These hardy, fast growing, usually slender trees are bred primarily for their abundant foliage and fast growth. Recommended only for large gardens where they can form effective windbreaks. Resistant to air pollution and withstand strong winds thanks to flexible branches and openwork crowns. Be careful when choosing a variety, as many of them are rapidly growing beyond their allotted space, and uprooting large specimens is expensive and difficult. For example, Populus nigra "Italica" (black pyramidal poplar) reaches a height of 35 m, and P. tremula (Aspen) - 24 m. Due to their size, they are not considered here.

All poplars have an extensive root system that absorbs a huge amount of soil moisture.

In no case should they be planted near buildings, especially those built on clay soil, which, when dried, is prone to subsidence.

Some species, when cut and even heavily pruned, give a lot of tops and root offspring, so these operations almost do not reduce the need for water.

Plants are dioecious. In early spring, reddish staminate and greenish pistillate catkins up to 5 and 10 cm long, respectively, are formed on still bare trees. self-seeding.

P. alba "Raket" (syn. "Rocket") (T. white, T. silver)

Ascending gray branches form a narrow pyramidal crown. Leaves 7 cm long, usually five-lobed. They are glossy green above, silvery-white felt below, which creates a shimmering effect when they are swayed by the wind. In strongly blown places, young specimens require supports. Abundant root suckers can become a problem. Plant height and diameter - 15x5 m (20 years). The maximum height is 20 m.

P. alba "Richardii"

Leaves 6-12 cm long, golden yellow above, silvery felt below. Plant height and diameter - 10x6 m (20 years). The maximum height is 15 m.

P. alba "Richardii"

R. canadensis "Aurea" (T. Canadian)

Very vigorous trees with almost triangular light yellow leaves 8 cm long, which turn golden in autumn. Plant height and diameter - 16x12 m (20 years). The maximum height is 20 m.

P. candicans "Aurora" (T. large-leaved)

The leaves are broadly oval, up to 12 cm long, smelling of needles, painted in different shades of cream, pink and green. In middle age, these trees are usually heavily affected by cancer. Plant height and diameter - 16x8 m (20 years). Maximum height - 18 m.

P. nigra "Lombardy Gold" (T. black, Osokor)

Pyramidal, slowly growing tree with triangular yellow leaves up to 8 cm long. Plant height and diameter - 5x1.5 m (20 years). Maximum height - 8 m.

P. tremula "Pendula" (Aspen)

One of the most unpretentious weeping trees, more suitable for standard garden plots than the common aspen. Prefers moist fertile soil, but grows well in a variety of soil types, even in the city. In early spring, greyish-lilac catkins form before the rounded leaves open. Root offspring may appear, which requires careful selection of the landing site. Plant height and diameter - 8x7 m (20 years). The maximum height is 10 m.


Poplars are easy to grow, but they require a lot of space and moisture. The distance from them to the buildings must be at least twice the maximum height of the tree.

Remember that the wood of all poplars is soft, so even large branches can break in strong winds.


Lignified cuttings (in the spring in open ground), or semi-lignified cuttings (at the end of summer under glass).


It is usually required only if the trees become unstable due to too heavy a crown. Many poplars respond to pruning with the appearance of tops (basal shoots) and root offspring.

Pests and diseases

Probably, no tree is as popular in landscaping city streets, parks and squares as poplar.

So familiar to everyone from childhood, and many people remember the song: “Poplars, poplars, lovers in my city ...” Although poplar often causes criticism during the flowering period, when its fluff covers the streets, gets into apartments, flies into the eyes ...
It would seem that what is interesting in it, in such a familiar and simple, and what can we talk about? But let's get to know this plant better, maybe we will find in it something new and still unknown to us.

In nature, poplars are distributed throughout the northern hemisphere - from China (their ancestral home is located here), throughout Eurasia, there are in America and even in eastern Africa. In total, there are a little more than 100 species of poplars in the world, united in the genus Populus, which belongs to the willow family (Salicaceae).

As you can see, the Latin name of the tree itself speaks of its popularity. And it came from Ancient Greece, where already at that time these trees were grown on the streets and squares. In nature, poplar most often grows near rivers, as it prefers moist soils.

For example, aspen can grow on saline lands, and poplar variegated feels good on dune sands. By the way, a forest where many poplars grow is called a poplar forest.

One of the main features of these trees is their rapid growth, which has made poplar so popular in urban landscaping.
Poplars in autumn Poplars do not live long.

Usually the growth of a tree slows down by the age of 50, and 60-80 years is the usual duration of its life, although there are species that live up to 150 years.

Poplar wood is highly susceptible to various fungal infections, and therefore tree branches break easily, and they themselves are short-lived. Poplars - trees are solid, large, growth is 50-60 m, but more often grow up to 40 m.

The trunk is quite impressive, it happens, and it reaches a meter in thickness. Different types have a crown of different shapes - spherical, oval, pyramidal.

The leaves of all poplars are simple, petiolate, usually oval with a pointed tip, sometimes lanceolate or with a notched edge. Most often smooth, but there are also pubescent.
Poplar catkins Poplars are mostly dioecious trees.

Flowering takes place in early spring, even before blooming or simultaneously with the unfolding of leaves, pollination usually occurs through the wind. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences-earrings, respectively, male and female. Trees begin to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 10 years.

Poplar fruits are small boxes with fluffy hairs. It is they who cause so much anxiety to the inhabitants of cities. Therefore, it is desirable to plant exclusively male plants for landscaping the streets.

Consider some types of poplars.

grows in the eastern part of Siberia Fragrant poplar(Populus Suaveolens). It is also found in Mongolia and northern China.

The light-loving tree reaches 20 m in height, has a dense ovoid-oval crown, a trunk with a light yellowish-gray bark. It got its name for fragrant and resinous (especially in spring) buds and young twigs.

The leaves are bright green, leathery and shiny, oval in shape with a sharp tip at the top, rather dense, slightly whitish below. Small flowers form dangling earrings.

A characteristic feature of poplar is its rapid growth at a young age, and due to its exceptional winter hardiness, it is a valuable species for planting greenery in settlements in the northern regions, although its life expectancy is short in the city.

Poplar laurel(Populus Laurifolia) is widely distributed throughout Siberia. Habitat - river pebble floodplains, can rise to a height of about 1800 m. Unlike the previous species, shade-tolerant.

The tree is quite tall, has a slightly branched tent-shaped crown. The bark of the dark trunk is cut with deep cracks.

The leaves are lanceolate, elongated, dark green and shiny, located on numerous shortened shoots, which is why it seems that they grow in bunches.

This gives the tree a very original shape.

Foliage of poplar laurel. Photo from the site It does not grow as fast as other species, but it is very resistant to urban smoke, winter-hardy and unpretentious. Also found in Russia Poplar black(Populus nigra). It grows in the regions of the middle zone to Perm, in the south - in the Crimea and the Caucasus, as well as in Central Asia and even in Western Siberia. Osokor can be seen in various reserves of our country.

Prefers light forests growing on sandy loose soils in river valleys. This is a powerful and tall tree with a spreading crown. The bark is covered with cracks, the young tree is light gray, then gradually blackens. The leaves are rhombic, sometimes triangular in shape with a pointed tip, dark green in color, slightly fragrant.

The plant is winter-hardy, drought-resistant, undemanding to living conditions. But on humus-rich, moist soils it will grow faster.

