Butsenik Maria Grigorievna

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""Word to the speech therapist at the parent meeting""

Teacher-speech therapist MK preschool educational institution Tesinsky kindergarten

Butsenik Maria Grigorievna

"Word to the speech therapist at the parent meeting"

Report at the parent meeting for parents of children of the middle group

"The development of speech in children of the fourth year of life and its disorders."

The main direction in the development of a child's speech in the fifth year of life is the development of coherent monologue speech. At this time, there are noticeable changes in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, in the development of word-formation methods, there is an explosion of verbal creativity.

The active vocabulary is enriched with words denoting the qualities of objects. Children can determine the purpose of an object, functional actions with them (“ball” is a toy, they play with it), begin to actively select words with opposite (antonyms) and close (synonyms) meanings, compare objects and phenomena, use generalizing words (nouns with a collective meaning - furniture, clothes, shoes, etc.). Preschoolers of the middle group master different types of statements - description and narration. The speech of children becomes more coherent and consistent, the understanding of the semantic side of speech, the syntactic structure of sentences, the sound side, i.e. all those skills that are necessary for the development of coherent speech.

Often there are violations in the development of any components of the speech system.

In the speech of children of the fifth year of life, the following violations occur:

Intonational expressiveness is not sufficiently developed: interrogative and exclamatory;

There are shortcomings in the development of grammatical rules (coordination of nouns and adjectives in gender and number, the use of the genitive plural);

Sometimes children of the middle group do not understand the meaning of "difficult" words;

Poorly build a description, narration, violate the structure, sequence of presentation, cannot connect sentences and parts of a statement;

There are audio problems.

    For the development of colloquial speech, communicate more with the child. During walks, you need to pay attention to various objects: cars, schools, clinics, libraries. Tell the child why these buildings, objects are needed. Watch birds, trees, people, phenomena, discuss what you see with children - in general, enrich children's vocabulary, the stock of knowledge about the world around them.

    At home, read more often, talking about what you read. You can ask the child to retell the text.

    Play language games with your children, such as:

- "Who has who?" (a duck has a duckling, ducklings, a lot of ducklings, etc.);

- “Who eats what” (a cat - milk, a cow - grass, etc.);

- “Name different words corresponding to the proposed object (dog - kind, big, old, etc.);

- “Call me affectionately” (ball-ball, soup-soup, etc.);

- "Fix the mistake" (the skier needs a sled...);

- “From what - which” (from chintz - chintz, from linen, etc.);

- "Counting various items" (one bus, two buses, four buses, etc.)

5. do not teach children letters and reading if the pronunciation of any sounds is impaired, as the child will definitely associate the wrong pronunciation with the letter, and when he learns to pronounce this sound correctly, there will no longer be a letter for this sound, since the child conditioned reflex "sound-letter". What children hear in their speech, such a mispronunciation is associated with a letter.

In addition, letters, as a rule, are called “incorrectly” and children remember them incorrectly (M-Me-EM), (B-Be-B), etc. There are problems in learning to read. If you decide to teach the child to read, then the letters must be pronounced as sounds (B, C, D, etc.), learn to put them into syllables, words.

6. It is very important to develop phonemic hearing - this is the ability to hear sounds. With what sound the word begins, ends, how many sounds are in the word.

The problem that worries parents is incorrect pronunciation.

Normally, in children of 5 years old, almost all sounds should form, except for L, R.

Incorrect sound pronunciation is associated with shortcomings in the development of the articulatory apparatus.

The task of the parents is not to put sounds, but to help the child strengthen the organs of articulation, after which the sounds will most likely appear themselves if there are no serious violations. If the sounds do not appear, then they will be put by a speech therapist in special classes.

Available games with children to strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus: “lick” plates, lick lips, “make faces” in front of a mirror, stick out your tongue, reach your beard, nose with your tongue, “learn to spit a piece of paper”, do onomatopoeia: moo, bark, meow and etc. Make chew hard vegetables, fruits, meat, crackers, bread crusts.

Breathing development games: blow on a turntable, blow soap bubbles, blow on a boat, blow on a straw, on a cotton ball, play the pipe, harmonica. Learn to take water in your mouth, gargle, puff out your cheeks, hold air in your mouth, roll it from one cheek to another.

