In Crimea, the situation with banks and bank cards is not quite standard.
So, let's figure out what cards to go to the Crimea.

What bank cards are accepted in Crimea

Briefly, then in Crimea, bank cards issued by RUSSIAN banks and subsidiaries of foreign banks are also accepted for payment at ATMs.

It should be noted right away that the situation in the banking sector in Crimea in 2016-2019 is significantly different from the previous years of 2014-2015, when ATMs were rare. Many Russian banks have already come to Crimea, and, accordingly, ATMs have appeared, so there will be no problems with withdrawing cash. The only thing is “but”, not very well-known banks work in Crimea, there is no Sberbank, so before the trip specify what commission your bank will charge for cash withdrawals from ATMs of third-party banks. Local banks do not charge commission.

Commissions for cash withdrawals from debit (settlement) cards in Crimea from popular banks
Sberbank - 1% not less than 100 rubles
Tinkoff bank- when withdrawing at least 3000 rubles - free of charge, less than 3 thousand rubles - 90 rubles
Alfa Bank -1.25% not less than 150 rubles.
Raiffeisen Bank - 100-150 rubles. (depending on card type) +1%

What payment systems work in Crimea

The following payment systems operate in Crimea in 2019: Mastercard, Visa, PRO100, MIR
Many believe that Visa does not work in Crimea. This is not true. Visa did not want to work for a long time, but after Mastercard announced that it would work in Crimea, Visa was forced to fit into the new conditions in order not to lose the market.

The Mir payment system began to come to Crimea in the spring of 2016 and is already working properly in 2019. There are 1.7 million Mir cards in circulation in Crimea, and by the end of 2018 there should be 3 million of them.
Large banks have updated ATMs for accepting Mir cards - for example, they are accepted by all Crimean ATMs of banks Russia, RNKB, Genbank.

The news of August 15, 2018 that the issuance of Visa and Mastercard cards was stopped in Crimea does not matter to tourists, since the service of these cards continues. But it is no longer possible to get cards of these payment systems. Only cards of the Russian payment system Mir will be issued in Crimea.

Where in Crimea accept cards for payment

By 2019, Mir cards and other bank cards of Russian banks are accepted in shops, gas stations, restaurants, bars, cafes.

Tickets for intercity buses can be bought using the card online

But, of course, you always need to have some amount of cash, because in small shops, at market ruins, your cards will not be accepted.

There are cases of refusals to accept cards, but there are no real reasons for refusals. Bank sanctions cannot be the reason for refusal, since since 2015 all internal payments are processed in Russia. Therefore, the refusal to accept cards of some bank has no logical explanation. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

Cards issued by foreign banks

If your card is issued by a foreign bank, then any surprises are possible when using such a card in Crimea. After all, such an operation will not be processed in Russia.
And if the bank servicing the card payment is under sanctions, then the payment will not go through, and the card may be blocked at the ATM.

List of banks in Crimea 2019

Are there ATMs in Sberbank Crimea in 2019? This question worries many visitors. The presence of Sberbank ATMs would help many with saving time and money on commissions when withdrawing cash. Unfortunately, at the moment they are not available in Crimea, and you will not find a bank branch either.

What is it connected with? The fact is that the leading Russian banks, including Sberbank, suffered from the sanctions imposed from the West. In case of ignoring the prohibitions, Western countries can easily tighten measures.

Are there Sberbank ATMs in Crimea 2019? No. But all vacationers in Yalta, Evpatoria, Alushta, Feodosia and other places have the opportunity to withdraw funds from the Sberbank card. There are several banking institutions in the resort that cooperate with the main Russian bank, these include:

  1. RNKB.
  2. Genbank.
  3. Krayinvest.
  4. "Russia".

You can withdraw cash from your Visa or MasterCard. Resting on the peninsula, you can use Internet banking. With the help of such a service, you can easily withdraw money. How to use?

  • Go to the RNKB bank branch and contact the employees.
  • Issue an instant card.
  • Transfer money to the registered account from the Sberbank Online application.
  • Funds will arrive within two days.

