Since ancient times, every person wanted to know their future. After all, the desire to get a full answer to a question of interest pushes a person to tell fortunes. Moreover, some are not even afraid to disturb otherworldly forces, if only in the end he would reveal the whole truth. The most important thing is to be able to evoke, communicate correctly and guide the spirit, only in this case the fortuneteller will be able to avoid a negative development of events. It's very interesting and very scary.

Using an ordinary saucer, you can call on the Spirits to find out from him the answers to your questions

“In no case should you joke, giggle, mock or interrupt the spirit. The whole atmosphere at this moment should be peaceful and calm. Questions should be built correctly and clearly, they must be pronounced with a serious face, calm intonation. The spirits are very sensitive, so they don’t like it when they are mocked, because otherwise they begin to take revenge, then the fortunetellers will not have time for laughter and jokes.

Features of fortune-telling on the Alphabetic circle

At a time when quackery is very common, fortune telling on a plate does not lose its relevance. After all, the spirits do not deceive, and will answer you everything you need. But it seemed a simple ritual that could have not only positive, but also negative consequences.

Tolerance of fortunetelling errors leads to physical, spiritual or mental difficulties. Following from this, to call the spirits, or in other words, speaking to divination with the alphabet, you need to prepare well.

Fortune telling alphabetically has certain rules, which in turn provide for:

  1. Selection of people who want to get all the answers to the questions. It is very important that these are several people, because the larger the number, the more energy the spirit receives.
  2. It will be effective if the company consists of 5 - 6 people, but at least 3 people can be present during the ritual.
  3. From this company, you need to choose one who will play the role of a medium. In other words, this is the one who will conduct divination on a saucer with an alphabetic circle. This person will conduct direct communication with the spirit, asking all questions.
  4. Of particular importance in the ritual will be a circle for divination. It can be purchased on specialized sites dealing with the esoteric direction or made independently. In order to create a circle, you need: a piece of thick paper (cardboard) or plywood. The circle is half a meter in diameter. Those who participate in the process sit around this very circle, so the size is calculated based on this data. Along the edges there is a series of letters (observance of the alphabetical order is important) and a series of numbers. There should be a dividing line in the center. The final detail will be a candle and a saucer. A candle is the simplest of the store, and it doesn’t matter if it was previously lit or not. Regarding the saucer, it is best that it be porcelain. After all, it should be light and small in size, so that the otherworldly force could freely move it.
  5. The ideal time for the ceremony is at night. During this period, the activity of magical forces increases significantly. The highest concentration is recorded from midnight to 4 am.
  6. Mirrors are covered with cloth, metal objects that are on the participants of the ritual must be removed. In the room you need to open the window, it is through it that the spirit will be able to visit the house of fortune-telling people. You can not use electricity for lighting. That's what candles are for.
  7. Not every day is suitable for rituals. There are specialized days that are considered the most auspicious time. This is the so-called Holy Week, which begins on the night before Christmas and ends on Epiphany. But on the other hand, there is also a belief that January 19 cannot be guessed.

One small nuance, if there is such an opportunity, it is best to use some non-residential premises. After all, such a development of events is possible that the spirit does not want to leave the room, then it will live in a non-residential premises, and not with those conducting the ritual in the room.

Calling Spirits is best in non-residential premises

How to perform a ritual

So the turn of the question came up: how to guess? When the preliminary preparation is complete, everyone gathers at the circumference of the circle, and the divination process begins.

You need to hold a saucer a little over the flame of a candle so that it becomes smoked, then an arrow is drawn on this side with a needle, with the help of which the otherworldly assistant will point to a certain letter. Then it is carefully warmed up and placed in the center of the circle upside down, on the line between the positive and negative answers.

All participants must touch it with their fingers, and call the spirit with a specific phrase: "Name of the spirit, come to us!". This is repeated until the plate moves. Then, you need to ask the question: did the spirit come.

