Gastroenterocolitis is a functional disease of the entire gastrointestinal tract and manifests itself as an acute inflammatory process mainly in the small or large intestine or their parts. The disease can be an independent nosological form, and it can accompany other infectious intestinal diseases, for example, appendicitis or pancreatitis. In the article we will talk about the types, signs and therapy of the disease.

Gastroenterocolitis in children refers to inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with damage to the walls of the stomach, small and large intestines. Depending on the course, acute and chronic forms of the disease are distinguished.

Depending on the depth of the lesion and the nature of the inflammation distinguish between:

  • Catarrhal or simple... It is caused by excessive formation and accumulation of exudate (fluid from blood vessels) on the surface of the swollen mucous membrane with desquamation (desquamation) of the superficial epithelium. It is this type of inflammation that occurs most often in both acute and chronic course.
  • Fibrinous... It is characterized by the appearance of exudate, in which there is a lot of fibrinogen. When tissue is damaged, a fibrin film forms from it. It is rare in children.
  • Purulent(or phlegmonous inflammation). Not only the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged, but also all underlying layers. It develops when the process is neglected.
  • Gangrenous... This is a complication of the phlegmonous process with tissue damage to a number of organs located.
  • Hemorrhagic... It is caused by erosive defects of the surface layer of the digestive organs with the subsequent release of blood. This form develops in many cases with the wrong treatment.
  • Perforating... In this case, the wall of the affected organ collapses, forming a deep defect in all layers (ulcerative inflammation) or "melts" under the influence of inflammation factors.

In addition to catarrhal inflammation, other types of inflammation are extremely rare. In different parts of the same organ, several types of them can be found (for example, in the cardiac part of the stomach - simple inflammation, and in the pyloric part - phlegmonous) or combined into one (for example, ulcerative hemorrhagic inflammation).

As for the chronic process, it is always catarrhal in nature, but with different exudates (serous, mucopurulent, hemorrhagic and others). The accumulation of fluid depends on the periods of exacerbation and remission.

Causes of occurrence

In children, the disease is almost always infectious.... In 70% of cases, the etiological factor is rotavirus. Among bacteria, gastroenterocolitis can be caused by:

  • salmonella,
  • shigella,
  • Escherichia coli
  • among the simplest - lamblia, amoeba.

There are also other reasons the occurrence of the disease:

  • allergies (any food allergens);
  • toxins (mushrooms);
  • medications (NSAIDs, antibiotics);
  • somatic diseases of the digestive system, enzymopathies and malformations;
  • diseases of other organs (uremic gastroenterocolitis in chronic renal failure);
  • radiation.

TO predisposing factors contributing to the development of gastroenterocolitis, include:

  • avitaminosis,
  • recent infections
  • violation of the food intake,
  • weakening of immunity,
  • the use of stale food, hot spices, semi-finished products, too cold or hot drinks and foods.

For the chronic form, an important factor is a violation of the diet and irregular use of prescribed drugs.


The incubation period lasts an average of 5 days... The disease begins acutely and develops rapidly. Infectious is transmitted by mouth. Non-infectious is observed as a result of malnutrition. Allergic - when allergens enter the digestive tract.

Main symptoms gastroenterocolitis:

  • diarrhea (mild 3-5 times a day, medium - up to 10, severe more than 10);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • diffuse abdominal pain;
  • symptoms of general intoxication;
  • chills, fever up to 39 degrees;
  • refusal to eat.

The stool is thin, slimy, each time it becomes more watery. It can contain impurities of undigested food or blood. If its color turns yellow-green, it indicates a bacterial infection. In the non-infectious form, the feces are slimy, without blood streaks.

In the clinic of a viral infection (for example, rotavirus), respiratory catarrhal phenomena are also expressed:

  • runny nose,
  • sore throat,
  • cough,
  • toxicosis.

Important! The gastrointestinal symptoms of the chronic course of the disease are very sluggish. With this form, asthenic, neurological and hematological signs of impaired absorption of food predominate.

Children become tired, distracted, drowsy, irritable or, on the contrary, apathetic. They may lag behind in physical and mental development. Against the background of a long course, a child may develop:

  • hemorrhagic diathesis,
  • severe iron deficiency or B12-deficiency anemia.

Infectious gastroenterocolitis in a 6-year-old girl, x-ray, video:


Treatment should begin with water and electrolyte replenishment... Already at the first signs of intestinal infection, the child begins to dehydrate, so the first step is to restore the normal water-electrolyte balance.

Further treatment tactics are determined by the causative agent of the pathology and the degree of the disease. Mild degrees require proper diet and fluid intake, more severe ones require proper drug therapy and, possibly, hospitalization.

Drug therapy

  • Oral rehydration... Saline solutions (Rehydron, Oralit) are able to replenish the reserves of lost water and necessary elements. Drinking plenty of fluids also removes the symptoms of intoxication.
  • Enterosorbents... They are necessary in order to bind infectious agents with toxins and remove them. This will reduce toxicity, abdominal pain and gas. The child is prescribed Activated carbon, Atoxil, Enterosgel.
  • Enzyme preparations(Pancreatin, Creon). For indigestion symptoms, enzymes are prescribed to replace cavitary digestion. They help break down food into molecules that are absorbed by the intestines.
  • Prokinetics(Metoclopramide) is needed to normalize gastric and intestinal motility. They remove vomiting and nausea, and also help restore the normal functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antibiotics prescribed in the case of bacterial gastroenterocolitis and secondary dysbiosis against the background of a viral infection. In other cases, they are not effective. Children are prescribed Levomycetin, Polymyxin-m sulfate, Nifuroxazide.
  • Antispasmodics(No-shpa, Kombispasm) help reduce pain. You can also use drugs that remove intestinal colic (Espumisan, Colikid).
  • Antipyretic drugs appoint only when necessary. Children are allowed to take Ibuprofen and Paracetamol in syrup or tablets.
  • Prebiotics and Probiotics in the treatment of acute infection do not have a large therapeutic effect. For the treatment of the chronic form, they are more effective.
  • Vitamins and minerals help to strengthen the body and restore nutrients lost during illness.


The child is recommended 4 table according to Pevzner, which describes the most useful products for this disease with minimal irritation to the digestive organs. Diet principle:

  • high calorie content and variety of the diet;
  • eating 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • the predominance of liquid food and food cooked with steam or water;
  • lack of fatty foods, spices, fresh vegetables and fruits.

If children do not like this menu and they persistently refuse the offered food, you can add butter in small quantities or cottage cheese with shabby apples to the porridge.

Pharmacy rehydrants can be substituted with homemade solutions that taste good. The child needs to be given as many of his favorite drinks as possible: compotes, jelly, broths, teas.

The diet also includes:

  • dietary meat and fish,
  • porridge on the water,
  • boiled eggs,
  • crackers from white bread,
  • vegetables in the form of additives to soups and broths.
  • fermented milk and dairy products, with the exception of cottage cheese;
  • fatty, spicy soups or broths;
  • pasta;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and herbs;
  • pearl barley, millet and barley porridge;
  • sweets;
  • salty and pickled dishes;
  • caffeine and strong teas;
  • peas and beans.


In children, intestinal infections, in particular, infectious gastroenteritis occurs quite often. In infants, this is due to an immature immune and digestive system, in older children - with unformed enzyme mechanisms.

Acute medication is caused by the ingestion of poisons or medicines into the child's body.

The diagnosis is made after taking an anamnesis, research results (serological blood tests, bacteriological - feces and vomit), as well as virological (with clinical manifestations of viral gastroenterocolitis).

Carefully! Any intestinal infection in infants is an indication before hospitalization and further treatment under the supervision of medical personnel.

Dehydration develops much faster, which threatens with a number of serious complications. In no case should you wait, and at the first symptoms, be sure to seek medical help.

With regard to therapy, not all drugs prescribed for adults can be used for children, especially newborns. You cannot change the drug or dose on your own, much less self-medicate. Gastric lavage is performed if there is a likelihood of bacterial toxins present.

Forecast and prevention

The forecast is favorable... The acute form usually lasts up to a week. For a full and speedy recovery, diet is of great importance. However, the final restoration of digestive function can take up to 6 weeks.

Nevertheless, the development of diseases such as gastritis and enterocolitis (in their chronic form) after gastroenterocolitis is possible if the episode of the disease was preceded by cases of stomach or intestinal diseases, helminthiasis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Among the preventive measures:

  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for storage and preparation of food,
  • following the rules of personal hygiene,
  • rational nutrition and its regime.


  1. Gastroenterocolitis manifests itself as a systemic digestive disorder in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease can be provoked by both viruses and bacteria, fungi, protozoa.
  2. Depending on the nature of gastroenterocolitis (infectious or not), appropriate drug therapy is prescribed. Since dehydration may develop in young children against the background of vomiting and diarrhea, first aid is to restore the water and electrolyte balance.

Gastroenterocolitis is a simultaneous inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, small and large intestines). The acute form is more common in children; chronic gastroenterocolitis is usually a manifestation of the underlying systemic disease.

Gastroenterocolitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract

Dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea in gastroenterocolitis are caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and, in particular, the villi of the intestinal ciliated epithelium, which are responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water into the bloodstream. Infectious gastroenterocolitis is accompanied by intoxication of the body with products of microbial activity.

The acute form of gastroenterocolitis is closely related to foodborne diseases. Among the pathogens, enteropathogenic and opportunistic bacteria predominate - Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria, Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris. Several viruses are also known that cause acute gastroenterocolitis: echovirus, rotavirus (the causative agent of the so-called intestinal flu), Norwalk virus, etc.

Infection occurs in an alimentary way - with the use of unboiled water and poor-quality products contaminated with bacteria, non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary and hygienic standards adopted in cooking. With sepsis and the presence of chronic infectious foci, hematogenous drift of infection can be observed - pathogenic agents migrate into the gastrointestinal tract through the circulatory system from other organs and systems.

