Seeing a beautiful, smart, healthy child is the desire of everyone who is next to him, who cares and cares about his future.

Dads and mothers, grandparents are constantly thinking about how, when and how much to do with a child in order to quickly teach him to walk, talk, read, count and write. These worries sometimes prevent you from noticing a faithful and reliable assistant nearby. Its name is movement.

Physiologists consider movement to be an innate human need. Its full satisfaction is especially important at early and preschool age, when all the basic systems and functions of the body are being formed. Doctors say that without movement, a child cannot grow up healthy, because movement is a barrier to any disease.

Movement is also a good teacher. Thanks to him, the world around him opens up to the baby in all its diversity. The memory, thinking, speech of the child will become more perfect if adults - parents, teachers take movement as their assistants. Scientists have established a direct relationship between the level of physical activity of children and their vocabulary, speech development, and thinking. Under the influence of physical exercises, physical activity in the body, the synthesis of biologically active compounds increases, which improve sleep, positively affect the mood of children, increase their mental and physical performance.

Work on the development of enrichment of the vocabulary of children is included in any form of physical education and recreation activities, taking into account the characteristics of age, health, and physical development of preschoolers. Any physical activity will not be the most interesting for a child without the use of speech in morning exercises, in physical education classes, in outdoor games, in independent motor activity; when performing hardening counters; word games; without a mobile game with a poetic text.

It is necessary to take care of the timely development of the child's speech from the first weeks of his life: to develop hearing, attention, talk, play with him, develop his motor skills.

The higher the motor activity of the child, the better his speech develops. The relationship between general and speech motility has been studied and confirmed by the studies of many leading scientists. When a child masters motor skills and abilities, coordination of movements develops. Movement learning occurs with the participation of speech. Precise, dynamic performance of exercises for the legs, trunk, arms, head prepares the improvement of the movements of the articular organs: lips, tongue, lower jaw, etc.

The development of subtle movements of the fingers is especially closely connected with the formation of speech. Hand movements, in particular exercises for the fingers, are a good stimulus not only for the timely (in the 2nd year of a child's life) appearance of speech, but also for its further improvement. Motor activity increases the vocabulary, contributes to their meaningful use. According to the famous philosopher Kant, “the hand is the protruding human brain”. Therefore, the level of speech development of a child is directly dependent on the degree of formation of subtle movements of the fingers of a person. It is necessary to use as often as possible in classes and games with children exercises for the development of fine motor skills, the so-called finger gymnastics.

Of particular interest to teachers should be motor-speech means. They should be used more often in classes with a dynamic pause, with the automation of sounds, with the development of skills to coordinate movements with speech. Select poems in such a way as to correlate the rhythm of the poetic line with the movements of the arms, legs, and torso. The length of the line should be average in order to pick up the appropriate movement to it.

Physical education classes with children with speech disorders are carried out in stages and sequentially. First, the basic movements are formed and developed: walking and running, jumping and balance. These exercises well strengthen and develop all the muscles of the body, improve the functioning of the respiratory system, and form a motor experience.

Depending on the predominant effect on individual muscle groups. General developmental exercises are divided into exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle, exercises for the legs and exercises for the body.
Exercises are carried out without objects and with objects (with balls, sticks, ribbons, ropes and flags). Building children in a line, column, circle, into teams contributes to a better orientation in space; in the process of restructuring, definitions and adverbs are better absorbed.

Exercises for the development of movement statics are included in the second half of the lesson, with great attention being paid to the correctness of the maintained posture. Games and exercises are carried out from various starting positions: standing, sitting and lying down.
Many children need special programs of physical education, which should include the whole range of somatic, intellectual and physical problems. It is precisely these requirements that are met by the method of working with correction balls, or phytoballs, the high efficiency of which has been evaluated over many years of work with preschoolers in kindergartens. Gymnastics with the use of phytoballs belongs to one of the types of fitness gymnastics. The ball has certain properties used for recreational, correctional and didactic purposes. This is the size, and color, and smell, and its special elasticity. The ball sends optimal information to all analyzers.

