The topic of USAID's "withdrawal" from our political space opens the eyes of many to the fact that this organization was not engaged in "good deeds" at all on the territory of our country. Recently, I had the opportunity to become a listener of the broadcast "Vesti.FM" just on this topic. Among the guests in the studio was MGIMO professor, doctor of political sciences Elena Ponomareva. It is interesting to hear such an authoritative person for the first time in my life and realize how similar her position is. As usual, the USAID leadership is all former CIA and NATO members. And, of course, most of all they want to "help" the people of Russia in achieving a "bright future."

Recently, Elena's publication in the Svobodnaya Mysl magazine called "Secrets of the Color Revolutions". It describes in some detail the scheme of how "protest leaders" are recruited for the purpose of subsequent manipulation of public opinion and the implementation of well-known scenarios.

Two parts of the article can be downloaded in PDF from the links:

Below is a fragment of how agents of influence are recruited:

The human factor of "color revolutions"

The success of "color revolutions" is 80 percent dependent on the human factor. “The more professionals there are in the ranks of the conspirators, the more friendly people in the enemy camp (informants, “figures of influence”, accomplices), the higher their chances of success.” That is why the role and importance of the human factor in the "color revolutions" is enormous. But where do the local “colored” enthusiasts and coordinators come from? Why are they ready to work against their country with foreign money?

In fact, everything is very simple: the most important players in the CR are recruited. As one of the ideologists of the Illuminati, the German writer Baron Adolf von Knigge, who lived in the 18th century, said, “everything can be done from a person, you just have to approach him from a weak side.” The recruitment process includes three main stages of working with the "object".

The first stage can be conditionally called "revealing". Based on what kind of information is required to be obtained (or what actions are required to be provided), all persons possessing such information (capable of the necessary actions) are identified. Among them, the most desirable for recruitment are determined. And already from this circle of persons, several (at least one) are chosen as objects of the latter.

The second stage is the choice of recruitment methods. Having comprehensively studied the "objects", they are given an extremely accurate political and moral-psychological assessment in order to determine their "pain points", as well as methods of pressure on these points and the permissible limits of such pressure.

The third stage is “development”, that is, the recruitment process itself. The recruitment operation is a fairly long cycle that requires a high level of intellectual support. At its first stage, informants and analysts play the main role. Their task is to find those people who meet the above requirements (conditions). At the same time, the leaders of the middle and senior management of the security agencies and the armed forces, as well as authorized figures in the structures of power, are of the greatest interest to the conspirators18. Equally important, and sometimes even more important, is the recruitment of workers on the “ideological front”—journalists, scientists, publicists, and now even bloggers who identify themselves as intellectuals. In Russia, in all revolutions without exception, the intelligentsia played a special role. As S. N. Bulgakov wrote, the revolution is "the spiritual brainchild of the intelligentsia." I will give only some facts of the close work of the Russian opposition under the "roof" of Western services.

On December 23, 2002, the National Passport Center in Portsmouth (USA) issued a passport number 710160620 to one of the oldest “fighters against the regime” in Russia, Lyudmila Alekseeva. In addition to granting American citizenship, the facts of financing the activities of this “revolutionary” are much more important. In particular, her activity is paid for by the Ford and MacArthur Foundations, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Open Society Institute in company with the European Union. Last year alone, the NED, already mentioned in the previous article, provided US citizen L. Alekseeva with two grants totaling $105,000 for her work in Russia21. In addition to cash injections from American foundations, which are received by hundreds of non-governmental organizations created in Russia, the so-called vanity mechanisms are used. For example, the right person can be invited to meetings of the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Club (A. Chubais, L. Shevtsova, E. Yasin) or given the position of a leading researcher, say, the Royal Institute of International Affairs - better known as Chatham House (L. Shevtsova) .

In this row is A. Navalny's "hit" in the list of 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. The same list includes US President B. Obama and his main rival in the 2012 elections M. Romney, German Chancellor A. Merkel, Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah A. Khamenei, IMF head K. Lagarde, investor W. Buffett.

The company, as they say, is necessary. Moreover, the magazine does not distribute the persons involved in its hundred of influence in places and does not assign ratings, which further adds to the significance of being included in it. Navalny's personality deserves more attention.

In 2006, the project "Yes!" Navalny and Masha Gaidar started financing NED. After that, the most famous blogger in Russia today accumulated, as some of his biographers suggest, 40 thousand dollars (in his own words) on Internet trading, for which he bought several shares in a number of large Russian companies with a high share of state ownership. So Navalny received the status of a minority shareholder and a platform for his anti-corruption investigations. Under very strange circumstances, in 2010, Navalny was accepted to study at Yale University under the Yale World Fellows program. Out of more than a thousand applicants, only 20 people were selected - presumably the most promising.

Among the teachers of this program were the veteran of the British Foreign Office Lord Malloch-Brown and the staff of the Open Society Institute. World Fellows is financed by the Starr Foundation of Maurice R. ("Hank") Greenberg, former president of insurance giant American International Group (AIG), who received a giant injection from George W. Bush. and B. Obama in 2008-2009. According to the experts of the Executive Intelligence Review under the leadership of L. LaRouche, Grinberg and his firm C.V. Starr has been involved in “regime change” (coups) for a very long time, starting with the overthrow of President Marcos in the Philippines in 1986.

