Today we propose to talk about how to write and format a practice report correctly. Examples and excerpts from the work will also be presented to your attention.

All students, without exception, go through these stages:

  • educational practice;
  • production;
  • undergraduate;
  • final qualifying work.

Many students try to play it safe and order work from a professional. But, in fact, there is nothing wrong with writing a report and final qualifying work. You can see for yourself by reading this article. We will tell you all the nuances of writing an internship report. You can also see examples taken from real work. We suggest you get started right away.

How to write a report?

Each of the three types of practice has its own characteristics. Let's briefly describe each of them.

Practice is the first introductory stage. As a rule, students pass this type without any difficulty. It looks something like this:

  • students receive an assignment;
  • every day for some time the teacher gives lectures;
  • students write a report;
  • are being protected.

During the lectures, the student should try to collect the maximum of the necessary material, as a result - to form a report from it.

The next stage is production practice. It takes place directly in the working environment. Its goal is to immerse the student in the atmosphere where he will have to work after graduation. Now the student must occupy a specific position, and in the report indicate the results of the internship.

The decisive step is writing an internship report using the example of an LLC ... If during the internship a student had a curator, now he can only rely on his own strength. Please note that this report should directly relate to the topic of the thesis.

  • sum up the learning;
  • consolidate theoretical knowledge;
  • acquire practical skills;
  • understand activity;
  • study the work of the enterprise.

The completion of the practice is the defense of the written report. What should the teacher see in it? This document testifies to what the student has learned, what professional qualities he has mastered during the internship.

The Practice Report, examples of which you can see below, is an important work. Based on what will be written in it, the teacher will be able to draw conclusions about the student's professional training. Therefore, the report must be written correctly and efficiently. For this you need:

  • as closely as possible to study the work of the enterprise;
  • familiarize yourself with all documents and regulations;
  • describe your activities;
  • to acquaint the teacher with their achievements;
  • put forward recommendations for improving the work of the enterprise.

In addition, everything must be issued in accordance with GOST. We will pay attention to this further.

Where to begin?

All types of practice begin with the receipt of methodological materials at the graduating department of the university. This is a guide to how to properly write a report.

The basis for writing is the practice plan. Here you can get acquainted with the tasks (there can be from three to four). To write a competent and structured report, you must:

  • collect information;
  • analyze it;
  • develop a plan to improve performance;
  • write a report based on methodological recommendations.

Types of reports

As mentioned earlier, in total, a student needs to go through three practices:

  1. Educational. The difference between this and other types is that this report does not have a practical part. The main task is immersion in the working environment, it is important to mention this when writing the work.
  2. Production. The design of the report must fully comply with GOST. This practice is aimed at the independent work of the student. Important: Your personal recommendations and comments are needed.
  3. Undergraduate. It is the most critical step. In the report on undergraduate practice (you can see an example of the structure below), it is important to mention the topic of your WRC.

GOST structure

According to GOST, the report must contain at least thirty-five and no more than forty-five pages. In this volume, you must compactly fit all the material. Please note that the introduction should be no more than three pages long.

Structure according to GOSTs:

  1. Title page.
  2. Practice plan.
  3. Review of the diploma supervisor.
  4. Annotation.
  5. Abbreviations and conventions.
  6. Table of contents.
  7. Introduction.
  8. Main part.
  9. Conclusion.
  10. literary sources.
  11. Applications.

What is included in the main part of the report on practice at the enterprise? You can see an example below.

  1. Brief description of LLC "UniCredit Bank", a branch of the city of Saratov.
  2. Analysis of the assets of LLC "UniCredit Bank" of the city of Saratov.

2.1. Structure and composition of assets.

2.2. Grouping by liquidity level.

2.3. Yield analysis.

It is also important to mention about the applications - they are included when necessary.

Design Requirements

Design according to GOSTs implies not only the correct structuring, but also the appropriate choice of font, size, and proper placement of graphics.

As a rule, now when writing a report they use a computer and a Word text editor. It must be printed on A4 sheets. Work font: Times New Roman. Main text: size 14, single line spacing. Headings and subheadings: size 16, bold font.

Sections and subsections

All work should be divided into sections and subsections. Please note that, if necessary, items or lists can be included in the work.

When writing a report, it is very important not to forget that a new section starts with a clean slate. Requirements for the design of sections: numbering in Arabic numerals, center alignment, bold font, shingle 16, capital letters. Requirements for the design of subsections: numbering in Arabic numerals, lowercase letters, left alignment, bold font, shingle 14.

Graphic elements

Graphic elements (pictures, diagrams, tables, formulas, drawings, and so on), according to GOST, can be inserted in three different ways:

  • after the paragraph in which the object is mentioned;
  • on the next page;
  • in the application.

Proper placement of graphic elements is very important in a practice report. You can see an example of design below. The most successful option is the first one. So, the reader will not lose any information, he will immediately get acquainted with it.

Form of presentation

You will now be able to see an excerpt taken from the practice report. The example meets all the requirements of GOST.

“The purpose of the analysis of the structure of the assets of UniCredit Bank of the city of Saratov is to identify the level of diversification of active operations and the optimality of their structure.

The active operations of the bank constitute a significant part of the operations. Thanks to the support of shareholders, the Bank has been constantly increasing its assets throughout its history.”

Please note that it is unacceptable to use in the report:

  • diameter icon;
  • "-" for temperature;
  • some mathematical symbols.

Explanatory note

In addition to all of the above, an explanatory note is required, which is attached to the report on production practice. You can see an example in the figure presented in this section of the article.

In the shortest possible time, an explanatory note is a summary of the written report. There, the student needs to reflect:

  • all your actions;
  • generalized information about the internship.


In this section, you will be able to see the characteristic from the report on the practice of an accountant. The example shown in the picture above contains a feedback-characteristic of the teacher from the practice base.

This document is not needed in the study practice report. It usually contains the following information:

  • attendance;
  • participation in organizational processes;
  • benefit from the student for the enterprise;
  • willingness to cooperate.

Do not forget that a characteristic (review) is a very important document, especially in undergraduate practice, teachers pay special attention to it.


As a rule, the form for filling out is issued by the graduating department. It must be filled in by the student.

This document contains notes that the student makes independently daily throughout the entire period of internship. It is important not to forget to set dates, tasks (for a specific day) and the result of the implementation. Keep in mind that this information must be confirmed by the signature and seal of the head of practice from the enterprise.

Report Protection

When the practice is over, and the report is ready, it's time to defend it. Actually, it's not hard (assuming you wrote it yourself).

You must be well versed in your work and know where to look if you do not have enough information. For convenience, prepare a short presentation that will contain all the necessary information in a compact form.

The conclusion of the practice report is the most incomprehensible part of the work. Teachers usually explain the structure of the main text of the report. And they say a few words about the introduction. But what to write in conclusion? This is not a scientific study, just “listing the findings” is unlikely to succeed.

There are three types of practice: introductory (it is also educational), production and pre-diploma. Accordingly, there are also three types of internship report conclusions. Let's consider them in detail.

Introductory practice

It takes place at the very beginning of training, in the 1st or 2nd year. It is usually carried out in the form of an excursion to some enterprise. The purpose of this practice is to “live” acquaint the student with the chosen profession. In the report, you will most likely be asked to describe the activities of the organization. The volume of work is small, most often 3-5 pages. If you need qualified assistance with the preparation of a turnkey practice report, write to us

What would be appropriate to write in the conclusion?

