All over the world, the location of various industries, transport, and agriculture does not occur by chance, but under the influence of certain conditions. The conditions that have a great influence on the choice of a place for the development of production are called production location factors.

Factors affecting the location of production

The factors of the location of production forces are a set of external conditions and resources, the correct use of which ensures the best result in the development of economic activity and the location of production.

The most important factors in the location of production include:

  • Raw material - location of enterprises in close proximity to sources of raw materials. Most factories and factories are built near large water bodies, mineral deposits. Thanks to this, there is a saving of time and financial costs for the transportation of large volumes of goods, and the cost of finished products will be significantly lower. The raw material factor has a decisive influence on the location of enterprises for the production of cement, potash fertilizers, timber, for the enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores.

Many deposits of natural resources are almost completely devastated. This led to the fact that mining enterprises began to develop new places, most often hard-to-reach. For example, oil and gas production is currently taking place in bays and seas. Such industries require large investments and pollute the environment.

Rice. 1. Oil production in the sea.

  • fuel - this factor has a decisive influence on the location of enterprises that use a large amount of mineral fuel in their work: fuel oil, natural gas, coal. Such industries include the chemical industry, ferrous metallurgy, and thermal power engineering.
  • Energy - determines the location of industries that use large amounts of electricity. Such industries are called energy-intensive. These include enterprises for the production of paper, chemical fibers, light non-ferrous metals. They are located near large hydroelectric power plants.
  • Labor - has an impact on the location of industries that involve a large number of labor resources, including high-level specialists. Such productions are called labour-intensive. These include vegetable growing, rice growing, the production of personal computers and electronic equipment, and clothing production. Such enterprises are located in densely populated areas with cheap labor.

Rice. 2. Manufacture of electronic equipment.

  • Consumer - affects the location of enterprises that produce consumer goods: clothing, footwear, food, household appliances. They are found in almost all major cities.
  • Transport - this factor is very important for industries whose products need to be delivered to other areas. To reduce additional transport costs, many production facilities are located near major transport hubs.
  • Ecological - the role of this factor lies in the negative impact of most chemical industries on the environment. That is why they cannot be placed in densely populated areas. Otherwise, more stringent requirements for cleaning technologies apply to them.

Table “Production location factors”

Production location factors

Branches of production

Raw material

Mining industry, sawmills, non-ferrous metal ore dressing


Thermal power engineering, ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry


Paper and chemical fiber factories


Garment production, vegetable growing, electronic equipment production


Production of consumer goods


Railway production, automotive industry


Chemical and metallurgical industries

Conditions for the placement of production

The location of production also depends on such external conditions as the natural environment, population, base on scientific and technical potential, socio-historical conditions for the development of a particular production.

One of the most important conditions for the location of many industries, in particular, agricultural activities, are agro-climatic indicators. The natural fertility of soils, the water regime of the territory, the specifics of the climate largely determine the productivity of such sectors of the economy.

Rice. 3. Agriculture.

The connection between the conditions and factors of the location of production is very great. Only with a competent approach, taking into account all the indicators, it is possible to create the most efficient and productive production.

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The chemical-pharmaceutical industry is one of the branches of the chemical industry that produces drugs.

a brief description of

The industry includes enterprises engaged in the production of phytochemical and synthetic medicines:

  • vitamins;
  • antibiotics;
  • blood substitutes;
  • ointments;
  • aerosols;
  • plasters, etc.

It also produces dosed medicines (tablets, ampoules, lozenges, etc.). The quality of the final product must meet certain requirements - sterility and chemical purity.

The range and volume of products are determined based on the incidence of the population. The constant search for new, less toxic, but more effective drugs leads to the fact that the assortment is updated almost continuously.

History of the industry

In Russia, this field of chemistry is quite young: even before 1917, there were only small private enterprises in the country engaged in the manufacture of simple preparations obtained from plant materials by extracting (for example, tinctures, ointments, syrups, etc.). But even these small handicraft "firms were mostly owned by foreigners. Yes, and they were only in large cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow.

