On their way, as well as in the process of life in a new habitat, the Huns quickly and easily communicated and even mixed with other peoples and tribes. So, by the time the Huns migrated to the Volga and Ural regions, Ugric tribes lived here. As a result of this synthesis, the appearance and culture of the Huns underwent some changes.

Hun invasion of Europe

In this regard, it is customary to distinguish between the Central Asian Huns and the Eastern European Huns. If we know about the former thanks to Chinese sources, then we know about the latter from the works of European authors. It is noteworthy that since its first appearance in Eastern Europe in the middle of II century. and until the middle of the IV century. there is no information about the Huns.

Apparently, for two hundred years, the flow of nomadic peoples from the east continued, which poured into the Hun ethnos, until this conglomerate reached a critical mass that required a surge outside. Such a surge occurs in the 60s of the 4th century, when the Huns cross the Volga and begin to move into Europe. Here they first encountered the Alans and the Goths.

Despite assimilation, the Huns retained the Xiongnu tactics of warfare, based on light and maneuverable cavalry. The Hun horsemen, armed with bows, capable of hitting distant targets without approaching the enemy, showered them with a hail of arrows.

When the enemy tried to get close to the Huns in close combat, they, having excellent maneuverability and mobility, scattered in different directions. Alans and Goths, having more heavy weapons, did not manage to adapt to the tactics of the Huns and by 375 they were defeated by them.

At the end of the 4th century, the Huns, having overcome Caucasian Range, began to make trips to the countries of the Near and Middle East. However, in this region they did not manage to deepen their advance and at the beginning of the 5th century. under the onslaught of the Persians, they were forced to leave the borders of Pe-

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