  • First of all, once again indicate where exactly you did your internship (full name of the organization, department).
  • Remember all the goals and objectives of the work (they should be formulated in the introduction), and mark them as completed. For example, in the introduction you set the task "to study the activities of the company." So, in conclusion, feel free to write the same thing, but in other words: “I analyzed the work of the organization.”
  • List the documents that you were allowed to see.
  • Express your personal attitude to the practice. Did it help to consolidate the knowledge gained at the university? Will the acquired skills be useful in the future?
  • If you encounter any difficulties during the internship, be sure to describe them. Suggest solutions (this may affect the positive characteristics).
  • You can indicate what interests you the most in the activities of the enterprise.


I did an internship in the specialty "Editing" at the "Horns and Hooves" company. This is one of the oldest publishing houses in Moscow, specializing in the production of children's and conceptual literature.

During my internship, I learned the intricacies of the editorial and publishing process, analyzed the criteria for selecting manuscripts, and put into practice my knowledge of writing annotations. I got acquainted with the publishing portfolio for the next year, the model copyright agreement and copyright law.

Practice in the publishing house helped to consolidate the skills acquired during the training. The employees of the organization gave me a lot of valuable advice. I have acquired indispensable experience, which, of course, will be very useful to me in my future professional activities.

This is a very exaggerated example of the conclusion of a practice report. But it has everything you need: a report on the work done, an expression of personal attitude and some gratitude to the organizers of the process.


This practice already implies some kind of participation in the work of the firm. You will be given different tasks: draw up a contract, find information, make a report. Keep copies of your papers: they should be attached to the report as attachments.

In the report itself, it will no longer be enough to simply describe the enterprise. You will have to analyze the activities of the organization, find some problems, propose a solution, predict the further development of the company.

All data obtained as a result of the analysis will need to be briefly reflected in the conclusion of the practice report. In the course of any kind of practice, a diary should be filled out.

Tentative plan of conclusion

  • Begin, again, with the full name of the business. You can immediately specify the period of internship.
  • Briefly describe the company: field of activity, place in the market, volumes of goods produced (or services provided). Try to fit in a couple of phrases.
  • Give the results of your research (preferably with numbers).
  • List everything you did at the enterprise.
  • Report on the completion of assigned tasks.
  • Express your opinion about the organization of practice. You can thank the employees of the enterprise who provided assistance. Make suggestions, if any.

Of course, the structure of the text also largely depends on your future profession. You can find an example of an internship report conclusion for your specialty on our website.

Undergraduate practice

In general, undergraduate practice is not so different from industrial practice. The only difference is that its results will be used in the thesis. The sample conclusion of the practice report can be used the same. Most importantly, do not forget to mention how much this practice helped in writing a diploma.

Well, it is not necessary to express an opinion on the organization of educational and practical activities. Moreover, the student usually chooses the place for undergraduate practice (it is always indicated on the title page). If you do not have an organization where you can do an internship, then we will prepare a report for you with all the seals in 3 days, write to us This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Federal Agency of the Russian Federation for Education

Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of professional

teaching, psychology and sociology


undergraduate practice

Completed by: 4th year student

gr. 3PO 01

Falyakhiev Aidar Kamilevich

Place of internship:

Educational institution: KSUAU

Final grade for undergraduate practice__________

Head of practice at the place of passage:

Shigapova D.K.__________________

(position, signature)

Head of practice from the department:

Associate Professor Ph.D. Shigapova D.K.______________


Kazan 2017



1. Description of the structure of the educational institution


3. Results of experimental research





Undergraduatepractice took place inKSUAElocated at the address: Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Green, d.1.

The internship period is from 04/24/2017 to 05/21/2017.

Undergraduate practice occupies a very important place in the preparation of a competent teacher of vocational training. It helps to get the first experience, to visually study how the processes of upbringing, training and development take place. This is also a way to test your knowledge, skills, as well as develop teaching skills.

The purpose of undergraduate practice -consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired as a result of the development of theoretical courses, the development of general professional and professional competencies, the acquisition of experience in independent practicalpedagogical and psychological activities, the formation of a professional orientation, conducting an experimental study on the studystudent motivation.

The objectives of the practice are:

Improving the psychological, pedagogical and special (on the subject) knowledge of students in the process of their application for the implementation of the pedagogical process;

Development of students' ideas about the work of a modern educational institution (about the specifics of educational programs, about the areas of activity of the teaching staff, about the functional duties of representatives of the administration and the teaching staff);

The formation of students' pedagogical skills (projective, oratorical, communicative).

Development of students' interest in professional pedagogical activity, creative attitude to pedagogical work;

The development of students' pedagogical abilities, as well as professionally significant qualities of the teacher's personality (disposition to students, self-control, pedagogical tact, justice, etc.).

6) Collection and analysis of the data necessary for the preparation of the practical experimental part of the final qualification work on the topic: "The study of motivation.

1. Description of the structure of the educational institution (KGASU)

Story. In 1889, a special commission of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, with the initiative participation of the Volga-Ural merchants, decided to open an educational institution in Kazan that trains technicians - a unitedIndustrial Schoolwith two levels of professional training: secondary chemical and lower technical, with mechanical, chemical and construction specialties. From the formation of the Industrial School, construction education originates in Kazan and throughout the Volga-Ural region. The first stone of the educational building was laid on June 12, 1896. The contract for the construction of educational buildings was signed withTrading house of brothers V. and A. Person. The architect of the Kazan educational district S. V. Bechko-Druzin was appointed to oversee the construction of buildings. The building itself was designed by a famous architect Konstantin Oleshkevich .

In accordance with the resolution Provisional Government of Russia dated May 30, 1917 N 131, it was transformed intoKazan Polytechnic Schoolwith three departments, including construction (since September 30, 1917). On November 21, 1918, by order N 3420, the Department of Higher Educational Institutions of the People's Commissariat of Education was created, which included the former: Kazan Polytechnic School, Kazan Art School, Kazan Commercial School and Vilna Chemical-Technical School.

January 2, 1919 by resolution N 22 of the department of universities of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSRKazan Industrial, Economic and Art Collegewas converted toKazan Polytechnic Institute, which began its work on January 9 as part of 4 faculties: architectural and construction, chemical, mechanical, economic with an agricultural bias (reformed on February 23, 1919 into the Faculty of Agriculture). Professor of Kazan State University D.N. Zeiliger was elected the first rector of the Polytechnic Institute, Professor A.I. Tulparov became vice-rector. The faculties were headed by Professor K. S. Oleshkevich (Architectural and Civil Engineering), Professor A. O. Barshchevsky (Chemistry), Professor P. I. Zhakov (Mechanical), Professor Nikolsky, and later Professor D. N. Zeiliger (Economic).

About the department of POS.

The Department of Vocational Training, Pedagogy and Sociology was established on September 1, 2014 by combining two departments: "Vocational Training and Pedagogy" and "Sociology".

The department is graduating and provides training of engineering and pedagogical personnel for the construction industry with the qualification of a bachelor of vocational training in the direction of "Vocational training (by industry)", profile "Construction". Within 4 years, students of vocational training, as well as students of engineering specialties, study the humanities, social and economic, mathematical and natural sciences (general scientific), professional disciplines. Unlike engineering specialties, graduates of the "Vocational Training (by Industry)" direction receive in-depth knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy.

The department has 11 teachers, including 3 professors, 6 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 1 assistant, who teach psychological, pedagogical and sociological disciplines. The first graduation of vocational education teachers took place in 2010. The direction of training is accredited. Already today, graduates of the department are in demand in the labor market as teachers of general technical and special disciplines in professional lyceums, colleges, technical schools and universities, as well as in construction organizations.

The department is headed by Safin R.S. , Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, author of more than 370 publications, including ten monographs, 25 educational and scientific and methodological manuals.