Children with speech disorders need to perform both traditional breathing exercises for training upper thoracic, lower thoracic and diaphragmatic breathing, as well as sound-speech gymnastics. It is especially effective to combine breathing and sound-speech gymnastics with exercises on balls, using their vibrational relaxation properties, as well as using music and singing together with movement.

Phytoball-gymnastics exercises are simple on the structure of movements. The development of each exercise is facilitated by music and poetic lines that teach the child to perform tasks in a certain rhythm, coordinating movements and speech. This technique is especially important for children with speech disorders.

Such a form of work as phytoball-tales is very interesting. For example, in the older group, they can be used as "invigorating exercises" after daytime sleep, as well as for corrective work on
development of connected speech.

Speech motor skills are formed gradually: from sound to sentence, in combination with basic movements (raising and lowering arms, turning and tilting the torso, swinging legs and squats).

Thus, the physical activity of children and compliance with the appropriate regimen play an important role in enriching the vocabulary of children. With a close relationship of the three components - speech, music and movement, the child's muscular apparatus is actively strengthened, his voice data develops; children's emotions, which, in turn, have a positive effect on the development of children's facial expressions. All this taken together allows you to increase the child's interest in classes and awaken his thought and imagination. Therefore, the combination of speech and movement with and without music is a very important component in the way of correcting children's speech and motor deficiencies.

In physical education classes, I try to help children master the development of not only large motor skills, but also fine motor skills, which are responsible for mental development and speech development.

In the classroom, I use poetic and musical accompaniment of exercises and games; chants; counting rhymes; artistic word; inventing fairy tales about sports equipment; We develop sensory, motor, visual perception.

With preschool children I use games with the use of speech development, which have many different stages: color perception, the concept of quantity, overcoming fear, mutual assistance (for example, games in a dry pool). In addition to games, I use ball techniques: slapping and tapping the number of syllables in a word. Also, in physical education classes and morning exercises, I use folklore material: nursery rhymes and jokes, counting rhymes and tongue twisters.

Children love it

Municipal state educational institution Mulymskaya secondary school

Consultation for teachers

"The effect of exercise

on the development of the speech of preschoolers.

Prepared by:

Physical education instructor

N.R. Bannikova

Mulymya village

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN BY MEANS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE work experience of the head of physical education Nikitina Irina Viktorovna State budgetary preschool educational institution child development center - kindergarten 49 of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg.

SPEECH is the most important creative mental function of a person, the area of ​​manifestation of the inherent ability of all people to know, self-organize, self-develop, to build their personality, their inner world through dialogue with other personalities, other worlds, other cultures.

Two-sided sun with letters and numbers Different tasks are given: - come up with a kind, polite word that begins with a sound ... - name a sport whose sports equipment has a sound in its name ... etc. Prefabricated pictures depicting various sports Children collect, name the sport and come up with a sentence, story, etc. Attributes for familiarizing children with traffic rules Attributes for the development of fine motor skills of hands

Developing games "Sports Lotto" Tasks: 1. We improve the ability of children to guess, come up with riddles 2. We develop evidence-based speech, logical thinking 3. We clarify ideas about the variety of sports equipment, its purpose and sports 4. We develop interest in sports "Pick up an athlete ..." Tasks: 1. Formation of ideas about various sports 2. We clarify the ideas and enrich the vocabulary of children at the expense of words denoting sports equipment 3. We develop speech-proof 4. Raise interest in sports

A lot of time is devoted to familiarizing children with the Olympic Movement, the work is carried out jointly with educators, the head of fine arts, music directors and, of course, with parents. Thematic week "Future Olympians" has passed. The next issue of the Zdoroveyka magazine dedicated to the Olympic Movement has been released for parents

OLYMPIC MOVEMENT presentation for children, teachers and parents The presentation includes: Illustrative material telling about the symbols of the Olympic movement, about winter and summer sports, about team and single sports Tasks are selected in such a way that the child develops coherent speech, the grammatical structure of speech, the vocabulary was enriched and preparations were made for literacy

FUTURE OLYMPIANS Tasks: -Develop children's speech by means of physical culture -Improve throwing sandbags at a horizontal target, crawling in a plastunsky way, running with a "snake", jumping over objects. - To consolidate knowledge about the Olympic Games, about the concept of pentathlon - To cultivate friendship, a sense of collectivism.

