The network of women's fitness clubs Curves (Curves) was opened by Gary and Diana Haven in 1992 in Texas. It was they who became the founders of express fitness, thanks to which many women around the world, regularly exercising only half an hour a day, effectively got rid of excess weight.

The concept of the Havens is to combine cardiovascular exercises with strength training. In the East, the network appeared relatively recently and was called Fitkervs (FitCurves). To date, the network around the world has more than 10,000 clubs, the number of adherents of the system is growing every day, and according to statistics, today there are more than 5 million of them.

According to reviews, Fitkervs is not only a quality fitness center staffed by professionals in the field of fitness and weight management, but also a team of like-minded people who provide support and show an individual approach to each client. The undoubted advantage of the Fitkervs network is that the club is focused exclusively on women, and the workouts are designed taking into account all the characteristics of the female body.

Also, Fitkervs fitness specialists have developed a special nutrition program that helps women of any size and weight category lose weight without dieting and stress.

Fitkervs company: advantages

Fitkervs workouts differ from similar ones in that they were developed taking into account the physical and psychological characteristics of women. This resulted in a unique system that includes a weight loss program and five fitness components that are completely safe for health. A thirty-minute workout at the Fitkervs Club replaces an hour and a half workout at any gym.

The exercise machines involved in the Fitkervs fitness are based on the principle of hydraulic resistance, due to which women with different levels of training can train. In addition, the equipment has a therapeutic effect and helps to restore, strengthen and improve many body functions.

Members of the fair sex aged 12 to 85 can participate in the network, regardless of their state of health and physical fitness. In addition, Fitness Fitkervs is available to women of any income level and social status, since the cost of subscriptions is quite low.

Every year, Curves donates over $4 million to scientific research and development in the field of weight stabilization and health, the results of which are officially published on the company's websites.

The unofficial motto of the company is the phrase: "No men, no mirrors, no makeup." The mission of the Fitkerves is to help women discover their true purpose.

Thus, the goal of the company is not only to help the fair sex to lose weight, but above all, to reveal the Woman in herself in every sense.

Fitness Fitkervs

Exercise machines in the Fitkervs clubs are located in a circle, they include seven bipositive, the action of which is aimed at working two opposite muscle groups, and one monopositive simulator.

Bipositive simulators include such as:

  • Biceps and triceps, designed to work the muscles of the arms, biceps and triceps;
  • Flexion and extension of the legs - involves the muscles of the front and back of the thighs;
  • Shoulder press and pull from above - ensures the work of the trapezius and deltoid muscles of the shoulders, as well as the latissimus dorsi;
  • Abs and back - loads the muscles of the back and abs;
  • Breeding and adduction of the legs - aimed at the work of the adductor and lateral muscles;
  • Chest and back - ensures the work of the large pectoral muscles, rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles;
  • Squats - work the quadriceps, gluteal and iliac muscles, as well as the hamstrings.

Monopositive simulator Fitkervs "Legs Press", loads the muscles of the back of the thigh, quadriceps, gluteal and iliac muscles.

Between the Fitkervs fitness machines there are eight recovery stations, where after working out the muscles you can either run or walk, due to which the heart rate is maintained throughout the workout.

A group of women goes through several circles of simulators in half an hour, those who have finished exercising leave the circle, and newcomers take the vacant seats, so you can connect to the lesson at any convenient time. Before training Fitkervs, a small warm-up is performed, and after passing a few circles - stretching.

According to reviews, Fitkervs is very convenient for housewives and new mothers who cannot be away from home for a long time.

Fitkervs nutrition program

In addition to an effective fitness program, Fitkervs developers have also created a special nutrition program, which is divided into three phases, the first of which lasts a week. During this period, weight loss occurs due to the care of fats and water, women lose an average of 1 to 1.5 kg. It is allowed to consume no more than 1200 kcal per day for 3 meals and two snacks. After the first phase, the rate of weight loss begins to decrease, the woman chooses a dietary option for phase 2:

  • High in protein;
  • High in carbohydrates.

When choosing the first or second option, it is allowed to consume no more than 1500 kcal per day for 3 full meals and 2 snacks. The duration of the second phase according to the Fitkervs nutrition system is 23 days.

