Netherlands - General Country Information

The name of the country: Netherlands (Kingdom of the Netherlands, Holland).

Geographical position: The state of the Netherlands is located on the continent of Eurasia, in the North-West of Europe. From the West and the North is washed by the Northern Sea (the length of the coastline - 451 km), borders with Germany (577 km) and Belgium (450 km).

The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 41.5 thousand km².

Capital: Amsterdam (743.4 thousand inhabitants).

Political device:The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with a democratic parliamentary system. Head of State - Queen Beatrix, Prime Minister-Mark Rutte. The party-political system of the Netherlands is characterized by a high degree of stability and consensus. Large parties are 16; 7 of them in the last 20 years were at least once in parliament.

Main Parties of the Netherlands:

  • Christian Democratic Call
  • Labor party
  • Socialist party
  • People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
  • Party of Freedom
  • Green left
  • Christian Union
  • Democrats 66.
  • Animal protection party
  • Reformist party
  • Pride of the Netherlands

Administrative and territorial division:In the form of a state-territorial structure of the Netherlands - a decentralized unitary state. Power is divided into three administrative levels: the state, provinces and municipalities. The state performs work at the national level. Provinces and municipalities are decentralized power entities.

The Netherlands are divided into 12 provinces: Drenthe, Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Limburg, North Brabant, North Holland, Over-Eisel, Utrecht, Zealand, South Holland. The function of the provincial authorities includes environmental protection, space layout, energy security, social security, sports and culture.

Management in each province is carried out by provincial states, deputies of the provincial states and the Royal Commissioner. elective system.

In the Netherlands there are 478 municipalities. Their number decreases, since the state seeks to improve the efficiency of administrative management through the reorganization of municipalities, most often a simple association.

In the Caribbean, the north of Venezuela is located the Netherlands Antilles, which include Islands: Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint-Eustatius and part of Saint-Martin Island. The total territory is 800 km², the population is 194 thousand people. Official language - Dutch. Administrative center - Villemstad.

General characteristics of the country

Physico-geographical characteristics

Climate:The climate is moderate, marine, characteristic of a non-fit summer and a fairly warm winter. The average temperature of July 16-17 ° C January is about 2 ° C on the coast and slightly colder in the continent. In winter, anticyclones invaded from Eastern Europe, the temperature drops below 0 ° C, the snow falls, and the canals and lakes are covered with ice. Average annual precipitation - 80 centimeters, but in the inner provinces there are somewhat less.

Vegetation: Forests cover 7.6% of the country's territory. On the slopes of the valleys there are beech, ram, oak, the ash, white poplar, elm mixed up to them. In the conditions of a wet climate and a flat lowline relief in the Netherlands there were favorable conditions for the formation of swamps. Characterized by the abundance of berry shrubs and flowering plants. Dubov-birch forests, alternating with heather empty and swamps, grow on sandy hills. The shrubs (rock, rocket, juniper) occur on the wastelands.

Animal world:In the process of mastering the territory of the Netherlands, many species of wild animals were ousted out of their habitats. Nevertheless, there are quite a few birds in the country, especially waterfowl. Many rare animal species are protected in national parks and reserves. Preserved mainly, those species of wild animals that live on raw meadows, in water bodies and canals. There are about 180 species of birds in the Netherlands. In the north of the country, on the shallows of the Watt Sea, separating the Western Frisian Islands from the mainland, the whitefly geese, short-flip-flops, whites, Internet barrels, mass of chaps and honeycombs. In addition, the southernmost population of Gaga lives here. The abundance of chibis and large springs is characteristic of marches. On the coast itself, large crocks, herbalists, turokhatans are common. National Bird of the Netherlands - Complets. Delta Reina, Maas and Shelda is known as the place of wintering and resting birds on the span. The rearmen of the channels are attracted to the wintering of gray geese, as well as chirkov, packers, crocks, pubs. Among the nesting species there are reed Lun, the marsh owl, a shepherd, the mogon, the pretty tit and fill. Also in the Delta region on the overgrown shores, the minor bays were widely settled ondatra. The northern coast of the Netherlands lives seals, whose fishery is limited, and in some areas it is completely banned. In large forests, forest mouse, protein, rabbit, roe, and representatives of the Kunih family are found. For herasshed waste, TETEREV and large crocks are characterized, and for coastal dunes - wild crumbs. The sea is rich in fish - cod, herring.