Poplar pyramidal(Populus Pyramidalis) is a tall and slender tree with a columnar crown, wide at the bottom and gradually tapering upward, making the tree look like a cypress. It is believed that the birthplace of this species is Asia Minor, but it is not known for sure.
Poplar pyramidal

The leaves are rhombus-shaped, may be triangular, not very large. The species is not too hardy, but grows well in central Russia and in the south of Western Siberia. An excellent tree for urban landscaping, good both in groups and in solitary planting, forms beautiful alleys.

Also interesting species: so balsamic, so white or silver. By the way, our usual aspen belongs to this glorious group of plants, and it bears the name - trembling poplar.

Most poplar species have an extraordinary ability to reproduce in a variety of ways:

  • root suckers,
  • cuttings,
  • seeds.

A very simple and affordable way is cuttings. Cut shoots of poplar root easily in both water and soil.

When propagating by seeds, it should be remembered that they quickly become unsimilar, so it is better to sow freshly harvested seeds. You can store them for no more than a year in a dry and cool place.

And a few more words about the benefits and uses of poplar. We have already said about its indispensability in the landscaping of city streets. It is only necessary to add that the rapid growth, as well as the ability of its leaves to purify the air of gas and smoke, cannot be compared with any other type of tree. Therefore, poplar remains one of the most important and rational elements in urban landscaping.
Poplars in the park

In addition, tree wood is very widely used for economic purposes: it is used to make paper and rayon, make simple furniture and various containers, it goes to lumber and much more. And paint is obtained from the leaves and buds of poplar. This is such a wonderful and useful tree - our old friend poplar.


Poplar - a snowy tree in the June heat

Under the tall, gloomy old Poplars, important documents were signed and oaths were pronounced.

In the era of revolutions, the poplar was a symbol of the struggle of the people for freedom and rights.

At the same time, in Chinese traditions, the tree meant the unity of opposites - yin and yang. Thanks to their colors, Poplar leaves represented black and white, the beginning and the end.

In folk tales, Poplar personified a gentle and delicate nature. Poplar leaves, like Aspen, trembled in the wind.

Since ancient times, it was believed that Poplars are able to absorb negative energy and protect the house from evil spirits. Like guards, tall trees stood on the streets in cities and villages. Many old-timers believe that trees cannot endlessly absorb evil thoughts and, in the end, give a lot to the world.

There are several theories about the origin of the word "poplar".

According to one version, the tree could be called "Popol", which is derived from the Latin name for the tree "populus". At some point, the word changed for unknown reasons.

The word "populus" from Latin actually means "people".

Where poplar grows

There are about 90 species of this tree. One of the rarest, listed in the Red Book is the Black Poplar.

Poplar belongs to the willow family. In nature, it can be found along the banks of rivers and on the slopes of hills, however, it is most often found along roads and in parks in cities and villages.

Wild species are extremely sensitive to soil moisture. That is why Poplars are not found near swamps and swamps. Cultivated plants, on the contrary, take root well in almost any soil and even in heavily polluted areas.

Various types of Poplars grow in Siberia, Northwestern Russia, the Far East, America, Mexico, China and even East Africa.

Poplar grows very fast and within 40 years reaches an incredible size. The maximum age of such Poplar reaches 150 years. There are cases when the age of the Black Poplar was about 400 years.

What does Poplar look like?

Poplar is a slender tall tree with a strong thick trunk and a silvery crown. The height of the Black Poplar sometimes reaches 40 meters, while the maximum recorded girth of the trunk is more than 4 meters.

Poplar's crown is very dense and broad. Over time, many branches dry up. It is as if negative energy is drying up an old tree from the inside.

The bark of the common poplar has a grayish tint and cracks over time.

The tree is dioecious. In the summer, female flowers turn into that same poplar fluff - white snow against the backdrop of a hot summer.

When poplar blossoms

The flowering of Poplar begins in April or May, depending on the region. Due to the high content of pollen in the flowers, the tree is considered an excellent honey plant.

In June and July, ripe fruits with seeds are separated from the branches and spread through forests, cities and parks.

Healing properties of Poplar

The bark, seeds and buds of the plant are used as medicines.

Poplar bark contains tannins, glycosides and alkaloids. Thanks to this, a decoction of the bark has a sedative effect and calms the nervous system.

At the same time, tannins have an astringent effect and are effective for indigestion.

Decoctions from the kidneys effectively fight inflammation and increase the body's resistance.

An infusion of poplar leaves is used as a wound healing agent.

There are preparations based on Poplar that can cope with a depressive state and normalize sleep.

Poplar buds, powdered and mixed with other ingredients, are used for hair loss. This ointment is able to stimulate the hair follicles.


Tannins in preparations from Poplar bark can aggravate the condition of the problematic gastrointestinal tract.

It must be remembered that the use of any properties of Poplar for medicinal purposes, like any other plant, is possible only after consultation with specialists.

Poplar Application

Poplar wood is used in industry as a raw material for making paper, matches, plywood and even charcoal.

Despite the fact that poplar wood is not a favorite material for carvers and joiners, it is very valuable. The tree is able to quickly reach its maturity, therefore it is an important and fast source of renewable natural resources.

Poplar is capable of producing a huge amount of oxygen and surpasses even Pine and El.

Many types of plants are unpretentious in the soil and are able to withstand increased air pollution by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. That is why this plant has been planted in parks and along roads for many decades in a row.

Unfortunately, Poplar is also known for being a strong irritant for allergy sufferers. This fact was clearly not taken into account in Soviet times during the mass planting of Poplars in residential areas.

The oldest Poplar grows in Ukraine. Its age is approximately 200 years, while the girth of the trunk is just over 9 meters.

During the hungry war years, the bast layer under the tree bark was dried and added to flour for baking bread.

As you know, the living layer of a tree is a valuable source of microelements, therefore it was often an assistant in the fight against hunger in the most difficult times in the history of the country.

Poplar bark is very light, so it was often used as a float in fishing nets.

Poplars love to change their gender. Female catkins may form on the male plant. Scientists explain this phenomenon by unfavorable ecology.

Source: http://xn--e1aaqjt5d.xn--p1ai/articles/derevja/topol.html

community of green men

Populus, poplar, aspen. Fast growing dioecious, often very tall trees. The leaves are wide on long petioles. Flowers in cylindrical catkins bloom in spring before the leaves. Traditional plants for alleys and large parks.

Types and varieties of poplar

There are about 40 species in the genus, distributed in Europe, America, North Africa and Asia.

Poplar trembling, Aspen (Populus tremula)

A tree up to 30 m high with a sparse crown and light greenish-gray bark.

The leaves are almost rounded, 3-10 cm long, gray or bluish-green, young leaves are pubescent, becoming scarlet-red in autumn.

Blooms until leaves appear in April. Earrings up to 15 cm long. The fruits are inconspicuous boxes, ripen in July.

Type of zimostek. USDA Zone 1

A popular variety of aspen ‘ Pendula‘- a low variety with a weeping crown shape. Leaves with a rounded toothed plate, trembling, on a long petiole. Earrings with long black pubescence.

The variety is unpretentious. At aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides) or American aspen has a similar variety ‘ Pendula'. This variety has pointed and serrated leaves.

Balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera)

A large deciduous tree with a relatively narrow pyramidal crown. Branches with large resinous buds. Leaves up to 15 cm long, oval, rough, dark glossy above, whitish below.