According to research conducted by Fitkerves, strength training combined with a protein diet, as well as the selection of the right carbohydrates, leads to weight loss, in 95% of cases it occurs due to the burning of body fat, and not muscle mass, as with any other diet.

The second phase can be extended over a longer period if the weight continues to decrease by an average of 450 g per week. In cases where weight loss does not occur at all or the total weight is less than 450 g in 7 days, it is necessary to proceed to the next phase.

The duration of the third phase according to the Fitkervs nutrition system is from 2 to 4 weeks, during which the metabolism is restored. During this period, the woman's body is given the opportunity to relax after a rapid weight loss. The developers of the Fitkervs nutrition system did not assume at this stage the restriction of food in calories, the main rule is to follow the general principles of proper nutrition. If in this phase the weight begins to gradually increase, it is necessary to return to the first stage for 2-3 days. According to reviews, the Fitkervs system has helped many to maintain the results achieved.

Many women today dream of a slender and toned body, but, unfortunately, there is neither time nor extra money for themselves. Fitkervs fitness centers are designed to work with just such a category of people, the cost of subscriptions to these clubs is lower than to analog ones, and training takes only half an hour a day. The activities of the Fitkervs company are aimed not only at helping women in the process of losing weight, but also in finding inner harmony and discovering their true purpose.

The FitCurves Nutrition Program [FitCurves] is 8 sessions that will teach you how to eat right so that you lose weight and fix it on the desired mark on your scales.
The training program is based on the phase power system. Phases 1 and 2 are the weight loss phases that you will use for 30 days.

Phase 1: 7 days.

Phase 1 is the first week of the diet. At the end of this period, you will choose two diet options - with a higher content of protein or carbohydrate. In both versions, you will consume 1,200 calories in three meals and two snacks.

In phase 1, weight loss of 0.5-1.5 kilograms due to fat and water weight is considered normal. When you start a weight loss program, your body will begin to use carbohydrate stores as an energy source. These reserves exist in the form of glycogen. Glycogen contains water, so when you start using your glycogen stores, water will be released. This explains the rapid weight loss during the first week. After the first week, the rate of weight loss decreases, remember this - understanding this process is important so that you are not disappointed in the results. Losing body fat leads to permanent weight loss, and this takes time. Be patient. Many people want to stay in Phase 1 for a longer time because they lose weight quickly. But being in this phase lowers your metabolism. Phase 1 is a good way to start a weight loss program, but after the first 7 days, it is very important to move on to Phase 2.

Phase 2: 23 days.

After 7 days in Phase 1, you will move on to Phase 2 and stick with it until the end of the month. Phase 2 provides more calories to protect muscle tissue and metabolism as you continue to lose weight. Both protein and carbohydrate versions are 1,500 calories.

Studies have shown that the combination of strength training + protein diet, as well as choosing the right carbohydrates, leads to weight loss in 95% of cases through fat burning. With conventional diets, more than 30% of your weight loss comes from muscle tissue, according to a study from the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Since the FitCurves program is effective in attacking and reducing body fat stores, the person who follows this program retains more muscle tissue and, consequently, burns more calories.

Most people will move on to phase 3 after the 30 day diet, but you can stay in phase 2 for a few more weeks if your metabolism is high enough to drop more than 450 grams per week. If you are losing less than 450 grams per week, or not at all, you should immediately move to phase 3 and increase your calorie intake. You may think that increasing your calorie intake is counterintuitive, but research suggests otherwise.

Phase 3: 2 to 4 weeks of metabolic recovery.

After the 30 day combination of Phases 1 and 2, Phase 3 gives your body a chance to rest. During this phase, you maintain your current you and allow your body to restore its metabolism. The metabolic recovery period is two to four weeks, and in the next chapter you will find a more detailed explanation of this important component of the Curves program.

30 day cycle

You will follow this cycle until you reach your desired weight. After that, you will move on to Phase 3 and stick to it. The third phase is not a diet. It involves a normal and healthy diet. During Phase 3, you should watch your weight to lose small "gains" Phase 3 is permanent results without constant dieting - this should be everyone's goal!

