Mulberry - a tree from the Family of the Mulberry. There are more than 160 species of this plant in the world. The most common are Mulberry black, the birthplace of which is considered South-West Asia, and white, growing mainly in the eastern regions of China. But the color palette of fruit is much richer: they can be red, yellow, pink, dark purple.

This plant has several names: Mulberry, mulberry, pinwood. The benefits of his fruits are known to people not one millennium. In Chinese medicine there are recipes for healing drugs based on the use of fruits, bark, leaves, silk roots. They are used in cardiovascular diseases, anemia, hypertension, diabetes and other diseases. In addition, in China, young leaves of mulberries serve as food for the larvae of a tute silkworm.

The tute tree loves a hot climate, but feels well in conditions of moderate, tropical and subtropical climate, can carry low temperatures. It is distributed in many areas of Russia, from the Black Sea coast to Sakhalin, as well as in European countries, Africa, Asia.

Mulberry is a light-affilome and thermal-loving plant. When expanding the natural range of growth, there is frost resistance. Mulberry tolerates frost to -30 degrees.
The plant is high, reaching 20 meters in height, with a wide crown. More often there are fermented molds of mulberries. The tree is considered a long-liver. Its age can be achieved on average 150-200, and individual specimens live up to 400 years.

Mulberry leaves are simple, blade, with gear edges. Small fruits are called multicrees. Their diameter is from 1 to 4 centimeters. This is a nozzle nuts that look outwardly resemble the blackberry berries familiar to us. Their form is cylindrical, spherical, cone-shaped. And their taste qualities depend on the variety. There are sweet and sweet and sugar fruits. All of them make a light pleasant fragrance.

Yield can be very high. So, one tree with favorable climatic conditions can give about 200 kilograms of berries. The period of their ripening can be different in different places of growth. On the territory of Russia, some varieties start fruit in the middle of summer, but mainly a harvest is going in August.

On the planet there is a huge number of varieties that are referred to in accordance with the color of the fruits: black, white, white, red, yellow, pink, dark purple.

Mulberry berries: description and chemical composition

Mulberry fruits have a refreshing, pleasant taste. Due to the delicate consistency to transport them to distant distances difficult. Therefore, enjoying fresh berries of the tute tree can mostly residents of those locations where this plant grows. Mulberry like a taste reminds raspberry.
The beneficial properties of mulberries are long well known. Berry contains a large number of chemical compounds useful for the body. As part of the fruits of the mulberry tree are present:

  • vitamins C, A, B, K and others;
  • iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, copper;
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • alimentary fiber.

Fruits serve as an excellent source of ascorbic acid. 100 grams of a berry of the tute tree includes about 35 grams of vitamin C. This is a strong antioxidant. Therefore, the use of fresh berries is the key to the activation of the protective forces of the body, susceptibility to inflammation and infections. In addition, antioxidants are struggling with free radicals.

Berries contain a large amount of substance called resveratrol, the strongest antioxidant. Its essential property is the ability to prevent strokes and vascular diseases. When using this antioxidant compound, the production of nitrogen oxide, which causes a vasodilator action increases. Blood vessels relax, which reduces the risk of strokes and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Other antioxidants included in the Mulberry - Vitamins A, E, Zeaxanthin, Luthein. All of them are important for human health, as it is help to neutralize the oxidative effect of free radicals, protect against diseases and slow down the aging process.
Anthocians, which are able to prevent the development of tumors, inflammatory processes, diabetes, and protect the body from the development of bacterial infections are also present in the berries of the tute tree.

Another useful substance contained in mulberry berries - iron. 100 grams of fruit includes 1.85 mg. The iron is a valuable element affecting the composition of the blood and improving the transportation of oxygen to the organs. The more rich color, the berries of the mulberry tree are, the greater the amount of iron they contain.

Like many other fruits, the mulberry is rich in fiber. It is useful for digestive processes, prevention of constipation, spasms. In addition, due to the use of fiber, blood cholesterol is reduced.

Types of silk

In our country, the greatest spread has two types of silk: white and black.
White variety is distinguished by frost resistance. Thanks to this, the area of \u200b\u200bits grieving is wide. In addition, the foliage of the tree is very gentle. It serves as food for caterpillars. The bark is thick, has a gray shade.

Black mulberry has a coarser foliage. For this reason, it is not suitable for nutrition of silkworm larvae. The homeland of the Black Mulberry is considered to be Iran, or Persia, from where this plant has been spreading several centuries ago in many areas of the globe. It is more heat-loving, although modern varieties derived by breeders are able to carry frost.

Differences of Beirge White and Black Mulberry

White Mulberry berries have a light sourness. In comparison with black fruits, they are not so sweet and at the same time less calorie. Therefore, the White Tutovnik is recognized as a useful dietary product. Fruits may have not only white, but also yellow, pinkish color. Sometimes there are dark.

The black mulberry in taste is superior to the "fellow". Externally similar to blackberry berries, it has a sweet taste. The acid is felt to a lesser extent in comparison with white silky.
The chemical compositions of varieties differ. White berries contain more carbohydrates. Black Mulberry is rich in organic acids.

Useful and therapeutic properties of mulberry berries

  • The fruits of the mulberry thanks to the hardware included in their composition helps to improve the production of red blood cells in the human body. This activates metabolism.
  • Berries contain zeaxantine, which is beneficial affecting the cells of the eyeball. The substance slows down age changes of the organs of vision, helps to avoid the appearance of cataracts.
  • Since the fruits of the tute tree are rich in calcium, iron and vitamin K, they are an excellent tool for strengthening bones, accelerate the healing of fractures, the prevention of osteoporosis.

Useful properties of white mulberry

White Mulberry Berries recommend that people who suffer from the diseases of the cardiovascular system or have problems with the functioning of the liver.
The juice of berries is a good anti-inflammatory agent. It is saturated with vitamin C and potassium. This has a beneficial effect on the immune system. In addition, the white mulberry berries recommend to use children, as they serve as a prevention of rickets. And they can benefit men who have problems in sexual sphere.

Healing properties of black silk

The tree is distributed in the southern regions of our country. The useful properties of mulberries are used in the treatment and prevention of colds, since it helps to strengthen the sweating, as well as disorders of the digestive system. The fruits get rid of heartburn, and also act as a laxative.
Black berries differ from white elevated iron concentration.

Contraindications for use of berries

The only contraindication to the use of the fruits of the tute tree is individual intolerance. The product does not apply to the number of allergenic. When using it, it is worth considering that it is impossible to drink cold water simultaneously with berries, as this may cause diarrhea and spasms.
In addition, with caution, there are berries. We need people who suffer from diabetes to prevent the rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

Lovers of fresh berries of a tute tree can easily grow it independently. Plant seedlings are sold in stores for gardeners and nurseries. The tree is unpretentious, transfers dry climate and frost. And in the summer months gives a rich harvest of delicious and useful berries.

Or the tute tree, was known in the king Ivan IV. Then, for the first time in Russia, the royal manufactory began to produce beautiful natural silk for the royal yard. The leaves of the Mulberry served as feed for a tute silkworm, from cocoons of which they received silk. Mulberry was very loved by Peter I, a special decree, he forbade the cutting of the mulb trees. In many countries, to this day, the trees of mulberries are used for the manufacture of real silk, but in Russia such production is practically not developed.

Mulberry refers to the Family Family, which is represented by a number of tall trees and shrubs. The berries of it is actually a nozzle of mini-nuts with controversy by the sprinklers. We have a white silk and black fame, but in the wild, it also grows mulberry feed, she is satin, and in detail grows in America mulberry red With valuable wood. The breeders were derived about 400 varieties Thutwood.

The one that the caterpillars and silkworms fed in China.

