
The healing properties of cedar have been known since ancient times. The cedar phyto barrel, invented by the healer VG Potrebkov in 1970, is truly unique: in it you can feel the life-giving power of saunas. Cedar Spa Barrel is a method of healing the body that has no analogues in the world, the benefits of which have been proven not only by scientists, but also by the results of those who have used this service.

Cedar barrel - what is it

If we consider from the point of view of production technology, then this is just a barrel-sauna made of cedar, equipped with a steam generator. A cedar barrel is an oval-shaped wooden cabin that completely covers the body, while the head is outside it. There is a seat inside, and the barrel itself has a small door.

Knowing about the structure, it is possible to build a sauna barrel at home, in addition, due to its small size, it can be installed in an apartment, but it is difficult to buy material (cedar boards). The consultant in the store will tell you how to care for the phyto-barrel, but there is also information in the reviews of the owners. The cedar health-improving structure, manufactured by the manufacturer in an industrial way (for example, Roskedr), includes:

  • cabin;
  • steam generator;
  • temperature sensor;
  • Remote Control.

Benefits of a cedar barrel

Health is the key to human success, and there are many ways to maintain it. The steam barrel (cedar) is one of those. The modern rhythm of life does not allow you to regularly get out into nature, and not everyone has the opportunity to go to the bathhouse. The cedar phytosauna benefits both the prevention of various diseases and replaces traditional treatment, especially for colds and asthma. The invaluable results of visiting the procedure are:

  • increased immunity;
  • prevention of premature skin aging;
  • decrease in blood sugar;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • removal of fatigue;
  • weight loss
  • raising endorphin levels, which contributes to a good mood.

The effect after visiting the first procedure will be noticeable in those who are struggling with excess weight or dreaming of getting rid of cellulite. Essential oils used during the procedure help to remove toxins from the body. The benefits of a cedar barrel for the health of the body are obvious, but the use of such a program has its own indications and contraindications.

Cedar barrel - indications

A pleasant procedure in this variant has a beneficial effect on vital functions. Many are interested in the prevention and treatment of which diseases the phytobarrel can stand out, will it serve as an alternative to the drug method? Before carrying out the procedures, consult a doctor or undergo an examination for hidden diseases. So, indications for the use of a cedar barrel:

  • Skin diseases: acne, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis and even sunburn.
  • With intense sports. The barrel will help disperse the lactic acid that has accumulated in the muscles of athletes.
  • Joint diseases: arthrosis, arthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, etc.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: arrhythmia, hypertension.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Prevention of diseases of the human reproductive system by improving blood circulation.
  • Prevention of diseases of the nervous system.
  • Obesity. For those who need to lose weight, this procedure will be an excellent alternative in the absence of the opportunity to go to the gym or work out on simulators at home.

Cedar barrel - contraindications

You should not abuse this procedure, because here there are also contraindications of a cedar barrel. Phyto barrel cedar is contraindicated in diseases such as:

  • oncology;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • nail and skin fungus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • allergy to herbs;
  • thrombophlebitis of the veins on the legs;
  • bleeding, including menstruation, uterine fibroids.
  • second, third trimester of pregnancy.

A session of visiting a cedar barrel is not prohibited during breastfeeding, however, it should be remembered that in the process of conducting it, dehydration of the body occurs, which can affect the flow of milk. Nursing mothers should focus their attention on this, control their condition, but this will definitely not bring harm.

Cedar barrel - procedure

To attend sessions of phytobarrels from cedar, you need to buy a subscription to a beauty salon or sports complexes that offer such spa treatments. The Cedar barrel procedure is simple:

  • A person sits down on a specially designated bench in a barrel. So the body stays inside, the head outside.
  • To prevent steam from escaping, the area around the neck is wrapped with a thick towel.
  • The next step will be the supply of steam with essential oils for the benefit of the skin and the body as a whole. It can also be dried herbs, placed in a special compartment of the barrel near the steam generator.
  • Passing through this compartment, the steam is saturated with the nutritional properties of the herbal tea and is sent to the cabin, warming up the body like in a steam room. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes: 10 minutes to warm up the body and 5-10 minutes to condense useful steam on the body.
  • After visiting a steam phyto-barrel, it is recommended to take a light shower without detergents, lightly dip with a towel (without rubbing the skin) and drink herbal tea or fruit drink. To restore strength, you need to rest for about 20 minutes, covered with a blanket or thick sheet. This contributes to the fact that the body in the barrel will give off excess heat.
  • The procedure is over.

