Every month should bring only positive emotions and good memories. A detailed astro forecast will help you avoid trouble and lure good luck in April 2017.


For the fiery Aries, this spring month is generally filled with positive: the patron planets of your Sign are in a strong position and generously endow you with their energy.

From April 1 to April 18, the Sun, which gives energy to your Sign, is in the constellation Aries. At this time, you can safely take on almost everything: success accompanies you everywhere, any ideas with due diligence will bear fruit. Number 2 semi-sextile of the Sun and Neptune will help you successfully resolve internal and external conflicts. On the 7th, the opposition of the Sun with Jupiter can destroy the harmonious state, so try not to make important decisions on this day. On April 16, the aspect of the ruling planet with Venus will contribute to a creative breakthrough.

On April 19, the Sun moves into the constellation Taurus, remaining in a comfortable position. This time is more calm and conducive to contemplation and the search for inner harmony. A good way to bring yourself into the right state will be sports, meditation and the practice of holotropic breathing. On April 20, the conjunction with Mercury will contribute to the mobilization of forces and active self-realization.


For Taurus, April is ambiguous and full of changes both in the external environment and in the internal state. In the first week of the month, the moon patronizing you is in a strong position. This period is successful for any undertakings and solving issues that require you to be highly collected.

However, already on April 7, the Moon will move from the constellation of Leo to the constellation of Virgo, having lost most of its strength. From the 7th to the 9th, violations of plans and conflicts are possible, so try not to plan important things for this time.

On April 11, the Full Moon in Libra will fill you with energy and help smooth out the conflicts that have arisen, but in general, until the 16th, your energy will be in decline. On April 17, the Moon moves into the constellation Capricorn, entering into conjunction with Saturn. This day will require you to be active and bright deeds. From April 22 to April 30, the Moon will again be filled with strength, so these days will be favorable. On the 26th, the New Moon in the constellation of Taurus and the trine of the Moon with Saturn will attract creative ideas and help from loved ones to you.


For Gemini, this spring month does not promise to be stable: favorable and unfavorable periods, dictated by the change in the energy of your antagonist planets, will replace each other several times throughout the month.

Between April 1 and April 6, your personal energy will be suppressed by the negative influence of a strong moon, so try not to overburden yourself during this time. From April 7 to 9, the transition to the constellation Virgo will significantly weaken the negative influence of the Moon on your Sign. The April Full Moon on the 11th is unfavorable for any travel and activity. At this time, the Moon will be strong, so beware of injury and be careful with vehicles.

From the 17th to the 19th, staying in the constellation of Scorpio will again weaken the energy of your antagonist. The Saturn conjunction encourages you to limit your activities and take time to take a break and reassess your plans. On the 22nd, the negative impact on your Sign will resume, so try to free the last week of the month from all meetings that are important to you in advance.


For those born under the constellation Cancer, the second spring month is filled with both positive and negative energy in equal measure. Most of the achievements will depend on your efforts and willingness to stand up for your opinion. The first week is more positive for you: the Moon, patronizing your Sign, is in a strong position and gives you positive energy. On April 5 and 6, the trine of the Moon and Venus will contribute to the achievement of stability and will attract the help of friends and loved ones to you.

On the 7th, the Moon moves into the constellation Virgo, losing a significant part of its strength. Until April 9, your energy is weakened, and therefore no important events should be planned for this period. The full moon in the constellation of Libra on the 11th will slightly improve the situation: on this day the Moon is quite strong, and your energy field will also increase.

The period from April 12 to 21 is not very favorable for all Cancers: most of the time, the planets protecting you are in a weak position and cannot provide support on a subtle plane. On April 12, the aspect of the Moon and Saturn will give you the opportunity to achieve your goal if you clearly imagine the path to it. On the 17th, a trine with Venus will help smooth out conflicts and achieve stability: use this time to sort out yourself and your feelings. On April 20, the square of the Moon and the Sun can lead to a crisis situation, which will become a kind of strength test for you. From April 22 to April 30, the Moon is in a favorable position, so your well-being will also begin to improve.

a lion

For Leo, this month is extremely unstable: the struggle between the antagonist planets and the patron planets of your Sign will directly affect your morale. The first week of April is not the most favorable time: the Moon is in a comfortable position and negatively affects your personal energy. Try to put aside all the important things and get more rest. On April 7, the Moon moves into the constellation Virgo, losing most of its strength.

On April 8, the quadrature of the Sun and Pluto patronizing you can lead to a crisis and internal struggle. On April 15, the semi-sextile of the Sun and Mars will give impetus to active creative growth: at this time, you can achieve significant success if you activate your internal reserve.