The soil:In the north and east, Derkovo-Palevo-proliferated soils developed on sand sediments. For these soils, a humus horizon is characterized by a capacity of up to 20 cm with a humus content of more than 5%.

Natural resources:The main resources of the Netherlands are natural gas, oil, salt, sand, gravel, agricultural land.

Rotterdam has the largest port in Europe, with rivers Mesom and Rhine, providing excellent access to internal areas, upstream to the Basel, Switzerland, and France. The main actions of the port are petrochemical industries and total cargo transportation and overload. The harbor functions as an important transit point for wholesale materials and between the European continent and abroad. From Rotterdam, goods are transported by a vessel, river barge, train or expensive.

Extremely mechanized agricultural sector hires 4% of the workforce, but provides large excess for the food industry and for export. The Dutch third discharge around the world in the values \u200b\u200bof agricultural exports, behind the United States and France, with exports earning $ 55 billion annually. The essential part of Dutch agricultural exports was obtained from new cuts, colors, and bulbs, with the Netherlands exporting two thirds of the total in the world. The Netherlands also export a quarter of all world tomatoes, and one third of the exports in the world of chili and cucumbers.

The Netherlands economy is aimed at the overseas market. The share of exports in the economy of the Netherlands is 51% and is the largest among Europe. Most exporters work in wholesale trade, industry and transport. The main specialization of the Netherlands exporters - raw materials and high-intensity products (chemistry, food industry, agriculture and petroleum products).

The history of the country's development:The Netherlands were settled since the last glacial period (when there was a tundra with scarce vegetation in the country), and the oldest trail of human activity about a hundred thousand years. The first inhabitants were hunters and collectors. At the end of the glacial period, the territory was settled by various Paleolithic groups. About 8,000 years before our era, a mesolitical tribe lived in the country, and in the next few millennia, an iron age has occurred with a relatively high standard of living.

During the arrival of the Romans, the Netherlands were populated by Germanic tribes, such as TUBANTS, Kanine Fathers and Frishes, settled there about 600 years before our era. Celtic tribes, such as EBUONA and Menaapia, settled the south of the country. At the beginning of Roman colonization to the country, the German tribes of Batava and Toksandra arrived. In the period of the Roman Empire, the southern part of the current Netherlands was occupied by the Romans and became part of the Province of Belgik, and later - the province of Lower Germany.

In the Middle Ages, the lower countries (approximately consisting of the current Belgium and the Netherlands) included various counties, duchy and dioceses that were part of the Sacred Roman Empire. They were combined into one state under the rule of the Habsburgs in the XVI century. After the distribution of Calvinism, a counterfeit was followed, which caused the split in the country. Attempts by the Spanish King Philip II centralize the state led to an uprising against the Spanish domination under the leadership of Wilhelm I Orange. On July 26, 1581, the independence of the country was proclaimed, officially recognized by other states only after the eighty-year-old War (1568-1648). During the war of independence, the "Golden Age" of the Netherlands, the period of economic and cultural prosperity, which took the entire XVII century began. Wilhelm I Orange is considered the founder of independent Netherlands.

After the cessation of the French occupation at the beginning of the XIX century, the Netherlands turned into a monarchy under the rule of the Orange House. In1830, Belgium finally separated from the Netherlands and became an independent kingdom; Luxembourg gained independence in 1890. Under pressure from liberal politicians, the country in 1848 was transformed into parliamentary democracy with the constitutional monarch. Such a political structure has been preserved until this day, with a brief break during the fascist occupation.

During World War II, the Netherlands preserved neutrality, but during the Second World War, Germany was occupied during five years. In the course of the German invasion, Rotterdam was bombarded, during which the center of the city was almost completely destroyed. During the occupation by the victims of the Holocaust, about fifty thousand Dutch Jews became.

After the war, the rapid restoration of the country began, which was promoted by the Marshall Plan organized by the United States of America. Thanks to this, the Netherlands quickly managed to become a modern industrial country. State independence acquired former Indonesia colonies and Suriname. As a result of mass immigration from Indonesia, Turkey, Morocco, Suriname and the Antille Islands, the Netherlands became a country with many cultures and a large proportion of the Muslim population.