If so, then the arrow will point to the "Yes" side. It is also important to ask about the intentions of the spirit, and whether he will tell the whole truth. If the answer is yes, then it is worth continuing the ritual, if not, say goodbye immediately and try to drive him away.

During the process, the saucer must be heated. The spirit may refuse to give answers if it does not like someone present. You need to ask him who it is so that this person leaves the room. Do not be afraid or afraid if the plate starts to move quickly, you just need to hold it tightly and not let it fall. Indeed, in the event of a fall, expect big trouble.

In the process, there were times when the spirits began to joke. If you have doubts, then you need to put a specific question to the spirit, about whether he is joking at this moment. At the end of the whole process, it is worth saying goodbye to the spirit.

The main signs that the session is over is that the saucer calms down. To check, you can ask "Spirit are you still here?" if there was no answer, then everything is fine, the process is completed, and he left the walls of the room.

Before you begin to satisfy your curiosity in this way, you need to remember communication with spirits - this is a great sin. Human destiny develops as it should be. Over time, the name of the future half will be recognized, how many children will be, everyday moments and other facts that are so interesting to people.

It is important to be as careful as possible with the other world, because the rite at any moment can turn into a completely different direction, which is not so easy to bring back to normal.

The emergence of fortune-telling is directly related to the desire of people to find out some facts from their future, past or present. People throughout the ages have tried to know their future. This is directly related to the occurrence of any circumstances in life, which (as many people think) fortune telling can help solve.

Divination with a needle and thread is one of the most common types of predictions. There is no exact date for the emergence of this type of magical rite, which is more common among the gypsies. In past times, for this unusual people, the use of various predictions and magic was considered a matter of everyday life, a means of subsistence, and not something supernatural. Do not forget the fact that the gypsies carry out this ritual quite carefully, since they believe that it is the thread that is the link between the real world and otherworldly forces. To carry out the process itself, they prefer to use new needles, into which a red silk thread is threaded during the ceremony. Although at present, during this ceremony, the girls do not focus their attention on the color of the thread used.

Divination with a needle can be done in many ways, for example, divination by a needle with a circle. In the process of divination, you can use round-shaped cardboard (in this case, the diameter may coincide with the diameter of an ordinary plate). On this circle, you need to write letters that can be arranged both in order and in a chaotic sequence. Then a needle is hung on a thread and a question of interest is asked. But we should not forget that at the very beginning of fortune-telling it is necessary to say a number of certain phrases. For example, “Spirit such and such, answer us the questions we are interested in and help us find solutions to certain issues!!!” etc. It is also believed that before starting fortune-telling, girls should remove all jewelry and let their hair down.

Divination with a needle and thread can also be carried out using a circle without letters, divided into two equal honors. These parts can symbolize the answers "yes - no", "likes - does not like." In the process of such fortune-telling, it is necessary to clearly formulate the questions of interest, the possible answers to which are shown on the circle. But in order to verify the veracity of this method, it is advisable to first ask questions, the answers to which are already known. If the answers of the fortune-telling girl coincide with the answers indicated by the needle and thread, the fortune-telling is indeed true and you can continue the process and ask questions of interest.

Divination with a needle and thread at this time causes a lot of conflicting opinions. Some consider this ritual an entertaining game, others take it very seriously. For many girls who used this type of magic, predictions came true (for example, the wedding day, the name of the future husband, the gender of the unborn child). For some girls, the answers received during the ceremony were only partially realized, and for some, not a single answer at all coincided with the real one.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the theory that the movement of the needle in the process of divination depends not on the spirits that are called during the ritual (as many people think), but on the thoughts of the girl herself who conducts divination with needle and thread. This refers to the fact that during fortune-telling, a process of complete concentration of thoughts and consciousness takes place, as a result of which the movement of the thread and, accordingly, the needle in certain letters is observed. It is in this case that the girl receives the desired result, which subsequently becomes a reality.