Benefits of a 30 day cycle

Purposeful work on weight loss is hard work; For many people, maintaining a target weight is even more difficult than losing weight itself. Conventional diets tend to give short term results but are ineffective in the long term. Within three years, 95% of people who were on such conventional diets gained weight again, according to research from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

But FitCurse is different. With this program, you will learn how to maintain weight in Phase 3 as you progress. After 30 days of dieting in phases 1 and 2, you will take a break for 2-4 weeks, moving on to phase 3 and consume 2,000-2,500 calories daily.

If you start gaining weight during Phase 3, return to Phase 1 for 2-3 days to bring your weight back to normal. Our research has shown that these simple guidelines are extremely effective. Those participants who adhered to Phase 3 were able to keep the weight off for a year while continuing with Curves. If you take a break by going to Phase 3 after every 30 days on the diet, you will know how to maintain your lifetime target weight because you have experienced Phase 3 weight management after every 30 days of dieting. This 2-4 week break in Phase 3 not only teaches you how to maintain your current weight, but also allows your metabolism to recover. With a higher metabolic rate, you will see success with every 30 days of the diet.

FitCurves aims to raise your metabolism and maintain your weight for the long term.

The training program is based on the phase power system. Phases 1 and 2 are the weight loss phases that you will use for 30 days.

Phase 1: 7 days.

Phase 1 is the first week of the diet. At the end of this period, you will choose two diet options - with a higher content of protein or carbohydrate. In both versions, you will consume 1,200 calories in three meals and two snacks.

In phase 1, weight loss of 0.5-1.5 kilograms due to fat and water weight is considered normal. When you start a weight loss program, your body will begin to use carbohydrate stores as an energy source. These reserves exist in the form of glycogen. Glycogen contains water, so when you start using your glycogen stores, water will be released. This explains the rapid weight loss during the first week. After the first week, the rate of weight loss decreases, remember this - understanding this process is important so that you are not disappointed in the results. Losing body fat leads to permanent weight loss, and this takes time. Be patient. Many people want to stay in Phase 1 for a longer time because they lose weight quickly. But being in this phase lowers your metabolism. Phase 1 is a good way to start a weight loss program, but after the first 7 days, it is very important to move on to Phase 2.

Phase 2: 23 days.

After 7 days in Phase 1, you will move on to Phase 2 and stick with it until the end of the month. Phase 2 provides more calories to protect muscle tissue and metabolism as you continue to lose weight. Both protein and carbohydrate versions are 1,500 calories.

Studies have shown that the combination of strength training + protein diet, as well as choosing the right carbohydrates, leads to weight loss in 95% of cases through fat burning. With conventional diets, more than 30% of your weight loss comes from muscle tissue, according to a study from the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Since the FitCurves program is effective in attacking and reducing body fat stores, the person who follows this program retains more muscle tissue and, consequently, burns more calories.

Most people will move on to phase 3 after the 30 day diet, but you can stay in phase 2 for a few more weeks if your metabolism is high enough to drop more than 450 grams per week. If you are losing less than 450 grams per week, or not at all, you should immediately move to phase 3 and increase your calorie intake. You may think that increasing your calorie intake is counterintuitive, but research suggests otherwise.

Phase 3: 2 to 4 weeks of metabolic recovery.

After the 30 day combination of Phases 1 and 2, Phase 3 gives your body a chance to rest. During this phase, you maintain your current you and allow your body to restore its metabolism. The metabolic recovery period is two to four weeks, and in the next chapter you will find a more detailed explanation of this important component of the Curves program.

30 day cycle

You will follow this cycle until you reach your desired weight. After that, you will move on to Phase 3 and stick to it. The third phase is not a diet. It involves a normal and healthy diet. During Phase 3, you should watch your weight to lose small "gains" Phase 3 is permanent results without constant dieting - this should be everyone's goal!

Benefits of a 30 day cycle

Purposeful work on weight loss is hard work; For many people, maintaining a target weight is even more difficult than losing weight itself. Conventional diets tend to give short term results but are ineffective in the long term. Within three years, 95% of people who were on such conventional diets gained weight again, according to research from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

But FitCurse is different. With this program, you will learn how to maintain weight in Phase 3 as you progress. After 30 days of dieting in phases 1 and 2, you will take a break for 2-4 weeks, moving on to phase 3 and consume 2,000-2,500 calories daily.

