Pea is a herbaceous plant that is part of the legume family. It is grown as a food or fodder crop and is a pod containing pea seeds.

There are two main types for cultivation - sugar and shelling. The first is entirely used as food along with the shell. And the second is grown only for the sake of green peas, which are well suited for canning. Both sugar and hulled beans contain a lot of healthy protein, which is easier and faster to digest than meat, so it is very common in vegetarian dishes. More often, peas are cooked as a side dish, but they are also added to pastries, salads, first and second courses.

Calorie content for different types of cooking

Peas are eaten fresh or boiled, and for longer preservation they are dried, frozen or canned. Young beans from the garden, while still raw, have 74 kcal per 100 g, it can be added to salads or consumed separately. In a dry state, whether they are whole peas, chopped or in the form of cereals, they have 298 kcal per 100 g, and boiled in water contain 60 kcal. Boiled yellow peas make delicious cereals, mashed potatoes or soups. Calorie content of frozen peas - 72 kcal, and canned - 50. b

In the fried state, the calorie content of the product will increase significantly and will be 170 kcal per 100 g.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The chemical composition of peas is quite diverse. It is rich in easily digestible protein with a high-quality set of amino acids, essential carbohydrates (sugar), fiber, vitamins, macro and microelements. Fiber does not provide the body with energy, but it shortens the stay of food in the stomach and helps to cleanse the intestines. Amino acids comprehensively improve the functioning of the body, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. And vitamins affect the well-being of a person, controlling carbohydrate metabolism, as well as fat and amino acid. In addition, they affect the processes of oxidation in tissues.

Peas, fresh or frozen, contain: 5.2 g protein, 0.15 g fat, 13.6 g carbohydrates. In canned form - 3.6 g of protein, 0.13 g of fat, 9.9 g of carbohydrates. Dried and shelled: 20 g protein, 2 g fat, 53 g carbohydrates. Boiled - 5.9 g of protein, no fat, 9 g of carbohydrates.

Energy value of popular dishes

There are a lot of recipes with peas, there are more satisfying and, conversely, lighter ones. Any gourmet and a person who monitors his health can choose for himself exactly the dish that will suit him. But when cooking, you should take into account that dishes with peas have different calorie content, and this is very important for people who are losing weight.

Calorie content of dishes per 100 grams:

  • soup - about 66 kilocalories, but if you add meatballs or various smoked meats to it, then the calorie content will increase to 104;
  • hodgepodge "City", to which several meat options are added, 90 kilocalories;
  • sausage, which also includes beets, garlic, coriander, has 267 kilocalories;
  • chicken porridge has a calorie content of 93 kilocalories;
  • pea puree with champignons - 140 kilocalories;
  • vinaigrette with green peas - 72 kilocalories;
  • pea cutlets - 650 kilocalories.

Please note that the calorie content is approximate, as variations in recipes may vary.

Should I include it in my weight loss diet?

For those who seek to reduce weight, there is a pea diet, in which it is provided to replace one meal with a dish from this product (soup, mashed potatoes or porridge). Of course, you should choose those recipes that require a minimum number of calories in the finished version. However, this does not mean that you can afford more in relation to other foods. Pea porridge is quickly saturated, and it takes longer to digest, so the body receives useful substances and remains in a state of satiety for a long time. Peas also go well with fresh vegetables, which allows you to diversify the menu and make dishes healthier and tastier.

An important feature of this bean product is that when dieting, it helps the body to get rid of excess fluid, thereby preventing swelling. Increased metabolism is another merit of peas, thanks to which it helps to speed up fat burning.

And it is not surprising that athletes often use green peas in their diet, charging their body with energy for a long time.

But it should be noted that the bean diet is contraindicated for people who are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thrombophlebitis, diabetes, gout, kidney disease. And for those who want to try a pea-based diet, you should know that it does not lose its properties in any form - canned or dry. But for better absorption, beans must be soaked for 12–24 hours before cooking. This will neutralize phytic acid, which by its nature significantly reduces the benefits of the finished product.

You will learn more about peas in the following video.

One of the leading places among its counterparts is pea porridge, the calorie content of this dish is quite low. In addition to this property, it quickly satisfies hunger, fills the body with priceless trace elements and vitamins. This product can be a great alternative for vegetarians as it is very rich in protein. And without it, as you know, the body can not do.

Composition and calorie content of pea puree

A unique guest on our table is famous for its high protein content. Due to its plant origin, it is very easy to digest. This trace element performs a number of important functions in the life of the body:

  1. It is a building material. Takes part in the structure of cells, bone tissue, nails and hair. Protein (protein) contributes to a set of muscle mass.
  2. It acts as a "vehicle" for the delivery of important substances (oxygen, fats, carbohydrates, etc.) to any point in the body.
  3. An invaluable element for the production of antibodies.
  4. Provides energy to the body.

