municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 18 of Leninogorsk" of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan

sports entertainment scenario "Fort Boyard"

for older preschool children

Panikarova N. N.,

physical education instructor

Target: Promotion of healthy lifestyles.Tasks:

To instill in children an interest in physical culture and sports.

Contribute to the development and manifestation of individual abilities.

Develop motor activity of children.

To form positive emotions, free and easy communication of children among themselves and with adults.

Cultivate positive qualities.

Location: gym, phytobar, swimming pool, music room.

Decor: on the central wall of the gym, the name of the entertainment

"Fort Boyard". The prize of the competition in an opaque package is suspended from the ceiling on a movable rope. All rooms involved in entertainment are divided into zones according to tasks.

Leading: physical education instructor.

The role of the old man and the savage is played by adults. The role of the keepers of the fort is played by children.

Preliminary work: tell the children about Fort Boyard.

Sports entertainment progress

A team of participants and spectators enter the sports hall to the music.

Presenter: Guys, today we have gathered to go to Fort Boyard. Athletes of our team will try their hand at various competitions for the prize of the fort. But this time the prize is not gold coins, but a toy. This prize hangs in a conspicuous place, but to take it, you have to guess what it is. The daredevils arrived at the fort to earn a prize not for themselves, but for the children of the younger group. This will be a gift for kids.

Our athletes need to get 5 keys that will give them the opportunity to get hints. With the help of hints, they will have to guess the name of the toy and put this word out of letters. If the word is guessed correctly, the prize on the rope will go down. Depending on the complexity of the task, the team sends one or two participants to complete it. The time is given for execution, which is fixed with the help of an hourglass. If the participant does not have time to cope with the task, he becomes a prisoner of the keepers of the fort. To free the prisoner, you must compete with them and earn chips from them. If there is no prisoner, then for these chips from the "savage" you can buy another hint. To complete the task, the participants, followed by the spectators, move according to the plan, on which the competition zones are marked.

And now let's get to know the participants better and look at them in action.

We go for the first key.

1 task.1 key located in the gym, which is divided into two parts. Through the "door" - the hoop, the participant enters the first part. Paths to flowers are laid out on the floor from auxiliary material. Under one of the flowers is a key. Threads are stretched across the hall, they cannot be touched. How not to step on the floor.

2 task. 2 key.

In the second half of the hall, two basins are suspended from the ceiling on a movable rope. In one is the key, in the other is the counterbalance. To get the key, children throw balls into the basin with the key. Under their weight, the basin falls down.

3 task. 3 key.

In the room of fear there are containers with toy spiders, snakes, etc. One of them has a key.

4 task. 4 key.

At the bottom of the pool, under one of the stones, there is a key. The child dives and gets it.

5 task. 5 key.

In the music hall, balls are laid out in a row, under one of them is a key. With the help of another ball, the children try to move the balls and find the key.

When moving from task to task, participants can steal a "wild" to play chips. The participant takes chips for himself until a chip with a black bottom side meets. The main thing is to stop in time so as not to give away previously earned chips.

After the participants have earned the keys, they go to the basement to the keepers of the fort. A part of the music hall is framed under the basement.

There are 5 keepers at 5 tables. Before each of them, one task. The keepers invite the participants to measure their strength with them.

1 task with pencils. Alternately, you can take 1-2-3 pencils. The one who takes the last pencils wins.

2 task . Traps. Non-standard physical culture equipment is used in this competition. A two-liter plastic bottle is taken, a barrel from a kinder surprise, a cord 30-40 cm long. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, a cord is passed inside and attached to the bottle cap. The second end of the cord is attached to the barrel. Holding the bottle by the neck with one hand, a wave of the hand is made forward and upward so that the barrel is at the top. The one with the keg in the bottle the fastest wins.

3 task. Gathering at speed two identical, cut into pieces pictures.

4 task. Before the participant and the keeper lies one case each with multi-colored balls. They are shown a sample in which order to place the balls by color. The pattern is removed and the players, from memory, arrange the balls according to the pattern.