Gastroenterocolitis may be associated with food allergies

Chronic gastroenterocolitis develops as a result of a protracted course of an acute inflammatory process or against the background of primary gastrointestinal diseases. Inflammation spreads to the submucosa, blood vessels, nerve endings and serous membranes, which leads to disturbances in blood supply, trophism and motility of the digestive tract.

The likelihood of developing gastroenterocolitis is somewhat increased in conditions that lead to an increase in the permeability of the mucous membranes and suppression of local immunity:

  • deficiency of B vitamins;
  • anemia;
  • hypothermia, frequent cold drinks;
  • prolonged stress;
  • achilia - lack of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in gastric juice;
  • irritation of the intestines due to an excess of coarse fiber in the diet.

By the nature of changes in the tissues of the stomach and intestines, several forms of gastroenterocolitis are distinguished:

  • catarrhal- manifestations of the inflammatory process are limited by hyperemia and edema of the mucous membranes, along with intensive production of exudate;
  • fibrous- a plaque of fibrin appears on the inner surface of the stomach and intestines, which is formed during the interaction of tissue thromboplastin with fibrinogen, secreted together with exudate;
  • phlegmonous- inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by suppuration;
  • ulcerative- characterized by the presence of manifestations on the surface of the mucous membranes;
  • hemorrhagic- the inflammatory process is accompanied by impaired capillary circulation in the submucosal layer, which leads to hemorrhages and the formation of extensive foci of erosion.

The most dangerous complication of gastroenterocolitis is dehydration, which occurs due to constant vomiting and profuse diarrhea, which can cause death in young children and debilitated patients.

Symptoms of gastroenterocolitis

As a rule, gastroenterocolitis begins with a sudden deterioration in health - nausea and vomiting appear, pulling or cramping pains in the navel or upper abdomen, flatulence, belching and heartburn. Diarrhea can be observed both from the first day of the disease, and on the third or fourth day after short-term constipation. The stool often contains mucus and blood streaks. At the same time, signs of intoxication are observed: a feeling of weakness and malaise, an increase in body temperature, headaches and attacks of dizziness. In the most severe cases, the symptoms described are accompanied by fainting, confusion and delirium. In the chronic course of the inflammatory process, dyspeptic disorders are moderately expressed or completely absent, and the symptoms of gastroenterocolitis are limited to manifestations of intoxication. Chronic gastroenterocolitis can also occur in the form of recurrent dyspeptic disorders.

Gastroenterocolitis begins with nausea and vomiting Features of the course of gastroenterocolitis in children

Due to insufficient development of the immune system, young children are especially susceptible to gastroenterocolitis. The clinical picture of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract in a preschooler may appear as a result of a spontaneous increase in the virulence of opportunistic intestinal microflora and a decrease in the body's resistance in case of respiratory infections, allergic and atopic conditions, prolonged stress, unbalanced diet or a sharp change in diet.

Dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea in gastroenterocolitis are caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and, in particular, the villi of the intestinal ciliated epithelium, which are responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water into the bloodstream.

Infectious gastroenterocolitis in children under three years of age in most cases is caused by dysentery bacillus, as a result of which a characteristic clinical picture of profuse diarrhea, fever and severe intoxication develops. A large amount of mucus mixed with blood is found in the stool. Due to the oxidation of iron in the composition of hemoglobin, feces acquire a characteristic dark green color. The child's body temperature reaches its peak values ​​in the first three days of the disease, after which it lasts for a week, and then declines. In the most severe cases, children develop tenesmus and spasms of the sigmoid colon, characteristic of dysentery colitis. In the absence of adequate treatment, acute dysenteric gastroenterocolitis in children often becomes chronic.

In children with gastroenterocolitis, profuse diarrhea is observed

Also, children often have viral gastroenterocolitis - an intestinal form of influenza, accompanied by severe gastroenterocolitis and persistent fever. The disease can be complicated by otitis media, pyuria, or pneumonia. Gastroenterocolitis is especially dangerous for infants and young preschool children due to the rapid onset of dehydration and severe intoxication of the body.

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Gastroenterocolitis in adults and older children is diagnosed by a therapist or gastroenterologist based on the clinical picture and anamnestic data. Particular attention is paid to the products that the patient consumed shortly before the onset of symptoms of gastrointestinal inflammation. To clarify the diagnosis, it will be necessary to consult an infectious disease specialist and laboratory tests of feces - coprogram and bacterial culture with the isolation of the pathogen and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. To assess the general condition of the patient and identify the degree of dehydration, a general and biochemical blood test is prescribed. In children under three years of age, acute gastroenterocolitis is differentiated from typhoid by staging the Vidal reaction.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs allows you to assess the degree of damage in gastroenterocolitis

To assess the degree of gastrointestinal tract damage and identify concomitant pathologies in chronic gastroenterocolitis, instrumental examinations of the stomach and intestines are shown: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, gastroduodenoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy. If necessary, a histological examination of a biopsy specimen of the affected tissues is carried out.

Gastroenterocolitis of non-infectious etiology is associated with food and drug allergies, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, alcohols, alkalis and acids, or radiation injury.

Gastroenterocolitis treatment

Alimentary gastroenterocolitis, provoked by toxicoinfection, in adults and older children is usually mild. There is no need for hospitalization - it is enough to abstain from food on the first day and consume as much liquid as possible. In the next two to three days, follow a sparing diet, adhering to a fractional diet - take food 5-6 times a day in small portions.

The restoration of the damaged epithelium of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated by the use of decoctions of cereals, oatmeal in water and boiled rice, low-fat cottage cheese and chicken broth. At the end of the acute period, you can gradually introduce into the diet low-fat steamed meat and fish products, vegetable purees, soft-boiled eggs and casseroles. For two to three weeks after suffering gastroenterocolitis, it is worth refraining from fatty, spicy and fried foods and smoked meats, as well as fresh bread, pastries, milk, legumes and foods containing a large amount of fiber.

With a mild form of gastroenterocolitis, it is enough to abstain from food for the first day and consume a lot of water.

When signs of severe intoxication and dehydration appear, gastroenterocolitis is treated in a hospital. First of all, detoxification therapy is carried out - washing the stomach with a solution of bicarbonate and potassium permanganate and a course of enterosorbents, with constipation, deep enemas and saline laxatives are prescribed. To replenish the loss of fluid, they resort to infusion therapy. In milder forms, oral water and electrolytes can be dispensed with. With some toxicoinfections, etiotropic therapy with antibiotics is possible. Stomach and intestinal pains are eliminated with antispasmodics. To normalize digestion during the recovery period, enzyme preparations, multivitamins, prebiotics and probiotics are used.


For the prevention of alimentary gastroenterocolitis, it is enough to follow the basic rules of hygiene and sanitization of food: wash your hands before eating and preparing food, as well as after using the toilet, use clean dishes, towels and kitchen utensils. Vegetables and fruits must be washed under running water, and milk and drinking water must be boiled. You should not visit outdoor cafes and canteens with poor sanitary conditions. During the summer, it is important to refrain from consuming perishable foods of unknown origin, and while bathing, to avoid getting water in your mouth.

To prevent reactive gastroenterocolitis, do not take strong medications without consulting your doctor. With a tendency to allergic reactions, new and unusual products are introduced into the menu gradually, starting with small portions. Prevention of chronic gastroenterocolitis is reduced to preventing diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders - controlling the diet and adhering to an optimal diet.

Consequences and complications

The most dangerous complication of gastroenterocolitis is dehydration, which occurs due to constant vomiting and profuse diarrhea, which can cause death in young children and debilitated patients. With a long chronic course of gastroenterocolitis, the appearance of periventricular adhesions and intestinal polyps, prone to malignant degeneration, is possible.

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!

Do you know that:

Scientists from the University of Oxford conducted a series of studies, during which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not to completely exclude fish and meat from your diet.

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Work that a person does not like is much more harmful to his psyche than no work at all.

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Our kidneys are able to cleanse three liters of blood in one minute.

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The highest body temperature was recorded in Willie Jones (USA), who was admitted to the hospital with a temperature of 46.5 ° C.

In addition to people, only one living creature on planet Earth suffers from prostatitis - dogs. These are really our most loyal friends.

Chlamydia: causes and symptoms

Chlamydia is one of the most serious diseases of the urogenital tract. It occurs in both women and men, because belongs to the category of those pathologies that ...

The disease, which is caused by infections and is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the stomach, small and large intestines, is called gastroenterocolitis. Doctors consider it one of the most common childhood ailments under the age of three.

Gastroenterocolitis in children makes itself felt suddenly. There are complaints of acute abdominal pain, bouts of nausea and vomiting, loose stools with painful bowel movements. This condition in children causes a viral infection or pathogenic bacteria to enter the body.

To determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, an urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary, since the symptoms of gastroenterocolitis in children are similar to the manifestations of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of gastroenterocolitis in children

The routes of infection with this disease are divided into two sources: infectious and non-infectious.

For reasons not related to infections, the disease rarely occurs, but they still need to be taken into account:

  • a reaction to the use of certain medications;
  • a high concentration of toxic substances that have penetrated with food (mushrooms, plants, seafood) or when using household chemicals (washing powders, detergents);
  • excessive consumption of fatty, spicy, sour foods;
  • intolerance to the body of certain foods, or a reaction to the appearance of new ones.

In a newborn, gastroenterocolitis can be triggered by the mother's milk if she has consumed foods that are unusual for the baby.

Timely seeking help and proper treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of the disease without the appearance of serious complications. When the virus enters the body through the mouth, or in another way, the lack of treatment translates the disease into a chronic form with the penetration of the infection into the blood.

The infectious nature of gastroenterocolitis in children is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach, which is the cause of acute pain in the abdomen. Frequent vomiting, severe diarrhea leads to dehydration of the child's body.