Navalny himself writes that Masha Gaidar advised him to apply for the program, and he received recommendations from leading professors at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. By the way, Navalny started his anti-corruption campaign against Transneft from New Haven (that is, directly from Yale University). Interesting remarks about Navalny's psychotype. So, in public, he gives the impression of a split personality, and online - openness itself. However, when his mailbox on was hacked and correspondence with the US Embassy and the National Endowment for Democracy regarding his funding was published, he admitted that the letters were genuine. He tries to disarm his interlocutors with questions like “do you think that I work for the Americans or for the Kremlin?” Most likely, he will turn out to be expendable material for his sponsors, but so far the activities of Navalny and his closest “comrades-in-arms” look like an excellent illustration of J. Sharp's manual.

But back to the recruitment process. The Americans have developed a unique and very effective recruiting formula - MICE. Its name is derived from the first letters of the words: "Money - Ideology - Compromise - Ego" ("Money - Ideology - Compromise - Ego").

It is obvious that within any social group it is possible to identify a sufficient number of people who are dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs, who are in fact in opposition to the authorities. In moral and psychological terms, all of them are suitable for recruitment, the only question is which of these people recruiters need. Finally, after the object of recruitment is defined and comprehensively studied, the recruiter himself comes into play. Thanks to his work, the scriptwriters of the CR can be given access to secret political, economic and military information, and a “beacon” has been created, a center of attraction for all the dissatisfied. As for the process of finding the “right” people, there are several mandatory rules in this matter.

For example, back in 1973, the US Department of Defense issued the Dissident Control Program, which lists the characteristics that define a dissident. With its help, you can identify potential targets for recruitment among military personnel not only in the United States, but also in other countries. Here are some signs of "dissidents" among the military: - frequent complaints to sergeants, officers, journalists or congressmen about living conditions, unfair treatment, etc.; - attempts to contact, bypassing the immediate superiors, to someone with stories about their problems; - participation in unsanctioned meetings, the creation of groups to express collective protests, participation in demonstrations, in agitation, simulation of illness; - frequent small acts of defiance or insolence, such as avoiding a military salute, slow execution of orders, etc .; - unauthorized access to military premises of civilians or attendance at their rallies outside the unit; — distribution of underground or banned publications; - dissident inscriptions carried out secretly on buildings, vehicles, property; - destruction or damage to state (military) property; - defiant behavior in connection with the presentation of symbols of power (for example, during the performance of the national anthem, the removal of the flag, the speech of the first persons of the state on television or radio, etc.); - inflating small incidents, exaggerating their scale and consequences, spreading rumors.

Similar criteria for identifying "dissidents" exist for purely civilians. The year 2006, when the new mistress of the US State Department, Condoleezza Rice, announced the new political tasks of her department, can be considered a milestone in the intensification of the work of the United States with the dissatisfied in the target countries. From that moment on, one of the most important responsibilities of every American diplomat has become "the involvement of foreign nationals and the media in advancing US interests abroad."

Thus, back in 2006, the requirement of direct intervention in the internal affairs of the host state was officially introduced into the practice of American diplomacy. U.S. diplomats must now "not only analyze policies and determine their outcomes, but also implement programs ... to help foreign citizens build democracy, fight corruption, open businesses, improve health care, and reform education."

So one should not be surprised at the behavior of M. McFaul - he is following the instructions of the US State Department and promoting the interests of his country. At the same time, Russia, like any other sovereign state, has the right to defend its interests. And with all the means available to this state. Including the suppression of the activities of the "fifth column", dissidents and objectionable diplomats. Is a “color revolution” possible in Russia? "Color revolutions" do not happen by themselves, without the presence of appropriate prerequisites and without the required conditions, but most importantly - without serious preparation and significant efforts. Therefore, in order to answer the question “Is a “color revolution” possible in Russia?”, it is necessary to give the most clear and tough assessment of the socio-economic and political conditions and prerequisites, as well as the role of the dissident public and the “fifth column”. Only the most complete and exhaustive knowledge of the situation in the country, of the existing problems and challenges can enable the authorities to effectively deal with the "colored" tsunami.

Moreover, in this case, we are talking not only about strict state control over the activities of Western funds engaged in subversive activities on the territory of Russia. But first of all, about serious changes in the country's development model, since this is the only way to deprive the "revolutionaries" of support. If there are prerequisites, then theoretically in any state the implementation of the CR scenario is possible, in the absence of these, consideration of such a course of events, even hypothetically, is meaningless. The conditions, however, transfer the possibility of the emergence of a "color revolution" and its success from a theoretical plane to a practical one.

"Color revolutions" do not happen by themselves, without the presence of appropriate prerequisites and without the required conditions, but most importantly - without serious preparation and significant efforts.

If these conditions are not enough, then the CR will remain a potential opportunity of tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and not a factor of actual politics today. Among the internal prerequisites and conditions of the CR, the following can be singled out: — “an authoritarian or pseudo-democratic state structure that significantly limits the possibilities for representatives of various social groups to enter the dominant social force and the ruling group”; - the presence of a wide layer of the population dissatisfied with the existing order, the so-called basic group, from which participants in mass non-violent events are recruited; - dissatisfaction of the majority of the population with the level of benefits and opportunities offered by the ruling group, within the framework of the existing social, political and economic structure, in comparison with the expected ones.