Fortune telling on a needle and thread with a call to spirits can be considered a seance of spiritualism. Calling the spirit and divination on a circle is a popular old fortune-telling for Christmas and Christmas time to predict fate. On long winter evenings, our ancestors wondered about the future to find out if their wishes would come true. Spiritualism sessions to get in touch with spirits were most widespread in Europe in the 19th century. At that time, skeptics contemptuously called séances "table-turning" or "salon fun." To call the spirit, the participants of the session sat around the table, put their palms on the table and called the spirit together. The appearance of spirits was guessed by the stirring of the table, creaking, tapping, rotation and displacement of objects. They usually asked simple questions with “Yes” or “No” answers.

In Europe, spiritualism evolved from ancient divination - necromancy, that branch of the occult, which was aimed at communicating with the dead. The word "necromancy" itself, translated from Greek, means "dead" and "fortune-telling", which indicates a method of divination with the evocation of the spirits of the dead to obtain various knowledge, including about the future.

The conditions for communicating with spirits are described in detail in Alan Kardec's Book of Mediums. Alan Kardec believed that the presence of a medium is necessary for the successful invocation of spirits. Through mediums, spirits communicated with people, moving into the body of a medium for a while. At the same time, he began to speak in other people's voices, to name names, events and dates from the life of the deceased, and then returned to his previous state. But not all authors thought so, some authors believed that in order to communicate with spirits, it is enough to build a “magic chain” or “magic circle”, when all participants hold hands.

At first, tables or saucers with painted arrows were widely used, but in the 20th century devices appeared for close communication with spirits: “tablet”, “predictive roulette”, “Witch Board” or “Ouija Board” and others. Ouija boards for invoking spirits with the help of a board were especially beautifully made, from expensive woods with elaborate decorative metal inserts, usually rounded. The boards were really beautiful, like works of art.

Since those ancient times, the classic tool for spiritualism has remained unchanged - it is a cardboard or wooden circle with a light arrow. The words "Yes" and "No", letters of the alphabet and numbers are applied on the circle. The arrow points to the letters and numbers that make up the answers to the questions of fortunetellers. Contact with the spirit is considered established if, while rotating, the arrow points to meaningful words, and now it can be asked various questions.

It is believed that practicing spiritualism is not entirely safe. Mediums and very sensitive people take risks first. There are cases when, during fortune-telling, spirits of a lower order come into contact, which in their answers deliberately misinform, provoke and even openly mock the fortune-tellers. The great magician of the 20th century, Aleister Croyley, wrote about this: “Spiritualists do not care about methods of protection, they attract all kinds of demons and all sorts of demonic husks, as if they want to get dirty up to their ears in this mud. Their invitations may be attended by the spirits of the underworld, which they mistake for the soul of a dead person.

Aleister Crowl considered the best way to protect against unwanted entities is the purity of thoughts. If you decide to tell fortunes with the challenge of the spirit, then amulets and talismans, as well as the absence of fear, ambition, lust and self-interest, can protect you.

You can proceed to the selection of another method of divination on the page

Fortune telling on needles

So why are needles used for this divination? Like all metal objects, the needle works like an antenna, it is able to attract and conduct the energy of the surrounding space. The eye of the needle as a contour generates vortex flows of bioenergy. These streams twist like tornadoes, the base of which is in the ear. It is the eye and the energy flows around it that create a strong biofield around the needle.

The needle is a very sensitive receiver of bioenergy, and the amount of space force passing through it is hundreds of times greater than the energy flows flowing through a steel wire of the same size and the same quality. These bioenergy flows rush to the thin tip of the needle and, breaking off from its end, are absorbed by objects that touch the tip. Energy entities from the subtle world communicate with the world of the living and, through a needle, transmit information for subsequent actions.