After the October Revolution, the situation changed. In 1920, the Research Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute (VNIIKhFI) was established. And then a few more similar organizations. And over the next 20 years (until 1940), the production of the most important medicines was put on stream. In 1950, the production of insulin, synthetic papaverine, caffeine and other drugs (more than 50 items in total) was launched.

Further, the industry developed in a peculiar way: more attention was paid to the export of raw materials for medicines, and not to its own production of medicines. After the collapse of the USSR, the situation worsened even more: existing factories were bought out by private individuals, their own production was minimized, but imports increased significantly.

Now the situation has stabilized: the industry has begun to develop successfully. According to statistical calculations, "local" medicines meet approximately 84% of the needs of the population. These are record numbers in the history of Russia. This percentage is expected to increase further in the coming years.

The largest Russian manufacturers:

Other companies operating in this industry are presented in sections Pharmaceutical factories and Medical factories.

raw material

Due to the large range of medicines, the raw material base of the industry is unusually extensive. It includes not only the materials themselves - sources of active substances, but also various auxiliary additives that affect the structure, color, density and other parameters of the finished product.

The feedstock for the production of synthetic drugs is mainly provided by the coke industry, and a little less by the oil refining industry.

Mineral raw materials are used to produce inorganic salts. We are talking about minerals that contain elements that are also part of the salts: for example, the source of KMnO4 (potassium permanganate, or "potassium permanganate") is pyrolusite (a mineral, manganese dioxide MnO2), mercuric chloride and chlorine. It turns out that the chemical-pharmaceutical industry uses a significant amount of substances coming from the chemical industry.

Animal raw materials are also used in this industry:

  • cholesterol secreted from the spinal cord of cattle becomes a source for the production of steroid hormones;
  • adrenal glands - a source of adrenaline;
  • blood - histidine (amino acid).

The resources of vegetable raw materials in Russia are practically unlimited. It is used to obtain morphine, anabasine alkaloids and others.

Production stages

The production of medicines is accompanied by a large number of stages, accompanied by chemical reactions. Initially, the raw material is converted into a more complex compound that does not have the properties of a drug (an intermediate product). And then along a similar chain until the desired substance is obtained.

In addition to the chemical transformations themselves, the technological process includes various types of processing:

  • filtration;
  • crystallization;
  • distillation;
  • drying;
  • precipitation;
  • evaporation;
  • extraction and others.

That is, to process the starting material into a drug, it may be necessary to carry out several dozen intermediate operations.


Its choice directly depends on the conditions for conducting chemical processes and the properties of the processed “source”. When choosing the type of equipment, you need to consider:

  • chemical properties of the substances involved in the process;
  • process temperature;
  • state of aggregation (liquid, gas or solids);
  • pressure;
  • time of the stage (its duration);
  • intensity of heat transfer;
  • susceptibility to corrosion;
  • thermal effect of the reaction and others.

Production costs

The largest costs (70-80%) are for raw materials and intermediate products, as well as catalysts or inhibitors of chemical reactions. Therefore, the main task is the rational use of the material.

Personnel safety

The chemical and pharmaceutical industry belongs to the group of environmentally hazardous industries. In addition, the workers of these enterprises constantly deal with chemicals. And although the concentration of harmful substances there is low, long-term interaction with them has certain consequences: for example, one of the occupational diseases of employees is respiratory diseases. Therefore, a sufficient amount of attention is paid to the issues of personnel health protection.

Industry Challenges

Among the problems, representatives of Russian companies note the “roughness” of the legislative regulation of the industry: administrative, price, antimonopoly.

In addition, Russian technologies are still inferior to foreign ones. And the transition to more innovative ones requires significant material investments.

Development prospects

The Russian pharmaceutical industry almost completely provides healthcare with medicines. Most of them are generics (or synonymous drugs, they have similar active ingredients, but they have a different trade name). At the same time, research continues to be carried out regarding the search for new, more advanced medicines.

