Odessa humor is almost always associated with Jewish jokes. And this is no coincidence. After all, the Jews of this amazing seaside city, their jokes, dialogues, statements are known all over the world. Moreover, it is interesting that the people of this nationality themselves did not attach much importance to their original communication.

Rose, what are you doing tonight?
- I agree!

Tsilya Markovna, who do you think you are?
- It's none of your business who I crush myself!

I'm going to make some cocoa...
“Sarochka, they don’t talk about such things out loud…

Daughter, introduce us to your chosen one.
- This is Adik, he is a fashionable Odessa tire fitter.

Fira, I will throw the world at your feet!
- Monya, don't freak out! Put the globe back!

Shalom! shouted the Gray Wolf.
- Fuuuh! The three little pigs sighed with relief.

Sema, what kind of profession do you have - a cynologist?
- None of your fucking business!

Tsilya, I suffer so much for my small breasts.
- Oh, Fira, don't make me nervous out of the blue.

Izya, have you ever seen a lie detector?
- I not only saw, I'm not married to him!

Monya, how to get to know a person better?
- Izya, there is nothing easier - come to him with things!

Yesterday I would visit the Rabinovichi, they have a new silver service.
- Show me!

Sarah, let's buy a new TV.
We haven't finished watching the old one yet.

Fima, what do you think about drinking?
- Closely.

Rabinovich, are you arguing with your wife?
- Oh, we need to talk at least sometimes ...

Ostap Lvovich, you have completely forgotten me!
- Madam, Schaub you knew yourself, you don’t even get out of my head to smoke!

Sam, I was such a fool in my youth...
- Don't worry... You still look young!

Sonechka, do you like clowns?
- Around? Or at the circus?

Fima, what are you doing at work?
- And at work I get tired for the money.

Hello, is this the mystery people club?
- Who knows, my friend, who knows!

Four-year-old Rosette - to Papa Iza:
- Don't scold me, I'm not your wife!

At the request of readers, we did.

This was mainly noticed by visitors, who laughed heartily at local speech turns. They fixed them in writing or in memory, took out phrases and anecdotal situations from the city, which later, passed from mouth to mouth, were supplemented with details, overgrown with legends, spreading throughout the world.

One of the reasons for the enormous popularity of Jewish jokes is that the representatives of this nation do not hesitate to laugh not only at their own vices, but even at their own originality. At the same time, their humor remains kind, instructive, philosophical and funny to tears. Odessa original flavor of Jewish anecdotes, jokes, sayings cannot be confused with any other. After all, they are distinguished by amazing originality.

We invite you to our fun

The Jewish people are wise from God. The shrewd mind of the Jews is legendary, and for good reason. Witty proverbs and sayings of the "Children of Moses" help to better understand the wisdom of this world.

God looks first into our hearts, and then into our brains. Jewish proverb
God is subtle, but He is not malicious. A. Einstein

From a distance, all people are good.

The world will disappear not because there are many people, but because there are many non-humans.


Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom.


To be a beggar is not a disgrace, but that is the only thing good that can be said about begging. Jewish proverb

God protects the poor at least from costly sins.

There is nothing worse than elusive happiness. Jewish proverb

If charity cost nothing, everyone would be a philanthropist.


Be afraid of time even when it smiles at you. I.Zabara

Fear only God and the one who does not fear Him. I.Lazerov

Money is not as good as bad without it.


Adam is the first lucky one because he didn't have a mother-in-law.


Poverty is from God, but dirt is not. Jewish proverb, Eastern Europe

The poor are always liberals. Jewish proverb


Beware of those who promise something for nothing. Moses Baruch


Piety, especially Jewish piety, honors a small, small person, a small deed, a small task, a small duty. Through this little religion knows the great. L. Back


God looks first into our hearts, and then into our brains. Jewish proverb


If a problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem - it's a cost.


God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less.


May God save you from bad women, save yourself from good ones!


The wine came in, the mystery came out.


In our time, the Jew has only one choice: either become a Zionist, or cease to be a Jew. Crossman

In a man overflowing with himself, there is no place for God. Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism


Faith in the impossible does not bring happiness. Albo


A cheerful person is always right. Babel


War never ends with war. S. Wise


The East is a true trickster; he reveres maniacs as prophets, but we look at prophets as maniacs. Heine


God cannot be everywhere at the same time - that's why he created mothers.


Don't be sweet or you'll be eaten. Don't be bitter or they'll spit you out.


Fear the goat from the front, the horse from behind, the fool from all sides.