5 task. Mini-golf. Holes are made in a large lid from a paper box, with a diameter slightly larger than a table tennis ball. And the edges of the holes are attached to the edges of plastic cups. It turns out a small golf course. The participant and the keeper take turns blowing the balls into the holes, while their hands are behind their backs. The one with the best time wins.

If more tasks are won by the participants, they are given a key - a chance.

Leading. We have the keys, it's time for clues.

Hint #1. You can build a house for this toy.

For this clue, we go to the old man. Guessing his riddles, we earn a hint.

1 riddle. What is the sweetest thing in the world? (dream).

2 riddle. What is the softest thing in the world? (hand).

Hint #2. This toy has 4 or more legs . This hint can be obtained in the pool. There are barrels from Kinder Surprise in the water. One of them contains a hint. The participant, moving around the pool, catches them from the water and passes them to the team. The kegs are checked for clues.

Hint #3. Boys love to play with this toy.

This clue is in the balloons that are hung in the gym, above the height of the child. The child, using a needle attached to a stick, pierces the balls and finds a clue in them.

When performing this task, special attention is paid to safety when working with a piercing object.

Hint #4. There are 2 letters "A" in the name of the toy.

This hint can be redeemed from the savage for chips.

Hint #5. The name of this toy begins with the letter "M".

This hint can be obtained for a key-chance.

After the meeting, the players under the prize must lay out the guessed word from the letters" CAR".

If the word is guessed correctly, the prize falls down into the hands of the participants. In addition to the car, there are incentive prizes for participants. The main prize belongs to the kids group. The game is summed up. Attention is drawn to how pleasant it is to bring joy not only to yourself, but also to others. And it is very important to be able to earn prizes with your work.

Natalia Panikarova

sports entertainment« Fort Boyard»

for older preschool children


To instill in children an interest in physical culture and sports.

Contribute development and display of individual abilities.

- Develop motor activity of children.

To form positive emotions, free and easy communication of children among themselves and with adults.

Cultivate positive qualities.

Location: gym, phytobar, swimming pool, music hall.

Decor: on the central wall sports hall, Name entertainment

« Fort Boyard» . The prize of the competition in an opaque package is suspended from the ceiling on a movable rope. All premises involved in entertainment, divided into zones according to tasks.

Leading: physical education instructor.

The role of the old man and the savage is played by adults. The role of the guardians fort, performed by children.

preliminary work: tell children about forte« Boyard» .

Sports entertainment progress

IN sports the hall to the music includes a team of participants and spectators.

Leading: Guys, today we have gathered to go to fort« Boyard» . Athletes of our team will try their hand at various competitions for the prize fort. But this time the prize is not gold coins, but a toy. This prize hangs in a conspicuous place, but to take it, you have to guess what it is. The daredevils arrived in fort to earn a prize not for yourself, but for the children of the younger group. This will be a gift for kids.

Our athletes you need to get 5 keys that will give you the opportunity to get hints. With the help of hints, they will have to guess the name of the toy and put this word out of letters. If the word is guessed correctly, the prize on the rope will go down. Depending on the complexity of the task, the team sends one or two participants to complete it. The time is given for execution, which is fixed with the help of an hourglass. If the participant does not have time to cope with the task, he becomes a prisoner of the guardians fort. To free the prisoner, you must compete with them and earn chips from them. If there is no prisoner, then for these chips "savages" you can buy another hint. To complete the task, the participants, followed by the spectators, move according to the plan, on which the competition zones are marked.

And now let's get to know the participants better and look at them in action.

We go for the first key.

1 task. 1 key is in gym, which is divided into two parts. Through "door"- hoop participant falls into the first part. Paths to flowers are laid out on the floor from auxiliary material. Under one of the flowers is a key. Threads are stretched across the hall, they cannot be touched. How not to step on the floor.

2 task. 2 key.

