse your skin. Plus, if there is too little cleanser on a cotton pad, you will inevitably rub and stretch the skin, which is also harmful.

    My golden rule is cleanse the skin to a clean cotton pad . At the same time - no friction, tension, stretching of the skin!

    I don’t wear heavy makeup, I very rarely use foundation, powder and all sorts of things (why, if the skin is good and the tone is even? ..) - I need 3 cotton pads for complete cleansing. If the makeup is more serious - 4-5 discs.

    If cleansing went badly, use oil

    With micellar water and a good cleanser, cleansing can go badly except under the eyes (if you were wearing mega-mascara). Then black spots will appear under the eyes.

    They can be easily removed if you apply some healthy oil to a cotton pad or Q-tip (olive, coconut, argan...) and gently wipe the dirty area.

    Oils are also good at picking up dirt, and some girls use them instead of cleansers (for example, they applied olive oil all over their face, massaged it, washed it off). But you need to be careful with this, because some of the oil may remain in the pores along with dirt. And then ugly comedones will come out on your beloved face.

    Finish washing with cold water

    After you have thoroughly washed off the last particles of the cleanser with warm water, you can rinse your face 2-3 times with cold water.

    Firstly, contrasting temperatures are useful for blood vessels (so they will work better and better transfer nutrition to the skin and muscle cells of the face). Secondly, this way we cover the pores.

    But! If you have rosacea (vascular networks on the face) - avoid extreme temperatures: neither hot nor very cold water is good for you.

    And remember: contrast washing is not when you first scalded your face with super-hot water, and then doused it with ice-cold water - no. No need to rush to temperature extremes.

    Control rinsing of the face

    I don't know where the good water is running from the pipes now. And if you live in a metropolis, then the matter is generally a pipe.

    And it would be better not to finish washing with tap water: something bad will still remain on your face.

    Therefore, it is very useful to resort to a control wash: finally complete the wash by rinsing the face with something softer, cleaner and more beneficial, for example:

    • boiled water (cooled, of course)
    • water from a good filter
    • a decoction of chamomile and / or nettle (this green is sold in a pharmacy in filter bags, it says how to brew this thing)

    I use only the second method, because then I use ice with nettle and chamomile, about it - a little later.

    Other control rinse options:

    • non-carbonated low-mineralized mineral water
    • milk or kefir (the option is not suitable for oily and problem skin)

    But keep in mind that in order to use mineral water, milk or kefir, you must know your skin type and the quality of the product very well (I would be afraid to wash my face with store-bought milk or kefir - what if there are preservatives, steroids and any other rubbish that is not declared in the composition ... they taste completely different from what they used to be (so the grandmother in me spoke))

    As for the mineral water, the composition is also very important in it. The high amount of salts and minerals in ordinary mineral water may be good for the digestive system, but it's not guaranteed to be good for your face.

    Therefore, if you understand the composition of mineral water - use it. If not, it’s better to buy thermal water: it saturates the skin with the same microelements, but in exactly the right amount for the face.

    Wipe your face with a paper towel

    Leave the towel in your hands. The skin on the face must be handled very delicately, and towels rubbing against the skin are not the best option.

    In the departments of household chemicals, rolls of disposable wipes have long been sold - they are very convenient to blot your face. They are inexpensive and last a long time (if it is thick).

    If there is no roll, blot your face with regular wipes. They just aren't that easy to use.

    You can also blot with a towel, but make sure that:

    • you change it at least once a week (to keep bacteria from accumulating)
    • other people don't use it
    • it is very soft
    • you do not wipe your face with it, but you blot it

    tone your skin

    Micellar water and cleanser is to cleanse the skin. Creams, oils and masks - to nourish and moisturize it.

    And the tonic is needed so that AFTER washing (when the pores are clean), but BEFORE the cream (and sometimes instead, if you don’t use the cream), balance the pH of the skin after contact with water and cleansers and suck something useful into the pores before applying the cream .

    Tonics are different (tonics, lotions, some of them need to be washed off, some do not). Cucumbers, green tea, ice cubes with herbs are also tonics.

    Thermal water is also essentially a tonic: it contains vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the skin, good for improving intercellular metabolism, and improves skin protection from bad external influences.