In the sixties and seventies, large social and cultural changes occurred. Catholics and Protestants began to communicate more with each other, and differences between classes were also less noticeable due to the growth of the standard of living and education. The economic rights of women were much expanded, and they increasingly began to take high positions in enterprises and in the government. The government began to take care not only about economic growth, but also about protecting the environment. The population received extensive social rights; Pensions, unemployment benefits and disability have become among the highest in the world.

March 25, 1957 The Netherlands became one of the founders of the European Union and in the future did a lot for European integration. However, on the referendum on the European Constitution in June 2005, more than half of the Netherlands voted against its adoption. Thus, the Netherlands became the second country, rejected the project of the Unified EU Constitution (after France).

Cultural features

Floriculture:Tulips are given a special place in Holland. From the end of March to the end of May, the fantastic exhibition of colors is held in the park Köntenhof. The plantations of bulbous colors extend along the entire Dutch coast from Kauta to Den Helder. In April and May, the whole area is covered with a multicolor carpet with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 17,500 hectares.

Cheeses:The Netherlands - the world's largest exporter of cheese, and, above all, are famous for their Gaud and Edam cheeses. Both varieties are prepared from cow's milk. The difference is only in the recipe. For Edam cheese, milk is needed half to deflect. For Gaudsky, one-piece milk is used. Edam cheese you find out on its round form, and Gaudsky has a more flat shape, and looks like a wheel. Cheese market in Alkmaar is one of the most famous. It is held every Friday in the morning from April to October.

Clapins:Clapins were originally in the Netherlands traditional shoes of commoners. Only rich could afford shoes. Until today, more than 3.7 million pairs of Clapinov per year are produced in the country. In cities they are no longer worn, but people working on Earth are still used. In crumpets warmer and land than in rubber boots. Previously, Klmpenes were part of the traditional folk costume.

Mills:Whole collections of windmills can be observed in Dutch villages and cities. The windmill was invented in the middle of the XVI century, which could pump water to a higher level. This event was a breakthrough in the struggle of a person with the elements.

Population size:15.8 million people.

National composition: Dutch - 94%, Moroccans, Turks and others.

Confessional composition: Catholics (34%), Protestants (25%), Muslims (3%) and others. Do not consider yourself followers of any religion of 40% of the population.

Average life expectancy: 79.25 years
Men: 76.66 years
Women: 81.98 years

The ratio of men and women practically not changing from 1980 is 49.5: 51.5. In the cities there are 82% of the inhabitants, the majority in the industrial and transport agglomeration of Randstad, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, Delft and Utrecht.

The level of education: The Netherlands system of education, unlike British or American, is not based on two degrees of diplomas. Each student receives a doctoral diploma, which is issued after 4 years of day training on some disciplines and after 5 years in the field of engineering business, natural sciences and agriculture. Higher education is considered not completed if the academic program is interrupted before the student fulfills all learning requirements. The peculiarity of the Netherlands education system is in the relationship and continuity of all its links, which allows you to go from one level to another and, following by different training routes, get a diploma of the desired degree. This circumstance for foreign students is particularly important: in the case when the learning process in the early years proceeds slowly and difficult, it is possible, going from the level to the level, go through the program again.

The main occupation: Trade, industry, agriculture and services.

Economic characteristics

GDP: The GDP of the Netherlands amounted to 862.9 billion US dollars. GDP per capita amounted to -51 657 billion US dollars

Currency: Euro (until 2002 - Netherlands Gulden).

The volume of annual budget and external debt: The income is 356 billion dollars, consumption of $ 399.3 billion for 2010.3.733 TRL. Dollars external debt as of December 31, 2009.