The art of survival lies in the art of lying to oneself, lying heroically, endlessly, creatively. Feelings lie to the mind, the mind lies to the feelings. The seeker of truth is a liar: he seeks happiness, not truth. De Casseret

Truth may walk naked, but lies always need clothes. Jewish proverb

Truth illuminates, but it is money that warms. Jewish proverb

Truths and girls are good as long as they don't know they're good. Berne

History teaches us truth, nature teaches vices. Berne

Everyone loves alone, just as everyone prays alone. Varnhagen

When a tormentor fights a chimney sweep, the tormentor turns black with soot, and the chimney sweep looks cleaner. Jewish proverb


Whoever does not do more than he is obliged, does not do, therefore, what he is obliged to do. bohya

Who is smart? Who learns from everyone. Ben Zoma

It is easier to imagine a Jew without exile than an exile without a Jew. Sh. Levin


It is better to talk to a woman and think about God than vice versa. Jewish proverb


Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew. Jewish proverb

Love me less but longer. Jewish proverb

Any translation is a comment. L. Back

Prudent people never wish for themselves what they would not wish for all mankind. Spinoza

People lie out of helplessness. M.Ibn Ezra

People are always funnier than people. Parker

A people who cannot sleep and does not allow anyone to sleep. Singer

A nation is a community of people who, through a common destiny, acquire a single character. O. Bauer

Our trouble is that we consider other people's shortcomings to be our own virtues. Svetlov

Do not be inquisitive about what you can do without: remember that you know more than you can understand. Apocrypha

People never sacrifice themselves for the sake of understandable things: only under the power of love do they move mountains. Baron

People make mistakes not because they mistakenly think they know, but because they think others don't know. Sholom Aleichem

Memoirs are easy to write only when memory fails. Schnitzler

Each person is like a letter in the alphabet: in order to form a word, one must merge with others. Mandelstam

When God wants to break a man's heart, He gives him more intelligence. Jewish proverb

Don't ask God questions about God. Jewish proverb

When sadness comes to the world, Israel is the first to feel it. When the first ray breaks, Israel is the first to see it. Talmud

When asked to define the mind, I answer: "If you have it, you know what it is; if you do not have it, no explanation will help." Newmark

The guest and the fish begin to smell after three days.


Knowledge does not take up much space.


Better a Jew without a beard than a beard without a Jew.


A person should live at least for the sake of curiosity.


The enemy must be forgiven only after he is hanged. G. Heine

A doctor who does not take a fee does not deserve it. Babylonian Talmud

All peoples can be divided into two categories: those who expelled the Jews and those who did not let them in. H. Weizmann

Everyone is grieving about something: one that he does not have enough diamonds, the other that there are not enough beans in the soup. Jewish proverb

Everything is predetermined, but freedom is given; the world is judged according to goodness, but everything depends on the majority of deeds. Rabbi Akiva

The deaf man heard the dumb man say that the blind man saw the lame man run very fast.


When an old maid marries, she immediately turns into a young wife.


If you sin, then at least enjoy the sin. Jewish proverb

If you drop the gold and the book, pick up the book first. Jewish proverb

If you want to hang yourself, choose at least a taller tree. Rabbi Akiva (?)

If a person doesn't get bigger, he gets smaller. Rabbi Hillel Senior

Women lie even when they are silent. Jewish proverb

Life is short, work is endless. Halevi

Life is too short to even be small. A. Morua

Knowledge that is paid for is remembered longer. Rabbi Nachman of Braslav

And the Lord saw that the corruption of men on earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times. And the Lord repented that he had created man on earth and indulged in sorrow. Bible - Genesis 6:5-6

From your opinion of others, we learn the opinion of others about you. Ibn Ezra

Of the two quarreling rights, the one who falls silent first. Talmud - Treatise Ktubot 71B

People do very little out of love. More out of hate. But most of the things they do out of indifference. Ford

It is the sinner who brings disaster to the earth, but the first victim of disaster is always the righteous. Johanan b. Napaha - Talmud, Treatise Bava Kama, 60a

Parents teach children to talk, children of parents teach to be silent.


Maybe eggs are a lot smarter than chickens, but they go rancid quickly.


Men would do more if women talked less.


It is more difficult to be well silent than to speak well.


Any passion that leaves room for savoring and thinking is not a strong passion. M. Montaigne

Where sin has happened, there will be judgment. Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban)

The hero despises this world, while the weak honors it. M. Ibn Ezra

The deepest truth is the product of the deepest love. G. Heine

I tell you a secret: we will not all die, but we will all change. bible(?)