If we compare the flow of bioenergy with the road, the needle resembles a crossroads. Streams of different directions and even different times intersect on its thin body. At the same time, due to its special shape, the needle directs the flow of bioenergy to its tip. It is there, on the tip of the needle, that a lot of its wonderful properties are hidden, used in magic and folk medicine. The needle itself, even without a thread, can bring a lot of interesting things into your life. For example, bought on Monday and stuck into the collar of a sweater, it helps to turn your life around for the better. Pinned near the door frame with the point up, it lifts your prayers to the sky and protects your home from negative energy. If you look at the point of a needle, which is stuck with a blunt side into a wooden board, and read prayers at the same time, then your request will be fulfilled faster.

And finally, if some part of your body hurts, and there is nothing suitable at hand to relieve the pain, you can carefully (so as not to prick yourself) temporarily attach the needle to the sore spot with the point down, and the pain will begin to subside.

Divination circle with a needle

To start fortune telling on a needle, you need to prepare an alphabetic circle, without which fortune telling on a needle and thread is impossible. The circle must be cut out of thick cardboard. The size of the circle depends on the expected number of participants in the divination session with a needle. The diameter of the circle can be either small, about 0.5 meters, if there are few fortunetellers (up to 5 people), or reach one meter. For more participants, a larger circle is needed.

How to draw a circle for divination? There are no clear recommendations here. If you look closely at fortune-telling boards that were on sale and were very popular at the beginning of the 20th century, you will understand that fortune-telling will work out in any case, regardless of the size of the circle and the arrangement of the letters. But we can give as advice recommendations for the arrangement of letters in the alphabetical circle.

The circle scheme consists of several circles and the letters of the alphabet, numbers and answer options located in them: “Yes” and “No”. In the small circle are all the numbers, and in the outer large - all the letters of the alphabet in a clockwise direction. It is necessary to conditionally break the whole circle into 32 sectors. To do this, first divide the circle into 4 parts with straight diagonals in the form of a cross. At the ends of the diagonals of a straight cross along the diameter of the circle, place the letters A, P, H and 3.

Then draw slanted diagonals and break the circle into 8 parts. Place the letters D, U, LI and L at the ends of the slanted diagonals.

In the gaps on the left and right sides, write the rest of the intermediate letters of the alphabet, spacing them evenly across the diameter. Right and left sides: B, E, Y, N, C, X, SH, Y. Intermediate letters: B, G, E, F, I, K, M, O, R, T, F, C, W, Ъb (together), E, ​​Z. From them, you can exclude such letters of the alphabet as Y and Y. Or write letters such as “e” and “e” and “b” and “b” side by side, separated by commas, which, in general, it doesn't matter.

Inside the large alphabetic circle, a small digital circle is drawn from 0 to 9: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 - its diameter is approximately half that of the alphabetic one. In the same place, below and above, write the words "Yes", "No", and on the right and left you can put the signs "?" And "!". The middle of the circle should be clearly marked as a distinct point for concentration.

Before divination, a sheet with a pattern of an alphabetic circle must be securely fastened so that it does not move or slide on the table during divination.

In this divination, the needle will perform the function of the pointer. A needle hanging from a thread is a handy indicator, especially if you want to tell fortunes alone. But it could well have been a small light porcelain saucer with a painted arrow or some other light object.

Fortune telling on a needle and thread on a circle

For divination, you need an ordinary needle and thread. In this divination, a needle suspended on a thread is a pointer. It is necessary to thread the thread into the eye of the needle. Make a small hole in the center of the circle with a needle or nail. A preheated needle is stuck strictly in the center of the circle. Support the needle by the thread with your hand at a height of about 20-30 cm, you need to find the position of the hand exactly above the center of the pattern. The fortuneteller's hand should not tremble. The thread is slightly lowered so that the needle rotates freely in a circle, like the hands of a clock, but at the same time does not touch the surface with the eye. The needle, resting one end on the paper, will easily rotate in a circle. At the other end, it will indicate the answers "YES" or "NO", numbers or letters.