Characteristics of the main industries, s / c. and worldware connections:The Dutch industry can be divided into large industries specializing in exports and small industries focused on the production of products for the domestic market. Export sectors are: metallurgical, machine-building, electrical, chemical and food industries. In terms of production from all industries, it is allocated: petrochemistry - 27% of turnover, the food industry - 27%, mechanical engineering - 12.4%. Thenelands cooperate and export to Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Characteristics of the country's regions
QuestionsSouth HollandNorth Holland
Availability of natural resources brown and stone coal natural gas
World Economy Branches developed in this region fisheries, Agriculture, Fuel and Energy Industry sheep, fishing
The development of which industries is potentially possible due to the most favorable economic and geographical conditions. production of electricity, production of machinery, appliances, equipment, production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals production of fabrics, wool and products from wool, meat products, dairy products, leather, production of electricity
Assessment of tourist resources favorable conditions in almost all areas for the development of tourism a large number of potential and progressive resources, allowing to continue to successfully develop the tourist market
What types of tourism are developed wellness, beach, excursion, water excursion, Wellness, Sports (Bicycle Tourism), Water Tourism (Diving, Surfing)
Assessment of the tourist market promising market, due to cultural, natural and entertainment resources perspective market, as there are many options for its development in different directions and spheres
What types of tourism can potentially be developed in this region, due to a favorable resource-infrastructure base water, Beach, Ecotourism, Gastronomic, Cultural, Business Tourism business Tourism, Ecotourism, Shopping-Tourism, Gastronomic, Educational, Cultural

I allocated two data from the region, as they are among the most densely populated and large regions of the Netherlands, with a large number of natural and industrial resources. Due to the mild climate and location along the seashore, both tourism and agriculture are successfully developing in these two regions.

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Mazurkevich Anna
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Korobova I.B.
Nizhny Novgorod

Wilhelmus Van Nassauwe.
Ben Ik, Van Duitsen Bloed,
Den Vaderland GetRouwe.
Een Prinse Van Oranje
Ben Ik, Vrij, OnverveRd,
Den Koning Van Hispanje
Heb Ik Altijd GEëERD
I, Wilhelm Van Nassau,
Dutch, Prince, Blood,
Sharp swirl
Be loyal only to her.
As a true orange,
I will value the honor
So know, King Spanish:
You only serve you.

Economic and geographical position of the Netherlands

The state is located in Western Europe, on the coast
North Sea. In addition to the territory that is located in Europe,
The Kingdom of the Netherlands includes the island of Aruba and
Netherlands Antilles, which are located in Caribbean
sea. The main territory in the East borders the FRG, in the south - with
Area - 41 530 km2.
The population is 15.2 million people.
Half of the territory lying
below sea level.

agricultural exports received from plants
new reduction, colors, and bulbs, with the Netherlands,
Exporting two thirds of the total in the world.
Netherlands also export a quarter of all world
tomatoes, and one third of the exports in the world of chili peppers and
Oil platform in the North Sea
are located
Oil and gas pool of the North Sea. On the
Black metallurgy is developing
Oil refinery,
Industry and mechanical engineering.

The main features of reproduction, structure and location of the population
Ethnic composition
Anti-giants and streets

The Netherlands are highly developed
industrial country with intense
agriculture and included in the first
dozen industrially developed Western

Ferrous metallurgy gets becoming more and more
Distribution and development. Her main center is a city
Euleden. More than 45% of metallurgy products
Exported to EEC countries, 10% in the USA, and 30% is
on the domestic market. Non-ferrous metallurgy
produces aluminum (270,000 tons), zinc (170,000
tone), lead (7,000 tons), as well as tin, cadmium and
Various semi-finished products. Non-ferrous metallurgy
focused in Delphial, Yuren, Hogazande,
Harderweed, Rurmond, Tegelen, Freissingham,
Arnhem, budget.
Tractor engineering unites
More than 470 enterprises. Centers
shipbuildings are on the maritime
The coast, the largest - Rotterdam,
Amsterdam, Schidam, Maasley, Friessengen


country Rural Terrier
The country is in the first place in the world
By squares that occupy greenhouse
farms. Moreover, their square increases.
Greenhouses are heated usually when
Aid of local natural gas. About
60% of protected soil is assigned under
arable land

The Netherlands is a Western European state located in the western part of the Middle Eastern Plain. From the north and west, the territory of the country is washed by the Northern Sea, the Polders and Dunes prevail in these areas. Geographic coordinates: 51 ° - 53 ° S.Sh. 4 ° - 7 ° V.D. The uniqueness of the Netherlands is that quite large part of the territory was obtained by draining, about half of the territory on which 60% of the population lives, lies below the sea level, and another 1/3 has heights up to 1 m. The Netherlands in translation means "lowland lands "What is explained by the location of the country in flat lowland lowlands of the river deltow.

