How and where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated? Is it possible to get it in the archive? Where can I get a certificate of service to apply for a pension if the company no longer exists? - Question No. 2177775 from Tula Hello, Julia!!! In the event of the liquidation of an enterprise, certificates of the periods of work on it can be issued either by its successor or by the archive. You can try to get information about whether the liquidated enterprise (organization) has a successor at the tax office at the place of its previous registration. If the organization was liquidated in the manner prescribed by law (including as a result of bankruptcy proceedings) or was transformed in a way that involves the transfer of documents on personnel to the archive, then you need to contact the archive.

Where can I get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated (рб)?

In the opposite case, the fund's employees will help you form a request to the archive and tell you where to apply for the restoration of the necessary information. Also, at the disposal of the fund, personalized reporting data for the period since 1996 should be preserved. They contain information about the actual earnings of each Russian (provided that he received a white salary).

Archival authorities are often the only source of documentary evidence of income. If the organization was liquidated in the manner prescribed by law, then it was obliged to transfer all documents to it. It is possible that the company was simply reorganized, then the documents could be transferred for storage to the successor or a higher structure.

What documents are needed to assign a pension? To assign a pension, a citizen must present his passport, SNILS, documents on earnings and confirming work experience (work book, copy of order, birth certificate, etc.) to the FIU. The FIU is required to provide information on earnings only until 2002 (if any). The fact is that since 2002, the amount of salary has not been directly involved in calculating the pension, since it is determined on the basis of the contributions that the employer has made for each employee.
On a quarterly basis, the employer submits reports on these contributions and the amount received for each employee is displayed on his personal account. If, based on the personalized reporting data, the average income of a citizen is at least 2.5 thousand rubles, then no additional documents will be required.

Medical and social expertise

In the opposite case, the fund's employees will help you form a request to the archive and tell you where to apply for the restoration of the necessary information. Also, at the disposal of the fund, personalized reporting data for the period since 1996 should be preserved. They contain information about the actual earnings of each Russian (provided that he received a white salary).
Archival authorities are often the only source of documentary evidence of income. If the organization was liquidated in the manner prescribed by law, then it was obliged to transfer all documents to it. It is possible that the company was simply reorganized, then the documents could be transferred for storage to the successor or a higher structure.
You can first call the archive and find out if the information you need is there.

Where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated

If the request to the archive did not give a result, you can search through the acquaintances of the former director or chief accountant. The information you need may be stored with them. Finally, the last option to restore your rights is to go to court. A citizen must file a claim for the restoration of the amount of earnings and compensation for damage by an official who did not transfer documents to the archive.
The court can assist in obtaining the necessary information from the reports of the FIU or the Tax Service and, based on information about the amount of income tax, restore the amount of earnings. In the absence of reliable information, it will be possible to confirm the amount of earnings only indirectly. For example, according to the testimony of witnesses, preserved documents.

Also, the court may recognize a citizen as working during the specified period and determine his salary based on the average in the country for that period for his qualifications and position.


All entries in the work book must be entered with the obligatory indication of the reason for their entry (date, order number, etc.) location of the organization, in their absence, an appropriate certificate will be required.

  1. All changes must be confirmed

Often in the work book there is a record of employment in one organization, and the record of dismissal is certified by the seal of a completely different organization. If the work book does not contain information about the reorganization and renaming of the company, you need to take care of a certificate confirming the renaming. If the enterprise is liquidated, you will need to contact the archive or obtain a certificate from the successor organization.


Where to get a salary certificate if the company no longer exists

How and where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated? Is it possible to get it in the archive? The situation in which citizens have difficulty obtaining a salary certificate due to the liquidation of an organization is far from uncommon. Usually, Russians cannot get proof of their earnings for the period from 1986 to 1995, when earnings documents were simply not transferred to the archive. But even after the specified time period, not all organizations comply with the rules on the need to transfer accounting documents to the archive.

Lack of the necessary documents may be a reason for refusing to grant a pension. Therefore, let's find out exactly where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company was liquidated.

Otherwise (with a salary that does not correspond to the maximum earnings ratio of 1.4), a citizen needs to bring a salary certificate for any 5 years before 2002. Algorithm for obtaining a certificate of earnings at a liquidated enterprise There are no legislative acts that would describe the procedure for restoring information about earnings at a liquidated enterprise. The law only contains instructions on the actions that must be taken to confirm the length of service.