The leaves of her gentle, silk was obtained top quality. The fruits are usually white, yellowish or pinkish, juicy, shroud-sweet, however (!) There are dark. White silky pretty frost resistant, spread throughout. The tree has a thick cruel.

She came to us from the south, from Iran, and capricious silkworms on food is not suitable - her leaves are too rude. But for people, her purple-black fruits represent undoubted gastronomic interest. Sweet, with sourness, appearance reminded with an oblong form of berries. Taste nuances are richer than in white mulberry.

The tree is thermal lodge, although frost-resistant varieties appear. Red-brown mulberry red bark.

Growing silky

The silk tree can reach 35 m in height, but in the garden conditions you need to form a crown so that the tree is not higher than 2-3 m. Lives silky extremely long, 200-300 years. For 5 years after landing, you can wait for the harvest, and from the grafted trees - even earlier. A 10-year-old tree gives up to 100 kg of fruits.

Mulberry plants can be self-polishing (monodomes - when there are male and women's flowers in one inflorescence in one tree) or have female and male plants (dwarm). Depending on this, one tree or necessarily pair (male and female).

Mulberry is often used in the expense of her beautiful fruiting and good survivability within the city. It looks great in group landings and in the form. Now choose more decorative forms of mulberries: For example, a mold, whose branches are gently clone to the earth itself.

The popularity of and low trees of mulberry with a spherical crown have acquired popularity. In group landings, the pyramidal or narrowopyramidal crown is most often used. The height of such trees can reach 6 m.

Mulberry breeding

1. Seeds

The seed method is used by breeders to adapt the mulberry to the harsh northern regions or for growing a flow for vaccination. For this take seeds and them for 2 months.

If you sow without stratification, you should soak them before planting for 3 days. Sowing is made early in spring.

2. Vegetativeno

Mulberry can be multiplied porn, digging(for weeping form), green cuttings, vaccination

Exclusive! Mulberry Black Large Morion (Morion) (Premium Variety on Jam) 524 rubles

Mulberry white large-scale "honey" (average ripening time) 439 rubles

Mulberry black average "large-scale" (average ripening time) 439 rubles

Mulberry black - seedlove 410 rubles

Solk care


So that the tree is well withstanding frost, in the first half of the summer (until July), the silk need to water and get mineral and organic. And since July, you need to stop fertilize and water the plant. This will help the silky, being in the period of rest, tolerate the temperature and freezing drops well.


The tree is formed with a stack of 0.5-1.5 m, the height of the crown will be 2-4 m, and its shape is a buckle-shaped one.

The young growth of last year is often frozen, because they still have a weak bark and she very quickly loses moisture, unlike old shoots covered with corkbar. In this case, they need to trim, this operation will not affect the crop.

Harvesting and the use of mulberry

Mulberry berries, depending on climate and variety, ripen from the end of May to August. Ripening is very uneven, on one branch can already be completely ripe and only beginners to grow berries.

Ripe berries are quite easy to sleep, so when starting maturation undermine the fabric or film under your mulberrySo that it was easier to collect harvest.

The traditional medicine of many Asian countries for a long time uses a silky as a medicine from many diseases:

  • the bark of the tute tree during brewing is the strongest anthelmintic agent;
  • infusion of berries helps with cough;
  • the juice of berries helps to cope with stomatitis, angns and many inflammations of the mucous membrane;
  • infusion of leaves - a find for hypertensive.
From the berries of the silk, it turns out excellent jam.

But the use of berries in food with raw or as part of desserts does not diminish the merits of this beautiful delicacy.

Shelly № 150.

This variety and two more below belong to Leonid Ilyich from the Poltava region. Shelly berries are very large, up to 5.5 cm, with high taste qualities, variety is very high-yield. It is considered one of the best and most famous grades of mulberries.

Mulberry Black Shelly 150. Photos from

One sheet of silky shelly 150 reaches a length with a camp of the half-meter!

Mulberry Luganochka. Photos from

And in your garden grows a silk?

Mulberry, or mulberry, is considered a unique plant. It has valuable wood, with it they collect delicious fruits, and the leaves serve as a stern silkworm, with which natural silk is created. Thanks to such peculiarities, the Mulznik is common worldwide, but on a large scale it is grown in the countries of North America, Africa and Asia.

Fruits by 85% consist of water. In addition, they have:

  • vitamins A, K, RR, B1, B3;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • tocopherol;
  • folic acid;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium.

To date, several dozen species of mulberry are known, but only a tenth of varieties received widespread. Within Russia, white, red and black mulberry are grown. In addition to them, you can meet another satin look, which is also referred to as feed.

  • White silky. Its fruits can be white, yellow, pink, and sometimes even black. His name Mesothnik received due to the light color of the bark. Despite the fact that the homeland of this type of mulberry is the southern regions, it grows perfectly in the north. The most common varieties are: "Masha", "Diana", "White Honey", "Lagoonochka", "White Tenderness", "Snow White", "Darkness". In China, the white grade of the Mulberry is grown for the sake of breeding a liner silkworm, as they have softer leaves.
  • Black mulberry. Her homeland Iran. The color of the crust is red-brown, berries have a sour-sweet taste. The varieties of more capricious to weather conditions, with severe frosts, the plant is frozen. Among the common varieties are "Royal", "Staromoskovskaya", "Black Prince", "Nadezhda", "Black Pearl".

Mulberry varieties who have small fruits are impressive with a variety of tastes. But their minus is that they are quite difficult to collect them. Large varieties, due to the large size of the berries, of course, in priority. Most popular species: "White tenderness", "Black Prince", "Shelly - 150".

Where grows pinout in Russia

The first landings of the mulberry in Russia appeared in the XVII century. Under Peter I, the first plantation consisted of 3 thousand trees landed. To date, massively silky is grown in the central and southern regions of Russia.

Many modern varieties are able to withstand frosts up to -30 degrees, but do not forget that the root system can be moderated at -7 ... -10 degrees. In order for the tree to survive in the northern regions of the country, the root neck is plugged, and in winter the root must be mounted. From the frost-resistant varieties belong to the "royal", "Vladimir", "Staromoskovskaya" mulberry.

In the middle lane, they are advised to grow white grades of the mulk, as they are more resistant to frosts, while black varieties are well suited for life.

Features of growing silky

For a silky need to be careful in the same way as behind the other cultivated plants. The tree must be timely watering, trimming, feeding and processing from pests.

Several rules of proper care:

  1. Abundant watering the plant is required from May to July, the rest of the time the water is made on demand.
  2. Regularly carry out prophylactic treatments from pests. In the process, not only the crown of wood is sprayed, but also the surface of the priority circle. Spraying is carried out in early April, while the kidney has not yet awakened, or in October.
  3. The feeding is made in the spring and in the first summer months. In the spring it is best to emphasize on nitrogen fertilizers, in the summer - on potash and phosphorus.

Methods of breeding of the Tutovnika

There are several methods of breeding mulberry:

  • Seeds. This method is mainly used by breeders. Most often used seeds of white silk, who in front of sowing need stratification. At least after 2 years, the seedlings are planted for a permanent place. After another year, they make rewriting with a cutlets of a mulberry, which is good fruit and has delicious berries.
  • Vaccination On the stans of seedlings you need to instill varieties, which subsequently form a dwarf tree with a crying crown. Thus, on one strain you can grow several grades of mulberries, which will be different and the color of the berries, and the shape of the leaves.
  • Green cuttings. Of these, you can get seedlings with our own root system. But this method is considered one of the most complex and ordinary gardeners does not use popularity.
  • Disposals. With this form of breeding, the silky begins fruiting not earlier than 7 years of life.


Mulberry needs to plant on a sunny wind-protected place. Comfortable all the tree will feel on the south side.

If you put a seedling near the fence or wall, it will be securely protected from drafts and winds.