In the second half of the hall, two basins are suspended from the ceiling on a movable rope. In one is the key, in the other is the counterbalance. To get the key, children throw balls into the basin with the key. Under their weight, the basin falls down.

3 task. 3 key.

In the room of fear there are containers with toy spiders, snakes, etc. One of them contains a key.

4 task. 4 key.

At the bottom of the pool, under one of the stones, there is a key. The child dives and gets it.

5 task. 5 key.

In the music hall, balls are laid out in a row, under one of them is a key. With the help of another ball, the children try to move the balls and find the key.

When moving from task to task, participants can steal "savage" to play chips. The participant takes chips for himself until a chip with a black bottom side meets. The main thing is to stop in time so as not to give away previously earned chips.

After the participants have earned the keys, they go to the basement to the keepers fort. A part of the music hall is framed under the basement.

There are 5 keepers at 5 tables. Before each of them, one task. The keepers invite the participants to measure their strength with them.

1 task with pencils. Alternately, you can take 1-2-3 pencils. The one who takes the last pencils wins.

2 task. Traps. This competition uses non-standard physical culture equipment. A two-liter plastic bottle is taken, a barrel from a kinder surprise, a cord 30-40 cm long. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, a cord is passed inside and attached to the bottle cap. The second end of the cord is attached to the barrel. Holding the bottle by the neck with one hand, a wave of the hand is made forward and upward so that the barrel is at the top. The one with the keg in the bottle the fastest wins.

3 task. Gathering at speed two identical, cut into pieces pictures.

4 task. Before the participant and the keeper lies one case each with multi-colored balls. They are shown a sample in which order to place the balls by color. The pattern is removed and the players, from memory, arrange the balls according to the pattern.

5 task. Mini golf. Holes are made in a large lid from a paper box, with a diameter slightly larger than a table tennis ball. And the edges of the holes are attached to the edges of plastic cups. It turns out a small golf course. The participant and the keeper take turns blowing the balls into the holes, while their hands are behind their backs. The one with the best time wins.

If more tasks are won by the participants, they are given a key - a chance.

Leading. We have the keys, it's time for clues.

Hint #1. You can build a house for this toy.

For this clue, we go to the old man. Guessing his riddles, we earn a hint.

1 riddle. What is the sweetest thing in the world? (dream).

2 riddle. What is the softest thing in the world? (hand).

Hint #2. This toy has 4 or more legs. This hint can be obtained in the pool. There are barrels in the water "kinder surprise". One of them contains a hint. The participant, moving around the pool, catches them from the water and passes them to the team. The kegs are checked for clues.

Hint #3. Boys love to play with this toy.

This clue is in the balloons that hung in the gym taller than a child. The child, using a needle attached to a stick, pierces the balls and finds a clue in them.

When performing this task, special attention is paid to safety when working with a piercing object.

Hint #4. The name of the toy has 2 letters "A".

This hint can be redeemed from the savage for chips.

Hint #5. The name of this toy starts with a letter "M".

This hint can be obtained for a key-chance.

After the meeting, the players under the prize must lay out the guessed word from the letters "CAR".

If the word is guessed correctly, the prize falls down into the hands of the participants. In addition to the car, there are incentive prizes for participants. The main prize belongs to the kids group. The game is summed up. Attention is drawn to how pleasant it is to bring joy not only to yourself, but also to others. And it is very important to be able to earn prizes with your work.

For several days, the Rosinka kindergarten got out of its usual schedule. They play Fort Boyard here. The teachers were preparing for this event for 2 weeks in secret from the children. They sewed costumes, looked for props. And almost until the night before the start, they decorated the rooms to create a special atmosphere. On Tuesday the first gong sounded. The game has begun.

Six teams of senior and preparatory groups found themselves in the maelstrom of a new game today. After greeting and getting to know the characters, the stern Monsieur La Boulle announces that the start time has come, and the countdown has begun.

