Gauguin Solntsev is an extraordinary and shocking personality. Any program with his participation turns into the brightest performance. Fights and fights often occur. This is what the ratings of most TV programs are based on. After all, people at all times craved bread and circuses. How old is Gauguin Solntsev? Is he married? What are his creative hobbies? All the information you need is contained in the article.

Gauguin Solntsev: biography

The future showman and master of outrageousness was born on December 5, 1980 in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. Gauguin Solntsev (real name - Ilya Solntsev) is from a worthy family. His mother worked as a school teacher, and his father worked as an employee at the Russian Embassy in Greece. Unfortunately, family happiness did not last long. Parents divorced when Gauguin was very young. His grandmother and aunt were involved in his upbringing. The mother simply left her son, stopped taking part in his life.

Our today's hero began to show interest in the scene already in childhood. He loved to try on bright outfits, dance and hum funny songs. And Gauguin's first public performance took place in the school choir.


Solntsev's classmates dreamed of becoming economists, lawyers and engineers. Gauguin did not share their views and hobbies. He firmly decided that after school he would go to the theater institute. Having received our hero in his arms, he went to one of the Moscow universities. The bright and purposeful young man managed to pass the necessary exams and pass all the stipulated tours. The university administration invited him to enroll on a paid basis. But Gauguin's family did not live well. My grandmother and aunt had no money for his paid education.

However, the future showman was not taken aback. He signed up for free courses in network marketing. And soon the energetic guy got the position of distributor of a Swiss company that produces high-quality cosmetics.

Creative way

Gauguin Solntsev (the real name, as already mentioned, is Ilya Solntsev) has achieved considerable success in network marketing. But he was not going to give up the dream of his life - to perform on stage.

Gauguin's creative career began by accident. Once he, together with his girlfriend, after an evening movie session, visited a children's creativity club. At first, Gauguin Solntsev, whose biography we are considering, watched the classes from the side. But soon he asked the club administrator, a good friend of his, to give a master class in theater arts. After the first lesson, it became clear that the kids really liked everything. Then it was decided to recruit a group for teaching theater skills. After 3 years of painstaking work in the club, 10 teachers were subordinate to Gauguin. During this time, more than 200 children have been taught.

Looking for myself

Gauguin Solntsev - who is this? A talented teacher or a successful manager? Our today's hero did not agree with either the first or the second option. In search of himself, he managed to change several occupations: he worked as a perfume seller, a cashier in a theater and a loader in a store.

Gauguin is making new attempts to enter And once he managed to achieve his goal. Solntsev successfully passed the exams, but was not enrolled in A all because by that time he was fully formed. Then the guy went to the directing department. And he made the right decision.

Gauguin Solntsev - who is this? He is a born artist. It is always interesting to watch him. And it's impossible to guess what this guy will do next minute.

TV appearances

Solntsev managed not only to study, but also to earn money by performing in nightclubs. He sang modern pop songs, remaking them in his own way. Due to the complex nature and temper, Gauguin had conflicts with classmates and the teaching staff. In order to distract himself a little and relax mentally, Solntsev takes an academic leave and leaves for Los Angeles for 3 months. In America, our hero is undergoing training courses in acting, organized by the legendary Academy. After 3 months, Gauguin returns to Moscow.

Then he makes acquaintance with a manager who should represent his interests and organize concerts. The showman's disappointment knew no bounds. After all, the halls at his concerts were practically empty. Tickets were poorly sold out, and it was not possible to make money on the tour. But Ilya was not going to give up. He has come to grips with his promotion and PR. The guy meets one of the youth TV producers, who invites him to MTV. Gauguin came to the shooting of the reality show "Five in a Break" in the form of a "black demon". Russian Marilyn Manson made an indelible impression on both the audience and the creators of the show.

The bright and shocking Gauguin Solntsev was noticed by the producers of popular shows ("Dangerous Zone", "Dinner Party" and others). Offers for cooperation fell like a cornucopia.

In parallel with filming on TV, our hero records new songs, and also creates incredible costumes and images. In a word, he completely immersed himself in creativity.

Personal life

Articles and photographs periodically appear in the press with the caption: "Gauguin Solntsev and his wife." At the same time, the journalists are not embarrassed by the fact that the girls next to the showman were different.

In 2012, there were rumors that Ilya (Gauguin) was going to marry, But this information did not find any official confirmation.