Also pay attention to the soil composition. For a mulberry, loose loamy soils with a deep level of groundwater are suitable. If the mulberry is planted in sandy lands, then it is additionally necessary to create a layer of drainage from a broken brick.

When the soil is too rejected and sealed, the plant will die sooner or later. If you planted corrupt trees, then the distance of honey seedlings should be about 3 meters. For stumbamous form - 5 meters.

Moltennik is unpretentious in care. If a young seedling was planted in the spring, then in the first half of the summer, mineral or organic feeding is recommended, as well as abundant irrigation. From the second half of July, all fertilizers need to be canceled, and watering at that time begins to be carried out as needed.

In the first year of life, it is necessary to regularly loose land near the priority circle, as well as remove all weeds. Dried branches should be trimmed.

To protect the plant of the Mulberry from severe frost and winds, at the autumn time, side shoots tilge to the ground and covered with spongand. It is also necessary to carry out the mulching of the priority circle. For the winter, some shoots can still face, but let it not frighten you, because in the spring the plant quickly recover and go into growth.

Nuances trimming Mulberry

The prerequisite for the proper care of the Tutovnik is its timely pruning, which depends on the variety and type of plant:

  • Weeping mulberry. The trimming must wear a thinning character, the branches and stems are also shortened in the process. This species can be done even a strong trimming, as it is restored in a short time.
  • Warred mulberry. Trimming of this type is carried out for the formation of the crown. On a long stem, it is formed a spherical shape.
  • Decorative mulberry. Its pruning is considered the most difficult, as you constantly need to maintain the original crown of the tree.

Protection against diseases and pests

The tree of mulberry needs regular protection, as it is constantly amazed by pests.

Among the most common:

  • khrushchi;
  • chervets Comstock;
  • web tick;
  • medveda;
  • title spine.

Of the diseases on the silky there are: bacteriosis, malicious dew, cylindrosporiosis, root rot and so on.

Preventive spraying is carried out early in spring, until the dissolution of sleeping kidneys. You can also spray the plant in October. If the mulberry is amazed by some kind of pest or illness, then it is necessary to choose the appropriate tool and process the plant in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Mulberry (Morus), still here to be a mulberry, or a linen tree, is a leaf fall tree belonging to the family of a lodge. According to information taken from various sources, this genus unites 17-24 species. These plants in natural conditions can be met in a moderate and subtropical belt of Africa, North America and Asia. The species enjoyed by the most popular include white mulberry, her foliage feeds the larvae of a tide silkworm, their dolls are used for the production of natural silk. When Ivan Grozny in Russia already knew about the silkover, at that time a silkobyt manufactory was created, in which a very gentle cloth for the royal yard was created. In turn, Peter I banned to cut down a silky in the state, since it was considered very valuable. The dense, elastic and heavy wood of the Mulberry is also very valuable, in Central Asia it is used for the manufacture of various crafts, musical instruments and barrels.

While the mulberry is young, it is extremely rapid growth, but over time it becomes slower. As a result, the height of such a tree does not exceed 15 meters. Simple sheet plates are often blade, they are laid and gear on the edge. Cole-shaped inflorescences consist of small flowers that are female either male (dwarf). However, there are such tutovniki, where women and men's flowers (single one) can be opened at the same time. The length of the fleshy fetus of silk from 20 to 30 mm, they are false berries, or rather connected to one whole bones of a variety of color (from dark purple, almost black, to white). This plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, it can grow normally and develop, even if it does not care for it at all. Moltennik begins to be fron on the fifth year of life. The average life expectancy of such a plant is about two hundred years, today there are copies that are at least 500 years old.

The greatest popularity of gardeners uses 2 types of mulberry - black and white, while they differ in color of the bark, not fruits. The White Crimson on the branches are painted in a light color (cream, pale yellow or white), while the branches of the black pinway are covered with a darker bark. To date, this plant is also widely distributed in culture, like other fruit trees, for example: cherry, plum, apple tree, cherry, etc.

What time to plant

You can plant the silky in the open soil in the spring time in April before the deployment begins, or in the fall in September and October, but you need to have time before the rainy season. Many gardeners advances to prefer landing in the fall, as it is believed that if the tree will survive the winter months, then he is destined to live for a lot of years.

Try to choose in the garden the most suitable place for this plant. Mulberry prefers well-lit plots with reliable protection from cold wind. It is impossible to plant a mulberry on a marshy, sandy and saline soil, and the groundwater on the plot should be laying at a depth of at least 150 cm. Plants on which only men's flowers cannot be fruitless, but it is possible to find out the seedling floor only after He will be 4 or 5 years old. In this regard, experienced gardeners are recommended to buy three-year seedlings, which have given the first rain.

A pit under the landing should be prepared at least 15 days before the landing day, its value directly depends on the size of the plant root system. It should be borne in mind that the roots should be placed in the pit free. The average pension value of 0.5x0.5x0.5 m. In the event that the ground on the site is poor, then the depth of the pit is increased, since it will be necessary to pour the compost to its bottom, in the amount of 5-7 kilograms, which is added 100 Gram of superphosphate. This layer needs to be filled with soil, as it should not touch the root system of the plant. After a half months after the preparation of the pit, you need to start directly landing the mulberry. The saplings of the seedling system should be placed in the pit, after it is stripped, they cheat it, while you need to shake the troller all the time, otherwise there will be many voids in the soil. When the plant is planted, the soil in the coil circle should be tamped, then 20 liters of water are poured under it. When the liquid is completely absorbed into the soil, the surface of the prior circle must be filled with a layer of mulch. For a thin and weak seedling, it will take a support that is driven into the center of the bottom of the bottom, before landing. When the mulberry is planted, it should be tested to this support. If the soil on the plot is clay and heavy, then at the bottom of the pit it is necessary to make a drainage layer of broken bricks.

Spring landing

Landing the mulberry in the open soil in the fall and spring is almost the same. The difference is that for the spring landing, the boobs are prepared in autumn time, while the necessary nutritional mixture is suited. The landing is carried out early in spring, it must be finished already in April.

It is necessary to care for the tutouth grown in the garden, just as behind the rest of the cultures. It should be timely watering, span, trim, feed, process from pests and diseases, as well as loosen the surface of the priority circle.

Treatment of silky

In order to significantly reduce the risk of destruction of the tree with various diseases or pests, it is necessary to regularly carry out prophylactic treatments, while it is necessary to spray not only the plant itself, but also the surface of the priority circle. Insecticides and fungicides are used for treatments. It is recommended to conduct such spraying in the first days of April for sleeping kidneys, as well as in October, when the growing season will end. The nitrafena solution is either a burglar mixture (3%) will help you cope with various diseases and pests. In the spring, the tree is recommended to clean the urea solution (7%), which destroys all pests and pathogenic microorganisms, and will also become a source of nitrogen for the plant, which is necessary for it at the beginning of the growing season.

Watering silky

So that the Mesothnik was more winter-resistant, it must be regularly water from the beginning of the spring and until July. It is necessary to do it during a strong drought. Since July, it is impossible to water the plant. If in the spring time there is a large number of rains, then you do not need to water the mulberry.

Falker Mulberry

From the beginning of the spring period and before July this tree requires feeding. In the spring, the plant most often needs nitrogen fertilizers, and in the summer - in potash and phosphorus.

Moscow region and Moscow climate is not quite suitable for the cultivation of mulberry. However, it has long been learned there to grow such southern cultures as Apricot, grapes, and the silky is not so rare. This plant covered with snow can survive a decrease in air temperature to minus 30 degrees. However, if the winter period is released by a minor, the mulberry can die already when the temperature is reduced to minus 7-10 degrees. In this regard, during the landing of a mulberry in the Moscow region, its root neck should not be very high in the soil.