In this case, the population actively or passively supports the idea of ​​a “color revolution”; - the absence or weak control by the authorities over the reference sources of the CR - NGOs, the media, Internet resources; - the presence in the ruling group of supporters of the "color revolution" and a strong single opposition center headed by authoritative leaders; - the absence of a legitimate political leader capable of uniting the healthy forces of society against the CR virus. At the moment, Russia does not have this set of conditions. As some analysts rightly point out, the ability of the leaders of the “colored” movement in Russia to organize large-scale, long-term and coordinated mass actions is also highly questionable. Thus, it can be stated with a certain degree of certainty that at present there is no basic group for the CR in Russia. In addition, supporters of "color" changes do not have a wide representation in the domestic state apparatus. At the same time, there are serious social and economic problems in the country. And the possibility of a new “color” pressure depends on the degree and speed of their solution. More than two thousand years ago, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said: "It is necessary to restore order when there is no turmoil yet." It is obvious that this statement characterizes the present in the best possible way. If there is order in the state, then the realization of the interests of external interests is not terrible for him. If this order does not exist, then the viruses of the revolution have fertile ground. It breaks where it's thin. Perhaps this is the most important secret of the “color revolutions”.

Why does the husband of the English queen dream of becoming a deadly virus?

What mental illnesses do members of the families that rule the world suffer from? Why do Russians not fit into the plans of the world elites? What people are considered the most suitable as slaves for the "golden billion"? Why can't Russia do without corruption? How are Russians different from Brazilians and Indians? Why will Russians never accept the results of the "privatization" of the 1990s? Why are the strongest information blows delivered against the Russian tradition? Well-known Russian historian and publicist, full member of the International Academy of Sciences, Andrey Ilyich Fursov at the School of Analytics class, he shares classified information.

- I have a friend - a hereditary psychiatrist, who headed a psychiatric hospital in St. Petersburg for fifteen years. He is a brilliant analyst who has combined two occupations - political and clinical analysis. He does mental health ten to twenty families, who rule the world. In the six largest families out of the first ten, there are a large number of people with mental disabilities, which can be described as sociopathymisanthropy. They are not misanthropes, but sociopaths, experiencing a feeling of active dislike for people, resulting in certain actions. It looks like this. For example, Chubais is told that 30 million will die. He replied: “They didn’t fit into the market”. This state of affairs is serious when there are means to implement misanthropic actions. With these funds, the Royal House of Great Britain created, through front structures, the Wildlife Protection Society, which proclaimed the motto "The earth is tired of people". All this is supervised by the husband of Queen Elizabeth, the father of Charles. The Duke stated that “I would like to return to Earth with a deadly virus in order to rid it of an excess number of eaters once and for all ...”

Just today, I had to answer on the Eye of the Planet portal a question that came from people: does the world elite have any kind of ideology or religion? I answered that yes: there is such a quasi-ideology, a quasi-religion - satanic environmentalism. "Ecologism" is an attempt to free the Earth from excess population. In our country, it seems, Chubais said that by the end of the 21st century, 2 billion people should remain on the planet. Unlike the "theory of the golden billion" (in general), Chubais "became generous" by 2 billion. Inside information was leaked about who should be left as the second billion for servants.

Who could it be? Chinese? They are hardworking, but if they have a leader who says: "Beat!", They will follow him. Arabs? Not! They cannot work. They are being used now to create a "booze", and then actually drive them into the ghetto, cut off from energy - and that's it. Indians! They are ideal, because the "immutability" of the existence of the caste system "ingrained" in their consciousness. In the east, only in India did parliamentary democracy take root, since the caste system predetermined the performance of all the “dirty work”.

Imagine a congress of the Communist Party of India (it has three parts, organized according to the caste principle - upper, middle and lower). Having gathered, the members of the Communist Party denounce the caste system. During their lunch break, they go out through four different exits and eat at different places. On the other hand, if the caste system is now abolished in India, massacres will begin among them - the caste system "holds" India. This, when some evil performs a "positive" function, often happens. For example, our leaders say without hesitation: “Corruption is a system-forming element of society in our country”(words by Medvedev). If this is so, then, firstly, corruption is no longer corruption, but something else. Secondly, it turns out that if we remove corruption, the country will collapse.

Another example. I have acquaintances from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who specialize in constant contacts with the leaders of criminal groups, since crime is also a kind of way to control society. Friends said that in the mid-90s, the leaders of criminal groups were seriously concerned about the possible collapse of Russia. Proceeding from their economic interests, ideologically they turned out to be patriots of their country. The most important thing for them was exclusion of foreign capital.

Let's go back to the caste system. Indians seem to be ideal slave workers, since they have not formed in their minds the concept of such a value as social justice. This is a psychologically extremely depressed country: Indians take social injustice for granted, caste predetermined. Brazilians (and all Latin Americans), by the way, perceive social injustice as an individual, personal failure, from which your children can “jump out”. Because in Latin America, poverty is very funny. India should not be judged by their films. The faces of Indian actors are mostly white, because this respected profession in India is practiced by people of the highest caste - Brahmins. The Kapoor family belongs to a caste slightly lower than the Brahmins. The famous actor Bachchan is from the highest caste.