This year, showman Gauguin Solntsev will celebrate his 35th anniversary. Most likely, the celebration will take place in a cool Moscow club, and the guests of the party will be shocking girls and guys, as well as representatives of Russian show business.

To date, our hero is not legally married. But it cannot be ruled out that soon the whole country will watch how Gauguin Solntsev and his wife walk together in the park, create comfort in the house and raise common children.

Scandals and fights

Gauguin dislikes a quiet and measured life. He is used to constant scandals and fights. Moreover, it is an integral part of his image. Over the past 2-3 years, there have been several fights with the participation of Gauguin. We decided to dwell on three cases in more detail.

In what scandals is Gauguin Solntsev seen? The personal life of a shocking guy is hidden from prying eyes. But almost every publication turns into a new scandal, which journalists immediately find out about.

In 2012, the showman had a fight with a waitress. This happened in a karaoke bar, where Gauguin often visited. At first, nothing foreshadowed trouble. The guy studied the menu and made an order. And then the waitress brought the wine not of the sort that he needed. The showman reprimanded her and asked to replace the bottle of alcohol. But the waitress did not listen to the complaint to the end and began to be rude. A guy with a quick temper, a rude answer was enough to lose his temper. He took a glass of wine in his hand and splashed it in the face of the waitress. She managed to dodge. However, this made Ilya even more angry. A fight broke out between him and the waitress. When the administrator entered the hall, they were both on the floor. It took a lot of effort to pull them apart in different corners. The managers of the karaoke bar suggested Solntsev amicably settle the conflict, that is, do without calling the police and an ambulance. At the same time, he was recognized as a victim and paid monetary compensation. The boorish waitress and the security guard who pulled Gauguin away during the fight were fired.

Let's consider the second case. It happened in October 2014. The showman, accompanied by his godmother Lydia, went to a clothing store located on Dubrovka. He collected goods for 10,000 rubles and headed towards the cash register. While the store employees were busy with the registration of his purchases, he talked on the phone and discreetly walked out the doorway. All would be fine, but in his pocket he had unpaid underwear worth 500 rubles. The store employees caught on in time and stopped the showman. How did Gauguin Solntsev behave? The fight between him and the saleswoman began after she accused him of theft. The shocking master said that he wanted to pay for the laundry, but he had to urgently answer the phone call. Who is right and who is wrong in this story is not entirely clear.

We have already mentioned above that the mother abandoned Gauguin when he was little. And he was brought up by his aunt and grandmother. But then, many years later, the woman expressed a desire to find her blood. This story was reflected in the program "We Speak and Show" (NTV). The meeting of the son and mother took place in the studio of the program. A young man with fists pounced on the woman who gave him life. He explained his behavior with hatred and contempt for his mother. For many years she did not think about her son, and now she wants to cash in on his fame and popularity. No reconciliation took place within the walls of the studio. Ilya said that he would never forgive his mother, that he would always consider her a stranger. But this is his personal business. After all, you cannot force a son to communicate with his mother, who abandoned him at a young age.

Who does he like - boys or girls?

Gauguin Solntsev - who is this? Is he straight or a member of a sexual minority? Flamboyant outfits, bright makeup and long wigs suggest that the showman likes feminine looks. Someone thinks that this is how he attracts the attention of the male.

Gauguin Solntsev, whose orientation interests many, has long crossed the thirty-year mark. He has no wife or children. This is also very strange. But, on the other hand, there are many adult men in Russia who do not want to start families. And this does not mean their non-traditional sexual orientation. On the contrary, the real macho do not want to dwell on any one woman. They change sex partners like gloves. Of course, Gauguin Solntsev does not belong to their category. The guy's orientation has been questioned more than once. But he himself does not get tired of repeating that he likes girls. And Ilya will not marry because he has not yet met that one.

To characterize Gauguin, such a word as metrosexual is suitable. This is the name for guys who dress stylishly and carefully look after their appearance. Our hero is just that. He does not accept stubble and poorly ironed things.

Arrival at "Dom-2"

At the very beginning of his television career, our hero attended various programs. But real popularity came to him after his appearance on "House-2". Gauguin came to the project twice. For the first time he appeared on the show to "light up" and take the place of the main intriguer - Rustam Kalganov. The outrageous guy gained popularity among the audience, but could not hold out for a long time within the walls of "House-2". The guys didn't like his hot temper and strange sense of humor. Gauguin's second visit to Dom-2 was also unsuccessful.