The last week of the month will not be so favorable for you. On the 22nd, the Moon will again take a comfortable position for itself, destructively affecting your energy field. Sextile with Mercury will take away your ability to quickly achieve your goals. Until April 30, carefully control your emotions and take great care of your health.


In general, the month will be favorable for Virgo, but the instability of the position of your patron planets can lead to frequent mood swings and emotional problems.

In the period from April 1 to April 6, the Moon is in a comfortable position and favorably affects your condition. At this time, you can safely take on any business that requires your composure and increased attention. On April 6, the trine of the Moon and Venus will contribute to a creative breakthrough and the emergence of new ideas. From 7 to 9, the Moon is weakened and is in the constellation of Scorpio: many things should not be planned for this period.

The second half of the month is more calm and stable. From April 12 to April 21, the Moon is still weak, so you need to save energy and control your words and actions intensely. On the 17th, the conjunction with Saturn will help you get closer to realizing your dreamsif you put in enough effort. On April 22, the Moon will move into the constellation Pisces, once again taking a comfortable position for itself. Until April 30, the energy of your patron planet will be consistently positive, so it is at this time that it is better to plan all important business and meetings.


For Libra, the second month of spring brings a powerful wave of negativity. The antagonist planet of your Sun Sign is in an extremely strong position throughout the month, weakening and draining your personal energy.

On April 2, the semi-sextile of the Sun and Neptune can cause inner feelings and apathy: try not to succumb to a bad mood and seek solace in your favorite hobby. On April 7, the confrontation with Jupiter will slightly ease the internal tension and remove the need for a difficult choice. On the 14th, the conjunction of the Sun and Uranus can make it impossible for you to act decisively, so try not to take responsibility and not participate in any competition.

The second half of the month is less unfavorable: on April 19, the Sun will move from the constellation of Aries, which gives it tremendous energy, to the constellation of Taurus. In this position, your antagonist planet is slightly less powerful, but still capable of destructively influencing all representatives of Libra. On April 20, the conjunction with Mercury may interfere with the realization of your long-term plans, but the rest of the time, all personal achievements will depend on the efforts invested.


For Scorpios, April will be an extremely ambiguous time. The frequent change of positive and negative energy is comparable to a swing on which you will either take off or fall down.

From April 1 to April 6, the Moon is in a strong position and negatively affects your energy field. On the 3rd, the opposition of the Moon and Saturn can put you in front of a difficult choice. On April 7, the Moon will move into the constellation Virgo, losing its strength: on this day you can achieve harmony if you do not create a conflict situation with your actions. On April 11, the Full Moon in the constellation Libra will contribute to the disruption of the usual order of things: try to monitor your internal state and do not let other people manipulate you.

The period from April 12 to 21 is the most positive time for all Scorpios. The moon, weakened by an uncomfortable position in the constellations of Scorpio and Capricorn, cannot destroy your energy, so it is better to leave all important events and meetings for this time period. From April 22, the Moon will once again take a strong position in the constellation of Pisces, and your health may worsen.


For Sagittarius, the month as a whole is very favorable: the strong position of your patron planets contributes to your success and well-being. The Sun, which gives your Sign energy, has an extremely favorable effect on you throughout the month, bestowing good luck and luck.

On April 2, the semi-sextile of the Sun and Neptune will promote creative thinking and help you look at the problems that worry you from the other side. Opposition with Jupiter on the 7th can lead to conflict with loved ones, so try to control your words and actions, as well as avoid harsh criticism. On April 8, the square of the Sun and Pluto can create a situation that requires you to take decisive action.

The second half of the month is more calm and harmonious than the first. The transition of the Sun from the constellation of Aries to the constellation of Taurus on the 19th will not weaken the energy of your patron planet, but will change the vector of its direction. On April 20, the union of the Sun with Mercury will help you gather strength and complete long-standing difficult issues, and the square of the Moon and the Sun on the same day will give you energy and strength for the necessary achievements.


For Capricorns, April can turn out to be both a positive and a negative time: mixing the negative influence of the antagonist planets with the positive energy of the patron planets makes events very unpredictable.

The first week of April is not very favorable for any business related to finances, repairs and health. The moon is in a strong position, and luck can leave you at the most inopportune moment. On April 3, the opposition of the Moon and Saturn will smooth out internal conflicts and cancel the need to make a choice. On the 5th, a trine with Venus can put you in a controversial position, leading to quarrels and misunderstandings of others.