Journey to the Miracle Island leisure evening Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge in the field of "Cognition" through physical Culture Tasks: 1. Develop coherent, demonstrative speech 2. Develop speed qualities, dexterity 3. Improve the ability to concentrate on tasks in a rapidly changing environment (competitions ) 4. Raise the need for physical culture


“The native word is the basis of all mental development and the treasury of all knowledge: all understanding begins with it, passes through it and returns to it.”


Full development of children

in any of the educational


  • without speech
  • without communication
  • without communication


cognitive development

questions-answers, explanations, problem setting, clarification, reading.

Physical development

rules, commands, explanations

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic artistic images, poems, literary texts, discussions

Socio-communicative the use of speech means for the implementation of the intended tasks

Speech- this is a special type of activity, closely related to memory, thinking, imagination, emotions.

Formation of oral speech and speech communication skills with others on the basis of mastering the literary language of their people

Tasks of the educational area "SPEECH DEVELOPMENT":

  • possession of speech as a means of communication and culture;
  • enrichment of the active vocabulary, development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech, development of speech creativity;
  • development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;
  • acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;
  • formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy
  • P. 2.6 GEF DO

The main directions of work on the development of children's speech

Vocabulary Development :

Mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the statement, with the situation in which communication takes place

Education of sound culture speeches: development of perception of sounds of native speech and pronunciation

Formation of grammar building:

  • Morphology (changing words by gender, numbers, cases)
  • Syntax (learning different types of phrases and sentences)
  • word formation

Development of coherent speech:

  • Dialogic (colloquial) speech
  • monologue (narrative)

Formation of elementary understanding the phenomena of language and speech: distinguishing between sound and word, finding the place of sound in a word

Cultivating love and interest to the artistic word




  • Communicative
  • Game
  • Cognitive research
  • Perception of fiction and folklore

Early age: owns active speech included in communication; can address questions and requests, understands the speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys

6 - 7 years: the child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings, desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation, can distinguish sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy

  • Speech development tools
  • Teaching native speech in the classroom
  • Cultural language environment
  • Communication between adults and children
  • Fiction
  • Classes in other sections of the programs
  • visual arts, music, theater

Development of cognitive activity of preschoolers through environmental education


Children making up fairy tales about nature

Preparatory Group (THR)

Didactic game ecological orientation is used to solve all problems of speech development

Preparatory group (TNR)

nature poetry competition

Middle-senior group (TNR)

The development of speech of preschoolers with the help of folklore

Folklore - one of the most effective and vivid means of folk pedagogy, fraught with huge didactic possibilities

Introduction to different genres folklore helps solve problems

Middle-senior group (TNR)

Theatrical games allow you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation expressiveness of speech

Middle-senior group (TNR)

Children enjoy taking part in dramatization games according to the content of literary works

Speech environment for the child is the world of communication and thinking, and the main role in this world of speech culture is given to the adult.

It is on him that not only the speech capabilities of the child depend, but the attitude to the world around him, cognitive abilities and self-image.

  • Creative Group:
  • Dedova T.A.

The basis of education and training in the correctional group for children with OHP (general speech underdevelopment) is the mastery of speech, which includes not only its development, but also the correction of the child's deviations.

A prerequisite for the integration of motor and speech activity is the commonality of its control mechanisms. Integrated classes make it possible to solve problems both in the education and upbringing of children, and in expanding their motor activity. Such classes are built in the form of a game - the main activity of preschoolers. Various game tasks and exercises of a didactic and developmental nature are woven into one storyline; special exercises that contribute to the creation of a functional basis for the formation of a child's speech; speech tasks; exercises for coordination of speech with movement; outdoor games, as well as components of physical education classes.