In addition to protein, pea porridge contains a high content of slow (complex) carbohydrates. Namely, 17.7 g per 100 g of a boiled dish. The property of this trace element lies in the fact that this type of carbohydrate is absorbed slowly. And the blood constantly receives the glucose that the body needs, which is very important for athletes.

Thanks to this, the feeling of hunger does not come for a long time, despite the fact that the calorie content of pea porridge is only 90 kcal. This type of carbohydrate is also interesting because under its influence fats are burned much faster, and the body's endurance increases.

Fiber must be added to the listed substances. Due to its coarse and hollow fibers, it helps people get rid of excess weight. At the same time, with extra pounds, it takes the remains of undigested food from the body and removes toxins.

The dish is also rich in vitamins of groups A, B and E, amino acids, macroelements. They play an important role in the normal functioning of the whole organism. In a word, this dish is a "storehouse" of many useful substances.

What are the benefits and harms of pea porridge

In order to understand how pea puree affects our body, it is enough to list a number of facts:

  • The body receives a huge set of valuable substances that are easily absorbed.
  • A dish prepared with ordinary water normalizes blood pressure, helps patients in the fight against atherosclerosis (blockage of blood vessels).
  • For athletes, this is a vital product. Due to the high protein content, muscle mass grows very quickly.
  • Removes salt.
  • It has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin.
  • The condition of hair and nails improves significantly, stimulates their growth.
  • Accelerates the metabolic process.
  • A great helper in the fight against pathological fatigue.
  • Improves the functioning of the immune system.
  • Removes toxins and stones from the body.
  • Gives people with poor eyesight a chance to improve it.
  • Eliminates the problem of constipation.
  • It has a diuretic property (removes excess fluid from the body).

The list of positives is long. But even such a positive product on the one hand has its drawbacks.


  1. Inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.
  2. Chronic or acute kidney disease.
  3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Gout.
  5. Circulatory disorders.
  6. The tendency of the body to flatulence (bloating).
  7. Gastric ulcer.

Please note that young children include pea puree in their diet after 3 years. So, you will save the baby from unnecessary suffering, which will manifest itself in the form of bloating and pain in the abdomen.

Despite all the unpleasant moments, many people fell in love with this dish due to the fact that the calorie content of pea porridge is not so high (90 kcal per 100 g). Therefore, it often plays a special role in dietary nutrition.

How to calculate the calorie content of a dish

The nutritional value of porridge largely depends on what ingredients are added to it. To correctly calculate the number of calories, you need to know that peas cooked only in water contain 90 kcal per 100 g.

If you fill this dish with butter, then its calorie content will increase by the number of calories of this ingredient. Namely, the average nutritional value of oil per 100 g is 750 kcal. Therefore, we filled the porridge with 10 g of oil, add another 75 kcal to 90 kcal. As a result, we get 165 kcal per 100 g serving.

Love mashed potatoes with a variety of vegetables. In this case, the calorie content of pea porridge is calculated in the same way (taking into account the nutritional value of each ingredient).

Which option of porridge will be chosen is up to you. If you want to lose weight, give preference to a lower calorie option. If you are underweight, consider another option for yourself. In any case, your body will remain only in the black, as it will receive a huge amount of nutrients from this dish.

Video recipe for pea porridge

Peas are the most popular representative of legumes, regularly appearing on our tables.

The simplest but most delicious dish from it is pea porridge, the beneficial properties of this dish, how many calories are in pea porridge, as well as the best recipes for its preparation will be discussed below.

Calorie content of pea porridge

Pea porridge has been prepared for a long time, because this product was inexpensive and available at all times. Among the Slavic peoples, delicious pea porridge is especially famous, although as a culture, peas came to us from the East.

The grains of a herbaceous plant of the legume family have the richest composition, where there are a lot of carbohydrates, sugars, valuable protein, and starch.

The number of calories in a dish will greatly depend on the composition of the products for its preparation. So, the calorie content of pea porridge on water is only 90 kcal / 100 g. The porridge with the addition of butter is more tasty, but the calorie content is 135 kcal.

Despite the increase in the indicator, the oil helps to better absorb the nutrients of the peas, so its introduction will be beneficial. The calorie content of such a dish as pea porridge with smoked meats or meat is already 200 kcal.

BJU pea porridge (on water):

  • Proteins - 6.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 16 g;
  • Fats - 0.6 g.

Pea porridge - the benefits and harms

The product contains a huge amount of vitamins. So, vitamin PP in 100 g of it is more than 32% of the daily norm, and vitamins B1, B5 - more than 50%. Porridge contains a significant proportion of beta-carotene, provitamin A, other B vitamins, alpha-tocopherol, biotin, and choline.