Woe to him whom no one loves, but beware of him whom everyone loves. Jewish proverb

God! You help even those I don't know. Why don't you help me? Jewish proverb

A bad wife is worse than rain: the rain drives you into the house, and the bad wife drives you out of it.


Lord, help me get on my feet - I can fall myself.


The Jew is born old. Leroy Bulew

A Jew, finding himself alone on a desert island, will most likely build two synagogues: he will build the second in order not to attend it. Jewish proverb

If God truly loved Man, he would hardly have created Adam. Jewish proverb

If the rich could hire beggars to die for them, the beggars would make good money. Sholom Aleichem

If suddenly the angels revealed to me all the secrets of our Torah, I would not be very happy, because study is more important than knowledge. Elia Gaon

If the horse had something to say, it would say. Jewish proverb

If people guessed what others think of them, they killed each other. Jewish proverb

If life does not change for the better, wait - it will change for the worse.


No matter how sweet love is, you can’t cook compote from it.


A house without laughter is a house without love. Gordon

The fool blames others; the smart one blames himself; the wise do not blame anyone, for he is pious. S. Gabirol

Fools are refuted by facts, not arguments. Josephus Flavius

Jews are hated for their virtues, not their vices. Herzl

Jews do not keep women's monasteries. Jewish proverb

When there is nothing to do, they take on great things.


In choosing between two evils, the pessimist will choose both.


Everyone complains about the lack of money, but no one complains about the lack of intelligence.


If my brother is a thief, then they will not execute my brother, but the thief. Jewish proverb

Even if for the good deeds of a person hell awaited, and for the bad deeds - paradise, then in this case it would be preferable to do good. Lipkin

If you sincerely want to give alms, the Lord will take care of the money. Isaac Napaha

If you do not raise your son as a Jew, you are depriving him of a power that cannot be replaced by anything. Freud

If your good is at your fingertips, you are its owner; if far away - you are a slave to him. Ben Sira

If life doesn't change for the better, wait, it will change for the worse. Jewish proverb

If life doesn't get better, maybe it gets worse. Jewish proverb

If my theory of relativity is successfully proven, Germany will declare me a German and France a citizen of the universe. If this theory turns out to be wrong, France will declare that I am a German, and Germany will announce to the world that I am a Jew. A. Einstein

Those who do not have children bring them up well.


It is better to die of laughter than of fear.


If there are only two Jews left in the world, one of them will read a sermon in the synagogue, and the other will listen to it. Jewish proverb

If you do not give to Jacob, then you give to Esau. Jewish proverb

If you don't open the door for a beggar, you'll have to open it to the doctor. Jewish proverb

If the hour has not struck, even the doctor will not kill you. pearlstein

If your deeds exceed your knowledge, then your knowledge is valuable; if your knowledge is higher than your deeds, then they are useless. Khanina b. Dosa

If they tell you: "They searched, but did not find," do not believe; if they tell you: "They didn't look for it, but they found it," don't believe it; if they say to you: "We searched and found," believe it. Talmud

If one keeps talking about peace, it will lead to war just as inevitably as if talking about war. Feuchtwanger

If you see a wise man conversing with a fool, know that two fools are talking. Jewish proverb

Experience is the word people call their mistakes.


Aging, a person sees worse, but more.

Don't worry about tomorrow; fix what happened yesterday. Jewish proverb

A submissive wife commands her husband. B. Disraeli. I agree with all this !

Sayings of great people about the dirty Jewish people

MARK CICERO / 106-43 BC / Roman politician, orator.
The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. Who knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they can display due to their solidarity.

STRABON / 64-63 BC-23-24 AD / Ancient Greek philosopher, geographer, historian, traveler.
There is hardly a place on the whole earth where the Jews do not rule ... The Jewish tribe has already managed to penetrate into all states and it is not easy to find a place in the whole universe that this tribe would not occupy and subject to its power.

SIKUD DIODOR / 30 BC-20 AD / Greek historian and writer, "General History".
Friends of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Syrian king of the Seleucid state / ruled in 175-163. BC /, advised him to completely exterminate the Jews, "since among all peoples they are the only ones who do not want rapprochement with any other peoples and look at everyone as their enemies." After being expelled from Egypt,” says Diodorus, they settled in the area of ​​Jerusalem and “having formed the Jewish people, they passed down hatred of people in their midst.”

SENEC LUCIUS ANNEUS /6-3 BC-65 AD/ Roman Stoic philosopher, politician and writer of Ancient Rome.
This people / Jews / - the plague. The customs of this criminal people are so strengthened that they are widely distributed in all countries: they have managed to acquire such influence that the vanquished dictate their laws to the victors.