Filming in the program "Let's get married"

The outrageous singer and actor took part in various programs. He was invited as a guest and an expert in the field of show business. But this time he decided to become the main character of Let's Get Married. Three girls fought for the attention and heart of a freak. But the bright boy did not like any of them.

Gauguin Solntsev without makeup

TV viewers and regulars of secular parties are used to seeing Ilya in unusual images. He does "explosive" hairstyles and puts a lot of makeup on his face. Perhaps this is just a disguise. Gauguin simply does not want to open up to society. And behind all these terrifying images, he hides his vulnerable soul and kind heart.


Our today's hero was the bright and shocking Gauguin Solntsev. Who it is, you now know. You can treat him differently - hate and despise or adore and imitate. But it is impossible not to notice it. It remains to wish Gauguin creative success.

Gauguin (real name Ilya) Solntsev was born in 1980 into the family of a teacher and employee of the Greek Embassy. According to a number of Internet portals, Ilya's real name is Kravtsov. Ilya Solntsev, in his own words, took the pseudonym "Gauguin" because he is "the reincarnation of the French artist and sculptor Paul Gauguin In this life". And in what is reincarnation, he believed after having seen a dream in which he was painting a picture.

Gauguin himself stated that his parents transported him to Finland as a child. After receiving a certificate of maturity, the young man graduated from sales courses in the field of network marketing, then traded in cosmetics, theater tickets, and also worked as a loader. In his own words, he was engaged in sewing costumes for theaters.

It is reported that in 2008 he still received a diploma from the directing department of RATI-GITIS. Later he graduated from the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Moscow Government


On television, the young man appeared in the programs "Up to 16 and Older," "Matter of Technology," "Cactus and Company," more and more often appear in all kinds of television programs in which you can get as, if not a participant, then a viewer. These were such shows as "The Dinner Party", "House-2", "Dangerous Zone" and others. In 2009 he starred in one episode of the "Detectives" series.

One of the scandalously popular performances was the appearance of Solntsev in the program "Minute of Glory", where he performed with a group of grandmothers presented as "Grandmothers-Respect". The number was sharply criticized by the jury both for the vocal abilities of the performer and for the entire content of the performance.

Solntsev performs with a troupe called "Theater of Horror with Gauguin Solntsev" in clubs, then creates the ballet "Freak Cabaret". However, he does not achieve success with his performances.

An episode from the program is also known. Andrey Malakhov"Let them talk". There Solntsev shouted quite emotionally: "Lawyer!" This snippet has become a popular meme. In 2011, Solntsev was appointed host of the Mystical Moscow program on the Moscow 24 channel. Solntsev more than once became the protagonist of scandalous stories. He got into fights in a cafe with a waitress, with a seller of a lingerie store, on the sites of various TV shows, etc.

Who is Ekaterina Tereshkovich?

Ekaterina Lvovna Tereshkovich was born in 1955 in Moscow. She is a philologist by education. Earlier, Gauguin claimed that Catherine "has her own business, a country house and accounts in Swiss banks with a large number of zeros." However, in the program Dmitry Shepelev In fact, these data have been refuted. It turned out that she lives in a rented apartment. According to other sources, before meeting Gauguin, the woman starred in the crowd scene for 500 rubles.

With Gauguin Tereshkovich met in one of the Moscow theaters. Having become interested in the young man, the woman came to him at the theater. Tereshkovich allegedly offered to sponsor the activities of his theater. After some time, their relationship grew from partnership to personal.

Full name: Ilya Petrovich Solntsev

Stage aliases: Gauguin Solntsev

Age: 37 years

Zodiac sign: ♐ Sagittarius

Place of Birth: Russia Moscow

Nationality: Russian

Height: 177 cm

Family status: married (Ekaterina Lvovna Tereshkovich)

Activity: actor, director, showman

Biography of Gauguin Solntsev

There is a lot of talk and debate about the personality of the star of all kinds of shows, Gauguin Solntsev, some consider his lifestyle to be sheer shocking. Only one thing is certain - both the artist's biography and his personal life leave no one indifferent.

Where was Gauguin born, real name

Gauguin's biography is not filled with rosy pictures of pleasant events, his childhood and adolescence were happy with difficult ones. A young man who calls himself Solntsev Gauguin Rodonovich was born in Moscow on December 5, 1980. His real name is Ilya. According to some Internet portals, Solntsev's surname used to be different too - Kravtsov.

Actor and director Gauguin Solntsev

By his own admission, he took the pseudonym "Gauguin", as he considers himself the reincarnation of the famous French painter and sculptor Paul Gauguin. Solntsev believed in this after he saw himself painting pictures in a dream.