On the basis of the Department of Professional Education and Pedagogy of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, in 2006, a laboratory was created to teach modern finishing technologies using materials from the German company KNAUF. The laboratory conducts training sessions for additional training of personnel in the field of application of new building materials technologies and complete systems of the Knauf company in accordance with the professional standard "Master of dry construction". The training laboratory has a classroom for theoretical studies with appropriate e-learning tools and a workshop (practical classroom) with a set of specialized tools, devices in accordance with technological standards and a set of consumables (sheets, profiles, dry mixes, auxiliary materials). Education for all students of KSUAE is free.

In the process of internships, students receive working professions: a plasterer-painter, a bricklayer, and also master new technologies from the KNAUF company. The received specialties are confirmed by the relevant certificates and certificates.

All teachers of the department have completed internships in leading educational and scientific centers of the country and abroad, have diplomas and certificates for the right to teach disciplines: “General Psychology”, “Psychology of Vocational Education”, “General and Professional Pedagogy”, “Psychology of Social Interaction”, “ Sociology in the construction industry”, etc. In the process of lecturing and conducting seminars, innovative teaching methods are widely used: game methods; training programs; case study (work with real specific situations, for the resolution of which the student proposes his own plan of action, where the prospects of such decisions are assessed in accordance with expert assessment, etc.), etc.

The scientific work of the department is carried out on the following topics: "Development of the concept of professional and pedagogical education in the conditions of the construction cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan", "Scientific foundations for the interaction of education and production systems", "Scientific and methodological support for the interaction of systems of state and corporate education", "Sociocultural transformations in the Russian society". On the basis of the department, seven International scientific and practical conferences were held with the publication of materials.

All teachers of the department, as well as graduate students and applicants, participate in the implementation of the scientific topic. Ten monographs, seven collections of materials of International Scientific and Practical Conferences, twenty-two sections in collective monographs and more than a hundred articles in republican and all-Russian publishing houses have been published on the problems under study. Intermediate results of scientific work are regularly reported at conferences of various levels, including international symposiums (Professor Paderin VK, Senior Lecturer Vildanov I.E., etc.).

The department operates postgraduate studies in the following areas: 39.00.00 - Sociology and social work (scientific specialty 22.00.04 - "Social structure, social institutions and processes") and 44.00.00 - Education and pedagogical sciences (scientific specialty 13.00.08 - Theory and vocational training methodology). Under the guidance of Professor Paderin V.K. 11 defended, Professor Korchagin E.A. - 8, Professor Safin R.S. - 2 PhD theses. In 2014, 5 university graduates were enrolled in postgraduate studies.

Much attention is paid to the scientific work of students. At the department there are scientific circles of SSS (headed by R.R. Bikchentaeva and L.R. Yarullina). The results of student research are reported at international, all-Russian and regional conferences. Works of students are sent to participate in various competitions. Students engaged in scientific work in the profile of the department were repeatedly awarded with diplomas and prizes.

To increase the effectiveness of educational work, the department systematically practices sociological and psychological-pedagogical research both on the scale of individual faculties and on the scale of the university as a whole. A program of sociological research has been developed, which includes sociological surveys of students on the following issues: "Motivational preferences of students of KSUAE"; "Moral orientations of university students of architectural and construction profile"; "Delinquent and drug practices among students"; "Subculture of student youth living in a hostel"; "Graduates of KSUAE in the labor market".

The developed recommendations are used in the process of educational work with students during and outside of school hours. The department regularly conducts sociological and psychological-pedagogical research in various areas of public life on orders from various enterprises, organizations, administrative and government agencies.

Since 2010, the department has annually held a "Decade of Psychology", timed to coincide with the day of the psychologist. It includes psychological activities: trainings, business games, art therapy, group collages, master classes, etc.

Students of the direction "Professional training (by industry)" annually participate in the All-Russian and republican competitions of final qualifying works (VKR) and Olympiads in their specialty. Over the past three years, two diplomas of the second and third degrees have been received at the All-Russian competition of the VKR (Yekaterinburg), the KSUAE team has been awarded a diploma of the third degree at the All-Russian Olympiad in professional and pedagogical education. Students' works were awarded with diplomas at All-Russian forums, International forums.

The department maintains close ties with leading Russian and foreign educational and scientific centers of psychological, pedagogical and sociological profile. In particular, a number of topics were carried out by the department together with the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of the Russian Academy of Education, the Center for the Sociology of Culture of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, with sociologists, teachers and psychologists from the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium.

Description of experimental research methods

Our research includes the following steps:

The first stage is the diagnosis of learning motivation with the help of a specialmethods (A.A. Rean, V.Ya. Yakunin, modified by N.Ts. Badmaeva) (Appendix 1).In the test, it is necessary to evaluate the given motives of educational activity (7 types) according to their significance for you according to a 5-point system: 1 point corresponds to the minimum significance of the motive, 5 points - to the maximum.


Communication motives

avoidance motives

Motives of prestige

Professional motives

Motives for creative self-realization

Educational and cognitive motives

Social motives

Second phase -diagnostics of value orientations of motivationusing the modified test "Value Orientations" by M. Rokeach. The method "Value Orientations" by M. Rokeach is a direct ranking of two lists of values: terminal and instrumental.

Students are offered a set of 18 cards with the designation of values, the task is to arrange them in order of importance of the principles that guide them in life. Place the most significant value in the first place, place the second most important value after the first, then do the same with all the remaining values. The least important value will remain last and take 18th place. Test material for the study of Rokeach's values ​​is presented in Appendix 2.

The third stage is the method of S. Ritchie and P. Martin "Motivational Profile".

This profile is a convenient tool for evaluating and then adjusting the real profiles of participants. The profile can be presented in the form of a diagram that allows you to visually demonstrate the necessary distribution of motivational factors. To assess the motivation of students, the test results are compared with the basic profile. The graph shows the necessary areas of action to adjust the profile to improve the effectiveness of educational work (Appendix 3).

Results of experimental research

To identify the characteristics of the motivation of students of KKKHiS, the method of diagnosing the educational motivation of students A.A. Reana and V.A. Yakunin, modification by N.Ts. Badmaeva. Analysis of the results of the study showed that in this group of subjects, the predominant motives are communicative (4.2) and professional (4.2). Communication motives are associated with the need for communication. Professional motivesreflect the level of orientation of students to mastering a profession, i.e. striving to acquire professional knowledge and develop professionally important personal qualities.

In order to find out the priorities of values, we used the “Value Orientations” method by M. Rokeach, which is a direct ranking of two lists of values: terminal and instrumental.

Instrumental - value-means, valuable as means, tools for achieving ordinary goals. As instrumental values, personality traits that help a person in life are usually considered: polite, responsible, intelligent, brave, imaginative, ambitious, controlling, logical, gentle, honest, useful, capable, clean, forgiving, cheerful, independent, obedient, with broad outlook.

Terminal values ​​are values ​​that are valuable in themselves: values ​​in themselves. Values ​​that cannot be justified by other, more general or more important values. Such values ​​usually include: full love, happiness, security, pleasure, inner harmony, a sense of completeness, wisdom, salvation, a comfortable life, inspiration, freedom, friendship, beauty, recognition, respect, a reliable family, equality, universal peace.

Studying the value orientations of students makes it possible to conditionally distinguish 4 groups among students. The first subgroup is connected by the fact that more “spiritual” concepts are in the first place for them, such as (49% among students): a happy family life, complete personality formation, mental abilities, willpower and composure, the ability to communicate, the possession of beauty and expressiveness movement, health. Another group of "material values": (21% of the students surveyed) - material well-being, authority among others. The third group of values ​​is more "proud" because the main priority for them is their own freedom, self-confidence, personal development (21%). The fourth group of values ​​is called “private” (9%), because for these students public recognition is in the first place.