At the same time, PFR employees adhere to the position that salary information should be taken from archival sources from payrolls, personal account statements, etc. What procedure can be offered to a future pensioner to confirm his earnings? Initially, you can seek advice from the FIU. It is quite possible that the documents submitted by you will be enough to apply for a pension.

Where to get a salary certificate if the company no longer exists


The Pension Fund of Russia provides an opportunity for early collection and verification of documents confirming pension rights. In order to improve the quality of work on the appointment of pensions, reduce the terms of its appointment, the PFR Department for the Murmansk Region recommends that residents of the region in advance (preferably no later than 12 months before the right to a pension) apply to the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence for a preliminary assessment having documents on the length of service and earnings of working and non-working citizens. In cases of registration of a special category of pensions (for example: for work with harmful working conditions, individual entrepreneurs), you should apply for advance verification of documents at an earlier date.

Where to get a certificate of income if the company is no longer

Russia requests for the provision of additional necessary documents confirming the insurance experience or work experience with special working conditions; - check the correctness of the documents, evaluate the completeness and reliability of the information contained in them. You must have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • SNILS (insurance certificate of state pension insurance);

Documents confirming the experience:

  • the original and a copy of the work book; in addition, you can provide written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with labor legislation, certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies, extracts from orders, personal accounts and payroll statements.

Where to get a salary certificate if the company no longer exists

There, during the court session, the fact of your work can be established from the words of two witnesses who worked with you at that time in the same organization and have documents about their work for that period. I'll be glad to help you resolve your issue. Advance preparation of documents for the appointment of a pension The pension is assigned from the day you apply for it with an application and all the necessary documents (but not earlier than from the day the right to a pension arises). Due to the change of work, region of residence, profession, it is not always possible to quickly collect the documents necessary for the appointment of a pension in the maximum amount. In addition, often in the existing documents there are numerous errors made during registration. Mistakes can affect the amount of a future pension, and in some cases lead to a denial of a pension.

"- such a request is often found in search engines. Indeed, this document The employee does not need it for a variety of reasons: accruing a pension, obtaining a loan, etc. Let's figure out exactly how to get such a certificate and what form it should take.

Is there a single form (form) of a salary certificate?

It is easiest to answer this question. The fact is that, as such, the form of a certificate on what is the average or monthly salary of an employee is not established by law. All samples available on the Internet and used in enterprises are only indicative. So each organization has the right to develop its own version of the certificate.

Don't know your rights?

IMPORTANT! It should be noted that a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL can be a substitute for a salary certificate, which can be obtained by applying to the employer. Such a certificate reflects all income received by an employee during the calendar year.

The content and sample of filling out a certificate of accrued wages?

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Despite the foregoing, there are still some rules that have been developed in practical application. Help should contain:

  • a header with the name of the document and an indication of the time of its issuance;
  • internal number according to the organization's office work rules (without it, the certificate will be valid, however, in some recipient organizations (for example, commercial banks) it may be considered fraudulent);
  • details of the organization that issued the certificate: full name and organizational form (LLC, OJSC, MUP, etc.), address (legal and actual), TIN, PSRN, etc.;
  • data on the amounts received by the employee;
  • the signature of the authorized person who issued the document (in most organizations this will be the chief accountant, however, for employees of individual entrepreneurs or small firms where there is no accounting department, the individual entrepreneur or director signs it);
  • seal - common to the entire company or made specifically for certification of such documents.

An indication of where the certificate should be presented can be put, but instead of it there may be a note “At the place of demand”.

Features of calculating income in the certificate of average wages

In order to calculate income for the last 3 or more months in the certificate of average wages, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the calculation takes into account all types of earnings provided for in the organization, regardless of the source of such payments;
  • when calculating average earnings, time is excluded from the billing period, as well as amounts accrued during this time, if the employee was released from work for any reason;
  • if the employee for the billing period and before the billing period did not have actually accrued wages or actually worked days, the average earnings are determined based on the amount of wages actually accrued for the previous period of time, equal to the calculated one;
  • to determine the average earnings, the average daily earnings are used;
  • when determining the average earnings of an employee who has a summarized record of working time, the average hourly earnings are used.

