Incereral weapons - incendiary ammunition and means of their delivery.

The base of the incendiary ammunition is incendiary substances.

The incendiary substances can be divided into:

Incendiary compositions based on petroleum products (Napalm),

Metallized incendiary mixtures (Piegeli);

Termites and thermal formulations;

Normal (white) and plasticized phosphorus.

Napalm - an incendiary mixture prepared from automotive gasoline or kerosene and thickeners. Napalm has large stickiness and good fluidity. Because of the sticky, it is difficult to remove it from burning surfaces. It is easily flammable, it burns slowly, about 5-10min, developing a temperature of 1000-1200Gradusov. Used for flamethrough from various types of weapons. The combustion temperature of Napalmov to 1200 ° with a duration of 5-10 minutes.

Pirogeli - or metallized incendiary mixtures. Tough sticky mass of gray with metallic tint. The composition includes: automotive gasoline or kerosene, thickener (rubber), magnesium, powdered aluminum. Unlike Napalmov, Pygeli form high-temperature slags that are capable of burning lists of duralumin. The combustion temperature is up to 1600 °, 3-4 minutes are burning. Used in aviation and artillery ammunition.

Termitic formulations - powdered pressed mixture of aluminum and iron oxides. The combustion temperature is up to 3000 °, burns without access of oxygen, even if you fall asleep with sand. Ignited from special incendiary devices, pressed into briquettes and balls.

White phosphorus- solid high-like substance with a yellowish tint. In the air spontaneously react with oxygen and flammified. The combustion temperature of 1200Gradusov.

Incendiary ammunition: incendiary and napalm aviation bombs, cassettes, cassette plants, artillery shells, armor-pyro-incendiary bullets, thermite checkers, Fugasi, etc.

The striking effect of the CP is due to thermal skin burns and mucous membranes, infrared radiation and poisoning of combustion products. Not only leather, but also subcutaneous fiber, muscles, and even bones can be affected by burning fire. Phosphoric burns may be complicated by the poisoning of the body during phosphorus absorption through the burn surface. Thus, the impact of the SS on the human body is multifactorious, often causes combined lesions, leading to the development of shock, the appearance of which is possible in 30% affected.

As the protection of personalized funds from SNCs: fortification structures, covered special and transport cars; Individual means of protection, raincoat, tent, cotton jackets, natural shelters, stone buildings, trees crowns, as well as various remedies.

Communication of combat use - aviation, artillery, incl. reactive, flamethos, etc.

Weapons on new physical principles (non-lethal weapon)

In recent decades, when developing the concept of modern wars, in the countries of the NATO block, the creation of fundamentally new types of weapons is becoming increasingly important. Its distinctive feature is an amazing effect on people, not leading, as a rule, to the fatal outcomes of amazed.

This type includes weapons that can neutralize or deprive the enemy the ability to conduct active fighting without significant irrevocable losses of the living force and the destruction of material values.

For possible weapons on new physical principles (ONFP), first of all non-otic effects, can be attributed:

1) geophysical (meteorological, ozone, climatic);


    radio frequency;




    ) ethnic;

8) beam;

9 antimatter;

10) paranormal phenomena;

11) acoustic;


    informational and psychological;


1. Serious danger to the live strength of the battlefield may arise in connection with the creation "Geophysical weapons" . Its functions are based on the use of the mechanism. impact onprocesses occurring in solid, liquid and gaseousearth shells. At the same time, the state of unstable balance is of particular interest.

At the heart of the action of this weapon, it is planned to use natural disasters (earthquakes, shower, tsunami, etc.), the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, protecting the animal and the vegetable world from the destructive radiation of the Sun. Of particular importance for the use of such means is atmospheric layer at a height of 10 to 60 kilometers.

By the nature of the impact, geophysical weapons are sometimes divided into:

a) meteorological

b) ozone,

c) climatic.