To do this, you need to get an ID and password at a branch of Sberbank. Before you go on vacation, install Sberbank Online on your smartphone, enter your login information, after which you can easily perform all the necessary operations.

Thus, you can not go in search of a Sberbank branch and use funds without problems through another bank.

Cash withdrawal fee

If you are not satisfied with the above method, you can use ATMs of other banks. But keep in mind that the service involves a small commission. In most cases, it takes more than 100 rubles. Some ATMs will take from 150 rubles, others from 500. It depends on the bank.

In the case of using a Sberbank card, the commission for cash withdrawal will take one percent. In this case, you must withdraw from 100 rubles.


Experienced holidaymakers today recommend not relying on ATMs and using online banking. With the help of such an application installed on your phone, you can freely transfer money to other accounts. To do this, go to the branch of the local bank. Which one is better to open? Try contacting the RCB.

Open an instant card and freely transfer funds to it from your Sberbank. The transfer takes up to two days, but mostly it is carried out within a day.

It is highly recommended not to bring cash with you. In the resort towns, the criminal sphere is always developed. Many visitors suffer from petty thieves. For this reason, it is worth taking care of the use of funds in Crimea in advance. Install Internet banking on your smartphone, only in this way you will secure your finances at the time of the trip.

More than three years have passed since the decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Crimea was annexed to Russia. Although since then only a few states have officially recognized this legal fact, among them Nicaragua, Afghanistan, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba. Most recently, Syria also recognized Crimea as Russian territory, but only as long as our armed forces are on its territory and support the Assad regime. Even the fraternal union state of Belarus does not officially consider Crimea to be Russia. This situation creates significant difficulties for those living on the peninsula. You should be aware of this and make a decision to move consciously. We will describe below what difficulties the uncertainty of the position of Crimea creates.

Moving to a permanent place of residence is a very important step for every family, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and only then make an informed final decision.

Choice of residence

Without a doubt, for residents of the northern regions of our country, the climatic conditions in the Crimea are the ultimate dream. At the same time, they hope to have a permanent place of residence in regions with more developed infrastructure. People are tired of the complete lack of roads in their remote areas, of low wages and an unworthy standard of living. It is quite natural that they had a hope to improve their living conditions, move to the Crimea and solve all their problems in one fell swoop.

Before choosing a specific place of resettlement, it is recommended to get acquainted with the opinion of the Crimeans themselves. Such a survey was conducted by local authorities in 2017, it is difficult to say how true they are, but you can get a general idea.

IndicatorBrief comment

The inhabitants of Yalta and Armyansk are most satisfied with the general standard of living. A huge Titan plant operates in Armyansk, which invests heavily in urban infrastructure. Yalta has recently begun to develop as one of the main resort and tourist centers of the Crimea. Residents of Feodosia, Evpatoria and Sevastopol respond relatively well to living conditions.

The survey showed that the residents of the Chernomorsky region were the most satisfied. Here the roads are at a more or less acceptable level, the villages are developing dynamically. The second place in terms of living comfort is occupied by the Simferopol region.

Residents of Kerch are most dissatisfied, the third place in the anti-rating is occupied by the resort city of Saki.

The worst situation is in Stary Krym, Leninsky, Dzhankoysky and Saksky districts have almost the same situation.

This is the opinion of native Crimeans, whether to trust it or not is an individual decision. What is the actual situation in the most famous cities of Crimea?

The city was founded on the site of the ancient capital of Scythian Naples, but at present it is a typical example of Soviet cities. Dull five-story buildings, narrow streets, old infrastructure.

There is no sea, there are several small enterprises: a confectionery factory, wine and cognac factories, a dairy and others. Approximately 350 thousand people live in Simferopol, the average salary is 300-400 dollars. Finding a job is difficult, and you should not dream of a highly paid job.

It has about 350 thousand inhabitants, is the main military base of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, has many other military units. This specificity is reflected in the conditions of residence. The civilian population mainly works in the service sector, winemaking and fishing. As for architecture, apart from the monument to the defenders of Sevastopol, there is nothing to look at.