As a rule, the size of the average monthly earnings is required by the employment or social security services for the calculation of benefits.

How to get a certificate of average monthly salary to the court and other institutions?

A certificate with information on wages is issued to the employee on the basis of his written application. In many organizations, they are trying to delay the issuance of a certificate (they say, the accounting department is loaded, the employee is on vacation, a little later, etc.). However, labor law sets extremely strict deadlines: a certificate, along with other documents related to work, is issued no later than 3 days after the application was received by the employer. Otherwise, the employee has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authorities.

Home » Pension » Where can I get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated How and where can I get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated? Is it possible to get it in the archive? The situation in which citizens have difficulty obtaining a salary certificate due to the liquidation of an organization is far from uncommon. Usually, Russians cannot get proof of their earnings for the period from 1986 to 1995, when earnings documents were simply not transferred to the archive. But even after the specified time period, not all organizations comply with the rules on the need to transfer accounting documents to the archive. Lack of the necessary documents may be a reason for refusing to grant a pension. Therefore, let's find out exactly where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company was liquidated.

Advance preparation of documents for the appointment of a pension

To send an application via the Internet, you must create a personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia. Passing the registration procedure provides a citizen with access to many public services. Deadlines for consideration of the application After submitting documents in any convenient way, all that remains is to wait for the decision of the state body. As a rule, the term for consideration of an application for a pension is 10 days from the date of submission of the package of papers.

But there are times when a citizen forgot to draw up a document or did it incorrectly. In this case, he is given 3 months to correct the situation. The application is also considered within 10 days, only after the submission of the missing papers.

Drawing up a certificate of wages A certificate of wages submitted to the Pension Fund for the purpose of assigning a pension is one of the main documents.

Where is it located and how to apply to the salary archive for calculating a pension

The lack of confirmation of the implementation of labor activity is fraught with difficulties in obtaining and obtaining a labor pension. Every person of pre-retirement age thinks about how and what to live on. In order to draw up documents for receiving pension payments, you must have a work book drawn up in accordance with the law and know where the archive of wages for calculating pensions is located.


  • 1 work experience
  • 2 If an error is found
  • 3 Recovering documents
  • 4 Where is the archive of wages for calculating pensions
  • 5 Making the right request
  • 6 2 more ways to get archival help

Seniority At all times, the topic of retirement was relevant. A person who gave the best years of his life, including his health, is obliged to receive decent compensation.

The main document for applying for a pension - where to apply

I ask you to give me information on the amount of wages at the enterprise for the period.

  • Certificate of evacuation from besieged Leningrad.

Statement. I ask me, full name, passport data, to give information about the evacuation from besieged Leningrad. How to get a salary certificate for calculating a pension through public services A citizen needs to file a claim for the restoration of the amount of earnings and compensation for damage by an official who did not transfer the documents to the archive.
The court can assist in obtaining the necessary information from the reports of the FIU or the Tax Service and, based on information about the amount of income tax, restore the amount of earnings. In the absence of reliable information, it will be possible to confirm the amount of earnings only indirectly.

How to find a salary archive for calculating a pension

What documents are needed to assign a pension? To assign a pension, a citizen must present his passport, SNILS, documents on earnings and confirming work experience (work book, copy of order, birth certificate, etc.) to the FIU. The FIU is required to provide information on earnings only until 2002 (if any). The fact is that since 2002, the amount of salary has not been directly involved in calculating the pension, since it is determined on the basis of the contributions that the employer has made for each employee.
On a quarterly basis, the employer submits reports on these contributions and the amount received for each employee is displayed on his personal account. If, based on the personalized reporting data, the average income of a citizen is at least 2.5 thousand rubles, then no additional documents will be required.

Where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated

If the request to the archive did not give a result, you can search through the acquaintances of the former director or chief accountant. The information you need may be stored with them. Finally, the last option to restore your rights is to go to court. A citizen must file a claim for the restoration of the amount of earnings and compensation for damage by an official who did not transfer documents to the archive.

Also, the court may recognize a citizen as working during the specified period and determine his salary based on the average in the country for that period for his qualifications and position.