Gauguin's parents and brother

Gauguin's mother, Lyudmila Vasilievna, worked as a teacher. There is practically no information about the Pope, even his exact name is unknown, there is only evidence that at the time of his son's birth he was an employee of the Greek Embassy in Moscow.

Ilya Solntsev's childhood photo

Outwardly, the family seemed prosperous, but internally, the relationship between father and mother was complicated, and it even came to assault. During one of the quarrels, the mother could no longer restrain herself, took the child and left.

Lyudmila Vasilievna, mother of Gauguin

But after an unsuccessful family life, the woman's psyche was so shattered that she left her son to her sister and mother and left. In the life of Gauguin, mother appeared only when he became famous. The boy was brought up by his aunt and grandmother.

Gauguin with aunt Svetlana

At one time there were rumors that Gauguin Solntsev had a brother, Rustam, with whom they participated in the show "Dom-2". In fact, they are just namesakes, and for Rustam the name of Solntsev is a pseudonym.

Rustam and Gauguin Solntsevs

From an early age, my grandmother tried to instill in her grandson a love of beauty. Together they went to exhibitions and theaters. Very early, Ilya learned to read and write, from primary school he sang in the choir, attended a music school in the piano class.

Gauguin Solntsev in childhood and youth

From a young age, Ilya Solntsev dreamed of doing creative work in an acting studio, but due to the modest financial situation, the family could not realize his plans. After graduating from school, he nevertheless decided to apply for admission to a theater university.

Gauguin Solntsev in his youth

He passed the competition, only the course for the acting department has already been typed. He was offered a study on a commercial basis. The guy had no money, and he took up part-time jobs - he worked as a loader, sold theater tickets, completed courses in network marketing and distributed cosmetics.

Career and work of Gauguin Solntsev

The beginning of Gauguin's creative career was facilitated by chance. The former teacher founded a theater group and invited his talented student to a master class. As a result, Solntsev worked in the circle for five years.

Young Gauguin Solntsev with Natalia Krachkovskaya

During this time, several times appeared on TV in children's programs, worked with the Children's Academy of Television. Then he began to invent original compositions himself and perform with them in clubs. So Gauguin gradually began to conquer his audience.

Study at GITIS

Later, Ilya nevertheless entered GITIS, only not to the acting department, but to the faculty of stage directors, and graduated in 2008. During his studies, he often and heatedly argued with teachers, conflicts arose, because of which he had to take an academic leave.

Gauguin Solntsev in his youth

Having saved some amount by this time, Solntsev left for America, where for three months he studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Institute of Theater and Cinema. Returning to Russia, he began to go on tour, performing at concerts of pop stars as an entertainer.

Participation in a TV show

The bright and flamboyant Gauguin began to be noticed and invited to television in various projects: "Up to 16 and older", "Matter of technology", "Bring it right out", "Dinner party", "Dangerous zone", "We speak and show", "In fact ", "Let them talk".

Gauguin Solntsev on the TV show "Let Them Talk", issue 2012

Gauguin's most memorable appearance on television was his participation in the MTV reality show Five Out of the Box, where he appeared as Marilyn Manson, which surprised and shocked the audience.

Gauguin Solntsev as Marilyn Manson

Solntsev distinguished himself with his extraordinary behavior on Dom-2. Unlike his "brother" Rustam, who won ratings with intrigues and provocations, Gauguin shocked openly, arranging numerous conflicts.

Gauguin Solntsev on the TV show "Dom-2"

His incredible experiments with appearance constantly held the attention of the public. Gauguin was seen red and blond, with long hair and almost bald, with purple lipstick and false eyelashes. Sometimes he wore women's clothing and shoes.

Different images of Gauguin Solntsev

Now Gauguin is the founder and artistic director of the Moscow Theater of the Absurd, which involves many young actors. The repertoire is based on the drama of the Frenchman Robert Thom.

Gauguin's personal life

On the Internet, rumors about Gauguin's unconventional orientation are constantly circulating. There is no confirmation of this, speculation arises from the unusual image and bright shocking outfits. In 2011, Solntsev even came to the show "Let's Get Married" to find a wife for himself.

Gauguin Solntsev and his wife Ekaterina Tereshkovich

In 2018, the internet exploded with information that Gauguin got married. His chosen one was 63-year-old Ekaterina Tereshkovich. Little is known about her life before meeting Gauguin. She does not disclose to journalists the key points of her biography. She only mentioned that she had always dreamed of becoming an actress, but she received a philological education.