The places where the needle stops indicate the letters, from which words are then added. Essentially, the needle should become an arrow that you support above the center of the alphabet circle.

After all the preparations are made, you need to call the spirit with whom you will communicate. In a room where they are guessing with the call of spirits, a window or a door must be open so that the spirits can enter and exit; all mirrors are removed or curtained and there should be no animals so that the spirits do not remain. If one of the participants giggles, or, conversely, feels restless or very afraid, then things will not go well. They usually evoke the spirit of some famous ancient poet or writer who has already died, most often the spirit of Pushkin, Yesenin, Mayakovsky and others. You can call the spirit of your deceased relative, but this is more terrible because he may want to stay after the session and will not leave. In this case, he will have to be expelled by other methods, up to the invitation of a priest. It’s better to guess in an old abandoned room where spirits like to be, and if you can’t drive them away, it won’t be so tragic for you. So the selection of a company and a place for a seance is troublesome.

Fortune-telling on a circle with a needle with a call of the spirit

First, the spirit is called: “We call the spirit of such and such. Spirit such and such, come,” then they ask: “Spirit such and such, are you here?”. The hand at this time should support the needle so that it rotates very easily, as if by itself. After the question, the needle should, as if by a magnet, be attracted and stop for a moment over the answer. If the needle tilts towards “Yes” or “No”, usually the answer is “Yes”, ask if he wants to answer your questions: “Spirit such and such, do you want to communicate with us?”, After answering, you can ask questions. If nothing happens, ask again. Usually after a couple of times your needle will indicate the answer. To begin with, the questions should be such that the answers are simple: “Yes” or “No”. Then questions are possible with answers both by numbers and by letters. If the needle pauses for a second, for example, above the number "5", then weakens and stops above the number "3", then this may mean the number "53". It's the same with letters. The words in the answers will be made up of letters over which the needle stops.

Divination with a needle and communication with spirits should be delicate and tactful. Otherwise, they might get angry. After the end of the conversation, you need to thank the spirit for communication and say goodbye, and he must agree and leave. After divination, it is imperative to tell the spirit to leave, ask: “Such and such a spirit, are you here?”. If he answers, then say goodbye and see him out, the door or window should be open.

Read more about the summoning of the spirit and its consequences.

Be sure to finish what you started. In this case, you need to understand that if you take responsibility, disturb the spirit, call him to you, then you need to thank him, say goodbye and ask him to leave, regardless of which side he belongs to (good or evil), otherwise disturb he will start you.

If you decide to guess in this way, you take responsibility for the consequences. In any case, it is highly discouraged to ask questions to which you would not like to know the answers. For example, "When will I die" or "Will I go to Hell or Heaven?". There is no guarantee that he will tell the truth, no matter who communicates with you through the needle.

This is how spirits are summoned. Fortune telling on a needle with a thread on a circle will work for everyone. This convincingly proves that forces that we do not see exist, but you should not get carried away and take their answers seriously. The problem is that it is not known exactly who will communicate with you through the needle. Any entity can enter into a dialogue with you, and if there are many of them at the same time, as in that cartoon "Prostokvashino", when Uncle Fyodor began to write a letter, and then everyone and sundry. It could also be here.

Divination on a needle with a black thread

In the villages, they used to guess on a needle and thread a little differently. The thread was certainly taken black. The fortune-telling itself began with the call of the brownie, with the words: “Brown-brown-brown-brown are you here?”. Sometimes to the question “Brown-brown-brown-brown are you here?” The answer was a clear "No". Then they immediately asked: “Who are you?”. And already, depending on the answer, they decided whether it was worth continuing to communicate or not.