Salary information for pension

How and where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company is liquidated? Is it possible to get it in the archive? The situation in which citizens have difficulty obtaining a salary certificate due to the liquidation of an organization is far from uncommon. Usually, Russians cannot get proof of their earnings for the period from 1986 to 1995, when earnings documents were simply not transferred to the archive. But even after the specified time period, not all organizations comply with the rules on the need to transfer accounting documents to the archive. Lack of the necessary documents may be a reason for refusing to grant a pension. Therefore, let's find out exactly where to get a salary certificate for a pension if the company was liquidated.

Where to get a salary certificate for calculating a pension

ESTIMATED WAGES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR 1991-1996<* T T T T T T ¬ ¦¦1991 год¦1992 год¦1993 год¦1994 год¦1995 год¦1996 год¦ ¦¦ (руб.) ¦ (руб.) ¦ (тыс.¦ (тыс.¦ (тыс.¦ (тыс.¦ ¦¦¦¦ руб.)¦ руб.)¦ руб.)¦ руб.)¦ + + + + + + + + ¦Январь¦ 308¦ 1438¦ 15,3¦ 134,2¦ 302,6¦ 654,8¦ ¦Февраль¦ 294¦ 2004¦ 19,1¦ 144,7¦ 321,0¦ 684,4¦ ¦Март¦ 337¦ 2726¦ 23,6¦ 164,8¦ 361,5¦ 745,0¦ ¦Апрель¦ 373¦ 3052¦ 30,6¦ 171,4¦ 386,2¦ 746,5¦ ¦Май¦ 438¦ 3675¦ 37,5¦ 183,5¦ 429,9¦ 779,3¦ ¦Июнь¦ 493¦ 5067¦ 47,4¦ 207,5¦ 480,6¦ 837,2¦ ¦Июль¦ 541¦ 5452¦ 56,0¦ 221,0¦ 499,5¦ 842,8¦ ¦Август¦ 548¦ 5876¦ 65,4¦ 232,8¦ 520,6¦ 831,0¦ ¦Сентябрь¦ 613¦ 7379¦ 80,9¦ 253,2¦ 564,5¦ 848,1¦ ¦Октябрь¦ 703¦ 8853¦ 93,0¦ 265,0¦ 594,5¦ 843,3¦ ¦Ноябрь¦ 839¦10576¦101,5¦ 281,6¦ 615,7¦ 835,0¦ ¦Декабрь¦1195¦16071¦141,2¦ 354,2¦ 735,5¦1017,0¦ L + + + + + + СРЕДНЕМЕСЯЧНАЯ НАЧИСЛЕННАЯ ЗАРАБОТНАЯ ПЛАТА В РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ЗА 1997 ГОД (ТЫС.

How to get a salary certificate for calculating a pension from the archive

Otherwise (with a salary that does not correspond to the maximum earnings ratio of 1.4), a citizen needs to bring a salary certificate for any 5 years before 2002. Algorithm for obtaining a certificate of earnings at a liquidated enterprise There are no legislative acts that would describe the procedure for restoring information about earnings at a liquidated enterprise. The law only contains instructions on the actions that must be taken to confirm the length of service.


At the same time, PFR employees adhere to the position that salary information should be taken from archival sources from payrolls, personal account statements, etc. What procedure can be offered to a future pensioner to confirm his earnings? Initially, you can seek advice from the FIU. It is quite possible that the documents submitted by you will be enough to apply for a pension.

Where can I get a salary certificate for calculating a pension

If the request to the archive did not give a result, you can search through the acquaintances of the former director or chief accountant. The information you need may be stored with them. Finally, the last option to restore your rights is to go to court. A citizen must file a claim for the restoration of the amount of earnings and compensation for damage by an official who did not transfer documents to the archive.


The court can assist in obtaining the necessary information from the reports of the FIU or the Tax Service and, based on information about the amount of income tax, restore the amount of earnings. In the absence of reliable information, it will be possible to confirm the amount of earnings only indirectly. For example, according to the testimony of witnesses, preserved documents.

Also, the court may recognize a citizen as working during the specified period and determine his salary based on the average in the country for that period for his qualifications and position.
The term for consideration of the application and the answer is 15 days from the date of submission of the application. If you are not indifferent to your future and well-deserved rest, use your rights in full. In addition, if the FIU does not satisfy the archival certificates, then use the right to go to court, which will objectively approach the consideration of the issue and give all documents legal force. Advance preparation of documents for the appointment of a pension Attention If necessary, the applicant brings them to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But this happens when the former employer has been liquidated or does not exist for other reasons. On the basis of what archive documents can incorrect or incomplete information be restored? A certificate of employment until 2002 and information about work in liquidated organizations is issued by an archival institution based on the data stored in the repository.