The sauna is an example of how healthy can also be enjoyable. But not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit the steam room or arrange similar bath procedures at home. Phytobarrel has properties similar to a classic bath, but has a more effective effect on the body.

What is a phytobarrel

Phyto-barrel (or phyto-sauna) is a closed horizontal or vertical font into which steam is supplied, mixed with herbal extracts and natural oils. During a stay in such a barrel, the body is inside the container, and the head is outside. This helps to prevent a sudden increase in pressure due to heating of the head and reduce the likelihood of negative effects of overheating.

The main advantage of a phytobarrel over a sauna is its portability: the font fits perfectly in an apartment, a private house. Sometimes, it is installed even in the yard. To maintain a certain temperature in the tank, a thermostat is installed and a safe heating cable is laid. When the barrel is filled with steam, this cable controls the desired temperature.

The basis for a home steam room is a steam generator for a phyto-barrel - without it, a spa treatment would be impossible. This is the most important part of the barrel. The device generates "dry" steam, which is so valued for its healing properties. Steam generators are plastic and metal. Naturally, preference should be given to designs with a metal case.

Barrels for steam procedures are classified by material from which they are made, shapes and sizes. Mostly, the phyto barrel is made from natural cedar, although any dense wood can be used.

Barrels are also classified by shape and size. The most popular are horizontal or seated structures. They are equipped with comfortable benches and armrests, which maximizes comfort during the procedure. Seated steam rooms can be oval, round, square. The only requirement is a well-sealed neck hole.

A variety of fees can be used to restore and treat the body. They will complement the effect of wood fumes and give the procedure an aura of relaxation.

Video: a girl takes a cedar phyto barrel

Indications and contraindications of phytobarrels

Phytobanya has a wide range of indications. The beneficial effects of steam on the body, combined with the medicinal properties of herbal preparations, made this simple invention an almost ideal replacement for pharmaceutical drugs.

When doctors prescribe phytosauna sessions:

  • Phyto barrel has proven itself as a means for losing weight. The session lasts no more than 20 minutes, and during this time, not only excess moisture is removed from the body, but also a certain amount of processed fats. In a quarter of an hour you can lose half a kilogram. To consolidate the effect after the procedure, a massage is prescribed;
  • Bath has a calming effect on people prone to stress, neuroses, sleep disorders and other diseases of the nervous system. Warm, dry air and the aroma of herbs help eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome and restore normal sleep;
  • Phytoncidal properties of natural cedar and pine are actively used to restore immunity. In addition, phytosauna is prescribed for the treatment of viral respiratory diseases, prevention of beriberi;
  • In beauty salons, phytobath is used as a remedy for cellulite. Orange peel is a collection of fats and lymphatic fluid. High temperature and massage with oils allow you to remove this excess from under the skin in several sessions;
  • With the addition of certain herbs, such a font will help get rid of a variety of skin diseases. In the old Russian villages, the bath was prescribed for the treatment of scabs, lichen and other diseases.

But you need to understand that high temperature still causes some harm to the body. The phytobarrel, like the classic Finnish sauna, has severe contraindications.

When a phytobarrel cannot be used:

  • With diseases of blood vessels and heart muscle. From the temperature drop, the fragile walls of the vessels are destroyed, which can lead to serious problems. You can not overheat also with thrombosis (including varicose veins), arrhythmias, tachycardia, etc.
  • Categorically use the bath during the "interesting position" and lactation. For pregnant women, high temperatures are especially dangerous - they can cause a high tone of the uterus, resulting in up to 30% of unplanned births;
  • High temperature during colds. A visit to the bath with ARVI is allowed only if the body temperature is within 36.8 degrees;
  • It is not recommended to conduct a session after an operative intervention.
  • Persons under the age of 14 and over 65 are not allowed to use the phyto barrel.

Benefit and harm

There are real legends about the benefits of the phytosauna. Reviews claim that even a phyto-barrel, made with your own hands from cedar, has a healing effect on the entire body. The main benefit that a home sauna brings is the acceleration of metabolism and the improvement of metabolic processes. Under the influence of high temperature, many internal organs begin to work much faster than usual. In particular, toxins are actively removed from the body, pores are cleansed, and blood circulation is normalized.

