Born on October 24, the zodiac sign Scorpio is people who are inconsistent in their decisions and actions. This zodiac sign is one of the strongest and most powerful signs. People born under this sign are very sensual, but at the same time they can be absolutely heartless and unresponsive. You can feel hostility or passion, hatred or love towards such people. They have a very keen instinct, and plus they analyze any difficult situation well. Decisions are easy for them. Even if they chose the wrong path, they can calmly move on to a new, better one. At the same time, they will always say that they are right. In any case, they win. On October 24, people are born who persistently move towards their goal, thirsting for public fame and recognition. There are absolutely no barriers for them. Scorpios have a very mysterious understanding of existence, so it is very difficult to figure out what they really want. But from birth they clearly set a goal for themselves, to which many of them inevitably come. Whatever it costs them. They don't like being told that everything they do is useless. Scorpios sometimes set unrealistic goals for themselves, but often cope with them with ease.

Those born on October 24th zodiac sign Scorpio are very dangerous people when they go towards their goal. They don't notice anyone on their way. You need to try to get in their way at this moment, but if you still managed to do this, then Scorpio will do everything to quickly get you out of their way. And then you shouldn’t get involved with them, otherwise you will simply become your most sworn enemies forever. Scorpios' enemies are usually people who don't want to obey someone. These people are very brave and persistent. But as soon as two enemy sides collide, an internal war immediately unfolds, which no one is able to stop.
Scorpios born on October 24 find it very difficult to make new acquaintances. But they usually don't need them. Because it’s easier for them to be alone with themselves all their lives. This way no one will bother them. But at the same time, if a person still falls in love with Scorpio, then he remains in his heart forever. If Scorpio falls in love, then even if he loses a loved one, he will never look for a new one. And if someone tries to take a seat next to him, he will drive him away with hatred. The love of people born on October 24 is incomprehensible. They love with all their hearts, and never in their life even think about betraying their chosen one. In this matter, Scorpios are not inferior to anyone. They are leaders in relationships.

Offended Scorpios become “hermits”. They live on their own, not paying attention to anyone. They hold a grudge for a very long time. But this way they have more time for self-development.
Mars has the greatest influence on such people. They tend to feel sadness due to unfulfilled desires and unsuccessful deeds. They are very inclined to prevent diseases, as well as treat them. Scorpios love science very much. People born on October 24 are tireless when they grow up and very indecisive in their youth. Scorpios are endowed with a special gift for treating the sick. They feel people's pain as their own pain. So such people should go into medicine. They will be of great use. And treating people is a sacred thing.
Advice for those born on October 24, zodiac sign Scorpio
Try to behave in a way that pleases not only your loved one, but also everyone around you. After all, you never know, maybe in this huge number of people you will find someone whom you will never stop loving in your life.

The beginning of the first decade of Scorpio as a zodiac sign is October 24. Men born on this day are distinguished by a special character - dominant, emotional, open. They have many valuable human qualities. These include determination, moderate perseverance, ability to contact people, and honesty. And this is just a small list of them. Of course, there are also disadvantages, like everyone else. But about all this - in more detail.

Zodiac features

The character of men born on October 24 (zodiac sign - Scorpio) clearly shows the influence of Mars. The influence of the patron planet gives these people fury, authority, frantic energy and a certain recklessness.

Almost every man born on the first day of the early decade of Scorpio is a fighter in life. They tend to make a conscious choice in favor of the most difficult task, the absence of uncertainty and hesitation in extreme situations, innate courage and breadth of nature. Decent qualities, but they are “diluted” by rare cynicism and insolence.

It is also important to mention that these people are true intellectuals. They love to think and show curiosity, which can be indefatigable. Largely due to the thirst for knowledge, men of the zodiac sign Scorpio born on October 24 comprehend everything new quickly and independently. They are also observant and have analytical thinking, so they have a great understanding of people.