Fortune telling on a needle with a thread and a chimney

Or such an option. A devil with a navel was drawn on a piece of paper, the alphabet and numbers were written around it. They took a thread with a needle, tied the thread to a chimney, and invited a devil into the chimney. Then they asked something, the needle began to walk and indicate the letters. The name of the groom will say, age, how many children will be. A spindle was also used for this purpose. If the needle just turned in a circle, it meant that the question was poorly worded and needed to be rephrased.

Fortune telling on a needle with a white thread on a betrothed

If they took a white thread, then fortune-telling on a circle with letters was carried out in order to find out the name of the betrothed. They also drew a circle into 33 parts, took a new needle, threaded a white thread into its eye, painted a circle on blue paper in an alphabetic clockwise direction, threw a needle and thread over their hand, read a prayer and started fortune telling. Where the needle swung, that letter was written down, so they recognized the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling on a needle and thread is very common. The ritual is rooted in ancient times. Ancestors believed that this is one of the most accurate ways to determine what awaits a person in the future.

In the article:

Divination on a needle and thread

Divination is also called " Wish Road". The method was used by great-grandmothers. With the help of fortune-telling, they change lives in 40 days, when the magic embroidery ends.

You will need fabric and a needle. The thread needs to be long. While the girl puts it in the eye of a needle, she quietly voices her desire.

You will have to make exactly 40 stitches. If the thread is missing, the wish will not come true. If the answer is negative, you cannot make a wish again.

Having started fortune-telling, they make the first stitch and mentally ask the Higher powers for the fulfillment of desire. When the first stitch is completed, leave the work. The next day, one stitch is made again next to the first or put on top.

The ritual is performed for 40 days. The smoother the path, the easier the path to the fulfillment of desire. If the work is done inaccurately, crookedly, it is likely that fate will not turn out the way you want.

When the last stitch is ready, they say a wish (4 times), bowing to all directions of the world. You need to wear ready-made embroidery until the desire is fulfilled.

Ritual with the alphabet

One of the ancient ways of divination. To conduct the ceremony, they are armed with a needle and thread, a sheet of paper with the alphabet.

Divination sessions are held from 5 am to 6 pm. It is better not to perform the ritual at night. It is undesirable to take the ritual during depression, after intense physical exertion, food and a sleepless night. Otherwise, the body will not have enough energy to complete the divination process.

The practice is similar to or with the help of a magic tablet. In this case, instead of a specially charmed pendulum or board, a needle acts.

How to get ready for work

Before embarking on divination with a needle and the alphabet, they tune in correctly, purifying themselves and the main attribute of divination.

Hold the needle over a fire or use holy water cleansing. It is advisable to leave the attribute in holy water for one night. Self-preparation for the ritual is simple. You should have a good rest, gain strength, ask the Higher Forces for permission to find out hidden information.

Be sure to check the magic attribute. They hang the needle by the thread, wait until it stops swinging, ask a simple question. Preliminarily explain to the attribute that if it sways left and right, the answer is negative, if forward and backward, positive.


My name is (your name)?
Am I (required number) years old?
Do I live in the city (real place of residence)?

If the first attribute test is successful, proceed to the last test. You will need a sheet of paper on which the alphabet is written. The alphabet of the language that the girl considers native is used. They ask any simple question, for example, what is the name of the fortuneteller.

If the preparation was successful, the Higher Forces will provide assistance and reveal secrets: the needle will begin to move from one letter to another, smoothly swinging in the air. Carefully monitor which letters the attribute stops over. If the answer to the question is correct, proceed to guessing.

The subtleties of the ritual

Divination requires the help of the spirit. Starting the ritual, they say three times:

Spirit, come. Help me find the answer to the question, help me make the right decision, become my assistant and companion.

During the ceremony, the call of the spirit is inevitable, but sometimes its appearance is dangerous, since a person is not always sure that a good spirit will come to the rescue. Perhaps an evil entity from the other world will respond, who will not want to leave after the ceremony.

If the girl is inexperienced, you can rely on the help of the ancestors. Before the ceremony, with whom there were good relations during life, and they ask him to help with divination.