Alternative application

We are talking about the use of industry products in other areas - for example, in veterinary medicine and medical cosmetology.

Veterinary Pharmacy

Animals get sick just like people, so the creation and production of drugs for their treatment is important. In addition, the sale of these drugs is also profitable.

The very same production of medicines for humans and animals has identical scientific research, production processes. The difference lies only in the therapeutic effect on a living organism, as well as the very mechanism for drug approval, its marketing and sales.

Food additives, antibiotics and hormones are used in agriculture to enhance growth and improve the health of farm animals. The list of manufacturers of veterinary drugs is presented at the link.

Note: Human and animal drug research and development are often carried out jointly due to overlapping needs for the control of infectious agents and diseases.

Medical cosmetology

This is another "branch" of the industry, specializing in the development of new cosmetic products, the improvement of existing products that have a therapeutic and therapeutic effect, as well as the production of perfumes and cosmetics for hygiene purposes (skin, hair, oral care).

The success of enterprises in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry depends on many factors, including the general economic situation in the country, political, demographic, the level of government funding, export development, the speed of adaptation to changes in this area, and others.

If domestic producers are able to adapt to high industry dynamics and are ready for flexibility in making key decisions, then in the coming years this industry will be able to rise to a higher level.

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A.V.BATUROV, Ph.D., L.V.MOSHKOVA, Ph.D., head. Department of FPC MR RUDN University

Influence of placement factors


The location of pharmaceutical industry enterprises depends on the influence of many factors: raw materials, energy, labor, environmental, infrastructure, etc. The role of each of them is different depending on the specifics of production.


When evaluating production, it is necessary to take into account the total influence of all factors, the effect of which may manifest itself differently for enterprises in the same region.

Pharmaceutical and chemical industries are characterized by multi-stage technological processes and their energy and material consumption. In this regard, production data must be placed near sources of cheap energy, significant water resources, etc. A feature of modern pharmaceutical production is a small dependence on labor resources. Automation of the production process, the introduction of new technologies contribute to reducing labor intensity, increasing labor productivity.

The regional location of the pharmaceutical industry in Russia has developed under the influence of a whole range of multidirectional factors. In Soviet times, the pharmaceutical industry developed within the framework of the division of labor that had developed in the CMEA, a significant part of the capacities on the territory of the USSR was focused on the production of substances. The production of innovative drugs was concentrated on the territory of the European CMEA member countries (GDR, Hungary, Poland).

For the placement of pharmaceutical enterprises for the production of medicinal substances based on chemical synthesis during the period of industrialization

tion was influenced by the following factors: raw materials (connection to the places of production of inorganic chemistry, processing of waste from metallurgy, coke chemistry, petrochemical production (Irbitsky KhPZ; Asfarma, Anzhero-Sudzhensk; Organika, Novokuznetsk, Uso-lye-Sibirsky HFC"), water, infrastructure, to a lesser extent energy, environmental, labor (production is not labor intensive, but requires highly qualified personnel). Enterprises were located mainly in the Urals, Siberian and Central federal districts.

The geography of the location of enterprises producing medicinal substances based on microbiological synthesis is very diverse: they are located in the Central Federal District (Shchelkovsky Vitamin Plant, Schelkovo, Belvitamins, Polisintez, Belgorod), North-West, Volga (Marbiopharm , Yoshkar-Ola; UfaVita, Ufa, Biosintez, Penza, Biokhimik, Saransk), Urals (Sintez, Kurgan) and Siberian Federal Districts (Krasfarma, Krasnoyarsk).

The placement of enterprises for the production of FPPs is primarily influenced by infrastructural, labor, environmental factors, and sales markets. The transport factor has lost its decisive importance due to the low-tonnality of production. Significant influence on the development of pharmaceutical production is exerted by political (the introduction of GMP in preparation for entry into the WTO) and macroeconomic factors (GRP, its structure, in-

The article considers the main factors of manufacturing locations and the indicator method of estimation of the region attractiveness.