At the third stage of the study, the method of S. Ritchie and P. Martin "Motivational profile" became the main tool for analyzing motivational characteristics. It is this diagnosis, which can be carried out repeatedly, that allows you to build and trace an individual combination of motivational factors and build a hierarchy with a relatively stable dominant.

Consider the results of a college study and plot the data in a chart. The value of a factor shows the degree of importance of its satisfaction, as well as the level of dissatisfaction with this factor at the present time. Thus, in the process of adjustment, actions should be oriented in these two directions: firstly, to adjust the dominants in the motivational profile, and secondly, to satisfy excessively dominant factors and artificially create a need for other factors, increasing the individual's interest and bringing the values ​​of the factors closer. motivation for defining indicators


As a result of passing the pre-diplomapractices inKSUAE achieved the goal and objectives.

1. Acquaintance with the educational institution, specialties, groups, structure.

2. Conducting an experiment on the topic of the WRC: Studying the motivation of students (in 2 groups of 20-30 people)

1) Stage - the technique of S. Ritchie and P. Martin "Motivational Profile".


2) Stage - Diagnosis of motivation using the modified test "Value Orientations" by M. Rokeach;


Processing of the received results.

3) Stage -Methodology for diagnosing student learning motivation (A.A. Rean, V.Ya. Yakunin, modified by N.Ts. Badmaeva)

Conducting a survey;

Processing of the received results.

3. Development of activities in accordance with the motivational profile of the group.

4. Carrying out activities to increase the educational motivation of students.

5. Making a report on the practice.


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Zimnyaya, I.A. Pedagogical psychology: a textbook for university students studying in pedagogical and psychological areas and specialties / I.A. Winter. - 2nd ed., additional, corrected. and reworked. — M. : Logos, 2009. — 383 p.

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Methodology for diagnosing student learning motivation

INSTRUCTION: Evaluate the given motives of educational activity according to their significance for you on a 5-point system: 1 point corresponds to the minimum significance of the motive, 5 points - to the maximum.When processing the test results, it is necessary to calculate the average score for each scale of the questionnaire.


1. I study because I like my chosen profession.
2. To ensure the success of future professional activities.
3. I want to become a specialist.
4. To provide answers to current questions related to the field of future professional activity.
5. I want to make full use of my inclinations, abilities and inclinations for the chosen profession.
6. To keep up with friends.
7. To work with people, one must have deep and comprehensive knowledge.
8. Because I want to be among the best students.
9. Because I want our study group to become the best in the institute.
10. To make acquaintances and communicate with interesting people.
11. Because the knowledge gained will allow me to achieve everything I need.
12. It is necessary to graduate from the institute so that my acquaintances do not change their opinion of me as a capable, promising person.
13. To avoid judgment and punishment for poor study.
14. I want to be a respected person of the educational team.
15. I do not want to lag behind my fellow students, I do not want to be among the lagging behind.
16. Because the level of my financial security in the future depends on my academic success.
17. Successfully study, pass exams for "4" and "5".
18. Just enjoy learning.
19. Once at the institute, he is forced to study in order to graduate from it.
20. Be constantly ready for the next class.
21. Successfully continue studies in subsequent courses to provide answers to specific study questions.
22. To acquire deep and solid knowledge.
23. Because in the future I'm thinking of doing scientific work in my specialty.
24. Any knowledge will be useful in the future profession.
25. Because I want to bring more benefit to society.
26. Become a highly qualified specialist.
27. To learn new things, engage in creative activities.
28. To give answers to the problems of the development of society, the life of people.
29. Be in good standing with teachers.
30. Gain the approval of parents and others.
31. I study for the sake of fulfilling my duty to my parents and school.
32. Because knowledge gives me self-confidence.
33. Because my future official position depends on my academic success.
34. I want to get a diploma with good grades in order to have an advantage over others.


. Scale 1. Communicative motives: 7, 10, 14, 32.
. Scale 2. Avoidance motives: 6, 12, 13, 15, 19.
. Scale 3. Prestige motives: 8, 9, 29, 30, 34.
. Scale 4. Professional motives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 26.
. Scale 5. Motives for creative self-realization: 27, 28.
. Scale 6. Educational and cognitive motives: 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.
. Scale 7. Social motives: 11, 16, 25, 31, 33.


Modified test by M. Rokeach

List A (terminal values):

1) active active life (fullness and emotional richness of life);

2) life wisdom (maturity of judgments and common sense, achieved by life experience);

3) health (physical and mental);

4) interesting work;

5) beauty of nature and art (experience of beauty in nature and art);

6) love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one);

7) financially secure life (lack of material difficulties);

8) the presence of good and faithful friends;

9) public recognition (respect for others, team, workmates);

10) knowledge (the possibility of expanding one's education, outlook, general culture, intellectual development);

11) productive life (the fullest possible use of their capabilities, strengths and abilities);

12) development (work on oneself, constant physical and spiritual improvement);

13) entertainment (pleasant, easy pastime, lack of responsibilities);

14) freedom (independence, independence in judgments and actions);

15) happy family life;

16) happiness of others (welfare, development and improvement of other people, the whole people, humanity as a whole);

17) creativity (possibility of creative activity);

18) self-confidence (internal harmony, freedom from internal contradictions, doubts).

List B (instrumental values):

1) accuracy (cleanliness), the ability to keep things in order, order in business;

2) good manners (good manners);

3) high demands (high demands on life and high claims);

4) cheerfulness (sense of humor);

5) diligence (discipline);

6) independence (ability to act independently, decisively);

7) intolerance to shortcomings in oneself and others;

8) education (breadth of knowledge, high general culture);

9) responsibility (sense of duty, ability to keep one's word);

10) rationalism (the ability to think sensibly and logically, make well-considered, rational decisions);

11) self-control (restraint, self-discipline);

12) courage in defending one's opinion, views;

13) strong will (the ability to insist on one's own, not to retreat in the face of difficulties);

14) tolerance (to the views and opinions of others, the ability to forgive others for their mistakes and misconceptions);

15) breadth of views (the ability to understand someone else's point of view, respect other tastes, customs, habits);

16) honesty (truthfulness, sincerity);

17) efficiency in business (industriousness, productivity in work);

18) sensitivity (caring).


Method of S. Ritchie and P. Martin "Motivational Profile"

To evaluate each of the options (a), (b), (c), ( d ) statements, use all 11 points.

I believe that I could make a great contribution in a job where

I would not like to work where

It is important to me that my work

I guess I wouldn't be very interested in a job that

I like my job if

I guess I'd like it if

Satisfying work

It is important that work

I don't think that work will be satisfying if

The best work is the one that

I probably won't do a good job if

When defining job responsibilities, it is important

I probably don't want to work where

I would be satisfied if

The job would be less satisfying if

I believe that the position should provide

Work would be less satisfying if

I would like to work where

I don't think I would want to work where

I believe that a satisfying job should involve

Work will not be enjoyable if

I find it important that my job provides me with

I don't think that I would like a job if

In the process of organizing work, it is important

I probably wouldn't want to work where

Job is satisfying, probably when

I would not like a job that

I would like to work where

I don't think work should

Well planned work is a must

I would think that work does not bring satisfaction

The most important job characteristics are

  1. good salary and other types of remuneration;

    there is an opportunity to establish good relationships with colleagues at work;

    I could influence decision-making and demonstrate my worth as an employee;

    I have the opportunity to improve and grow as a person.

    there are no clear instructions on what is required of me;

    there is practically no feedback and evaluation of the effectiveness of my work;

    what I do looks of little use and little value;

    poor working conditions, too noisy or dirty.

    was associated with considerable diversity and change;

    gave me the opportunity to work with a wide range of people;

    provided me with clear directions so that I knew what was required of me;

    allowed me to get to know the people with whom I work.

    would provide me with little contact with other people;

    would hardly be noticed by other people;

    would not have a specific shape, so I would not be sure what is required of me;

    would be associated with a certain amount of routine operations.