Symptoms and how the disease manifests itself

Acute gastroenterocolitis in children can manifest itself immediately after damage to organs by toxins - after 3 to 4 hours, or after 2 to 3 days.

The main signs of this disease are:

  • increased accumulation of gas in the intestines, which is accompanied by bloating, loud rumbling;
  • belching, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth;
  • general malaise, weakness, lethargy, headaches, fever;
  • loss of appetite, full of interest in food;
  • nausea, vomiting, which contains undigested food debris;
  • frequent and excruciating diarrhea, sometimes with blood or mucus;
  • sharp pains around the navel, which disappear for a short time and come back again;
  • dehydration, weight loss.

When these symptoms appear in a child, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician for further examination and confirmation of the diagnosis of gastroenterocolitis. If the baby is less active, complains of weakness, pain, and this condition is complicated by vomiting and diarrhea, urgent emergency care is needed.

It is necessary to treat signs of the disease in children under the supervision of a gastroenterologist, observing all the rules and recommendations.

Diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterocolitis in childhood

Diagnostic examination of children suffering from gastroenterocolitis consists in determining the cause of the development of the disease. It is necessary to consult the spirit of specialists - an infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist. They are conducting a detailed study of the diet of foods consumed in the past three days, researching those that cause concern. This procedure allows you to most accurately determine the causative agent of the infection.

There are no radical methods for destroying pathogens. After five to seven days, the immune system produces antibodies that fight the infection on its own. Therefore, the treatment of the disease is aimed at replenishing lost fluid and restoring the bowel function.

To do this, in the presence of gastroenterocolitis, dietary food is used using the following scheme for children:

  1. The first two days of the course of the disease is best to completely refuse food, use only plenty of drink.
  2. On the third day, add mashed soup from boiled vegetables, baked apple with honey.
  3. Steamed cutlets from dietary meat are included in the menu on the fourth day.
  4. On the fifth day, you can allow the child to eat several pieces of biscuit biscuits, cook boiled low-fat fish, add one egg.

It must be remembered that food during this period should be fractional, food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day.

Depending on the severity and cause of the disease, drugs are prescribed with an absorbing effect (Polysorb, Smecta, Atoxil), probiotics (Bifiform, Linex, Acylact), enzymes to improve digestion ( Festal "," Pancreatin ").

With progressive symptoms of gastroenterocolitis, hospitalization is recommended, treatment of infants is carried out in a hospital.

Consequences of the disease

The most serious complication of gastroenterocolitis is dehydration in children. Constant vomiting, frequent loose stools lead to a critical deficiency of fluid in the tissues of organs. This condition threatens the life of a small patient, especially if the body is weakened by concomitant diseases.

Lack of treatment can be the reason for the appearance of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - chronic enteritis, dysbiosis.

With a long severe course of the disease, cases of the formation of malignant polyps on the intestinal walls are known.


To protect your child from developing gastroenterocolitis, simple rules must be followed:

  1. Hygiene. Always wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, public places and before eating.
  2. Purity. Dishes should be individual and thoroughly washed.
  3. Quality products. It is necessary to comply with the terms and conditions of storage.
  4. Cooking. Heat treatment and technological requirements are mandatory when using meat or fish products.
  5. Water. It is recommended to boil raw water before drinking, or use purified water.

In the process of preparing food for a child, it is necessary to ensure that meat, fish and eggs are sufficiently cooked to exclude salmonellosis infection. When breastfeeding, it is important to practice good hygiene to prevent pathogens from reaching the baby from the mother's breast or arms.

Gastroenterocolitis is an infectious disease that is difficult for children of any age and can have serious consequences. To avoid its appearance in a child, it is necessary to adhere to hygiene and certain rules for cooking.

Gastroenterocolitis (food poisoning) is an inflammatory disease that leads to damage to the gastrointestinal tract, localized mainly in the small or large intestine. It poses a great danger caused by possible dehydration of the body in the absence of sufficient control. It is characterized by a rapid onset and rapid flow. As a rule, on 3-4 days, subject to the recommendations of the doctor, as well as the appointment of adequate treatment, the symptoms of the disease recede.

By the nature of the inflammatory process, gastroenterocolitis differentiates into:

  • hemorrhagic form, represented by lesions of the mucous membrane of the small intestine of an erosive-hemorrhagic nature;
  • catarrhal, causing hyperemia of the mucous membranes, their swelling, increased secretion of exudate;
  • phlegmonous, covering the lining of the stomach with the process of purulent lesion. The severity of this form is due to the extent of the lesion;
  • ulcerative form, causing the formation of areas with ulcerative lesions on the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fibrous, characterized by the formation of fibrinous films on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. This form is extremely rare.

Also, gastroenterocolitis can be divided according to the degree of manifestation of symptoms into:

  • an acute form in which an allergen or infection entering the intestine causes either an allergic reaction of the body, or an infection with influenza, tuberculosis, sepsis, typhoid, etc.;
  • a chronic form that develops in the presence of damage to the organs of the digestive system and has a recurrent nature.

Correct treatment of a mild form of the disease determines a favorable prognosis, but if drug therapy is not only inadequate, but also untimely, then the disease can acquire a chronic course, affecting the deeper layers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of the disease

The main ways of spreading the disease are oral and hematogenous (intoxication occurs due to the absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the entry into the blood and the spread of toxins and infectious agents with its current).

Many environmental factors contribute to disease production. So, depending on the nature of the occurrence, gastroenterocolitis can be classified as follows:

  1. infectious, differentiated by the type of pathogen:
  • bacterial, the most common. It is caused by the bacteria Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Isherichia, Protea, Shigella, etc.;
  • viral due to the ingestion of an ECHO virus, rotavirus, Norvalk agent, etc.
  • fungal caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • protozoal, the development of which is facilitated by the simplest unicellular organisms (lamblia, Trichomonas, amoeba);

non-infectious, occurs due to malnutrition:

  • an allergic form that manifests itself after eating. Its development is facilitated by allergens that enter the body with food;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • poisoning of the body due to the ingress of poisons and heavy metals into it;
  • intoxication with acids or alkalis;
  • drug poisoning with diuretin and salicylic acid derivatives;
  • irrational and monotonous nutrition, characterized by overeating, abuse of cold and spicy foods, an excess of carbohydrates, fats, fiber in the diet, as well as a violation of the frequency of eating.

Intestinal infections

Sources of such forms of the disease can be:

  • dirty or poorly washed fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy products, as well as cottage cheese;
  • canned food, pates;
  • animals and humans;
  • pastries with a cream layer.

In addition to the above, factors predisposing to the onset of the disease are vitamin deficiency, anemia and achilia present in the patient's history.

Often, if there is at least one person with food poisoning in a family or other society (kindergartens, public institutions, schools), acute gastroenterocolitis affects all its members, spreading through the consumption of contaminated foods.


Acute gastroenterocolitis has a fairly short incubation period, lasting from several hours to 3-4 days. In this case, the symptoms of the disease, which can be observed for such a short time, are as follows:

  • belching, heartburn, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • abundant coating on the tongue of a gray color;
  • rumbling and abdominal pain, often localized in the epigastric region;
  • excessive gas formation, accompanied by bloating;
  • suppression of appetite;
  • often in the beginning there is a delay in stool up to 2 days, with a further transition to diarrhea, characterized by the presence of blood and mucus streaks in the feces;
  • muscle weakness;
  • nausea associated with vomiting of undigested food fragments;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • an increase in body temperature, reaching 38-39 degrees;
  • metabolic disease;
  • headache;
  • significant weight loss;
  • fainting is possible with a severe course of the disease.

In medical practice, there are cases where the symptoms of dyspepsia with foodborne toxicoinfection are either mild, or may be absent altogether. But at the same time, symptoms of general intoxication of the body can be observed.

Signs of illness in children

Due to the immaturity of childhood immunity, gastroenterocolitis occurs quite often at this age. Moreover, the symptoms that accompany it differ slightly from the manifestations in adults:

  • upset stool, with bowel movements, you can observe the presence of blood inclusions and mucus in the feces;
  • dark green staining of feces;
  • signs of general body poisoning;
  • tenesmus, anus compliance and sigmoid spasms can be visualized in severe disease;
  • an increase in temperature that reaches its peak in the first 3 days from the moment of infection, and then persists for a week;
  • vomiting, infrequent but persistent.

Influenza gastroenterocolitis can often be observed in childhood during periods of influenza epidemics. Moreover, its symptoms appear quickly enough, starting with a high temperature. In this case, there is a high probability of developing complications such as pneumonia, otitis media or pyuria.


For the correct diagnosis of the disease, an important place is occupied by the study of anamnesis. So, a gastroenterologist, together with an infectious disease doctor, first ascertain from the patient the composition of his recent diet of food, after the use of which, the first symptoms of the disease appeared. In this case, a preliminary diagnosis is made.

To identify the microorganism that caused gastroenterocolitis, suspicious products are sent for analysis. Vomit and feces are subjected to detailed bacteriological examination. After obtaining laboratory data, physicians determine the final diagnosis, prescribe a treatment corresponding to the severity and source of the disease.

Treatment of the disease

Gastroenterocolitis treatment

Treatment of severe gastroenterocolitis, as opposed to mild, should be carried out in a hospital (infectious diseases department). It should include activities such as:

  • gastric lavage;
  • antimicrobial therapy (carried out in severe cases);
  • detoxification measures aimed at removing toxic substances from the body;
  • dehydration - to compensate for the loss of water, salts, minerals. This therapy is based on oral intake of saline solutions "Oralita", "Regidron". In severe cases, gastroenterocolitis requires intravenous treatment.

Effective treatment is facilitated by adherence to a diet based on:

  • plentiful drinking regime;
  • fractional, frequent meals (6 times / day);
  • excluding fried, smoked, spicy, spicy, fatty;
  • refusal to consume milk, black bread;
  • limiting the use of compotes, crackers.