In a relationship

A man born on October 24 (zodiac sign - Scorpio) behaves decisively in love. It is very difficult to seduce him, since he chooses his own partner. As a rule, such a person makes a choice in favor of gentle, sensitive, devoted girls.

By the way, he himself doesn’t even need to do anything to attract attention to himself. Passions always boil around him, because this man is an interesting conversationalist and a charming, charismatic gentleman.

However, too persistent female attention does not flatter him, but only irritates him. This is often why a man in the first decade of Scorpio chooses a lady who doesn’t even look in his direction. He will make an effort to win her, but if it doesn’t work out, he will give up trying. The last thing he needs is for someone to be around who is indifferent to him.

Compatibility with fire signs

Based on the above, you can understand who Scorpio born on October 24 represents. Now - in a little more detail about how difficult it is for a person with such a difficult character to get along with other people:

  1. Aries. An emotional union can develop with a girl of this sign, because she is the same passionate and expressive nature. True, there will be no spiritual closeness, as well as friendly interest. But sexual compatibility is good. This relationship is based on her.
  2. a lion. A promising union. Its basis is passion, because of which both at first do not notice the shortcomings of their partner. Then, as it subsides, it turns out that neither one nor the other knows how to yield. Both are accustomed to the role of leader. If they want to be together, they will have to look for compromises.
  3. Sagittarius. Scorpio is unlikely to have a future with a girl of this sign. She is an eternal adventurer. And he is a connoisseur of stability. It is difficult for him to take seriously a girl who is controlled by emotions and desires. And sooner or later she will become bored with him.

Watermark compatibility

For men whose birthday falls on October 24, the horoscope predicts a good future with girls of this element. Each case should be considered separately:

  1. Cancer. Good compatibility, both in love and in friendship. These two have an ideal understanding - perfectly, one might say. In addition, they are united by the desire to find stability and constancy in relationships.
  2. Fish. In this couple, there is a noticeable strong mutual attraction, as well as mutual trust. Plus, both partners want to find a soul mate. And they realize that they have already found everything when they begin to get to know each other better.
  3. Scorpion. A girl and a guy with the same sign are drawn to each other with great force. Their relationship is a storm of emotions. But that's all. There is practically no mutual understanding, so such alliances quickly fall apart due to mutual reluctance to give in and the inability to remain silent in time. And words, as you know, hurt.

Compatibility with earth signs

It also cannot be ignored. And you should start with the least promising partner:

  1. Taurus. People of this sign, especially girls, have very complex and ambiguous characteristics. For a Scorpio man, compatibility with other signs already mentioned above, if at all, is impaired, then over time. But nothing can happen here from the beginning. Taurus are quarrelsome, overly principled, stubborn, unyielding. So even partnership is impossible here.
  2. Virgo. A pedantic nature, but this is exactly what a man born on October 24 appreciates. What sign has such a similar worldview if not Virgo? August-September ladies look at life from the same angle as Scorpios and complement them perfectly.
  3. Capricorn. A girl who doesn't need adventure. She needs a reliable person to live with, someone she can trust. In addition, she has a desire for career growth and financial well-being, so these two may also start a joint business, which will only unite them more closely.

Compatibility with Air Signs

Let's talk about this one last time. For men whose birthday falls on October 24, the horoscope does not bode well for love unions with air signs. It is generally better to avoid them. The following can be said about compatibility:

  1. Twins. Yes, there is a mutual attraction here. But Gemini is a girl who values ​​personal freedom, an active lifestyle and her ever-expanding social circle. The jealous Scorpio owner will waste all his nerves with her.
  2. Scales. They are also lovers of freedom, preferring an easy, relaxed life and planning little beyond the day. Who also consider Scorpio guys to be too demanding and jealous. And they, in turn, call them passive, impractical and indifferent. In general, if such pairs arise, they quickly collapse.
  3. Aquarius. A girl who often lives for tomorrow and often has her head in the clouds. Modest, graceful, restrained, correct - she may seem like a good option to Scorpio, but this is not so. Sooner or later he will try to limit her freedom, which she values ​​most, and will see her hidden rigidity.