Participants are waiting for seven tests from the meters and masters of the Fort. They receive their first task from Elder Fur. The key will be given to the team that gives the most correct answers to the sage's riddles. Then the participants scatter throughout the garden building.

Under the masks of the masters, nannies and educators are hiding. On the eve of the game, they were in the garden until late in the evening. They created the right atmosphere in the rooms.

Maria Schwartz, color meter:

“All with our own means, with our own strength, we are all crazy hands, so there would be an idea”

There are also failures. For example, Mark, along with his dad, failed to meet the deadline for one of the tasks. Now he is waiting for the team to bail him out.

Mark Panin:

"Our task was with dad to do it, but we didn't do it"

After a couple of minutes, the team gives the correct answer and the Panin family is back in the game.

Stanislav Panin, Mark's father:

"I thought everything would be much drier, but as practice has shown, everything is very interesting, great"

One of the most difficult tests for the guys is the illusion meter room. You need to find the key in one of the vessels. The containers are filled with sand, nuts, plasticine and toys. However, the guys do not see what is inside. They act by touch in complete darkness.

Elena Lyutova, meter of illusions:

"But not everyone, how many teams have already passed and only one team out of three has found the key"

Fort Boyard - takes place as part of the Healthy Baby project. The game is designed for two days. And this is just the first season. There will be several. Based on the plot of the famous show. In the process of completing tasks, children develop logic, thinking and attention. Uni learn to work in a team, make decisions and help each other out.

Elena Martynova, head of the kindergarten "Rosinka":

"We have added something new of our own, with elements of geocaching. They have already learned very well - this is a call to a friend, this is work on Skype, on WhatsApp, they are receiving route sheets right now, they will look. It could be a call to "Alice" they deal with it too."

All participants receive prizes, but only one winner is selected. The team "Hot Hearts" of the 12th group collected all 7 keys and became the leader of the first season.

Shusharina Lyubov Gennadievna
Scenario of the game "Fort Boyard"


Target: to promote the development of curiosity and cognitive interests in older preschoolers through educational games.


To consolidate the knowledge that children have about the world of nature and man, the properties and qualities of objects, signs and symbols.

To form an interest in the history of your family, pedigree, homeland. Develop coherent speech, logical thinking; understand the meaning of proverbs, improve the ability to guess riddles, navigate according to the plan-scheme; develop physical qualities.

To educate moral feelings, the ability to work together and work together in a team, while showing ingenuity, resourcefulness. To bring joy to children from educational games.


The hall is designed as "Fort Boyard" using modules, decorated with balls; hourglass (1,2,3, min., boxes from "Kinder surprises" with words; a "chest" box with prizes ("gold coins" - chocolate medallions); a dry pool with plastic balls and small objects - toys, different in properties (wooden nesting doll, rubber ball, wooden cube, metal machine, etc., 10 pieces in total), two easels.

Demo material: family coats of arms, made by parents together with children, genealogy of families; cards with tasks in logic - 9 pieces, a plan of the hall, signs and symbols (the coat of arms of Russia, the flag of Russia, money, music, road signs).

preliminary work: reading works of fiction; observations in nature; conversations about the family, the creation of projects: "Coat of arms of the family", "My genealogy"; study of signs and symbols; work with a plan-scheme (groups, sites, the use of didactic games of a cognitive orientation; a conversation about the game "Fort Boyard" (for adults).


Children enter the hall and become a semicircle. The teacher (leader) announces the start of the game.


You guys are here to play Fort Boyard. Difficult but interesting tasks await you here. A certain time is allotted for the completion of each task, we will follow it with an hourglass. For each successfully completed task within the set time limit, you will receive a "golden" key and a clue to the keyword. At the end of the game, a surprise awaits you - it is in a chest. You can open it if you collect the keys and guess the keyword. Elder Fura is waiting for you. Good luck to you kids!

Players pronounce the motto: "One for all, all for one!"

TASK I. Riddles of Elder Fur. (Time is checked by the hourglass. There are 2 minutes to complete this task).