If you start gaining weight during Phase 3, return to Phase 1 for 2-3 days to bring your weight back to normal. Our research has shown that these simple guidelines are extremely effective. Those participants who adhered to Phase 3 were able to keep the weight off for a year while continuing with Curves. If you take a break by going to Phase 3 after every 30 days on the diet, you will know how to maintain your lifetime target weight because you have experienced Phase 3 weight management after every 30 days of dieting. This 2-4 week break in Phase 3 not only teaches you how to maintain your current weight, but also allows your metabolism to recover. With a higher metabolic rate, you will see success with every 30 days of the diet.

FitCurves aims to raise your metabolism and maintain your weight for the long term.

I'm starting today, it's very convenient from the 1st...

FitCurves is a health promotion and weight loss system for women that includes circuit training, a weight management program and personal expert guidance. Classes are fast, fun and safe!

weight management program

Want to lose weight but don't know how? Tried many diets, but the weight comes back again? Are you training in the gym, but everything seems to be in vain? Then a weight management program is what you need. No more exhausting diets, strict restrictions and drastic regime changes. The Fitkervs weight management program is simple, effective, and long lasting!

A weight management program is different from most diets. If you want to lose weight, but at the same time:

  • Eating tasty and without restrictions
  • Lose weight without harm to health
  • Keep weight for a long time

How it works?

Metabolic recovery is at the heart of the FitCurves weight management program. When you achieve your result, you no longer have to hold yourself back. Diets that are basically restrictive tend to be unhealthy. They slow down your metabolism, which means that you will gain more and more with the same calorie content of food. During strict diets, weight rapidly disappears, but primarily due to muscle mass. The body is under a lot of stress. According to statistics, in more than 50% of cases, most diets are not able to maintain weight. With the FitCurves nutrition program, you will learn how to manage your weight. And acquire the habits of proper nutrition, not only for yourself, but for the whole family.

What do we have to do?

To get started, make an appointment with a FitCurves nutrition specialist. Fill out the feedback form below and our specialist will contact you to clarify the time of your visit.

Baylor University Research Laboratory has confirmed the effectiveness of the Curves fitness program and the Weight Management Program. Currently, PUV is the most researched nutrition program.

FitCurves specialists undergo regular advanced training and have certificates of the established form.

You can get acquainted with the list of clubs certified by the PUV by the link.

What should you do if your club is not ESP certified? You can complete the program online.

What is included in the program

The FitCurves nutrition specialist invites you to take a test, on the basis of which you choose the type of food that suits you best - protein or carbohydrate, and develop a plan. Usually the nutrition program consists of 3 phases. In the first phase, you will eat 1200 kcal. It lasts only 7 days. During this time, you will lose from 0.5-1.5 kg. After this phase, you must immediately proceed to phase 2. You are already consuming 1500 kilocalories. This phase lasts 23 days. Then you move on to phase 3. This phase lasts from two weeks to a month. It is a complete diet, the basis of any healthy diet. In some cases, a nutritionist recommends starting with Phase 2 or Phase 3, depending on the individual.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Are there any contraindications?

The FitCurves weight management program is, first of all, proper nutrition. As you know, proper nutrition is not only possible, but everyone needs it! But in order for the specialist to adjust the program for you, inform him about the diseases you have.

Is it possible to attend training during the PUV?

To achieve the best result in losing weight, it is recommended to attend workouts at least 3 times / week, after each workout, take a FitBalance protein shake.

Hello dear friends! Today we will look at one of the important topics for gaining a slim figure and proper weight loss - keeping a food diary. You will learn why you need a food diary, how to fill it out correctly, and you can download a template in excel format for free and purchase the book-diary "The Way to the Ideal Figure" in pdf format.

In my practical experience with a food diary, I will tell you:

First of all, I want to note that success in losing weight and gaining a beautiful figure depends on 70% of your nutrition, 25% on your workouts, and 5% on body care through various cosmetic procedures, such as: bath, sauna, massage, body wraps.

If you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass, keeping a food diary at first will be essential for you. This will allow you to keep track of the number of calories eaten throughout the day and even the quality of the food consumed. As a result of such control - a beautiful figure and good health.