Cinema means a lot more to Indians than Hollywood. Regardless of the conditions, in which sheds in Mumbai they shoot their films, nevertheless, they completely control their film market. Cinema in India - a means of managing social processes: it replaces reality for Indians and relieves social tension. I was told by Indian sociologists and political scientists that the film Slumdog Millionaire, which appeared at a time of rising social tension, helped to “dissolve” this tension. Cinema has a strong effect on people with a primitive, semi-infantile psychology.

What is the fundamental difference between Russian, say, from Brazilians and Indians?

Since Russians have such a value as social justice, Russians will never accept as socially acceptable the action of those people who "grabbed" in the 90s. They will remain thieves and bloodsuckers for people. For Brazilians, the person who stole and became a businessman is a fine fellow, a lucky person. For this reason, blows are being dealt to Russian tradition, which should break the Russian archetypes. Take, for example, DH transmissions. First, there is the program “Let's Get Married”, where strange people are sitting, three women, two of which are not quite adequate. The transmission creates a background. Then comes the transfer of Malakhov, who “pulls out” extreme cases and passes them off as the norm: they say, look, you are freaks. Then follow "News" and a film about "cops" with gangsters and prostitutes. I go outside and see normal people around me: they live very, very differently.

If there is no unhealthy atmosphere, then it needs to be created, which, apparently, does not work out very well - people do not in any way develop an inferiority complex, inferiority. But work in this direction is being purposefully carried out. The most important - the archetype of social justice breaks down. Remember, about eight years ago, there was an absolutely vile program “The Weak Link” on TV, the essence of which was to “knock out” the strongest one. A CIA officer explained these things to me once, the last time I taught in the States. He introduced himself as a lawyer, had a law firm that worked in Russia and America. He was a smart man, very informed - he had “CIA ears sticking out.” He did not particularly hide that he was a specific lawyer.

The American argued that the methods of manipulating people, worked out on Western material, from computer "shooters" to serials, do not work in Russia, because the specific culture of laughter in Russia greatly interferes with the impact of Western propaganda (I believe that he empirically deduced this very correctly on his own, and not from the works of cultural scientists). In the West, if it's scary, then it's not funny, if it's funny, then it's not scary. According to Russian tradition (Gogol, Russian folk tales), it can be funny and scary at the same time: everything “turns out” with us, something funny appears in everything. Even in Russian pornography, unlike, say, German, there is a humorous moment.

Laughter culture blocks"shooters" and what Malakhov shows. But work in this direction is ongoing - for example, when they show me a woman whose children burned down, and they try to say that this is the norm, these are declassed, desocialized people. Who does it affect? First of all, on our liberal intelligentsia, who want to believe in it. From many of my acquaintances, I see one of the specific features of our liberal intelligentsia - dislike for Russian life, fear of her, as a kind of irrationality. Often this comes from childhood: he left the house on the street with a sandwich - “he got it in the ear” - and disliked the street for the rest of his life. I deliberately reduce everything to a primitive level, but I can assert that the basis for the rejection of Soviet society by our liberal intelligentsia, as far as I remember from conversations with our semi-dissidents, was rejection of the Russian style, Russian way of life. I have a friend, a kind of pro-NATO, who wants us to be like in America. But 90% of society does not want to live like this. She considers herself among the remaining 10. I would recommend her to go there and live there.

Question from the audience: is this Novodvorskaya? Fursov's answer: no, this is a more significant person, and therefore more harmful in his activities. Novodvorskaya, in fact, is a harmless woman who compromises what she herself says. There are people who are more serious. I recommend reading the article by MGIMO Professor Elena Ponomareva on the website of the Strategic Culture Foundation "How agents of influence are trained" where she calls everyone surname, despite the problems that arise in connection with this. There are also good articles by Olga Chetverikova, who wrote the book Treason in the Vatican. It tells about the essence of the Vatican as a financial and intelligence corporation. And Ponomareva will soon publish a book that promises to become a political thriller - "Kosovo, NATO and the Mafia". There is also one of her latest articles on that site, dedicated to Z. Brzezinski. In it, Ponomareva repelled Brzezinski's interview with Konstantin Eggert.

Eggert- this is my junior colleague at the Institute of Asian and African Countries (ISAA MSU), enemy of Russia, worked for BBC, has British orders and fundamentally does not accept our life. He does not understand that we cannot be like in the West, because here everything is different. Both the Chinese and the Indians will not have the Western way, for, as the late A.A. Zinoviev, "the evolution of complex social systems is irreversible" . The system may break. Pay attention to how capable of resistance was what was created in the Soviet era. I am actively involved in the problem of education. Over the past ten years, it has simply been destroyed. It has not yet been completely destroyed, although I see the difference.

Since 1972 I have been teaching at Moscow University. For ten years after 1991, it was still a Soviet school. Somewhere between 2005 and 2006, a turning point occurred, and this is evident in all spheres. On the 4th of November of this year, the announcer of the 1st channel of television says: “400 years ago, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky came to Moscow and overthrew False Dmitry I...” In fact, by 1612 both False Dmitry I and False Dmitry II were already dead. Neither the announcer nor the one who wrote this text to him know about this. These are the fruits of "USE-ized" education.