Here is my first riddle: "Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a man, but tells." (Book).

The second riddle: "Without arms, without legs, but it opens the gate" (Wind).

(Note: Elder Fura gives the children a key if they solve both riddles in 2 minutes).

Well done, here's your first key.


Onward to the next test!

(If the children do not guess at least one riddle, the team receives a penalty point and leaves the "hostage player" to complete an additional task. For example, expressively read the poem "Kin" by Y. Akim or perform physical exercise).

TASK 2. "Think, decide, answer correctly."

caregiver: -Guys, you need to find 9 cards. They are hidden in the tunnel.

Whoever finds the card will answer. (All children go through the tunnel, look for cards with tasks. 9 people remain, the rest of the children sit on chairs. In case of difficulty in answering, they help their friends. The time to complete this task is 3 minutes).

Cards are displayed on an easel.

"What's in common?" (3 pieces)

"What is extra? (4 pieces)

"Find a logical pair" (2 pieces). (If the children answer at the set time, they receive the key, if they didn’t have time, they complete an additional task. For example, “Collect the beads.” You need to place + or - signs in the examples. 2 people are invited to an additional task).

TASK 3. "Question answer".

Theme: "Nature".


Questions for boys:

How many seasons? (Four)

Man made birdhouse? (birdhouse)

Who is called the ship of the desert? (camel)

The biggest bird? (Ostrich)

Bear's winter apartment? (Den)

First spring flower? (Snowdrop)

The fastest animal? (Cheetah)

A thorny desert plant? (Cactus)

How many legs does a spider have? (Eight)

Girls answer:

The hottest time of the year? (Summer)

Without hands, without an axe, has a hut been built? (Nest)

Fox house? (Nora)

A tree with white bark? (Birch)

The smallest bird? (Hummingbird)

Flower for divination? (Chamomile)

First month of spring? (March)

The slowest animal? (Sloth)

Dolphin is a fish? (No).

Note: When completing the Question and Answer task, the team must give 12 correct answers in 2 minutes to receive the key.

If necessary, in the form of a penalty point - an additional task:

Game "Edible-inedible".

TASK 4. "The affairs of life".

Children, at the request of the teacher, get up and go through the arch with the gate, jump from hoop to hoop, as in the game "Classics". Then they approach the easel, on which the stand "Coat of arms of the family" is installed.


What is this? (Children answer).

Who wants to talk about the coat of arms of their family? (3 persons)

The rest of the children sit on chairs.

Children's stories about the coat of arms of their family.

caregiver: Family is the most precious thing a person has. No wonder the people put together a lot of proverbs and sayings. Do you know them?

Children in 1 minute name 5 proverbs.

For example:

The family is complete.

There is no sweeter friend than a mother.

Gold and silver do not age, father and mother have no value.

Children are the flowers of life.

Children are good - a crown for father and mother, thin - the end for father and mother.

Lay 4 hoops on the floor. Children move to the music. After the end of the music, they take places in hoops of 4 people each. Those children who did not have time to take a place in the hoop say their name and what it means. For example:

Polina is independent.

Arina (as Irina) - the world.

Marina - sea.

Mary is sad, ma'am.

Then these children sit down. Game continues. A command is given to take a place in a hoop of 3 people. Those who do not have enough space must be told what their names mean. For example:

The novel is solid and strong.

Fedor is a gift from God.

Alena (as Elena) - sunny, torch.

After the game is over, the children move on to the next challenge.

TASK 5. "What is it made of?

Game exercise "Find and tell". Description of the game exercise. In an inflatable pool, among a large number of plastic balls, toys are hidden, made of different materials: fabric, plastic, faux fur, wood, rubber, metal. The teacher tells the children:

The toys are hidden here. You need to find them and say what they are made of.

Girls are invited to complete the task first. (Their answers)

For example:

I have a matryoshka. She is made of wood.

The ball is rubber.

Then the host invites the boys. (Their answers)

The machine is metal.

The cube is wooden.