Gauguin Solntsev and Ekaterina Tereshkovich

According to Gauguin, Katya is a rather successful business woman, which is confirmed by a photo from her country house, expensive and luxuriously furnished. However, Tereshkovich does not appear on any list of wealthy people in Russia. In this connection, the press put forward a version that the woman is just an actress of the crowd, and once again plays the role that Gauguin needs for PR.

Dating history, wedding

Solntsev does not pay attention to journalists and declares that everything is serious and for love with him and Katya. They met in 2014 at a secular party. Tereshkovich offered financial assistance for Gauguin's theater projects. This is how their collaboration began, which in four years grew into love.

Marriage of Gauguin Solntsev and Ekaterina Tereshkovich

In April 2018, the couple registered their marriage at the Moscow Wedding Palace No. 4. Only the closest friends attended the ceremony. Solntsev's friend Diana Bicharova shared with reporters information that Katya Tereshkovich gave her young husband a capital apartment on their wedding day. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Cyprus.

Gauguin Solntsev in "Live" with Malakhov

Gauguin regularly appears on Andrei Malakhov's program "Live". On May 15, 2018, in the program, one could see exclusive footage from the honeymoon of Gauguin and Catherine, when they were vacationing in Cyprus. In the studio, they heatedly discussed who his wife really was - a chic millionaire or an elderly woman with modest income.

Gauguin and Catherine in Cyprus

On June 26, 2018, Gauguin's mother and her elderly daughter-in-law met for the first time on Live TV. On July 23, 2018, the scandalous married couple shared with the studio guests and TV viewers their plans that they are preparing to become parents. One could see rare footage of Gauguin and Katya choosing children's things in the store.

Gauguin and Catherine choose children's clothes

On August 27, 2018, they talked about what changes in appearance Catherine decided for the sake of her beloved young spouse. Gauguin said that he was terribly tired of hearing unflattering public comments towards their couple.

Gauguin and Catherine live on 27.08.2018

The public's reaction to the appearance of the extravagant couple Solntsev and Tereshkovich is not always straightforward. Someone condemns spouses, but there are also supporters of such a marriage.

Gauguin Solntsev - latest news

In October 2018, Gauguin with a noticeably rejuvenated wife reappeared on a television show. On the program, they tried to defame Solntsev, saying that they saw him in the club in the company of young girls while his wife was busy with her appearance. But he assured his beloved that it was just a working meeting with dancers from the show ballet.

An unusual couple tries to ignore the statements of others. They are good together. The spouses even talk about giving birth to a child with the help of a surrogate mother. In the near future, they are going to start searching for a suitable candidate.

They have to confront public opinion

Gauguin is currently working on a book called "Image Race Against Time." The author claims that he will open to readers from a completely unexpected, previously unknown side.

"There is no sweetness from fake news ..."

Gauguin carefully monitors his face and figure, sometimes surprising and often shocking the audience with new images. For several years he has been able to be one of the most talked about persons in the media. But only the closest people of Ilya Solntsev know about what is hidden under the bright mask of the actor.

What do you think about the personality of Gauguin Solntsev? Share your opinions and impressions in the comments.

Photo: Instagram,,

Recently, on the Internet and on television, the name of Gauguin Solntsev, a non-standard and shocking personality, has been increasingly appearing on the Internet and on television, with whom several high-profile scandals are associated. How did he deserve such fame, and what is the reason for such close public attention? The fact is that this person himself is a rather unusual representative of show business. He became famous for his appearance, because of which the young man is classified as a "freak". Another reason for public discussion was his marriage, because the age difference between the spouses is 31 years.

Who is Gauguin Solntsev?

One of the main characters in secular chronicles in recent years - Gauguin Solntsev - is not only a person with an unusual appearance, accustomed to shock the audience. First of all, this person is an artist, a representative of show business, whose career has developed in several directions at once. Among them are the profession of a radio host, and auditions in cinema and theater, and theater management.

Gauguin is best known for his willingness to take on the most unusual and, as it seems at first, strange projects. So, his main brainchild is "Freak Cabaret" - a kind of musical group, show ballet, outstanding for its provocative themes and non-standard approach to performances.