The middle of the month is more positive for Capricorns: from April 7 to April 19, the negative influence of the Moon on your Sign will be suppressed by its weak position. The only "fly in the ointment" in this period is April 11. On this day, the Full Moon in Libra can temporarily unsettle you and exacerbate negative emotions. From April 22 to April 30, the Moon will again take a consistently strong position, so luck can change you again.


For Aquarius, April is an extremely unfavorable month. The sun, devastating your energy, is in a consistently strong position, depriving you of positive and self-confidence. Only a sense of humor and the support of loved ones protect you from trouble and allow you to overcome negativity in your life.

On April 2, the aspect of the Sun with Neptune is able to cross out your desire for creative growth. Try not to pay attention to negative thoughts and do not hesitate to seek help from people who are close in spirit. On the 8th, square with Pluto will smooth out the internal challenge, but at the same time, it will deprive you of the incentive to move on professionally.

The second half of the month is slightly less negative for all Aquarius: the transition of the Sun into the constellation Taurus will slightly weaken its position. However, you still don’t have to relax: on April 20, the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury will bring a charge of negative energy, leading to passivity and apathy. The wave of this energy may affect you more than expected, so try not to plan important business and trips at the end of the month.

The heyday of spring, the fourth month of 2017, will welcome us with open arms, in the truest sense. In April, the energy of the Sun, combined with the favorable location of the Moon and Mars, will provide many zodiac signs with confident, progressive development in all areas of life. At this stage, working moments, competent and timely performance of their duties, a high level of professionalism come to the fore. But the concept of "professionalism" in this case has a fairly broad interpretation, affecting, among other things, the sphere of personal relationships. In other words, it is a mistake to believe that all forces need to be concentrated only on work, just interpersonal relationships, emotional, subjective assessment are now fading into the background, although in general it is communication in 2017 that is the key tool in the fight against constantly changing circumstances. It should be noted that April 2017 will be an excellent time for a powerful evolutionary breakthrough that will allow you to quickly reach the desired positions. This is specific to the area of ​​work. If we dwell in more detail on the sphere of feelings and emotions, then here the Fire Rooster, the patron of the current annual cycle, will give us maximum freedom, exerting a minimum of influence on the inhabitants of the Earth. Of course, each situation will develop according to its own scenario, however, the most general trends are as follows.

If we talk about "heavenly leaders", additional individual patrons of one or another sign, then it should be noted that only one element, the element of the Earth, in April 2017 can only count on the traditional composition of its star team. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, just at certain moments Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will not receive significant bonuses and will rely only on their own strengths. However, you need to understand that another stellar assistant always provides not only opportunities, but also restrictions, albeit the most insignificant. For the signs of the elements of Water, the Moon will become such an assistant, which is extremely important, since it is this celestial body that originally patronizes Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. This is an absolute advantage that can tip the balance in your favor in a critical situation. Fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, can count on support from Uranus. And although this support will be frankly periodic, for situations that will differ in objective complexity, it will come in handy. The Air signs, which include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, will have Mercury at their disposal. The patron of earthly and heavenly trade routes will be quite unstable, but the only important thing is that when you do not have enough of your own strength, he will allow circumstances to develop so that you still manage to take a decisive step, no matter what.

In general, April 2017 is designed for progress, like the entire year of the Fire (Red) Rooster. There will be many opportunities at this time, and this is a great month not for accumulating resources, but for spending them, an investment that determines your next steps in a global sense. You should not restrain yourself, “slow down” for no reason, linger in one place for too long. Indeed, good opportunities have one very important feature - they tend to disappear over time, that is, with obvious inactivity on your part, someone else takes them into circulation. Of course, do not forget about those who are close to you. Negatively minded Pluto and Venus can seriously undermine your relationships with loved ones. It is difficult to say what consequences this may lead to, something else is important - learn to control yourself when fate challenges you.

The horoscope for April 2017, being a general and speculative document, can, nevertheless, have a significant impact on our daily life. Simply put, it is an intermediary between our ideal desires and the objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and should happen is subject to the powerful influence of celestial bodies. The configuration of the planets will determine what will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us. Having reliable information on this score, we can most correctly plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, you will find a detailed and accurate horoscope for April 2017 in the section of personal horoscopes.

The year of the Fire Monkey is replaced by the year of the Fire Rooster. He must complete what the Monkey started. The energies of the year will be capricious, changeable, nervous. The contradictions will become clear.

But the cock's crow portends the retreat of darkness and the coming sunrise.

Let's see how it was in the past.

60 years ago: 1957

The following remarkable events took place in the USSR:

World Youth Festival 2017 will be held in Russia!

In Europe, Belgium, West Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Italy established the European Economic Community (EEC, Common Market) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom, Euratom). These states began the process of unification, which accelerated their development.

