is not just a territory uniting several central regions of the country: Vladimir, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl.

- this is the land of picturesque and truly Russian nature: coniferous and deciduous forests, clear lakes and rivers, fresh air and a harmonious climate familiar to us since childhood.

- These are slow-flowing rivers with wide floodplains, occupied by water meadows. Dense, dark, overgrown with moss, like enchanted spruce forests. Magnificent broad-leaved forests, consisting of huge oaks, ash-trees, maples. These are sunny pine forests and cheerful, pleasing to the eye birch forests. Dense thickets of hazel on a carpet of tall ferns.

And beautiful clearings, strewn with flowers exuding intoxicating smells, are replaced by huge islands of impenetrable thickets, where tall fluffy spruces and pines live their measured centuries-old life. They seem like incredible giants, who slowly make way for uninvited guests.

In the thicket everywhere you can see old dried-up snags, which are so bizarrely curved that it seemed that there, behind a hillock, a goblin lurked, and a pretty kikimora peacefully dozes near the stone.

And endless fields, leaving either in the forest or in the sky. And around - only the singing of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers.

This is where the largest rivers of the Russian Plain: Volga, Dnieper, Don, Oka, Western Dvina. The source of the Volga is a legend of Russia, the pilgrimage to which never stops.

IN middle lane more than a thousand lakes. The most beautiful and popular of them is Lake Seliger. Even the densely populated Moscow region is rich in beautiful lakes and rivers, sometimes not even mutilated cottages and high fences.

The nature of the middle lane, sung by artists, poets and writers, fills a person with peace of mind, opens his eyes to the amazing beauty of his native land.

It is famous not only for its literally fabulous nature, but also for historical monuments. This - face of the Russian province, in some places, in spite of everything, even retaining the architectural appearance of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Most of the cities of the world-famous Golden Ring of Russia are located in the middle lane - Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Uglich, Sergiev Posad and others, ancient landowners' estates, monasteries and temples, architectural monuments. Their beauty cannot be described, you have to see it with your own eyes and, as they say, feel the breath of the deep antiquity.

But the most fruitful and happy for me was my acquaintance with the middle zone of Russia ... It took possession of me immediately and forever ... Since then, I have not known anything closer to me than our simple Russian people, and nothing more beautiful than our land. I will not exchange Central Russia for the most famous and stunning beauties of the globe. Now, with a condescending smile, I recall youthful dreams of yew forests and tropical thunderstorms. I would give all the elegance of the Gulf of Naples with its feast of colors for a willow bush wet from the rain on the sandy banks of the Oka or for the meandering river Taruska - on its modest banks I now often live for a long time.

Written by K.G. Paustovsky.

Or you can just climb into some remote village and enjoy nature far from civilization. The people here are very welcoming and friendly.

This is what our article will be about, namely, how to distinguish a real moss fly from a poisonous one and whether it will be edible or not.

Did you know? The body of the fungus is a mycelium located in the ground. It can spread over vast distances, while the fungus itself is a fruit destined for a breeding program.

Mushroom mushroom: general description

Mokhovik belongs to the Boletov family and is a direct relative of the boletus. The most delicious of the types of flywheel are variegated, red, Polish and green.

Each type of moss mushroom has a different description, but basically its cap is dry, slightly velvety, and cracks appear on the skin with age. Its dimensions change as it grows, but it can reach up to 9 cm in diameter.

mushroom pulp - white, yellow, red or, as in many species, bluish. You can find out the color by the place of the incision. All hat mushrooms, such as flywheel, have a hymenophore(the surface on which a layer of spore-forming cells develops - hymenium). In flywheel it is tubular, and the pores of the tubes are quite wide. They can be of various colors: yellow, greenish yellow or red.

A distinctive feature of the flywheel from other types of mushrooms is that that when pressing on the hymenophore, a blue color remains at the site of contact. False flywheel can be recognized by a different description, but they are very similar, which we will talk about a little later.

Stipe wrinkled or smooth, depending on the species. It grows up to 8 cm. Spore powder comes in different shades (for example, brown).