Dear colleagues, speech therapists, I hope that this information will be useful to someone. Parents wish their “children” well, and such games are accessible, interesting for children and parents - it’s useful, fun, entertaining, everyone loves to “make faces”, advise to involve dads, grandparents, etc. in games.

I wish you success and good luck in everything!!!

A series of speeches by a speech therapist teacher at parent meetings in the senior speech therapy group "Sun"

for 2014 – 2015 academic year

Zakharova Oksana Yurievna, teacher speech therapist

Parent meeting number 1.

Topic: “The specifics of teaching and educating children in a speech therapy group. The role of the family in overcoming speech defects.

Time spending: 3rd week of September.

Plan of conduct:

1. What is "speech therapy"? What is a speech pathologist?
2. Features of speech therapy work:
- the content of speech therapy work;
- forms of speech therapy.
3. Familiarization of parents with the results of examination of the speech of children of the senior speech therapy group.
4. The role of the family in overcoming speech disorders in children.
5. The positive aspects of teaching and raising children in speech therapy groups.

1. Speech therapy is the science of speech disorders, their correction through special training and education.
The term "speech therapy" is derived from the Greek words "logos" (speech, word), "peideo" (educate, teach). What does it mean "education of speech" in translation. Accordingly, a specialist engaged in speech correction (or “speech education”) is called a speech therapist.

2. How does the work of teachers of speech therapy groups differ from work in mass groups of a kindergarten?
In speech therapy groups, specialized work is carried out with children in the following areas:

Formation of the correct sound pronunciation;
- development of articulatory movements, movements of the organs of speech (lips, cheeks, tongue);
- improvement of phonemic processes, i.e. the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of speech, syllables, words in speech, similar in sound, articulation;
- improvement of the grammatical structure of speech;
- enrichment, activation of the vocabulary of speech;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands, i.e. finger movements (scientists have proven that the development of small finger movements is interconnected with the development of speech areas of the brain); preparation of the hand for writing;
- the development of coherent speech, which implies the ability to compose stories, retell texts, recite poems, riddles, proverbs;
- improvement of the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, correct breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech.

All of the above work is carried out in speech therapy groups in the form of classes with all children, in subgroup classes, in individual work. In addition, educators work on the development of speech every day, using regime moments, walks, free activities of children and everyday communication with them.

3. Work in speech therapy groups is divided into 3 periods depending on the time and correctional tasks. At this point in time, the first period of training has begun. One of the main tasks of this period is the examination of children's speech, which is carried out in September. The examination of speech was carried out with each child separately, the results of the examination and questioning of parents were entered into the children's speech cards. You can get acquainted with speech cards on an individual basis. What did the examination reveal?
Of course, violations of sound pronunciation (whistling, hissing sounds, sounds L and R). But, in addition, common to all children of the group is a violation called General Underdevelopment of Speech III level. This violation is characterized by such features as the unformed grammatical structure of speech, a poor vocabulary, the inability to compose a complete story with detailed sentences, and the imperfection of grammatical processes. Of course, within the framework of this disorder, the level of speech development of all children is different. You can learn more about the results of the survey on an individual basis after the meeting.

4. What is the role of the family, parents in overcoming speech disorders in children?
Do not think that speech defects will disappear by themselves over time. To overcome them, systematic, long-term corrective work is needed, in which parents play a significant role, since the child spends more time at home with people close to him. Parents should form the correct attitude towards a speech disorder in a child:

Do not scold the child for incorrect speech;
- unobtrusively correct incorrect pronunciation;
- do not focus on hesitations and repetitions of syllables and words;
- to carry out a positive attitude of the child to classes with teachers.

In addition, parents themselves must learn how to perform and show the child simple articulation exercises to prepare the speech apparatus for the correct sound pronunciation. Parents should pay special attention to homework. The speech therapist writes down advice, comments and recommendations on an individual basis.
I note that there are certain rules for working in home notebooks:

Notebooks are picked up for the weekend, returned on Monday;
- tasks for the development of fine motor skills of hands (drawing, shading, etc.) are performed with pencils;
- all speech material must be worked out, i.e. parents should achieve the correct and clear performance of the task by the child, even by memorization;
- assignments should be read to the child;
- all tasks are completed.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the child's speech environment. Parents should monitor the correctness of their own speech. Speech should be clear, concise, literate, expressive. Read poems, fairy tales, riddles more often at home, sing songs. On the street, watch birds, trees, people, natural phenomena, discuss what you see with your children. Avoid frequent TV viewing, especially adult content. Play with your child, establish verbal, emotional contact.