In the US, nine African Americans began attending an all-white school for the first time. This caused riots among the palefaces and opposition from the governor of Arkansas. To protect the nine daredevils, President Eisenhower had to provide 1,200 airborne paratroopers and reassign the National Guard of Washington State. As a result, the Negro children finished school, albeit with incessant conflicts with white classmates. They became the first swallows. Today, the co-education of people with different skin colors in the United States does not surprise anyone. And in the future, not so far away, white will become rare in the color palette of US schools.

The most important achievement of the last year of the Fire Rooster is the launch of the First Space Satellite of the Earth. The launch date of October 4, 1957 is considered the beginning of the space age of mankind, and in Russia it is celebrated as the Day of the Space Forces.
The launch of Sputnik made a stunning impression on those who considered the USSR a backward country in scientific and technical terms.
Ray Bradbury:
"That night, when the Sputnik first traced the sky, I looked up and thought about the predestination of the future. After all, that little fire, rapidly moving from edge to edge of the sky ... made humanity immortal."


The world is about to change, and it will happen. The rooster will often crow. And sometimes look closely at the protruding and sparkling parts of the body.

The first half of the year will be animated by the T-square Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto. Perhaps he will again sharpen the questions raised in 2012-2014. It is possible that with legal conclusions. This trend has already begun, and it will be expanded. And because of the exact opposition of Jupiter and Uranus with unexpected and original innovations in jurisprudence. It is very likely that laws, ideology, religion, international relations, travel, shipbuilding, the establishment, higher education - all the processes and phenomena symbolized by Jupiter - will change greatly in the coming year. Something, perhaps beyond recognition. Ideological polarization will certainly continue. The policies of some states will change dramatically. It is very possible that this will be the USA, since the energies of Jupiter in her aura are quite noticeable.

The most critical periods will be the third decade of February - the beginning of March, May 28-30, June 24 - July 19, November 18-20 and November 30 - December 2. The solar eclipse on February 26 will be tense and deceptive - it indicates the possibility of explosions, disasters, fires. Often the theme of the eclipse begins to sound before it, so the second half of February will already be restless.

On the other hand, a tense configuration involving yang planets means an acceleration of development. This will manifest itself both in science and in production. The construction of power plants will develop, the demand for oil will increase.

There will be a long excellent trine of transit Saturn and Uranus in 2017. One can expect large-scale and exciting engineering projects, large construction projects, major breakthroughs in science, the construction of entire concepts.

Judging by the horoscopes of states, the year will not be boring. For example, in Russian horoscope , which I have been using for several years (February 4, 882), Mars in progressions forms an opposition to itself (exact aspect February 12, 2017). This is the aspect of conflict, active action. Since Mars is in Sagittarius in this map of Russia, the conflict can be international and with a strong ideological component. At the same time, this is a great activity and mobilization. As they say, everything is for the front, everything is for victory. We lived through 2016 under the influence of this aspect. I have been writing about him for several years now.

Mars formed a quadrature to itself in 1714, when the first naval victory in Russian history was won by the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut. This is the Day of military glory of Russia. So there is something to equal, but I would like to do without a fight.

In 2017, the passage of the progressive Sun through the sign of Pisces, which began in 1987, ends in the same horoscope of Russia in 882. The deceptive and ambiguous Pisces is the sign under which Gorbachev was born. The "small epoch of Pisces" in the life of Russia, which eroded the empire, is ending. We already feel the hot breath of the initiative fiery Aries. A new stage in the life of our country will soon begin. The Age of Aries will last 30 years. We will enter it under the leadership of Putin.

In 2017, despite the crisis aspect of transiting Pluto to its Saturn and Uranus, which indicates a serious struggle with destructive tendencies and the need for change, it is very likely that the President will remain in power, since Jupiter will be in conjunction with his Sun. This is the pinnacle of popularity. Jupiter also has a downside: it seems that everything is possible and everything comes easily. This is not so, and when Jupiter moves into another sign a year later, there is a feeling that the bright light was suddenly turned off and everything became ordinary, prosaic and faded. And here Saturn comes into its own, showing which of the gifts of fate can be left, which one will have to be fought for and which one cannot be kept, and is it needed? On the other hand, with age, Jupiter dizzies less, so let's hope for the prudence and wisdom of the President and his willingness to develop not only the armed forces, but also the economy.