Closely related species: whitish poplar, Korean poplar, bay leaf poplar, fragrant poplar, bristle-fruited poplar. In culture, hybrids are most often grown that tolerate heavy pruning and are suitable for sunny areas.

Laurel poplar (Populus laurifolia)

Homeland - Western Siberia to the Angara, East Kazakhstan; Mongolia. Widely distributed in culture from 60 ° C. sh. up to the steppe zone, inclusive, is available in Tajikistan.

Tree up to 25 m with a wide crown. The bark at the base of old trunks is dark gray, with deep cracks, on large branches it is gray-green, smooth. Young branches are straw-yellow, ribbed due to the presence of pterygoid cork outgrowths, pubescent along the edges.

Buds are sharp, sticky, covered with yellowish resin, fragrant. The leaves are oblong-ovate with a pointed apex, dark green, shiny, whitish below, 12 cm long and 5 cm wide. Petiole several times shorter than blade, pubescent.

Blooms at the same time or before the leaves bloom, in April-May. Male earrings have purple anthers, female earrings are greenish-yellow. Fruits - slightly pubescent boxes, seeds with long hairs, ripen in June-July.

Low ability to root cuttings.

Frost-resistant. USDA zone 4

Berlin poplar, or Berlin laurel poplar (Populus x berolinensis)

A hybrid from the group of black poplars. Tree up to 30 m tall with a columnar crown. Branches are yellowish gray. The leaves are oval, angular, up to 10 cm long, roughly serrated, bright green.

The species tolerates heavy pruning, unpretentious.

Canadian poplar, real American, or black poplar hybrid (Populus x canadensis, P. x euamericana)

A hybrid of deltoid poplar (Canadian) and black poplar.

Tall tree over 20 m tall with open or raised branches and resinous fragrant buds. The bark is light grey. The leaves are similar in shape to birch, on reddish petioles, serrated, sharp, up to 10 cm long.

Popular varieties and forms of Canadian poplar:

The varieties ‘Dorskamp’, ‘Nor ‘easier’ and ‘Robusta’ (P. x robusta) have a rounded crown shape; in varieties ‘Eugenii’ (‘Imperial’, ‘Serotina’) and ‘Prairie Sky’ it is spike-shaped.

Simon's poplar, or Chinese poplar (Populus simonii)

Homeland - Northeast China, Korean Peninsula, eastern part of Mongolia.

A tree with a narrow neat crown up to 20 m tall. Blooms in early May.

Type of zimostek. USDA Zone 1

Popular variety ‘ Fastigiata' with a pyramidal crown. The variety does not flower. Winter hardiness is high. Steady in the city.

Black poplar, or poplar (Populus nigra)

Homeland - the valleys of Central and Southern Europe.

Tree up to 25 m tall with gray, wrinkled bark. The crown is wide, spreading. Dark green, shiny leaves are triangular or ovate with a sharp apex, serrated, up to 10 cm long, on long petioles.

White poplar, or silver poplar (Populus alba)

Deciduous tree up to 25-35 m. The crown is broadly spreading, starting low from the ground. The bark is light gray, smooth, dark gray or black in old age, with deep cracks. Shoots are green in spring, with white-felt pubescence. Buds are small, 5 mm, pubescent in spring, shiny.

The leaves are alternate, ovate, rounded or triangular-ovate, dense, 6-12 cm long, 5 cm wide, silvery-felt below. Leaves on long shoots are palmate-lobed, and on short shoots almost rounded.

Most of the leaves remain green in autumn, the rest are painted lemon yellow. The plant is dioecious. Male catkins are thick, whitish, with carmine-red anthers, 4-6 cm long, hanging. Female catkins 10 cm long, stigmas yellowish or whitish.

Blossoms in April, before the leaves bloom, bears fruit in June. It has a powerful root system exceeding the diameter of the crown.

This species prefers moist, nutrient-rich soil that is slightly acidic or slightly alkaline.

Silver poplar cultivars are interesting: ‘Nivea’ is a tree up to 30 m high with a powerful wide crown, ‘Pyramidalis’ is a tree with a narrow columnar crown shape at the beginning, and with a wide conical shape later.

poplar care

Almost all species require good soil, and they all avoid stagnant moisture, acidic soil, and prolonged drought.

Poplars have a particularly high nutrient requirement.

Poplar propagation

Seeds and root suckers.


The work of a forester is fascinating.

He will grow, nurture tender plants from a tiny, barely noticeable seed, transplant them carefully into well-cultivated soil and take care of them for many years. Not soon, young pets will become mighty branchy oaks, slender pines, majestic fir or ash trees.

Nearby, a farmer-farmer, it seems, has only just sowed his field, looked after every day with growing shoots, and now summer has not really established itself, but he walks among the golden waves of wheat, weighs juicy full-weight grain in his palm.

After five, at most ten years, the first crops of fruits or berries are harvested by a gardener.

But those who grow forests have never been spoiled by fate.

Only in old age is it given to them to walk under the canopy of the forest they have cherished, and harvesting the forest harvest is the work of sons, and even grandchildren.

That is why, since ancient times, foresters have harbored a cherished dream: to grow not one, but many generations of forest in their life, not one, but several times to enjoy the harvest of the trees grown by them.

It seemed like a fruitless dream. But then the Great October came, and what was previously considered unrealizable began to be realized before our eyes.

The national economy allotted enormous sums to the foresters, armed them with the most modern and perfect equipment, provided them with almost unlimited areas, obliging former dreamers to take up real work - to grow forests faster.

This was especially important for the European part of our country, which had long been inhabited and fairly deforested in the past.

After all, forests are growing, as they were centuries ago, and the consumption of their wealth by industry and construction has increased a hundredfold and continues to grow steadily.

How to be? Some proposed to take a course on the champions of rapid growth - eucalyptus trees, others were looking for a solution to the issue in the agricultural technology of forest cultivation, in growth stimulants, in fertilizers.

The gold-bearing forest vein was groped by those who turned their hopes on poplars, which were considered in the past to be of little value.

White poplar, or silver poplar (White Poplar)

© la la means I love you

It turns out that trees have unusual fates. Such, for example, breeds as oak, ash, spruce, maple have long been universally recognized.

They are carefully treated in natural forests, they are lovingly grown in forest nurseries or forest cultures, as arborists call young artificial forests. And poplars have always grown by themselves.

True, people have long noticed the unusual growth rate of poplars, their large size, beautiful appearance, they willingly planted them on dams or the banks of ponds and reservoirs, streets and roads, used them for landscaping cities not only because of their rapid growth, but also due to the unpretentiousness of the poplar and the ability to easily propagate by cuttings.

I planted a 30-centimeter cutting in the spring, and by autumn it is already a two- or even three-meter tree, in subsequent years it will hardly slow down its growth rate, several years will pass, and you have a large shady tree in front of you.

At the beginning of summer, when poplar fluff begins to fly, many unflattering epithets are given to poplars. But it is not the trees that should be scolded, but those who planted female specimens on the streets. Poplar is a dioecious plant.

Male and female specimens bloom at the same time, in early spring, before the leaves bloom. The reddish catkins of male poplars, having scattered the pollen, fall off and do not cause much trouble to people.