Book of Genesis / ch. 43, 32/.
And they gave it to him separately, and to them separately, and to the Egyptians who dined with him separately: because the Egyptians cannot eat bread with the Jews; because it is an abomination to the Egyptians.

/ Ps. 79, 4/.
In the psalms, the same motif always returns, mourning the connection with the Jews: "We have become a laughing stock of our neighbors - a reproach and shame among those around us."

TACITUS / about 55-about 120 / Roman historian "Histories" 5 volume
As long as the Assyrians, Medes and Persians ruled the East, the Jews were the most despised part of their subordinates. After the power passed into the hands of the Macedonians, King Antiochus made an attempt to destroy their superstitions and introduce Greek customs among them in order to re-educate this disgusting people. Jews consider it defiling and despise everything that is sacred to us and do what disgusts us.

MARIUS JUSTINIAN / 100-165 / Roman philosopher.
Jews have always been behind the backs of Christian persecutors. They traveled around the country, everywhere hating and undermining the foundations of the Christian faith.

GUNTRAM /525-593/ King of Burgundy in 561-593, Chronicle of Gregory of Tours /540-594/.
Woe to this people of the Jews, for they are vile and treacherous, and in their hearts are every evil trick. May this diabolical and treacherous Jewish people who live only by deceit be cursed. Today they glorify me only to rebuild their synagogue, which was destroyed by the Christians. This, of course, I will not do, for the Lord forbids me.

MUHAMMED / about 570-632 / religious preacher, the greatest prophet, the founder of Islam. Koran.
It is incomprehensible to me that so far no one has expelled these beasts, whose breath is like death. Will not everyone destroy the wild beasts that devour people, even if they themselves have a human appearance? Are the Jews anything but human eaters?

Quran, 4th ch. Sur department.
Because of their injustice, we forbade the Jews some good things that used to be allowed to them, because they strayed far from the religion of God and engaged in usury, which is forbidden to them, and illegally swallowed up the property of other people. You must never tire of exposing their /Jews/ deceptions. They are cheaters almost without exception.

ABD-AL-QADIR AL-JILANI / 1077-1166 / the largest Sufi preacher, Muslim scholar.
The Jews, who live scattered throughout the world, but still hold fast to each other - cunning, full of hatred of people and dangerous creatures that must be treated like a poisonous snake, because if you let it raise its head even for a moment, it will will certainly bite, and her bite is certainly fatal.

ST. THOMAS AQINA /1225-1274/ medieval Catholic philosopher
Jews should not be allowed to have what they have acquired by usury from others. It would be better if they worked to earn an honest living, for from doing nothing they become more greedy.

MANAWI AL MAULID / 1376-? / scholar of the Muslim world
To expect honesty and truth from a Jew is the same as to expect innocence from an old prostitute.

Abbot TRITHEIM OF WURZBURG /1462-1516/
It is clear that repulsion from Jewish usury is developing from above and below. I approve of legal methods to protect people from the exploitation of Jewish usury and deceit. Is it possible that foreign aliens rule over us not by their strength of courage or lofty virtues, but only by their miserable money? Do these people dare to grow fat with impunity at the expense of the sweat of the peasants and artisans?

Erasmus of Rotterdam / 1466-1536 / Dutch scientist, Renaissance humanist.
What kind of robbery and skinning done by the Jews on the poor, who can no longer bear it ... Have mercy on them, God! Jewish pawnbrokers quickly take root even in small villages, and if they lend five Florins they demand six times as much as a deposit. They take interest on interest, and interest again on all this, so that the poor man loses everything he had. All this exceeds all measures, and it is impossible to endure it further.

MARTIN LUTHER /1483-1546/ church reformer, founder of Lutheranism. "The Works of Luther".
All the cowardly sighs and desires of their (Jewish) hearts are filled with the desire to one day do to us Gentiles, just as they did to the Gentiles in Persia in the time of Esther. Oh, how they love this book of Esther, which is so consonant with their bloodthirsty, vengeful and murderous aspirations and hopes! The sun has never illuminated a more bloodthirsty and vengeful people, who imagine themselves to be the people of God because they have to kill and strangle the Gentiles. None of the other people under the sun is as greedy as these who are and will be greedy, as indicated by their God-cursed usury. They console themselves with the fact that when the Messiah comes, he will collect and distribute the gold and silver of the whole world among them. Their prayer books and books of the Talmud, which teach them godlessness, lies, blasphemy, must be destroyed. Young Jews and Jewish women should be given hoes, axes, spades, spinning wheels, spindles, so that they earn their bread by the sweat of their faces. The princes and legislators sit and snort with their open mouths and let the Jews take, steal, rob whatever they please from their open purses and chests. Yes it is! They let the Jewish usury suck everything out of them and skin them. They turn themselves into beggars for their own money. Jews take our money and property, become masters of our own country.

