A thieves bank, scammers, freaks, and non-professionals, they can’t really deceive, they have no education in accounting / accounting, nor, moreover, banking specialization, they don’t know, or they deliberately reject the bill of exchange and mutual settlements for obligations, obligations, they can maybe only bilateral ... they don’t know the basics of FZ-395-1, the procedure for its application, banking jurisprudence, and other legislation, which they are required to know in detail, so that they simply, stupidly, do not “get” under serious obligations, but hiding with Friedman, you don’t need much intelligence, especially since he himself got hit, and firmly, just like his rotten Alfa Group office ...., get ready to answer for your obligations to customers, scammers ..., print, for you, now, unsecured pieces of paper pseudo-"money", which, now, even, according to primary signs, do not fit promissory notes, and, in general, are not secured by anything, except for other people's obligations - air, with a production cost of 1 rub. 20 kopecks, and draw for yourself, at least something on them, it's like PAPANDOPOLA in the Wedding in Malinovka ..., I'll draw you more, how much "hosh" ..., draw together with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the same "commercials", and , too, stupid like you, it will take a long time, more than one hundred years around the clock ... And, remember one simple thing, trying to deceive someone, and, moreover, on a large scale, involuntarily, you trigger the mechanism of your destruction, even , without knowing it himself ..., neither changing the code 810 to 643 will save anything, at least the ECHR is guaranteed, and then, like the sailor Zheleznyak, everything is according to the concepts ... Where can you get 800,000 quadrillion euros, gentlemen, swindlers, for damage caused to an enterprise, an individual, the owner of this enterprise, and, oddly enough, the Russian state, and this is the first part, only ..., and there is, and the second, and the third, and the fourth part on the topic this scam..., think hard with the top head of the gentlemen, scammers, from the pseudo-bank "Baltic", you think no one knows your story, how you became a bank... if you have time, then think again, firmly, before you will continue to "mow" ..., this is all, out of good intentions, not a threat. and the warning, everything else, will be executed by the Russian state, do not think that the Russian budget is endless, you will not be able to write off debts under Art. 13,15,16 ..., and leave under Art. 50, 51, 52, 54.55, 56, 58 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since, here, the direct interest of the Russian Federation, and, simply, in order not to be mistaken on this topic, it will not work to escape responsibility, anyway ...., no protégés will help. .., the damage to the state of the Russian Federation and the private person who represented the interests of the state in this topic is too great ..., and your own interests, too .... now it will be easier for you, now you know where it will come from, the task is ... to look for resources , in gold equivalent ....

Alexander 18.01.2018 10:39

I can only say good things about the Baltic Bank! I have been a client of the Bank since 2008 and have never doubted the professionalism and integrity of this organization. All my friends and acquaintances, whom I recommended to apply to this particular Bank, were satisfied with the service and offers from the Bank. The staff are polite and helpful. Getting a loan is absolutely no problem. All quickly, without unnecessary fuss and red tape!!! And if the appeal is repeated, then here the decision is made within a few minutes. And the interest on the loan, in comparison with many other banks, is low. It is a pleasure to enter any of the branches located in our city. The premises are bright, clean, there are no big queues, the service is at a high level! Thank you for being!!!

Svetlana Turkova 05.11.2014 11:59

About four years ago, when I was still studying at the university, I paid for tuition at various branches of the Baltic Bank. I didn’t expect it at all, but after so much time, I suddenly needed those (long-discarded) receipts confirming this fact. I didn’t know what to do at all until one of my friends advised me to call the bank’s customer support service. Within 20 minutes I was perfectly informed about my next steps. I went to the bank, wrote an application for the restoration of lost receipts, paid a commission and that's it. ALL! In connection with such a happy outcome of events, I would like to note the operational work of the staff of the institution and say a huge thank you to all of them!

Founded in 1989, Baltic Bank today is a modern and universal financial and credit organization providing a full range of services for both corporate and legal entities and private clients. Users are served in the offices of St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk and Pskov, as well as through ATMs and terminals of the company. In addition, the bank's customers can receive round-the-clock information and technical support at the contact center.

Baltic Bank support service: main functions

By contacting the bank's support staff in any convenient way, you can:

  • Get complete information about all products and services;
  • Connect or deactivate additional services;
  • Activate a new card or block a lost one;
  • Find out about the balance of your cards and accounts, as well as about the latest transactions;
  • Get information about the balance of credit debt, as well as the next amount and date of its repayment;
  • Open a deposit without visiting the office and find out about the accrued interest;
  • Get advice on working with the bank's Internet services;
  • Find out the exchange rate;
  • Clarify the location and work schedule of branches and ATMs;
  • Leave a comment about the quality of service.

How to contact the Baltic Bank support service

There are several alternative channels of communication with the contact center:

  • Hotline phone numbers;
  • Fax machine;
  • Postal address of the main branch for receiving written applications;

Legal and postal address of the Baltic Bank: 191023, St. Petersburg, Muchnoy per., 2, lit. G

  • E-mail address of the bank's management for receiving applications in free form;
  • Feedback form to fill out on the site.

How to call Baltic Bank

Calls to the contact center are made to the following contacts:

  • Free number 8-800-200-22-23 for calls from mobile or landline phones in Russia;
  • International format number +7-812-325-85-85 for calls from landlines in the country or from abroad at the rates of your telecom operator;
  • Fax +7-812-326-22-21 for corporate clients or legal entities.

A call to a toll-free support number involves listening to the voice menu of the bank's automatic informant. Such voice prompts help to find answers to popular user questions or up-to-date information about the bank's products and services. To connect with a bank operator, simply follow the prompts of the system and go to the required menu item using the digital combinations dialed on your mobile device.

Online support service of Baltic Bank

If you are unable to make a call to the above numbers, you can leave a request online:

  1. Open the main page of the official website of the Baltic Bank in your browser.
  2. Go to the "Feedback" section at the bottom of the page.
  3. Fill out the form that appears with your personal information.
  4. Indicate your full name, e-mail, city of service, place of work and phone number.
  5. Select the subject and category of the message.
  6. In the message field, describe your situation in as much detail as possible.
  7. Check the correctness of the entered data and send the application.

Applications executed and sent in this way are immediately submitted for consideration to the consultants of the bank's support service. Often, responses to requests of this kind are provided to the client within a day. As soon as a solution to your problem is found, an authorized employee of the bank will contact you at the phone number specified in the application during business hours or provide a detailed answer to your e-mail.

Reliability of the Bank

OAO Baltiyskiy Bank, being a fairly large Moscow bank that provides universal services, is also considered one of the oldest banks in the Russian Federation. The Baltic Bank considers lending to legal entities and individuals, operations in the securities market, as well as attracting funds from citizens to deposits as key areas of its activity.

The bank's branch network includes about 30 branches in various cities of the Russian Federation, which have already served almost 3 million individuals and about 20 thousand corporate clients.

What services can be used by private clients by contacting one of the offices of the Baltic Bank in Moscow? Of course, the main service is lending. Therefore, in one of the bank branches you can easily issue a car loan (issued for the purchase of used or new cars of domestic or foreign production), a cash loan, a consumer targeted or non-targeted loan, receive funds for education at a higher educational institution and, if desired, issue a credit card. It is worth noting that at the moment the bank does not issue mortgages and does not issue express loans.