The most studied and tested in practice meteorological Weapons is provoking showers in certain areas. For this, in particular, it was used to dissipate in the rain clouds of dry ice, iodide silver or iodide barium, lead. The cloud size of several thousand cubic kilometers, carrying energy reserves of the order of a million kilowatt-hours, as a rule, is in an unstable state, and it is enough to dispel over it about 1 kilogram of iodide silver to dramatically change its condition and provoke the shower. Several aircraft, via hundreds kilograms of specially selected reagents able to dispel clouds over the area of \u200b\u200bseveral thousandsquare kilometers And cause abundant precipitation and flooding in some regions, but at the same time create "flying" weather in others.

The results of artificial stimulating the storm rains are known, which were undertaken by the United States during the War in Vietnam, as well as, apparently, with the help of the weather conditions during the war in Yugoslavia in 1999.

Climatic weapons It is considered as a variety of geophysical, since climate change occurs as a result of interference in weathering processes.

Purpose Long (let's say, for ten years), the use of this weapon can be to reduce the effectiveness of agricultural production of the likely enemy, deterioration in the food supply of the population of this region. Catastrophic consequences for the state can cause a decrease of only 1 degree of average annual temperature in the lard area, where the bulk of grain is produced. As a result, political and even strategic goals can be achieved without unleashing war in its traditional understanding.

At the same time, the use of climate weapons in one area of \u200b\u200bthe world can really destroy the preserving climate balance of the planet and cause significant damage to many other "non-involved" districts and including the country that will apply this weapon.

Ozone weapons associated with the use of funds and methods for artificial destruction of ozone layer Above chosen areas of the enemy. Artificial education of such "windows" will create conditions for penetration to the surface of the Earth ultraviolet radiation Sun with a wavelength of about 0.3 micrometer. It destructively acts on the cells of living organisms, cellular structures and the mechanism of hereditary. Causes skin burns, the number increases sharplycancer diseases. It is believed that the first noticeable result of the impact will be a decrease in the productivity of animals and agricultural plants. Violation of processes occurring in the ozoneosphere may also affect the thermal balance of these areas and on the weather. Reducing the ozone content will lead to a decrease in the average temperature and to enhance humidity, which is especially dangerous for areas of unstable, critical agriculture. In this area, ozone weapons are closed with climatic.

2. The striking effect of radiological weaponsbased on use radioactive substances. It can be pre-prepared powdered mixes or liquidsolutions Substances containing in their composition radioactive isotopes of chemical elements with specially selected radiation intensity and half-life. Basic source Receiving radioactive substances can serve wastegenerated during the operation of nuclear reactors. They can also be obtained by irradiation in their prepained substances. However, the exploitation of such weapons is complicated by a significant radioactive background, which creates the risk of irradiation of the service personnel. Otherprobable A variant of radiological weapons is the use of radioactive substances, formeddirectly at the moment of the explosion of thermonuclear charge. In this principle, the American project was based "Cobalt bomb."To do this, it was supposed to create a shell from natural cobalt around thermonuclear charge. As a result of irradiation with rapid neutrons, cobalt-60 isotope is formed, having a high y-radiation intensity with a half-life - 5.7 years. The radiation intensity of this isotope is higher than that of radium. Falling out after the explosion on the ground, it creates a strong radioactive radiation.

3. At the heart of the striking action radio frequencyarms located the irradiation of the human bodyelectromagnetic (radiation) radiation. Studies have shown that even when irradiated quite low intensity in it, various violations and changes occur. In particular, there was a detrimental effect of radio frequency radiation on a violation of the rhythm of the heart of the heart, up to its stop. At the same time there were two typesimpact: Heat and naughty. Thermal Impact causes overheating of fabrics and organs And with quite a long-term radiation causes pathological changes. Non-doorimpact basically leads to functional disorders in various organs of the human body especially in cardiovascular and nervous systems. This happened in Russia in June 1997 at the Arzamas-16 Federal Nuclear Center (Sarov Nizhny Novgorod Region), where a strong neutron radiation release occurred. As the case showed, the most powerful ionization was caused by a critical assembly, which led to the death of the operator.