A.V. BATUROV, PhD in Pharmacology; L.V. MOSHKOVA, Doctor of Pharmacology, the head of the Medical Postgraduate Department, Russian Peoples’ Friendship University. The influence of the factors of manufacturing locations on the siting of pharmaceutical enterprises.

investment attractiveness, quality of labor resources).

The absence of strategic goals aimed at capturing most of the domestic and foreign (former CIS countries) markets, the focus on the production of generics reduces the requirements for knowledge-intensive products. The development and production of original drugs is very expensive and is the main reason for the concentration of pharmaceutical production in the developed countries of the world.

Currently, there are four large holdings on the Russian pharmaceutical market: Pharmstandard, PHARM-CENTER, Veropharm and Domestic Medicines. In addition, a state enterprise FSUE NPO Microgen of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was created, which unites a number of enterprises in the microbiological industry. Thus, in recent years, concentration processes in the domestic pharmaceutical industry have been suspended, because. the enterprises necessary to create a technological chain have been exhausted. At present, the prerequisites for maintaining the organizational structure in the form of production have not been preserved.



Comprehensive assessment of the attractiveness of the region for the location of pharmaceutical industry enterprises

Indicator Interval scale Indicator value, score

Concentration of the urban population of the region (cities with a population of 100,000 or more) Less than 0.2 1

Over 0.5 5

Gross domestic regional product per person, rub. Up to 20000 1

Over 50000 5

Economically active population employed in the manufacturing industry, % Up to 10 1

K industry structure Up to 0.2 1

Over 1.1 5

To the structure of the pharmaceutical industry Up to 0.2 1 (no 0)

Over 1.1 5

The volume of investments in fixed capital in the region per 1 person, rub. Up to 5000 1

Availability of pharmaceutical industry enterprises in the region (infrastructure) 1 enterprise 1 (none 0)

2 enterprises 2

3 enterprises 3

The presence of a transport "hub" Zh.D. Large airport, seaport Federal Highway 3

J.D. Major airport Federal Highway 2

J.D. - Federal Highway 1

Summary indicator: interval scale in points Up to - 11 Unfavorable

11 - 16 Satisfactory

16 - 21 Good

21 - 26 Very good

26 37 Favorable


natural chain "parent company - subcontractors", the purchase of substances in small batches can be made both from domestic manufacturers and foreign ones. It should be noted that the substances of foreign manufacturers are cheaper, which reduces production costs.


We propose an indicator method for assessing the attractiveness of a region for the location of pharmaceutical industry enterprises based on 4 groups of indirect macroeconomic indicators (Table 1):

« socio-economic (GRP per capita, investment in fixed assets per capita);

Assessment of labor resources (level of population living in cities with a population of 100,000 people;

Ф the level of the economically active population employed in the manufacturing

industry), structural indicators of industrial production (the share of industrial production and pharmaceutical production in the structure of GRP, standardized in relation to the average level for the country);

Infrastructural indicators (the presence of pharmaceutical enterprises in the region and the presence of a transport hub).

Indicators characterizing the microeconomic characteristics of the development and location of industries, the technical level and economic efficiency were not considered by us.

The assessment of each indicator on an interval scale is evaluated in points, which are then summed up:

M = A + B + C + D + E + G + I + K

K = ^ g = a/b,

where: a - population j of the city; b - population of the region; B - economically active population employed in the manufacturing industry%; A - con-

centralization of the urban population of the region (cities with a population of 100,000 or more); C - structural K industry; D - structural To the pharmaceutical industry; G - the volume of investments in fixed capital in the region per 1 person, rub.; E - GRP per person, rub.; I - availability of pharmaceutical industry enterprises in the region; K - the presence of a transport "hub". Thus, this technique will allow taking into account the regional factor in order to build an organizational and economic model for the development of the Russian pharmaceutical market in order to attract investment in the industry.

The regions of the European part of Russia remain the most promising in terms of the location of pharmaceutical enterprises, with a high concentration of industry that produces science-intensive products that are attractive for investment, the availability of qualified labor resources, developed infrastructure, and promising sales markets.