Did you know? Each mushroom contains about 90% water.

Common types of flywheel with a description

There are about 18 species of moss mushrooms. Therefore, in the following sections, you will learn what moss mushrooms are and what varieties of them exist.

Did you know? Mushrooms produce vitamin D if, of course, they have enough sunlight. The color of the mushroom cap also depends on this.

It is the most common and popular representative of its kind. It can be recognized by its golden-brown hat, which reaches 10 cm in diameter. The shape of the hat is prostrate and cushion-shaped. The leg of the green flywheel is cylindrical and expands towards the base. It reaches a height of 9 cm, and can be 3 cm thick. It is lighter than a mushroom cap, and there is also a brick red tint. The flesh of the green mushroom is dense and white, but turns blue when cut.

You can meet the mushroom in glades, near roads and in forests, where it grows from mid-May to early October.

This variety is fried, boiled, marinated and frozen.

Important! Green flywheel is not dried, as it turns black during long-term storage.

Scientists attribute the yellow-brown moss fly to the genus Maslyat, but in appearance it does not look like a butter dish at all.

The cap of the mushroom is brownish-yellow with a tucked edge. Cap size - 140 mm in diameter. The surface gradually cracks, and with age, the cap changes color: for example, young mushrooms have a gray-yellow hue, later it becomes reddish, and in maturity it acquires a light ocher color.

The cap is poorly separated from the pulp, and turns blue when pressed. The leg of the mushroom is shaped like a cylinder and reaches a height of about 90 mm, with a thickness of up to 35 mm. Has a lemon yellow color. The flesh of the mushroom is firm and light yellow.

You can meet the mushroom in coniferous or mixed forests from July to October.

Mokhovik yellow-brown can be consumed fried, salted or pickled. It can also be dried.

Did you know? In Switzerland, a mushroom was discovered about 1000 years old. This is a honey agaric, 800x500 meters in size, and its mycelium occupies 35 hectares of the area of ​​the Swiss national park, Offenpass.

Known to many precisely because of its color, and almost everyone knows where it grows. So, it can often be found in deciduous forests among moss or low grass.

The mushroom cap is cushion-shaped and reaches 8 cm in diameter. The color of the fungus is rich red, the hymenophore is yellow, but when pressed, it slowly turns blue. The stem of the plant is cylindrical and grows up to 10 cm in height and up to 1 cm in thickness. Outside, under the hat, it is yellow, and closer to the base it becomes raspberry-pinkish. The pulp of the moss mushroom is dense and yellow in color.

You can meet the mushroom from August to September. This type of flywheel has a pleasant smell, but it is better to cook it immediately, as it darkens when dried and is not suitable for storage.

Polish mushroom (brown)

With brown leg and brown hat. Its cap reaches about 20 cm in diameter and is shaped like a dark brown pillow. When pressed on a yellow tubular surface, blue or brown-brown spots appear. The leg is dense, shaped like a cylinder and reaches up to 14 cm in length and up to 4 cm in thickness. Turns blue when pressed. The pulp of the mushroom is dense with a fruity or mushroom smell.

This flywheel is one of the most popular edible mushrooms and is used fresh, dried, salted, pickled and frozen.

Did you know? Many mushrooms contain substances that cause a state of euphoria and hallucinations. This was known even by the ancient shamans and Vikings, who used this property to perform rituals (in particular, in order to give themselves courage and attack the enemy with all fearlessness and power).

You can meet such a mushroom in mixed and coniferous forests, but the task becomes more difficult, since you need to know exactly when Polish mushrooms grow in your area. For example, in Western Europe, mushrooms are found from July to November, in Belarus - from August to November, in the Moscow region - from early July to the end of October, and in Ukraine - from July to October.