Only adherence to the doctor's prescriptions and the correct diet contributes to a successful cure. And careful personal hygiene and food washing will prevent the occurrence of such a disease.

Is a simultaneous inflammatory lesion of the stomach, small and large intestine. The disease proceeds in an acute and chronic form, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, pain in the epigastrium and around the navel, diarrhea. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. Acute forms of pathology are well controlled when the source of the problem is eliminated. In the treatment of chronic gastroenterocolitis, special attention is paid to diet and lifestyle correction.

The disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, small and large intestines. The specificity of the manifestations of pathology will depend on which part of the digestive tract is more affected. The clinical picture is also influenced by the form of the disease.

Acute gastroenterocolitis

Gastrointestinal manifestations become predominant in this form of pathology:

Food poisoning is a typical example of acute gastroenterocolitis. Occurs when consuming low-quality water and food.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, there are three degrees of severity of the disease:

  • Mild - vomiting and diarrhea up to 5 times a day, there is no fever or the temperature rises to 37.5 ° C, signs of dehydration are not observed.
  • Average - vomiting and diarrhea up to 10 times a day, a rise in temperature to 38.5 ° C, signs of moderate dehydration.
  • Severe - repeated vomiting and diarrhea (more than 10 times a day), high body temperature (from 38.5 ° C), pronounced signs of dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration:

Dehydration is a life-threatening condition. When such symptoms appear, the patient should be treated as soon as possible. With the progression of dehydration, hospitalization is indicated.

Chronic gastroenterocolitis

In the chronic course of the disease, the symptoms are poorly expressed. There is an alternation of episodes of exacerbation and remission. In remission, the patient feels well, but extraintestinal manifestations of pathology may persist. With an exacerbation, intestinal symptoms come to the fore.

The clinical picture of chronic gastroenterocolitis in the exacerbation stage is determined by which part of the digestive tract is more affected:

In the stage of remission, the appearance of extraintestinal symptoms is characteristic:

Causes and risk factors

By the nature of the occurrence, gastroenterocolitis is divided into two large groups:

Infectious gastroenterocolitis

Non-infectious gastroenterocolitis

To diagnose and identify the cause of gastroenterocolitis, the following methods are used:

With chronic damage to the digestive tract, other methods are added:


The choice of the method of therapy depends on the form of the pathology, the alleged cause, the patient's age and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Acute therapy

First aid

When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary:


On the first day of the disease, it is prohibited to eat. Drinking fluids, including rehydration solutions, is recommended. In addition to these funds, it is allowed to drink plain water, weak tea with lemon and sugar.

Prohibited drinks:

  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • milk;
  • fruit compotes;
  • fruit and vegetable juices;
  • berry fruit drinks.

The use of these drinks provokes irritation of the digestive tract, increases the flow of urine, which threatens to worsen the condition and further dehydration.

After vomiting and diarrhea subsided, the patient's diet expands. The menu introduces weak broths, rice broth, slimy porridge on the water. On the 3-5th day, chopped boiled meat is allowed. Gradually, the patient is transferred to a common table with some restrictions. For 2-3 weeks after recovery, it is recommended to follow a diet designed to treat a chronic form of the disease.

Drug therapy

In acute pathology, the following drugs are prescribed:

If necessary, gastric lavage and a cleansing enema are performed.

Chronic therapy


General principles:

  • Meals should be frequent, but small portions. The optimal regimen is 5-6 meals a day.
  • Avoiding spicy and spicy foods, fried foods, foods with a lot of fat.
  • Priority for steamed food.

The list of permitted and prohibited products is presented in the table:

Drug therapy

Possible consequences and prognosis

The severe course of the acute form of gastroenterocolitis threatens with dehydration. This condition leads to disruption of the work of internal organs and the development of a coma. Death is possible without treatment.

Chronic gastroenterocolitis leads to a malfunction of the digestive tract and impaired absorption of nutrients. This condition threatens with weight loss and exhaustion, vitamin deficiency, which inevitably affects the functioning of the whole organism.

The prognosis for the disease is favorable in case of timely treatment. Acute gastroenterocolitis is completely cured without consequences. The intestinal function is restored in 4-6 weeks. Chronic pathology remains with the patient for life. With a diet, you can achieve a decrease in the frequency of exacerbations and long-term remission.


  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • eating only high-quality products with a normal shelf life;
  • rational nutrition and diet;
  • passing regular preventive examinations by a specialist.

The implementation of these simple rules will avoid the development of the disease and its complications.

Abdominal pain, accompanied by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, indicates that an inflammatory process has begun in the stomach and intestines - acute gastroenterocolitis. If you just take pills, which usually help get rid of the ailment, then the pain will subside, the stool will return to normal, but the reason will not be eliminated. This means that the inflammatory process will continue, the structure of the mucous membrane will be disrupted, ulcers may form that will bleed. The stomach and intestines will cease to cope with their direct responsibilities (digestion, absorption of food), this will lead to exhaustion and disruption of all body systems. Therefore, it is imperative to establish the cause of gastroenterocolitis in order to begin adequate treatment.

Dependence of the treatment of gastroenterocolitis on the cause

A variety of factors can cause an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane. But initially, the disease affects some part of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), and only due to improper treatment, it develops into gastroenterocolitis. Provoke the occurrence:

  • intestinal infections;
  • improper nutrition;
  • exposure to allergens;
  • diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • nervous overstrain.

And accordingly, the cause must be treated, and gastroenterocolitis is the consequence. So, for example, various microorganisms can cause the disease:

Accordingly, the disease needs to be treated in different ways. Even antibiotics can affect only one subtype of bacteria and not cause the slightest harm to another. In this case, an infectious disease specialist should select an adequate therapeutic course.

With psycho-emotional overstrain, the vagus nerve is excited, which innervates the entire gastrointestinal tract, a spasm of smooth muscles occurs, which in turn causes severe pain and stool disturbance. In this case, help:

  • sedatives (corvalol, validol);
  • antispasmodics (spazmolgon, no-shpa).

Which of them will be more effective, the doctor will advise.

Naturally, if the cause is not eliminated, the concomitant diseases, especially the liver and pancreas, are not cured, it will be impossible to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

And over time, this will lead to metabolic disorders of all substances. Not to mention, vomiting and diarrhea cause severe dehydration, and in this case acute gastroenterocolitis in children can be fatal.

But the most dangerous and most common cause of gastroenterocolitis is malnutrition. In a child, the disease can occur due to early refusal to breastfeed. In some cases, inflammation occurs due to intolerance to certain foods and even milk. Most harmful for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • fast food when food is poorly chewed;
  • food wherever and whenever you want;
  • Medicines not taken as directed by your doctor (especially aspirin and some antibiotics)
  • dry food;
  • binge eating.

For the prevention of infectious inflammation, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of personal hygiene.

Eating large amounts of vegetables and fruits containing coarse fiber can also contribute to inflammation of the mucous membranes. This does not mean that they should not be eaten at all. You can eat everything, but the main thing is to know when to stop and remember that some products can be consumed only once in a lifetime (pale toadstool, expired food, bloated canned food and other food that causes severe poisoning or death).

Whatever factor caused the disease, treatment of acute gastroenterocolitis should be started immediately. If you wait for serious complications, when pathological changes affect all organs, then it will take much longer to be treated, and it is likely that it will be ineffectual.

Consequences of the disease

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms of gastroenterocolitis in time, or if you feel abdominal pain, nausea, take pills without consulting a doctor, then over time, acute inflammation will develop into a chronic one. This means:

  1. Irreversible pathological changes will occur on the mucous membrane. Up to necrosis, the appearance of ulcers on it. And over time, the intestines and stomach atrophy, food will not be digested, instead, the processes of decay will begin.
  2. Due to the lack of micro- and macroelements, metabolic disorders will occur. In turn, this will lead to degeneration, osteoporosis. Due to the lack of glucose and vitamins, especially group B, there will be malfunctions in the central nervous system.
  3. Frequent diarrhea and vomiting cause severe dehydration. The skin will become dry, the hair brittle, but these are not the worst consequences. Lack of fluid in the body leads to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood. Due to the disturbed water-salt balance, convulsions will occur, and in severe cases - coma.

There is only one effective way to prevent the occurrence of serious consequences - the correct treatment of gastroenterocolitis. And only a doctor will prescribe it.

How is gastroenterocolitis treated?

The therapeutic course largely depends on the cause of the disease. But there are medications that are prescribed anyway. It:

  1. Pain relievers. But they are recommended only for the relief of severe pain.
  2. Pro- and prebiotics. The inflammatory process in the intestine, taking antibiotics negatively affects the normal microflora. The growth of the necessary lacto- and bifidobacteria is inhibited. And this leads to a deterioration in digestion, contributes to the development of pathogens.
  3. Sorbents and preparations for detoxification. Especially with intestinal infections, when microorganisms synthesize toxins, persistent poisoning occurs.
  4. Correction of metabolism, prevention of anemia and hypovitaminosis are carried out.

But the mainstay of treatment for gastroenterocolitis is diet. Table # 4 is recommended.

What you can and cannot eat with gastroenterocolitis

  • spicy, salty;
  • cold or hot;
  • rough, tough;
  • promote the occurrence of gas in the intestines;
  • containing alcohol.

But this does not mean that only slimy and unappetizing cereals are possible. A large number of tasty products are allowed, and if you also decorate them (there are many methods to make the dishes look attractive), then the food will contribute not only to the intake of necessary substances into the body, but also to aesthetic pleasure.

With gastroenteritis, it is allowed:

  • low-fat broth soups;
  • porridge;
  • butter;
  • grated cottage cheese (fresh milk is strictly prohibited);
  • vegetables and fruits, but peeled, without rough skin;
  • low-fat meat and fish dishes, it is better if they are steamed;
  • soft-boiled egg, steam omelet (no more than 1 per day);
  • jelly, jelly;
  • compote, weak tea.
  • rosehip decoction;
  • weak, unsweetened blackcurrant compote.