Even by Crimean standards, the city has a low standard of living. Not so long ago, a shipbuilding plant worked in Kerch, it was a city-forming enterprise. Today, production is idle, the population is mainly trying to survive at the expense of tourists. But Kerch now has a future, a bridge across the strait has now been built and the city is becoming the main logistics center for large cargo flows from mainland Russia. The population of the city is about 150 thousand people.

In terms of indicators, eclogue is the best city in Crimea. There are no industrial enterprises here, the water in the sea is relatively clean. If the local authorities solved the problem with sewer water treatment, then there would be no complaints about water indicators at all. As for work, you can only count on seasonal earnings. All other places are firmly occupied by the local population and they are not going to give them to visitors. Population ≈110 thousand inhabitants.

View from the 8th floor of the sanatorium "Tavria"


The town is very similar to Kerch, but has a smaller population (70 thousand). Among the attractions is the popular resort of Koktebel, quite wealthy Russians allow themselves to relax here.


The most fashionable and hyped Crimean resort town, home to about 80 thousand inhabitants, has good conditions for recreation. As for the actual living conditions, the prices for housing and food are much higher than in Moscow. Salaries are several times lower, people survive at the expense of tourists. Due to the fact that the number has decreased markedly in recent years, local residents are trying to make up for them by increasing the price of all services. As a result, the opposite effect turned out - our compatriots, spoiled by foreign service and prices, stopped going to rest in Yalta, from all points of view it is much more profitable to visit resorts in Turkey. As a result, problems with work and a low standard of living.

Real estate prices in various regions of Crimea

Important information for those who are planning to move to a permanent place of residence.

Property nameEstimated cost

The price fluctuates widely depending on the location. In Feodosia, a house with a total area of ​​up to 170 sq. m and 8 acres of land cost more than 12 million rubles. Much cheaper houses in the Simferopol area. In nearby villages, you can buy a house with a plot for 1.5 million rubles, about the same prices in Krasnoperekopsk. For a house and a plot of land of 9 acres, you need to pay 1.7 million rubles. The general pattern is that the farther from the sea, the cheaper the houses. We have brought the cheapest options, luxury housing costs tens of millions of rubles.

If in Bakhchisarai a small three-room Khrushchev apartment costs about 1.5 million rubles, then in Yalta you will have to pay 5.6 million rubles for the same housing, and 5 million rubles in Simferopol. A studio apartment in Alushta is estimated at 2 million rubles. These are the minimum prices, there are no maximum restrictions.

Near Sevastopol, a hundred square meters of land costs from 220 thousand rubles, near Yalta for a hundred square meters you will have to pay from 400 thousand rubles. As for rural areas, prices, depending on the distance from the sea, start at 50 thousand rubles.

Due to the difficult economic situation, the commercial real estate market is more loyal to buyers. In Simferopol, retail space is leased at a price of 1,000 rubles/m2.

When planning your move, you need to keep in mind that quite a lot of money will be spent on transportation costs.

As for wages, the average salary ranges from 15-20 thousand rubles, but you will have to look for it. Previously operating Ukrainian companies moved to the mainland, while Russian ones are in no hurry to develop the peninsula, they are afraid of international sanctions. One gets the impression that the state-owned Sberbank of Russia does not comply with the provisions of the law and the Constitution on the entry of Crimea into Russia and does not open its branches on the peninsula. What about other companies? Those who wish to work in any case will find, if not in the city, then in the countryside. It is much easier to work in resort towns, but only during the season.

As for the cost of real estate, work and living conditions, as you can see from the table, the spread is huge. Here it is impossible to give universal advice, everyone must take into account their own capabilities and coordinate them with desires. Unfortunately, Crimea is not only the sea and a warm climate, but also big problems that arise for those who come for permanent residence. They exist in all regions of the peninsula, and it does not matter which one you came to for permanent residence. What difficulties do the inhabitants of Crimea face?

Can residents of Crimea travel to Europe?

If this issue does not bother you at first after the move, then it will definitely become relevant in the future. If not for you, then for the kids. Currently, it is very difficult for residents of Crimea to obtain a Schengen visa. All foreign passports of the Russian Federation issued on the peninsula have been declared invalid by the international community.