Since the duration of the daylight in the near Moscow region does not comply with the requirements of the Mulberry, then such a plant that is grown in the suburbs, there are 2 growing periods per year - in spring and autumn. This tree has an unusual ability, it can form cork tissue between the mature and unseen part of the stem. As a result of the Mulshnik, at the autumn time, it can throw away those parts of the escape that are non-visual, which will allow him to survive the winter well. In this regard, at the autumn time in the Moscow region and Moscow, such a culture takes place not only by leaf plates, but also parts of the stems. This is the only difference in the cultivation of mulberry compared to warmer regions.

Cultivating this plant on the territory of Siberia can only be enhanced by its frost resistance. It is difficult to do it, but if desired it is possible. If the gardener has a very big desire to grow a mulberry in the region with a cold climate, then he needs to be learning to explore the articles of gardeners V. Shalamov and Kazanin.

Cutting the mulberry is recommended during partial or full rest. Best Tree tolerates trimming early in spring before the sludge will begin. As a rule, the rejuvenating and forming trimming is recommended from last days of April to the first - May before the reckance of the kidneys. At the autumn time, when the leaf foliage is over, sanitary trimming is carried out, while the air temperature on the street should not be less than minus 10 degrees.

How to cut silky

Various types of mulberry have different features of trimming. For example, weaving mulberry needs thinning trimming, as well as in shortening stems and branches. Since this species is restored for a relatively short time, then even very strong trimming is not terrible.

Stumbled toolman needs only in the formation of the crown. To do this, on a long stem, on which there are no branches, it is necessary to form a lush cap of a spherical shape or a drop-down cascade of branches.

Decorative mulberry form the harder. It will also be difficult to systematically maintain the original shape of the tree.

While the plant is young from his barrel to a height of 150 centimeters, it is necessary to break all the branches. In this case, in an adult plant branches will not fall to the surface of the site. The saved conductor can be repaid up to 5-6 meters, while cutting off all competing stems. If there is no desire to engage in forming trimming, then just let the crown grow natural order. You can form a not very high tree, for which it is convenient to care for. To do this, the top escape must be cut at an altitude of 1.35-1.7 m, then the formation of a skeleton, which should be similar to a dwarf apple tree. Such a tree should have from 8 to 10 skeletal branches. When the plant is formed, you will need to maintain the created form, for this enduring and pulling out those stems that are not needed. Turning the threading branches is not recommended, instead they need to be restarted.

Trimming Mulberry in autumn

When, in autumn, all foliage will fly from the tree, you need to prepare it for wintering. So, at this time, it is necessary to make a mandatory sanitary trimming, for this you should cut all injured, dried, damaged by frost or illness, excessively thin branches and stems, as well as those that grow inside the crown. As a rule, the mulberry does not need annual sanitary trimming.

Mulberry breeding

Mulberry can be propagated by a generative (seed) method, as well as vegetative - vaccination, offspring, weathered and green cuttings, and even chains.

How to grow from seeds

Seeds should be removed from the fruits of the current season from about from the middle to the last days of October, for this you need to remove the whole pulp. They are then submersible in a solution that stimulates growth (for example, zircon or epin) is immersed in a solution. After that, they are sown in the open soil. In the event that you have to engage in crops, you will be at the beginning of the spring period, then the seeds will need to stratify for 4-8 weeks before it. You can not stratify seeds, but in this case it will be necessary for pre-sowing preparation. To do this, in a spring time, immediately before sowing, the seeds must be immersed for 24 hours to cold water, then they are taken out and maintained as much time in very warm water (from 50 to 53 degrees).

For the bed, choose well lit, unwanted place. Then you need to prepare the grooves and shed them with water, pre-soluble in it fertilizers intended for fruit-berry crops. Seeds in this plant are small, and they need to search them as less as possible. Blow into the soil should be 30-50 mm. Grokes need to pour well when the seeds are embedded in the ground, and then its surface falls asleep with a layer of mulch. In the fall, the mulching layer is made thicker compared to the spring, since the winter seeds can freeze. The emerging seedlings need to systematically water, albeit and feed. To the occurrence of the autumn period, grown and strengthened seedlings can be seeded, while depending on the grade of the mulberry, the distance between the rasts should be 3-5 meters. A plant grown from seeds starts fruit 5 or 6 years old. This method of reproduction has one significant disadvantage, namely, the tree grew out of seeds inherit only a part of the varietal signs of the parent plant or does not inherit them at all. In this regard, the seedlings grown in this way are most often used as inhalations.

Mulberry breeding siblings

If very cold in winter, the mulk will suffer greatly from frost, then you can use its developed root offset to replace the extinct tree. At this siblos, gradually form a crown. Unnecessary processes should be removed, and if desired, they can be removed from the soil along with the root system, on the 1/3 part of the joint stems and further use them as seedlings. This is a good way that offspring are able to completely preserve the varietal signs of the parent plant.

If the tree is a cores, then green cuttings can be used to reproduce it. But the complexity of this method is that a special installation will need, which can create a small water suspension in the greenhouse in the form of a fog. The workpiece of cuttings is carried out in June-July, at this time the plant has an active height of the silk. Cuts are cut from the stems, which in length should reach from 15 to 20 centimeters and have 2 or 3 kidneys. Their disembarkation is produced in a greenhouse at an angle of 45 degrees. In a very loose soil, the bottom cut cutter must be stuck on a depth of 30 mm. On the cutlets you need to leave only a pair of upper sheet plates, which shorten on the ½ part. It is necessary to make so that in the greenhouse there was a medium of high humidity. Young shoots and a powerful root system in plants will appear by autumn, but their disembarking in the open soil should be postponed until the next spring period.

Mulberry can also be propagated by semi-resistive cuttings, which are harvested at the same time as green. To rouded such cuttings is necessary in the same way as green. The minus of such a reproduction is that the rooting of semi-restricted cuttings occurs relatively slowly. The tree grown in such a way inherits absolutely all the varietal signs of the parent plant.

Grafting of Mulberry

For the vaccination of the Mulberry, you can use all known methods. However, experienced gardeners recommend to stop their choice on the copulip (grafting on the cutting cut). If simple copulating is used, they produce a splitting of the clarification and a bond, the thickness of which should be the same. It is necessary to make slaughter sections between two kidneys, and the length of their length should be equal to the diameter of the spliced \u200b\u200bplants, multiplied by 4 (for example, if the diameter of the flow and the cylinder cutter is 1.2 cm, then the length of the sections will be 4.8 cm. ). Align the sections between themselves and wrap them with any elastic material or an ochellar tape.

Also used improved copulating with the tongue. To do this, it is necessary to make cuts in the same way on the cutting and the cut, which is described above, after that they must be added to the tongues. It is necessary to retreat from the end of the cut 1/3 of its length, then it is cut to the middle of the slice on the cable up, and on the bottom. The sections of the sections must be applied to each other, after which the tongues are so far so that they are combined very closely. At the very end, the place of vaccination should be wrapped with a ribbon.

Mulberry diseases with photos and description

Mulberry is characterized by a fairly high resistance to a variety of diseases, but in some cases it can get sick. Most often, he is sick of the brown spot of leaves (cylindrosporiosis), curly mellurability, mildewing dew and bacteriosis. Also, the tree can damage the mushroom-drover.

Puffy dew is a fungal disease. At the affected plant on the surface of the stems and leafy plates, flare the flame color is formed. In the arid period, the disease develops most actively, if Krone has a thickened plant. As soon as the first symptoms of the disease are discovered, the tree must be sprayed with a burglar mixture, the foundazol or a suspension of colloidal sulfur. In order to prevent in autumn time, it is necessary to rake and destroy all the flowing foliage.