You can fast for no more than 2 days, and then with very severe diarrhea.

Gastroenterocolitis is an infectious disease with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, the mucous membranes of the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The disease can be both acute and chronic.

The signs of gastroenterocolitis are always very pronounced. They include the symptoms of three components of this disease: gastritis, enteritis, colitis.

Acute gastritis usually begins with belching and nausea. Then pains appear in the upper abdomen. Soreness is felt on palpation of the abdomen. Vomiting may open. And the symptoms of acute enteritis are frequent and loose stools, bloating, pain, nausea. Acute colitis is characterized by very frequent stools, in which there may be impurities of mucus and blood. Abdominal pains are cramping in nature, the urge to have a bowel movement is very painful. These symptoms can appear either simultaneously or sequentially, gradually worsening the patient's condition.

The culprits of the disease

There are many causes of gastroenterocolitis, including:

In order for these unfavorable factors to manifest themselves as the causes of gastroenterocolitis, it is enough only:

  • eating poor quality products, unwashed fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • eating a lot, especially fatty, food;
  • contact of children with a person suffering from gastroenterocolitis;

Rotavirus is the most dangerous source for children, due to which gastroenterocolitis develops.

Diet is one of the main treatments

When treating gastroenterocolitis, a properly selected diet is important. Nowadays, doctors do not recommend the previously used water-tea and starvation diets. Indeed, with any intestinal infection, the main function of the intestine remains the digestive, and a hungry diet can cause another disease - ketoacidosis (acetone). For young children, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food in the initial stage of the disease by only 50%, but increase the frequency of food intake (6-8 times a day).

For patients of all ages, there is an unambiguous requirement: products must be cooked or steamed, and food must be taken in mashed, puree or liquid form. With gastroenterocolitis, a diet is prescribed that creates a minimum load on the child's gastrointestinal tract. Difficult to digest food is excluded from the diet, and food that contributes to the formation of putrefactive, fermentative processes. One of the important conditions: exclude all products that stimulate bile secretion, as well as products that enhance the secretory functions of the stomach and pancreas.

Eat to your health!

The diet includes the consumption of the following foods: crackers, lean meats and fish . Both meat and fish should be chopped or mashed. For dairy products, pureed cottage cheese (calcined) and acidophilic milk are best. Soups for children with such a diet should be prepared only in low-fat, weak broths, it is possible with butter. It is permissible to add decoctions of vegetables to soups. Eggs are allowed to be eaten soft-boiled, as well as added to various dishes.

With gastroenterocolitis, the diet does not allow eating fatty fish and meat, any fats (except butter), vegetables, fruits, any smoked meats, spices, pickled, canned foods. You should not use pearl barley and millet in cereals and soups. It is not recommended to give children fresh bread, pastries, pancakes and pancakes, sweets, carbonated drinks, grape juice. It is better to cook jelly and jelly from the juices of berries and fruits (non-acidic), and decoctions from dried blueberries, black currants, quince.

These are the dietary requirements for food # 4. At the expense of fats and carbohydrates, it reduces the energy content of the diet, and the amount of proteins remains in the physiological norm. The diet of infants with gastroenterocolitis does not exclude breast milk, and it is better to use fermented milk mixtures for supplementary feeding. For complementary foods, nutritionists recommend 5-10% porridge (rice or buckwheat), low-lactose mixtures.

... and medicines to help

Treatment for this disease always involves hydration therapy. Severe forms of gastroenterocolitis are dangerous due to dehydration of the body of children. But even if there is no such threat, the child should drink a lot - 5-6 glasses of liquid per day. Treatment of severe gastrointestinal infections involves the use of appropriate antibacterial agents.

Gastroenterocolitis is traditionally treated with sulfonamide drugs - disulfan, sulfidine, phthalazole, sulgin; adsorbing agents - calcium carbonate or phosphate, carbon, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents - papaverine, kaolin, belladonna. Although modern medicine considers some of these drugs to be ineffective.

Gastroenterocolitis is usually treated in medical hospitals, so the attending physician, based on the symptoms, will prescribe the necessary drugs individually.

The disease, which is caused by infections and is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the stomach, small and large intestines, is called gastroenterocolitis. Doctors consider it one of the most common childhood ailments under the age of three.

Gastroenterocolitis in children makes itself felt suddenly. There are complaints of acute abdominal pain, bouts of nausea and vomiting, loose stools with painful bowel movements. This condition in children causes a viral infection or pathogenic bacteria to enter the body.

To determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, an urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary, since the symptoms of gastroenterocolitis in children are similar to the manifestations of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The routes of infection with this disease are divided into two sources: infectious and non-infectious.

For reasons not related to infections, the disease rarely occurs, but they still need to be taken into account:

  • a reaction to the use of certain medications;
  • a high concentration of toxic substances that have penetrated with food (mushrooms, plants, seafood) or when using household chemicals (washing powders, detergents);
  • excessive consumption of fatty, spicy, sour foods;
  • intolerance to the body of certain foods, or a reaction to the appearance of new ones.

In a newborn, gastroenterocolitis can be triggered by the mother's milk if she has consumed foods that are unusual for the baby.

Timely seeking help and proper treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of the disease without the appearance of serious complications. When the virus enters the body through the mouth, or in another way, the lack of treatment translates the disease into a chronic form with the penetration of the infection into the blood.

The infectious nature of gastroenterocolitis in children is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach, which is the cause of acute pain in the abdomen. Frequent vomiting, severe diarrhea leads to dehydration of the child's body.

Symptoms and how the disease manifests itself

Acute gastroenterocolitis in children can manifest itself immediately after damage to organs by toxins - after 3 to 4 hours, or after 2 to 3 days.

The main signs of this disease are:

  • increased accumulation of gas in the intestines, which is accompanied by bloating, loud rumbling;
  • belching, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth;
  • general malaise, weakness, lethargy, headaches, fever;
  • loss of appetite, full of interest in food;
  • nausea, vomiting, which contains undigested food debris;
  • frequent and excruciating diarrhea, sometimes with blood or mucus;
  • sharp pains around the navel, which disappear for a short time and come back again;
  • dehydration, weight loss.

When these symptoms appear in a child, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician for further examination and confirmation of the diagnosis of gastroenterocolitis. If the baby is less active, complains of weakness, pain, and this condition is complicated by vomiting and diarrhea, urgent emergency care is needed.

It is necessary to treat signs of the disease in children under the supervision of a gastroenterologist, observing all the rules and recommendations.

Diagnosis and treatment of gastroenterocolitis in childhood

Diagnostic examination of children suffering from gastroenterocolitis consists in determining the cause of the development of the disease. It is necessary to consult the spirit of specialists - an infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist. They are conducting a detailed study of the diet of foods consumed in the past three days, researching those that cause concern. This procedure allows you to most accurately determine the causative agent of the infection.

There are no radical methods for destroying pathogens. After five to seven days, the immune system produces antibodies that fight the infection on its own. Therefore, the treatment of the disease is aimed at replenishing lost fluid and restoring the bowel function.

To do this, in the presence of gastroenterocolitis, dietary food is used using the following scheme for children:

  1. The first two days of the course of the disease is best to completely refuse food, use only plenty of drink.
  2. On the third day, add mashed soup from boiled vegetables, baked apple with honey.
  3. Steamed cutlets from dietary meat are included in the menu on the fourth day.
  4. On the fifth day, you can allow the child to eat several pieces of biscuit biscuits, cook boiled low-fat fish, add one egg.

It must be remembered that food during this period should be fractional, food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day.

Depending on the severity and cause of the disease, drugs are prescribed with an absorbing effect (Polysorb, Smecta, Atoxil), probiotics (Bifiform, Linex, Acylact), enzymes to improve digestion ( Festal "," Pancreatin ").

With progressive symptoms of gastroenterocolitis, hospitalization is recommended, treatment of infants is carried out in a hospital.

Consequences of the disease

The most serious complication of gastroenterocolitis is dehydration in children. Constant vomiting, frequent loose stools lead to a critical deficiency of fluid in the tissues of organs. This condition threatens the life of a small patient, especially if the body is weakened by concomitant diseases.

Lack of treatment can be the reason for the appearance of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - chronic enteritis, dysbiosis.

With a long severe course of the disease, cases of the formation of malignant polyps on the intestinal walls are known.


To protect your child from developing gastroenterocolitis, simple rules must be followed:

  1. Hygiene. Always wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, public places and before eating.
  2. Purity. Dishes should be individual and thoroughly washed.
  3. Quality products. It is necessary to comply with the terms and conditions of storage.
  4. Cooking. Heat treatment and technological requirements are mandatory when using meat or fish products.
  5. Water. It is recommended to boil raw water before drinking, or use purified water.

In the process of preparing food for a child, it is necessary to ensure that meat, fish and eggs are sufficiently cooked to exclude salmonellosis infection. When breastfeeding, it is important to practice good hygiene to prevent pathogens from reaching the baby from the mother's breast or arms.

Gastroenterocolitis is an infectious disease that is difficult for children of any age and can have serious consequences. To avoid its appearance in a child, it is necessary to adhere to hygiene and certain rules for cooking.

Gastroenterocolitis is a functional disease of the entire gastrointestinal tract and manifests itself as an acute inflammatory process mainly in the small or large intestine or their parts. The disease can be an independent nosological form, and it can accompany other infectious intestinal diseases, for example, appendicitis or pancreatitis. In the article we will talk about the types, signs and therapy of the disease.


Gastroenterocolitis in children refers to inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with damage to the walls of the stomach, small and large intestines. Depending on the course, acute and chronic forms of the disease are distinguished.