There are no consulates of European countries on the peninsula, you will have to travel to the mainland for a visa. And then, it is very difficult for Crimeans to get it, only a few countries give permission at the personal request of the consul. Prices for such services start from 600 euros. You can contact travel companies, some of them make fictitious registration in one of the regions of the Russian Federation, and then submit documents to the consulate. The cost of such services starts from 750 euros. In addition, one must understand that not only foreign, but also Russian legislation is grossly violated.

Where in Crimea is better with work

In big cities, there is hope to get a job in the public service, a doctor and a teacher. It will take a long time to look for vacancies on your own, the problem is solved much faster with the help of acquaintances among local residents with a high social status. Official unemployment in Crimea is only 0.7–0.9%, while actual unemployment exceeds 40% in winter.

Military pensioners feel most confident in Crimea. They have sufficient provision to guarantee a normal standard of living. And at the same time enjoy the excellent climate, swim in the sea and treat old diseases.

Remember that the peninsula is currently going through hard times. If you have a desire to help him and hope that the local and central authorities also have the same intentions, then you can come now. If there is any doubt, it is better to wait a few years, the Crimea will not go anywhere, and the situation may change for the better.

Life in Crimea is not a fairy tale, there are both pluses and minuses. It is better for residents of the northern regions of the Russian Federation to choose a place of residence by the sea, it does not matter if they are resort towns or small villages. Wealthy residents of the cities of the mainland Russia tend to come to such more comfortable places.

Most of the peninsula does not have reliable and stable Internet. This is also the impact of sanctions, solid rich operators are afraid to enter, and small ones do not have enough free funds to build stations. If the work is connected with the Internet, then buy housing in cities. Exactly the same problems with mobile communications, there is only one operator, there is nothing to choose from. It is still possible to talk on a mobile within the peninsula, but it is very difficult to get through to the mainland of Russia.

And the last drawback is the ferry crossing. It depends on the weather, it’s not worth planning anything for a long time, there is always the possibility of problems. There will be a bridge, it will become easier.

Video - Five best cities for living in Crimea

Popular questions about Sberbank in Crimea whether they accept bank cards in Crimea in 2019, whether the MIR card from Sberbank works in Crimea, VTB cards, are there ATMs from these banks. Where can I pay by bank transfer, and where do I need cash? Read the answers to all these questions below. Information about will also be useful, it is best to travel with MTS, this is the only operator that works without roaming.

Bank cards in Crimea 2019

Let's say right away that bank cards in Crimea work in 2019. But there are some limitations. Now on the peninsula they accept VISA, MasterCard, MIR. You will need bank cards in Crimea to pay for goods in some stores (where there are terminals), you can also withdraw cash from ATMs. Every year more points are opened where bank cards are accepted in Crimea.

Sberbank in Crimea

There is a map on the official website of Sberbank, all operating branches and ATMs are marked on it. Sberbank in Crimea in 2019 does not have its branches and ATMs. In all other respects, Sberbank in Crimea works in the same way as elsewhere - you can pay for purchases by bank transfer and withdraw money from ATMs of other banks.

The situation is relevant for 2019 and no changes are expected on the Crimean peninsula. Sberbank operates not only in Russia, but also in the EU countries: the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia. In order not to fall under sanctions and not to be expelled from these countries, Sberbank does not directly enter Crimea.

Where then to withdraw money? Sberbank in Crimea conducts operations through local banks "RNKB", "Genbank". At ATMs of these banks, you can withdraw cash from many Russian cards (not from all, but you can from Sberbank VISA and MasterCard cards). Without a commission, you can withdraw money from a Sberbank card in Crimea at RNKB ATMs. In all other banks, it will not be possible to withdraw money from a Sberbank card in Crimea without a commission (like any bank, it removes a commission for transferring money to another bank).

Sberbank in Crimea: ATMs

Sberbank does not have a single ATM in Crimea. And they won't be anytime soon. Therefore, you can withdraw money from a Sberbank bank card in Crimea only at ATMs of other banks. Keep in mind that Sberbank has a limit on cash withdrawals from ATMs - no more than 50,000 rubles per day.