Special exercises include elements of finger, articulation and breathing exercises. Finger gymnastics is performed in combination with other movements (with walking, including on the spot, elementary exercises for arms and legs). It promotes the development of manual skill, fine motor skills, coordination, memory, imagination and speech. Preschoolers often have imperfect speech breathing, which is characterized by very weak inhalation and exhalation. In this case, breathing exercises with an emphasis on exhalation can help.

In integrated classes, static and dynamic loads should be rationally combined, which is especially important for preschool children. And they are built on the basis of the material covered, as a summary.

Integrated classes contribute to the expansion of the range of motor skills and abilities, improve coordination of movements, orientation in space, sense of rhythm; develop basic mental processes, memory, attention, thinking.

Far from always, teachers use exercises in their practice to increase the motor activity of children. This is especially true for children with speech disorders. An increase in the motor activity of preschoolers is possible both by changing the methodology for conducting physical education classes, and by using non-standard equipment in physical education classes. When using it, motor skills and abilities are quickly formed. Such equipment allows you to solve the most complex tasks, as it can quickly and easily transform into various types of simulators. Non-standard equipment is often used to develop a sense of balance, form the correct posture, and prevent the development of flat feet. And most importantly, it causes a positive emotional mood in the child, interest in exercises.

In our kindergarten, in speech therapy groups, in the gym there is a sufficient amount of diverse and beautifully designed non-standard physical culture and sports equipment. Most often it is used during corrective gymnastics after sleep. The teachers themselves observe a positive dynamics of speech skills in children involved in physical education with unusual objects. These can be: wiping, self-massage, exercises for the prevention of flat feet.

I will give an example of two physical education and speech classes for older preschoolers.

"Journey to the Island"

  • To teach children to perform general developmental exercises in accordance with the text, rhythm;
  • To consolidate the performance of the main types of movements consciously, quickly and deftly;
  • Develop coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, breathing;
  • To form figuratively - spatial thinking;
  • Develop articulatory apparatus, clear diction, rate of speech and speech hearing;
  • To instill interest in physical education and sports.

Equipment: basket; pictures of mushrooms; toy squirrel; balls with "spikes"; cones; treat "mushrooms"; rope; swedish wall; gymnastic and inclined benches; gymnastic sticks and hoops - 4 pcs.; tunnel.

Course progress.

Children enter the gym.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you like to travel? Today we will go to a distant island, where adventures, obstacles and meetings await us. You are ready? We will travel by plane. (Does breathing exercises.) The clock shows that there is little time left. Ready? Let's check if our plane is in working order. “Purge the engines”, press the “buttons”, fill the tank with fuel.

The children are doing the exercises. "Watch" - sitting, energetically tilt their head either to the right or to the left shoulder, trying to touch it with their ear, with the words "tic-tac". Up to 15 times. “Purge engines” - sitting, breathe only through the left nostril, close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand, the rest of the fingers look up. The same on the other side. "Buttons" - alternately sort out the fingers, connecting them into a ring with the thumb. In forward and reverse order, each hand separately. Each click is clicked with a tongue.

Physical instructor: Ready to fly? Crew, take your seats!

Children stand one after another in one line along the edge of the hall.

Turn right, march forward!

Together we walk in step

Directly to the airfield.

They walk on their toes with their hands up.

And then on the heels.

We checked your posture

And brought the shoulder blades together.

They walk on their heels, keeping their hands on their belts.

We start the motors

Perform circular movements with straight arms.

We put our hands apart

We get a plane.

They run in a straight line.

Show how planes fly: spread your arms to the sides like wings, and at the signal "One, two, three - fly!" run in a circle one after another, shaking your arms - wings. At the command "One, two, three - sat down!" squat.

The children are doing the exercise.

Wing to and fro

Do one and do two.

Children jump in a lateral canter in the forward and reverse directions. Move to a calm step and stop.

Good run, cheer up! Not tired? Well done!

Speech therapist: Here we are on the island. Various trees and shrubs grow here, there are a lot of them. The island is big. Let's take a walk.

Physical instructor:

We're going on a hike now

We go along the path into the forest,

We put our hands behind our back

And we go along the log!