Yellow-green catkins of female trees after pollination form green fruit boxes, from which, after one and a half to two months, billions of small seeds fly out, equipped with parachute fluffs.

The poplar's ability to sow its offspring so actively is the reason for the complaints of people in cities and villages.

The Greeks in ancient times knew this property of the poplar and lined the squares of the people's meetings and the central streets with masculine specimens. By the way, botanists borrowed the word “populus” for the name of the genus of poplars from the ancient Greeks, that is, folk.

But back to the concerns of foresters.

Poplars, mentioned here with a good and unkind word, for a long time were recognized only by specialists in planting greenery in populated areas, while foresters treated them at least indifferently.

And what self-respecting arborist could grow a poplar forest in the past? After all, poplar has been considered a forest weed for centuries. What is the loose, low-quality wood of these plants suitable for? Where is she before such, say, breeds as oak, walnut, beech?

However, times have changed, and the attitude towards the poplar genus has also changed. With the development of omnipotent chemistry, the woodworking industry gained strength, mastering the methods of amazing transformations.

They learned how to simply and cheaply remake poor poplar wood into strong, like oak or boxwood, beautiful, like the famous walnut and birch, and besides, it is quite resistant to decay and even fire.

Poplar has now taken its rightful place among its former competitors and has attracted the main attention of foresters, especially in forest-poor areas. You cannot now find a forester who, somewhere in the Kuban, Ukraine, and even in central Russia, would not grow poplar with all care.

A great contribution was made to science and to the practice of cultivating this tree by Soviet forestry breeders. Among the pupils of Academician A.S.

Yablokov, there are the slender poplars Pioneer, Michurinets, Russian, which he bred and are not inferior to them in growth rate, but with the original form of leaves near Moscow, Ivanteevsky, Soviet pyramidal and named after the great Russian writer poplar Maxim Gorky.

Promising hybrids of poplars were also obtained by A. V. Albensky, corresponding member of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V. I. Lenin.

Particularly noteworthy is the seedling selected from the legacy of the English breeder Professor O. Henry, bequeathed by him to the Soviet Union. This fast-growing poplar hybrid is called red-nervous.

By the way, it is represented only by male specimens, which are so necessary for planting greenery in populated areas.

Also interesting are the hybrids of the selection of the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR F.L.

Poplar black, or Osokor (Black poplar)

Thousands of crosses had to be made, tens of thousands of hybrid seedlings had to be grown and culled before valuable, promising forms were selected.

Many years of creative work have been spent on these several dozen new varieties by our scientists.

But what a future lies ahead for their offspring! New, valuable varieties of poplar are emerging on a vast forest field.

Does not remain indebted to scientists and nature. She tirelessly creates, taking advantage of the relatively easy interbreeding of poplars, all new varieties.

To date, more than 110 species of poplar have been studied by botanists in the temperate zone of the globe, and it is not easy to take into account varieties and hybrid forms: many of them are found in almost every forestry.

Now the fastest growing and most resistant natural hybrids are selected annually. Many of them have already been bred in different regions of the Soviet Union, in particular, in sparsely forested regions in the south of the country.

Here, for example, Canadian poplar. This is a descendant of a poplar that was resettled to us from Canada. Having crossed many times with our poplars, it has turned into a complex natural hybrid.

Like the best hybrids created by science, already in the first year of planting in forest belts, it is able to protect the field from dry winds and droughts.

At 7-8 years old, Canadian poplar can already produce the first ornamental wood, and by the age of 15-20, its best plantations accumulate as much wood as an oak or pine forest only by the age of one hundred years.

That's where the reserves of fast growing wood. That's when the opportunity presented itself to satisfy a hundredfold increased demand for valuable raw materials and at the same time fulfill the cherished dream of foresters.

Not several harvests throughout their lives, but now they are harvested annually with the light hand of the Kharkov scientist F. A. Pavlenko. The method he proposed for using annual poplar vines for paper production is a new page both in the creative search of foresters and in the fate of the poplar.

If eucalyptus forests make noise on our lands in the future, the owners of the forest say, then the present in the sparsely forested and treeless regions of the country completely belongs to poplars. On hundreds of thousands of hectares, forests of fast-growing poplars are planted annually in our country.

Along with them, poplars-monuments are also keeping an honorary watch. In the early spring of 1924, on the steep bank of the Oka, in the village of Konstantinov, Sergei Yesenin planted a young poplar near his father's house.

Many trees on the modest Yesenin estate died from the severe frosts of the Ryazan region or simply outlived their lives, and the poplar matured, threw up its curly crown high into the sky blue, and firmly established itself with roots deeply sunk into the ground.

It stands as a living monument to the poet by the hut, which has now been turned into a museum.

The workers of the locomotive depot Moscow-Sortirovochnaya decided to celebrate Lenin's birthday by planting poplars. On a fine spring day on April 22, 1960, they came to their club and planted 90 trees.

It was immediately decided to plant one more poplar every year on this significant day. The good tradition was observed up to the memorable 100th anniversary.

Every year the best of the best workers of the oldest enterprise received the right to plant a tree


Species of fast growing trees

After acquiring a land plot, the first priority is its landscaping.

And the owner asks the question: what species of trees and shrubs to buy in order to ennoble the adjoining space with the help of plantings as soon as possible.

In this case, you should pay attention to fast-growing plants: trees and shrubs. With their help, you can quickly arrange a hedge or decorate the site.

Let's figure out which trees grow fast.

fastest growing tree

The fastest growing tree on planet Earth is the eucalyptus, a native of Australia and the island of Tasmania.

In the first 10 years of its life, this tree grows very quickly, annually increasing in height by 4-5 meters.

By the age of 100, the eucalyptus reaches a height of 100 m.

The growth rate of this plant is 4 times higher than that of oak, and 5-year-old eucalyptus plantations are already real forests. These trees grow only in tropical and subtropical climates.

In the Northern Hemisphere, only ornamental varieties such as lemon eucalyptus and gunni eucalyptus can be grown.

The well-known deciduous tree grows rather slowly in the first 2-3 years of its life, but then it grows very intensively. By the age of 5, its height can be more than 10 m.

This powerful unpretentious tree does not require absolutely any care, but if the owner of the site has the goal of growing a full-fledged tree as quickly as possible, then it is recommended to fertilize the soil and regularly water the seedling.

white willow

This fast-growing tree takes the form of a shrub after cutting the central trunk. Its crown is broadly rounded, often weeping. From experienced gardeners, you can often hear advice that if you need to quickly plant greenery on a site, then you should plant willows on it.

Poplar pyramidal

This tree grows on any soil, but loves well-moistened places. Reaches a height of 40-45 m, in the girth of the trunk - up to 1 m. The ability to bear fruit occurs at 10-12 years. The root system is strong, mostly goes beyond the crown.

The famous Alley of Heroes in Volgograd is framed on the sides by pyramidal poplars


Often used for landscaping settlements. Unpretentious, grows on any soil. In April, bees collect pollen from its flowers. Susceptible to wood diseases. The root system is located deep underground, forms numerous root offspring.

Other trees

Silver maple, ash maple, white locust, various types of tamaris, spirea. These plants are used for landscaping streets, parks, squares and creating gardens.

See photos of these species

Lawn grass planting and care. Read the article.

Overview of garden conifers

Belongs to the genus of coniferous trees, the pine family. The needles are flat, soft, sheds for the winter. Beautiful oblong cones sit at the ends of the shoots.