4. Laser weapon It is the powerful emitters of the electromagnetic energy of the optical range - Quantum generators. Affecting D.e. the laser beam is achieved inthe result of heating to high temperatures of materials, objectcausing them melting or even evaporation, damagesensitive elements of weapons

blinding organs of visionman and making thermal burns Skin. The effect of laser radiation is characterized by suddenness, high-speed, high accuracy, rectiality of distribution and practical instantaneous action. It is possible to create laser combat complexes for various purposes of terrestrial, marine, air and cosmic base, with different power, range, rapid fiction, ammunition. Objects of lesion of such complexes can be the live strength of the enemy, its optical systems, aircraft and rockets of various types.

5. Infrasound weapons Based on the use of sound waves with a frequency of several hertz, which can have a strong impact on the human body. Infrasoundoscillations below the level of perception of humanear, can cause a state of anxiety, despair and even horror.

According to certain specialists, the effects of infrasound radiation on people lead to epilepsy, and with a significant radiation power, a fatal outcome can be achieved. Death may occur as a result of a sharp disruption of the functions of the body, damage to the cardiovascular system, destruction of blood vessels and internal organs. The selection of a certain radiation frequency is possible, for example, to provoke mass manifestations of myocardial infarction at the personnel of the troops and the population of the enemy. It is necessary to take into account the ability of infrasound fluctuations to penetrate concrete and metal barriers, which undoubtedly increases the interest of military specialists to this weapon.

6. Genetic weapon.

The development of molecular genetics led to the possibility of creating genetic weapons based on the implementation of DNA recombination (deoxyribonucleic acid) - carrier of genetic information. With the help of genes of genetic engineering, it was possible to separate the generation of genes and their recombination to form the recombinant molecules DNA.Based on these methods possible transferring genes with the help of microorganisms, provide obtainingpotent toxins of human, animal orvegetable origin. By combining bacteriological and toxic agents, it is possible to create biological weapons with a changed genetic apparatus. By the introduction of genetic material with pronounced toxic properties in virulent bacteria or viruses, a bacteriological weapon can be obtained, capable of making a fatal outcome in a short time.

7. The study of the natural and genetic difference between people, their fine biochemical structure showed the possibility of creating the so-called ethnic weapons.Such a weapon in the near future will be able to hit oneethnic groups of the population And be neutral with respect to others. The basis of such selectivity will be distinguishes in blood groups, skin pigmentation, geneticstructure. Studies in the field of ethnic weapons can be aimed at identifying the genetic vulnerability of individual ethnic groups, and on the development of special agents designed for the effective use of this ability. According to the calculations of one of the leading American physicians R. Hamershand, ethnic weapons can be defeated 25 - 30% of the population of the country under-attack. Recall that such losses of the population in the nuclear war are considered "unacceptable" in which the country suffers defeat.

8. The striking factor of beam weapons is an sharpened beamCharged or Neutral Particles of High Energy - electrons, protons, neutral atomshydrogen. The powerful flow of energy carrying by particles can create in the target material - Intensive thermal impact, shock mechanical load, destroy molecularstructure The human body, initiate X-ray radiation. The use of bundled weapons is characterized by an instantaneousness and suddenness of affecting action. The limiting factor for the range of this weapon are particles of gases in the atmosphere, with the atoms of which the overclocked particles interact. The most likely lesions may be live strength, electronic equipment, various systems of military equipment, ballistic and winged rockets, spacecraft.

9. Theoretical studies in the field of nuclear physics showed the principal possibility of existence antimatter. Existence antiparticles (for example, positrons)it was proved experimentally. When interaction particles and Anticastitz There is significant energy in the form of photons. According to calculations, the interaction of 1 milligram antiparticle with matter is distinguished by energy equivalent to the explosion of several tens of tons of trinitrogenol. Currently, the process is not only a very difficult process, but also the preservation of antiparticles, and the creation in the foreseeable future weapons of mass destruction based on antimatter is unlikely.