Zodiac sign of people born on October 24th: Scorpio. The sun on this day is usually at 2° Scorpio. Behavior type: fixed. Astrological element: water. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope for people born on October 24

Character according to horoscope

Two themes characterize the life of those born on October 24: the theme of revelations and important discoveries and pedantic care for little things.

Intemperate and unanalytical, those born on this day feel the need to show themselves to the world, as well as to communicate their discoveries, often in a very bright and stunning way.

Love by horoscope

As parents, we are always aware of everything that happens in the lives of our children; like friends and lovers, always vigilant. Unfortunately, life together with them is very difficult.

Close people should understand the commitment of those born on this day to a career that is separate from their personal life. They need to control their jealousy or possessiveness if they want to truly advance in their personal development.

It is also important to learn to recognize that excessive criticism is harmful and can cause others stress, and that having fun is the cure for stress.

Career according to horoscope

They are artists and professionals who take their work seriously, especially if it involves technology.

They cleverly influence those who watch and listen to them. One of the main features is magnetism, they attract others, and the latter are interested in both those actually born on this day and the business they are engaged in.

October 24th Tarot Card: Lovers

Name of the figure: Lovers, Love.

Image of the figure: young people on the verge of concluding a sacred union. Above them is Cupid, who initiates them by releasing his arrow.

Symbol: those who know that love is the most powerful force in the universe.

Meanings: love, attractiveness, sympathy, doubt, uncertainty, infidelity.

Analogies: Astrology: Mercury in the sign of Virgo; Health: liver pain, depression; Professions: doctor, psychologist, teacher.

Planet of those born on October 24

Venus (2+4=6): Corresponds to love affairs and love, aesthetics, the need for harmony, well-being, as well as peace and tranquility.

Birthday number October 24

Number 2: indicates inner peace and receptivity. People with the influence of the number 2 are highly sensitive individuals who need stimulation and protection. Distinctive features are vivid imagination and creativity.

Number 4: symbolizes the 4 basic elements of life (fire, air, water, earth). Conducive to communication; a person with the influence of number 4 listens to everything that happens around him.


Anxiety, gastroenteritis.


Artist, editor, sociologist.


Sexy, theatrical, precise.


Egocentrism, stress, anxiety.

You feel the rhythm of time very well and know what actions to take, when it is worth being active, and when it is better to hold off on things and just wait. You try to realize your life plans and dreams as much as possible, value time and strive for high achievements. You often show special abilities in music, painting and other forms of art, which makes your life bright, rich and interesting. At the same time, you are practical and patient, you know how to use your chance and realize your abilities.


  • Rationality and discipline;
  • Determination;
  • Developed intuition and desire for success;
  • Goodwill;
  • Romance and sensitivity.


  • Indecisiveness;
  • Excessive prudence;
  • Greed;
  • Coldness in relationships with others;
  • Superficiality.

Man born on October 24

You are friendly, but a little frivolous. You are characterized by touchiness, a desire to avoid problems and worries by any means, so it is not easy for you to take a step towards family relationships, even with mutual and great love. Sometimes you underestimate yourself too much and doubt your abilities, so you often bother others with boring conversations.

Woman born on October 24

You are dreamy, friendly, but in some cases you doubt too much, both in yourself and in others. You constantly wind yourself up, taking possible negative developments of events as reality. You should trust people more and interfere as little as possible in other people's affairs and negative situations.

Love horoscope October 24

You strive for a warm and friendly relationship, not ideal love. Appreciate the kindness, tenderness and attention of the opposite sex, but for a long time you hesitate to take steps towards family relationships. Constant hesitation and pessimism prevent you from being decisive and creating your own family happiness.

Work and career horoscope October 24

You strive for high goals and achievements, appreciate what you have achieved and try to realize yourself in activities related to communication and people. Money and power are of secondary importance to you, although you will never give them up. You carefully consider all your actions to achieve success and your personal career goals.