    Purchased tonics are made with anything: with essential oils, with healing components, with antioxidants and amino acids, with hyaluronic acid and vitamins ...

    In general, read the compositions, choose any or make tonics yourself, try and track the reaction of the skin - what will she like more?

    When buying a toner, choose alcohol-free, as organic as possible, and preferably leave-in. If you choose thermal water, the one that is sprayed on the face is very convenient.

    Tone the skin after washing in the morning and evening. More often - it is possible, especially if the air is stuffy, hot, dry.

    Rubbing your face with ice

    I haven’t used purchased tonics for a long time (except for thermal water, but I already wrote about it). I really like the effect ice cubes with herbs .

    I make a decoction of nettle and chamomile, brew strong green tea. And I freeze two dice with ice: in one cubes with green tea (only green tea should be of high quality, and not the remnants of production), in the second - cubes with nettle and chamomile.

    I use green-tea ice cubes in the morning after washing, chamomile-nettle - at night after washing.

    You need to drive ice over the face carefully, along the massage lines, not forgetting the lower jaw, neck and décolleté. When the whole thing is absorbed and dries (after 3 minutes), you can close the pores with cream.

    If you have never done this, it will be very cold at first, and the brain will scream: “Why are you torturing your face with ice, woman ?!.” But once you get used to it, you will experience a thrill from the procedure of rubbing the skin with ice cubes, I promise)

    Is it possible to wipe the face with ordinary ice cubes, without herbs or green tea? Maybe why not. But the benefit from this case is minimal.

    Do not use ice if you have rosacea. In this case, just do a control wash with a decoction of herbs. Or buy some tonic. And also - eat less sweets and treat rosacea.

    Nourish the skin (apply cream or oil, if necessary - serum or mask)

    After the face is cleansed, washed and toned, you need to close the whole thing with something. Only well-cleansed skin can take full advantage of creams and oils.

    About cream

    After the tonic has been absorbed, you can apply the cream on your face.

    If possible, buy organic creams and store them in the refrigerator. Organic - these are not those that are beautifully called (some kind of "recipes" or "herbs" or "natural line"), but which actually contain organics.

    You can use the cream both in the morning and in the evening, just for the morning the cream should be lighter. And before going to bed, you can use a more nourishing cream or “feed” the skin with oil.

    I am not a chemist and I don’t know if the skin really gets used to the product if you use the same cream for a long time ... Therefore, just in case, I use different ones: when purely organic (I will write about them separately), when Vichy when Korean with some kind of snail garbage or goat milk, when else what ...

    I love creams) And I keep everything in the refrigerator.

    About oils

    But my greatest love (and the love of my skin, my lips and my hair) is this is coconut oil(there is a discount on this link;)). It is simply amazing!

    This is my second jar (I'm running out, though, I'll be ordering a new one soon), one is enough for a year for the face, lips, and hair.

    Whichever coconut oil you choose, make sure it's the same: organic, extra virgin, non-GMO.

    Day after day, I use it instead of a cream, but only before bed (I use a day cream in the morning).

    I do it like this: I take a little oil in the center of my palm, rub it between my palms ( natural coconut oil hardens at normal temperature , and body heat warms it up). Then I successively apply palms with oil to the face over the entire area, then to the neck and décolleté.

    So I go to sleep. The main thing here is not to apply a lot on the face - the skin still won’t absorb everything, but will take only what it needs.

    I apply the same oil on my lips at night instead of a balm, I make hair masks with the same oil and sometimes moisturize the skin of my body with the same oil. And it smells like Raffaello with an admixture of a miracle! ..

    And what an effect from it - both on the skin and on the hair! The main thing with him is not to overdo it: it is very greasy, and if you smear it heavily, then everything will not be absorbed, and then it will not be very easy to wash it off.

    In general, you can also cook with this oil (it’s sooooo useful), but I haven’t tried it, I cook with olive oil, and this is for my beauty and youth)

    Some girls use olive oil or argan oil instead of cream at night, but I prefer coconut oil. It seems to be a total benefit. But if you choose another oil, make sure it is of very high quality.

    And you don’t need to pick up too much oil in your hands and “wash” your face with it - the skin still won’t take everything. Soaking the face with oil is enough.