Netherlands - monofamic country, St. 96% - related peoples: Dutch, Flemis and Friezes; 3.5% of the population are foreigners, mainly refugees from Muslim countries. Flemish people live in the south of the country, friezes - in the north. Official language - Dutch. In the province of Friesland, the official language is also possessed. Believers - Catholics (40%), Protestants (34%). The Netherlands rank first in the population density in Europe - 388.9 people. per quarter. km (in the province of North Holland and South Holland 800-950 people per square meters. km).

Relief Netherlands

Country can be divided into two parts. In the north and west there are low-lying lands, most of which lies in the Rhine delta, Maas and Shelda. On the seaside of the sea, the belt of sand dunes with a width of up to 405 km and a height of up to 60 m, which, together with a system of dams, dams and gateways, protects low-lying fertile lands ("marches") from flooding.

The southern and eastern part of the country is above sea level, a hilly landscape prevails in the east, and the South Area is occupied by sandy-clay plains, moving in the hilly forest landscapes of Ardennes. In the southern (province of Limburg), the locality rises to 150-320 meters, there is also the highest point of the country - Waalserberg elevation (Vaalserberg) 321 m. Eastern marches is located hilly plain ("Gesta"), folded by glacial sediments. To the southeast of Eiselmer, a sea relief was preserved - ridges up to 106 m.

Geological structure and minerals of the Netherlands

In the north of the Netherlands, modern and Pleistocene sandy-chiny sea and river deposits are dominated. From the east there are glacier and fluvioglacial sediments. The river delta is composed of alluvial sediments, and the lands of the southern province of Limburg are mainly from limestone, Mergels and the chalk of the late Mesozoy, Paleogen and Neogen. From the Rhine Shale Mountains through the territory of the former Gulf Zyder-Ze in the north-western direction, the Central Diderland shaft of sedimentary breeds is coming, in the other places the strata lie calmly.

There are large reserves of natural gas and oil, the deposits of which are located in the areas of relative depressions west and east of Eiselmer (Slothen), as well as on the shelf of the North Sea. There are also reserves of stone and brown coal (in the south of the province of Limburg), peat, cook salt and kaolin.

Hydrography of the Netherlands

On the territory of the Netherlands there are mouths of large European rivers: Rhine, Maas and Shelda, who form a large delta. The rivers are full-time all year round, their channels are hidden and connected by channels, and the drain is regulated. The nanos leads to the fact that the river beds slowly rise above the ambient lowlands, which is why many rivers are applied with protective shafts.

Sleeves and estairia rivers, as well as lakes, are connected by numerous channels, including:

  • Channel Corbulon
  • Channel Gent-Ternuzen
  • Canal Amsterdam Rain
  • Nordsea Canal
  • Juliana Canal

Between the West Frisian Islands and the Continental Part of the Netherlands is the southern part of the Vaddenz Bay. In the north of the country there is a dolly bay.

In 1282, the catastrophic flood led to the formation of the Bay of Zyiderze, which, after the construction of the dam, Alfestek turned into a freshwater lake Eiselmer. Extensive areas are exempted from excess ground and surface waters using numerous channels and pumping water pumps (wind mills used for this purpose). Thus, during the Zeiderzee project, the southeastern part of Eiselmer was drained and addressed to the Polders, on which the province of Flevoland was formed. From the eastern and southern side of Polders left the strait, which is a number of reporting lakes.

Between 1963 and 1975, Dama Huthutreyk was built, separated from Eiselmere Lake Markermer. In the southwestern part of the country there is Lake Grevelingen. In the province of Friesland is a group of lakes underlying the sea level. It includes Lakes Fluus, Sloter Mens, Tyok-Mer, Sneker Mens, and a number of others. In the north of the country, Lake Lauversse is located, also formerly by the sea bay.

Climate Netherlands

The location of the Netherlands in moderate latitudes on the innthetic lowlands of Europe determines the climatic features of the country. Due to its small sizes and the lack of significant elevations, climatic differences are poorly expressed. All year round, but especially in winter, cyclones from the side of the Atlantic are rushed over the country. The sky is often tightened with clouds, typical cloudy, rapidly changing weather with thick fogs. On average, over a year only 35 clear days.