JOHN IV / 1530-1584 / Russian Tsar. From a letter to the Polish king Sigiemond August.
In all the countries where they were, the Jews always brought a lot of harm to the local population, and I do not want to have such bad people in my state. It is not suitable for Jews to travel to Russia with auctions, because many of them are dashing, that boiled potions were brought to Russia and Christians were taken away from Christianity.

GIORDANO BRUNO / 1548-1600 / Italian thinker, materialist and philosopher. The works of Spazzio 1888, volume 2, p.500.
The Jews are a tribe that spreads such a strong infection, morally so leprous and dangerous that they deserve to be destroyed even before birth ... The Jews are a people always base, servile, dishonorable, isolated, closed, avoiding relations with other peoples, whom they persecutes with brutal contempt, thereby incurring on himself the completely deserved contempt on their part.

JOHN AIDS / 1552-1629 / English historian and cartographer
They / Jews / gnaw the English people to the bone.

Pope CLEMENT U111 /1592-1605/.
The whole world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopoly and swindle. They threw many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially peasants, workers and the poor. The chosen people of a nation are the true inhabitants of that country, and members of another, immigrating, race or nation in such a country should be regarded as enjoying only the rights of guests. Legal and legislative institutions are instituted by the citizens of a given country, but not by a bunch of foreigners who happen to be equipped with monstrous doses of laziness and a poor vocabulary, driven by strong passions and a pair of greedy eyes.

KOZMA MININ /? - 1616 / /KUZMA MINICH ZAKHARIEV-SUKHORUK/ one of the organizers and leaders of the struggle of the Russian people for the liberation of the Russian state from the Polish-gentry invaders at the beginning of the 17th century.
Let's free Moscow from the wicked Jews!

Mirza HASSAN KHAN /1649-? / scientist of the Muslim world.
It is incomprehensible to me why these bloodthirsty animals have not been exterminated for a long time! Wouldn't they immediately kill wild animals that devour people, even if these animals were humanoid? Aren't the Jews destroyers of people?

FYODOR ALEKSEEVICH / 1661-1682 / From the Decree of 1676 of the Russian Tsar
... which Jews will henceforth come with concealed goods to Moscow, send those Jews to the embassy order, so that Jews with goods and without goods are not ordered to pass.

JEAN FRANCOIS VOLTERE /1694-1778/ French writer, thinker, Philosopher-educator.
The Jews are nothing but an ignorant, despised and barbarous people, who from ancient times combine the most filthy greed with the most disgusting superstition and the most irresistible hatred for all the peoples among whom they are tolerant and at the expense of which they enrich themselves. They are the most vicious and most scandalous of the small nations. The small Jewish nation dares to show implacable hatred for the property of other peoples; they grovel when they fail, and haughty when things flourish.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN /1706-1790/ American Physicist and politician. From a speech during the discussion of the US Constitution in 1787.
In all countries where Jews have settled in large numbers, they have lowered their moral level, commercial honesty, isolate themselves and do not lend themselves to assimilation. They ridiculed and tried to undermine the Christian religion. They have established a state within a state and, in case of opposition to them, seek to mortally strangle the country financially. If we do not, by Constitution, expel them /from the United States/, then in less than two hundred years they will rush in large numbers, take over, swallow the country and change the form of our government. If you do not exclude them, in less than two hundred years our descendants will be working in their fields to provide them with food, while the Jews are rubbing their hands in money changers. I WARN YOU, LORD, THAT IF YOU DO NOT EXCLUDE THE JEWS FOREVER, YOUR CHILDREN WILL CURSING YOU IN YOUR COFFINS.