5. What are the advantages of your child attending a speech therapy group? This:

Correction of sound pronunciation;
- formation of competent, expressive speech;
- preparation for teaching reading (from the III period of the senior group) and writing in the preparatory group;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands, preparation of the hand for writing at school;
- enhanced preparation for school through additional classes on the development of speech, reading and writing, graphics;
- individual approach to the child;
- improvement of mental processes of perception, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

I would like to note that only in close cooperation of the family and teachers, it is possible to achieve a good, high-quality and relatively quick result in the correction and development of the child's speech. Continuity in the work of the family and kindergarten is carried out through individual consultations, visual information for parents and in classes that parents can attend by agreement with teachers.

6. Training for parents "Articulation gymnastics".

Articulation gymnastics is performed with a child in front of a mirror. The child repeats articulation exercises after the adult, the mirror serves as a means of controlling his own articulation.
At the training, parents repeat the main articulation exercises after the speech therapist, preparing the child's speech apparatus for the production of disturbed sounds and developing his mobility.

Parent meeting number 2.

Topic : “Speech therapy work in the II period. The relationship between the work of the family and the speech therapist.

Time spending: 4th week of February.


1. The structure of speech therapy work:

Lexico-grammar classes;
- classes on the development of coherent speech;
- classes in sound pronunciation;
- individual work with children.

2. Features of working with homework in children's notebooks.
3. The results of speech therapy work at this stage.
4. Questions of parents, individual conversations with parents.

1. Speech therapy work with children is carried out daily: 2 days a week speech therapy frontal classes with all children; Private lessons are held daily. The schedule of individual work with children is in the folder of the relationship between the speech therapist and the educator.
What frontal classes represent, you could see at an open lesson on the development of coherent speech in November. In the second period (December-March), the following types of frontal exercises are held:
Lexico-grammar lessons. For a week, a certain lexical topic is taken, within the framework of which the work is carried out:

By expanding and activating the vocabulary of children;
- to develop the correct use of grammatical categories (changing nouns by gender, number, case; using verbs in different tenses; agreeing nouns with adjectives and numerals in gender, number, case);
- on the allocation of prepositions in speech, the formation of an understanding of their meaning;
- on learning to answer in full sentences to the question posed, etc.

Classes for the development of coherent speech include teaching children to retell; storytelling from a picture or a series of pictures, according to a plan; memorization of poems; guessing and learning riddles.
In pronunciation classes, children learn sounds. There is a difference between the concepts of sound and letters: "We hear and speak the sound, but we see and write the letter." Sounds are vowels and consonants. In the classroom, children learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants. In addition, the concepts of a word and a syllable are introduced (a word is a part of speech that has a semantic meaning; a syllable is a part of a word that has a vowel sound, but does not have a semantic meaning).
In such classes, the development of phonemic hearing is carried out (i.e. children learn to distinguish sound by ear, isolate it from speech) in the form of exercises. For instance. “Say a word”, “Repeat a series of sounds, words in the same order”, “Say the opposite” (deaf - voiced or hard - soft sounds), etc.

Game with parents.

"Catch the sound" (selection of sound from the scale, syllable, vocabulary).
“As soon as you hear the sound “K”, clap your hands, catch it:
- A, U, K, T, M, P, K;
- PA, MA, KA, IT, ISH, IR;
Attention! We call consonant sounds and letters not “KE, ME, SE ...”, but “K, M, S ...”. The correct name is to prevent errors in learning to read (“MAMA, not “MeAMeA”).
The development of fine motor skills of the hands occurs in the frontal classes and in individual work in the form of finger gymnastics, in the classes on fine arts, in the classes of educators on the schedule in the older group, on writing in the preparatory group for school.

Game with parents.

Finger game "Family":
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is dad
This finger is mom
This finger is me
That's my whole family!

Starting with the little finger, we bend the fingers one at a time. Rhythmically we squeeze our fingers into a fist. Movement must be accompanied by words. First, we do gymnastics with one hand, then with the other, then with both hands.
Another goal of speech therapy work is the development of speech motor skills in children, which are carried out in the form of logarithmic exercises and dynamic pauses. For example, in a lesson on the theme "Wild Animals of Our Forests", you can make such a dynamic pause:

We run like bunnies
Like foxes we will run
And like a lynx on soft paws,
And like a big horned elk.