    About masks

    You may want to apply some kind of nourishing (if you are 18+) or firming (if you are 30+) night mask instead of a cream. You can do this a couple of times a week.

    About serums

    Perhaps, before the cream (not instead, but BEFORE the cream and AFTER the tonic), you will want to apply some kind of serum. Serum is a thing that is aimed at solving a specific problem of a girl (oily skin, dry skin, age spots, anti-inflammatory, skin lifting, acne ...)

    Choose your serum for your problem . But remember that serum is a very concentrated thing, so you need to use literally 2-3 drops, driving them into the skin with your fingertips.

    Serum (unless otherwise written on it) should be covered with cream. Sometimes serum and cream are paired to enhance each other. Serum cannot be used all the time, only courses.

    About vitamins

    A couple of times a week I add vitamins to the cream (which is for the night and which is not coconut oil). I buy aevit in a pharmacy and sometimes vitamin A separately and vitamin E separately.

    I put the cream in the center of my palm, drip a drop of vitamin there (or squeeze out the contents of one aevit ball), rub the whole thing between my palms and, as in the case of coconut oil, successively apply my palms to my face over the entire area.

    And now let's collect all of the above in a clear instruction: how to wash your face in the morning and in the evening.

    Washing at night is more serious. Morning cleansing is easier, but still just water is not enough: water will not dissolve sebum mixed with the remnants of evening cream, dust and cells that have died overnight. Therefore, do not refuse to wash your face with micellar water in the morning.

    Step-by-step procedure for washing in the evenings:

    1. wash my hands well
    2. micellar water to clean disc
    3. washing with warm water
    4. cleanser (gel/mousse/foam/milk/lotion)
    5. washing with warm water
    6. a little oil on a cotton swab, if the eyes are not completely cleared
    7. washing with cold water
    8. nourishing cream or oil (if necessary - serum or mask)

    Step-by-step procedure for washing in the morning:

    1. wash my hands well
    2. micellar water
    3. washing with warm water
    4. washing with cold water
    5. control wash (filter / boiled water / herbs)
    6. blotting face with paper towel
    7. skin toning (ice/tonic/thermal water/cucumbers…)
    8. light day cream

    It may seem - "oh, how many things, but my fish are not fed, my husband is not stroked, the wheat is not harvested - when will I have time to do everything? .."

    But in fact, if you get used to acting according to a clear pattern, then a complete high-quality washing in the evening will take no more than 10 minutes, and in the morning - even faster.

    Girls, I know that the article turned out to be very long, but the topic is also important. Therefore, I want to fix it properly:

    10 washing mistakes:

    • do not wash your hands before washing (washing with dirt and bacteria from your hands is not cool)
    • wash with ordinary soap (dries the skin)
    • wash your face with hot water (you can earn rosacea, oily skin may increase)
    • use a bunch of products in one procedure (stress for the skin)
    • rub hard with a cotton pad when removing makeup (skin stretches)
    • use products that have not been cleaned for a long time (sponges, brushes, towels)
    • forget about the neck, hair growth area and the area near the ears (they also get dirty)
    • washing too often or aggressively (impaired skin barrier function)
    • wipe your face with a towel (you need to blot, better - with a paper towel)
    • (do this if you don't appreciate the youth of the face)

    And finally, parting words:

    To avoid acne, irritation, so that the skin looks much better, some girls just need to start washing themselves properly.

    But remember: your skin needs competent individual care. Don't copy any blogger's skincare exactly, try and look for products that are right for you, for your age and skin type.

    You will feel if something suits you: the skin quickly responds to useful and proper care for it. It will begin to look objectively better, fresher, the pores will become barely noticeable, the complexion will be more even, the skin will begin to glow from the inside - all this cannot be overlooked.

    Well, of course, there will be no discomfort, inflammation, redness, dryness, oiliness, acne and clogged pores (unless your problem is in malnutrition or problems with hormones or the gastrointestinal tract), but wrinkles and fading will be delayed for a long time .

    Oh, and whatever you do with your face - be 10 times more careful with the skin around the eyes.

    Oh, girls, how I missed this article at one time in order to clearly understand what and why should be, how and with what to wash properly, how and with what - wrong ...