Depending on the depth of the lesion and the nature of the inflammation distinguish between:

  • Catarrhal or simple... It is caused by excessive formation and accumulation of exudate (fluid from blood vessels) on the surface of the swollen mucous membrane with desquamation (desquamation) of the superficial epithelium. It is this type of inflammation that occurs most often in both acute and chronic course.
  • Fibrinous... It is characterized by the appearance of exudate, in which there is a lot of fibrinogen. When tissue is damaged, a fibrin film forms from it. It is rare in children.
  • Purulent(or phlegmonous inflammation). Not only the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged, but also all underlying layers. It develops when the process is neglected.
  • Gangrenous... This is a complication of the phlegmonous process with tissue damage to a number of organs located.
  • Hemorrhagic... It is caused by erosive defects of the surface layer of the digestive organs with the subsequent release of blood. This form develops in many cases with the wrong treatment.
  • Perforating... In this case, the wall of the affected organ collapses, forming a deep defect in all layers (ulcerative inflammation) or "melts" under the influence of inflammation factors.

In addition to catarrhal inflammation, other types of inflammation are extremely rare. In different parts of the same organ, several types of them can be found (for example, in the cardiac part of the stomach - simple inflammation, and in the pyloric part - phlegmonous) or combined into one (for example, ulcerative hemorrhagic inflammation).

As for the chronic process, it is always catarrhal in nature, but with different exudates (serous, mucopurulent, hemorrhagic and others). The accumulation of fluid depends on the periods of exacerbation and remission.

Causes of occurrence

In children, the disease is almost always infectious.... In 70% of cases, the etiological factor is rotavirus. Among bacteria, gastroenterocolitis can be caused by:

  • salmonella,
  • shigella,
  • Escherichia coli
  • among the simplest - lamblia, amoeba.

There are also other reasons the occurrence of the disease:

  • allergies (any food allergens);
  • toxins (mushrooms);
  • medications (NSAIDs, antibiotics);
  • somatic diseases of the digestive system, enzymopathies and malformations;
  • diseases of other organs (uremic gastroenterocolitis in chronic renal failure);
  • radiation.

TO predisposing factors contributing to the development of gastroenterocolitis, include:

  • avitaminosis,
  • recent infections
  • violation of the food intake,
  • weakening of immunity,
  • the use of stale food, hot spices, semi-finished products, too cold or hot drinks and foods.

For the chronic form, an important factor is a violation of the diet and irregular use of prescribed drugs.


The incubation period lasts an average of 5 days... The disease begins acutely and develops rapidly. Infectious is transmitted by mouth. Non-infectious is observed as a result of malnutrition. Allergic - when allergens enter the digestive tract.

Main symptoms gastroenterocolitis:

  • diarrhea (mild 3-5 times a day, medium - up to 10, severe more than 10);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • diffuse abdominal pain;
  • symptoms of general intoxication;
  • chills, fever up to 39 degrees;
  • refusal to eat.

The stool is thin, slimy, each time it becomes more watery. It can contain impurities of undigested food or blood. If its color turns yellow-green, it indicates a bacterial infection. In the non-infectious form, the feces are slimy, without blood streaks.

In the clinic of a viral infection (for example, rotavirus), respiratory catarrhal phenomena are also expressed:

  • runny nose,
  • sore throat,
  • cough,
  • toxicosis.

Important! The gastrointestinal symptoms of the chronic course of the disease are very sluggish. With this form, asthenic, neurological and hematological signs of impaired absorption of food predominate.

Children become tired, distracted, drowsy, irritable or, on the contrary, apathetic. They may lag behind in physical and mental development. Against the background of a long course, a child may develop:

  • hemorrhagic diathesis,
  • severe iron deficiency or B12-deficiency anemia.

Infectious gastroenterocolitis in a 6-year-old girl, x-ray, video:


Treatment should begin with water and electrolyte replenishment... Already at the first signs of intestinal infection, the child begins to dehydrate, so the first step is to restore the normal water-electrolyte balance.

Further treatment tactics are determined by the causative agent of the pathology and the degree of the disease. Mild degrees require proper diet and fluid intake, more severe ones require proper drug therapy and, possibly, hospitalization.

Drug therapy

  • Oral rehydration... Saline solutions (Rehydron, Oralit) are able to replenish the reserves of lost water and necessary elements. Drinking plenty of fluids also removes the symptoms of intoxication.
  • Enterosorbents... They are necessary in order to bind infectious agents with toxins and remove them. This will reduce toxicity, abdominal pain and gas. The child is prescribed Activated carbon, Atoxil, Enterosgel.
  • Enzyme preparations(Pancreatin, Creon). For indigestion symptoms, enzymes are prescribed to replace cavitary digestion. They help break down food into molecules that are absorbed by the intestines.
  • Prokinetics(Metoclopramide) is needed to normalize gastric and intestinal motility. They remove vomiting and nausea, and also help restore the normal functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antibiotics prescribed in the case of bacterial gastroenterocolitis and secondary dysbiosis against the background of a viral infection. In other cases, they are not effective. Children are prescribed Levomycetin, Polymyxin-m sulfate, Nifuroxazide.
  • Antispasmodics(No-shpa, Kombispasm) help reduce pain. You can also use drugs that remove intestinal colic (Espumisan, Colikid).
  • Antipyretic drugs appoint only when necessary. Children are allowed to take Ibuprofen and Paracetamol in syrup or tablets.
  • Prebiotics and Probiotics in the treatment of acute infection do not have a large therapeutic effect. For the treatment of the chronic form, they are more effective.
  • Vitamins and minerals help to strengthen the body and restore nutrients lost during illness.


The child is recommended 4 table according to Pevzner, which describes the most useful products for this disease with minimal irritation to the digestive organs. Diet principle:

  • high calorie content and variety of the diet;
  • eating 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • the predominance of liquid food and food cooked with steam or water;
  • lack of fatty foods, spices, fresh vegetables and fruits.

If children do not like this menu and they persistently refuse the offered food, you can add butter in small quantities or cottage cheese with shabby apples to the porridge.

Pharmacy rehydrants can be substituted with homemade solutions that taste good. The child needs to be given as many of his favorite drinks as possible: compotes, jelly, broths, teas.

The diet also includes:

  • dietary meat and fish,
  • porridge on the water,
  • boiled eggs,
  • crackers from white bread,
  • vegetables in the form of additives to soups and broths.
  • fermented milk and dairy products, with the exception of cottage cheese;
  • fatty, spicy soups or broths;
  • pasta;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and herbs;
  • pearl barley, millet and barley porridge;
  • sweets;
  • salty and pickled dishes;
  • caffeine and strong teas;
  • peas and beans.


In children, intestinal infections, in particular, infectious gastroenteritis occurs quite often. In infants, this is due to an immature immune and digestive system, in older children - with unformed enzyme mechanisms.

Acute medication is caused by the ingestion of poisons or medicines into the child's body.

The diagnosis is made after taking an anamnesis, research results (serological blood tests, bacteriological - feces and vomit), as well as virological (with clinical manifestations of viral gastroenterocolitis).

Carefully! Any intestinal infection in infants is an indication before hospitalization and further treatment under the supervision of medical personnel.

Dehydration develops much faster, which threatens with a number of serious complications. In no case should you wait, and at the first symptoms, be sure to seek medical help.

With regard to therapy, not all drugs prescribed for adults can be used for children, especially newborns. You cannot change the drug or dose on your own, much less self-medicate. Gastric lavage is performed if there is a likelihood of bacterial toxins present.

Forecast and prevention

The forecast is favorable... The acute form usually lasts up to a week. For a full and speedy recovery, diet is of great importance. However, the final restoration of digestive function can take up to 6 weeks.

Nevertheless, the development of diseases such as gastritis and enterocolitis (in their chronic form) after gastroenterocolitis is possible if the episode of the disease was preceded by cases of stomach or intestinal diseases, helminthiasis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Among the preventive measures:

  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for storage and preparation of food,
  • following the rules of personal hygiene,
  • rational nutrition and its regime.


  1. Gastroenterocolitis manifests itself as a systemic digestive disorder in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease can be provoked by both viruses and bacteria, fungi, protozoa.
  2. Depending on the nature of gastroenterocolitis (infectious or not), appropriate drug therapy is prescribed. Since dehydration may develop in young children against the background of vomiting and diarrhea, first aid is to restore the water and electrolyte balance.

Gastroenterocolitis is a simultaneous inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach, small and large intestines). The acute form is more common in children; chronic gastroenterocolitis is usually a manifestation of the underlying systemic disease.

Gastroenterocolitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract

Dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea in gastroenterocolitis are caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and, in particular, the villi of the intestinal ciliated epithelium, which are responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water into the bloodstream. Infectious gastroenterocolitis is accompanied by intoxication of the body with products of microbial activity.

The acute form of gastroenterocolitis is closely related to foodborne diseases. Among the pathogens, enteropathogenic and opportunistic bacteria predominate - Salmonella, Shigella, Listeria, Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris. Several viruses are also known that cause acute gastroenterocolitis: echovirus, rotavirus (the causative agent of the so-called intestinal flu), Norwalk virus, etc.

Infection occurs in an alimentary way - with the use of unboiled water and poor-quality products contaminated with bacteria, non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene and sanitary and hygienic standards adopted in cooking. With sepsis and the presence of chronic infectious foci, hematogenous drift of infection can be observed - pathogenic agents migrate into the gastrointestinal tract through the circulatory system from other organs and systems.

Gastroenterocolitis may be associated with food allergies

Chronic gastroenterocolitis develops as a result of a protracted course of an acute inflammatory process or against the background of primary gastrointestinal diseases. Inflammation spreads to the submucosa, blood vessels, nerve endings and serous membranes, which leads to disturbances in blood supply, trophism and motility of the digestive tract.