Moving in a circle, children imitate the movements of animals, necessarily accompanying them with speech. This contributes to the effective development of speech, the consolidation of words in the active dictionary of children.
As for individual work, it is carried out in the following areas:

Checking, working out homework;
- fixing the materials of frontal classes;
- development of mental processes of perception, memory, imagination, thinking, attention;
- articulation exercises;
- correction of sound pronunciation, including staging, automation of sound, its differentiation from sounds similar in sound.

Sounds are set and automated in a certain order: C - Z - L - W - F - R.

2. Work in home notebooks.
The material that is studied during the week in the classroom is given home for consolidation in the form of various exercises. Once again, I would like to emphasize that the child must draw, hatch, cut, paste in notebooks with his own hand. An adult can show, explain how to complete the task. Do not try to make an exemplary notebook out of a notebook, the main thing is that the child trains his hand, develops fine motor skills, and prepares his hand for writing.
As for sound pronunciation, the more often you practice, the faster the corrected sound will be fixed in speech. Exercise should ideally be daily. The task of a speech therapist is to set the sound, automate it in syllables, words, but if homework is not enough, then there may not be noticeable progress. The work of automating corrected sounds can be compared to sports: the result depends on training.

3. In general, after a period of time from September to February, progress in the speech development of children is already noticeable: automation of a number of sounds in the speech of children; this is the desire of children to work in the classroom, speak out, answer questions (which is called speech motivation); Children learn to listen and hear what is said to them.
Do you think the language development of children has changed? How is it shown?

4. Parents' questions to the speech therapist. Individual conversations with parents on work in home notebooks. Working with the sound pronunciation screen as a means of monitoring the sound pronunciation work.

Parent meeting number 3.

Topic: "The results of speech therapy work for the 2014/2015 academic year."

Time spending: 4th week of May.


1. Results of work for the year.
2. Tasks for the summer.
3. Individual conversations with parents.

1. At the end of the school year, there are 16 children in the group. The level of formation of sound pronunciation was 42% (at the beginning of the year 128 sounds were disturbed, 54 were corrected), the formation of phonemic processes was 61%, the formation of coherent speech was 48%. During the year, planned work was carried out at frontal, subgroup, individual lessons on sound pronunciation, on the development of coherent speech, on the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech. Consolidation of the knowledge gained in the classroom occurred when doing homework.
By the end of the school year, the children learned the basics of sound-letter analysis (allocation of sound at the beginning, middle, end of words), learned how to read syllables and simple words. The children's coherent speech improved: they learned to determine the sequence of events in a story, to compose a story based on a plan, and to answer a question in full sentences. These skills will improve over the next year. In the classroom, the children practiced the correct use of grammatical forms of speech (word games “What is missing?”, “1, 2, 5”, “One is many”, “Call it affectionately”, etc.). At each lesson there were games for the development of fine motor skills of hands and speech-motor exercises. In the process of speech therapy work, exercises were carried out to develop proper breathing and the tempo-rhythmic side of speech.
In general, there are positive changes in the speech development of children, in the development of mental processes. Thus, verbal negativism in the behavior of children disappeared. Children are not afraid of speech errors, willingly make speech contact, actively participate in classes.

Reading fairy tales, stories, poems by children's writers A.S. Pushkin, A.N. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, N. Nosova, J. Rodari, G.Kh. Andersen, the Brothers Grimm and others.
- Development of fine motor skills of hands, i.e. cutting with scissors, working with plasticine, drawing in “coloring books”, working with special copybooks for children 5-6 years old.
- Sound pronunciation is fixed in work on notebooks, in addition, parents exercise control over automated sounds in the child's normal speech.

3. Individual conversations with parents. Working with the sound pronunciation screen as a means of monitoring the sound pronunciation work.

Natalya Vladimirovna
Annual Plan for a Speech Pathologist

I work in a kindergarten with children who have a speech therapy conclusion: General underdevelopment of speech, level III. Work experience in the position of "teacher - speech therapist" - five years. It is known that the academic year of any teacher begins with different types of planning. The annual plan, which includes all sections of speech therapy work, requires special attention. I propose a version of the plan, in my opinion, revealing in detail the activities of a speech therapist during the year. Maybe someone will take note.