10. In recent years, a wide interest in research in the field bioenergy, associated with the so-called paranormal human capabilities. Work is underway to create various technical devices based on biofield energy, i.e. Specific field existing around

living organism. Research the possibility of creating psychotropic weapons on this basis is carried out in several directions:

1) extrasensory perception - perception of properties of objects, their states, sounds, odors, thoughts of people without contact with them and without the use of ordinary senses;

2) telepathy - Transfer of thoughts at a distance;

3) clairvoyance (long-distance) - observation of the object (target) located outside the visual communication;

4) mental influence that causes their movement or destruction;

5) Telekinis - The mental movement of a person whose body remains alone.

11. In contactless wars, weapons can be found on new physical principles. - acoustic weapons. In this form of an amazing effect, the energy of acoustic radiation of a certain frequency will be used. Most likely, it can be used if it is necessary to simultaneously with the service personnel of a particular military facility or an object of the economy. The carriers of such weapons can be terrestrial, marine, air and space high-precision agents. This weapon can be delivered in the required quantities using high-precision winged and ballistic missiles and reset on parachutes to land in the area of \u200b\u200bobjects or penetrate the inside of objects to be affected. Such a defeat can cause demoralization and even the death of the whole living, violate the work or disabling those electronic means that work on the principle of reception and transformation of acoustic waves, destroy individual elements of certain types of weapons, military equipment and objects.

12. Significant development will receive the ONFP electromagneticdefeat.

It will be the form of an amazing effect on objects, goals due to the energy of electromagnetic radiation of various wavelengths and levels of capacities generated by radio frequency and laser weapons, means of radio electronic counteraction (RAP) using a conventional or high-altitude nuclear explosion. The pulse flows of the radio frequency electromagnetic radiation of the microsecond durability and with the energy density of the order of several dozen joules per square meter are capable of causing a functional lesion of electronics. Such weapons depending on the radiation power will be capable of:

▪Production of almost all classical electronic means (RES) operating on the principle of reception and transformation of electromagnetic waves;

▪ Clearing melting or evaporation of metal in electronics printed circuit boards, weapons and military equipment or cause structural changes in electronic elements of military equipment;

▪Obbing effect on human behavior;

▪ Device living cells, violate biological and physiological processes in the functions of living organisms.

The carriers of such weapons can be, as already mentioned, the special winged rockets of ground, sea, air, and in the subsequent and cosmic bases used at extremely low flight paths, and numerous unmanned means of a large range of action.

13. Stormy development mass media,especially electronic, also creates objectiveprerequisites for use for military purposes. You can predict that in the future the battlefield will continue to move to the area of \u200b\u200bintellectual impact on the consciousness and feelings of millions of people. Having placed cosmic repeaters in near-earth orbits, the aggressor country will be able to develop and under certain conditions to implement the information war scenario against this or that state, trying to blow it from the inside. Provocative transmissions will be designed not to mind, but, above all, on the emotions of people, on their sensual sphere, which is much more efficient, especially with the low political culture of the population, weak awareness and unpreparedness to such a war. Dosed feeding of ideologically and psychologically processed provocative material, skillful alternation of truthful and false information, skillful installation of details of various fictional explosive situations can turn into a powerful means of psychological offensive. Especially effective, it may be against the country in which there is social tensions, interethnic, religious or class conflicts. Carefully selected information, falling on such a favorable soil, may in a short time callpanic, mass riots, pogromsdestabilize the political situation in the country. Thus, it is possible to force the enemy to capitulate without the use of traditional types of weapons.

14. Thermal (thermal) defeat - This is a long-known view of the striking impact on objects, targets with the help of weapons using heat energy and, above all, open fire. Having physico-chemical nature, the thermal lesion is an integral part of both physical and chemical species of defeat, and it will certainly be preserved in the armed struggle of the future. The carriers of such weapons will be high-precision winged rockets of various basing. Thermal lesions will be presented well known in the ground forces flamethroughs, incendiary ammunition andfugas We use incendiary substances, however, it should be expected that by the use of new thermal chemicals will increase their capabilities.