It is found in coniferous and deciduous forests from July to October. The cap of the mushroom is thick, fleshy, matte and has cracks, which served as the basis for the name. Between them you can see white and red flesh. The hat reaches 10 cm in diameter. The stem of the mushroom has a cylindrical shape and a yellowish color. Closer to the base, the color of the leg changes to red. The leg reaches 6 cm in length and up to 2 cm in thickness. The flesh of the fissured flywheel is white or yellow, red at the base of the leg, and at the break it first turns blue and then reddens.

If you accidentally collected a false flywheel, do not worry. All types of fake mushrooms have only a bitter taste. This double mushroom is very small in size, its cap diameter is only 5 cm. It has no special smell, and there is no blueing when cut. Many experienced mushroom pickers simply try to bypass it.

Among the false mushrooms include bile, pepper and chestnut mushrooms.

has a convex shape of red-brown color. The diameter of the cap reaches 8 cm. The pulp is white and does not change on the cut. A solid leg, shaped like a cylinder, and its color is similar to the color of the cap. The size of the leg is 3.5 by 3 cm.

Flywheel is a fungus that belongs to the division Basidiomycetes, the class Agaricomycetes, the order Boletaceae, the Boletaceae family. Previously, all species belonged to the genus moss fly (Xerocomus), but then some of them were assigned to other genera: Boletus (Boletus), Pseudoboletus (Pseudoboletus), Xerocomellus, Hortiboletus. Flywheels often grow among mosses, hence their name.

Mokhovik - photo and description. What does a mushroom look like?


The fruit body of mossiness mushrooms consists of a cap and a stem. The shape of the cap of a young flywheel is convex or semicircular, the edges are straight. Over time, it becomes pillow-shaped. The cap diameter varies from 4 to 20 cm. The surface can be felt, velvety, bare, sticky and damp, especially in wet weather, or covered with scales that appear from cracking in dry weather.

The color of the cap surface of mossiness mushrooms is more or less diverse: these are various variations of yellow (olive yellow, ocher yellow, dark yellow, with a lemon tint), reddish-brown or red-brown tones, as well as darker ones (chestnut, brown ). The skin almost does not separate from the pulp.


The legs of the flywheels are cylindrical in shape. They can be curved, have thickenings in the middle or at the bottom, and sometimes, on the contrary, become thinner downwards. The surface of the stem can be smooth, mesh, slightly ribbed, depending on the type of fungus. The surface color is usually lighter than the cap.


The pulp of mushrooms, basically, has a yellowish color. Inside the leg, the flesh is dense or with a cotton-like center.

A distinctive feature of mossiness mushrooms is that when broken or cut, the flesh changes color: the mushroom turns blue, turns green and even blackens. Photo by: Dave W, CC BY-SA 3.0


Mossiness mushroom hymenophore is tubular. The tubules reach 2 cm in length and have a yellow-greenish, sulfur yellow, yellow-green, yellow-brown color. The mouth of the tubules (pores) is different in different types of mossiness mushrooms. They can be large, medium and small. Their shape is also different: angular, faceted, rounded. When pressed, the tubular layer darkens.

spore powder

Spore powder has a dark olive or brown color.

The cap is fleshy, convex, 5-10 cm in diameter. Sometimes it is flat. The surface of the cap is ocher-yellow, brownish, with small, thin, later disappearing, fibrous scales. Usually dry, mucous in wet weather. The surface of the tubular layer is at first dull yellow or dirty yellow, with time it becomes tobacco-brown. The pores are small, rounded. The leg of the yellow-brown oiler is not very large: 5-8 cm tall and 1-2 cm thick. The color of the leg is yellowish or brownish, usually it is buried in moss and is not very visible. The dense pulp turns slightly blue at the break.

Yellow-brown mossiness mushrooms grow in pine forests on peaty-sandy or sandy soils. These edible mushrooms are very productive. They are rarely attacked by insect larvae. They bear fruit from August to October. They are eaten freshly cooked, dried or pickled.

False flywheels, description and photo. How to distinguish from edible?

Among real mossiness mushrooms, there are no mushrooms that can be poisoned, but they can still be confused with other inedible or poisonous mushrooms: for example, pepper mushroom or gall fungus. That is why it is very important to know the signs by which false mushrooms can be distinguished from edible ones. Below is a description of mushrooms that look like mossiness mushrooms.