Annual work plan

teachers - speech therapist


Veklich N.V.

2012 - 2013 academic year

The goal is to provide qualified assistance to preschool children with speech disorders

1. Diagnosis and analysis of the level of development of speech activity of children of the speech therapy group and children of other groups of preschool educational institutions, of a general developmental orientation;

2. Development and implementation of the content of correctional work to prevent and overcome the general underdevelopment of the speech of children enrolled by PMPK specialists in a speech therapy group;

3. Development and implementation of individual-oriented programs for the development of children with severe speech disorders, taking into account the structure of the defect;

4. Providing advisory services to teachers and parents on issues of diagnosis, identifying features of the development of speech and communication in preschool children.

I. Organizational work

Primary examination of oral speech(designing speech cards, a speech therapist's diary). Objectives: to identify and determine the degree of speech impairment (the first two weeks of September).

Acquaintance with the data of medical examination, collection of anamnesis. Objectives: to clarify the etiology and nature of speech disorders

Completion of subgroups depending on the level of formation and the degree of violations of speech function. Objectives: to draw up individual plans for correctional and pedagogical work.

Examination of oral speech(middle of the year). Objectives: to generate a report on the dynamics of development and correction of the speech system.

Examination of the speech of children of all groups of preschool educational institutions, entering the results into the journal of primary speech diagnostics. Objectives: to identify children with speech disorders.

Development of a thematic plan, a plan for preparing children for literacy, individual plans. Objectives: to develop an optimal system of correctional and pedagogical influence in order to overcome the OHP and form the same starting opportunities when entering school.

Preparation and completion of questionnaires for parents. Objectives: to identify the individual characteristics and needs of children in the speech therapy group, the difficulties of parents in raising a child with speech disorders.

Registration of notebooks for the relationship of a teacher - a speech therapist and educators, notebooks for classes of parents with a child at home. Objectives: to consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in speech therapy classes.

II. Correction and development activities

Correction - developing frontal classes.

Objectives: to develop all components of the speech function

Individual sessions. Objectives: to correct speech disorders, form the HMF, develop fine motor skills, breathing.

Sub-group classes on the automation of sounds, the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, the improvement of coherent speech. Objectives: to consolidate the skills acquired in the frontal and individual lessons.

Frontal lessons in logorhythmics(together with the music director). Objectives: to develop the prosodic components of speech: tempo, rhythm, voice power, speech breathing, expressiveness of speech.

Develop coordination of movements.

III. Advisory and methodological activities

Consultations for educators and specialists based on the results of a speech examination of children:

1. "Causes and types of deviations in the speech development of preschool children"

2. "Techniques of pedagogical work on educating children in the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds"

3. "Types of work of a teacher in the development of dialogue speech of preschool children"

Open lesson "Formation of sound analysis and synthesis"


"Methods and techniques for automating sounds in everyday life"

Objectives: to provide the necessary advisory and practical assistance to preschool teachers in the development of the communicative function and the provision of the necessary corrective assistance to overcome speech disorders.

I.Y. Working with parents of a speech therapy group:

parent meetings:

"Let's get acquainted";

"Our first successes";

"Results of corrective work for the year."


1. “ONR. Ways to overcome ";

2. "Games that develop and enrich the child's vocabulary";

3. "How to educate a child's correct pronunciation skills."

Seminar - workshop

"Games with Sounds"


"Learning Poems";

"Playing is the best helper in teaching children at home."

Open door day (attendance by parents of classes, participation in sensitive moments in the group). Objectives: to acquaint parents with the results of speech therapy and pedagogical diagnostics.

Determine the methods and forms of interaction to overcome the OHP.

To acquaint parents with methods of speech development and correction of violations. To provide speech therapy assistance to parents experiencing difficulties in raising a child - a speech pathologist.

Y. Work with parents of pupils of preschool educational institution.


“First words and phrases. Speech development of children of the third year of life”;

"Why does the child speak incorrectly";

"Carrying out articulation gymnastics at home."

Seminar - workshop:

"Games to Enrich Children's Vocabulary". Objectives: to acquaint parents with the conditions for the formation of speech and the etiology of speech function disorders. To provide advice to parents of children with speech defects attending general educational groups of preschool educational institutions.