The steam locomotive is plastic. Etc.

Note: You have 3 minutes to complete this task. In the event that the children cannot complete the task on time, an additional one is given. For example: "Correct the artist's mistake" (Game for matching the number of objects with a number).

Then the facilitator invites the children to go to the last, decisive test.


Elder Fura sent us a plan, which indicates the place where the last task is hidden.

Children look at the plan of the hall, find the place according to the scheme, bring a package with the task.

TASK 6. "Decipher the signs."

Children open the package, there are different signs: images of the coat of arms and the flag of Russia, road signs, monetary, musical signs, an image of a letter, numbers (10 characters in total). They take one image, answer, earn a key.

Note: The set time is 3 minutes.

After completing the assignments, the educator invites the children to Elder Fura.


Let's hasten with the extracted keys to the elder Fur. (Children count how many keys they have collected). Instead of keys, Elder Fura gives the children "kinder surprises". They contain keyword hints. For example, 6 clues - 6 "hints". Children open "kinder - surprises", find clues. The teacher reads the words to the children. For example: parents, help,

son, daughter, love, care. Children must name the keyword - "FAMILY" .


Now we will check if you guessed the keyword correctly.

Inserts the key into the box (chest) and opens it. There is a surprise - "gold coins" (chocolate medallions).

Children rejoice. HOORAY!

The teacher distributes chocolate medals to children, praises them for their ingenuity, friendship:

Well done! You won this game because you were friendly, resourceful, quick-witted, skillful and dexterous. Won a prize - "gold coins". But do not forget the proverb: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!"

Children say goodbye to the guests and leave the hall.

Sports game in the senior, preparatory group. Scenario

The scenario of the sports and intellectual game "FORT BOYARD"

(for children of senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten)
Target: promotion of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.
Tasks: to give children to feel the joy of solving intellectual problems, from the game itself. Activate existing knowledge. Develop logical thinking, improve motor skills (walking, running, jumping, balance). To teach to establish communication in a joint game, to promote group cohesion. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and diligence.
Heroes: presenter, children participants, elder Fura.
Equipment: records of melodies of the television game "Ford Boyard", hint keys with letters, hourglass, gymnastic sticks 10 pcs., 5 balls, easel, crossword puzzle, hoops 4 pcs., chalk, jump rope 2 pcs., 2 balloons with notes, notes with proverbs, skittles 6 pcs., a basket with notes, the Book of Secrets and the costume of the old man Fury, cards with the names of animals, candies in the form of coins, a diploma

Leading:- Hello guys! Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered to hold a sports and intellectual game "Fort Boyard". Let's welcome the participants of this game. (The host invites each participant, briefly describing him)
Leading:- Guys, I invite you on an exciting journey to Fort Boyard. This is the name of the fortress that we must conquer. To win this game, you must guess the keyword. This is not easy to do, you will have to go through many tests, but I hope that you will succeed. Do you agree? (Music sounds and Elder Fura appears). Guys, look, who came to our game? Who you are?

Truck: Hello, brave and brave boys and girls! I am the old man Fura. It's hard to imagine Fort Boyard without me. I live at the very top of the fort, in the watchtower. In addition, I am also the Keeper of the Keys (shows a bunch of keys).
Leading: Guys, let's all go on our journey together.
Truck: Before we move on to complex sports and logical tasks, I suggest doing a physical workout. (the game "Turnip" two teams of 6 people each (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse), there are two chairs on the opposite side of the players. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist) and they continue to run together, run around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for the turnip joins the mouse).

Leading:- Guys, do you have a motto?
Participating children:
1st team:"We are children, preschoolers
They came to Fort Boyard to play.
And our motto is to win!”
2nd team:"We are ready, as always,
Defeat you without difficulty."
Truck:- Well done! Guys, remember that the hourglass will control the time for completing all tasks. So, the first test. It is necessary to transfer all the balls on sticks from one side of the site to the other. Let's see how you work together in pairs. This test is called "Friendly couples". You must stand in pairs, pick up sticks and use them to move the balls.