General warming up in a calm environment brings undoubted benefits to the nervous system. Every second beauty salon offers to relax in the sauna after a working day. Thermal exposure helps to find a sense of calm, improve concentration and quality of sleep.

But, medical phytosauna can also be harmful. First of all, it is important to use it correctly. Staying longer than 30 minutes in the steam room or exceeding the permissible temperature is fraught with heat stroke.

How is the session

A professional phyto barrel works very simply: the steam generator is connected to the network, after which a person enters the container. The door and lid close tightly, if necessary, the slots are also covered with a towel. The desired temperature and duration of the session are selected on the control panel.

Instructions on how to use the phytobarrel:

After leaving the steam room, you should go for a massage or visit a phytocabinet - this will enhance the effect of the bath.

A cedar barrel, the indications and contraindications for the use of which we will consider today, is a universal option for all those who like to combine benefits with comfortable conditions and save time.

The compact size of the design allows it to be used at home, while its capabilities are not inferior to powerful ones.

The healing properties of steam with oils of medicinal plants have been known for a long time.

It was this knowledge that formed the basis for the creation of a cedar phyto barrel - a compact version of a home sauna. Our article will tell you more about it.

What is a cedar phyto barrel?

This device is designed to carry out both and medical procedures - rejuvenation, treatment of colds, skin tightening, weight loss.

Mentions about the healing effect of a cedar barrel have been found in traditional medicine recipes for several hundred years.

The device of the phytobarrel is easy to understand. It is a construction in the form of a barrel or a cube of cedar timber, equipped with a bench and armrests inside.

There is a wooden grate on the floor, there is a hole in the lid for the head. It would seem that the conditions are spartan.

However, the internal filling of the barrel is created so that the person inside can relax as much as possible.

Only in this way the effect of the procedure will be maximum. Therefore, most often the bench and armrests in the barrel are adjustable in height - so that both adults and children can use it comfortably.

Due to the presence of natural phytoncides in cedar wood, microbes do not multiply inside the phyto-barrel.

Using a flexible hose, a steam generator is attached to the barrel, which supplies steam with the addition of medicinal extracts ( , ).

Like any effective remedy, the cedar barrel has its indications and contraindications.

The benefits of cedar phyto barrels

The action of the phytobarrel is to activate metabolic processes.

Warm steam with healing additives opens pores, steams out dead cells on the surface of the skin, which contributes to their speedy separation.

As a rule, after the procedure, the weight is reduced by an average of 500 grams, and in the presence of excess weight - even by a kilogram.

So using the procedure as a means to get yourself in better shape is a great idea.

However, it is important to remember that one cannot do without a balanced one.

The use of a cedar barrel in this case will greatly speed up the desired result.

In addition, in the process of losing weight, the skin will not sag. The cedar barrel perfectly strengthens it, making it more resilient and elastic.

But the effect of phytobarrels is not only in losing weight. Warm steam dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and eliminates congestion in the veins, which is especially useful for people who lead an insufficiently active lifestyle.

Indications for the use of a cedar barrel are:

  1. Radiculitis
  2. Osteochondrosis
  3. Hypotension
  4. Arthrosis
  5. Sore throat
  6. Diseases of the genitourinary system
  7. ARVI, ARI
  8. Cough
  9. Functional diseases of the nervous system
  10. Weakened immunity
  11. Excess weight
  12. Hypertension (up to stage 2 inclusive)

Using a cedar barrel is very relaxing, it helps, so you can use a miracle barrel just for fun.

After consulting with a doctor, a cedar barrel can even be used for.

At the same time, the steam in it is heated no higher than body temperature and no aromatic oils are added to it - only decoctions of herbs.

Who is contraindicated for phytobarrel?

Despite the fact that when used correctly, the spa procedure is absolutely safe, it should not be abused.

Too frequent exposure to hot steam, albeit healing, can become stressful for the body.

The optimal frequency for healthy people is 2-3 times a week.

If you have a chronic illness or have recently been ill, please consult with your doctor about the possibility of the procedure and the recommended frequency.