And yet, above all in 2017, Putin will continue to build the army and navy, and it will not be easy. It is also likely that the rule of law will be strengthened and further cardinal strengthening of power (transiting Pluto squared to Saturn of the President) in complex interaction with renewing and oppositional tendencies (the same Pluto is also in opposition to Uranus of the President; its natal square Saturn-Uranus is included, reflecting the main problem of Russia: conflict between conservatism and innovation). In 2017, the energy of this aspect will have to be mastered and built with its help, something long-term, lasting and aimed at the future. But it is not a fact that the measures, as they say, will be popular.

The last time the Sun progressed into Aries in 1653, when the Zaporizhzhya army under the command of Bogdan Khmelnitsky "with cities and lands" was accepted into Russian citizenship. Now this event is called "the reunification of Ukraine with Russia." Then everything turned around. In 1654, because of Ukraine, a war began between Russia and Poland, then with Sweden, on the territory of present-day Ukraine a civil war broke out between supporters of the "Russian" and "Polish" paths (it went down in history under the name Ruin), culminating in the division of the Hetmanate along the Dnieper (Kyiv went to Russia) and a serious weakening of Poland as a result of the Andrusovo truce of 1667. In the future, this led to the division of Poland itself.

In addition, in 1653, due to the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, a church schism began. Nikon, a power-hungry and quick-tempered man, at the behest of the tsar, bore the tsar's title "Great Sovereign" and, when the tsar was absent in Moscow, actually replaced him. Subsequently, relations between the patriarch and the tsar deteriorated, Nikon, by decision of the Great Moscow Cathedral, was deposed from the priesthood and, as a simple monk, was exiled to a distant monastery. However, the split was gaining strength, the Old Believers did not want to submit to the official dominant church, which was increasingly becoming the backbone of the state, and as a result fell under the rink of history. Archpriest Avvakum, a well-known supporter of the Old Believers and an implacable opponent of reforms, was exiled, suffered monstrous hardships and was subsequently burned (like some other Old Believers). The cruelty of the persecution of the Old Believers gradually weakened as their numbers decreased, but it ended only in 1790. And only in 1929 and 1971 did the Russian Orthodox Church adopt resolutions recognizing the old Russian rites as salvific, like the new rites, and equal to them.

So, on the last transition of the Sun into Aries, extraordinary events took place, with far-reaching consequences. It is unlikely that a wave of the same height will be raised now, but the fact that there will be new external challenges and internal changes is certain. And in 2017 they will only begin, continuing the trends of 2016.

Let's turn now to US horoscope .

Mars USA has been retrograde in progressions since 2007. Accordingly, everything that is connected with energy and will (and business, and the army as well), in one sense or another, "backs away." This will continue until 2086, with Mars going through tough aspects of conjunction with Saturn and square to the US Sun in the 2030-35s. In addition, the progressive Sun in the US chart has been in Pisces since 2004 and will remain there until 2035. So "perestroika" in the US began not so long ago.

In 2017, transiting Saturn (slowing down, overcoming obstacles, organizing, building) forms opposition to Mars (army) in the 7th house (outside world, open enemies) and square to Neptune in the 9th house (navy, foreign countries, diplomatic games) USA. The aspect is complex, it can turn into a slowdown, braking, various kinds of stubborn confrontations and conflicts. The previous time it was in November-December 1987, but then it passed only once. It was a very good time for the United States, as the USSR was rapidly falling into the abyss of perestroika. But in 1958, Saturn formed an opposition to the US Mars three times, and the cold war (nuclear race) was quite intense. The United States expanded its military presence. Obviously, in 2017 international relations will be especially important for the United States, and they will not be cloudless. But the internal, essential energy of the country is not at its best right now - the Sun is progressing through Pisces. Therefore, the President of the United States will have a hard time.

It is important that transiting Saturn in 2017 simultaneously aspects Putin's Mars and the USA. They are in opposition. This is either a conflict or a joint action. If HC came to power, there would be a conflict - its Uranus is in conjunction with the US Mars and in opposition to Putin's Mars. Trump has the Sun in conjunction with US Mars, but his Mars is trine with Putin's Mars. They can work together, although friction is inevitable. Therefore, there is a possibility of at least a partial compromise, although I have no enchanting hopes. The inertia of strained relationships is very high. But it is possible that joint actions will be forced. For example, with a common cause or a common enemy. Certainly not China. Russia will not interfere in relations between China and the United States. But the role of a peacemaker can be very constructive. We are interested in a stable Far East, since we will take part here or initiate large-scale projects.

And how is it in China?

AT Chinese horoscope Neptune entered the II house of money for the first time in May 2016. This is not good for the economy. Perhaps the "erosion" of income, financial "bubbles". In the future, Neptune will make opposition to Saturn (from April 11, 2017 to February 11, 2018), which may temporarily cloud China's strategy and make the position of the bureaucracy unsustainable. However, the progressions in the China map are good and indicate the growth of the army in 2017 and increased ambition in 2018.