  • he is pepper oiler) ( Chalciporus piperatus)

It has a hat up to 7 cm in diameter and a stem up to 8 cm high. The color of the hat varies from light brown to yellow-brown and orange-rusty. The flesh is yellow in the stem, lighter in the cap. When cut, the flesh turns pink. The taste of pepper mushroom is spicy-sharp, burning. The mushroom is considered inedible, although in the cuisines of some countries the powder from this “false flywheel” is added to dishes to make them spicy.

  • gall mushroom ( Tylopilus felleus)

It has a hat up to 15 cm in diameter and a stem up to 12.5 cm high and up to 3 cm thick. There is a brown mesh on the leg. The color of the cap can be different: light brown, yellow-brown, with a grayish tinge or darker, chestnut. White tubular layer of inedible gall fungus

Useful properties of mushrooms

Moss mushrooms are useful mushrooms, which include:

Like many other mushrooms, mushrooms are used in dietary nutrition. Their calorie content is 19 kcal per 100 g. These mushrooms are a natural antibiotic and can contribute to recovery from colds and infectious diseases. They improve blood composition and increase immunity.

Harm and contraindications of mossiness mushrooms

Like all mushrooms, flywheels are heavy food. They are undesirable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive glands, young children and the elderly.

In addition, any mushrooms absorb harmful substances and heavy metals. That is why it is impossible to collect them in the city, next to roads, next to industrial enterprises.

How to collect and cook mushrooms?

Moss mushrooms are harvested from mid-summer to mid-autumn. When harvesting, you need to cut off only the fruiting body, leaving the mycelium in the ground, so that next year you can get a crop of mossiness mushrooms. The collected mushrooms are sorted out, discarding spoiled and wormy ones. Then they are thoroughly washed and various dishes are prepared from them. If there are a lot of mushrooms, you can store them in the refrigerator for some time, but not more than 2-3 days. Surplus is best to freeze or dry immediately. Before freezing, mushrooms should be boiled for some time in salt water.

Moss mushrooms can be pickled and salted. They are good because their hats do not need to be peeled: just rinse and scrape the damaged areas with a knife. Marinades are prepared on the basis of vinegar with the addition of various ingredients. Boil the mushrooms before marinating. Moss mushrooms are salted in a hot and cold way. In the first case, never add garlic and cook for a short time so that the mushrooms do not spread. Otherwise, the methods of salting mossiness mushrooms do not differ from other mushrooms.

Dishes prepared from mushrooms are very diverse. It can be salads, soups, main courses, aspic. Mushrooms can be added to pizza, vegetable caviar, and pie fillings. Dried mushrooms are used to add to various sauces. Cooked in any way, these mushrooms have an excellent taste.

Yellow-brown flywheel (Suillus variegatus) is a tubular fungus of the genus Oiler, family Boletaceae. It has quite a few names: swamp, swamp moss, moss, yellow aspen, yellow-brown butterdish, yellow aspen, sandy moss.

Where and when does it grow

Occurs in small groups or singly. Forms mycorrhiza with common pine and other coniferous species. Preferred places are forest clearings, paths, edges, roadsides, ditches. Due to its specific pungent and resinous taste, insects do not like it, so the marsh flywheel is rarely wormy. It grows especially often in the northern half of the forest zone of Russia, in moist pine forests. Fruiting usually lasts from June to October. In autumn, before the first frosts, the yellow-brown flywheel disappears.

botanical description

Mokhovik sandy - a mushroom in size is small.

The cap diameter, as a rule, does not exceed 13 cm. Young fruiting bodies have a convex cap with a thin tucked edge. When ripe, it takes on a cushion-like appearance. In a young mushroom, its color is ocher-yellow, later brown or brown. The surface is slimy with a poorly separating skin, velvety, bursts into small scales that disappear in mature fruiting bodies.

The tubules are small, about 10 mm high, yellowish in color, slightly blue when deformed.