    I clearly imagine what is required of me;

    I have a comfortable workplace, and I have few distractions;

    I have good remuneration and wages;

    allows me to improve my professional qualities.

    there would be good working conditions and there would be no pressure on me;

    I would have a very good salary;

    the work would actually be useful and bring me satisfaction;

    my achievements and work would be appreciated.

    be loosely structured, which makes it unclear what should be done;

    provide too few opportunities to get to know other people well;

    be insignificant and of little use to society or uninteresting to perform;

    remain unrecognized, or its implementation must be taken for granted.

    associated with significant diversity, change and stimulation of enthusiasm;

    gives you the opportunity to improve your professional qualities and develop as a person;

    is useful and meaningful to society;

    allows me to be creative (be creative) and experiment with new ideas.

    recognized and valued by the organization in which I work;

    would provide opportunities for personal growth and improvement;

    was associated with great diversity and change;

    would allow the worker to influence others.

    in the process of its implementation, there are few opportunities to make contacts with different people;

    salary and remuneration are not very good;

    I can not establish and maintain good relations with colleagues at work;

    I have very little autonomy or flexibility.

    provides good working conditions;

    gives clear instructions and explanations about the content of the work;

    involves the performance of interesting and useful tasks;

    allows you to get recognition of personal achievements and quality of work.

    there are few opportunities to set goals and achieve them;

    I do not have the opportunity to improve my personal qualities;

    hard work is not recognized and adequately rewarded;

    the workplace is dusty, dirty or noisy.

    give people the opportunity to get to know each other better;

    give the employee the opportunity to set goals and achieve them;

    provide conditions for the manifestation of creativity by employees;

    ensure the comfort and cleanliness of the workplace.

    I will have little independence and opportunities to improve my personality;

    research and scientific curiosity are discouraged;

    very little contact with a wide range of people;

    there are no worthy allowances and additional benefits.

    it would be possible to influence the decision-making of other employees;

    the work would afford wide variety and change;

    my achievements would be appreciated by other people;

    I would know exactly what is required of me and how I should do it.

    would not allow setting and achieving complex goals;

    would clearly not know the rules and procedures for performing work;

    the level of payment of my work would not correspond to the level of complexity of the work performed;

    I could hardly influence the decisions made and what others do.

    clear job descriptions and instructions on what is required of me;

    the opportunity to get to know your co-workers better;

    the ability to perform complex production tasks that require the exertion of all forces;

    diversity, change and encouragement.

    would not allow for the possibility of even a small creative contribution;

    would be carried out in isolation, i.e. the worker would have to work alone;

    there would be no favorable internal climate in which the employee could grow professionally;

    would not give them the opportunity to influence decision-making.

    other people recognize and appreciate the work I do;

    I will have the opportunity to influence what others do;

    there is a decent system of allowances and additional benefits;

    you can come up with and test new ideas and be creative.

    there is no diversity or change in work;

    I will have little opportunity to influence decisions;

    wages are not too high;

    working conditions are not good enough

    having clear instructions so that workers know what is required of them;

    opportunity to be creative;

    opportunity to meet interesting people;

    feeling of satisfaction and really interesting tasks.

    minor allowances and additional benefits are provided;

    working conditions are uncomfortable or the room is very noisy;

    the employee does not have the opportunity to compare his work with the work of others;

    research, creativity and new ideas are discouraged.

    many contacts with a wide range of interesting people;

    the ability to set and achieve goals;

    the ability to influence decision-making;

    high level of wages.

    working conditions are uncomfortable, the workplace is dirty or noisy;

    little chance of influencing other people;

    few opportunities to achieve the set goals;

    I could not be creative and come up with new ideas.

    ensure the cleanliness and comfort of the workplace;

    create conditions for the manifestation of independence by the employee;

    provide for the possibility of diversity and change;

    provide a person with ample opportunities for contact with other people.

    working conditions are uncomfortable, i.e. noisy or dirty, etc.;

    few opportunities to make contact with other people;

    the work is not interesting or useful;

    the work is routine and assignments rarely change.

    people recognize and appreciate a job well done;

    there is ample room for maneuver and flexibility;

    you can set yourself complex and bold goals;

    there is an opportunity to get to know your colleagues better.

    would not be useful and would not bring a sense of satisfaction;

    would not allow me to form friendships with others;

    would be non-specific and would not set complex tasks.

    work is interesting and useful;

    people can establish long-term friendships;

    I would be surrounded by interesting people;

    I could influence decision making;

    to provide that a person most of the time worked alone;

    give little chance of recognition of the employee's personal achievements;

    hinder the establishment of relationships with colleagues;

    consist mainly of routine duties.

    provides for a sufficient set of benefits and many allowances;

    provides an opportunity to set goals and achieve them;

    stimulates and encourages the development of new ideas.

    could not perform complex promising work;

    there would be few opportunities for creativity;

    only a small amount of autonomy would be allowed;

    the very essence of the work would not seem useful or necessary.

    opportunity for creativity and original non-standard thinking;

    important duties, the fulfillment of which brings satisfaction;

    the ability to establish good relationships with colleagues;

    the presence of significant goals that the employee is called upon to achieve.

Examples and samples of reports on production, undergraduate and technological practice.

All reports can be downloaded.

1. Report on completion of pre-diploma economic practice in JSC "Moldtelecom" Comrat branch

I. General position and characteristics of the enterprise

II. The main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise and their analysis

III. Organization of the production process and accounting

3.1. Enterprise planning

3.2. Norms and standards applied in the development of plans, staff structure

3.3. Financial department and organization of accounting at the enterprise.

3.4. Repair facilities

3.5. Transport economy

IV. Enterprise management

4.1. Enterprise management and staff availability

4.2. Communication process

4.3. Decision making process

4.4. Control in management

4.5. Computerization

V. Commercial service and marketing activities of the enterprise

VI. Personnel policy of the enterprise

Conclusions and offers



I. General position and characteristics of the enterprise.

JSC "Moldtelecom" operates on the territory of the entire Republic of Moldova and has subsidiaries located in all regional centers, except for the regions of Transnistria.

Joint stock company "Moldtelecom" Comrat branch was registered as JSC (with a 100% stake in the state) on January 05, 1999 on the basis of the Decree of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova No. Order of the Privatization Department of the Republic of Moldova No. 1075/03 dated 21.12.98 (Certificate series A No. 169061, date of issue 03.04.2002) and operates as a branch of Moldtelecom JSC.

From 03/31/93 to 01/05/99, this enterprise was state-owned, and until 1993 it was called the Moldtelecom branch Comrat Telecommunication Center.

JSC "Moldtelecom" Comrat branch is located in mun. Komrat, on the street. Pobeda, 46 and operates on the territory of the Komrat region, having its structural divisions in the regional center and rural settlements of the region.

Conclusions and offers

After analyzing the economic and organizational activities of JSC "Moldtelecom" Comrat branch, we can conclude that the company is working quite stably.

All plans are developed at the enterprise, there is always a development forecast for future periods, everything is done according to the standards. One drawback - the standards are already obsolete.

JSC "Moldtelecom" provides the Comrat region with telecommunication services, Internet services. But a very important question remains: how do consumers pay for the services delivered?