In addition, Solntsev's great popularity was added by a video that was scattered all over the Internet - an excerpt from the "Minute of Glory" show, in which he performs with a choir of grandmothers. The viewers especially remembered the hot arguments between the showman and the jury. But despite these disagreements, the video went viral, and more and more people learned the name of Gauguin Solntsev.

Here is the video:

Another notable event in the artist's career was his appearance in Andrey Malakhov's program “Let Them Talk” back in 2011. At that time, the video with the participation of Gauguin caused an unprecedented excitement among the public. Since then, this person has appeared in this program more than once, and after each release, the disputes and discussions did not stop for several more weeks.

At the moment, the most discussed is the news related to the personal life of a representative of show business. The wife of a 38-year-old actor is 31 years older than him.

Biography of Gauguin Solntsev

As you might guess, Gauguin is not the artist's real name. In fact, his name is Ilya, but the surname is not a pseudonym.

  • Solntsev was born in 1980, December 5. His hometown is Moscow. The boy's parents - a representative of the Greek Embassy and a teacher - were divorced, so his aunt was mainly involved in the upbringing;
  • the boy's life from an early age was associated with creativity and television. For the first time on stage, Ilya performed as part of the choir of his school. Since 1994 he was a member of the children's jury at the Russian Academy of Television, and later headed it;
  • after graduating from school, the young man dreamed of connecting his life with the theater, but he did not immediately continue his education in the desired field. In order to pay for his studies, Solntsev spent some time in marketing, working for a cosmetics sales company;
  • finally, in 2008, the future showman received the long-awaited diploma from the directing department of GITIS. In addition, he also graduated from the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship, and also took courses at the Los Angeles Academy of Arts;
  • for the first time a young man appears on screens in several television programs at once. Among them are such as "Krugolya", "Up to 16 and older", "Right now I will sing." However, after that, the artist temporarily disappeared from the public eye, focusing on finding his way in show business;
  • after a while, Gauguin was noticed by the producers of the MTV channel and immediately invited him to participate in several projects. The first of these was the reality show Five Out of the Box. This was followed by a series of successful filming in more famous programs such as "The Dinner Party" and "House-2";
  • it was during these filming that Solntsev formed the image of the "Russian version of Marilyn Manson", which he adheres to for a long time;
  • after the actor gathers his own troupe and gives it the flashy name "Theater of Horrors of Gauguin Solntsev." However, they fail to achieve popularity and public love due to their provocative concept. Therefore, Gauguin, for some time falls out of sight under the influence of alcohol, disappointed in the choice of his life path;
  • Fortunately, the black streak in the life of a show business star ends, and the troupe gets a second chance. A slightly changed concept, a different style - that's what helped them gain popularity;
  • at the moment, Gauguin Solntsev, in addition to managing his theater, is also engaged in teaching, teaches future artists acting and the art of directing.

Scandals associated with Gauguin Solntsev

The life of not a single public person can do without unpleasant moments and general discussion. The hero of the article is also no exception. Many rumors and shackles are associated with it, which at different times were monitored in various media.

  1. The most famous cases are when the artist did not hesitate to resolve the issue with the help of fists. So, in 2012, it became known that Solntsev got into a fight with a waitress in a restaurant, which brought him the wrong order.
  2. The second fight took place two years later, in 2014, when a saleswoman in a lingerie store in the Dubrovka shopping center suspected a man of trying to steal things.
  3. Some time later, a complaint was filed against Gauguin from one of the members of his troupe for assault.
  4. And in 2016, the showman attacked Dmitry Shepelev, accusing the producer of not paying the fee.

But it was thanks to this video that Gauguin became famous throughout the country ("lawyer !!!"):

Personal life of Gauguin Solntsev

For a long time, the young man was in a relationship with Galina Ivanova, whom he had known for more than 15 years. However, the girl became a victim of the Bitsevsky maniac. This event caused severe depression. Later, the artist spoke about the apathy and unwillingness to live that gripped him at that difficult time.

Yekaterina Tereshkovich, a 63-year-old native of Moscow, was able to save the man and get him out of this state. It was this woman who later became the artist's wife. Due to the age difference, the audience immediately brought up their personal life for discussion.

In this episode of the Live broadcast, Andrei Malakhov will tell why Gauguin Solntsev decided to return to his elderly wife:

Life with Catherine

The couple officially legalized their relationship in February 2018, which caused an unprecedented media stir. Since then, they have often become heroes of various television programs. The honeymoon of the newlyweds took place in the Dominican Republic.