Also, the fungal disease is and bright than the leaves. At the affected instance on the surface of the sheet plates, red-purple specks are formed with ring crossing. As the disease is developed, the leaf fabric, which is inside the specks, is poured, the foliage itself becomes yellow and flies. As soon as the first signs of the disease are noticed, the tree should be treated with a solution of silita (1%). At the same time, about 3 liters of this solution should leave on one plant. Re-processing is carried out after a half months after the first.

Most often with bacteriosis are affected by young stems and leaf plates of the mulberry. On their surface, the specks of the wrong shape appear, over time they are painted black. As a result of the development of the disease, the foliage is twisted and the flipping of foliage, as well as the deformation of the stems, while the groove-like clots are formed on their surface. To combat this disease, the drug is used or phytooflavin. However, it should be noted that the plant patient with bacteriosis is not always able to cure. In this case, it is necessary to try to prevent infection, for this regularly conducting prophylactic treatments.

Curlyness Melo-Choir

The carriers of such a viral disease, as the curl of the mellite, are pests. The sick tree foliage is wrinkled between the streaks, and then a granular nodility is formed. As the disease develops, there is a boring and folding of sheet plates, the stalks become very fragile and rough, while there is an abnormal increase in their quantity. This disease cannot be cured, therefore preventive measures are so important. So that the plant is not infected, it is necessary to fight insect-carriers, these include all sucking pests, for example: trips, waves, ticks, etc.

Pests on the silky make enough rarely. Most often, this plant is harmful to American butterflies, Cherweans Comstock, Cellic ticks and tute spinings.

White american butterfly

The greatest danger for the mulberry is a white American butterfly. The caterpillars of this pest are painted in brown-green, on their surface there are orange-yellow strips on sides and black warts. Caterpillar data are able to glue the whole foliage on the silky. Make a wood inspection, cut and destroy the found pawn sockets. On the trunk it is necessary to establish special trailing belts, and the crown of the plant should be chloropos.

The caterpillars of the taut spine also feed on the foliage of this culture. To protect the plant from such pests, it should be processed by chlorofosomes in the spring, when the kidney is just started, because it is at that time such caterpillars are observed.

Cute clamps

If the woods are settled on the tree, then it can see the finest web. The pests themselves are very small and impossible to see the naked eye. However, such mites are of great danger for mulberry. Pliers pierce the surface of the sheet plates and suck juice. As a result, foliage becomes a buroy and flying out. You should also know that this pest is one of the main carriers of viral diseases that cannot be cured. The tick is a spider insect, so for its extermination it is necessary to use acaricidal agents, for example: accuters, tickry, etc.

Another sucking insect is Chervets Comstock. It settles on the foliage, the crust and branches of the mulberry. Cherver is also powered by a plant juice, as a result of which it is strongly weakened. Because of such pests, tumors and wounds appear on the tree, strain and drying the branches, and the foliage becomes yellow and flying out. To destroy the Chervers, the tree must be sprayed with a pesticide.

Types and varieties of mulberries with a description

Mulberry has an extremely confusing classification. According to information taken from various sources, this genus unites 17-200 species. The fact is that there is a large number of natural hybrids of mulberry, which individual scientists are distinguished into independent views. Below will be described 3 types of mulberry, which enjoy the greatest popularity of gardeners.

The birthplace of this species is North America. This plant is becoming endurance, unpretentious and resistant to cold and drought. The height of such a tree can vary from 10 to 20 meters. Crown has a shape of the tent. The bark is painted in brown-brown color. In the length of the sheet plates reach 12 centimeters, they can be rounded, long-plated or egg-shaped, the front surface is rough, and the wrong - felt. Sheet plates on young shoots are deeply blass. Sweet-sour juicy fruits in length reach 30 mm, they possess dark red, almost black color. Externally, they are similar to blackberry fruits. The ripening of silk fruit is observed in the last days of July. As a rule, representatives of this species are downtown plants and therefore they be fruitful, they need a couple of opposite sex. Very rarely come across monodomal plants. This species has a decorative shape - felt mulberry: the purulent surface of the sheet plates has a dense omission of white colors.

The birthplace of this type is Afghanistan and Iran. The height of such a tree possessing a spreaded crown can reach no more than 15 meters. Large asymmetric leaf plates have a broad-shaped form, their length is about 20 centimeters, and the width is about 15 centimeters. The front surface of them is rough, and the wrong - felt. Brilliant, black fruits have a length of about 30 mm and sour-sweet taste. This species is distinguished by drought resistance, but has a smaller winter hardiness compared to white and red silky. New forms were obtained on the basis of the basic type:

  1. Repairing. This is a very compact dwarf form. It is often cultivated in the container.
  2. Shelly № 150.. This large-scale form is characterized by yield. The length of juicy and sweet fruits can reach 55 mm. The foliage is also very large, its length can reach up to 50 cm. Such sheet plates are used in decorative purposes.

The following varieties are most popular at the gardeners: the royal, black prince, black pearl, fruit-4 and hope.

The birthplace of this species is China, where he prefers to grow in wide forests. The height of the tree with a lush spherical crown can reach 20 meters. The fractured edge is painted in a brown color. The bark of the young branches is painted in various shades from the brown-red to green-gray. Interestingly, leaf plates of various sizes and shapes can grow on the same tree. In the summer, the color of foliage is dark green, and in autumn - yellow-straw. Sweet taste nollion can be painted in different colors, their form is similar to the form of raspberry fruit or blackberry. This species is distinguished by winter hardiness, unpretentiousness and endurance to urban conditions. There is a large number of decorative forms:

  1. Ploiver. In height, such a plant can reach 5 meters. His digging branches are very thin.
  2. Pyramidal. The height of such plants with a narrow-pyramidal crown does not exceed 8 meters. Lord leaf plates.
  3. Sharovoid. Magnificent krona possesses a spherical shape.
  4. Spoenoid. Such a multiform tree in height reaches 5 meters. Foliage concave folded. Berries ripen relatively early.
  5. Large. Length of foliage about 22 centimeters.
  6. Ordinary narrowing. This busy form has small leafy plates of the lavety and strongly rough.
  7. Disseminated. Such a plant is distinguished by elegance. Sheet plates are divided into the right narrow blades. A pair of side and top blades are too elbow.
  8. Golden. Color of young shoots and foliage yellow-golden.
  9. Tatar. This low-spirited tree is characterized by slow growth and high frost resistance. Small leaves are multilave.

If you want to grow in a mulberry to obtain fruits, and not to decorate the garden, you should pay attention to the highly productive grade of Mulberry White:

  1. White honey. At such a tall plant, very sweet white berries grow, in length reaching 30 mm.
  2. Darkie. The variety is distinguished by yield and winter hardiness. Black berries possess a sweet-sour taste and about 35 mm long.
  3. White tenderness. The variety has a high yield. Tender white berries in length reach 50 mm.
  4. Luhansk. The variety is characterized by high productivity. Sweet cream berries are about 55 mm long.
  5. Black Baroness. Sorted early winter-resistant. Sweet fragrant berries in length reach 35 mm.
  6. Staromoskovskaya. The grade with a spherical crown is winter-resistant. The sweet fruits of almost black color have a length of about 30 mm.
  7. Ukrainian-6.. This early variety is distinguished by yield. Black berries in length reach 40 or more millimeters.

We are also popular with such varieties like: Diana, white tenderness, Snow White and Masha.

Grade with the largest fruits: white tenderness, Shelly № 150, black pearl and black prince.

For cultivation in the Moscow region, the varieties of black mulberry are not suitable. However, some Mulberry varieties for many years have been successfully cultivated in medium latitudes for many years, namely, Vladimir, Royal, White Honey and Staromoskovskaya.

Mulberry properties: benefits and harm

Mulberry has healing properties, and this is explained in its composition: vitamins A, K, E and C, microelements of selenium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper, macroelectric phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. The ripe berry includes riboflavin, pantothenic and folic acid, tocopherol, pyridoxine and choline.