The mineral composition of the product is simply amazing. There are all the main macroelements, microelements, as well as rare minerals - chlorine, selenium, tin, zirconium, strontium, nickel, cobalt, aluminum, fluorine, vanadium.

Protein from peas is absorbed much better than meat proteins, so peas can adequately replace meat food on the table.

Scientists are convinced that regular consumption of pea dishes helps prevent cancers of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Such food also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system - it lowers blood pressure, cleanses the blood of excess cholesterol, and prevents atherosclerosis from developing.

It is also useful for children after 3 years and adolescents to eat pea porridge. It helps to increase muscle mass, promotes the absorption of calcium and maintains a balance of phosphorus.

Porridge is important for women because of its ability to rejuvenate the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

What is useful pea porridge yet? This:

  • positive effect on the joints, help with rheumatism;
  • regulation of metabolism, lowering sugar in diabetes;
  • reduction of feelings of fatigue, stress, benefits in nervous diseases;
  • increased immune defense;
  • improvement of vision, prevention of senile eye diseases;
  • removal of cholesterol stones from the gallbladder.

Harm from pea porridge

You should not eat a dish if diagnosed with:

  • acute kidney disease;
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diarrhea of ​​any origin;
  • severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels.

Children (before 3 years old it is not advisable to eat a dish), the elderly should not abuse peas. In large quantities, it increases gas formation, gives bloating, sometimes heartburn, which must be taken into account when compiling a diet.

How much to cook pea porridge

The most useful in terms of vitamins and minerals is not shelled peas, but it is the whole product that is cooked the longest.

It must be soaked without fail, preferably overnight. Beforehand, the product should be washed, spoiled grains should be removed. It is better to put it for cooking in the water in which it was soaked.

Boiling time for split peas is usually 30-60 minutes. Whole grains are cooked longer - up to 1.5 hours. Peas will cook evenly if you cook them in a heavy-bottomed pot. Other cooking secrets:

  • Observe the proportions of pea porridge and water, but if necessary add boiling water.
  • Bring the dish to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low.
  • Ready porridge is when it becomes like mashed potatoes.
  • To eliminate the ugly gray color of the dish, you can add a little sugar to it.

How to cook pea porridge

Products for the simplest version of the dish:

  • peas - 2 cups;
  • water - 8 glasses;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil

Put the clean soaked peas on the fire, boil until tender, stirring regularly. Then top the dish, season with salt and butter. Separately, you can fry onions, carrots, add to the mass. Pea goes well with cream, cracklings.

How to cook pea porridge in a slow cooker

A step-by-step recipe for pea porridge for a slow cooker is given here:

  1. Soak the cereal overnight, or in hot water for several hours.
  2. Drain the water, rinse the cereal.
  3. Pour it with cold water (the proportions of peas and water for porridge are 1:3, for well-soaked peas - 1:2).
  4. Put the bowl in the slow cooker on the “quenching” mode for about an hour.

After cooking, puree can be chopped with a blender, add any oil.

Recipe for pea porridge with meat


  • meat - 200 g;
  • peas - a glass;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • onions, carrots - to taste.

In the “frying” mode, fry carrots, onions in any oil, add pork ribs or chicken pieces. After 15 minutes, pour soaked peas, pour boiling water. Stew the dish for about 1.5 hours. Salt, add spices.

The recipe for porridge from peas will be very tasty if you cook a dish with liver. This product must be pre-cleaned of films, cut into cubes, soaked in milk for an hour. Separately fry the liver boned in flour. Add it to almost ready porridge from peas, which was cooked according to the usual recipe.

Pea porridge - a recipe without soaking

The hostess does not always have time for a long soak of peas. How to cook pea porridge so that the peas boil, but without a long soak? There are some cooking secrets:

  1. Pour the grits (chopped) with boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, then drain the boiling water. Next, cook the dish as usual.
  2. Rinse the cereal, pour cold water. After boiling, add a teaspoon of soda to the pan.
  3. Before cooking, pour warm water over the peas with a tablespoon of soda, soak it for at least half an hour. Then rinse the cereal, cook.
  4. When cooking, do not salt the cereal - salt does not allow the kernels to boil soft. This must be done when ready.

If the product is small and fresh, and the cooking utensils have thick walls, it will probably cook faster. Soda as an additive shortens the cooking time to 40 minutes, and that's without soaking.

It is important to stir the peas regularly - they burn quickly. Spices and oil in porridge should also be added when ready.