How to determine why you are getting better?

Let's find out what reasons lead to a set of excess kilograms in your case.

After all, only after determining the source of excess weight, you can begin to choose a method of losing weight (adjusting the diet, a balanced diet, the necessary physical activity, etc.).

If you do not identify the source of excess weight, after any diet or month of training in the gym, you will return to your comfortable lifestyle. And the kilograms that you worked so hard on will return to you again, taking with you a couple more extra friends.

In order to determine why you are getting better, it is enough to follow 3 consecutive steps:

1. Be patient
2. Make observations and record them in a food diary (aka food diary)

Now let's look at each point in detail.

1. Be patient

This point is very important in any business. Your success depends on its implementation.

In most cases, people do not achieve their goal of losing weight. They begin to lose weight, lose 3-5 kg, rejoice at the first result and relax. Then they gain weight again. At the first difficulties, they give up and everything returns to normal.

Our task is to act correctly and not be like everyone else. Therefore, even before the start of losing weight, you need to patiently analyze your actions, find mistakes and correct them.

Those who do not have enough patience go looking for "magic pills and miraculous remedies", buy them in three ways, and shift all responsibility for their lives onto them.

2. Make observations and record them in a food diary

For the first time, a food diary will replace a nutritionist for you, you will look at your diet from the outside and you may immediately find your mistakes.

In any case, it is the food diary that will open your eyes to the source of your extra pounds. Teaches discipline and introspection.

3. Analyze the information received

After you fill out the food diary template, move on to the next step - analyzing the information.

After all, proper nutrition is too comprehensive a concept. For one, this means not eating after 6 pm, for another not eating at McDonald’s and KFS, for the third not eating foods containing flour / sugar / salt, etc.

Why waste your time on a food diary?

A food diary is necessary for people who are overweight and for people who want to gain weight and build muscle mass.

If you are gaining extra pounds, then there are certain reasons for this, and most likely, they lie in malnutrition and an excess of calories.

If your goal is not to lose weight, but to build muscle mass, then with the help of a food diary you will find a beautiful toned, sculpted body.

The main function of a food diary is to show exactly what foods you have eaten during the day. And then, when you write down everything you ate with the time, it can easily be converted into calories. This will help you control your weight and maintain a healthy diet.

After all, it’s quite difficult to understand right away whether you eat right or not. You may think that you do not eat anything or eat little during the day, and gain excess weight.

Case Study

This happened to one of my clients. Woman, 40 years old, housewife. Height 150, weight 65.

She always believed that she eats well, correctly, does not overeat, watches her diet and even drinks herbal infusions instead of tea. Where does the extra weight come from?

As with my other wards who want to lose weight, we started with a food diary.

From the correspondence it turned out that on the first day at breakfast from 8:30 - 10:30 was eaten:

Cheese 150 grams

Sausage 250 grams

Chocolate 70 grams

Black bread 250 grams

Lavash 300 grams

Liver salad with egg and mayonnaise 200 grams

Soup 400 grams

I asked: “Did you eat the whole pack of cheese?”

Client: “There was a small piece of cheese left, 30-40 grams.
I am in shock, I did not think that I eat so much.
Another salad of tomatoes, cucumber, green peppers and herbs with sour cream, about half a kilo.
Just a shock!

Client: "Now it's time to sleep."

Me: "Good sleep. After so much food, of course, I want to sleep.”

Client: “Thank you, did I eat a lot?”

Me: “Yes. What do you do when you eat?

Client: "I'm watching TV."

Dear friends, this is a story from my practice, it shows how people are mistaken when they say that they eat right, but the weight does not come off. Weight goes away only when nutrition is under control, and for this you need a food diary.

Starting to fill out a food diary template, from the very first days you will learn not only about how much or little you eat, but also whether you keep a balance in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Perhaps you are focusing on foods rich in fats, but you do not have enough proteins.

What are the benefits of a food diary when losing/gaining weight?

A food diary template is like debit/credit for an accountant, your income and expenses.

You bring in all the food that your body has received throughout the day, and expenses are not what you think about, but any physical activity (hiking, training).