In wars and armed struggle of the future, it is quite likely to find widespread use and radiation, electromagnetic and acoustic ONFP. The impact in the use of this weapon will be carried out by laser, radio frequency, infrasound radiation, as well as electromagnetic and acoustic interference, and now the general name radioelectronic interference. This weapon can be used both for lesion and for short-term disabilities with interference of air-space and marine lesions.

    Secondary defeat factors

With different explosions in cities or near economics, secondary affecting factors may arise, which include: explosions (in the destruction of tanks, communications and units with natural gas), fires (due to damage to heating furnaces, electrical wiring, containers and pipelines with flammable liquids ), flooding of the area (in the destruction of dams of power plants or artificial reservoirs), infection of the atmosphere, terrain and water bodies (in the destruction of tanks and technological communications with having, as well as nuclear power plants), collapse of damaged buildings designs (from the action of an air shock wave or seismic waves Soil) and others. The nature of their impact on the population depends on the type of secondary factor.

In some cases, for example, in the destruction of large flavors of fuel and flammable liquids, enterprises of the oil refining and chemical industry, hydroelectric power plant dams and reservoirs, damage from secondary factors on their scale can exceed the damage to the direct effects of the shock wave and the light radiation of the nuclear explosion.

Potentially dangerous sources of secondary ammunition factors are high fire and explosive enterprises. Destruction and damage to buildings, structures, technological installations, containers and pipelines may result in the expiration of gaseous or liquefied hydrocarbon products (for example, methane, propane, butylene, ethylene, propylene, butylene, etc.). They form explosion or fire-hazardous mixtures with air. Therefore, near the destroyed tanks or pipelines, you can only be in insulating gas masks.

A special danger represents the destruction of nuclear power plants, which can lead to radioactive infection of the station itself and adjacent territory for dozens and even hundreds of kilometers.

As a result of the collapse of damaged structures, the so-called indirect effect of the shock wave is occurring, causing the defeat of people and the destruction of technological equipment. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, most of the victims were among people who were in the premises.

Consequently, the object, which turned out to be a nuclear lesion itself, may itself be a source of affecting actions or to be in the zone of the paralyzing action of secondary factors in the destruction of other economy facilities.

Secondary lesion factors can be internal when their source is the destroying elements of the object of the economy itself, and external when the object of printing falls into the zone of the action of secondary factors arising from the destruction of other economy objects.

    Structure of sanitary losses in appearance, severity, localization, damage character

The loss of the population, resulting from the use of a possible opponent of the means of armed struggle, is divided into common, sanitary and irrevocable. Common losses are cumulative losses among the population in the lesion focus. They total consist of sanitary and irrevocable losses. Sanitary losses are affected who need to provide medical care, which have lost working capacity for at least a day and entered the stages of medical evacuation. Irrevocable losses are dead in place before providing medical care or missing.

When applying modern weapons, the population is possible the occurrence of isolated, multiple, combined and combined lesions.

Isolated defeat It occurs when a single person damage is obtained by one affecting agent. In case of simultaneous damage to one anatomical region, several wounded agents of one type of traumatic factor (for example, fragments), multiple lesions occur.

TO combined lesions These are similar damage to several anatomical areas of the human body with one traumatic agent.

Combined Benefits caused by various types of weapons (injury of bullets and simultaneous lesions of 0B, etc.) or by various amazing factors of the same type of weapons (burns from the effect of the light radiation of the nuclear explosion and the damage to penetrating radiation, etc.). In combined injuries, there is a mutual burden syndrome (for example, radiation disease worsens the course of burns, injuries). Combined and multiple wounds are often complicated by shock.

To multiple There are injured in which several sections of one or a number of the anatomical areas of the body are damaged by two or more wounded objects of one type of weapons (several bullets or several fragments of bombs, shells, etc.).

The magnitude and structure of sanitary losses are of the greatest importance for the organization of medical support of the population in the foci of sanitary loss. Under structure of sanitary fellit means the percentage of various categories affected by the total number of sanitary losses among the population.

In order to plan the medical and evacuation provision of affected sanitary losses are divided according to gravity to light, medium and heavy.