In alternative medicine, such fruits are used quite widely. Green fruits help when heartbuilding and diarrhea, and caused - possess a relaxing effect and are used in constipation. In diseases of the throat, it is sprinkled with fruit juice, which is diluted with boiled water. With bronchitis, ORZ and bronchial asthma use infusion of fruits and bark.

As an antipyretic agent for fever, they use infusion from foliage. In hypertension, it is recommended to apply a decoction of a crust and roots, which has a diuretic effect. A person with myocardi sodes and vice hearts experts advise there is as much fruit of the mulfur: 4 times a day of 0.3 kg for 4 weeks.

The decoction of dried fruits needs to be drunk during insomnia and stress, as it contains many group vitamins in, which have a positive effect on carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and also support the activity of the nervous system.

The fruits are also recommended in the recovery period after the operation, as well as with physical overloads. The fact is that Magnesium, Potassium, and Kvercitin, contained in the fruits, has a beneficial effect on blood formation.

The Fomedol means, which is made from the foliage of the Tuttnik in Vietnam, is used in skin diseases and rheumatism.

Crumpled into powder, bore, connected with oil, helps to heal the cuts, wounds, bruises and ulcers in a short time. If a ringless deprived several times a day to smear fresh fruit juice, then it will very quickly disappear. However, the most important thing is that the Tutovnik is at one of the first places on the maintenance of potassium. In this regard, it is recommended to be used in hypokalemia (lack of potassium in the body).

Possible harm

Mulberry can be harvested only when a person has individual intolerance. If you eat too much fruit, you can observe digestion disorder. The same effect is observed when used non-fermented berries. Remember also that the juice and fruits of the mulberry are extremely poorly combined with different juices and fruits, resulting in fermentation in the intestine. In this regard, they need to eat separately (a couple of hours before and 2 hours after another meal).

One of the most mysterious representatives of the Mulberry family is a mulberry. The tree can be found in any corner of the globe. Prefers to grow in a hot climate, it feels well in moderate climatic conditions, tolerates low temperatures. They grow silky and in the Russian regions, ranging from the coasts of the Black Sea, ending the coast of Sakhalin Islands.

Mulberry (Morus) is a leaf fall tree, often called "Mulberry". In vivo, it grows in the subtropics of North America, Africa, Asia. This genus is a few, in the wild there are only 10 species.

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia, the silk was already knew. On Schölkobotskaya manufactory produced a thin cloth for royal approximations. Peter I imposed a ban on the cutting of the tute tree because of its value. In addition to the fabric, made of tight and elastic wood made musical instruments, all sorts of crafts, objects of utensils.

Young mulberry grows quickly, over time he slows down. The height of the adult tree reaches 20 m. The plant has a wide crown, the shape of which is more often spherical.

Mulberry lives long, the average age of about 150-200 years old, individual species live about 400 years.

Sheet plates are similar to the blades, the edge of their toothed, they are located alternately. Inflorescences in the form of a spoem, consisting of small female (monodomal) or male (dwarm) flowers. On some types of mulberry can simultaneously be located both men's and women's flowers.

The fruit is a multicast of small size: diameter 10-40 mm, length 20-30 mm. The painting of the fetus, depending on the variety, may be different - from dark purple, even black, to white. The fleshy sour-sweet fruits look like blackberry and raspberry berries, their shape of their spherical, cylindrical or cone-shaped. Possess a pleasant aroma.

High yield. From one tute tree growing in a favorable climate, you can get up to 200 kilograms of berries per year. The ripening period of fruits also depends on the natural segration area. In Russian expanses, individual varieties are fruiting in July, harvest is often collected in August. The period of fruiting depends on the varietal varieties, it can last from two weeks to a month and longer.

There is a legend on how the silk appeared. In the distant times one silkworm crawled a beautiful girl an unusual dress made of light cloth decorated with lace. The dress was not just beautiful, but also possessed magic. A woman who dressed up in the dress was still attractive. In addition, she could do all day without food. The girls were passed out of each other, and beauties became more and more.

One of the owners of the dress was the bride of the king and did not want to share a wonderful dress with his friends. The angry girlfriends burst into the future queen to the palace, grabbed the dress, broke it into the shreds.

In the same moment in front of the angry women, there was an amazing transformation of a tree outfit: a barrel with branches appeared from the dresses, and from small pieces that took up, formed on the branches of swollen pinkish kidneys. From the kidneys, the leaves were revealed, which formed a crown - lush and thick.

This tree was called mulberry. The plant is appreciated not only for sweet and juicy fruits, but also for getting the finest silk thread, which "TKET" caterpillar butterfly-silkworm, feeding by the leaves. Thus, the thread goes to create an elegant dress.

Without a tute tree, we would not have silk. Progress stepped far forward, people learned to get an artificial silk, but he does not go to any comparison with natural. Mulberry not only feeds the tute silkworm, but since ancient times it is considered a "a tree of life." From her wood was made of chambers that protect against evil power. The tute tree symbolizes hard work.

Types and varieties

The most popular types of gardeners in Russia, which grown in Russia - white and black. Their distinctive feature is the color of the bark, and not as it is considered - the nollodies. White mulberry branches have a light shade - cream, yellowish and even white. The black pinway has a more dark color. The varieties are brought around 160 all over the world.

Nowadays, this culture is in great demand among gardeners, along with an apple tree, cherries, cherries and other fruit trees.

Black Mulberry (Black Baroness, Smallwood, Kherson, Staromoskovskaya)

Mulberry black (Morus Nigra) of Asia. Natural agricultural area - India, Iran, Afghanistan.

This species is grown due to useful fruits. The foliage is rough, unlike white mulberry, it is less common as a nutrient food for larvae of a silkworm.

Adult height of about 13 meters. The length of the elongated sheet plate ranges from 10 to 20 cm, the color is green. In warm climatic conditions, bloom begins in April, in a temperate climate - in May, sometimes in June. The fruit of dark purple or black color, the length of it is 2-4 cm, in shape similar to the blackberry. The taste of the berries of sour-sweet. Ripening period: July - August.

Culture does not have a stealing frost resistance: can be moderated, but it is well restored. After trimming, the mulberry can be grown as a shrub. Easily tolerates urban gaspace, so the tute tree is planted in parks and squares.

Black Mulberry berries are treated with colds, digestive disorders. Fruits are used from heartburn and as a laxative. Due to low calorics, use with a diet. Spelling contains a lot of iron.

The most common varieties of black mulberry are considered:

  • - Early frost-resistant variety. Large nollion whose length is about 4 cm, black. Have a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. Berries begin to ripen in early July. The yield in adult culture is high - about 100 kg. Lyuchness average - 12 hours.

  • - Variety obtained when crossing with white silky. Mulberry has a spherical crown of medium density. An adult plant does not exceed 15 m. Separaging flowers make up the ears. Large leaves, gear on the edge, rough to the touch. In summer, the leaves of green color, by autumn - yellow. Fruits whose color is white, have a sweet taste aroma. Ripening of berries occurs on the first summer month. The size of the nozzle is 3.5 per 1.2 cm. This grade of the mulberry is unpretentious in caring, it is well tolerating dry and frosty weather.

  • - Medium grade for the term of fruiting. Mulberry low-speed - height of about three meters. Large egg-shaped leaves from the outside - glossy. The color of the fetus is black, with a juicy purple pulp, the taste is sweet. Large fruit reaches a length of 5.5 cm. Mulberry winter-resistant and unpretentious.

  • - Summer grade, not needing pollination by insects. The height of the leaf puddetnik is about 10 meters. Croon Schro-shaped. Pruning allows you to grow a culture as a shrub. Dark purple fruits grow about three centimeters long. The taste of their sweet, with a small sourness.