It is common in cold climates, but survives well in warmer conditions.

Unpretentious and very beautiful tree, the fastest growing coniferous tree.


Widely distributed in the Volga region and the Southern Urals. The tree is powerful, hardy, does not require constant care. It has two varieties: small-leaved elm and squat elm. It likes fertile soils, on which it develops much faster. The height of this deciduous tree reaches 40 m.


Some species of this tree have edible nuts, and are collectively called "cedar pines". Pine more than 120 species, distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Unpretentious, has a powerful root system. According to the number of leaves in a bunch, they are divided into two-needle, three-needle and five-needle.

The leaves stay on the tree for 5 years, after which they change.

Norway spruce

Widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It is a forest-forming species.

The root system of this evergreen tree is superficial, the crown is cone-shaped, the lower branches may be drooping. The needles are strong, elastic, 4-sided.

The gray bark peels off in thin sheets. The tree is hardy and unpretentious. Grows on any soil.


It has 11 deciduous and evergreen species. Widely distributed in the Caucasus, Ukraine, the Mediterranean. The crown is dense, wide, with a powerful trunk.

Distyas are arranged on long petioles, pointed in shape and resemble the leaves of Norway maple.

The tree develops well on any soil and is not demanding on watering.

The plane tree is long-lived and can live for over 2000 years

Other trees

Common ash, magnificent catalpa, mulberry, European and Siberian larches, Scots and Weymouth pines, narrow-leaved sucker, European euonymus, bird cherry, common viburnum, red and black elderberry and others.

Here we have photos of these trees

This genus includes more than 150 species of various breeds. All maples are beautiful, shade-tolerant, love moisture, so they need to be watered regularly.

In gardens, it is used both as a specimen tree and in group plantings. It has a beautiful carved leaf shape.

Field Maple and Ginala are great for creating hedges.

Red cedar

It grows quite quickly, resistant to diseases and pests, winter-hardy. Propagated by seeds and grafts. Grows well in any soil. Shade-tolerant, retains its shape for a long time after cutting. Looks great in single plantings, suitable for creating hedges.

Thuja western

This beautiful evergreen tree belongs to the cypress family. It has many artificially derived decorative forms.

Winter-hardy, unpretentious, not demanding on soil moisture. The crown is compact, pyramidal or ovoid. The needles are dark green, elastic, scaly.

In winter, it acquires a brownish-brown color.


Deciduous tree or shrub, reaches a height of 4-5 meters. The leaves are beautiful rounded, arranged alternately. Blossoms in May - June, and edible fruits ripen in September. Fruits, seeds and leaves are used in medical practice.

Other trees

Vesicles, various types of skumpia, lilac, hornbeam, common linden, most junipers, western thuja, pedunculate oak.

It is a subspecies of the common pear. If this is a tree, then it reaches a height of 8-20 m, if a shrub - 4-5 m. It blooms from April to May, has a gray bark with small scales. Unpretentious, loves moist fertile soils.

apple trees

Forest, Siberian, Manchurian, plum-leaved and others are often used for landscaping parks and squares. These are trees with a spreading crown, fruit-bearing, beautifully flowering. Wild species have spines on the branches.

common hawthorn

Beautiful flowering hardy tree. It has high decorative qualities, often used by gardeners to decorate their site.

It is better to plant hawthorn in sunny places. Requires drainage, which should consist of two layers: gravel and sand.

Forms shoots well and tolerates a haircut.


Beautiful flowering deciduous tree. Propagated by seeds, cuttings and grafting. The leaves are large, often epilleptic, deep green. By the beauty of the leaves, it occupies one of the leading places among ornamental plants. Most often used in single plantings.

Other trees

Irga, dogwood, privet, cork oak, sea buckthorn and others.


Compact, decorative, evergreen plant, grows up to 2 m. Suitable for forming hedges, the branches are distinguished by good strength. With the help of a haircut, boxwood is easy to give any shape that it holds for a long time. Often used to frame flower beds and garden paths.

Yew berry

Coniferous relict tree, with a dense spreading crown, which has an ovoid-cymillindric shape. Often multiple. The tree is dioecious, produces seeds until old age. This beautiful tree is quite dangerous: its needles and fruit pit contain a strong poison.

Japanese euonymus

An ornamental shrub that is suitable for use in hedges. It cuts well and keeps its shape for a long time.

The leaves are oval, dark green with a light green border. It blooms in May with small red-pink flowers. Drought-resistant, requires watering no more than 1 time per month.

In a particularly dry season - 1 time in 2 weeks. Likes fertile soils.

All dwarf forms of deciduous and coniferous species.

A thorny plant often used for hedges. During the season, it adds up to 30 cm in height. It cuts well, is winter-hardy, and is extremely unpretentious in care. Not picky about soil fertility, drought-resistant. The fruits are edible, the leaves have a rich green color.


Decorative large shrub, fruit-bearing. The berries have medicinal properties, the leaves and bark contain large amounts of the alkaloid bereberine, which is extremely useful for healing the body. Gardeners especially love Thunberg's barberry for its high decorative qualities.

Other fast growing shrubs

Quince, cotoneaster, spirea (tavolta), lilac, hawthorn, fast-growing cinquefoil and others.

Poplar wall protects the site from the wind

Not all fast growing trees are suitable for garden formation.

For example, silver maple, despite its growth rate, is considered the worst weed in many countries, and can quickly turn a garden into a maple grove.

The best option would be to use decorative species such as bird cherry, magnolia, hawthorn, apple trees, northern red oak, gray elm, tulip tree and others.

With the help of fast-growing trees with a beautiful crown shape, you can emphasize the zonal centers of the yard, focus on significant structures, and plant them along water bodies.

Large trees are more often used in single plantings, since in this case it is able to better show all its decorative qualities.

  1. Botanical description
  2. Spreading
  3. Application
  4. poplar species
  5. Landing
  6. reproduction
  7. Diseases and pests

The genus of poplars is one of the most common and numerous among the representatives of the Willow family. In the temperate climate of Russia, it is difficult to find a place where these trees would not be found. Their popularity is explained by their unpretentiousness to the surrounding natural conditions, frost resistance, rapid growth and the ability to recover even when most of the trunks are destroyed.

Botanical description

Poplar (Populus) is a large dioecious deciduous tree. Most adult specimens of all species reach a height of 30–35 m, in favorable conditions they outgrow the mark of 50 m. The trunks are straight, 60–120 cm in diameter, branching is rare. The crowns are dense, broadly ovoid, tent-shaped or pyramidal in shape. The bark is greenish-gray, silvery or black, in young shoots it is olive, smooth and thin, in adulthood it thickens, darkens and becomes covered with deep longitudinal cracks. The root system is superficial, with numerous branches diverging from the trunks to the sides almost horizontally. Root shoots spread far beyond the projections of tree crowns. In some species, similarities of central rods grow with age, going to great depths.

The buds are large, 5-10 mm in size, resinous, fragrant. The leaves are simple, petiolate, smooth, dark green, noticeably lighter on the back side, arranged alternately on the shoots. The shape of the plates is wedge-shaped, heart-shaped or ovoid: with a wide rounded base and a pointed tip. Margins entire or finely serrate. When blooming, young leaves are sticky from the resin.