Given the possibility of applying an applied enemy in wars of the widespread arsenal of the means of armed struggle against the civilian population, the headquarters of the Ministry of Health should consider in its plans the possibility of lesions on the territory of Russia with mass sanitary losses on the territory of Russia, which will be characterized by a complex and diverse structure with the predominance of heavy and combined lesion forms. .

It should be noted that the forecast of possible sanitary losses among the population in the foci of the lesion, carried out in peacetime, is definitely approximate. However, it allows the appropriate head of the medical service and its headquarters to determine the estimated need forces and means, to develop and make a preliminary decision on the creation of a grouping of medical forces intended for the organization of medical support of the population in a lesion focus. In the future, in the case of applying an opponent of a certain type of weapon in this area, the preliminary calculated data on the medical situation is specified by the information obtained from the subordinate and interacting authorities, as well as as a result of the exploration of the lesion focus.

The greatest value is to clarify the magnitude of sanitary losses, their structures, dislocations and the degree of accessibility affected to provide them with medical care. Based on this data, relevant adjustments are made to the decision of the Head of Medical Services.

An example of the use of ammunition of a volume explosion can serve as a tragedy in Bashkiria in the summer of 1989, on a plot of a gas pipeline, located 1 km from the railway line, a leakage of liquid propane occurred. The gas evaporates, the resulting gas cloud went down to the nizenne and hung over the railway tracks. Two passenger trains met in the area of \u200b\u200bgas leakage. The spark that caused a powerful explosion, which practically destroyed everything within the radius of one and a half km. Of the 1500 passengers suffered more than 1200, approximately 400 killed instantly or shortly after the accident.

A catastrophe in Armenia in December 1988 is a visual example of using the power equivalent to nuclear weapons (with the exception of radiation damage), about 25,000 people died, 40,000 people were extracted from the dawn, of which 32,500 were wounded, 12500 were hospitalized (25% - children), Each 1000 inhabitants accounted for 45 dead and 60 wounded. When assisting at the prehospital stage, 49% of the affected condition was determined as severe and extremely heavy, in 28% of moderate severity, in 23% - satisfactory. In the first two days, 93.2% was hospitalized. Almost 50% were injured (30% combined, 18% - multiple, in 2% -Bed). 70% of medical personnel died, 250 medical institutions were destroyed.

According to forecasts, the proportion of sanitary losses in the modern war from firearms is 75%. From high-precision - 30%, from the ammunition of the bulk explosion - 60%, significantly - up to 70% the number of severe and extremely heavy wounded and affected will increase.

Improving the means of nuclear attack, increasing the accuracy of object damage, the increase in the possibilities for the use of nuclear facilities, including ammunition of small calibers and neutron charges, will lead to a significant increase in sanitary loss sizes.


As noted in the concept of national security, the immediate threat of direct aggression against the Russian Federation at the present stage decreased. However, military hazard continues to be maintained. Under certain conditions, it can grow into a direct military threat and military conflicts of various intensity. Decisions taken over the past years to reduce nuclear potentials, the prohibition and destruction of chemical weapons reduce the possibility of using weapons of mass lesion in modern wars and armed conflicts, but it is completely not excluded. We should not forget that the number of states owning nuclear weapons increased by India and Pakistan. It has long been known about the presence of atomic bombs in Israel.

At the same time, in the concepts of modern wars, the increasing role is allocated to high-precision weapons and weapons on new physical principles (the so-called illegal), the use of political, economic and information measures for the enemy. In recent years, international and internal terrorism has begun a significant threat to Russia.

Head of occupation G.F.ziganshin

The usual means of lesion is a weapon, which is based on the use of explosive energy (explosives) and incendiary mixtures (artillery, rocket and aircraft ammunition, small armament, mines, incendiary ammunition and firecases), as well as cold weapons. At the same time, the modern level of development of science allows us to create conventional means of defeat on qualitatively new principles (infrasound, radiological, laser).

High-precision weapon.