European Union

Probably, in 2017 the most advanced part of the European Union will group up to protect itself from the coming crisis. At least in the map of the EEC in 2017 one can see a long process of negotiations in a severe crisis situation in order to start a new round of development on new grounds. Things will speed up in the fall.

In the horoscope Angela Merkel in the autumn of 2017, the combinations are contradictory, there are also excellent aspects, there are also indications of the possibility of leaving big politics. They are especially revealing in her solarium for 2017. Much will depend on whether there is a worthy opponent in the elections.

When comparing indicators in maps Marine Le Pen and François Fillon, Le Pen's chances are clearly higher. In Marine Le Pen's chart on Election Day, transiting Jupiter enters the 1st house and has a favorable effect on her Sun. Fillon has transiting Neptune conjunct the Sun and square Mars. This doesn't look promising.

In Ukraine the process of transforming the country into something completely different continues. Pluto is on the Ascendant until autumn and at the same time - on the North Node. The country is looking for its own path, its goal. Saturn enters the XII house and from there forms a square to Mars, which indicates the beginning of the "foggy period", an attempt to streamline the army, despite the weakening of political, economic and military subjectivity. Therefore, it is highly likely that the path and goal will be prompted from outside. 2018 looks much better for this country, at least on the surface, although there are some worrying trends.


Generally speaking, another stage of development will be passed. Conservative tendencies will recede, the new will powerfully enter our lives, large construction projects will make our hearts beat faster. As a motto for 2017, I choose "

Attention, this video contains shocking materials. Not recommended for children under 16 years of age, as well as persons with a weakened psyche! Watch the movie now, family content with restrictions (no violence). Stalin on the icon and another exclusive!

The task of the film, which was filmed back in 2011, 6 years before the terrible future events, is to tell a wide range of Russian-speaking people about Matryona, to think for a moment about spirituality and one's attitude to the world.

The last prediction of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017. You will learn the exact date - day and month in this film!

And also you will see: an icon with Stalin, a comparison of Matrona with Vanga, the predictions of the Holy Matrona that came true, denials and arguments of the Orthodox Church. The authors from the Russian Central Television are trying to understand the non-obvious facts.

From ancient times to the present, people believe in fortune-telling, and they especially revered and listened to the words of soothsayers and clairvoyants who open the veil of secrecy over the future. Despite the fact that science and technology have advanced far ahead, in our age of the Internet and the high-tech generation, people still believe the prophecies of the great psychics.

Knowledgeable people especially respect the prediction of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017, because. even in the last century, the saint spoke about the future, and it always came true with frightening accuracy. Saint Matrona Matrona Nikonova was born on November 22, 1881 in the village of Sebino-Epifansky district (now Klimovsky district) of the Tula province. The future clairvoyant was already born with a terrible defect - blindness. Matrona's parents were no longer young and even before birth they wanted to leave the girl (who was already the fourth child) in an orphanage, but the mother had a dream-sign with a white, beautiful, but blind dove, and the God-fearing woman gave up the idea of ​​giving her daughter away. Matrona also had a small bulge in the shape of a cross on her chest, which was perceived as a sign of God.

At the age of seven, the girl chosen by God had the gift of healing and divination. Even then, the little Matrona began to heal people and help in grief and trouble. At the age of seventeen, Matrona lost the ability to walk and remained in a sitting position until the end of her days. Every day people came to Matronushka seeking help and found it in the prayers of the saint. The clairvoyant predicted her death in three days, continuing to receive the suffering in her last time, allotted to her by God on earth. Matrona died on May 2, 1952 in Moscow. The miraculous old woman Matrona of Moscow is remembered and loved to this day. After herself, the saint left many prophecies that continue to come true.

What the Matrona of Moscow predicted for 2017: The Great Prophetess predicts the end of all mankind, which will come very soon, already in this 2017. Saint Matrona said that in the evening all people would fall to the ground, and they would fall dead. In the morning, everything will go underground. “Without war, you will all die, there will be many victims, all the dead will lie on the ground. In the evening everything will be on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - and everything will go to the ground. There is war without war."

A large number of people are seriously concerned about this prophecy, because it comes from a holy man. But, on the other hand, we have already gone through the possible and predicted by many clairvoyant doomsdays so many times that you treat the next one with great distrust. And it may be that the words of the divine old woman Matrona just need to be interpreted correctly.

It is quite possible that the Matrona's prediction of 2017 tells us that humanity will kill itself. If we take into account the increasingly aggravated political and economic situation in the world, the state of the planet as a whole, everything is heading towards that.