An excellent end to the mini-bath will be a massage

You cannot use a cedar barrel if you have:

  1. Thrombophlebitis of deep veins
  2. Hypertension in a severe stage
  3. Asthma
  4. Cirrhosis of the liver
  5. Weeping eczema
  6. Acute cardiovascular disease
  7. Increased risk of bleeding
  8. Malignant neoplasms
  9. Heart attack less than six months ago
  10. Atherosclerosis in a severe stage
  11. Epilepsy
  12. Fungal infections of the skin or nails
  13. Increased body temperature, fever

A cedar barrel, like a regular bath or sauna, is undesirable during pregnancy, especially in the second half.

Cedar barrel has contraindications

In addition to indications and contraindications for the use of a cedar barrel, many are interested in the price of the procedure.

On average, the cost of 15 minutes is about 500 rubles. And if you want to save money, many salons offer memberships for a series of treatments at discounted prices.

Those who do not like to waste time traveling to salons can be offered to purchase a phyto barrel for their personal use.

Of course, this pleasure is not cheap, but in the end it will be cheaper than constantly paying for services.

How to use a cedar barrel?

In addition to information about the indications and contraindications for using a cedar barrel, there are a lot of reviews on the net about this procedure.

You can see that sometimes they are radically different.

Someone felt the healing effect after the first minutes, and someone claims that the effect is no better than an ordinary bath, only it costs much more.

If you do not like to visit salons, you can purchase such a barrel for home

The taste and color, as they say ... However, do not forget how important it is to carry out the procedure correctly.

After all, its effectiveness often depends on this.

How to use a cedar barrel to the maximum benefit:

  1. Do not neglect the advice of a qualified doctor.
  2. Don't try to force things. Carry out the procedure no more than 3 times a week.
  3. At the slightest deterioration in well-being or discomfort, immediately stop the procedure. The session should be enjoyable and relaxing.

Before the procedure, you need to take a shower, after it it is good to have a session and lie down a little.

A cedar barrel is very similar to a mini-bath, a compact sauna in which a person is comfortably placed on a bench, while the head remains outside.

In this case, the vessels of the head avoid exposure to high temperatures, the load on the lungs does not increase, which makes it possible to use the phytobarrel even for those who cannot tolerate a regular bath.

But this is not its only difference from the usual steam room.

The fact is that in a cedar barrel you have the ability to regulate the temperature. You can set the minimum, not exceeding body temperature, and the benefits of this will not decrease.

For maximum effect, try different modes. So you can choose the optimal conditions.

Tip: during the procedure and after it, it is advisable not to forget to drink - warm tea or. Hot steam removes not only toxins, but also fluid from the body, which means that its reserves should be replenished.

With regular use, a cedar barrel will give you good health, prolong youth and help get rid of bad thoughts.

At the same time, the therapeutic effect is achieved not through the use of synthetic agents, but with the help of natural components that help restore natural health, strength and youth.

Recently, a wonderful procedure called "cedar phyto barrel" has become very popular. After it, a pleasant feeling of cheerfulness appears, the mood rises. In Russia, several companies produce such equipment and supply it to the market. Those who have installed a miracle barrel at home have a unique opportunity to restore their strength after a day spent in worries without any hassle. But is this procedure suitable for everyone, and how should it be performed so as not to harm yourself?

Phyto barrel - what is it?

This newfangled device, in fact, is not for nothing that its analogues are Turkish hammam, Japanese ofuro, and our traditional Russian bathhouse, where steam is obtained by pouring clean water or herbal decoctions onto very hot stones. The cedar phyto barrel is designed for one person. They make it from cedar, because its wood releases phytoncides. They are able to kill bacteria, fungi and protozoa, that is, they have disinfecting properties. Inside such a mini-bath there is a bench, a side door for entering inside and a lid with a hole on top for the head. Steam is produced by a steam generator operating from a conventional network. Before starting the procedure, a decoction of herbs or pure water is poured into it. The temperature can be set according to the wishes of the client, but usually it is from 40 to 45. That, in fact, is the whole design.

Types of phyto barrels

Now mini-baths are made square, oval, in the form of chests, horizontal, but their correct shape is round, and their position is vertical. For the manufacture of barrels, old cedar trees are used. The production technology is different.