Inflorescences: cylindrical spikelets in the form of dangling catkins up to 17 cm long. Males are reddish or burgundy, females are light yellow or pinkish, somewhat longer. They bloom simultaneously with the leaves in April or early May. Fruits: small dry boxes with 3-4 valves. They ripen in early summer, inside they contain a mass of dark seeds 1–2 mm in size, pubescent with thin white hairs. It is easy to distinguish female specimens of poplar in June, when thick flakes of fluff fly from the branches and boxes swollen with seeds fall.

Trees mature and begin to bloom at the age of 10–13 years.. Life expectancy in urban areas is typically 50–70 years, and further growth is often hindered by fungal damage. In the wild, poplars live up to 150–200 years or more.


The natural habitats of the genus Populus cover territories with a temperate and subtropical climate throughout the northern hemisphere: almost throughout Europe, Asia, North America and East Africa. Trees prefer moist fertile soils, but successfully adapt to any type of soil, enduring long-term droughts and waterlogging. They grow in river valleys, on mountain slopes, as part of mixed broad-leaved forests, adjacent to birch, maple, oak.


Poplars are gas-resistant and able to withstand polluted city air, including those near industrial areas. Broad leaves purify the environment from harmful impurities and release oxygen more than conifers. Damaged specimens quickly recover, acquiring long young shoots within a year. Many species are decorative, are a source of inexpensive wood. Greens and tree buds contain pharmacologically active substances. These qualities determine the value of poplars for industry and landscaping.


Poplar is a soft rock that is not resistant to biological and mechanical influences. It is a sound porous yellowish-cream or light brown material with a fine discreet texture, viscous, prone to cracking and swelling. The density of the dry mass does not exceed 420 kg/cu.m. Its physical and mechanical properties are low. Wood is easily crushed, damaged by fungus and quickly destroyed. It is used in turning, pulp and furniture industries. From poplar produce:

  • paper;
  • matches;
  • packaging container;
  • artificial fabrics;
  • charcoal;
  • inexpensive kitchen utensils: cutting boards, bowls;
  • cuttings of shovels and other agricultural implements;
  • glued building and finishing materials.


Some types of poplar, such as black and common, are medicinal plants. The value for medicine is the buds of trees. They contain a number of biochemically active compounds:

  • glycosides;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil;
  • gum;
  • resins.

The buds are harvested in April, before the start of active vegetation.. Salicylic acid and populin used in the pharmaceutical industry are isolated from raw materials. Preparations based on them have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects, reduce pain, stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and increase the separation of sputum from the lungs.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of decoctions of poplar buds for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, stomatitis, use for intestinal diseases, cystitis, nephritis, rheumatic pains, hemorrhoids, wash cuts, abrasions, ulcers with them.

For smokers who want to break their addiction, poplar water makes it easier to wean from nicotine.

Poplar bud extract is used in anti-dandruff shampoos and other hair care products.

Gardening and landscape design

The property of poplars to purify the air from dust and gases is indispensable for city streets. Fast-growing straight-stemmed trees are suitable for planting in parks, squares, along roadways. Species with compact ornamental crowns: poplar or pyramidal poplar, can be grown on the borders of plots. Breeding only male specimens allows you to get rid of the main annoyance of poplar plantations - the summer "snowfall" from clods of fluff.

A powerful root system strengthens the sliding soil on rough terrain and along the edges of ravines.

poplar species

The genus Populus includes almost 90 species. Most of them are wild, but there are also hybrid varieties artificially bred in order to combine decorative qualities and resistance to adverse environmental conditions.


Homeland - North America and some areas of Chukotka. Occurs in groups and singly. Frost-resistant fast growing species. In a year, the shoots increase in height up to 1 m. Mature trees are 20–25 m tall, the crowns are sprawling, ovoid. The bark in the lower part of the trunks is dark gray, thick, fissured. Above - smoother and lighter, with a silvery sheen. The leaves are large: 7 × 12 cm in size, wedge-shaped, with a wide base, pointed, the edges are finely serrate. The upper part of the leaf is dark green, glossy, the lower part is lighter, with a bluish tinge. In the spring, when the buds open, the poplar gives off a strong, resinous odor.

White (silver)

It is found in most of Russia, in Central Asia. Prefers fertile soils of river floodplains. The height of adult specimens is 25–30 m, the crowns are spherical, spreading. The bark is greenish gray, noticeably lighter in the upper part of the tree. Leaves are ovate with notched margins. Above - dark green, smooth, the back side is light, silvery-green, with slight pubescence.

The species differs from others in its deep root system, it suffers damage worse than others, the crowns suffer and deform from frequent haircuts.

On the basis of silvery poplar, decorative compact forms up to 7–12 m high have been developed for growing in gardens and in adjacent territories.

Black (speck)

Distributed in the temperate zone of the European part, in Siberia, in the Caucasus. The trunks of adult trees are high - up to 30 m, the crowns are wide pyramidal. The bark is dark gray in the upper part, almost black below, with deep cracks. The leaves are rhombic in shape, with small teeth along the edges. It is frost-resistant, insensitive to polluted air. Used in landscaping.


It comes from Asia Minor, looks like black poplar and is considered its variety. Differs in decorative narrow cone-shaped crowns. Suitable for creating hedges, alleys, planting along roads. The leaves are triangular, serrated, smaller than those of the sorrel. Frost resistance is lower. The pyramidal poplar sheds its leaves later than others, remaining "dressed" until the end of October.

bay leaf

Northern view, grows mainly in Siberia. It differs in the characteristic shape of the leaves: oval, with solid edges and a sharp tip, 5 × 12 cm in size. The height of the trees is 17–25 m, the trunks are straight, slightly branched. The bark is dark gray, the crowns are tent-shaped. Shoots are yellowish, with cork growths. Laurel poplar is unpretentious, grows on any soil, endures prolonged frosts. Dislikes intense heat.


Far Eastern light-loving species. It grows very fast, resistant to prolonged cold, sensitive to polluted air. Trees reach a height of 20 m or more. The bark has a greenish-silver tint, the crowns are wide, sprawling. Buds with a characteristic strong aroma. The leaves are large: 6 × 10 cm, heart-shaped, glossy. On the back, bluish-green, petioles with slight pubescence.


Hybrid, one of the largest species: the height of the trunks of most trees reaches a 40-meter mark. The crowns are regular, wide-pyramidal. The bark is gray, smooth, with a small number of shallow cracks in the lower part. The leaves are dark green, wide, wedge-shaped, fragrant. They fall in late autumn. The winter hardiness of this species is lower than that of black or laurel. Canadian poplar grows very fast and tolerates pruning well.


Poplars should be placed on flat areas away from buildings and communications. At least 10 m should be retreated from the walls of buildings, roads and sidewalks. The soil is preferably slightly alkaline or neutral, loose. Although poplars grow on almost any soil, heavy clay soils are undesirable for them.

Trees are traditionally planted in April or September.. Pits for seedlings are dug 60–70 cm deep and wide. For group plantings, the distance between them should be at least 3 m. The bottom is covered with a drainage layer of 15–20 cm. Any organic fertilizer is added to the excavated soil: compost, humus or rotted manure. The root neck is left at the surface level. Thin and long specimens are recommended to be tied to supports. After planting, the tree should be watered abundantly.


No other ways to stimulate the development of trees are required. Poplars are among those species that grow "before our eyes." Most of them in the first year after planting add up to 80-100 cm in height, while gaining wood mass. With slow development, organic and phosphate fertilizers can be periodically added to the soil.