The pulp is dense, firm, light yellow in color, and under the surface and above the tubules is bright yellow, at the cut site it becomes bluish.

The taste is bitter with the smell of the forest and mushrooms.

The leg is club-shaped or cylindrical, 3-10 cm in height and 2-3 cm in diameter, smooth, yellow-brown in the lower part and lighter at the cap.

Spore powder olive-brown.


The pest is an edible mushroom belonging to the third category. It is not very popular among the people because of its bitter taste. But avid mushroom pickers do not pass by this mushroom. In most cases, it is dried. After it is added to a mixture of boletus and boletus. In its pure form, the taste will not be expressive. It can also be marinated, fried or boiled. It is recommended to marinate, as well as during drying, in a mixture with other representatives of the mushroom kingdom.

Flywheel yellow-brown in the photo
(Suillus variegates) pictured

Flywheel yellow-brown (Suillus variegates) is an edible mushroom. Hat up to 4-10 cm, at first hemispherical, then pillow-shaped, yellow-brown or yellow-brown. The surface of the cap and the whole fungus is velvety, finely scaly. The fungus is not slimy and does not have a skin, although a number of experts attribute it to the genus oil. The tubular layer with small pores is yellow-brown, slightly green at maturity. Leg 4-9 cm long, 2-3 cm thick, yellowish. The pulp of the flywheel mushroom is yellow-brown, brownish, slightly blue on the cut. Spore powder is tobacco-brown.

Occurs from August to October.

Grows in huge numbers in some dry places of pine forests on soil with high-moor peat or on sand. Forms mycorrhiza with pine.

According to the description, this flywheel does not look like any inedible or poisonous mushroom.

Does not require pre-boiling. Very pleasant, little wormy mushroom. Suitable for any mushroom dish.

In the former GDR, it is called "maron" and is preferred to white fungus.

Flywheel green in the photo

Flywheel green, or goat fungus, is an edible fungus that grows singly or in groups from late June to mid-October. The most abundant harvests are in August-September. Most often found in open or moss-covered areas of soil in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, as well as along roadsides.

The cap of the mushroom is convex, cushion-shaped, about 13–15 cm in diameter. Its surface is smooth or cracked, dry, matte, velvety to the touch, painted in a grayish or brownish-olive color. The tubular layer is finely porous, adherent, yellow-green in color. The leg is round, thinner at the base, straight or curved, solid inside, of very different heights (from 3 to 10-12 cm) and about 2 cm in diameter.

As you can see in the photo, this moss mushroom has a smooth, dry, matte surface of the stem:

It is painted in a grayish-yellow color, on which, depending on the place of growth of the fungus, there may be a mesh pattern - in coniferous varieties it is darker than the main color of the leg, at the top, in deciduous varieties it is reddish at the bottom. The pulp in the cap of young mushrooms is elastic, in mature ones it is loose and cotton-like, in the stem it is fibrous, harsh, in mature mushrooms it is woody. It has a pronounced mushroom smell and taste. On the cut, as a rule, it turns blue.

Mokhovik green belongs to the third category of mushrooms. Only the caps of young mushrooms are used for food. The main ways of consumption: boiling, frying, salting and marinating. It is not recommended to dry the mushroom, because during the drying process it acquires an unpleasant odor.

Below are photos and descriptions of variegated and velvet flywheels.

Mokhovik motley in the photo
The mushroom cap is convex, like a pillow

Flywheel motley, or flywheel fissured, is an edible fungus that grows singly or in small groups from early July to early October. It gives the largest harvests in August. It occurs in mixed, deciduous, sometimes coniferous forests.

A mushroom cap with a diameter of about 8-10 cm. The surface is dry, matte, small cracks form an openwork pattern on it. It is painted in red or brown with a burgundy or olive tint, and in the middle the color is darker and more saturated. In this species of flywheels, the tubular layer is large-porous, adherent, greenish-yellow in color. The leg is round, thinner at the base, straight or curved, solid inside, about 5–7 cm high and about 1 cm in diameter. Its surface is even, dry, dull, yellowish-red.