This entails an increase in tariffs that will cover the cost of unpaid services, switching off phones due to large debts.

It is very positive in JSC "Moldtelecom" Comrat branch that they are making capital investments in production.

On the example of JSC "Moldtelecom" fil. Comrat town can be convinced that thanks to the investments in the amount of 62037.5 thousand lei, there was a sharp increase in the volume of products (services), as a result of which the cost of services provided decreased, and there was a large increase in the profit of the enterprise. Labor productivity also increased due to the introduction of a new more modern, less energy-intensive, high-tech (digital) station.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that in connection with the introduction of a new digital high-tech, less labor-intensive telephone exchange, jobs have not been released. The enterprise creates a front of work for these employees so that these specialists will work in their specialty in the future. There are pros and cons to this as well. The downside is that this increases the wage fund, which increases the costs of the enterprise, respectively, reducing their income. The advantage is that the enterprise will need these specialists in the near future, and in order not to collect them later and not to look for them, the enterprise keeps them in reserve. This speaks of the prospective development of the enterprise.

The selection of personnel at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with all the provisions, there is no principle of "nepotism". Very high potential for specialists. 80% of the specialists of the administrative apparatus are specialists with higher education.

Download the report in text format

2. An example of industrial practice on the analysis of economic activity and audit of PE "Chateau"


Characteristics of the natural and economic conditions of the state of emergency "Chateau", its size, structure and specialization………………………………………….…4 4

1. Analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise

1.1. Analysis of the structure and specialization of the enterprise, its
production resources………………………………………………..5 7

1.2. Analysis of economic activity in crop production…………..…12 8 9

1.3. Sales of agricultural products…………………….….17 9

1.4. Analysis of the formation and placement of capital…………………….…19

2. Audit of the accounting (financial) statements of the enterprise 10

2.1. Organization of accounting at the enterprise………………….24

2.2. Organization of internal control and materials of previous
inspections at the enterprise………………………………………………………………26 10

2.3. General audit of financial statements in the form………………….28 10

2.4. Checking the financial statements by content…………………...29 11

2.5. Checking the consistency of financial statements…...30 11

2.6. Individual task……………………………………………….31

Conclusion on the production report ...…………………………………….40 19 21

Conclusion on industrial practice…………………………………..42

Annex 1. Questionnaire for studying the accounting system 22

Annex 2. Inherent Risk and Internal Control Risk Assessment Sheet 23

Appendix 3. The act of auditing financial statements in form 24

Appendix 4. Summary statement of the balance check in the General Ledger 24

Annex 5. Summary sheet for checking the compliance of General Ledger data with financial reporting data

Annex 6. The act of checking the consistency of financial statements

Appendix 7-8. Independent auditor's report


The object of the production practice was the private enterprise "Chateau". Land use of the enterprise is located in with. Malaya Kakhovka, Kakhovka district, Kherson region. Legal address - Novaya Kakhovka pr. Dneprovsky, 97.

During the internship, the following tasks were identified:

§ Acquisition of practical skills in mastered theoretical disciplines;

§ Study of modern applied methods of organization of economic analysis of enterprises' activities;

§ Identification of reserves to improve the efficiency of the enterprise;

§ Analysis of the current economic situation of the enterprise and search for ways to improve it;

§ Studying the financial statements of the enterprise and establishing its completeness, reliability and compliance with regulatory and legislative documents;

§ Checking the financial statements of the enterprise in form and content, as well as establishing the relationship between indicators of different forms of financial statements;

§ Carrying out a detailed audit in an individual area.

The purpose of the internship is to analyze the economic and financial activities of the enterprise, analyze economic activities in the main sectors of the economy, conduct an audit of financial statements and audits on an individual topic, identify shortcomings in the organization of accounting and internal control at the enterprise.

Conclusion from the Sample Practice Report

4th year student of the accounting and financial faculty Gavrilenko N. A. following the results of work practice

During the internship, I acquired practical skills in the studied theoretical disciplines - "Analysis of economic activity" and "Organization and methods of audit", studied modern applied methods for organizing the economic analysis of the enterprise's activities, mastered the procedure for analyzing the current economic situation and the methodology for finding ways to improve the situation and identifying the reserves of the enterprise. An audit of the company's financial statements in terms of form and content was also carried out, as well as checking the consistency of indicators reflected in the company's statements.

In addition, an audit was carried out on an individual topic - accounting for the current biological assets of crop production, and methodological recommendations were developed for the enterprise on this topic.

In general, following the results of my internship at PE Chateau, I gained invaluable experience that will be useful in my future professional activities.

Download an example of a production practice report - An example of a practice report on the analysis of economic activities and audit of PE "Shato"

3. Sample report on practice at the State Hospital for Veterinary Medicine

Introduction from the report

Stage I of the production practice took place in the urban settlement. Kirovskoe, in the Kirov District State Hospital of Veterinary Medicine, the Kirov District State Administration of Veterinary Medicine, the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination in the market of Stary Krym, the dairy shop of the SOVLUG farm, the Dumpling shop of PE Krushelnitsky, the fish-smoking shop of PE Kasatkin, the slaughterhouse of the DP " Ilyich-Agro-Crimea" Agroworkshop No. 66, artificial insemination point of the SE "Ilyich-Agro-Crimea" Agroworkshop No. 66, Nizhnegorsk Interdistrict State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine from January 12 to March 13, 2009.

During the period of practice, she got acquainted with the structure of veterinary medicine in the Kirovsky district of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the peculiarities of the work of veterinary medicine specialists, the specifics of the veterinary and sanitary examination in the market, participated in the preparation of documents, the reception of sick animals, laboratory research, and also got acquainted with the work of veterinary specialists of the dairy shop KFH "SOVLUG", Dumpling shop PE Krushelnitsky, Fish-smoking shop PE Kasatkin, slaughterhouse DP "Ilyich-Agro-Crimea" Agro shop No. 66, artificial insemination point DP "Ilyich-Agro-Crimea" Agro shop No. 66.

Download the entire practice report - An example of a practice report at the State Hospital for Veterinary Medicine.

4. An example of a report on field practice on land management and geodesy

3. Conclusions (general impression of the practice, a brief description of the most interesting moments in the work, other impressions).

During the period from June 18 to July 20, 2007, during my work experience, I took part in 38 geodetic surveys necessary for the further execution of work on the preparation of technical documentation for land management in terms of drawing up documents certifying the right of private property. In addition, she took part in the tacheometric survey of the territory with a total area of ​​10 hectares. A more complete list of work performed can be viewed in the attached work practice diary.

All data obtained during geodetic measurements were processed, cadastral plans and catalogs of coordinates were submitted. Projects were created for breaking down the territory with a total area of ​​10 hectares into land plots.

5. Sample report on technological practice for forestry

1.1. Introduction

Industrial practice at the enterprise is the missing part of full-fledged knowledge that follows the theoretical material covered during the training period. Thanks to this practice, knowledge and skills in organizing the work of an enterprise or their divisions in the forestry sector are consolidated.

I passed my industrial practice at the Crimean mountain-forest research station. It is located in the southeastern part of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on the territory of the city of Alushta.

Address: 98500 Crimea, Alushta per. factory 7.

The station is engaged in the development of scientific foundations for the proper management of forestry in the mountain forests of the Crimea. Conducts environmental monitoring under the European program and monitoring of diseases and pests in the forests of Crimea. On the territory of the station there is an office of the Alushta forestry. It was organized in 1932 and reorganized in 1960. The forestry itself is located on the territory of the Belogorsk, Simferopol and Sudak administrative regions. It includes Zaprudnenskoye, Alushta, Solnechnogorskoye and Privetninskoye forestries. The total area of ​​the leskhozzag is 30,238 ha.