It is advisable to trim the crowns from an early age: in early spring or in October. You can remove up to 30% of the length of the shoots per season. It is desirable to lubricate the places of cuts with garden pitch to prevent fungal infections.


Poplars are usually bred by seed in nurseries, as they quickly lose their germination capacity. Poplar vegetatively reproduces faster and easier. Cuttings and adventitious shoots are used as planting material. It develops in places where the trunks are damaged, around the stumps of felled old trees. You can root young annual shoots.

The cuttings are cut 25–30 cm long and placed in moist soil for 2–3 months, leaving ¼ of the length outside. Before rooting, the sprouts are regularly moistened.

Diseases and pests

Blisters and embossed brown spots on the bark of trees can be a sign of bacterial cancer or dropsy. Infections lead to the further appearance of deep cracks and wounds, deformation of the trunks. At home, it is impossible to cure them, diseased seedlings are removed.

The appearance on the bark of reddish, brown, yellow or black growths, flagella, droplets indicates damage by cytosporosis and other fungal diseases. Trunks in such cases are treated with fungicides, diseased side shoots are removed.

Of the pests of poplars, the most well-known caterpillars are leaf rollers, sawflies, mealybugs, scale insects, miners, aphids, and gall formers. Their presence can be guessed from the damaged leaves, the appearance of spots, holes and growths on them. Affected trees should be regularly treated with insecticides, the crowns should be cut to a large part of the length, the soil under the trunks should be cleaned of weeds and sprayed with chemicals.

Family: willow (Salicaceae).


Poplar is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere.

Form: tree.


Poplar is a large-sized tree, its height reaches 40-45, and sometimes 60 meters. All types of poplars are deciduous. The shape of the crown, depending on the species, can be tent-shaped, ovoid, pyramidal. Poplar bark on the trunk is gray or brown-gray, on the branches it is olive-gray. The root system is powerful, superficial, occupies a large area. The leaves are glossy, dark green above and white or greenish-white below, on pubescent petioles, lanceolate, oval or other shape.

As a rule, poplar is a dioecious plant, monoecious species are rare. The flowering of poplar begins in the spring, even before the appearance of foliage. Male and female specimens form spike-shaped inflorescences that differ in appearance, which, as they ripen, turn from erect to drooping (the so-called "earrings"). Poplar fruits are capsules that ripen in early summer. Very small poplar seeds are equipped with numerous finest villi - "poplar fluff".

The genus includes about 90 poplar species. They are divided into 6 sections.

Mexican poplars (Abaso):

Mexican poplar (P. mexicana) - smaller than typical representatives of the genus, plant form. Distributed in northern Mexico and adjacent areas of the United States. It is a cross between poplar and aspen.

Deltoid poplars (Aigeiros):

or Osokor (P. nígra) is widely distributed in Europe and Siberia. A large tree with a wide spreading crown and a powerful trunk, reaching 30 meters in height. Relatively undemanding to soils, quickly gaining green mass, well formed. Traditionally used in urban and park landscapes.

Alamo (P. deltoides). The distribution area is the east and central part of North America. Grows up to 30 meters in height. The bark on the trunk is covered with deep cracks. The large, serrated leaves are bright green in color. The view is quite unpretentious, but short-lived. The wood of the deltoid poplar is fragile. Rarely used for landscaping.

or Italian poplar (R. pyramidalis) - a tall tree with a columnar crown. Morphologically similar to black poplar, but has a longer growing season. Does not differ in high frost resistance. Decorative, quite often used in urban gardening.

Poplar Bolle (R. bolleana) is found in the wild in Central Asia. It has a columnar crown. Prefers fertile, well-moistened soils, heat-loving, drought-resistant. Not fragile - able to withstand strong winds. Cleans the air well. Decorative, recommended for landscaping areas in the southern regions.

Leucoid poplars (Leucoides):

poplar (P. heterophýlla) is native to the Himalayas and southern China. It differs from other species in very thick shoots, as well as large buds, leaves and "earrings".

or Silver poplar (P. álba) distributed in Africa, Asia, Europe. In height reaches 30 meters. It has a dense spreading crown. The dark green leaves of the tree turn lemon yellow in autumn. The bottom of the leaves and shoots are felt-white. Very decorative, winter-hardy. In landscape design it is used to create large park compositions and in single plantings.

Poplar trembling or(P. trémula) is widely distributed on the Eurasian continent. Prefers fertile, well-moistened soils, is a forest-forming species. Large size, reaching 35 meters in height. Instances of this species take root well, grow quickly, but have low resistance to diseases. Decorative, often used in landscaping areas.

Balsamic poplars (Tacamahaca):

Balsam poplar (P. balsamifera) sh - quite high, up to 25 meters, a tree with a wide-ovoid crown. Decorative, grows quickly and forms a green mass. Easily rooted. Not resistant to diseases and pests. It tolerates partial shade well, frost-resistant. Popular in culture - suitable for planting in forest parks, along the banks.

Poplar laurel (R. laurifolia) grows in Siberia along the banks of rivers on wet gravel and pebble soils. In height reaches 20 meters. The slightly branched crown has a tent-like shape. The leaves of this species of poplar are similar in shape and appearance to laurel leaves. It grows more slowly than other members of the genus. Undemanding to the soil, winter-hardy.

Topol Maksimovich (R. maximowiczii) is found in the wild in northern China and Japan. Krupnomer, growing in height up to 30 meters, with a trunk diameter reaching 1 meter. It tolerates transplant well. Winter-hardy and photophilous, but does not tolerate drought. It is affected by diseases and pests. Suitable for landscaping parks and city streets.

Poplar Simona or Chinese poplar (R. simonii) comes from East Asia. Relatively low - grows up to 20 meters. It has a decorative oval crown, there is also a weeping (drooping) and pyramidal form of this species. In culture, only male specimens are found. Propagated vegetatively, the rooting of cuttings without processing is extremely high. When landscaping, it is rarely used, because it has fragile wood.

Fragrant poplar (R. suaveolens) - relatively low, up to 20 meters, a tree with a dense ovoid crown. The name of the species was due to the fragrant resinous buds. There is a pyramidal form of this species, its crown is narrowly ovoid. Photophilous, well tolerates excessive moisture. Very winter hardy. In urban conditions, it is short-lived, but gives abundant shoots. Used in group and single plantings.

Turangi (Turanga):

Turanga Euphrates or Euphrates poplar (P. euphrática) lives in Asia and Africa. The shape of the leaves is ovate or elliptical with small teeth. The species is drought tolerant.

Currently, many poplar hybrids have been bred. Among the most popular poplar hybrids in Russia are:

Moscow poplar - P. suaveolens x P. laurifolia

Berlin poplar - P. laurifolia x P. pyramidalis

Canadian poplar - R. deltoides x R. nigra

Silvery pyramidal poplar or Poplar Soviet pyramidal - P. alba x P. bolleana.

Growing conditions

Poplar is quite unpretentious, but prefers fertile, mineral-rich, well-aerated soils. Many types of poplar do not tolerate waterlogged soils, however, among the hybrid varieties, one can also find those that are not afraid of waterlogging.