  1. Cooperage phytobarrel. a mini-bath is made from separate specially prepared planks, which the master, using various carpentry tools, tightly attaches one to the other, fixing with rivets and folds. Then he installs the bottom and fastens everything with metal hoops. Sometimes wooden hoops are also used. The job requires a lot of skill and time. The cooper barrel is considered the highest quality, durable and environmentally friendly.
  2. Joiner's phytobarrel. What it is? The carpentry technology is simpler, so the bulk of the mini-baths offered for general sale are made in this way. Craftsmen sawing cedar boards on the machines, from which the finished product is assembled. For fastening, various parts and glue are used. Joiner's mini-baths are cheaper and short-lived.
  3. Dugout barrel. The manufacturing technology is quite laborious and unprofitable. Masters hollow out a barrel from the bottom of a tree trunk, and in volume it must be at least a meter.
  4. Chipped barrel. These products are considered exclusive and are very expensive. The master, working only with an ax, splits the parts of the tree trunk into logs, and then into boards, and all of them must belong to the same annual rings. From the boards obtained in this way, a barrel is assembled.

steam generator

The essence of the procedure in a miracle barrel is that steam is injected into a hermetically sealed container. Otherwise, there will be no effect. A steam generator for a phyto-barrel sometimes comes with the main product. If not, you need to buy it separately. The domestic market offers two types of steam generators:

  1. Stationary. It is fixed on the wall with special consoles.
  2. Mobile. Installed on the floor. This type is more practical and convenient, since no additional costs are required for drilling walls, installing fixtures.

Both floor and wall-mounted steam generators are:

  • Flowing. Connect to a water faucet. This is convenient from the side that it is not necessary to constantly monitor the amount of liquid in the evaporator chamber. The inconvenience is that additional pipes are required to connect the steam generator to the faucet and drain.
  • Bulk. They are more convenient at home, as they are not connected to a water source, which means that they do not require additional costs for pipes and can be installed anywhere. A bulk steam generator for a phyto-barrel can have a transparent container where water is poured. In this case, you can visually observe the liquid level. However, most models are equipped with sensors that turn off the heating elements if the liquid becomes less than the required amount.

The power consumption of any steam generator for a mini-bath should preferably be 2 kW.


How the phytobarrel will work largely depends on the type of steam generator. The procedure is more comfortable if you do not need to monitor the water level and temperature.

Components of the steam generator:

  • A container filled with water.
  • Heating element (heater). They are dry (installed in the body of the steam generator, outside the liquid tank) and water. The first ones are more practical, since their work does not depend on them, they do not require the installation of cleaning filters, they are easier to maintain.
  • Container for herbs and essential oils.
  • Temperature control panel. Sometimes buttons are installed on the body of the steam generator. Some models have an automatic device to control the temperature of the supplied steam.

Principle of operation

As mentioned above, a small steam bath or sauna is a phytobarrel. What is it and how does it work? Everything is very simple. All you need is:

  • Pour water into the container of the steam generator and decoction of the herbs into the container.
  • Set the desired temperature setting.
  • Plug in the steam generator.
  • Remove clothing. Some bathe naked, but you can also in a bathing suit.
  • Go into the barrel and sit on the bench.
  • Close side door and top cover. At the same time, the head remains outside, only the body is exposed to steam.

If there is someone else in the house during the procedure, you can ask to close the gap in the lid that remains around the neck with a towel. So there will be no extra heat loss. All. You can sit and enjoy.

Ten heats the water in the tank to a boil. The steam goes through the tube to the barrel.

After the procedure, you need to take a shower to wash off all the dirt that has been released through the pores.

Why a phyto barrel for healthy people

This procedure has become unusually popular only in recent years, although doctors used it as early as the beginning of the 20th century in the treatment of soldiers from Volyn fever. Only barrels then were oak. In the late 60s of the same century, the hereditary herbalist Praskovya Losevskaya revived the tradition. She treated people with a barrel of many diseases, for which she used special herbal preparations. But just with pure water, many benefits bring numerous customers only enthusiastic.

With it you can:

  • remove toxins and other impurities from the body;
  • reduce weight with regular use;
  • relieve stress, fatigue;
  • cheer up.

Steamed cedar boards fill the room with a coniferous aroma, which further enhances the effect, helps to relax and unwind.