The likelihood of developing gastroenterocolitis is somewhat increased in conditions that lead to an increase in the permeability of the mucous membranes and suppression of local immunity:

  • deficiency of B vitamins;
  • anemia;
  • hypothermia, frequent cold drinks;
  • prolonged stress;
  • achilia - lack of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in gastric juice;
  • irritation of the intestines due to an excess of coarse fiber in the diet.

By the nature of changes in the tissues of the stomach and intestines, several forms of gastroenterocolitis are distinguished:

  • catarrhal - manifestations of the inflammatory process are limited by hyperemia and edema of the mucous membranes, along with intensive production of exudate;
  • fibrous - a plaque of fibrin appears on the inner surface of the stomach and intestines, which is formed during the interaction of tissue thromboplastin with fibrinogen, secreted together with exudate;
  • phlegmonous - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by suppuration;
  • ulcerative - characterized by the presence of ulceration on the surface of the mucous membranes;
  • hemorrhagic - the inflammatory process is accompanied by impaired capillary circulation in the submucosal layer, which leads to hemorrhages and the formation of extensive foci of erosion.

The most dangerous complication of gastroenterocolitis is dehydration, which occurs due to constant vomiting and profuse diarrhea, which can cause death in young children and debilitated patients.

Symptoms of gastroenterocolitis

As a rule, gastroenterocolitis begins with a sudden deterioration in health - nausea and vomiting appear, pulling or cramping pains in the navel or upper abdomen, flatulence, belching and heartburn. Diarrhea can be observed both from the first day of the disease, and on the third or fourth day after short-term constipation. The stool often contains mucus and blood streaks. At the same time, signs of intoxication are observed: a feeling of weakness and malaise, an increase in body temperature, headaches and attacks of dizziness. In the most severe cases, the symptoms described are accompanied by fainting, confusion and delirium. In the chronic course of the inflammatory process, dyspeptic disorders are moderately expressed or completely absent, and the symptoms of gastroenterocolitis are limited to manifestations of intoxication. Chronic gastroenterocolitis can also occur in the form of recurrent dyspeptic disorders.

Gastroenterocolitis begins with nausea and vomiting Features of the course of gastroenterocolitis in children

Due to insufficient development of the immune system, young children are especially susceptible to gastroenterocolitis. The clinical picture of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract in a preschooler may appear as a result of a spontaneous increase in the virulence of opportunistic intestinal microflora and a decrease in the body's resistance in case of respiratory infections, allergic and atopic conditions, prolonged stress, unbalanced diet or a sharp change in diet.

Dyspeptic disorders and diarrhea in gastroenterocolitis are caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and, in particular, the villi of the intestinal ciliated epithelium, which are responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water into the bloodstream.

Infectious gastroenterocolitis in children under three years of age in most cases is caused by dysentery bacillus, as a result of which a characteristic clinical picture of profuse diarrhea, fever and severe intoxication develops. A large amount of mucus mixed with blood is found in the stool. Due to the oxidation of iron in the composition of hemoglobin, feces acquire a characteristic dark green color. The child's body temperature reaches its peak values ​​in the first three days of the disease, after which it lasts for a week, and then declines. In the most severe cases, children develop tenesmus and spasms of the sigmoid colon, characteristic of dysentery colitis. In the absence of adequate treatment, acute dysenteric gastroenterocolitis in children often becomes chronic.

In children with gastroenterocolitis, profuse diarrhea is observed

Also, children often have viral gastroenterocolitis - an intestinal form of influenza, accompanied by severe gastroenterocolitis and persistent fever. The disease can be complicated by otitis media, pyuria, or pneumonia. Gastroenterocolitis is especially dangerous for infants and young preschool children due to the rapid onset of dehydration and severe intoxication of the body.


Gastroenterocolitis in adults and older children is diagnosed by a therapist or gastroenterologist based on the clinical picture and anamnestic data. Particular attention is paid to the products that the patient consumed shortly before the onset of symptoms of gastrointestinal inflammation. To clarify the diagnosis, it will be necessary to consult an infectious disease specialist and laboratory tests of feces - coprogram and bacterial culture with the isolation of the pathogen and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. To assess the general condition of the patient and identify the degree of dehydration, a general and biochemical blood test is prescribed. In children under three years of age, acute gastroenterocolitis is differentiated from typhoid by staging the Vidal reaction.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs allows you to assess the degree of damage in gastroenterocolitis

To assess the degree of gastrointestinal tract damage and identify concomitant pathologies in chronic gastroenterocolitis, instrumental examinations of the stomach and intestines are shown: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, gastroduodenoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy. If necessary, a histological examination of a biopsy specimen of the affected tissues is carried out.

Gastroenterocolitis of non-infectious etiology is associated with food and drug allergies, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, alcohols, alkalis and acids, or radiation injury.

Gastroenterocolitis treatment

Alimentary gastroenterocolitis, provoked by toxicoinfection, in adults and older children is usually mild. There is no need for hospitalization - it is enough to abstain from food on the first day and consume as much liquid as possible. In the next two to three days, follow a sparing diet, adhering to a fractional diet - take food 5-6 times a day in small portions.

The restoration of the damaged epithelium of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated by the use of decoctions of cereals, oatmeal in water and boiled rice, low-fat cottage cheese and chicken broth. At the end of the acute period, you can gradually introduce into the diet low-fat steamed meat and fish products, vegetable purees, soft-boiled eggs and casseroles. For two to three weeks after suffering gastroenterocolitis, it is worth refraining from fatty, spicy and fried foods and smoked meats, as well as fresh bread, pastries, milk, legumes and foods containing a large amount of fiber.

With a mild form of gastroenterocolitis, it is enough to abstain from food for the first day and consume a lot of water.

When signs of severe intoxication and dehydration appear, gastroenterocolitis is treated in a hospital. First of all, detoxification therapy is carried out - washing the stomach with a solution of bicarbonate and potassium permanganate and a course of enterosorbents, with constipation, deep enemas and saline laxatives are prescribed. To replenish the loss of fluid, they resort to infusion therapy. In milder forms, oral water and electrolytes can be dispensed with. With some toxicoinfections, etiotropic therapy with antibiotics is possible. Stomach and intestinal pains are eliminated with antispasmodics. To normalize digestion during the recovery period, enzyme preparations, multivitamins, prebiotics and probiotics are used.


For the prevention of alimentary gastroenterocolitis, it is enough to follow the basic rules of hygiene and sanitization of food: wash your hands before eating and preparing food, as well as after using the toilet, use clean dishes, towels and kitchen utensils. Vegetables and fruits must be washed under running water, and milk and drinking water must be boiled. You should not visit outdoor cafes and canteens with poor sanitary conditions. During the summer, it is important to refrain from consuming perishable foods of unknown origin, and while bathing, to avoid getting water in your mouth.

To prevent reactive gastroenterocolitis, do not take strong medications without consulting your doctor. With a tendency to allergic reactions, new and unusual products are introduced into the menu gradually, starting with small portions. Prevention of chronic gastroenterocolitis is reduced to preventing diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders - controlling the diet and adhering to an optimal diet.

Consequences and complications

The most dangerous complication of gastroenterocolitis is dehydration, which occurs due to constant vomiting and profuse diarrhea, which can cause death in young children and debilitated patients. With a long chronic course of gastroenterocolitis, the appearance of periventricular adhesions and intestinal polyps, prone to malignant degeneration, is possible.

Treatment depends on the form of the disease, and the pathogen that provoked the disease. Also, the nature of treatment is significantly influenced by the degree of gastrointestinal tract damage, the severity of the disease, and concomitant human diseases. As a rule, hospitalization is not required for mild disease. In severe cases, a person is necessarily hospitalized, treatment takes place in the infectious diseases department. Stages of therapy:

  1. Rehydration
  2. Antibacterial therapy
  3. Detoxification
  4. Symptomatic therapy.

Rehydration is a complex of therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating dehydration and its consequences. The body is saturated with water, salts, and other compounds that are excreted from the body during the period of illness. With a mild form of dehydration, complex therapeutic solutions, such as Regidron, Oralit, will help restore the balance of water and salts in the body. If dehydration is pronounced and becomes severe, drugs such as Disol, Trosol, Chlosol can be used.

Antibiotic therapy is also needed, which implies a course of antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics should only be used as a last resort. They are effective in preventing inflammation, especially if it is persistent and progressive. Also, the need for antibiotics is indicated by an infectious process. The most popular are drugs such as chloramphenicol, ampicillin, erythromycin.

The main goal of detoxification therapy is to remove toxins from the blood. For this, gastric lavage is most often used. The main purpose of gastric lavage is to remove salts and food debris from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to remove toxins. The advantage of gastric lavage is that pathogenic microorganisms and toxins are also removed along with the lavage fluids. For washing, sodium or potassium permanganate is added to the water.

Also, treatment consists of symptomatic therapy. Depends on the symptoms that prevail in the person. For example, if a person has constipation, it is necessary to prescribe antidiarrheal drugs; with the predominance of constipation, laxatives are the leading drugs in therapy. Pain relievers are used for pain, and antispasmodics are used for spasms.

You may also need specific drugs, such as enzyme preparations, which help to normalize digestion, improve motor skills. To improve the condition of the body as a whole, multivitamins are used. Probiotic and prebiotic preparations are used to normalize microflora. If a person has allergic reactions, antihistamines will be required.

Modern treatment of chronic gastroenterocolitis

The treatment is based on the elimination of the inflammatory process, as well as sluggish pathologies. The main task is the fight against infection, its spread, as well as the prevention of intoxication. It is important to follow your diet. If chronic gastroenterocolitis is a consequence of other diseases, which is observed quite often, it is necessary to treat and prevent concomitant diseases. During an exacerbation, you should consult a doctor.


Treatment for gastroenterocolitis should be comprehensive, carefully planned. You cannot engage in self-medication, since it will definitely be useless. Moreover, self-medication can be dangerous. This is due to the fact that in most cases, etiological treatment is used, that is, treatment that acts purposefully against a certain factor that provoked the disease. To determine this factor, a thorough diagnosis is required. It is impossible to carry it out at home, as it requires specific equipment and reagents. If the treatment is initially chosen incorrectly, this can have serious negative consequences.