    I really hope that the article will be useful to you) Young and healthy skin to you! =)

    next post

    With the expansion of the range of cosmetics intended directly for washing the face, the question: “Can I wash my face with soap?” - sounds more and more often. What factors influence the answer?

    Using facial soap

    Can you wash your face with soap? The use of this product is acceptable in the following situations:

    • There is a recommendation of a dermato-cosmetologist.
    • The soap is intended directly for the skin of the face.
    • The use of a product to solve certain cosmetic problems (presence of acne, blackheads, inflammation).
    • The presence of oily skin type, combination. For owners of dry skin, it is necessary to use products that provide the most gentle cleansing and intensive moisturizing, such as cream soap, soufflé soap or liquid soap.

    In any case, soap for washing should be intended exclusively for the face. If the product says “for the body” or “for the legs”, then you should not use such a product to remove makeup.

    Washing the skin with soap is contraindicated in the following situations:

    • The product is not intended for the face.
    • During the rehabilitation period after the cosmetic procedure.
    • The presence of microcracks, abrasions.
    • Couperose.

    Can you wash your face with soap every day? With oily skin type, the daily use of a product intended for problematic dermis is not prohibited. With dry skin, washing with soap should be no more than three to five times a week, but subject to the use of a special product recommended for owners of this particular skin type.

    Products for oily skin

    What kind of soap can you wash your face in the absence of contraindications? Most often, with frequent ablutions, the following products are used:

    • Baby soap is a product made from high quality natural ingredients such as aloe, string, chamomile. Is baby soap suitable for face wash? Despite the fact that this product is not intended for this, the presence of hypoallergenic components in the composition makes it safe. However, it is not recommended to abuse it.

    • Liquid soap is an analogue of ordinary solid soap, distinguished by its hygiene. Gently affects the skin, providing gentle cleansing.
    • Natural soap, made on the basis of vegetable oils, glycerin and other natural ingredients, provides maximum hydration and nourishment.
    • Cosmetic soap is a kind of toilet soap, a feature of which is the presence of components that provide intensive moisturizing. This product can be used for washing every day.
    • Hygienic soap - a product with a hypoallergenic composition (oak bark, thyme, chamomile), ideal for owners of sensitive skin types.

    Some owners of an oily type of dermis wash themselves with ordinary soap (not intended for this type of skin) in order to eliminate shine and narrow pores. However, this only worsens the situation, since the soap that dries the epidermis only activates the production of sebum.

    Products used for a person with an oily skin type should perform the following tasks:

    • Thorough pore cleansing.
    • Intensive hydration.
    • Elimination of inflammation, irritation.
    • Normalization of the production of sebaceous secretion.

    After washing, regardless of the type of skin, it is recommended to apply a light moisturizer. This will provide additional hydration and nutrition to the skin of the face.

    Top Brands

    Soap for oily skin is a special product, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the production of sebum, while there should be no feeling of tightness and discomfort.

    • Cleansing soap for facial skin from "Madara Cosmetics" provides deep and intensive cleansing and moisturizing of the epidermis. The unique composition eliminates and prevents the occurrence of inflammation, irritation, peeling, activates regenerative processes, returns a healthy and even color to the skin of the face.
    • Clinique liquid face soap is made especially for owners of oily and combination skin. Due to hypoallergenicity, it can be used for sensitive skin. Perfectly cleanses the skin from dust, sebum, make-up residues. Moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.
    • Tar soap with the addition of olive oil from the Domashny Doctor brand is a product designed for problem skin. The unique composition based on natural tar perfectly cleanses, activates regenerative processes in the skin, eliminates acne, pimples and other inflammations. Regular use of soap will help eliminate imperfections and give the skin a velvety finish.