The first forest inventory was carried out in 1890, and the last one in 2001. The inventory of the forest fund was carried out by the method of land valuation with the wide use of measuring valuation methods: measuring the sums of cross-sectional areas, cutting and measuring model trees, laying trial plots. The length of taxation passages per 1000 ha was 96 km.

Crimean GLOS, depending on the characteristics of the habitat conditions, the characteristics of plantations and the degree of habitat disturbance, systematized tables were compiled to establish the EF and given directions for forestry and forest reclamation measures that were used in the design of all forestry measures.

General conclusions from the sample practice report

In general, in recent years, it can be said that the plant species structure has improved at the enterprise and the area of ​​coniferous plantations has increased. Carrying out a fairly significant amount of sanitary felling and other forest protection measures contributed to the improvement of the sanitary condition of plantations. The leshoz paid great attention to fire safety issues, as evidenced by the absence of damage from fires. The negative side of forest management, I would include the insufficient provision of forest protection with means of communication and the insufficient effectiveness of measures to improve haylands. The cuttings were carried out quite effectively and efficiently, as evidenced by the absence of old dead wood, as well as a significant improvement in the sanitary condition.

An analysis of sources on environmental and recreational aspects shows their close relationship and the need to solve the problem of fulfilling these two functions by the forest in full. A factor that influences the decline in the potential of the ecological function of the forest is the growth of recreational use. The Crimean mountain forests are especially complex ecosystems, therefore, they are vulnerable to anthropogenic impact, so I propose to find a balance between recreational requirements and the possibilities of a natural area, that is, a combination of recreational activities with the ecological possibilities of a certain territory.

When evaluating the methods of cutting and transporting wood, one should take into account not only operational erosion (mechanical removal of soil by logs), but also the volume of soil removed by water erosion in recent years. Clearcutting leads to violation of the water-regulating role of the forest, therefore, it is advisable to apply the principle of group-selective felling, but always in the presence of good natural regeneration and destruction of the undergrowth for the first time two years after felling. Sanitary cuttings improve the condition of the plantation, but worsen the conditions for the natural renewal of oak, due to the development of second-tier rocks. Carrying them out slightly changes the water-regulating capacity (BE).

In low-value plantations, a complex of reconstruction works should be carried out, rather than individual measures, since this would allow the formation of plantations of the required composition and quality in the shortest possible time. It is also necessary to plant damaged specimens of undergrowth on the stump and carry out constant care of the plantation. In low-grade and low-closed plantations growing on slopes up to 12 o, one should not carry out continuous uprooting over large areas and create pure cultures of Crimean pine, as this leads to an increase in forest fires and the cost of reconstruction costs.

Forests, in general, occupy the largest area among other land user groups and activities play a large role in changing the surface of watersheds. Any type of economic activity within a particular watershed will have a direct impact on the same watershed in the first place.

The organization of watershed management should be based on a number of fundamental approaches. One of them is the consideration and observance of natural boundaries - watersheds. When dividing forests into economic quarters, it is necessary to give preference to the natural division by watersheds. It is expedient to assign forest areas within the catchment area to one forestry enterprise, and, if possible, to the structural part - forestry, bypass (Levchuk O.I. 2003).

To increase the productivity of forests, it is necessary to protect soils from damage and destruction during timber hauling, as well as to take measures to renew forests after thinning. The occurrence of brown soils on the slopes requires the application of measures to combat water erosion. To increase fertility, organic and mineral fertilizers should be applied.

The unfavorable impact of fires affects the physical properties of the soil in combination with high recreational loads, since after a fire the physical properties of the surface layer of the soil and the subsoil deteriorate, which means that the recreational use of forest areas after fires should be strictly prohibited. Depending on the course of natural regeneration in forests, it is necessary to carry out activities to promote this regeneration. So in the burnt areas of the forest, it is necessary to create forest plantations in the first years after the fire.

Download Report in Text Format - Sample Forestry Technological Practice Report

6. An example of a report on practice at an enterprise in economics at Krymteplitsa JLLC

8. Conclusions and suggestions

Based on the results of the internship in economics, a student intern at the enterprise JLLC "Krymteplitsa" of the Simferopol region of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, all the objectives of the internship were achieved, the activities of the enterprise were studied, labor, professional practical skills were obtained as an economist, an analysis was made of the economic indicators of the entire enterprise and its individual industries.

JLLC "Krymteplitsa" is one of the largest producers of greenhouse vegetables in the Crimea and Ukraine, works efficiently, increases production and sales volumes and profitability.

All vegetable products sold by Krymteplitsa JLLC comply with Ukrainian GOSTs and standards, which is confirmed by Ukrainian quality conformity certificates and recognition certificates.

The quality of the products manufactured by the plant is under constant vigilant control of the agrochemical laboratory, the only one among the Crimean agricultural producers that has passed accreditation and has the full right to issue certificates for products.

Productivity of grain and leguminous cultures in 2009. amounted to 28.83 centners/ha, which is 3.98 centners/ha lower than the level of 2007. In percentage terms, the yield of this type of crop decreased by 12.1%. Sunflower yield decreased slightly by 0.12 c/ha and in 2009 is 11.35 c/ha. The yield of greenhouse vegetables during the analyzed period has a steady upward trend. For the entire period, the increase in yield is 2.59 kg/m2 or 7.0% and in 2009. is 39.74 kg/m2.

In JLLC "Krymteplitsa" of Simferopol district, the efficiency of crop production is high and during 2007-2009. tends to increase.

A number of ancillary auxiliary productions operate at the enterprise: a mechanic workshop and repair workshops, a car garage, a tractor team, a sorting workshop and a sales workshop, boiler houses.

The enterprise JLLC "Krymteplitsa" in addition to the main activity - the production of agricultural products - provides motor transport services, both freight and passenger.

The company employs 492 people, staff turnover is minimal. All employees have high professional qualifications. The company employs 72 people with higher education, 87 people with specialized secondary education. Agronomists were trained in Russia, Holland, Poland, exchanged experience with agronomists of other leading greenhouse enterprises in Ukraine. Team leaders periodically improve their skills.

The company pays a lot of attention to sports.

At the initiative of the director of JLLC "Krymteplitsa" Alexander Modestovich Vasiliev, in 1999, the football club "Krymteplitsa" was created. In 2003, a stadium for 2700 seats was built, with all the infrastructure: two fields of standard sizes, a tennis court, a hotel, a sauna, a gym, an artificial turf field.

An analysis of the vegetable market shows that JLLC "Krymteplitsa" ranks first in the Crimea and the leading place in Ukraine in terms of sales of grown products.

More than 60 greenhouse complexes operate in Ukraine. The main competitors in this industry for the analyzed enterprise are:

1) JSC "Combine" Teplichny", 48.5 hectares, Kiev region;

2) CJSC "Zmievskaya vegetable factory", 23 hectares and 24 hectares of film, Kharkiv region;

3) Agrokombinat "Puscha Voditsa", 20 hectares, Kiev region;

4) Greenhouse complex "Provesin", 18 hectares, Lviv region;

5) Uman greenhouse complex, 28 hectares, Cherkasy region.

During the internship, I carried out work to study the activities of JLLC "Krymteplitsa" in all its areas. I took an active part in reviewing production problems and solving the tasks set by the management, assisted the accounting staff in the preparation of accounting and tax reporting, and calculated the indicators of the financial plan.

Based on the results of the internship, I compiled a report that reflects the results of its passage at the Krymteplitsa JLLC.