Children take turns following each other along the rope, holding their hands behind their backs.

Friendly on the steep coast

We rise in a crowd.

One by one they climb one gymnastic wall up and go down the other.

We lined up in the back of the head,

Raised up on toes

We climbed the bridge

Here we crossed the river.

They walk along the gymnastic inclined and straight benches, spreading their arms to the sides.

We walk in a group across the meadow,

Suddenly we meet a swamp.

They walk, stepping over gymnastic sticks.

Let's cross the barrier

And on bumps -

Jump - jump - jump!

Jump from hoop to hoop.

We climbed into the cave

Together, everyone counted to three,

And we get the basket.

They jump up and take the basket off the shelf.

Speech therapist:

We are summer, we are autumn

Miracles always come.

And the mushrooms that the forest gives -

This is a miracle of miracles.

So the basket came in handy, we will look for mushrooms. But only the one who will name a related word to the word "mushroom" will find it.

The children are doing the task. For the named word, the child receives a picture of a mushroom.

Did you recognize the mushrooms? Everyone will name which mushroom they found. In our basket we will collect only edible mushrooms. Why are some mushrooms left? Why are they called inedible?

Children answer questions.

Guys, I hear someone crying.

The children come up to the tree.

There is a hollow in the pine tree.

It's warm in the hollow.

And who is in the hollow

Live in warmth?

Physical instructor (in the hands of a toy squirrel):

And a squirrel lives there,

Squirrel - karelochka,

Fidget - fidget,

Like beads, eyes.

Speech therapist: Why are you crying, baby?

physical instructor (on behalf of the squirrel): While I was preparing supplies, someone broke my house. How can I spend the winter now, where to store supplies? (Crying.)

Speech therapist: Don't worry, the guys and I will fix your house.

Children perform the exercises "hammer", "saw", "fence - pipe - window".

physical instructor (on behalf of the squirrel): Thanks guys! Now I can save my supplies.

Speech therapist: Squirrel, what reserves are you talking about?

Physical instructor: I collect nuts, cones and mushrooms.

Speech therapist: We know your nuts. Do you want us to show how we can play with them?

Children perform exercises with balls with "spikes".

Repeat with the speech therapist:

I hold the ball in my hand

I clench my fist.

I squeeze, I squeeze

And I roll with my hands.

We also wanted to help you collect cones.

physical instructor (on behalf of the squirrel): Thanks guys for the help. Take a treat from me. (He treats children with chocolate mushrooms.)

Speech therapist: Guys, our journey has come to an end. Now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Physical instructor: Crew, take your seats. We start motors. Let's fly!

Children walk one after another with their arms outstretched.

"Journey with Pinocchio to the Field of Miracles"

  • Improve phonemic hearing, lexical and grammatical means of the language (coordination of numerals with nouns)
  • Syllabic analysis of words;
  • connected speech;
  • Develop coordination of speech and movement;
  • General motor skills, attention;
  • Practice running with tasks and throwing the ball to each other;
  • Strengthen the skill of walking on different surfaces;
  • Cultivate respect for peers.
  • Exercise in climbing on the gymnastic wall;
  • Improve motor skills and abilities (running with shin whipping back, walking on toes, heels, on a rope with balls, walking on steppes, along ribbed paths, crawling);
  • Develop physical qualities and interest in physical exercises).

Material: ABC, text of the riddle, ball, cards with letters, toys, school supplies, music from the fairy tale about Pinocchio, soft modules, steps, a rope with multi-colored balls attached to it, a hoop on a stand, a Swedish wall.

Course progress.

Children enter the gym, the alphabet is on the bench.

The teacher of the speech therapy group takes the alphabet.

Educator: Look guys, someone left a book here. What is it called?

Children read the title of the book ABC. The teacher opens the book on the bookmark.

Educator: Here is a riddle. If you solve it, you will know whose book it is.

Father has a strange boy

Unusual wooden.

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key.

Everywhere the nose sticks its long

Who is this?

Children answer: Pinocchio!