VNTATISCHEV /1686-1750/ Russian historian and statesman. St. Petersburg, 1795.
It is very necessary to add about the most pernicious harmfulness of the Jews, that is, the Jews, it is better to say the Jews of the traitors of the world, in order to give a complete explanation of the reasons for their expulsion from Russia by the general definition of all Russian princes in 1113, otherwise well-meaning readers may form a false opinion about the Jews. They, Judas, were expelled from Russia for the great and evil murders of killing the best people, the Russian people, with poison. The spread of poisonous potions and serious deadly contagious diseases in all sorts of cunning ways, for the corruption they bring to public affairs. And since the Jews have no conscience, no honor, no truth, then letting them back into Russia is an act much worse than high treason. I believe that a state or a republic, where there are a lot of Jews, will quickly come to decline or death, because even Jews - the seeds of decay, malicious neglect of native customs, good morals are everywhere. They are especially dangerous, natural usurers-bloodsuckers, secret killers and constant conspirators for Great Russia. After all, the Great Russian people are the most courageous on earth, honest and hardworking, but straightforward and sincere, which is a considerable obstacle to recognizing Jews, secret Jesuits and Masons. The hospitality of the Russian people is immeasurable. This was once used, and may continue to be used in the future, if we or our descendants forget the wise Decree of 1742.

FRIEDRICH 11 THE GREAT / 1712-1786 / King of Prussia.
The rulers must not let the Jews out of their sight, prevent their entry into the wholesale trade, watch over the growth of their population, and deprive them of the opportunity to plot wicked deeds anywhere. Nothing hurts merchants more than the illicit profits that the Jews make.

MARIA THERESIA / 1717-1780 / Empress of Austria. Message from the court office in 1747
Henceforth, no Jew, whatever his name, should be given the right of residence here without my written permission. I do not know of a plague more harmful to the state than this people, as a result of their ability to deceive, usury and money deals to reduce people to begging and engage in all those deeds that disgust any honest person. Therefore, if possible, they will be moved and expelled from here.

GEORGE WASHINGTON /1732-1799/ 1st President of the USA. From the book Washington's Maxims.
It is very unfortunate that no state older than this has humbled them, like a plague of society and its greatest enemies, whose presence America is "happy with."

G.R.Derzhavin /1743-1816/ an outstanding Russian poet, government official.
In the taverns opened in the Pale of Settlement by the Jews, the peasants are corrupted, they exhaust their lives. Of the 1650 drinking establishments, 1548 belong to the Jews. Of the 1297 tobacco shops, 1293 were also the property of the Jews.

THOMAS JEFFERSON /1743-1826/ 3rd President of the United States of America
Scattered everywhere, they form / Jews / a people alien to the land where they find refuge.

JOHANN WOLFGAN GOETHE / 1749-1832 / German writer, thinker and naturalist.
They / Jews / have a faith that blesses them to rob strangers.

NICHOLAS 1 / 1796-1855 / Russian emperor. From diary entries made during a trip to Belarus.
The Jews here greatly exploit the unfortunate population, they are real leeches scattered everywhere and sucking the blood out of the population. The main reason for the ruin of the peasants is the Jews, who are second in importance after the landowners; with their skill they exploit the unfortunate population. They are everything here: merchants, contractors, tavern keepers, millers, suppliers, artisans, and so on. They are so cunning in deceiving people that they provide money in advance for unsown grain and cheapen the price of the harvest before the fields are yet harvested. They are common leeches that suck everything out and completely deplete areas.

HELMUT von MOLTKE /1800-1891/ German general
Jews form their own society and, obeying their own laws, know how to bypass the laws of the country that hosted them. When investigating thefts, it is rare that a Jew is not implicated either as an accomplice or as a concealer of stolen goods. For the accumulation of wealth, all means are good for them. In the war of 1812, the Jews were spies on both sides, betraying each of them in the process.

VICTOR HUGO /1802-1885/ French writer.
The vile Jewish soul is gradually creeping into France - i "ame sordide de juif.

EDUARD DROIN de LUIS / 1805-1881 / French politician.
We are some strange heirs of 1789: it was not we who received the inheritance, but the Jews, who, at the same time, treated us even worse than Esau and Jacob. Not only did they not give us lentil soup, but they also kept the dish for themselves, destining it for the official pie. Liberty, equality and fraternity - we have only words: our freedom is relative, equality consists in the fact that for one Jew who owns millions and billions, there are thousands of Frenchmen who are dying of hunger, as for brotherhood, it's just Cain's brotherhood.

FRANCE LIST /1811-1886/ Hungarian pianist and composer
The Jew continues to monopolize money and loosens the throat of the state or suffocates it by loosening or pulling its financial strings... He has equipped himself with a press mechanism used to destroy the foundations of society. He is at the root of... every enterprise that will destroy first of all the thrones, then the altars and, finally, the civil order.
In the hour of danger for the country, the Jew, by opening or closing his purse, is able either to support it or to contribute to its defeat.
The day will come when for all the peoples among whom the Jews live, the question of their total expulsion will become a matter of life or death, health or chronic illness, peaceful life or eternal social fever.