YI. Information and educational work. Training

Participation in MO DOW:

"Formation of dialogue communication between children and adults in various forms of activity."

Participation in RMS: Sound Games. Formation of phonemic processes"

Study of novelties of methodical literature. Passing refresher courses. Objectives: to take part in organizing the promotion of speech therapy assistance for the prevention and overcoming of speech disorders at the city (district) level. Share professional experience with teachers. Get acquainted with new correctional programs and technologies.

YII. Work to improve the equipment of the speech therapy room.

Development of new teaching aids

Creation of a subject-developing environment in a speech therapy room

Acquisition of methodological literature. Objectives: to create conditions for effective speech therapy assistance to children with ONR.

"I approve"

Head MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 11"

________________ /Mamaeva E.M./

The work plan of the teacher - speech therapist

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 11"

Bogdanova N.V.

for 2014 - 2015 academic year

The work plan of the teacher-speech therapist for the 2014-15 academic year

Target: To create conditions for overcoming speech disorders through the development, education and correction of pronunciation skills in children with speech pathology and all aspects of speech in general.


1. To study the contingent of children in the speech therapy group in order to form subgroups, taking into account the structure of the speech defect.

2 Study the documentation of each child, plan the main areas of individual work.

3. Organize preventive work to prevent speech disorders by promoting speech therapy knowledge among parents.

4.Create conditions for improving the competence of teachers. Conduct consultations and workshops.

5. Improve your skills through self-education and CPC

6. To study the program of correctional work with children N.V. Beggarly.

8. Create in the office:

* Center for Speech and Creative Development

*Centre for Sensory Development.

* Center for Motor and Structural Development

And to fill the developing centers with the necessary equipment and didactic materials.

I. Organizational and pedagogical work

Name of the event

the date of the

Preparing the classroom for the new academic year

Studying the documentation of children enrolled in a speech therapy group.

An in-depth examination of all aspects of children's speech.

Clarification of the structure of the speech defect and assessment of the severity of violations of different aspects of speech.

Filling in individual speech cards of children of speech therapy groups.

Drawing up plans for individual correctional work Building a speech profile for senior and preparatory speech therapy groups.

Development of materials for the diagnosis of RR according to the program of correctional work with children with ONR N.V. Beggarly

1st and 2nd week of September

Schedule individual, frontal and subgroup classes.

Completion of subgroups for corrective work based on the generality of the defect.

2nd week of September

Preparation of documentation for a speech therapist

1 week of September

Making notebooks - individual homework - speech therapy hours

2nd week of September

Diagnosis of children of speech therapy groups. Summing up the results of the academic year.

Preparation of an analytical and digital report on the work done for the PPMSc.

1.2 week of May

II. Correctional work

III. Methodological work

Participation in the PMPK preschool educational institution (diagnosis of children who have difficulties in mastering the kindergarten program, characteristics, recommendations)

According to the DOW plan

Participation in the pedagogical councils of preschool educational institutions

According to the DOW plan

Compilation of statistical reports on the state of sound pronunciation of children in preparatory groups of kindergarten

January, May

Design of the "Speech Therapist's Shelf" in the methodical office. Acquisition of "Speech Therapist's Shelves" with methodological and didactic literature on children's PR.

During the year

Studying novelties of special literature (on correctional work with children)

During the year

Studying the Program of Correctional Work with Children N.V. Beggarly

September October

IV. Working with educators.

"Characteristics of children of log. groups

(senior and preparatory, ind. features of children) "-consultation for educators of log. groups

3rd week of September

*Workshop on the formation of articulatory positions in children.

* Workshop "Techniques for setting sounds l, p"

2nd week of October

2nd week of November

Individual counseling of educators on the development of children's speech

Throughout the year at the request of teachers

IV. Working with parents

*Parent meetings

"Characteristic features of children with ONR"


"Development of fine and articulatory motor skills." Practicum (games and exercises)


How to prepare your child for school


"Results of the academic year"


* Folders - movers, speech therapist's corner:

"Reminder about reading" What rules should be followed when teaching children to read.



"We develop fingers - we develop speech"


What can parents do to improve their child's speech?

speech games


The development of children's speech by means of a role-playing game


"Soon to school" practical material to help parents