If there is severe vomiting and diarrhea, it is necessary first of all to normalize the amount and ratio of water and salts in the body.

Regidron will help with this. This medication should be taken strictly as directed. It is important to correctly select the concentration and dosage of the drug. If the dosage is not chosen correctly, the imbalance of water and salt can only worsen. As a result, the disease will only worsen.

One of the most dangerous complications of the disease is hyperkalemia, which develops as a result of improper and uncontrolled intake of the drug. The essence of this disease is that the level of potassium in the body rises sharply. This entails severe damage to the liver, kidneys, various types of failure develop, including heart failure. The danger is that the basic properties of the blood also undergo changes, and hypertension develops. Even a lethal outcome is possible.

Regidron take:

Children under three years of age - 1st day: 50 mg / kg of body weight, subsequent - up to 10 mg / kg.

Children 3-9 years old - no more than 60 mg / kg, subsequent - up to 50 mg / kg. The duration of therapy is no more than 14 days.


With diarrhea - in portions, up to 100 ml.

Antibiotics are also taken strictly in accordance with the treatment regimen. You need to take the correct dosage, as well as complete the full course. Failure to comply with the rules is dangerous because bacteria can develop resistance, and they will cease to be effective, and dysbiosis can also develop. The following drugs and methods of administration are recommended:

Tetracycline 250 mg / 2 per day (adults). Children should be watched according to indications. Exclusively after a medical examination.

Cephalosporins - 1 g every 6-12 hours (adults). Children - taking into account weight, no more than 2 times a day.

Biseptol: children 240 mg / 2 times a day. Adults - no more than 2 g per day - with short treatment, with long-term treatment - no more than 1 g per day. The duration of therapy is no more than 14 days.

Antibiotics for gastroenterocolitis

For the treatment of gastroenterocolitis, anti-infective therapy is required. For this purpose, antibiotics are used. Antibiotics can only be used after a doctor has prescribed them. First, a bacteriological study is carried out, the pathogen that caused the disease is determined. After this, a laboratory determination of the sensitivity of the microorganism to the antibiotic should be carried out. The minimum concentration of the antibiotic that has the desired effect is also determined.

It is not always possible to conduct such a laboratory study, therefore many specialists prescribe an antibiotic based on the results of other tests, as well as taking into account the clinical picture of the disease.

In emergency cases, when there is not enough time to isolate the microorganism and determine its sensitivity to the drug, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. They do not have a selective effect against a specific microorganism, but act against a large number of bacteria that can be potential pathogens. The effect of such drugs is significantly lower than that of those that have a selective effect. However, they make it possible to prevent the spread of infection, to stop inflammation.

All this indicates that antibiotics are quite serious drugs, and the right approach is needed to their choice. There are cases when the irrational choice of antibiotics, on the contrary, contributed to the deterioration of the condition and the progression of the disease.

The main drugs of choice that are prescribed for gastroenterocolitis are cephalosporin, tetracycline, streptomycin. Also used are synthetic drugs, such as oxacillin, ampicillin, streptocid, biseptol.

Antibiotics have different effects. Some of them are bacteriostatic, others are bacteriolytic. The former only reduce the population of bacteria, reduce their numbers, and stop growth. The second - completely kill, destroy bacteria. Depending on the form and severity of the disease, one or another type of drug may be required. The exact choice of the drug can only be based on the results of bacteriological culture.

When treating with antibiotics, you must strictly follow the rules for their intake. It is necessary to drink the full course, even if the state of health improves. Otherwise, resistance may develop, and the drugs will no longer have an effect on the body. The drugs should be drunk in the required dosage. More or less amount of the drug can also negatively affect the effectiveness of treatment.

Moreover, there are cases when the causative agent of the disease is a virus, then antibiotics will have no effect at all. This is due to the fact that viruses are not treated with antibacterial drugs; they require special antiviral therapy.


Gastroenterocolitis requires a variety of vitamins. Essential vitamins:

  • PP - 45 mg / day
  • H - 100 mg / day
  • C - 1000 mg / day
  • B - 5 mg / day.

Physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy treatment is an important part of a comprehensive treatment for gastroenteritis. In the acute form, it does not apply. But it can contribute to a speedy recovery to prevent relapses in the chronic stage, as well as in the recovery stage.

Visceral abdominal massage, acupuncture, reflexology, electrophoresis of drugs have a positive effect.

Traditional treatment

Along with traditional therapy, traditional medicine, which have been used for a long time, may also be part of the complex treatment.

Perga is highly effective against various types of infections, including intestinal infections. It has both preventive and curative effects. Perga is represented by plant pollen collected by bees. It has a particularly intense effect on children, old people and the elderly. The action of bee bread is based on stimulating, restorative properties. It stimulates growth processes, promotes cell and tissue regeneration. For the elderly, it slows down the aging process, supports the normal activity of the immune and endocrine systems.

Sea buckthorn buckthorn has proven itself well for use in enemas. Oil extracted from seeds is used. For each enema, approximately 15-30 ml of oil is consumed. A full course of treatment is required, which accounts for 15-20 enemas. Additionally, the fruits can be consumed orally, in the form of juice, infusion, aqueous solution, syrup. The methods of use are usually indicated on the packaging.

Sowing carrots are often used in folk medicine, mainly juice from root vegetables. For treatment, 100-125 ml of juice is used. Enough 2 doses per day, preferably on an empty stomach.

Herbal treatment

Decoctions, infusions of silver cinquefoil are widely used. To prepare the solution, you need to take about 15 g of grass, grind it, pour a glass of boiling water. Then the plant is insisted in a thermos. After the broth has acquired a dark shade, it is necessary to strain it, and take about 75 ml orally, about three times a day.

Medicinal lemon balm is also useful. It is used mainly in the form of a decoction. It is necessary to take the leaves and tops of the shoots. There is no need to separate flowers. To prepare the broth, it is enough to take 4 tablespoons. plants, pour a glass of boiling water. The solution is insisted in a thermos, after acquiring a stable shade, filtered. It is taken as a tea or an additive to tea, no more than 500-1000 ml per day.

Carrot seed infusion is also used. To do this, take about 15 g of seeds, brew them in boiling water. The infusion is made in a thermos, it takes about 5-6 hours to prepare it. Drink one glass a day.


Homeopathic remedies are as effective as traditional medicine. However, the maximum effect can be achieved only with complex treatment, and the competent inclusion of homeopathy in the general therapy. To do this, you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication, even with such harmless, at first glance, means, is dangerous. In addition, homeopathic remedies make it possible to consolidate the effects of therapy, to avoid further relapses.

These products are safe when used correctly. The effect of them is observed for a fairly long time. They act gently, in a sparing mode, protect the walls of internal organs from negative effects, irritation. They also have a systemic effect, thereby improving the general condition of the body, well-being.

When treating with homeopathic remedies, precautions must be taken. First, you need to consult your doctor before taking it. He will help you decide on the choice of funds, tell you which combination will be the most effective and safe. It should be borne in mind that the effect of some funds does not come immediately, but after a while. This is the so-called cumulative effect. Their action can be quite strong.

Also, some funds may not be combined with each other. In combination, they can reduce the effectiveness of each other, completely neutralize the effect, or have a completely opposite effect. A similar picture can be observed when combined with other drugs.

Side effects are rare. In case of intolerance or overdose, dizziness, drowsiness may occur. In some cases, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may increase. The following remedies can be recommended:

  • Collection number 1. With diarrhea with a pronounced inflammatory process, colic

To prepare the collection, you need to take 3 parts of the flowers of the pharmacy chamomile, mix them with 1 part of the calamus rhizome. To this mixture add 1 part of fennel fruit and medicinal chamomile root. From the resulting mixture, take about 2-3 tablespoons, pour them about 500 ml of water. Drink the infusion warm, about 100-125 ml / 2-3 times a day.

  • Collection number 2. For diarrhea with bleeding
  • Collection number 3. For chronic gastroenterocolitis accompanied by constipation

Take alder buckthorn herb, fennel fruits, black elderberry flowers, common flax seeds in a ratio of 5: 2: 2: 3, make a decoction, take 1 tablespoon orally 2-3 times a day.

  • Complex Powder with Licorice Root

Powder is prepared from hay leaves, from the roots of naked licorice, fennel fruits. To this mixture is added purified sulfur powder, sugar. Each of the substances is taken in a ratio of 20: 20: 10: 10: 40. The powders are mixed with each other, take 10 g per day, washed down with water.


Treatment is mainly medication. But there are times when you cannot do without surgical intervention. For example, part of the stomach or intestines may need to be removed. Such operations are carried out with an advanced form of pathology. The main indication is mucosal bleeding, ulcerative lesions of the intestinal walls, stomach. Also, surgical intervention may be required when necrosis develops, the spread of infection. This avoids the spread of infection, extended necrosis, sepsis, bacteremia.

Nutrition and diet for gastroenterocolitis

The diet has an important preventive, supportive, curative effect. If the disease is at an early stage, it is necessary to provide plenty of fluids. It is not only a diet but also a therapeutic agent. In addition to water, you can drink cereal decoctions, preferably enveloping.

Starting from 2-3 days, light foods are used in food, which have a softening effect, relieve irritation. You need to eat in parts, in small quantities, but often. Fatty, smoked, spicy foods, spicy or pickled snacks, coarse meat products, tough vegetables and fruits are excluded.

To constantly maintain the body, such a diet must be adhered to constantly. In the absence of exacerbation, you can take steam cutlets, schnitzels, meatballs, lean fish, casseroles, boiled eggs. Semolina, rice, oatmeal is used in limited quantities. Porridge is boiled in water, with a small addition of butter, crackers. You can also tea with lemon, juice.