A certificate of average earnings is a document regulated by labor legislation containing data on the employee, his place of work and his earnings for the last three months. For what this document may be needed, read on.

Why do you need a certificate of average earnings?

Let's say you were working, working hard for your company, and suddenly you were fired / made redundant. Or I had to leave of my own accord. In any case, it is possible that you will want to register with the employment service, because additional money, in light of the current uncertain financial situation, certainly does not hurt. By the way, the amount of material support for people who lost their jobs in 2011 ranged from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles, and now it has increased even more. The specific amount of compensation received by the unemployed can only be determined by calculating his average earnings for the last three months, when he was still in the service. This is where you need a certificate of average earnings.

What does an average income statement look like?

I must say right away that there is no strictly approved sample that a certificate of average earnings should follow. Therefore, the accountant can draw it up in any form. The main thing is that the letterhead / sheet contains the generally accepted details of your company and provides information regarding you and the period that you worked for the company. Well, and, accordingly, the average earnings for three calendar months (it should be indicated which months these were, since the previous dismissal is not always taken for calculation).

Below you can see the form of a certificate of average earnings with an example of filling it out:

By the way, many employees believe that instead of a certificate of average earnings, a 2-personal income tax certificate, which they provided in the process of applying for a mortgage loan, tax deductions, when adopting a child, and so on, is suitable. I hasten to upset you - this is not at all the same thing. In addition to wages for a certain period of time, standard, social and property tax deductions appear in the 2-NDFL certificate.

How to get a certificate of average earnings?

First you need to write an application with a request to calculate the average earnings and apply at the previous place of work. And they have no right to refuse you. If the accountant is not very eager to mess with the calculations, refer to Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”, where your rights are clearly spelled out. After that, it remains only to wait until the certificate is ready. You can also control the accountant by independently determining the amount of average earnings required to receive benefits. After all, often in the calculations there are errors that are clearly not in favor of the dismissed employee. For example, when an amount is entered in the certificate, calculated by analogy with vacation pay or severance pay.

After the certificate is in your hands, check the following points:

  1. All necessary stamps available.
  2. The name of the company on the letterhead must be complete, including the inscriptions OJSC / LLC, etc.
  3. If there is another person in the position of chief accountant who issues you a certificate, the form must contain the number of the order on his appointment as acting.
  4. The dates of hiring and leaving must correspond to the real ones.
  5. Check if the number of days in your working week is correct. This shows whether you were fully employed or not.

What people say

I also want to add on my own that very often a certificate of average earnings is required to be submitted to the bank. When do you want to take out a loan? with the help of this certificate, the manager determines your solvency.

As practice shows, any appeal to the court for the restoration of violated labor rights is not complete without this paper. For the vast majority of modern banks, this certificate, of course, is not valuable in itself, since it often does not reflect the real picture, but, of course, it is a certain marker for a credit decision ...

Also, help can help you to calculate taxes, or rather reduce them. You can contact the tax office at the place of residence, find out your average and minimum earnings in the region and demand compensation, or a reduction of 13%.

Tatyana, but this is only possible if the average salary is less than the “minimum wage”, and such people, as the salary statistics show, on average in Russia, are no more than 5-6%. But 20-25% of the population "spins" around the "minimum salary", but still exceed this threshold, which means they are no longer entitled to compensation!

You may need a certificate to receive subsidies for utility bills and other benefits for travel, for services in social stores. To calculate benefits. If suddenly you were fired, it is better to provide it to the employment center, your unemployment benefit will depend on this.

This kind of reference actually plays a big role. After all, if you are unemployed, then your allowance will directly depend on the size of the average wage. In addition, the payment of taxes depends on this factor.

Well, the payment of taxes just does not depend on this certificate. You don't need it to pay taxes. Especially. that in our country it is the employer who is responsible for accounting and paying taxes, and not the employee himself.