I prefer to deal with Internet journalists - there are advanced guys. And I practically stopped doing business with TV and radio journalists. Journalists on the radio - still nothing. Young guys (25-26 years old) themselves say that they don’t know much, they didn’t study at school. But on the whole, the system has not yet been broken, it has turned out to be strong, and we still live at its expense. When former President Medvedev once criticized Stalinism, it never occurred to him that the achievements of Stalinism - the atomic bomb, nuclear weapons - is precisely why they sit down at the same table with him. Otherwise, the conversation would be completely different - as with

The topic of USAID's "withdrawal" from our political space opens the eyes of many to the fact that this organization was not engaged in "good deeds" at all on the territory of our country. Recently, I had the opportunity to become a listener of the broadcast "Vesti.FM" just on this topic. Among the guests in the studio was MGIMO professor, doctor of political sciences Elena Ponomareva. It is interesting to hear such an authoritative person for the first time in my life and realize how similar her position is. As usual, the USAID leadership is all former CIA and NATO members. And, of course, most of all they want to "help" the people of Russia in achieving a "bright future."

Recently, Elena's publication in the Svobodnaya Mysl magazine called "Secrets of the Color Revolutions". It describes in some detail the scheme of how "protest leaders" are recruited for the purpose of subsequent manipulation of public opinion and the implementation of well-known scenarios.

Below is a fragment of how agents of influence are recruited:

The human factor of "color revolutions"

The success of "color revolutions" is 80 percent dependent on the human factor. “The more professionals there are in the ranks of the conspirators, the more friendly people in the enemy camp (informants, “figures of influence”, accomplices), the higher their chances of success.” That is why the role and importance of the human factor in the "color revolutions" is enormous. But where do the local “colored” enthusiasts and coordinators come from? Why are they ready to work against their country with foreign money?

In fact, everything is very simple: the most important players in the CR are recruited. As one of the ideologists of the Illuminati, the German writer Baron Adolf von Knigge, who lived in the 18th century, said, “everything can be done from a person, you just have to approach him from a weak side.” The recruitment process includes three main stages of working with the "object".

The first stage can be conditionally called "revealing". Based on what kind of information is required to be obtained (or what actions are required to be provided), all persons possessing such information (capable of the necessary actions) are identified. Among them, the most desirable for recruitment are determined. And already from this circle of persons, several (at least one) are chosen as objects of the latter.

The second stage is the choice of recruitment methods. Having comprehensively studied the "objects", they are given an extremely accurate political and moral-psychological assessment in order to determine their "pain points", as well as methods of pressure on these points and the permissible limits of such pressure.

The third stage is “development”, that is, the recruitment process itself. The recruitment operation is a fairly long cycle that requires a high level of intellectual support. At its first stage, informants and analysts play the main role. Their task is to find those people who meet the above requirements (conditions). At the same time, the leaders of the middle and senior management of the security agencies and the armed forces, as well as authorized figures in the structures of power, are of the greatest interest to the conspirators18. Equally important, and sometimes even more important, is the recruitment of workers on the “ideological front”—journalists, scientists, publicists, and now even bloggers who identify themselves as intellectuals. In Russia, in all revolutions without exception, the intelligentsia played a special role. As S. N. Bulgakov wrote, the revolution is "the spiritual brainchild of the intelligentsia." I will give only some facts of the close work of the Russian opposition under the "roof" of Western services.

On December 23, 2002, the National Passport Center in Portsmouth (USA) issued a passport number 710160620 to one of the oldest “fighters against the regime” in Russia, Lyudmila Alekseeva. In addition to granting American citizenship, the facts of financing the activities of this “revolutionary” are much more important. In particular, its activity is paid for by the Ford and MacArthur Foundations, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Open Society Institute in company with the European Union. Last year alone, the NED, already mentioned in a previous article20, provided US citizen L. Alekseeva with two grants totaling $105,00021 for her work in Russia. In addition to cash injections from American foundations, which are received by hundreds of non-governmental organizations created in Russia, the so-called vanity mechanisms are used. For example, the right person can be invited to meetings of the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Club (A. Chubais, L. Shevtsova, E. Yasin) or given the position of a leading researcher, say, the Royal Institute of International Affairs - better known as Chatham House (L. Shevtsova) .

In this row is A. Navalny's "hit" in the list of 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. The same list includes US President B. Obama and his main rival in the 2012 elections M. Romney, German Chancellor A. Merkel, Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah A. Khamenei, IMF head K. Lagarde, investor W. Buffett.

The company, as they say, is necessary. Moreover, the magazine does not distribute the persons involved in its hundred of influence in places and does not assign ratings, which further adds to the significance of being included in it. Navalny's personality deserves more attention.

In 2006, the project "Yes!" Navalny and Masha Gaidar started financing NED. After that, the most famous blogger in Russia today accumulated, as some of his biographers suggest, 40 thousand dollars (in his own words) on Internet trading, for which he bought several shares in a number of large Russian companies with a high share of state ownership. So Navalny received the status of a minority shareholder and a platform for his anti-corruption investigations. Under very strange circumstances, in 2010, Navalny was accepted to study at Yale University under the Yale World Fellows program. Out of more than a thousand applicants, only 20 people were selected - presumably the most promising.