Soon after, the couple announced their desire to become parents, so they turned to a family planning center to use surrogacy services. However, the spouses had to postpone this idea until better times, when they faced condemnation not only from the public, but also from their relatives.

"Gauguin Solntsev returns to his elderly wife"

In August 2018, it became known that Catherine decided to undergo plastic surgery, after which her appearance changed significantly. According to Gauguin, this entailed many unpleasant consequences. In the Solntsev family, there was a clear conflict caused by Catherine's harsh and cheeky behavior.

The last straw was the fight between Catherine and her daughter right during the filming for the TV show Andrei Malakhov. After that, it became obvious that the spouses were going through a difficult crisis.

However, Gauguin Solntsev did not leave his wife. At the moment, they visit a psychologist together, work on their problems and, according to the actor, many problems have almost found their solution. He is confident that working together on relationships will only bring benefits and a successful outcome.

Video: staged performance by Gauguin (lie about his wife)

In this video, NTV reporter Anatoly Lozhkin really is the millionaire bride Gauguin Solntsev, who is shown on the first federal channel:

The name of the thirty-seven-year-old showman Gauguin Solntsev is now heard, thanks to his participation in serial shows on central television channels. The love story of a young man for a grandmother, with marriage, details of sexual life, the transformation of a grandmother into a beautiful butterfly, and then abruptly into a neurasthenic person - this famously twisted plot was to the liking of an unassuming spectator, who innocently believes everything that the “box” broadcasts about.

Biography of Gauguin Solntsev

We will return to the scandalous telebrack a little later, but for now let's take a closer look at what the biography and creative path of the "star" is.


Ilyusha Solntsev (according to other sources Kravtsov) was born on December 5th. Born 1980. Father: Pyotr Solntsev, military man, employee of the Greek Embassy in Moscow. Mom: Lyudmila Kravtsova was a teacher. Sorry for the quality of the image, but there was no other baby photo.

In his early interviews, young Ilya-Gauguin talked about the happy childhood of the only, late, and therefore spoiled boy with love and attention from his family. He talked about overprotection. He described the family of parents as strong and friendly.

Everything changed in 2014. Gauguin Solntsev presented the audience with a different story of his childhood: the father raised his hand to his mother, and she left the family, returning to her first husband, with whom her eldest child remained. At the age of about 10, Ilyusha was left first without a mother, and then without a father, who did not need him. The boy was brought up and raised by his grandmother and his own aunt from his father's side. Ilya played with homemade toys, and the family ate an egg fight bought in the market (broken eggs are freed from the shell, poured into a bag and sold cheaply to poor people) and cabbage leaves collected for free.

However, the grandmother paid great attention to the upbringing of her grandson, so he studied piano at a music school, attended exhibitions and theatrical performances.

There are two different childhoods to choose from. The second, "orphan", is clearly more expensive, since it is discussed in detail on numerous TV shows.


We all learned a little ...

After graduating from high school, Ilya successfully passed the entrance tests for the acting department of one of the Moscow universities. However, budget-funded places were occupied, and he did not have the opportunity to pay for tuition at that time.

After graduating from courses in the basics of network marketing, Solntsev started selling cosmetics. But the need for self-expression and public acting turned out to be decisive in the fate of the young man. Once a former teacher invited Ilya to take part in a master class in a theater group for children that he opened. This was the beginning of the creative path of the future TV show star.

And Ilya Solntsev graduated from GITIS in 2008, however, not the acting, but the directing department.

There is evidence that he was educated at the famous Lee Strasberg Academy in Los Angeles, USA.

The appearance of Gauguin

How Ilyusha Petrovich Gauguin Rodonovich became ...

The hero himself tells this story in detail and with pleasure in his interviews. Say, once he saw himself in a dream painting a picture. It was "Still Life with Parrots" by the artist Paul Gauguin. Since then, Ilya Solntsev began to consider himself the reincarnation of the famous Frenchman.

Desire for fame

Far from immediately, the coveted fame came to Gauguin Solntsev.

And he worked a lot, his track record is surprising. Ilya, in cooperation with the Children's Academy of Television, headed the children's jury there, participated in television programs: "I'll sing right now", "Up to 16 and older", "The matter of technology".

To pay for his studies, he moonlighted by performing in nightclubs. It was then that the horror-story image a la Merlin Manson was invented.

In 2008, for the first time, he founded the international festival "Freak-factories", which later became annual.

An attempt to organize a show ballet was unsuccessful.

Gauguin Solntsev opened his own "Theater of Horrors" and a school of acting.