Almost every healthy person is suitable for a phytobarrel. There are only contraindications for:

  • acute headache;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • pregnancy (or steam temperature should be low).


If you use properly selected herbal preparations, a phytobarrel helps with a lot of ailments. Patient reviews confirm that the procedure helps to overcome many ailments. It helps with:

  • colds (if there is no high temperature);
  • problems with joints, muscles, bones;
  • dermatitis, diathesis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • neurosis, insomnia, stress;
  • some diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduced immunity.

If you allow the steam to reach the neck (make a special bandage), you can treat the cervical vertebrae. However, not all patients are suitable for phytobarrel. Contraindications are as follows:

  • oncological diseases;
  • weeping eczema;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • angina pectoris of the 2nd degree and above;
  • bleeding;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • atherosclerosis.

DIY phytobarrel

If there are no contraindications, and there is a desire to take a steam bath in a mini-bath for very little money, you can do it yourself. To do this, they make a barrel, which may not be round, but square (this is easier to make). The gaps between the boards are covered with a special sealant. At the bottom, a condensate pan is provided. The hardest part is the steam generator. Some simply put a container of water in a barrel and place a boiler in it. They wait until the temperature of the steam inside the structure reaches the desired one, turn off the boiler and begin to steam. It is more practical to make a steam generator from a canister, which must be connected to a barrel with a hose. In order not to burn yourself with steam, the hose is connected to a steam distributor (a tube with holes sealed in a circle). It is also desirable to have a thermostat and a temperature sensor. Such a phyto barrel, made by hand, is very cheap, but quite suitable for use. Who does not want to experiment with a steam generator, you can buy a ready-made one, and make only a barrel yourself.


In Russia, phyto barrels are mainly produced by Roskedr. Their products are of good quality and varied designs. Today, the most popular is the phyto barrel, the price of which, together with the steam generator, is 24-25 thousand rubles. There are exclusive samples worth up to 90 thousand. The price of an ordinary phyto-barrel without a steam generator is 16-17 thousand rubles. They are delivered to the client in a collapsible form. The company, in addition to delivery, also offers assembly, free installation of phyto-barrels, connection and introductory briefing. The cost of the procedure in the salon will be approximately 300-400 rubles.

Nice thing - a bath! Magic sensations of warmth, relaxation and purity. The beneficial effect of bath procedures can be significantly increased by steaming in a unique phyto barrel. In this article, we will tell you in detail what a phyto barrel is, find out how to choose and install it correctly in your own apartment.

Unusual bath. What is a phytobarrel

The healing properties of baths have been known since antiquity. To obtain the best healing effect from steaming, the people used medicinal herbs and fees. Taking into account all the healing properties of an ordinary bath, a unique remedy for healing the body, the phytobarrel, was invented.

This design got its name because of the exact resemblance to an ordinary wooden barrel, but the similarity ends there. Phytobarrel is a mini-bath for one person. It has a seating area, one or two doors and a hole for the head.

The main thing in the name is the “phyto-” component, which accurately indicates the meaning and the means used to influence the human body. The steam in the phyto barrel is saturated with carefully selected herbal medicines and aromatic oils. And this unique “structure” itself is healing. Usually phytobarrels are made from Siberian cedar wood. You can use other tree species, but the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved only from the use of cedar. This healing tree has unique bactericidal properties. Cedar resin is rightly called resin - it quickly heals wounds, is a good anesthetic. Cedar wood has a pleasant delicate aroma, rich in phytoncides. It is they who disinfect and heal the air in the room. There are a number of other important factors in favor of the use of cedar wood:

  • Wet resistance.
  • Shrinkage and cracking resistance.
  • Reduced thermal conductivity.
  • Excellent resistance to decay.

It is from such a magnificent tree that it is necessary to purchase a phyto-barrel for healing and strengthening the immunity of the whole family.

How does a phytobarrel work

The principle of operation of a phytobarrel is based on the creation of a phytoparosauna inside it. The person settles comfortably inside the barrel, the head remains outside. This is necessary to prevent overheating of the head and damage to the airways. The barrel doors are closed. Towels are placed around the person's neck to prevent steam from escaping.