Well, if you are an individual entrepreneur, then you yourself. I provided a certificate to the bank, often the employer pays a small salary, the bank will ask for 2 personal income tax and will not give a loan for 18 thousand. And the employer will not overestimate the amount of 2NDFL, after all, reporting and verification will come at any moment. Therefore, they issue such certificates of full income.

A certificate of average earnings is mostly needed when moving from one place of work to another to calculate income tax, it is not difficult to obtain it, for this you need to inform the material accountant the day before the dismissal from work and the certificate will be ready, every accountant has all the data in computer and do not need to make independent calculations.


Oh, do not confuse a certificate of average earnings, personal income tax-2 and a certificate of earnings for the Social Insurance Fund. I mean that in the topic here and about the bank they managed to write about income.
The first certificate is needed only for the employment center, without it they will not be put on the payment of unemployment benefits. For other places, this information is absolutely nothing and about nothing.
Personal income tax-2 is a certificate for the tax on income and accrued income tax. Banks love her.
And the third amendment is that in a new place you can be counted, in case of sick leave or maternity leave, parental leave.
All three certificates may contain different amounts, for example, some of the payments to the employee were not subject to income tax, and some were not subject to contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

Oh, how I love people in the style of "now I will come and teach you all how to live."
A certificate of average earnings from me personally has now gone to the bank to refinance the loan, for 6 months reference. Because it included what was not included in 2NDFL, where there is only a white salary and deductions from it.
It's about absolutely nothing and nothing.

Alyans, you know, it's better to separate everything at once, as they say, on the border, than to interfere with everything in one big pile. What kind of certificate of average earnings did you send to the bank, its number, by whom and when was it approved? Instructions for filling it out, from what data to calculate the amounts included there? Banks in general and in a free form can accept certificates or on their own if they cannot be provided with their “favorite” personal income tax-2.

Thanks to the banks for what they can.

Can what? Banks have their own criteria for choosing whom to give money to, in this regard, I don’t know their accountability, I suspect that it doesn’t exist at all, even to those from whom they themselves borrow money. Once the reference is for themselves, they can demand what they want in it and how they want to see it, check the information from their sources.

I had occasion to draw up certificates for CZ of different regions - they were all different. There is no general reference for the country, but each region has the right to establish its own form. Moreover, they demand only “their own”, otherwise they do not put a person on unemployment benefits.

In general, writing articles or notes about everything related to accounting, tax accounting and reporting, without being a practicing specialist in this area, is a very risky initiative. This is how myths are born, and then because of them people dangle from city to city because of incorrectly executed documents.

The certificate of average salary is issued by the accounting department at the request of the employee himself, as the specialists of the accounting department of the accountant know what should be indicated in it, or it contains an indication of the amounts broken down by each month, as well as withholding taxes, or the total annual amounts are indicated, but in any case, the employee himself must be informed where the certificate is intended in order to avoid misunderstandings.


And you may also need help if you go on maternity leave. When they calculate maternity leave, they ask for a certificate for two years from all the places where the maternity worker worked. Well, most often such a certificate is taken for a bank to take a loan.

Angelica, as an accountant, I can assure you that this is not always the case. There are a lot of organizations that require help only in the form they need. Moreover, for some organizations, for example, in an employment center, the form of a certificate may constantly change. Therefore, accounting employees do not always know what they want from them, especially since writing such certificates is not their primary task.

v5i5p5, this is a certificate 182N, upon dismissal, you must immediately take it with you from your old place of work. It is needed not only for calculating maternity, but also for disability benefits (sick leave). The fact is that earnings for all FSS benefits are considered for 2 calendar years preceding the year in which the event occurred. Let's say you fell ill in 2014, and the sick leave will be calculated from your data for 2012 and 2013 - information about them, if you worked elsewhere, the accountant takes from the 182H certificate.

Dowry, but will the certificate be valid if you take it upon dismissal? As far as I know, I only have a month's shelf life. Or is it only for the bank a month expiration date, but for other organizations it is always valid? Although my husband took a certificate when he was dismissed, and after 2 months in a new place they asked for a fresh certificate, I had to go and ask.


Every year, state programs come into force that allow certain categories of citizens to receive financial assistance.

One of these areas is pensions.

When a citizen approaches retirement age, he needs to prepare documents confirming his earnings and required for calculating monthly payments.

Such a form is a certificate of wages.

Where can I get information about income for calculating pension payments?