Download the branded map of Travelinka in Crimea to your phone. The map works without the Internet, plots a route, shows sights, hotels, cafes.

MIR card from Sberbank in Crimea

The MIR card from Sberbank in Crimea also works in 2019, with the exception of the Social. For example, such a card can be used to pay in a supermarket in Sevastopol, Lyubimovka, Olenevka, Evpatoria, Alushta, Yalta. Even in the fortress in Sudak, souvenir stalls accept bank cards in the Crimea.

With a MIR card from Sberbank in Crimea, you can withdraw cash at an ATM, in the same RNKB. Genbank has a withdrawal fee of about 100 rubles. There is a limit on the amount of cash withdrawals on the MIR card from Sberbank in Crimea - no more than 10,000 rubles per transaction.

Officially, there is no VTB in Crimea, but their ATMs have been seen, for example, in Feodosia. They say it's an old sign and the ATM doesn't work anymore. VTB has such an option - cash withdrawals from any Russian ATMs without commission. This option is also valid in the Crimea - cash withdrawal from VTB card without commission at RNKB and Rossiya ATMs. The withdrawal amount is limited to 10,000 rubles. for one operation.

What bank cards to take to Crimea

As already mentioned, MasterCard and Visa (VISA) cards of all Russian banks work in Crimea. These cards can be used for cash withdrawals and payments. With these payment systems, the Russian Federation agreed on posting domestic Russian (and Crimean, including) traffic through a Russian processing center without displaying it in the United States - to circumvent sanctions. Therefore, Russian cards work. Ukrainian bank cards do not work in Crimea. It is better to withdraw money from large banks in Crimea, such as RNKB, Bank Rossiya, Genbank, Krayinvest.

If you have a Sberbank Momentum or Social card (for example, Sberbank Maestro pension is a social card), then you cannot withdraw money from it in Crimea. These bank cards are designed to work only in their own ATMs, and Sberbank in Crimea does not have them. Therefore, take to Crimea that card, which, in principle, can be serviced in other banks.

Tinkoff, Gazprombank and Yandex.Money cards in Crimea

You can withdraw money from Tinkoff and Yandex.Money cards at any ATM in Crimea. From the card "Tinkoff" withdrawal of amounts from 3000 rubles without commission. If the amount is less than 3000 rubles, the commission is 90 rubles. You can withdraw no more than 10,000 rubles from Yandex.Money. per month without commission.

Holders of Gazprombank payroll cards can withdraw money from Rossiya Bank ATMs without commission.

Alfa Bank, Raiffeisen Bank in Crimea

Alfa Bank in Crimea has a commission for withdrawing cash from an ATM of 1.25%, the minimum amount is 150 rubles. Raiffeisen Bank in Crimea has 100-150 rubles + 1% of the withdrawal amount.

Commission for cash withdrawal from Russian cards in Crimea

If you have a VTB bank card, it is better to go to Crimea with it. You can withdraw cash without commission, if there is such an option.

In other cases, you will have to pay a commission. Because any bank charges a commission when transferring money to another bank. The amount of the commission depends on your bank, but in any case it will be at least 100 rubles, some banks withdraw at least 150 rubles, and maybe 500 rubles. Such cases of commission charging are also known.

When withdrawing 2000 rubles, the commission is 100 rubles, and from 25,000 rubles the commission is also 100 rubles. It is more profitable to withdraw a large amount and pay a commission once than to withdraw a little bit several times.

If it is written on the ATM that the withdrawal of money takes place without a commission, this means that the bank, whose ATM you applied to, does not remove the commission. Sberbank itself will still remove its commission in Crimea.

Sberbank commission in Crimea

Sberbank in Crimea removes a commission of 1% of the withdrawal amount, but not less than 100 rubles. A similar commission is when withdrawing money from Sberbank cards at other ATMs, not only in Crimea.

Sberbank credit cards in Crimea

You can pay with Sberbank credit cards in Crimea. It is not profitable to withdraw cash from ATMs, as well as from any credit card. The minimum commission is 390 rubles.