The duration of the procedure is calculated individually, but should not exceed 15 minutes. Steam is supplied by a steam generator. The special healing property of such a bath procedure is achieved through the use of special herbal preparations.

Inside the cedar barrel, the human body is wrapped in healing steam, which dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow and sweating. The steam procedure stimulates the excretory system, due to which toxins and slags come out of the body together with sweat, at the same time the body is saturated with useful substances and phytoncides. The temperature of the phytosteam can be adjusted as desired. After the procedure, it is very good to drink herbal tea and lie down a little for a better effect on removing toxins from the body.

The whole family in a phytobarrel. The benefits of therapeutic steam

The use of phytobarrels is not only in the elimination of diseases and their prevention, an indisputable plus is its relaxing effect, which positively affects the emotional state of a person. Such herbal procedures create a rejuvenating effect, correct weight, and help get rid of cellulite. It should be noted that children from the age of three can also take procedures in a phytobarrel together with their parents.

Regular soaring in a phyto-barrel with the use of a carefully balanced herbal collection strengthens the immune system, promotes overall health of the body, maintains good muscle tone, normalizes metabolism, relieves fatigue and fills a person with vigor and vitality. The procedure of warming up with phytopar allows you to open the pores of the skin as much as possible. Essential oils contained in herbal steam not only cleanse the skin, but nourish and rejuvenate it. One procedure is enough to experience a pleasant healing effect.

In what cases does phytobank help best:

  • Strengthening the immune system and the cardiovascular system.
  • The necessary cleansing of the body of toxins.
  • Restoration and strengthening of the nervous system.
  • Getting rid of excess weight, rejuvenation of the body, getting rid of cellulite.

Rehabilitation from the consequences of injuries and other diseases of the articular-ligamentous, supporting apparatus. Normalization of the hormonal system. In case of pronounced diseases, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before using the phytobath.


It has a phyto-barrel and contraindications. Such procedures are not shown for:

  • severe heart disease;
  • thrombophlebitis of deep veins;
  • heart and respiratory failure III degree;
  • severe vascular diseases;
  • hypertension III degree;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • malignant formations;
  • during acute infectious and fungal diseases.

After suffering a heart attack and stroke, the use of phytopar is indicated no earlier than 4 months after the end of the acute period of the disease. It is not recommended to carry out procedures during pregnancy and allergies to oils and herbs.

Phyto barrel in the apartment. We install it ourselves

The dimensions of the phyto-barrel for individual use allow you to bring it into the apartment and install it in any chosen place.

The area occupied by the barrel is no more than 1.5 m 2. Following the instructions, it is easy to install the phyto barrel with your own hands. Installation does not require additional water supply or sewerage, which is why the health-improving phytodevice can be installed even in the bedroom.

Electricity consumption is not more than 2 kW / h, a bulk steam generator for a phyto-barrel does not need water supply and is connected to any room outlet. Depending on the model, the package includes a steam generator and a remote control.

Right choice

Phyto barrels are produced in different sizes and configurations, but the best are products that completely repeat the shape of the barrel, this is exactly what the inventor of this method, Losevskaya Praskovya Yakovlevna, claims. Phyto barrels of Praskovya are the most popular and in demand. When buying a phyto-barrel, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product - it should not have cracks, all doors should close well and hermetically. Regarding the outer color of the wood of the barrel, the opinions of buyers differ.

Some choose a lacquered phyto barrel, someone prefers uncoated wood for better distribution of the cedar aroma. This choice is up to the buyer. Much more important is how the cedar phyto barrel is processed inside. There is a small nuance here: it is required to protect the tree from constant exposure to steam and preserve the healing properties of cedar wood. Usually the bottom of cedar barrels is covered with beeswax, and the walls are impregnated with natural vegetable oils. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of the device, but also the wall thickness. Thin-walled barrels with a wall thickness of 20-25 cm are intended for those whose weight does not exceed 90 kg. Only a thick-walled barrel with a wall thickness of 40-45 cm can withstand more weight. The wall thickness does not affect the vapor retention of the barrel. For home use, a thin-walled barrel is enough.

The positive therapeutic and healing effect of the use of phytobarrels is undeniable. Due to its compact dimensions and minimal installation requirements, it can be installed in any apartment. Cedar equipment improves the microclimate in the room without having a harmful effect on the walls, ceiling and floor.