These cereals have long become a part of not only cooking, but also our culture, and traditional Russian cuisine has dozens of recipes for dishes from these cereals. This tradition dates back to antiquity, before the introduction of potatoes, when pea porridge, for example, was an everyday dish in a peasant family. The craze for overseas cuisines has led to the fact that these dishes have practically ceased to be prepared. However, now the situation has changed: porridges are served in restaurants, they are included in the lean and vegetarian menus, and diets are even developed on their basis. Let's once again remember or learn about the calorie content and the benefits of each porridge.

Properties and calorie content of pea porridge

It is prepared from specially processed food peas, which tend to be stored for a long time. What's the use? Peas (like all legumes) are the champion in vegetable protein content. Therefore, pea porridge is a very useful product from this point of view. In addition to protein, it contains magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, carotene. Due to the high amount of protein, it is often consumed by athletes, and it is also indicated for people with tuberculosis, constipation and cardiovascular diseases. It is very nutritious, despite the fact that the calorie content of pea porridge is only 92 kcal per 100 grams of product. Because of this, it is included in diets: it gives strength, but is not deposited in excess weight. However, this is provided that it is eaten without salt, butter, bread and smoked meats. The calorie content of pea porridge is one of the lowest among known cereals.

Corn porridge

Corn is a versatile and widely used product. Flakes, sticks, cereals for cereals are made from it, boiled whole, added to salads, flour is made, which is present in many culinary recipes. Corn products are used in almost all cuisines of the world - it is loved everywhere.

If we talk about porridge, then it contains vitamins (A, B), silicon, iron and dietary fiber, which fight putrefactive processes in the intestines, and is high in carbohydrates. It belongs to easily digestible products, removes fat and pesticides from the body. Corn porridge, the calorie content of which is about 330 per 100 grams, is recommended as a dietary dish, but on the same water without salt and other additives.

Buckwheat porridge

A unique product, the description of the qualities of which does not require preliminary introductions. It is better to immediately list specific useful elements. So, the porridge contains: copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamins PP, E, B1, B2, oxalic, citric and menolenic acids, which improve digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, active substances phospholipids, which promote the regeneration of cells and tissues .

Today it is actively used in weight loss programs, because the calorie content of buckwheat porridge on water is only 132 kcal per 100 grams. By eating porridge, you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the heart, and the function of the thyroid gland. Buckwheat is indicated for rheumatism, diabetes, toxicosis in pregnant women, hypertension, nephritis. Each porridge contains enough useful substances and they are considered dietary products, however, the calorie content of pea porridge is lower than that of the rest.

The recipe for making porridge is very simple. It is necessary to soak 400 g of peas for several hours. Then the peas are poured into 1.2 liters of fresh drinking water and boiled until tender.

Pea porridge on the water is an extremely useful product. This porridge contains a lot of B vitamins (necessary for the normal functioning of the circulatory and nervous system), vitamin E (slows down aging, improves skin condition), vitamins C (strengthens the immune system) and A (supports healthy vision).

Calorie content of pea porridge without oil per 100 grams is 74 kcal. In a 100-gram serving of the dish:

  • 5.1 g protein;
  • 0.48 g fat;
  • 13.4 g of carbohydrates.


  • 0.2 kg of dried peas are soaked for 12 hours in cold water;
  • soaked peas are washed, pour 0.6 l of water, bring the mixture to a boil;
  • pea porridge is cooked over low heat with occasional stirring for half an hour;
  • the finished porridge is mixed with a blender, greens and salt are added to it to taste.

Calorie content of pea porridge on water with oil per 100 grams

The calorie content of pea porridge with butter per 100 grams depends on the composition of the dish. So, when butter is added to porridge, the calorie content in 100 g increases to 134 kcal. In the case of using vegetable oil for cooking, pea porridge will have at least 142 kcal.

Due to the presence of oil in the composition of the oil, the fat-soluble vitamins of porridge are much better absorbed. Such a dish better restores the energy balance in the body.

The benefits of pea porridge

The following benefits of pea porridge are known:

  • the dish is useful for maintaining the health of blood vessels and the heart;
  • with regular consumption of such porridge, blood pressure normalizes, headaches occur much less frequently, atherosclerosis is prevented;
  • pea porridge promotes rapid muscle growth;
  • this product removes excess salts from the body, improves the condition of nails and hair;
  • doctors recommend pea porridge for the prevention of chronic fatigue, with severe physical and mental stress;
  • the dish contributes to the rapid removal of toxins from the body;
  • The diuretic properties of pea porridge have long been known.

Harm of pea porridge

Despite the fact that pea porridge has a high utility, this product has a number of contraindications:

  • porridge is not allowed for children under 3 years old;
  • the product is contraindicated in cholecystitis and inflammatory processes of the pancreas;
  • porridge should be discarded in case of exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, acute kidney diseases, disturbances in the functioning of the vascular system;
  • in many people, pea porridge on the water provokes severe flatulence.