Old-age pension for men comes at the age of 60 years, for women - 55 years. But some professions (preferential) involve retirement at an earlier age.

A certificate of the average salary of an employee for the appointment of an old-age pension is requested from the accounting department of the organization.

As a rule, an employee of pre-retirement age only verbally asks for a certificate. This practice is used in small companies; in large enterprises, a corresponding application is also drawn up.

The form of a salary certificate for the FIU can be developed by each enterprise on its own, it is also possible to fill out an existing document taken from another organization as a basis.

The completed certificate is signed by the head of the personnel department, the chief accountant, the head of the enterprise.

If the organization has been liquidated, it is necessary to send a written appeal to the archival department that accepted the papers of the deregistered company, and issue an extract from the documents on wages.

The help form for the Pension Fund is known to the archive workers, they help to collect the necessary documents for the appointment of a pension.

It is not always possible for an archive employee to draw up a certificate in the approved form, but he has the right to fill out the document himself according to the information he has.

Additionally, on our website you can download samples of earnings certificates:

Where is the payroll filed?

The order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development No. 884n (dated November 17, 2014) states that citizens, in order to apply for a pension, send their applications to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund located at the place of their registration.

Persons whose registration and place of actual residence are different can submit a set of documents for calculating a pension at their place of residence.

Convicted citizens submit the form to the FIU through the administration of the correctional colony at their location.

The deadlines for applying to the Pension Fund for calculating an old-age pension are not legally limited.

For what period is compiled for the appointment and calculation of pensions?

The current pension legislation allows 2 methods for calculating the average monthly wage to determine the amount of a future pension:

  • based on personalized accounting information, the average monthly earnings in 2000-2001 are taken into account;
  • in accordance with the submitted certificate of salary for 5 consecutive years of work.

As practice shows, with a permanent place of work, it is more profitable for a citizen to take wages received in the period 1976-1986 for calculation.

A salary certificate for 5 years is not needed in cases where the monthly salary of an employee in 2000-2001 is equal to:

  • 2100 rub. - for regions where wages are multiplied by the district coefficient up to 1.5 (for example, 1.5 for the Udmurt Republic);
  • 2600 rub. - for the area with the established coefficient in the range from 1.5 to 1.8 (Murmansk region);
  • 2900 rub. - for areas with a coefficient over 1.8 (Yakutia).

Otherwise, an employee about to retire must prepare in advance for the Pension Fund a certificate for 5 years of work with a higher salary, if there were any for another period of work.

The certificate of earnings submitted to the Pension Fund is one of the main documents from the entire required package for calculating a pension.

The amount of the accrued pension depends on the amount of income. Every citizen is very interested in providing this form.

Filling in for the bodies of the Pension Fund

The certificate of employee's earnings for applying for a pension must necessarily include information on the amount of salary paid for each individual year.

Average values ​​(for 3 or 6 months) are not taken into account in the calculation of the pension.

To accrue and calculate a pension, the PFR accepts any official payment to an employee:

reconciliation wages, overtime, holidays, excluding termination benefits or compensation for unused vacations, childcare benefits.

A certificate for the Pension Fund is drawn up in any form, it must contain information:

  • company stamp (corner) with the date of issue of the document and its number;
  • FULL NAME. (in full) the applied employee;
  • date of birth of the worker;
  • period of employment;
  • monthly salary and annual income calculation;
  • payroll currency (ruble).

The form in the FIU must also contain information about the organization that issued it:

  • full name of the legal entity (in accordance with the constituent documentation);
  • address of registration of the enterprise in the tax authority;
  • phone numbers of the company, TIN.

It is necessary to take into account in the certificate the amount of wages actually paid to the employee, and not accrued.

As a note, it should be noted the terms of being on sick leave and unpaid leave, as well as fixing the presence of a certificate of incapacity for work before the birth of the child and after.

At the bottom of the form, the fact of deductions of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for all accruals of the employee at the accepted tariffs, as well as the grounds for issuing a salary certificate (personal accounts, settlement (payment) statements for calculating salaries) is necessarily recorded.

The certificate is signed by the responsible persons of the company, the seal of the enterprise is affixed.

Download a sample to the FIU

Download for free a sample of filling out a certificate to the Pension Fund for calculating and assigning a pension -