The prophecy about 2017 concerns, first of all, Russia. It says that the cause of death of people will not be a terrible war or an epidemic, but something else. It is quite possible that the words of the clairvoyant do not mean the physical end, but the finale of the spiritual struggle and the coming of God's truth, the rebirth of human souls.

This film is by no means an online fortune-telling, but a study within the framework of a TV program and an online film of the phenomenon of Matrona and in particular her predictions.

Matrona spoke about the end of the world in 2017 with particular confidence. Her words begin to come true and it becomes really scary...

The film was attended by: Hieromonk Job (Gumerov), Hegumen Evstafiy (Zhakov), headman of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God in the village of Sebino and others...

Director: Ekaterina Churikova
First channel
Russia, 2011

Blank Holes Jingle Punks, The Evening of Departure Twin Musicom. The Evening of Departure by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

The second spring month promises to be quite active and full of various events: both positive and very unfavorable.

April - time retrograde planets, several of them will turn into backward movement at once, and one planet, on the contrary, will become direct. Let's take everything in order and find out what it all means and how it can affect everyday life.

Corrupted Sun... save your strength!

In the first half of the month, the Sun will be completed to not the most favorable configurations with the participation of higher planets. And although Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, as well as Saturn and Jupiter will not be connected by aspects, past situations may continue now. And the Sun with its movement will turn on the negative aspects, reminding us of the past times.

Due to the negative aspects of the Sun in the first half of the month many will feel a breakdown, an insufficient amount of vitality, an energy decline. Even though the moon will rise until April 10, unambiguous lifting forces at the beginning of the month will not.

This should be taken into account by anyone who spends energy intensively, plays sports, or who has planned for the first two weeks of April very important things. We advise you to rest, relax and correctly calculate your strength.

Mercury... and another reversal

For the second time this year, Mercury will turn in the opposite direction, which means it will not contribute to successful purchases, impeccable paperwork and successful negotiations. The turn will take place April 10th. But it can be said that during 3-4 days before and after the turn, inhibition will be felt in all matters that Mercury is in charge of.

Confusion, confusion, returns of goods, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, the inability to agree and come to an agreement that would suit all parties, returns on the road, wasting money and short cuts, loss of things - all these are just a few. The Benefits of Mercury Retrograde. They will be especially felt by people in whose horoscopes Mercury is sufficiently highlighted, as well as all Gemini and Virgo.

Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius... return to old goals

Another planet going retrograde this month is Saturn. Saturn is about to complete its almost 3-year path in Sagittarius, but will again be in retrograde motion, as usual, for almost 5 months! Therefore, his triumphant entry into his native Capricorn abode will be somewhat delayed.

Saturn retrograde may primarily affect people who lead active social life, work in structural and state institutions in high positions, or manage large businesses.

Saturn is also the planet of Capricorns, so they should pay attention to the days close to the rotation of the planet ( April 1-11). It is these people who can now feel some slowdown in business, any undertakings will be given to them with great difficulty. Now you should pay attention to something that was not completed in the past, and return to these matters.

Pluto retrograde... time to get serious

Pluto is retrograde for half a year, so this position of the planet does not indicate any special events. However, if Pluto is highlighted in your birth chart in some way, it is possible that going retrograde could create in your life some changes. It is quite possible that during this period you will have some changes in your outlook, you will take a different look at the situations of the past.

Important astrological events of April 2017

the date


Time (Moscow)


Venus retrograde moves into Pisces


Saturn goes retrograde


27° ♐48'Rx

Mercury goes retrograde


4° ♉51′ Rx

Full moon


21°♎ 33′

Venus goes direct


26° ♓ 15'D

Sun moves into Taurus


Pluto goes retrograde


19° ♑ 24'Rx

Mercury retrograde moves into Aries


Mars moves into Gemini


New moon


6° ♉ 27′

Venus moves into Aries


Love and relationships

Venus will still be retrograde this month until April 15, which means very slow. This will also affect developments in love front. The retrograde movement will force Venus to make a kind of “loop”, during which it will be struck twice (!) negative aspect to Saturn 8 and 21 April. This time does not promise favorable events.

Any setbacks you face this month will be VERY PAINFUL. Separations, breakups, feelings of loneliness and love experiences. Read more about love life in April in the article Astrological forecast of love and relationships according to the signs of the Zodiac for April 2017.

business matters

When compiling business schedules We advise you to take into account the retrograde of Mercury! Yes, already from April 6 it is worth paying special attention to papers, transactions, negotiations. Be careful this month when drawing up any documents!