After that, the presenter asks to find a note on one of the sticks with a task to be completed ("Crossword solution" (on an easel).
1. He cooks dinner in the dining room. - COOK.
2. He sits at the cash register and receives money from customers. - CASSIR.
3. He heals. - DOCTOR.
4. He teaches children at school. - TEACHER.
5. He flies. - PILOT.
6. He paints the fence, walls, ceiling. - MALYAR.
7. He is fishing. - FISHER.
8. He works in a mine. - MINER.
9. He builds houses. - BUILDER.
10. He sews beautiful things. - TAILOR.
If the crossword is solved correctly, then in the selected cells vertically you can read who cuts people's hair. - HAIRDRESSER.)

Truck: For the correct solution of the crossword puzzle, the captain brings a hint key.
Leading:- Well done! You have completed the first task. We pass to the next task - "Race of hoops". (lines of 20-25 m are drawn on the track, one from the arc) Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, go back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Leading: For correctly completed tasks, the captain again brings a hint key.
Truck:- Clever! You have already won two keys. Ahead of you is the next task "Take the word." It will be necessary, having overcome an obstacle (jumping rope on one leg), take a balloon from the table, in which the word will be written, and return to the team at a run. Further, you will need to make a proverb from these words for a certain time (“Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends”, “Friends are known in trouble”, “A new thing is good, but an old friend”, “There is no friend - look, and found - take care"). For a correctly composed proverb, the captain brings the next hint key.

Leading:- Well done! Your piggy bank has replenished with one more clue - the key. And we move on to the next challenge, Obstacle Course. A line of pins and hoops is being constructed. It is necessary to run around the pins, jump from hoop to hoop, take a note from the basket and bring it to the team, if the participants begin to guess the riddle note (rebus): (whether 100 k; 100 lb)

Leading:- You guys are just awesome! After four trials, you have 4 hint keys.

Truck: Testing took a long time! I made sure that you are inquisitive, smart, dexterous, fast and confidently go to victory. And look what I have. (shows the book) This is my Book of Secrets, it contains a great many mysteries that sometimes baffle the smartest players. And I want to ask you some riddles for your parents. Whoever guesses the most will get a hint key.
1. She herself is a baby, she is afraid of a cat,
Lives under the floor
It brings everything there. (mouse)
2. The living castle grunted,
Lie across the door.
Two medals on the chest.
Better not come into the house! (Dog)
3. Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat,
Often washed, but with water is not known. (Cat)
4. Who wears his own house? (Turtle)
5. Jumps on the branches, but not a bird,
Red, not a fox. (Squirrel)
6. He is both slim and handsome,
He has a thick mane!
He hooves - tsok-tsok!
Show me, buddy! (Horse)
7. A ball rolls in the forest
It has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog)
8. White in winter,
And gray in summer.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)
9. In the summer he walks without a road
Between pines and birches
And in winter he sleeps in a lair,
Hiding your nose from the cold. (Bear)
10. Lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship! (Crocodile)
(If they cannot guess the riddle, the elder asks leading questions. When all the riddles are guessed, the elder gives the children a hint key).
Leading: Good girls! And here is the last final test of the Relay of the Beasts. Teams line up in columns one at a time. The players are called "bears", the second "wolves", the third - "foxes", the fourth - "hares", the fifth - "horse". A starting line is drawn in front of those in front. At the command of the leader, the team members must jump to a given place in the same way as real animals do. (After completing the task, the captain is given the last hint key).

Leading: So, all tests are passed. Hint keys, and there are 6 of them, are in your hands. The most important thing left is to solve the keyword, but for this you need to unite. From the collected keys you need to make a keyword. And you have 2 minutes to do so. (After the allotted time has elapsed, the facilitator checks the correctness of the collected word “FRIENDSHIP”. Elder Fura thanks the children for the game, presents the children with chocolates-coins and presents the group teachers with a diploma of participation).