Bank cards in Crimea in 2019

I started traveling around the Crimea in 2014. Compared to it, in 2019, big changes took place in Crimea. There are more places where they accept bank cards, stickers “VIZA” and “Mastercard” appear on the doors. Crimea does not stand still, just the procedure for obtaining a terminal for cashless payments is very long. Therefore, many outlets do not bother with their installation.

Bank cards in Crimea are accepted in hotels, restaurants, almost all gas stations, pharmacies, some souvenir shops, chain stores, such as PUD, Furshet, Krym, Neighbors. Bank cards are also accepted in branded wine stores - Massandra, Koktebel, Novy Svet. At the box office of bus stations you can buy tickets with bank cards in the Crimea. In this case, the commission for the operation is not withdrawn.

Is it possible to issue a VISA or MasterCard card in Crimea?

Issue of VISA and MasterCard cards stopped in Crimea, this is due to the new sanctions. But you can pay for purchases in Crimea with these cards. Crimeans can issue VISA and MasterCard cards outside Crimea. Now only cards are issued on the territory of Crimea PEACE.

If after all this, you still want to go to Crimea with a bank card, then have an online bank connected. In an online bank, you can transfer money to an account opened with a bank in Crimea (again with a commission) or to a Pro100 instant issuance card from RNKB Bank. UPDATE*** in 2019 the Pro100 card does not work.

In time, transferring money from your card to a bank card in Crimea takes about a day.

Bank cards in Crimea: reviews

Most often, negative reviews about Sberbank in Crimea and other bank cards in Crimea are due to the fact that people did not know that a commission would be charged. People complain that when withdrawing money from an RNKB ATM from a Sberbank card, the check says that the commission is 0%, and 100 rubles were withdrawn from the account. Others, on the contrary, say that they do not withdraw the commission, because they read in the check that the commission is 0%, and that they did not notice that the money was withdrawn from the account. Those who have a mobile bank connected can see the amount of the commission in SMS, you will not see it on the check.

Often tourists in Crimea complain that they withdraw the amount of the balance on the ATM screen, and when they try to withdraw the full amount, it says that there are not enough funds. Because the commission amount is not displayed on the screen.

In general, Sberbank's conditions in Crimea are not bad. Yes, the commission is charged, but it is also charged when withdrawing money from a Sberbank ATM in Belarus, the Czech Republic, Austria, etc. And given that the Russian Crimea is not recognized by the world, there is nothing surprising here.

Now you know everything about Sberbank in Crimea, whether bank cards are accepted in Crimea in 2019, how VTB works in Crimea. Have a good trip! Below are articles that will be useful before the rest.

It just so happened that after our project “The Club of those wishing to move “Don't Sit Down” was created, the composition of the Russian Empire Federation increased by one region. Moreover, not as a result of consolidation or, on the contrary, the division of old territories, but in the most direct way. A year ago, members of our club wrote about how they moved to the Ukrainian Crimea, or left the Ukrainian Crimea, and now it is Russian land. An amazing case in modern world practice, given that the peninsula became part of Russia without a single shot being fired.

It's worth warning right now. This article was not paid for by anyone (no one even tried to offer money, which is a pity). Our project is generally far from politics. We are neither ardent supporters of Putin, nor fans of Yatsenyuk, nor anyone else. We are for world peace, blue skies, children's laughter, smooth roads and clean air. So let's go...

General information and history of Crimea

Crimea has been a lacerated wound in the soul of many Russians for many years. It is easy to say when this wound appeared, but why it turned out to be so deep is difficult. On February 19, 1954, our dear Nikita Sergeevich handed over the Crimean region of the Ukrainian SSR in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Rada. To make it clear, the Pereyaslav Rada is the same assembly when the Left-Bank Ukraine, under the command of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky, voluntarily became part of Russia.