The flesh in the cap is first fleshy, soft, then loose, in the stem it is hard, fibrous, with a pleasant mushroom aroma and taste. Upon contact with air, its yellowish color quickly changes to blue.

The motley fly belongs to the third category of mushrooms. Only caps of young mushrooms are used for food, which are universal in their culinary qualities and are suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes and snacks.

Mokhovik velvet in the photo

Flywheel velvet (Boletus prunatus) has a hemispherical hat with a diameter of 4-12 cm, sometimes up to 15 cm. A distinctive feature of the species is a dry matte, velvety-brown hat with lighter edges. The skin on the hat is dry, fine-grained and almost felt, becoming smoother with time, a little slippery after rain.

The leg is cylindrical, 410 cm high, 6-20 mm thick. The stem is usually lighter in color than the cap, often curved, creamy yellow and reddish.

Pay attention to the photo - this edible flywheel has a dense, whitish flesh with a yellowish tinge, turns slightly blue when pressed, has a slight mushroom taste and smell:

The tubules are creamy-yellowish when young, later yellow-green. Spores are yellowish.

Variability: the cap becomes dry and velvety over time, and the color of the cap varies from brown to reddish brown and brownish brown. The color of the stem varies from light brown and yellow-brown to reddish-brown.

There are no toxic twins. According to the description, this flywheel mushroom is similar to the motley flywheel. The main difference is that Boletus chtysenteron has cracks in the cap.

Habitats: grows in deciduous, coniferous forests.

Cooking methods: drying, marinating, boiling.

Season: June - October.

Edible: 3rd category.

The red flywheel is a fairly rare edible fungus that grows singly or in groups from mid-July to early October. The peak of productivity falls on August-September. Places of distribution - roadsides, as well as deciduous and mixed forests.

The cap of the mushroom is convex, but in the process of growth it becomes prostrate, cushion-shaped, about 8 cm in diameter. Its surface is smooth, dry, matte, velvety to the touch, red in color of varying intensity. The tubular layer is medium porous, adherent, first yellow and then greenish.

The leg is rounded, thinner at the base, solid inside, about 8 cm high with a diameter of not more than 1 cm. The surface of the leg is smooth, dry, yellow at the cap, reddish-brown at the base. The flesh is thick, fleshy, soft in the cap, hard in the stem, with a pronounced mushroom smell and taste. Upon contact with air, the light pink color of the flesh quickly changes to blue.

Mokhovik red belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms. It is eaten boiled, fried, pickled and salted.

Flywheel blackening in the photo
Xerocomus pulverulentus

Flywheel blackening (Boletus blackening)Xerocomus pulverulentus (Opat.) J.E. Gilbert (Syn. Boletus pulverulentus Opat.) in the Sakhalin region, it is distributed on the island of Kunashir. In Russia, it is also known in the Far East (Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories and Kamchatka Region), in the European part, in the Caucasus. Outside the Russian Federation - in Europe (Lithuania, Ukraine, Greece).

Biology and ecology. Cap 4 - 8 cm in diameter, cushion-shaped, then becomes almost flat, often with a lobed edge, felt, pinkish in young fruiting bodies, chestnut-brown, umber in mature ones. Tubes are yellow. The flesh is yellow, turns blue on the cut and then blackens. Leg 4.7 x 0.5-1.5 cm, cylindrical, straight or curved, velvety or punctate, bright yellow, sometimes purple or purple-brown in the lower third, intensely blue and black from pressure.

limiting factors. Deforestation, fires, stripping and trampling of forest litter.

State and measures of protection. Included in the "List of flora objects listed in the Red Book of the Sakhalin Region". A little-known edible mushroom, but due to its rarity, it is not collected by the population. It is under protection in the nature reserve "Kurilsky".

Look at the photo of moss mushrooms, the description of which is presented on this page:

Mushroom flywheel Goat in the photo

Mushroom flywheel Fractured in the photo