White Mulberry (Watching, Golden, White Honey, Victoria)

Motherland White Mulberry (Morus Alba) is considered the eastern side of China. This species began to be the first to be grown as food for the caterpillars of a silkwood, as the foliage of the plant is very gentle. Moltennik quickly dreamed of all continents. It was brought to Europe in the XII century.

Fall tree in height reaches 20 meters. It has a wide crown. The bark of an adult plant is thick, brown-gray, the young tree is brighter: from reddish to gray-green. Green foliage by autumn changes the color to straw-yellow. Blossom is observed in April-May.

Sweet hopes look like raspberry and blackberry berries. Their color depends on the varietal varieties. Ripen berries at the end of June.

Mulberry white unpretentious to the care, frost resistant. Culture is easily free and growing up without human participation.

White Mulberry Fruits recommend people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases. Berry juice is taken as an anti-inflammatory agent. It has a lot of potassium and vitamin C. Children useful to use berries to strengthen immunity.

This species is rich in a variety of decorative and berry varieties.

Stack of compact sizes. The decorativeness of the mulberry does not interfere with yields. Three-meter shrub is easy to cut. The width of the crown is 1.5 - 2 m. Long branches, like willow, are beautifully hanging to the ground. Leaves are larger, in summer - green, autumn paints them into straw color. The plant does not lose its decorative and in winter: flexible branches without leaves growing from the top are well visible.

Flowering and crop maturation depend on the region and its climatic conditions. Fruit the grafted mulberry begins on the third year, grown from Chernok - for the fifth year. The fruits resemble blackberries, their length is 3-5 cm. Berries can be both white and black, their painting depends on the graft escape.

Parking and alleys are decorated with mulberry, planting it as a living hedge. Ripe berries must be collected in a timely manner so that the fallen do not spoil the view on the path. You can buy a variety in the nursery that does not give fruits.

The feature of the variety is that young leafy plates and shoots have a golden hue

The most popular variety gardeners. It brought his domestic breeders, crossed several varieties of white mulberry.

The low growth of the silky has a pyramidal crown. The elongated form of the nozzle (3 cm) has a honey taste. Soft berries are poorly transported and practically not stored. The variety annually gives a rich harvest, frosting.

Early cold-resistant grade that does not require much care .. A self-aluminous dwarf tree in height does not exceed three meters. In early July, rather large (5 cm) juicy fruits ripen. Berries are light beige or yellowish. Fruit the mulberry begins on the fourth year. Fruits do not differ in efforts, for five hours it is desirable to recycle them, otherwise they will be allowed.

Mulberry red

Mulberry Red (Mórus Rúbra) come from North America, or rather, the natural range of her growing is the eastern part of the mainland. The fruit culture is not as widespread as its relatives - white and red pinch. More often, this type of mulberry is grown in subtropical countries and countries with temperate climates.

Fall culture grows up to 15 meters. The bark of the barro-brown shade. Mulberry red has a luxurious crown in the form of a tent. The heart-shaped leaves are slightly pointed, the length of them ranges from 7 to 14 cm, the width is from 6 to 12 cm. The upper part of the rough plate is rough, the bottom - darous.

The fruit of a multicast on a long leg is attached to the branches. Three hundred-catering hodgepiece is externally similar to blackberry berry. Its color can change as ripening: from dark red to dark purple and even black. Juicy berries have a sweetish, with sour, taste. They are used not only in fresh, but also canned form: boiled juices and jams. Fresh berries are stored for two days, they are dried and frozen.

Fruits are useful for small-class, need to strengthen immunity during physical and mental loads.

Features of cultivation

Silk care is the same as behind other garden crops. Timely irrigation, feeding, pruning, prevention of diseases and pests is the main list of works required when growing a mulberry.

Choosing the soil and place of landing

It is important for mulberry in the garden to choose an optimally suitable place, as this culture is a long-liver. The light-headed and thermal-loving silky requires a rather illuminated place protected from the wind.

The soil must be quite fertile. It is not recommended to plant a tree on a wetlands and meager sandy soil. Finding groundwater close to the surface of the Earth will also adversely affect the growth of mulberries.

Mulberry only with male flowers will not be fruit independently, to learn the floor is possible only from a four-year-old seedlings. Gardeners with experience are recommended to acquire seedlings of this age, on which the first harvest has already been matured.

What time to plant

The tute tree in open soil is recommended to plant in April, until it began to be asked or in the autumn period - to rainy cold weather (September, October). Gardeners prefer autumn for planting, believing that if the silky peers perch, it will live for many years.

Watering and subordinate

Watering to the mulberry is required in the spring and on the first summer month. Since July, watering ceases. This procedure is necessary if there is a long time arid weather. Good watering in the period of drought will prepare a mulberry to winter hardiness. With a sufficiently large number of natural precipitation, it is not necessary to water the tree.

Podcaming the plant is necessary in the same period as watering - from spring to July. In the spring, fertilizers containing nitrogen, in the summer - potash-phosphorus. For the first feeding, the nitroammophos is suitable (50 g of fertilizer on 10 liters of water). In the summer, integrated fertilizers are used, for example, "Kemiyuniversal" (20 gr. Per 1 sq. M). During the people of the priority circles, you can add ash (200 g per 1 sq. M).

When painting, the mulberry is recommended as feeding to use liquid overwhelming manure (1 part on 6 parts of water) or bird litter (1 part per 10 parts of water). From the middle of the summer, feeding stops not to provoke the growth of new shoots, which will not be strengthened by winter and poorly transferring winter frosts.

Loosening and weeping

The priority soil surface periodically needs to be gone from weeds and loosen. This enriches the roots with oxygen, prevents the occurrence of diseases and pests. After weeding and loosening the Earth can be closed with sawdust. The sawdust hold back the growth of weeds, the soil does not dry up, the crust on Earth is not formed. At the same time, one condition must be observed - the sawdust annually update.


The trimming of the taut culture must be engaged in the period of rest - complete or partial. It is better to carry out this procedure early in the spring until there is a slotting. At the end of April, the first numbers of May are carried out with a rejuvenating trimming, simultaneously form a crown until the kidneys have revealed. In the fall, after leaffall, the tree requires sanitary trimming. The air temperature during this period should not fall below +10 degrees.

The young pinway, whose height reaches 150 cm, you need to remove all branches. It must be done so that the adult tree branches do not fall to the ground. The central stem is left to grow to a height of 5-6 m, while cutting the stem competitors. If you do not want to regularly produce forming trimming, then you can leave the crown for natural growth.

You can form a low silk church, care for it will be simple and convenient.

To do this, it is necessary to cut the top at an altitude of 1.5 - 1.7 meters, then form a "skeleton" of a tree, like a dwarf apple tree. There should be about 10 skeletal branches in such a milling. The plant requires constant support for the created form. As foreign branches are growing, they are regularly divided. Founding the main branches are not deleted, but to rest.

In the autumn period, when the tree will throw off the whole foliage, you need to prepare it for winter. Sanitary haircut is needed to remove injured, dried, damaged branches. Very subtle stems, as well as the crowns growing inside, are also deleted. Sanitary trimming can be made not every year, if there is no need: the tree is well preserved throughout the year.


  1. Soil overdo the soil, choosing all weeds. With a people, make fertilizers - humid or overwhelmed manure, wood ash and nitroammophos. As a fertilizer, it is not recommended to add peat, as it boys the soil substrate, which is undesirable for the mulberry. You can make fertilizers directly into the landing well.
  2. After the preparation of the Earth, the football pit. Its size will depend on the root system of the plant. Culture roots are quite voluminous. The average size of the pit is 70 by 70 cm, the depth is at least 50 cm.
  3. At the bottom of the bottom, put the drainage layer of clay or broken brick. Pour a thick layer by humus, pour.
  4. Before boarding, for 10-15 minutes, the root system of the Mulberry to hold in the water, bypowing it with moisture. The seedling is placed in the prepared pit, gently spread all the roots.
  5. Pop soil, carefully shaking the troller, so that there are no emptiness in the ground. The soil is rambling, pour themselves.
  6. When all the water was absorbed into the ground, the rolling surface is molded with beveled herbs, humus or sawdust.
  7. If the seedling is thin, you need to provide for support. It is placed in the center of the well to the landing of the mulberry. When the plant is planted, tie it to the support.
  8. Mulberry is a large plant. Therefore, when landing need to take into account this circumstance. The distance close to other representatives of flora must withstand at least 4 meters.