Among the teachers of this program were the veteran of the British Foreign Office Lord Malloch-Brown and the staff of the Open Society Institute. World Fellows is financed by the Starr Foundation of Maurice R. ("Hank") Greenberg, former president of insurance giant American International Group (AIG), who received a giant injection from George W. Bush. and B. Obama in 2008-2009. According to the experts of the Executive Intelligence Review under the leadership of L. LaRouche, Grinberg and his firm C.V. Starr has been involved in “regime change” (coups) for a very long time, starting with the overthrow of President Marcos in the Philippines in 1986.

Navalny himself writes that Masha Gaidar advised him to apply for the program, and he received recommendations from leading professors at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. By the way, Navalny began his anti-corruption campaign against Transneft from New Haven (that is, directly from Yale University).23 Notes about Navalny's psychotype are also interesting. So, in public, he gives the impression of a split personality, and online - openness itself. However, when his mailbox on was hacked and correspondence with the US Embassy and the National Endowment for Democracy regarding his funding was published, he admitted that the letters were genuine. He tries to disarm his interlocutors with questions like “do you think that I work for the Americans or for the Kremlin?” Most likely, he will turn out to be expendable material for his sponsors, but so far the activities of Navalny and his closest “comrades-in-arms” look like an excellent illustration of J. Sharp's manual.

But back to the recruitment process. The Americans have developed a unique and very effective recruiting formula - MICE. Its name is derived from the first letters of the words: "Money - Ideology - Compromise - Ego" ("Money - Ideology - Compromise - Ego").

It is obvious that within any social group it is possible to identify a sufficient number of people who are dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs, who are in fact in opposition to the authorities. In moral and psychological terms, all of them are suitable for recruitment, the only question is which of these people recruiters need. Finally, after the object of recruitment is defined and comprehensively studied, the recruiter himself comes into play. Thanks to his work, the scriptwriters of the CR can be given access to secret political, economic and military information, and a “beacon” has been created, a center of attraction for all the dissatisfied. As for the process of finding the “right” people, there are several mandatory rules in this matter.

For example, back in 1973, the US Department of Defense issued the Dissident Control Program, which lists the characteristics that define a dissident. With its help, you can identify potential targets for recruitment among military personnel not only in the United States, but also in other countries. Here are some signs of "dissidents" among the military: - frequent complaints to sergeants, officers, journalists or congressmen about living conditions, unfair treatment, etc.; - attempts to contact, bypassing the immediate superiors, to someone with stories about their problems; - participation in unsanctioned meetings, the creation of groups to express collective protests, participation in demonstrations, in agitation, simulation of illness; - frequent small acts of defiance or insolence, such as avoiding a military salute, slow execution of orders, etc .; - unauthorized access to military premises of civilians or attendance at their rallies outside the unit; — distribution of underground or banned publications; - dissident inscriptions carried out secretly on buildings, vehicles, property; - destruction or damage to state (military) property; - defiant behavior in connection with the presentation of symbols of power (for example, during the performance of the national anthem, the removal of the flag, the speech of the first persons of the state on television or radio, etc.); - inflating small incidents, exaggerating their scale and consequences, spreading rumors.

Similar criteria for identifying "dissidents" exist for purely civilians. The year 2006, when the new mistress of the US State Department, Condoleezza Rice, announced the new political tasks of her department, can be considered a milestone in the intensification of the work of the United States with the dissatisfied in the target countries. From that moment on, one of the most important responsibilities of every American diplomat has become "the involvement of foreign nationals and the media in advancing US interests abroad."

Thus, back in 2006, the requirement of direct intervention in the internal affairs of the host state was officially introduced into the practice of American diplomacy. U.S. diplomats must now "not only analyze policies and determine their outcomes, but also implement programs ... to help foreign citizens build democracy, fight corruption, open businesses, improve health care, and reform education."

So one should not be surprised at the behavior of M. McFaul - he is following the instructions of the US State Department and promoting the interests of his country. At the same time, Russia, like any other sovereign state, has the right to defend its interests. And with all the means available to this state. Including the suppression of the activities of the "fifth column", dissidents and objectionable diplomats. Is a “color revolution” possible in Russia? "Color revolutions" do not happen by themselves, without the presence of appropriate prerequisites and without the required conditions, but most importantly - without serious preparation and significant efforts. Therefore, in order to answer the question “Is a “color revolution” possible in Russia?”, it is necessary to give the most clear and tough assessment of the socio-economic and political conditions and prerequisites, as well as the role of the dissident public and the “fifth column”. Only the most complete and exhaustive knowledge of the situation in the country, of the existing problems and challenges can enable the authorities to effectively deal with the "colored" tsunami.

Moreover, in this case, we are talking not only about strict state control over the activities of Western funds engaged in subversive activities on the territory of Russia. But first of all, about serious changes in the country's development model, since this is the only way to deprive the "revolutionaries" of support. If there are prerequisites, then theoretically in any state the implementation of the CR scenario is possible, in the absence of these, consideration of such a course of events, even hypothetically, is meaningless. The conditions, however, transfer the possibility of the emergence of a "color revolution" and its success from a theoretical plane to a practical one.

"Color revolutions" do not happen by themselves, without the presence of appropriate prerequisites and without the required conditions, but most importantly - without serious preparation and significant efforts.