If the needle begins to randomly return over the alphabet sheet, the spirit is either angry or not in the mood for contact. Be sure to immediately ask for forgiveness for the trouble and let him go in peace.

It is advisable, when drawing the alphabet on a piece of paper, to arrange the letters in a circle so as not to get confused and understand which letter the needle points to. Inside the circle, write "yes" and "no", which will help to get a clear answer to the question.

Fortune telling on a needle and thread can be based on two completely different principles. In one case, the thread and needle become an extension of the body of the person involved in the process, greatly enhancing his sensory abilities. In another, the needle becomes a "toy" of invisible forces and energies, since this action is based on a deliberate appeal to the inhabitants of the other world by calling spirits.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

Any attempt to penetrate into the subtle worlds carries not only the possibility of acquiring new knowledge and experience, but also certain risks associated with physical and mental health. In the case of summoning a spirit, the danger increases dramatically, therefore, in case of urgent need, it is better to contact a trusted specialist (for example, on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances) or strictly follow the rules of magical protection.

    General principles

    Both for adherents of the occult sciences who observe the conditions of unobtrusive penetration into the astral, and for followers of practical ritual magic, work using objects (in this case, a needle and thread) is not fortune-telling, but obtaining the necessary information. Another thing is that the result obtained is predetermined exactly as much as its end is predictable at the beginning of the working day. It seems natural and inevitable. But the truth is that any new circumstances of a personal or global scale can destroy or set off a new course of a series of subsequent events. Therefore, any predictions can be regarded as fortune-telling with varying degrees of possibility of implementation.

    A needle strung on a thread, when certain conditions are created, becomes an instrument of personal presence at that level of being where there is no time continuum and all events take place here and now. In this case, the accessory plays the role of a pendulum. Compared to the analog, where the role of the signal receiver is performed by the ring, it is more sensitive, but as a result, more unpredictable. To overcome the latter factor, practical skills and developments are required.

    If the selected item series is used in ritual magic and is necessary for the implementation of the rite of communication with spirits, then the needle in this case manifests itself as a miniature magic wand, accessible for manipulation by otherworldly forces of any quality.

    Working with a pendulum

    "Pure" psychics and healers rarely use a needle and thread as a pendulum to test problematic issues and diagnose diseases. There are two main reasons for this:

  1. 1. When used purposefully, sharp metal makes an aggressive intrusion into the subtle world. From the tip of the needle there is a direct discharge of gross energy accumulated from the surrounding material space and emanating directly from the initiator of the action, which creates a negatively charged field that attracts gray and dark entities.
  2. 2. The needle, like the ring, has a through hole, but it is too small to ensure a uniform distribution of the information-energy flow on the outer and inner surfaces of the object. This feature, together with the center of gravity shifted down, in places with high energy density introduces an element of chaos into the operation of the pendulum.

Despite some difficulties, using a pendulum-needle, subject to certain rules, can be quite successful:

  • It is necessary to cleanse the space of the room and the needle with the fire of a consecrated candle.
  • When starting work, the practitioner should be in a good mood.
  • Questions should be asked with maximum focus on the problem.
  • After each response received, an energy reset is performed using the free hand, with a carpal grip at the held end and a subsequent downward movement to the end of the needle.

Fortune telling is carried out by two methods aimed at the possibility of obtaining the answer "Yes - No". In the first case, the result is fixed by the movement of the pendulum. This can be rotation "clockwise" or "counterclockwise", frontal and longitudinal swinging relative to the body of the questioner. The sign is determined individually for each and in the very first questions.

Another method involves the presence of a written affirmation and negation. You need to take a sheet of clean paper and print on it in the directions north - south, east - west the letter symbols of the answers. The needle in a free state, so that the angle between it and the working plane is approximately 45 degrees, is placed in the center of the sheet. For each question asked, the eye of the needle will respond by turning to the desired answer.