It was during this period that he became a guest or participant in popular television programs and television shows: "Dinner Party", "Fashionable Sentence", "Territory of Tenderness", "One Hundred to One", starred in one of the parts of the popular television series "Detectives".

He worked as the host of the Mystical Moscow program on the Moscow 24 channel. He tried himself in the role of a radio host (the program “in bed with a star” on the first sex radio).


Outrageous, at the very beginning of his career was only the appearance of the young man, but his behavior left no doubt about his good nature and balanced disposition.

Everything changed in 2014. At this time, our Gauguin Solntsev becomes the protagonist of several television shows. The plots are varied:

  • Refuses to help his mother financially, who is allegedly dragging out a miserable existence and forced to seek justice through the courts.
  • Blames the famous producer for not paying money for his performances.
  • Clarification of a relationship with a boyfriend of a former lover.
  • "An unknown person threatens Gauguin Solntsev with reprisals."

On these shows, the actor swaggers to his heart's content. He is not shy in expressions, interrupts other participants and hones his fistfighting skills. In the future, it was this image of an enchanting, impulsive, silly freak that appeared before the audience most often.

The actor performed his most striking role in the program "Let Them Talk", emotionally shouting: "Advocaaaat!"


Since February 2018, a new stage in the life of Gauguin Solntsev began, thanks to his widely discussed marriage with. The age and appearance of his chosen one cause not even surprise, but shock.

Here are his main "twists" of the plot of this media story, each of which was awarded a separate TV show in prime time on the federal channel:

  • Who is this mysterious bride of Ilya-Gauguin: a wealthy elderly woman or a poor crowd actress? Checking "lovers" on a lie detector.

A touching publication appears on the hero's Instagram page: wedding rings in a scarlet heart-shaped box. The difference of 26 years does not bother the groom.

Wedding. Honeymoon in Cyprus. Marriage registration. In the photo of this time, Gauguin Solntsev and his wife look happy and carefree.

  • On the show, Malakhov has details of his intimate life. 70 year old "young" wife meets her husband's mother.

The couple is thinking about the children. The newlyweds look at the counters with goods for newborns and here Gauguin Solntsev, who, by the way, previously answered all the journalists' questions about children that he did not need them, because they interfere with his career, he suddenly wished to have them from an old woman who was no longer physically capable of childbearing. Further in the show, it is just a farce with the search for a surrogate mother and the calculation of the costs of this event.

  • The next plot twist is unexpected. Gauguin Solntsev and his wife decide on plastic surgery for her, and leave the airwaves for a couple of months. The Internet is full of rumors, the audience is worried about the life and health of an elderly woman. The fiction about her untimely death persists.

And on the air of the same Malakhov, a happy mummy in bandages appears before the audience - Gauguin Solntsev's wife after plastic surgery and he himself, quite pleased with himself.

A little more time passes and Ekaterina Tereshkovich and her husband are playing a new show. Rejuvenated after plastic surgery, Katerina Lvovna, who was previously caring and economic, turns into a narcissistic, dissolute lazy woman.

Gauguin suffers from a mess in the apartment and eats purchased dumplings. The "highlight on the cake" was his fight with the faithful, he beat his wife whom he suspected of infidelity. One has only to look at the photo of this beauty, it immediately becomes clear that men now lie in stacks at her feet.

And the latest news. In the same place, on the program of Andrei Malakhov, Gauguin Solntsev left his wife, accusing her of adultery and mental illness. Ekaterina Lvovna, in turn, made the last episode of the TV show with her participation emotionally filled. She managed to knock out her daughter's tooth and fight with her husband's mother.

  • It is difficult to predict the next plot twist, since the one who invented it is undoubtedly talented: to compose such rubbish, and even sell it to a federal TV channel.

By the way, during the vaudeville with marriage, the reincarnation of Gauguin managed to radically change its image several times, demonstrating to the respectable public its effeminate beauty and grooming unattainable for ordinary townsfolk. The masks on his face replace one another.

The artist himself has repeatedly corrected his appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. The first operation was performed by him in 2012. Ilya wanted to "pump up" his lips. It didn’t work the first time; to achieve the desired shape, repeated intervention was required. Perhaps the hero played too much, and not always can already separate himself from the real from the fictional.

It's even interesting to watch these experiments, until the photo turns into a video and Gauguin Solntsev becomes too much.

Video: "Gauguin Solntsev staged an ugly fight on Live TV"