If these conditions are not enough, then the CR will remain a potential opportunity of tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and not a factor of actual politics today. Among the internal prerequisites and conditions of the CR, the following can be singled out: — “an authoritarian or pseudo-democratic state structure, which significantly limits the possibilities for representatives of various social groups to enter the dominant social force and the ruling group”29; - the presence of a wide layer of the population dissatisfied with the existing order, the so-called basic group, from which participants in mass non-violent events are recruited; - dissatisfaction of the majority of the population with the level of benefits and opportunities offered by the ruling group, within the framework of the existing social, political and economic structure, in comparison with the expected ones.

In this case, the population actively or passively supports the idea of ​​a “color revolution”; - the absence or weak control by the authorities over the reference sources of the CR - NGOs, the media, Internet resources; - the presence in the ruling group of supporters of the "color revolution" and a strong single opposition center headed by authoritative leaders; - the absence of a legitimate political leader capable of uniting the healthy forces of society against the CR virus. At the moment, Russia does not have this set of conditions. As some analysts rightly point out, the ability of the leaders of the “colored” movement in Russia to organize large-scale, long-term and coordinated mass actions is also highly questionable. Thus, it can be stated with a certain degree of certainty that at present there is no basic group for the CR in Russia. In addition, supporters of "color" changes do not have a wide representation in the domestic state apparatus. At the same time, there are serious social and economic problems in the country. And the possibility of a new “color” pressure depends on the degree and speed of their solution. More than two thousand years ago, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said: "It is necessary to restore order when there is no turmoil yet." It is obvious that this statement characterizes the present in the best possible way. If there is order in the state, then the realization of the interests of external interests is not terrible for him. If this order does not exist, then the viruses of the revolution have fertile ground. It breaks where it's thin. Perhaps this is the most important secret of the “color revolutions”.

Elena Ponomareva

How foreign agents are recruited September 26th, 2012

In the latest issue of the Svobodnaya Mysl magazine, I came across a brilliant article by MGIMO professor Elena Ponomareva "Secrets of the "color revolutions". More precisely, it is even a series of articles in which the doctor of political sciences describes in detail and scientifically all the rollers and cogs of this socio-political mechanism. In In the first part, a lot of concrete and very important things are told about "soft power", a flash mob, social networks and other tools of the "color revolutions". It is a must read. But I will give an excerpt from the second article, which analyzes the work of organizations recruiting agents of the "color revolutions" and a mechanism for isolating and using destructive particles of society against society itself.In fact, this work is a continuation of the well-known work of Sergei Kara-Murza "Manipulation of Consciousness", but with the latest facts and examples.

The success of "color revolutions" is 80 percent dependent on the human factor. “The more professionals there are in the ranks of the conspirators, the more friendly people in the enemy camp (informants, “figures of influence”, accomplices), the higher their chances of success.” That is why the role and importance of the human factor in the "color revolutions" is enormous. But where do the local “colored” enthusiasts and coordinators come from? Why are they ready to work against their country with foreign money?

In fact, everything is very simple: the most important players in the CR are recruited. As one of the ideologists of the Illuminati, the German writer Baron Adolf von Knigge, who lived in the 18th century, said, “everything can be done from a person, you just have to approach him from a weak side.” The recruitment process includes three main stages of working with the "object". The first stage can be conditionally called "revealing". Based on what kind of information is required to be obtained (or what actions are required to be provided), all persons possessing such information (capable of the necessary actions) are identified. Among them, the most desirable for recruitment are determined. And already from this circle of persons, several (at least one) are chosen as objects of the latter.

The second stage is the choice of recruitment methods. Having comprehensively studied the "objects", they are given an extremely accurate political and moral-psychological assessment in order to determine their "pain points", as well as methods of pressure on these points and the permissible limits of such pressure.

The third stage is “development”, that is, the recruitment process itself. The recruitment operation is a fairly long cycle that requires a high level of intellectual support. At its first stage, informants and analysts play the main role. Their task is to find those people who meet the above requirements (conditions). At the same time, the leaders of the middle and senior management of the security agencies and the armed forces, as well as authorized figures in power structures, are of the greatest interest to the conspirators. Equally, and sometimes even more important is the recruitment of workers on the "ideological front" - journalists, scientists, publicists, and now even bloggers who consider themselves to be intellectuals. In Russia, in all revolutions without exception, the intelligentsia played a special role. As S.N. Bulgakov, the revolution is "the spiritual brainchild of the intelligentsia." I will give only some facts of the close work of the Russian opposition under the "roof" of Western services.

December 23, 2002 by the National Passport Center in Portsmouth (USA) to one of the oldest "fighters against the regime" in Russia Lyudmila Alekseeva a passport number 710160620 was issued. In addition to granting American citizenship, the facts of financing the activities of this "revolutionary" are much more important. In particular, her activity is paid Ford Foundations and MacArthur, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Open Society Institute in company with the European Union. Last year alone, the NED, already mentioned in the previous article, allocated two grants to US citizen L. Alekseeva for her work in Russia for a total of 105 thousand dollars.