BISMARCK OTTO von SCHENHAUSEN / 1815-1898 / 1st Chancellor of the German Empire.
The Jews do not have their own homeland. They are something pan-European, cosmopolitan. They are nomads. Press down one Jew and a cry will be heard from all sides.

CHARLES NEWGATE / 1816-1887 / English politician, member of the House of Representatives. From a speech on March 22, 1858.
I do not believe that a Jew can be a good member of the House of Representatives, for he is a direct follower of the Talmud, whose tendencies are immoral, anti-social and anti-national. Jews directly and indirectly cause agitation and revolution. They contributed to the ruin and misery of creatures like them by immoral and cunning tricks. The reason for hatred towards them lies in the nature of Judaism, which unites its adherents on immoral foundations.

THEODOR MOMMZEN /1817-1903/ German historian
Jewry is an active ferment of cosmopolitanism and national decay.

S. M. SOLOVIEV / 1820-1879 / Russian historian, academician, rector of Moscow University.
The Jews were not slow to take advantage of the cordial hospitality, flooding from Germany and Austria in whole streams to the borders of Poland and the Western Russian lands subject to it. Having studied all the weaknesses of the Polish people, the newcomers soon seized not only all trade and industry, but managed to take possession of both the pockets and the soul of the Polish lords.
The Jewish element is the most dangerous, most harmful to the life and well-being of any state, because this element, like a woodworm, undermines the foundations of the state, while constituting a status in statu. A state that accepts a Jewish tribe as part of its state, hoping to assimilate it with its indigenous population, is cruelly mistaken, because in this case it takes on overwork, Sisyphean labor and, like a person who swallowed a stone, thinks that his body will digest this stone. We got the Jews from Poland and Russia, maybe in the distant future, there will be a lot of work, effort and trouble in the fight against Jewry, which is harmful and harmful to the Russian people.

ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT /1822-1885/ US President
They, as people who violate every order of trade established by the State Treasury ... must be expelled ...

I.S.AKSAKOV /1823-1886/, Russian publicist and public figure
Liberalism regarding the Jews is bondage for the Russian people.

ERNST RENAN / 1823-1892 / French historian and philosopher. From the book Antichrist.
In Eastern Europe, the Jew is like a cancer that slowly eats into the very body of another nation. Exploitation of other people is his goal. Selfishness and lack of personal courage is his chief characteristic; self-sacrifice and patriotism, taken together, are completely alien to him.
To this day, the Jew creeps in everywhere, demanding equality; but in reality he does not want equality, for he preserves his statutes everywhere: he demands the same guarantees that everyone enjoys, and moreover, he demands laws that are exclusive to him. He wants to enjoy the advantages of the nations, without being such and without taking part in the performance of the national duty. Under no circumstances and never can any people go for it. Nations are military institutions founded by the sword and guarded by the sword: they are peasants and soldiers. The Jews did nothing to help establish them. Here lies the great misunderstanding underlying all Jewish claims. A foreigner who is tolerated can be useful to the country, but on condition that he does not take possession of the country. It is unfair to demand for yourself the same rights with the members of a family whose house is not built by you, like birds nesting in someone else's nest, like those snails that climb into the shell of another breed.
Anti-Semitism is by no means a "sign of lack of culture", but, on the contrary, the most gifted and most cultured people of all times and all peoples who came into contact with Jewry were staunch anti-Semites. Anti-Semitism has always been the hallmark of enlightened minds.

PAUL de LAGARD / 1827-1891 / German linguist-orientalist, professor at the University of Göttingen.
This alien body causes disease, decay and death in the living organisms of other nations. The Jews are alien to the European peoples and, as strangers, they bring with them only corruption. They do not negotiate with trichinas and bacilli and do not re-educate them, but try to destroy them as soon as possible. I would take away from the Jews first of all what they are strong in, namely, money.

KPPOBEDONOTSEV /1827-1907/ statesman of RUSSIA, chief prosecutor of the Synod.
They / Jews / filled everything, undermined everything, but the spirit of this age is behind them. They are at the root of the revolutionary social movement and regicide, they own the periodical press, they have the money market in their hands, the masses of the people fall into monetary slavery, they also control the principles of modern science, which is striving to become outside of Christianity. And behind all this, the question of them is slightly raised, a chorus of voices rises in the name of supposedly civilization and tolerance, i.e. indifference to faith.