Photo by Lyubasha (

Here, in fact, this accession was celebrated, and the famous populist Khrushchev decided to give Crimea to Ukraine from his master's shoulder. The gift is dubious. It's like being told on your birthday that you're getting a jacket that you've been wearing for years. In those days, the citizens of the USSR gossiped about the strange decision of "Kukuruznik", and they forgot, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the topic gained new strength.

"Eh ... asked ... Ali Crimea" - this phrase could be heard in every yard from every second grandfather or drunkard. It is hard to imagine that the Turks or the Greeks, to whom it belonged much longer, are lamenting about the peninsula. The imperialist feelings of the Russian people are as strong as anyone else's. And I myself am not, and I will not give you. Most of the people who grieved so much about the Crimea would never have visited this wonderful peninsula, but imperialist feelings are stronger than common sense.

As a matter of fact, no one has ever banned Russians from traveling to Crimea. But I wanted to own it. I wanted to say to a German on a beach in Turkey: “Yes, what is Side, what kind of nature we have in Crimea ...”. Now those dreams have come true. Crimea became part of Russia and divided society into two parts. Pros and cons.

On March 11, the Crimean region adopted a declaration of independence, and on the 18th of the same month, an agreement was already signed, following the results of a referendum, on joining the Russian Federation as a subject.

Catalonia has been trying to get out of Spain for decades. In Crimea, this procedure was a success in a few weeks. Of course, not without Russian help. Officially, it was declared as the protection of the fraternal Crimea or something like that. In fact, Putin simply played the game competently and earned himself an unprecedentedly high rating. Who would not say anything about the President of Russia, but he feels the moment very subtly. No matter how many hospitals, kindergartens and flat roads are built in the country, such people's love would still not be achieved. Millions of Russians who will never visit Crimea feel like a great nation. We saved the Crimea! Crimea is ours!

The swallow nest. Photo by Lyubasha (

Now Russia will have to pay with the taxpayer's ruble for this outburst of patriotism. Crimea is in a very poor state. The entire infrastructure of the peninsula is no good. Crimea simply does not have a road connecting the peninsula with Russia. All water supply of the region is conducted through Ukraine. The Zhovto-Blakyt authorities have already promised to cut the water supply to the traitors. All sanatoriums, rest houses and even the famous Artek are in such a terrible state, as if the Chernobyl tragedy did not happen in Pripyat, but here. To bring Crimea back to normal, Putin will have to invest so much money in the peninsula that the Sochi Olympics will seem like pocket money. And we, ladies and gentlemen, who live in the Russian provinces, will continue to drive along broken roads, wait 5 years in line for kindergarten and suffocate with emissions from oil refineries. It's all nonsense. The main thing is that Crimea is ours!

Geographical position

The geographical position of the Crimean peninsula can be envied by all regions of the Russian Federation ( so let's leave our homes and go to the sea). Crimea protrudes deeply into the Black Sea. Not as elegant, however, as Italy, which has the shape of a boot. Crimea is more like a huge blot. The peninsula is washed by the Black Sea from the west and south. The eastern borders of Crimea are washed by the Sea of ​​Azov. The peninsula is connected to the mainland by the tiny Perekop Isthmus. Only 8 km wide. The fact that it is so narrow is even convenient. In view of the established relations with Ukraine, it will be very easy to fence off the Slavic brothers with a wall.

Sivash. Photo by Alisa (

72% of Crimea is occupied by plains, 20% - by mountains, 8% - by water bodies. The highest mountain of the peninsula - Roman-Kosh, has a height of 1545 km.


Crimea is multinational ( just like the former Cherkizovsky market). According to the latest Ukrainian census - in 2001, 2,413,228 people live in Crimea. Almost one and a half million of them consider themselves Russians. About half a million are Ukrainians. 250 thousand inhabitants are Crimean Tatars. In addition, 35,000 Belarusians and 10,000 Armenians live on the peninsula. You can also meet Poles, Greeks, Bulgarians, Gypsies, Germans, Moldavians and Jews, but they are relatively few.


There is no reliable information about the crime. No matter how desolated hotels and rest houses are, but Crimea, first of all, is a resort. And where there is a resort - there are vacationers, where vacationers - there is money, where there is money - there are crooks and thieves. The turbulent criminal situation on the peninsula is evidenced even by the fact that a few years ago, criminals beat up the current chief prosecutor of Crimea and Internet star Natalya Poklonskaya in the entrance of a residential building.