You act as your accountant and keep records. Only instead of accounting transactions you will have the names of products, and instead of monetary amounts - the amount of KBJU (calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates).

How to keep a food diary correctly?

So we got to the most practical section - how to keep a food diary effectively. I will tell you how my clients keep a food diary, give a link to a food diary template in excel format and tell you how to improve it.

If you have never kept a food diary, at first it may seem a little strange and time-consuming process to you, but I will tell you how to make it easier and not spend a lot of time and effort on keeping a diary.

The main thing is to understand for yourself that now you want to analyze your current situation. No need to change your usual diet the next day.

You need a real picture. Therefore, eat as usual, like all the last time, without changing anything.

STEP #1 - Decide why you need a food diary

First, write down why you need to keep a food diary and fill in information about yourself:

1. Indicate your goal (weight loss, muscle gain, control over the regime or quality of nutrition). Set a specific, measurable goal. For example, to lose weight in 2 months by 6 kg. In addition, write down why you need to lose weight.

2. Write down your parameters (current weight, preferably weighed in the morning on an empty stomach, chest, hips, waist). For more accurate tracking of the results, you can write the volumes of problem areas: the volume under the chest, the volume 10 cm above the navel, the volume of the widest part of the leg, the volume of the lower leg, etc.).

3. In your diary, add a general photo of a hollow body and photos of problem areas to see the progress of losing weight or gaining muscle mass.

STEP #2 - Preparation

1. It is desirable that you have a kitchen scale. Of course, you can do without them, but the data will no longer be as accurate.

If you do not have scales, and you do not want to buy them - it does not matter. Every major supermarket has a scale. If you are going to make a salad or prepare a second course - do a control weighing of the purchased products.

Divide food into smaller bags. For example, portions of nuts bought by weight can be hung right in the store. If you eat 10 nuts a day, just weigh 10 nuts on the scale, write it down in your notebook or memorize it.

You can also do with other products, such as pastries.

We buy a lot of products in packages or cans. When you put the product on a plate, read the number of grams on the package, and determine approximately how much you put on your plate.

2. You will need a simple notepad with a pen or notes on your phone. Always keep them with you. Immediately after or during a meal, take notes with the exact number of grams or milliliters.

STEP #3 - Starting a Food Diary Properly

As a result, you will get a complete analysis of your nutrition in 7 days for calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

What mistakes should be avoided when keeping a diary?

Mistake #1. Start keeping a diary, fill in 1-2 days and quit. Remember, you don't have to keep a food diary all your life. In order to get a real picture of your nutrition, it is enough to get data for 7 - 14 days.

Mistake #2. If you miss recording one meal, you get frustrated and stop recording data for the rest of the meals during the day.
Even if you missed one entry, nothing terrible happened.
Remember what you ate, write down at least approximately and continue to keep a diary further.

Mistake #3. One of the biggest mistakes. Cooked and raw foods have different nutritional values.
When entering data into Product Analyzer”, choose the composition of the cooked products.
For example, oatmeal with milk, not oatmeal. If you pre-weigh the product before cooking, then choose oatmeal + milk.

Food diary - pdf book "The path to the ideal figure"

The food diary template in the form of a book “The Way to the Perfect Figure” will become your main assistant when calculating calories and losing weight.

Buy a book from a nutritionist-nutritionist

"Food Diary: The Path to the Perfect Figure!" for 999 rubles 299 rubles.

Buy a book for 299 rubles:

*To buy a book, click the Submit button. The book will be sent to you by email, which you specify when paying.


After 7-14 days of keeping a food diary, you will have an understanding of how many calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates you are consuming. Whether you exceed your calorie intake or vice versa are undernourished.

After analyzing all the data, you can gradually begin to change your diet for the better. How to do this, I tell in the articles.

The most important thing is not to immediately radically change your nutrition program. Set yourself one goal for the week. For example, if you notice that you are eating a lot of fat, set a goal to reduce your fat intake by 20%. And next week already change the percentage of protein and carbohydrates.

Come to our courses and you, in a team of like-minded people, under the supervision of experienced curators, will achieve your goal on the scales and a beautiful figure.

And I say goodbye to you. See you in !
Ekaterina Lavrova was with you
Article: Food Diary Template