ALBERT EVERHARD FRIEDRICH SCHEFFLE /1831-1903/ German economist and sociologist.
The Jews are a corrupting, exciting cosmopolitan element in the family of other peoples. They do not mix with the population around them, but work hard to destroy and destroy the beliefs, customs, way of life and economic well-being of this population. Thanks to their special talents, the Jews often achieve temporary power, but the same properties always turn their success into defeat.

DEVONSHIR SPENCER COMPTON CAVENDISH, Lord HARTINGTON /1833-1908/ statesman and politician of Great Britain, Secretary of State. From a speech on 12 July 1856 in the House of Lords.
I object to the admission of the Jews, for they are the great lenders of money throughout the world. They don't care if they support bad or good causes. Subsequently, the nations of the world are groaning from an unbearably heavy system of taxes and national debts. They are always the greatest enemies of freedom.

EUGENE DYURING / 1833-1921 / German philosopher, Privatdozent at the University of Berlin.
The hostility fed by the Jews from time immemorial to all other peoples is international in nature, and therefore the solution of the Jewish question lies with the responsibility of all states. The Jews threaten not this or that nation in particular, but the whole of humanity.
Not only mercenaryism, but in general the impudence, which distinguishes the Jews in all fields, is something unbearable for the elements of the people, and in the future must become absolutely unbearable. Intellectual stupidity, the absence of any sense of justice, extreme arrogance, appearing in the most disgusting forms - this is what combines together in Jewishness ...

MOBUCHUM OKUMA SHIGENOBU / 1838-1922 / Prime Minister of Japan
This tribe has no fatherland and wherever it comes, it tries to destroy the feeling of patriotism, corrupting human minds. The Jews strive to create a world republic, then they will be the rulers of the world. We are afraid of the Jews more than anything in the world and do not let them in. We see how they took over America and Europe. It can be said that all the riches of the world have accumulated in their hands. The war is largely dependent on the Jews, thanks to the accumulation of capital in their hands. They play world markets like balls. We saw this during the war. RUSSIA was strong and strong in spirit until the Jews shook it; The Jews are destroying Russia, they have shaken its foundations of patriotism. They destroyed both France and other European states.

ERNST BRYGGEN /1840-19 ? / Baltic writer
The Jewish question has nothing to do with religious intolerance. The abolition of social Jewish laws is a crime. By it, the defenseless people are given to be torn to pieces by these predatory animals.

GEORGE BERNARD SHOW /1856-1950/ English writer. From the newspaper "Morning Post" of December 3, 1925 This is the real enemy / Jews / who invaded from the east ...

WILHELM 11 / 1859-1941 / Emperor of Germany.
The Zionists are not a direct threat to Turkey, but the Jews are a ubiquitous plague from which we would like to be freed.

JAMES WATSON GERARD /1867-1951/ US Ambassador. From the New-York Times, October 8, 1988.
As a friend of the Jewish race, I want to state that if the American people are convinced that the Jewish race and communism are identical, then a pogrom in the USA is possible, in comparison with which the tsarist pogroms will look like a small parade.

GEORGE SMITH WILSON /1869-1934/ US public figure.
Bolshevism is the desire of the Jews of the whole world to destroy states.

CALVIN COOLIDGE / 1872-1933 / President of the United States. From the book "Les Etats Unis puissance mondiale".
Despite the considerable Jewish adaptability, there is anti-Semitism in the United States that is most pronounced in the upper strata of society. In many American cities, Jews are not accepted in the local society; in universities where Jews are in large numbers, American students exclude them from their midst.

Julius Streicher /1885 - 1945/ German politician.
The Jew always feeds on the blood of other peoples, he always needs killings and sacrifices. Victory will come only when the whole world is free from Jews.

IOSIF HALEVI /1827 - 1917/ Jewish Semitologist, Orientalist
In no other people do we see such an instantaneous entry into panic as among the Jews. Cowardice is always inherent in them, especially if they are in an environment where there are no blood brothers.

LEOPOLD KOHN / 1856 - ? / professor at the University of Breslau. Speech on Zionism, St. Petersburg, June 30, 1901.
The Jew can never assimilate, he will never accept the manners and customs of other peoples, the Jew remains a Jew under all circumstances; all assimilation always remains purely external

“The Jews live for the womb, and in their lustfulness and excessive greed are no better than pigs and goats.
What evil have they not done? What villainy, what lawlessness have they not eclipsed with their vile murders?
So shouldn't they be turned away as a universal infection and ulcer for the entire Universe?

John Chrysostom of Constantinople, Primate, 5th century AD
"An anti-Semite is not someone who doesn't like Jews, it's someone who doesn't like Jews." Joe Sobran