The biggest problem with retro Mercury in that the mistakes we make during this period seem to happen by themselves. Any little thing can lead to a mistake: inexplicable forgetfulness, a traffic jam, a slight delay, or absent-mindedness unusual for you.

It is stupid to be afraid of retro Mercury: for the most part, all the events associated with this movement of the planet are trifles that are still really fix. But if you are extremely careful, and they can be AVOIDED!

Good news: get back to those cases, papers, negotiations that you started in the past, but for some reason abandoned. It is the continuation of what has been started, and not the beginning of a new one, that will bring benefits and good results! Perhaps you yourself will remember what you forgot and return to it. You can put things in order in papers, get rid of unnecessary and review some things looking at them from a completely different perspective.

Due to its slow motion, Mercury will only make a few aspects, including conjunction with the Sun and Uranus. 20 April Mercury retrograde will make a conjunction with the Sun, which is called inferior. It is this turning point of the cycle, the completion and the beginning of a new one.

It means that until April 20 it is good to complete various matters related to Mercury, and after 20 April you can plan for the future. But, remember that while everything is worth it work out mentally, you should not start real actions, because Mercury in retrograde motion is still quite weak. The next aspect of Mercury after the conjunction is a trine with Saturn, which means that if you plan some important business, then you will have a long and painstaking work, as a result of which success awaits you.

For example, if you are in a commercial activity (which relates to Mercury), try to complete all transactions, find partners, sell the current product, etc. before April 20. After April 20 you can seriously think about new business opportunities, think about what else you would like to do, how to expand spheres of influence.

It is likely that your new business will require you to more energy and time, but the result in this case will be better. By the way, at first you should do things the old fashioned way, do not change anything in the way the company and its activities, but over time you can make major changes and introduce new ideas. For example, open an online store.

When analyzing business and affairs, of course, Mars will play an important role. up to until April 21 Mars will go on uncomfortable for him sign of Taurus. At this time, there is no point in wasting energy on trifles, it is worthwhile to carefully and thoughtfully approach everything that you undertake. By the way, at this time, good business promises to go to those who do something with their hands.

Everything you do during this period will most likely be done pretty slow, but very thoroughly and scrupulously. This should be taken into account by employers, who should not set very tight time limits for employees. You will be satisfied with the work done if you give them more time to complete it.

After April 21 activity will increase somewhat, because Mars will be in the lung and movable sign of Gemini. The activity of this period is very closely connected with the transfer of information. That is, before you do something, you will collect enough information, exchange opinions, study the relevant literature. Remember that during Mercury retrograde information may come to you in a somewhat distorted form, so you should not believe everything.

Trips, travel

The first half of the month is not particularly suitable for travel and trips. In addition, Mercury retrograde can give travel delays and misunderstandings. This is especially true for those trips that you will plan during this period, and will immediately go on the road.

It will be difficult to take into account all the nuances, to foresee all the difficulties. Things will be easier for those who planned the trip in advance before Mercury goes retrograde. We especially recommend traveling to Leo, Virgo and Libra.

Especially bad days for travel - from 4 to 11 April. It is possible that your health condition can let down and you will not be able to get the proper pleasure from the trip. Some unexpected events may intervene, or you will have to urgently return back due to force majeure.

Health and dangers of the month

Health may be a concern in the first half of the month when the Sun will move to negative configurations. At this time, in general, there will be loss of strength, apathy it will be difficult to focus on some important things.

At this time, it is important to correctly calculate the forces, not to risk health and not to burden yourself with complex physical and mental work. The first half of the month is more suitable for relaxation and more relaxed and slow activity.

Despite the fact that the Sun will be in the active sign of Aries for most of the month, you run the risk of making wrong and impulsive decisions, so before you do anything, think carefully, weigh the pros and cons.

After April 15 the situation will improve and all possible health problems will be behind. However, things in your personal life for many of you will not develop in the best way. And it can also give mental anxiety, discomfort, longing and feeling of loneliness.

The likelihood of any serious injury is now minimal.

Closer to the middle of the month - April 12-15 there may be nervous strain, breakdowns, anxiety, unpleasant forebodings. These days are not suitable for important negotiations, paperwork. Increased risk of getting incorrect information.

Good month for:

Return to old cases

Putting things in order in business papers

Return to old place of work

Continuation of work on long-term projects

Continuation of repair work and construction

Bad this month:

Travel (except Virgo, Leo and Libra)

Start a new romantic relationship, enter into a serious relationship

Make big purchases

sign important contracts

Enter into long-term business cooperation

Change job to a new one

Open new firms and companies

Appeal to superiors with revolutionary ideas

Get married