As a fast growing tree with a decorative crown and foliage, poplar is widely used in landscape design. All of its species are excellent for both single and group plantings, and poplar alleys are classic park landscapes. Poplars are decorative not only due to the shape of the crowns - they have beautiful foliage, which in some species turns yellow or golden in autumn.

For landscaping, it is recommended to use male specimens of the plant - they do not form poplar fluff. When choosing a place for planting, it should be borne in mind that a powerful poplar root system can eventually crack the cover of a path or site and even the foundation of a building, so it is better to plant poplar at a distance of 30-60 meters from buildings and not too close to the paths.

Poplar is an effective air filter, it is successfully used for urban landscaping, as well as a forest-forming species. The use of poplar in various sectors of the national economy is very diverse. So, its wood is used in construction, furniture and paper industries, hybrids and genetically modified plant varieties with desired wood properties are being developed for industrial use. Natural dyes are made from poplar inflorescences and leaves. Black poplar buds are used in folk medicine, as well as in the manufacture of the famous Riga Balsam.


The soil around the poplar should be well aerated, so it should be periodically loosened and weeds removed. The turfing of the soil surface can be disastrous for the plant; in order to minimize it, shrubs can be planted near poplars.

Doesn't need a haircut. To maintain decorativeness, it is recommended to remove dry branches and lower branches. Most types of poplar are frost-resistant, they do not require winter care. For cultivation in culture, it is better to purchase cuttings of hybrid poplar varieties resistant to diseases and pests.


In nature, poplar reproduces by seed. This technology can also be applied in culture. The difficulty lies in the fact that seeds for propagation must be sown immediately after harvest, and they must be harvested when they are ripe. Therefore, it would be optimal to create conditions close to natural for poplar sowing - in the season when poplar fluff scatters, in a suitable place, fence off the area where it will accumulate and spray it with water. The method is not popular because of its complexity.

In practice, a much simpler method of poplar propagation is used - cuttings. Do this in early spring, before bud break. Use cuttings only male specimens of poplar. For rooting, take last year's shoots up to 12 cm long, they must have at least two buds. Cuttings are planted at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other, deepening them so that the buds remain above the soil surface. Water them immediately after planting. Watering will be a daily procedure for cuttings until they reach 15 cm in height, then the soil can be moistened as needed. In a year, young plants will be ready for planting in permanent places. The best time for planting poplar is early spring, specimens planted at other times take root much worse.

Some species of poplar are propagated by root offspring. However, this method of growing poplar is little practiced - plant specimens obtained in this way have a weak root system and are more often affected by diseases and pests.

Diseases and pests

The most common poplar diseases are some types of tree cancer and necrosis. Sick trees must be eliminated, and stumps treated with creosol with fuel oil.

Young poplar seedlings can be exposed to fungal diseases, against which agrotechnical and forestry measures should be applied, and waterlogging of the soil should be avoided.

The list of poplar pests includes a fairly large number of insect species that lay their larvae on its leaves. To combat them, insecticides must be used. Before choosing a drug, you need to decide what kind of pest you are dealing with.

Under the tall, gloomy old Poplars, important documents were signed and oaths were pronounced.

In the era of revolutions, the poplar was a symbol of the struggle of the people for freedom and rights.

At the same time, in Chinese traditions, the tree meant the unity of opposites - yin and yang. Thanks to their colors, Poplar leaves represented black and white, the beginning and the end.

In folk tales, Poplar personified a gentle and delicate nature. Poplar leaves, like Aspen, trembled in the wind.

Since ancient times, it was believed that Poplars are able to absorb negative energy and protect the house from evil spirits. Like guards, tall trees stood on the streets in cities and villages. Many old-timers believe that trees cannot endlessly absorb evil thoughts and, in the end, give a lot to the world.

poplar names

There are several theories about the origin of the word "poplar".

According to one version, the tree could be called "Popol", which is derived from the Latin name for the tree "populus". At some point, the word changed for unknown reasons.

The word "populus" from Latin actually means "people".

Where poplar grows

There are about 90 species of this tree. One of the rarest, listed in the Red Book is the Black Poplar.

Poplar belongs to the willow family. In nature, it can be found along the banks of rivers and on the slopes of hills, however, it is most often found along roads and in parks in cities and villages.

Wild species are extremely sensitive to soil moisture. That is why Poplars are not found near swamps and swamps. Cultivated plants, on the contrary, take root well in almost any soil and even in heavily polluted areas.

Various types of Poplars grow in Siberia, Northwestern Russia, the Far East, America, Mexico, China and even East Africa.

Poplar grows very fast and within 40 years reaches an incredible size. The maximum age of such Poplar reaches 150 years. There are cases when the age of the Black Poplar was about 400 years.

What does Poplar look like?

Poplar is a slender tall tree with a strong thick trunk and a silvery crown. The height of the Black Poplar sometimes reaches 40 meters, while the maximum recorded girth of the trunk is more than 4 meters.

Poplar's crown is very dense and broad. Over time, many branches dry up. It is as if negative energy is drying up an old tree from the inside.

The bark of the common poplar has a grayish tint and cracks over time.

The tree is dioecious. In the summer, female flowers turn into that same poplar fluff - white snow against the backdrop of a hot summer.

When poplar blossoms

The flowering of Poplar begins in April or May, depending on the region. Due to the high content of pollen in the flowers, the tree is considered an excellent honey plant.

In June and July, ripe fruits with seeds are separated from the branches and spread through forests, cities and parks.

Healing properties of Poplar

The bark, seeds and buds of the plant are used as medicines.

Poplar bark contains tannins, glycosides and alkaloids. Thanks to this, a decoction of the bark has a sedative effect and calms the nervous system.

At the same time, tannins have an astringent effect and are effective for indigestion.

Decoctions from the kidneys effectively fight inflammation and increase the body's resistance.

An infusion of poplar leaves is used as a wound healing agent.

There are preparations based on Poplar that can cope with a depressive state and normalize sleep.

Poplar buds, powdered and mixed with other ingredients, are used for hair loss. This ointment is able to stimulate the hair follicles.


Tannins in preparations from Poplar bark can aggravate the condition of the problematic gastrointestinal tract.

It must be remembered that the use of any properties of Poplar for medicinal purposes, like any other plant, is possible only after consultation with specialists.

Poplar Application

Poplar wood is used in industry as a raw material for making paper, matches, plywood and even charcoal.

Despite the fact that poplar wood is not a favorite material for carvers and joiners, it is very valuable. The tree is able to quickly reach its maturity, therefore it is an important and fast source of renewable natural resources.

Poplar is capable of producing a huge amount of oxygen and surpasses even Pine and El.

Many types of plants are unpretentious in the soil and are able to withstand increased air pollution by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. That is why this plant has been planted in parks and along roads for many decades in a row.

Unfortunately, Poplar is also known for being a strong irritant for allergy sufferers. This fact was clearly not taken into account in Soviet times during the mass planting of Poplars in residential areas.

The oldest Poplar grows in Ukraine. Its age is approximately 200 years, while the girth of the trunk is just over 9 meters.

During the hungry war years, the bast layer under the tree bark was dried and added to flour for baking bread.

As you know, the living layer of a tree is a valuable source of microelements, therefore it was often an assistant in the fight against hunger in the most difficult times in the history of the country.

Poplar bark is very light, so it was often used as a float in fishing nets.

Poplars love to change their gender. Female catkins may form on the male plant. Scientists explain this phenomenon by unfavorable ecology.