In both cases, a frozen or endlessly rotating needle indicates either the impossibility of an answer or an overload of information. This should serve as a signal to end the session.

According to the principle of the pendulum, fortune-telling is built over the palm: on the gender of the child and the number of future children. The girl (woman) lowers the needle three times between the thumb and forefinger of the open palm of her left hand, then circles the carpal contour with a pendulum and directs the needle to the center of the palm. If the needle does not change position, there will be no children. Makes circular movements - the first will be a girl. The swing of the pendulum promises the son's firstborn. After each answer, preliminary manipulations with the needle are repeated. When the needle freezes in one position, divination is completed.

Performing a magical ritual

Communication with the world of invisible entities is preceded by ritual actions aimed at summoning the spirit. This is an extremely risky venture, primarily because it opens a portal to the subtle worlds, and it is not a fact that the forces of light will respond to the call. . Actions require extreme foresight and caution. In no case should one resort to magic for selfish motives or out of simple curiosity. Here are a few provisions that must be strictly observed:

  1. 1. You can not contact the spirits of deceased relatives, friends or acquaintances. In almost one hundred percent of cases, the calls are entities from the lower astral plane, that is, those that personify the forces of evil. They can offer any most personal information about loved ones, trying to gain confidence. Secrets cannot be decisive. On the other side, everything secret becomes clear, and hidden information is open to everyone.
  2. 2. You can not try to establish contact with the so-called brownie. This will be a clear provocation, calling on demonic forces. It is not necessary to concretize the personality of the called spirit at all. Servants of the "father of lies" willingly use any mask.
  3. 3. It is necessary to address any spirit present that has a desire to make contact. The first question is the name of the invisible "interlocutor". Knowing the name gives advantages and the ability to control the activities of the spirit.
  4. 4. It is necessary to remain calm and confident in case of any unexpected turn of events (appearance of extraneous sounds, movements of objects, visions).

A circle for divination with a needle can be drawn on whatman paper and filled around the circumference with a printed alphabet. Between the letters in diametrically opposite directions, affirmative and negative symbols should be placed: "Yes" and "No" or "+" and "-". The needle is directed with the tip to the center of the circle, the thread is loosened until the needle is given the required angle of inclination to the surface of the sheet. An appeal to the spirits present is voiced or mentally formed, containing a proposal to enter into contact. In case of consent, the needle either begins a uniform circular rotation, or turns its eye to the word "Yes".

The entities are urged to introduce themselves. If agreement is reached, the needle will alternately point to the letters that will form the name. After that, all problematic questions are asked. In conclusion, the spirit is categorically invited to leave the room. The order must contain a name.

If a girl, preparing to enter into a marriage union with a young man, is unsure of the correctness of her choice and has doubts about a happy life together, she can do the following manipulations:

  • a white simple thread of double the length of the distance from the elbow to the wrist is threaded into the new needle;
  • the thread is pulled into the eye until equal ends are formed on both sides;
  • the ends are folded together, but without tying a knot;
  • three stitches are made on a white, simple and not too dense fabric;
  • then the thread is sharply pulled out.

An easily released thread means that relationships in the future family will be smooth. If the stitches are pulled together, crumpling the material, then life in marriage will go awry. A broken thread predicts an imminent break in relations.

To find out the name of the future husband, the girls lay out leaflets with male names in a circle on the table. The remaining actions correspond to manipulations with a pendulum on a paper circle. The question of the name of the future chosen one is mentally formulated. If there is a leaflet with a supposed name, the needle will point to it. If there is no such name, the pendulum will be motionless. The collection of names should be updated. And so it is necessary to guess until a visible result is achieved.

Despite the fact that some fortune-telling resembles a game, you should not take them too lightly. Also, do not take the result as a fatal inevitability. It is most correct to take it as a kind of landmark: a lighthouse that shows the way; or the tip of an underwater rock that should be avoided.