Thanks to the predominance of Western winds, which breathe from the North Sea, in winter in the Netherlands, soft weather is usually installed, and in the summer - cool. The average temperature of January 2 ° C. In winter, there are short periods with negative temperatures alternating with thaws. Snowfalls are very rare, and even in winter, the sediments fall in the form of rain. Strong frosts are in exceptional cases; Only at the invasion of cold air from the east, ice is formed on OZ. Eiselmer and in the lower reaches of the Rhine. But if safe ice cover is formed, the Netherlands are happy to go skating on the channels. The average temperature of July + 16-17 C. Summer periods of cool weather alternate with hot days.

The average annual precipitation is 650-750 mm, their maximum number falls in August-October. The climatic conditions of the Netherlands favors the growth of feed herbs, as well as grain, technical and fruit crops that give high yields. Due to the long smudgeous period, the vegetables can be grown in the open ground from early spring to late autumn.

Soil and vegetation world of the Netherlands

The soil and vegetable cover of the Netherlands, despite the small size of the country, is quite diverse. In the north and east, Derkovo-Palevo-pensional soils are common, developing on sand sediments under vessels and oak forests. For these soils, a humus horizon is characterized by a capacity of up to 20 cm with a humus content of more than 5%. In many localities, the accumulation of humus artificially stimulated, and the natural soils are actually buried under a dark-colored layer - a mixture of manure, turf, forest litter and sand. These soils in their arable properties occupy one of the first places in Europe.

Polders, almost fully used for the needs of agriculture, are predominantly clad and peat. Here are preserved by the heather empty (lowland with shrubs) and pine-oak-beech forests. The South Limburg Plateau is covered with eolo-descent.

The wet climate and flat low-aluminum area of \u200b\u200bthe territory of the Netherlands contributed to the formation of swamps here that have undergone significant amelioration. Often, the marsh peat is blocked by the mineral soil, raised from the canvas or when they are periodic cleaning, or with a deep dispenser. Extremely peculiar soils of river valleys over Rhine and Maasa, as well as the soil of the marches.

The forest covers 7.6% of the country's territory, mainly in the form of a grove. Presented oak, beech, ram, ash.

Animal world of the Netherlands

In the process of mastering the territory of the Netherlands, many species of wild animals were ousted out of their habitats. Nevertheless, there are quite a few birds in the country, especially waterfowl. Many rare animal species are protected in national parks and reserves.

Preserved mainly, those species of wild animals that live on raw meadows, in water bodies and canals. The expansion of the range of reclamation worsened the habitat conditions, and only in separate coastal areas are still preserved relatively large colonies. There are about 180 species of birds in the Netherlands. And during the winter flights, thousands of waterfowl fall into the Netherlands. In the north of the country, on the shallows of the Watt Sea, separating the Western Frisian Islands from the mainland, the whitefly geese, short-flip-flops, whites, Internet barrels, mass of chaps and honeycombs. In addition, the southernmost population of Gaga lives here. The abundance of chibis and large springs is characteristic of marches. On the coast itself, large crocks, herbalists, turokhatans are common.

Environmental protection in the Netherlands

The conscious attitude of the population of the Netherlands to the environment was part of the lifestyle of every citizen of this country after publishing the report of the Rome Club "Growth Borders". It predicted the depletion of oil and gas resources. That is why the Netherlands are very responsible for the country's energy consumption, as well as the preservation of the balance between human activities and the environment.

In such a densely populated country, like the Netherlands, it is very important to ensure the protection of special natural zones. Therefore, the state buys and manages especially valuable natural zones. In addition, it practices the financing of private instances to acquire similar zones and management. In the Netherlands, such a phenomenon was widespread as a conclusion of direct contracts between farmers and the state. According to the Agreement, farmers undertake to protect nature on their own land or on Earth, which is administered by any organization for the protection of nature. Having accepted the plan of nature management in 1990, the state demonstrated the intention to return the nature in the Netherlands, which should belong to it. In this case, the main environmental structure is of great importance, the network associated one from another natural zones. This network of natural zones should ensure the existence of plants and animals in the future. As a goal for 2018, the achievement of the total area of \u200b\u200bnatural zones in 700 thousand hectares is raised.

4. Political and geographical position.

The head of state - Queen Beatrix, joined the throne on April 30, 1980. According to the Constitution, it is endowed with broad powers, but really its power is limited to parliament. In fact, the head of state is the Prime Minister B. Kok.