Educator: We divide the word Pinocchio into syllables with claps. Boo-ra-ti-but. How many syllables are in a word? Which syllable begins with a soft consonant? Guys, remember what adventures happened to Pinocchio.

A physical instructor dressed as Pinocchio enters.

Pinocchio: Hello guys! You found my alphabet, thank you! I am going on a journey to the Field of Miracles and invite you to come with me. The path will be difficult, but together we will overcome all obstacles and all difficulties. Before we go on a long journey, we will do a warm-up. March one after another!

To the music, children follow Pinocchio on toes, on the inner arch of the foot, with a side step, easily running, perform open switch with dumbbells.

Pinocchio: Well, are you ready to go with me?

Approach the obstacle course. Children following Pinocchio perform tasks to the music.

Pinocchio: First, we will cross the swamp over bumps. You need to walk on them from one to ten ( walk along the steppes with wide steps, on the steppes the numbers are from one to ten). Then you have to go through a dense forest, where there are a lot of fallen trees. Through some of them you need to climb or climb, and crawl under others ( climb over, crawl through soft modules, hoops). Here is a narrow stream. A ribbed bridge is thrown over it. We walk along the ribbed path, hands behind our heads.

Children go twice. The teacher gathers the children in a circle.

Educator: In order for us to get to the Field of Miracles together, we need to teach Pinocchio to count.

The teacher throws the ball to the children, the children name what it is in a row: the first ball, the second ball, and so on.

Pinocchio: Thank you, I understand how to count. Let's go further on the road. Look, a fast river runs in front of us, across which a narrow bridge is thrown. You have to be careful or you might fall into the water.

Children walk in a stream of side steps along colored balls.

Stop! Before us is a high mountain, we need to overcome it.

They climb the gymnastic wall, with the transition to the next span.

Guys, we're getting close! You are great!

The teacher arranges the children in a circle.

Educator: You have overcome many obstacles. Pinocchio saw how strong and dexterous you are. Now let him see that you are also attentive.

In a toy hoop. Children from the separation take cards on which letters are depicted. To the music they go around the hoop, examining the toys. The music stops, the children take a toy whose name begins with the sound indicated by the sound indicated by the letter on their card.

Educator: Take a toy whose name begins with the sound indicated on your card by the letter. Show each other cards and toys. Check with each other. Nastya, divide the name of your toy into syllables, stomping. Seryozha, walk the name of your toy, dividing it into syllables. Let's all jump together, dividing the name of Danila's toy into syllables.

Pinocchio: It's great, guys, how smart you all are and can do everything. I, too, will go to school, and I will also be able to know everything. But I know an interesting outdoor game.

The game is a "trap with ribbons."

Educator: Guys, you've been doing a lot of different things, let's get our breath back.

Breathing exercise "sunny bunny" - close your lips, stretching your arms forward, connect your hands, inhale through your nose. On the count of "three" "release the bunny." Open your palms, blow on them, making your lips a tube. Breathe only through your nose. 2 - 3 times.

Educator: Soon you will go to school, and in the morning you will be woken up by an alarm clock. Let's do an alarm clock breathing exercise.

"Alarm Clock" - Close your lips, inhale through your nose. Slightly shaking with straight arms below, on the exhale we pronounce "jin". 2 - 3 times.

Pinocchio: Here we are on the Field of Miracles, now I will dig out a bag that I once buried.

Pinocchio takes out a bag, pours out coins. They examine them with children, thank the children for helping them get to the Field of Miracles and give them coins. Says goodbye and leaves. The children return to the group.

It is important to saturate physical education classes with speech material, include outdoor games with rhymes, round dance games with singing. After all, it is known that the poetic form attracts children with liveliness, emotionality, setting them up for the game without special settings. If we take into account that children with speech disorders have unstable attention, low working capacity, poor switchability, then the rational inclusion of exercises with speech material plays a significant role in the correctional work of the educational process.

An integrated approach to the organization of the educational process in preschool institutions is being developed by many specialists who define it as one of the ways to achieve the quality of education, its renewal and effectiveness in the development of the child's personality, and the preservation of his health. As a deeper form of interconnection, interpenetration of various sections of the upbringing and education of children, it should cover all types of children's activities.