In addition to cash injections from American foundations, which are received by hundreds of non-governmental organizations created in Russia, the so-called vanity mechanisms are used. For example, the right person can be invited to meetings of the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Club (A. Chubais, L. Shevtsova, E. Yasin) or given the position of lead researcher, say, the Royal Institute of International Affairs - better known as Chatham House (L. Shevtsova). In this row is A. Navalny's "hit" in the list of 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. The same list includes US President B. Obama and his main rival in the 2012 elections M. Romney, German Chancellor A. Merkel, Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah A. Khamenei, IMF head K. Lagarde, investor W. Buffett. The company, as they say, is necessary. Moreover, the magazine does not distribute the persons involved in its hundred of influence in places and does not assign ratings, which further adds to the significance of being included in it.

Personality Navalny deserves more attention. In 2006, the project "Yes!" Navalny and Masha Gaidar started financing NED. After that, the most famous blogger in Russia today accumulated, as some of his biographers suggest, 40 thousand dollars (in his own words) on Internet trading, for which he bought several shares in a number of large Russian companies with a high share of state ownership. So Navalny received the status of a minority shareholder and a platform for his anti-corruption investigations.

Under very strange circumstances, in 2010, Navalny was accepted to study at Yale University under the program "Yale World Fellows". Out of more than a thousand applicants, only 20 people were selected - presumably the most promising. Among the teachers of this program were the veteran of the British Foreign Office Lord Malloch-Brown and the staff of the Open Society Institute. Funded by World Fellows Maurice R. ("Hank") Greenberg Starr Foundation, former president of the insurance giant American International Group (AIG), which received a huge injection from George W. Bush Jr. and B. Obama in 2008-2009. According to the experts of the "Executive Intelligence Review" under the leadership of L. LaRouche, Grinberg and his firm "C.V. Starr" engaged in "regime change" (coups) for a very long time, starting with the overthrow of President Marcos in the Philippines in 1986. Navalny himself writes that Masha Gaidar advised him to apply for participation in the program, and he received recommendations from leading professors Higher School of Economics in Moscow. By the way, Navalny started his anti-corruption campaign against Transneft from New Haven (that is, directly from Yale University).

Interesting remarks about Navalny's psychotype. So, in public, he gives the impression of a split personality, and online - openness itself. However, when his mailbox on was hacked and correspondence with the US Embassy and the National Endowment for Democracy regarding his funding was published, he admitted that the letters were genuine. He tries to disarm his interlocutors with questions like “do you think that I work for the Americans or for the Kremlin?” Most likely, he will turn out to be expendable material for his sponsors, but so far the activities of Navalny and his closest “comrades-in-arms” look like an excellent illustration of J. Sharp's manual.

But back to the recruitment process. The Americans have developed a unique and very effective recruiting formula - MICE. Its name is derived from the first letters of the words: "Money - Ideology - Compromise - Ego" ("Money - Ideology - Compromise - Ego"). It is obvious that within any social group it is possible to identify a sufficient number of people who are dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs, who are in fact in opposition to the authorities. In moral and psychological terms, all of them are suitable for recruitment, the only question is which of these people recruiters need.

Finally, after the object of recruitment is defined and comprehensively studied, the recruiter himself comes into play. Thanks to his work, the scriptwriters of the CR can be given access to secret political, economic and military information, and a “beacon” has been created, a center of attraction for all the dissatisfied. As for the process of finding the “right” people, there are several mandatory rules in this matter. For example, back in 1973, the US Department of Defense issued an instruction "Program to fight dissidents", which lists the signs that define a dissident. With its help, you can identify potential targets for recruitment among military personnel not only in the United States, but also in other countries.

Here are some signs of "dissidents" among the military:

  • frequent complaints to sergeants, officers, journalists or congressmen about living conditions, unfair treatment, etc.;
  • attempts to address, bypassing immediate superiors, to someone with stories about their problems;
  • participating in unsanctioned meetings, creating groups to express collective protests, participating in demonstrations, campaigning, feigning illness;
  • frequent petty acts of disobedience or insolence, such as avoiding a military salute, following orders slowly, etc.;
  • unauthorized access to military premises of civilians or attendance at their rallies outside the unit;
  • distribution of clandestine or banned publications;
  • dissident inscriptions carried out secretly on buildings, vehicles, property;
  • destruction or damage to state (military) property;
  • defiant behavior in connection with the presentation of symbols of power (for example, during the performance of the national anthem, the removal of the flag, the speech of the first persons of the state on television or radio, etc.);
  • inflating small incidents, exaggerating their scale and consequences, spreading rumors.

Similar criteria for identifying "dissidents" exist for purely civilians.

The year 2006, when the new mistress of the US State Department, Condoleezza Rice, announced the new political tasks of her department, can be considered a milestone in the intensification of the work of the United States with the dissatisfied in the target countries. Since that moment, one of the most important duties of every American diplomat has become “involving foreign nationals and the media in promoting US interests abroad.” Thus, back in 2006, the requirement of direct intervention in the internal affairs of the host state was officially introduced into the practice of American diplomacy.

U.S. diplomats must now "not only analyze policies and determine their outcomes, but also implement programs ... to help foreign citizens build democracy, fight corruption, open businesses, improve health care, and reform education." So one should not be surprised at the behavior of M. McFaul - he is following the instructions of the US State Department and promoting the interests of his country.

At the same time, Russia, like any other sovereign state, has the right to defend its interests. And with all the means available to this state. Including the suppression of the activities of the "fifth column", dissidents and objectionable diplomats."