Netherlands together with the Dutch Antilles and Islands Island, which are self-governing territories, form the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with a democratic parliamentary system. Now the current Constitution adopted by Parliament on February 17, 1983, and replaced the Constitution of 1814. The head of state - Queen Beatrix (Orange-Nassau dynasty), joined the throne on April 30, 1980. According to the Constitution, it is endowed with broad powers, but in fact its power is limited to Parliament. The highest legislative body is a parliament historically referred to as the General States. The law of the legislative initiative also has the public council (the deliberative body at the queen). The government is the Cabinet of Ministers.

Legislative power is carried out by the monarch (nominally) and general states consisting of the first and second chambers. For the first time, the general states were convened in 1464. The first chamber (75 deputies) is elected by provincial states on the basis of a proportional representation for a period of four years. The Second Chamber (150 deputies) is elected by direct elections on party lists with universal, equal and secret ballot based on a proportional representation for four years. Only the second chamber has the right of legislative initiative.

In the Netherlands, more than 70 political parties are officially registered. The right to elect and be elected established from 18 years of age. The Netherlands is one of the few states where foreigners have the opportunity to participate in elections, but only in local authorities and after five years of permanent residence in the country.

The Netherlands are divided into 12 provinces (the last province of Flevoland was established in 1986 in the drained territories), the provinces - to urban and rural communities. The provinces have a selected self-government body - provincial states elected for four years (elections were conducted in March 1999). The head of the provincial states is the Royal Commissioner. Residents of communities choose the Council for four years. His executive body is a board of Burgomistra and municipal advisers, headed by a burgomistrome, who is appointed Queen.

The country's judicial system consists of the Supreme Court, 5 Appeal, 19 District and 62 Cantonal Courts.

5. Economic and geographical position.

Holland is a small country. Almost all of her can be seen from the window of the aircraft. On the area it is less than the Moscow region. The Kingdom of the Netherlands occupies a territory of 41.5 thousand square meters. km, 40% of which is lower than the sea level.

Holland is a unique country. A person, by huge efforts, dismantled by the sea, step by step most of the sushi, and continue to dismantle it, creating the so-called Polders - drained land plots. Polded is done very difficult and long. The bulk of the sea, lake or swamps is chipped. Then pumped out salted water and remove the top layer of the soil. Instead, bring new land. It is impossible to leave the old land, since the soil is caught and the groundwater can rise and destroy all the living.

The Netherlands are located on the coast and the adjacent Western Frisian Islands of the North Sea, i.e., in the most densely populated, developed, industrial, part of Western Europe, where European and intercontinental highways intersect.

The boundaries of the country were installed at the Vienna Congress in 1815. And during the Belgian revolution 1830-1831, and remain without special changes so far.

According to the Square of the Netherlands (except for micro states), only Albania, Belgium and Luxembourg are superior. The length of the West to the East is approximately 200, and from the north to south 300 kilometers. It is noteworthy that the Netherlands Area is not permanent. Her wetlands is constantly dried and retained by the sea new lands. In 1950, the territory of the country occupied 32.4 thousand, in 1980 - 37.5 thousand, and in 1987 - 41.2 thousand square kilometers. And 14.3 million people live on such a small area (1983).

Due to the limited local raw materials base in many industries of the Netherlands, imported raw materials are used. Although the share of the Netherlands accounts for a total of 0.003% of the land of the earthly land, non-MEE this state since ancient times plays an important role in the global economy, politics and culture.

In terms of industrial production, the Netherlands are included in the top ten developed capitalist countries of the world.

5.1. Transport.

Figure - Porto-industrial complex Rotterdam in the Netherlands

The transport system is characterized by thick branchiness and development. More than 80% of domestic transport falls on automobile transport, 17% for water and only 3% per rail. In international transport, the leading position occupies a fleet - 60% of the cargo transported. On international road transport accounts for 8%, and on rail - 2.5%.

The Netherlands Sea Fleet includes about 550 ships, occupying 3rd place in the EU and 20 in the world. Taking into account tugs, their number of coaster exceeds 1,000. About 30% of the fleet make up tankers.

On the territory of the Netherlands is located the largest port of the world - Rotterdam. This is a unique giant industrial - transport hub. Rotterdam cargo turnover is 250 million tons. The basis of its specialization is mass loads - oil and petroleum products (30 - 50% of cargo turnover), ore and coal (up to 15%), grain, fertilizer (up to 15%). The freight turnover of the second on the value of the seaport - Amsterdam - is 1/10 Rotterdam cargo turnover. It specializes on the transport of piece goods, as well as mineral oils, feed. On the inner waters transported 200 million tone of cargo.