Download the entire report on practice at the enterprise in text format- Sample report on economic practice

Practice report example - 3.4 out of 5 based on 17 votes

Teaching practice for a student is a common thing. Many perceive it as another adventure. Some take it quite seriously and hope to gain invaluable experience. And here's the surprise: most often, expectations are not justified. But this does not negate the fact that students will have to somehow decide how to write a practice report.

A lot has been said about the writing and competent design of other types of work in our telegram channel. And here we will tell you how to correctly write and format a report on educational practice for a student, and provide a sample.

How to write a report on educational practice

The report itself rarely raises questions. It is enough to simply describe how someone practiced, what goals were set and what results were achieved. Most students start to get excited when starting to design. They are interested in the following questions:

  • How to draw up, write and issue a report on production practice in accordance with GOST?
  • How to write a diary, testimonial and defense report?

There are other problems for young professionals who seek to practice. Often more experienced employees do not allow the student to production processes. Collecting useful information in such practice is extremely difficult.

Or imagine: you ended up in an internship, and they are trying to hang all possible responsibilities on you. Then there is so much material collected that simply bringing it back to normal is something from the category of fantasy. What to do when it is very difficult or unrealistic to write and arrange the work correctly?

You need to start from the very beginning. We read and memorize how to write a report on industrial practice at the enterprise, look at a sample and learn practical recommendations.

General rules and requirements for the preparation of a practice report

Despite the presence of its own requirements at each university, which can be found in the methodological literature of your university, there are standards for preparing an internship report:

  1. The total amount of work does not exceed 40 standard A4 sheets.
  2. Practice report numbered on all pages(except for the title page and application to practical work).
  3. The text is printed in black Times New Roman 12-14 size. Between the lines set double or one and a half interval.
  4. The indent from the new line is 1.25 pt.
  5. Each section its name. The new section starts with new line.
  6. Before starting to create a document, acceptable page indents are set: left margin 30 mm, right margin 20 mm, top and bottom margin 20 mm.
  7. When preparing a report on practice according to GOST words are not allowed. However, many university departments allow word wrapping, so check this point with your department.

If you study at a technical university, you may need a frame for the report.

Making the title page of the practice report

The title page of the training practice is practically no different from the title pages of other works. The sheet header, as usual, contains information about the educational institution and the student. This is followed by the name of the work, that is, a report on the passage of educational practice, city and year of completion.

By the way! If you have more important things to do than a practice report, our readers are now receiving a 10% discount on any kind of work.

Competent design of the practice report: a sample of filling information blocks

Practice report structure:

  • title page;
  • content or plan of work;
  • the main part with a description of the work done;
  • conclusion;
  • bibliographic list or list of references;
  • applications.

Having a clear understanding of what sections this document consists of, you can easily figure out what to write in the introduction of the practice report, in the conclusion and other parts of it.

General requirements for the content of the training report on practice

If you are going to do this part in the report, do it right. The content is the second page of the work, so teachers pay close attention to it. Even the main part cannot boast of such honors.

To learn how to correctly compose content, you should refer to GOST. The state standards clearly spell out the rules for the design of any scientific work and its sections.

However, each university has its own standards and requirements, so do not be lazy and go to the methodical office - this is the best way to avoid mistakes.

To make auto-table in Word, in the menu "Insert" you need to select an item "Link", then - "Tables and Indexes". In the tab "Table of contents" select "Structure panel" and set the parameters of the table of contents in the window that opens.

Internship report introduction

If everything is clear with the title page and content from a larger point, then the introduction must not only be correctly formatted, but also know what can and should be written there. In this part of the work, goals and objectives are set, and the relevance of the practice report is substantiated.

By the way, if this legal practice, then most likely you will need to provide sample documents that were created by you.

When the goals and objectives for an educational or even undergraduate practice are clear, it is very easy to create a report and its main part.

The main part of the practice report

This is a kind of practical part of the production practice, the project. Here clearly and clearly describe the structure of the enterprise. It is not so easy to characterize the host, especially if you were not really allowed anywhere. But it is in this part that you try avoid critical subjective evaluation.

After describing the company to which you were sent, you need to summarize the material and cover in detail all the processes in which you were involved. Also indicate what kind of support you received during your internship.

Conclusion of the internship report

At the end of the main part, a conclusion follows, in which the main conclusions and proposals of the practice report are formulated. How can you quickly and beautifully write a conclusion in a practice report so that the teacher does not ask additional questions, and the student can finally breathe deeply?

It is enough to remember that the main conclusions of the work and the results of practice are summarized here. In order not to miss anything, remember the goals and objectives set in the introduction.

When the report is ready, it's time to carry it for the signature of the head of the organization. Don't expect someone from the enterprise to read your manuscripts cover to cover. Rather, your teachers will do it. So keep it up!

References and characteristics

The list of references when preparing a report on practice is done in the following order:

  • legislative acts and other legal documents;
  • manual and training resources, Internet resources.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to properly cite a bibliographic list in a practice report:

  1. Open the menu Links, select the tab Bibliography. Select the desired list option from the drop-down list. The created insert will not show anything but the blank, with which we will work further.
  2. Place the cursor at the end of the paragraph where you link to the source. Reopening the menu Links/Insert link/Add new source.
  3. You will see a window where you just have to fill in the required fields (author, source name, place, year, publisher, and so on). Please note that in the column Source type there can be not only a book, but also an electronic resource, an article and other types of sources.
  4. As soon as you add a source, brackets will appear at the place where you placed the cursor with a reference to the bibliography. If no changes have been displayed in the bibliography itself by this moment, go to its settings and click the button Update of references and bibliography.

How to make applications in the practice report

If possible, be sure to attach attachments, as they will help you better understand the essence of the work of the enterprise and your work on it in particular. These can be photocopies of any documents or reference materials, annual reports, graphs, diagrams. The quality of application design in the practice report plays a huge role.

Knowing how to properly design applications, you can correctly summarize your work, make it more understandable.

What is the principle behind the formation of appendices to the report? Any job application includes:

  • drawings,
  • tables,
  • graphic materials.

There are certain standards that must be observed when creating annexes to the practice report. Here are the main ones:

  1. Every new application starts with a clean page. The title “APPENDIX” is written at the top in the center with a serial number assigned to it, corresponding to the reference in the text of the work. Below it is the title of a table, figure or other graphic object (starts with a capital letter from a separate line in the center).
  2. The numbering of applications can use the letters of the Russian (except for o, ё, d, z, b, h, ъ, s) or the Latin alphabet (except for the letters I, O). If the number of applications exceeds the number of letters in one of the alphabets, Arabic numerals can be used. If only one annex is attached to the diploma, it is indicated by a capital letter A.
  3. Application pagination should be continuous. Numbering starts with the first digit from the first page of the application.

Pay special attention to how tables should be formatted. This graphic element allows you to improve the visibility of examples and calculations. We want to tell you just how to do it right. Each figure, graphic object and table must be numbered in one of the following ways:

  1. Through numbering in the course of the practice report.
  2. New numbering with the beginning of each new chapter.

When creating applications, also scroll through the materials on how to draw up diagrams correctly if your work is technical in nature. And if everything is clear with other types of information provision, then scheme pose the most questions to students.

Scheme should be clear and visible. All inscriptions are clearly visible and are made in the same style as other graphic objects in the practice report. The lines of the diagram are clear. All elements have well-defined borders.

In a properly designed diagram, connections and sequences can be easily distinguished. The inscriptions capaciously reflect the essence of the scheme and all the ongoing processes that you want to describe.

Practice report templates

Here are samples and templates to help you complete your report faster:

How to create a report on educational practice in one click?

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