    • Souffle soap from "Vigor" is designed for deep cleansing of the skin of the face. The product is recommended primarily for owners of combination and oily skin. If the skin is dry, then it is important to use a scrub before masks in order to cleanse the remnants of the epidermis. Soufflé soap intensively cleanses, tones, improves skin elasticity, and also helps prevent the manifestations of premature aging of the skin.
    • Soap from the Polish manufacturer "Barwa" is the best option for owners of all skin types, including people whose skin is regularly contaminated. The product deeply cleanses, preventing the occurrence of inflammatory processes on delicate skin.
    • Fresh Look mineral gel soap based on seaweed, sea buckthorn extract and mineral mud effectively cleanses, tones and moisturizes the skin. Regular use of the product will help get rid of acne, acne, inflammation, make the skin matte, smooth and toned.
    • Liquid soap from "Gigi" provides maximum cleansing of the skin from various kinds of contaminants. The unique composition allows you to get rid of episodes of inflammation on the face, gives a dull and healthy uniform color. This makes the product indispensable for people with oily skin, with elements of rashes.
    • Bema Cosmetici liquid soap for the face is intended specifically for people with oily skin types. The complex composition normalizes the functioning of the glands, gently cleanses from excess sebum and impurities, and tones.

    • Alkaline-free soap from the Italian brand "L'Erbolario" was created for intensive moisturizing and high-quality cleansing of the epidermis. Regular use of the product will give the skin tone, elasticity, healthy and even color. Soap actively fights inflammation, irritation, eliminates excess sebum.
    • Soap from "Bioderma", designed specifically for oily skin types, not only intensively cleanses the pores, dissolving sebum, but also prevents their further clogging. The components that make up the product relieve inflammation, give the face a fresh and healthy look.

    Option to use products: lather with your hands, apply gently and thoroughly wash your face, rinse with clean water. The optimal frequency of application is twice a day.

    To choose the best soap for a face with oily, problematic skin, it is recommended to look at products from popular brands that have a natural, hypoallergenic composition.

    The best moisturizing soap

    • Soap from the Italian brand "Erbario Toscano" has a good ability to cleanse the skin of impurities, has an exfoliating effect and helps to free the epidermis from harmful toxins. The product perfectly nourishes the dermis, moisturizes and nourishes with the necessary substances.

    • SPA-soap from the popular brand "La Biosthetique" provides effective cleansing and gentle skin care. The product saturates the epidermis with moisture, essential nutrients. Regular use will make the skin smooth, velvety, and provide a healthy color. Can also be used for hands.
    • Cream-soap from Sodasan will provide gentle cleansing, increase tone and relieve fatigue. The unique organic composition activates the production of collagen, which will prevent the occurrence of premature manifestations of aging and withering of the skin.
    • Green tea liquid soap by Dr. Sea" was created for deep and at the same time gentle cleansing. The tool is ideal for owners of all skin types. Normalizes the water-fat balance, moisturizes dry skin and eliminates excess sebum.
    • The ultra-light texture of glycol soap from Dr. Kadir", designed for facial skin, will give a feeling of lightness and cleanliness. The components of the product, namely hydroxyl acid, have a pronounced antioxidant effect. Regular use will provide not only perfect cleansing, but also a rejuvenating effect.
    • Mineral soap from Dr. Sea" provides high-quality oxygenation of the skin of the face. The unique composition promotes ultra-deep cleansing of pores from dust, dead skin cells, cosmetics, excess sebum and other impurities. The product perfectly moisturizes and saturates the skin with useful substances.

    • Liquid soap from "Clinique" is designed specifically for owners of dry skin types. A high-quality product from a well-known brand fights against various kinds of pollution accumulated in the skin by toxic substances, dead cells. The optimal frequency of use is twice a day. Great for hands too.
    • Liquid soap from "Fresh Look" effectively eliminates peeling, cleanses, tones and refreshes the skin of the face. The unique composition provides easy cleansing of cosmetics, excess sebum and various types of pollution. Regular use will give elasticity and healthy skin color.
    • A unique product from Mr. Scrubber" combines not only facial soap, but also a mask and scrub. The tool, in addition to ultra-deep cleansing, activates blood circulation, which contributes to intensive renewal and rejuvenation. The use of the product will give the skin elasticity, healthy and even color.
    • Scrub soap from the brand "Aromatika" with natural ingredients included in the composition provides intensive and gentle cleansing. The product perfectly moisturizes the skin, saturates it with nutrients.

    When purchasing facial soap, it is necessary to give preference to products that have passed dermatological control. This will avoid the occurrence of allergies and other unpleasant consequences after use.