Automotive transport successfully competes with the railway and for many indicators has long surpassed it. The number of cars exceeded 5 million, of which 4.6 million are in personal property. The network of roads is growing, landscaped, although by convenience I am inferior to neighboring Belgium.

Aviation message is almost completely monopolized by the state company "KLM". The largest of the 10 airports of the Netherlands Schinhol is located 10 kilometers from Amsterdam.

Railways mainly belong to the state. Transport plays a paramount role in the economy of the Netherlands. The thick network of inland waterways, railways and motorways allowed to expand the Hinterland of the Netherlands nuclear ports far deep into mainland Europe. At this database, an outstanding transport assembly in the Rhine delta with the largest world port of Rotterdam has developed.

In international transport, the leading importance occupies a sea fleet, which accounts for 60% of cargo transported. If you add more cargo delivered by river ships, the share of water transport will exceed 80%. Automobile transport leads in passenger traffic. Passenger transportation railway transportation increases, and maritime - decrease.

Physico-geographical position

netherlands geographical country

The Netherlands are part of Western Europe.

Area of \u200b\u200bthe territory in the European part 41 526 km? (Susha - 33,888 km?, Water - 7637 km?).

Coordinates: 51 ° 55 "S.Sh., 5 ° 34" V.D.

The Netherlands is a flat country, more than 40% of its surface lies below the sea level. About 70% of the country's territory - anthropogenic landscapes, natural territories are very few and they are carefully guarded.


The total length of the railway network is 2753 kilometers (68% have electrified). Railway transport connects almost all major cities of the country and oriented mainly on passenger transportation. The main volume of freight traffic falls on the line connecting the port of Rotterdam and steel enterprises Koninklijke Hoogovens. The main directions of development are aimed at improving the efficiency and volume of transportation. Much attention is paid to an increase in the maximum speed (in some sections up to 160 km / h).

The total length of highways is 111,891 km. The flat relief creates favorable conditions for the development of the road network, but a large number of rivers and canals creates certain difficulties and risks in road construction.

The total length of shipping rivers and canals is 5052 km. An important role in the country's economy also plays ocean shipping. Rotterdam is one of the largest seaports of the world in terms of cargo turnover. The Netherlands processes a significant part of European cargo traffic. In the south, the River Rhine, Maas and Shelda rivers, forming a single delta providing seabed access to internal areas of Europe.

Geopolitical position

In the east, the Netherlands borders with Germany, in the south - with Belgium. In the north and west are washed by the North Sea.


The Netherlands belong to developed countries. The country's economy is the 16th largest in the world. Occupying 134th place in the world in terms of the size of the territory and the 59th population, the Netherlands are within the twenty leader countries on the total GDP volume (in 2010, according to the Central Bureau of the Netherlands Statistics, - 677 billion euros), in dozen - in terms of GDP per capita (40.7 thousand euros) and the total volume of import and export (650.1 billion euros), in the top five world investors abroad (about $ 480 billion), in the fourth of economic The leaders of the European Union.


In a quaternary period, the repeated alternation of glacial and interglacial eras had a great influence on the development of the nature of the Netherlands. Along the banks of the Netherlands stretches the dune belt, which is most fully preserved in the West, where it reaches a height from 20 to 56 m. The dunewater protects fertile pondars from flooding (dried and cultivated low-lying coast). Surface and underground flow on the pollea is regulated by a thick drainage network with pumping stations. These cultural landscapes are abounded by lakes that have arisen on the site of peat careers developed.

As a result of the centuries-old anti-elemental struggle, tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land were allocated, and the Netherlands acquired world fame as a country created on the seabed place. Indeed, if there were no hydraulic structures and coastal dunes, almost half of the territory of the Netherlands would be under water. In such a densely populated country, like the Netherlands, it is very important to ensure the protection of special natural zones. The state buys and manages particularly valuable natural zones. In addition, it provides financial assistance to private instances to acquire similar zones and management. More and more farmers, one and groups conclude agreements with the state. They undertake their obligations to protect nature on their own land or on Earth, which is administered by any organization for the protection of nature.

In addition, there are currently 19 diverse national parks in the Netherlands.