Integration- unification into a whole, some parts or elements in the process of development.

Integrating physical education and speech development, children's fantasy is activated, creative abilities develop in the process of motor activity, skills to act in a team develop, an emotional mood is created to develop interest and desire to play sports, correct breathing is formed, and phonemic hearing develops.

A preschooler learns the world, masters speech, space-time connections of objects and phenomena with the help of movements. The role of mobile exercises for the formation of fine motor skills, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, memory, perception, activity of auditory and visual analyzers is invaluable.

Physical exercises and games have a comprehensive, complex effect on the child's body, contribute not only to the physical, but also to the moral, mental, labor and aesthetic education of preschoolers. With the help of various game movements and situations, a preschooler learns the world, masters speech, receives new information and knowledge.

Children love games, especially mobile ones, so they always perform with pleasure during physical education sessions all tasks in which the rhythm of speech determines the rhythm of movements.

Conducting speech physical exercises, during which various movements are combined with the word, is especially important for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. With their systematic implementation, speech deficiencies are corrected, the existing vocabulary is activated, and muscle activity develops naturally and unobtrusively.

Motor exercises in combination with speech coordinate the movements of certain muscle groups (arms, legs, head, body) of the child with his speech. In addition, motor activity as a switch to a new activity provides a kind of (active) rest for the child, increases his mental performance, prevents fatigue, promotes the development of mobility of nervous processes, and creates a balanced neuropsychic state in preschoolers.

For the successful organization of speech physical exercises, a purposeful selection of speech material, an accessible set of motor exercises is necessary. It is advisable to include, during physical education sessions, breathing exercises, psycho-gymnastics, musical accompaniment, elements of logorhythm (beat a certain beat, change the pace, character, direction of movement depending on the nature of the music), singing, speech games.

In the organization of physical education minutes, it must be borne in mind that the exercises must meet the following requirements:

Be simple in structure, interesting and familiar to children, convenient to perform in a limited area;

Include movements that involve large muscle groups and improve the functional activity of all organs and systems (to relax the muscles of the hands, to develop fine motor skills);

Emotional and quite intense (jumps, squats, turns and tilts of the torso and head, running and walking in place);

Associated with the content of classes (with work on the sound being studied, on a specific lexical topic or grammatical category), and movements and texts should be accessible to children.

The game element stimulates children to new successes, arouses interest and joyful expectation of subsequent events. Since motor exercises are accompanied by speech, it is advisable to select material for pronunciation and sets of exercises for pronouncing the text in accordance with the speech capabilities of preschoolers and taking into account their age.

To successfully solve the problems of physical development, it is necessary to use knowledge in other educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Labor", etc. The final integrated events are carried out using some educational areas - 1 time per quarter.

Integrated physical education activities allow the child to apply and consolidate their knowledge and skills in all educational areas in a playful way close to real life.

A prerequisite for the integration of motor and speech activity is the commonality of its control mechanisms. Various game tasks and exercises of a didactic and developmental nature are woven into one storyline, special exercises that help create a functional basis for the formation of a child's speech; speech tasks; exercises for coordination of speech with movement, outdoor games, as well as components of physical education classes. Special elements include finger, articulation and breathing exercises.

Finger gymnastics is performed in combination with other movements (with walking, including on the spot, elementary exercises for arms and legs). It promotes the development of manual skill, fine motor skills, coordination, memory, imagination and speech. Attention should be paid to the fact that preschoolers often have imperfect speech breathing, which is characterized by a very weak inhalation and exit. In this case, breathing exercises with an emphasis on exhalation can help, as well as neuroyoga - a new health-improving and necessary system of exercises for the full development of the brain, combining both neuropsycho-correctional techniques and yoga, which allows you to seriously train not only the body, but also the brain .

Integrated classes contribute to the expansion of the range of motor skills and abilities, improve coordination of movements, orientation in space, a sense of rhythm, develop basic mental processes, memory, attention, and thinking.