To buy silk seedlings preferably in the region where they are grown. Plants brought from the southern regions, in the middle lane adapt worse, it is difficult for them to survive a frosty winter.


The first berries may appear on a three-year-old silky. They are a bit, they ripen it singly. At the five-year-old village, the harvest matures abundantly and regularly. The size of the berry becomes larger, by 10 years their length is the maximum. Fruits mature unevenly, quickly overreving. It is important not to miss the moment of gathering berries so that they do not appear. Under the crown of the mulberry, you can lay a cloth, shake the tree, caused the fruits to collect. Berries are used in food at once, so their drainage is short, or processed.

Preparation for winter

The vertices are often subjected to vertices of shoots. The most dangerous for the plant is the spring frost, especially during flowering, berries then you can not wait. Therefore, preparatory work for wintering is very important.

Stages of preparation are as follows:

  1. To climb the priority soil with sawdust, fallen leaves or straw. From above, the mulch layer is covered with fir branches, they are needed to delay snow.
  2. Warding the trunk is not necessary, as they simply shoot the shoots.
  3. Crop in late October, green parts of the shoots that did not have time to wave. They are the wounded in the frost.
  4. In the period of spring frosts, smoke floors can be arranged, which will remove young leaflers and flowers from frozen.
  5. Young trees are recommended for winter to cover completely. The trunk must be wrapped, throw on the branch of the underfloor material. The coating is fixed by boards and other heavy items so that winter winds do not demolish this design. Shelter to remove after the threat of spring frosts, not before May. Under such a "bedspread" it is desirable to decompose the poison for rodents so that they do not damage the barrel and young branches.

Methods of breeding

Some silk breeding methods.


Seeds should be fresh, current season. In October, they need to be removed from the fetus, clear from the pulp. Immerse per hour or two into a solution that stimulates growth. Sit into open ground. If the seeds in the spring, they need stratification (5-8 weeks).

Groancy where seeding seeds should be well lit. Prepare grooves in it, shed them with water with dissolved fertilizer for fruit and berry plants. Seeds are rarely sown, blocking into the ground by 40-50 cm. Rock again. The surface of the soil is clicked with a thick layer so that they do not extinct over winter.

In the spring, shoots will appear that need to water. Weeding and feeding - Important procedures for seedlings.

Fasting for the summer shoots can be seeded at a distance of at least three meters. Fruits on silky ripen for 5-6 years.

The lack of this method: Mulshnik, grown from seeds, has very few varieties or they are completely absent, unlike adult tree. Such seedlings are better to use as a set for vaccination.


You can propagate the silky with the help of cuttings. This will require a greenhouse. Green cuttings are cut in the early summer when the silky is actively growing. The stem is divided into a cutlets of 15-20 cm long, each should be 2-3 kidneys.

The finished planting material is planted in a greenhouse, the angle of planting is 45 degrees. The soil should be light and loose. The stalks are plugged by 30 cm. On the cuttings leave a couple of upper leaves. An important condition - in the greenhouse there should be increased humidity.

The root system will be formed on a sapling by autumn, disembarking into open ground still should be postponed until spring.

With this method of reproduction, the young tree inherits all varietal properties from parental culture.


If the plant was poorly overwhelmed, suffered greatly from frosts, then it is possible to replace it with a developed root system. On such a gauge, gradually form a crown. Unnecessary shoots are removed. You can digrate together with roots, shortening on the third part, and use as seedlings.

The reproduction of tanks retains all varietal parental signs.


Visit the mulberry is possible by all known ways. Gardeners with experience prefer the method of copulings: the vaccination is performed on the cutting cut. The cruise and dive spliced, the thickness of them should be the same. Slices are combined with each other, wind the elastic ribbon.

Possible problems

Timely treatment of fungicides in prophylactic purposes will reduce the risk of lesion of mulberry diseases and pest insects. It is necessary to spray not only the mulberry itself, but also the soil surface near the trunk.

The first processing is carried out before the kidney dissolve, in April, the second - after the end of the growth period of the tree, in October. Bordeeping mixture or nitrophenium solution will destroy pathogenic bacteria and pests. It is desirable a plant at the beginning of spring to treat urea (seven-percent solution): the drug is a source of nitrogen, the necessary culture in the growing season.

Mulshnik is resistant to diseases, but exceptions are still. To diseases affecting culture include:

  1. Puffy dew - fungal disease. The surface of the stem and leaves covers white raids. The disease faster progresses in a dry time, especially if Kronovnik Croon is too thick. At first symptoms, it is necessary to spray a tree by a burglar mixture or foundazole. In prophylactic purposes, in the fall, the fallen foliage is collected in a timely manner and destroy.
  2. Cylindrosporosis. The disease appears on the leaves in the form of red-purous specks. Developing, the disease destroys the leaf fabric inside the stain, which crepts. Sheet plate then yellow and fall off.

The plant must be immediately treated with a silita (single-surrender solution). Spraying should be abundant: consumption of means of 3 liters per adult culture. The re-procedure is carried out in 2 weeks.

  1. Bacteriosis is dangerous for young shoots and leaves. The disease is manifested in the form of black spots. Leaves twist, stems are twisted. Spraying Gamiir, phytoflavin needs to start as soon as possible, since the disease is treated difficult. For prevention purposes, regular processing is needed.
  2. Curlyness Melo-Choir. The virus suffer pests. The foliage between the streaks is wrinkled, then granular nodules appear. In the development of the disease, leaflets are twisted, the stalks to the touch become rough, fragile. The disease cannot be treated, so prevention is very important. So that the silky does not become infected, you need to destroy insect carriers in a timely manner.
  3. Mushroom - Tutovik can settle on the wood of the mulberry. The spores of the fungus fall into cracks and ranks on the crust, which leads to the destruction of the stem of the silky. When the fungus is detected, it is removed (cut) along with infected wood. Rank is treated with copper vigor (5% solution). Then they smell the mixture: mixed one part of clay and lime with two parts of the cow's manure.

Useful properties and contraindications

Mulberry is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which are very important for human health, improve its immunity.

Fruits are widely used in medicinal purposes. They treat diseases of the digestive tract, cold. The decoction of dried fruits drink under stress and insomnia, large physical and mental loads to restore forces.

In mulberries, the mulberries contain many iron necessary to improve blood composition. They are rich in a fiber, useful for digestion, reducing cholesterol in the blood. Anthocians contained in berries help with inflammatory processes, diabetes, protect against bacterial infections.

They eat not only fruits, but also prepare infusion of leaves, bums from the bark and roots. Such drugs are used as a diuretic and antipyretic agent.

Individual intolerance is contraindicated with delicious fruits. Berries are not considered allergen. The amount of eating them in food must be limited with diabetes mellitus. Do not have berries with cold water so as not to provoke diarrhea.

Mulshnik found widespread use in landscape design. Breeders brought a lot of varieties for these purposes. Trees not only adorn the gardens and parks, but also strengthen the coastal territory of the channels and reservoirs, plant as a treat strip.

Amateur gardeners can sprout on their own sideline to mulberry. Saplings can be purchased in specialized stores or nurseries. An unpretentious tree will require a minimum of care and will give a useful and delicious harvest of berries.