Unemployment rate

Unemployment in Crimea is seasonal. In the summer, when fans of Soviet recreation come, everyone can find something for themselves. Someone will ride tourists on a banana, someone will rent out the summer kitchen of youth for a month. Others are employed in agriculture. Crimea has fertile land and a favorable climate for various horticultural crops. In winter, things are more complicated, even go to sleep. There is little work. Men leave to work, and their wives are waiting for them at home, alive, healthy and with money. During Ukrainian independence, the Crimean industry rolled back into the Stone Age. What will happen now - only time will tell.

Free Crimean beach. Photo by larisa.comolova (

Real estate value

The cost of real estate in the Crimea is growing. During the referendum, the real estate market generally stood up, because in Russia a square meter costs more than Ukrainian. People didn't want to be cheap. Now a one-room apartment in Yalta or Sevastopol in a more or less normal condition can be bought for 1.5 million rubles. In less popular cities, real estate is cheaper, but you won’t find a job there during the day with fire.


Climate is the main if not the only) the dignity of Crimea. Winters are mild and warm, while summers are hot and long. The north of the peninsula is in a temperate continental climate, but in the south subtropics already predominate. On average, in summer the air warms up to 35 degrees, but due to the proximity of the sea, this temperature is much easier to perceive than in central Russia.

Cities of the Republic of Crimea

Southern bay of Sevastopol. Photo by Elena (

(144,600 people) - a poor Crimean town. Previously, a shipbuilding plant was the city-forming enterprise here, but now it is on the verge of ruin. Maybe Russian capital will somehow correct the situation. In a new situation, when Crimea needs to establish a transport network with the rest of Russia, the functions of a logistics center will fall on Kerch. The city is located on the eastern border of the peninsula. The bridge from the Krasnodar Territory will be built here.

(106.8 people) - a resort town, whose age is 2500 years. Evpatoria has an excellent ecological situation, since there is absolutely no industry, and, consequently, stable work. During the summer, the city's population doubles with tourists. There is no decent infrastructure for them in the city, so the majority settles "with a private owner." Typical sovdep. There are few such places left on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Before it's too late, you should go and see.

(69,786 people) - another resort city. Everything that has been said about Evpatoria can be repeated about Theodosius, with only one caveat. Here is the popular resort of Koktebel, where quite difficult people live and relax. Otherwise: beautiful nature, poor infrastructure, still low prices.

(26,363 people) - a small town between Sevastopol and Simferopol. Reading about Bakhchisarai is much more interesting than watching it. It could become a fusion city of two cultures, Christian and Muslim, but in fact it is a city with a million problems, abandoned buildings and closed factories.

(23,400 inhabitants) - a small town near Evpatoria. Small even in comparison with Evpatoria. In theory, Saki can be a resort city, since it is washed by the Black Sea, but in fact, few people come here to relax. A large chemical plant used to function in the city, which went bankrupt 15 years ago, but left an indelible mark on the ecology of the city in the form of a ruined lake. As it is not difficult to guess, in Saki there is a traditional problem of the Crimean cities. There are no jobs for everyone.

(28,642 people) - a rival city of the famous Yalta. Alushta and Yalta are nearby, but it is cheaper to rest in the less popular Alushta. In summer there are many tourists here, and in winter there is nothing to do, as elsewhere in Crimea.

(35,700 inhabitants) - a city in the north of Crimea. Its name is translated from the Crimean Tatar as "sweet village". Basically, it's a talking name. The city is very simple and very boring. There are no tourists here, the sea too. Local residents work in food factories or in agriculture. They are paid little. There is nothing to do here.

(78,040 inhabitants) - the most promoted and fashionable Crimean resort. Compared to other cities, Yalta looks very good. Almost overseas. People from all over the former USSR come here to relax. Basically, older people, because in their youth it was considered cool to relax in Yalta. They couldn't afford it then, but now they're making up for it.

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