In a number of ordinary defeat funds, the weapon has a special place with a high accuracy of entering the goal. An example of it can serve winged rockets. They are equipped with a complex combined control system that suits the rocket to goal in advanced flight cards. The flight is prepared on the basis of information laid in memory of the on-board computer, from the reconnaissance artificial satellites of the Earth. When executing a task, these data are compared with the terrain and are automatically adjusted. The control system provides the winged rocket of the flight at low heights, which makes it difficult to detect it and increases the likelihood of targeting target.

At high-precision weapons include Also managed ballistic missiles, aviation bombs, and cassettes, artillery shells, torpedoes, reconnaissance and shock, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile systems. High accuracy of defeat targets with these means is achieved:

    guidance of controlled ammunition on a visually observed goal;

    self-administration of ammunition using radar detection on reflection from the surface of the target;

    combined targeting ammunition on target, i.e. Control using an automated system for most of the flight path and homing at the final stage.

The effectiveness of high-precision weapons was convincingly confirmed in local wars.

Some types of unmanaged ammunition. The most common ammunition relating to ordinary means of lesion is a different type of air bombs - fragmentation, fuhasny, ball, and an ammunition of a bulk explosion.

Shard air bombs Used to defeat people and animals. When the bomb explodes, a large number of fragments are formed, which are flying out in different directions to a distance of up to 300 m from the explosion site. Brick and wooden walls fragments do not break through.

Fugasal air bombs Designed to destroy all sorts of facilities. Often they have slow motion fuses that work automatically after a while after dropping the bomb.

The balls of air bombs can be the size of a tennis to a soccer ball and contain at least 300 metal or plastic balls with a diameter of 5-6 mm. The radius of the striking action of such a weapon is 1.5-15 m. Some bombs are equipped with a large number of affluent material: from several hundred and several thousand of the same small balls, needles, arrows. They are reset in special packaging (cassettes), covering an area of \u200b\u200b160-250 thousand m 2.

Small explosion ammunition Sometimes called "vacuum bombs". As a combat charge in them, liquid hydrocarbon fuel is used: ethylene or propylene oxide, methane. The ammunition of the bulk explosion is a small container, which is reset from the aircraft on the parachute. At a given height, the container is revealed by releasing the mixture contained inside. The formation of a gas cloud is occurring, which is undermined by a special explosion and instantly flammable. The shock wave propagating with supersonic speed occurs. Its capacity is 4-6 times higher than the energy of the explosion of a conventional explosive. In addition, with such an explosion, the temperature reaches 2500-3000 ° C. In place of the explosion, lifeless space is formed with a football field. By its destructive ability, such an ammunition can be comparable to a tactical nuclear ammunition.

Since the fuel and air mixture of ammunition of the bulk explosion easily spreads and is able to penetrate the lesions, as well as to form in the folds of the terrain, the simplest protective structures from them can not save.

The impact wave arising from the explosion causes such lesions such as brain contusion, multiple internal bleeding due to the breaking of connective tissues of internal organs (liver, spleen), breakpoint breakpoint.

High affecting the ability, as well as the inefficiency of existing measures for protection against amplification explosion ammunition served as the basis for the United Nations to qualify such a weapon as an inhuman means of warfare, causing excessive suffering of people. At the meeting of the Emergency Committee on conventional weapons in Geneva, a document was adopted in which such ammunition was recognized as a type of weapons requiring the prohibition by the international community.

Incendiary weapons. The incendial substances are called such substances and mixtures that affect the action as a result of a high temperature created during their combustion. They have the most ancient history, but significant development received in the XX century.

By the end of the First World War, incendiary bombs accounted for up to 40% of the total number of bombs dropped by German bombers on the city of England. During the Second World War, this practice continued: dropped in a large quantity of fiery air bombs caused devastating fires in cities and industrial facilities.

Incendiary weapons divided into: incendiary mixtures (napalms); Metallized incendiary mixtures based on petroleum products (Piegel); Termites and thermal formulations; White phosphorus.

Napalmit is considered the most effective fireman. Its base is gasoline (90-97%) and a thickener powder (3-10%). It is characterized by good flammability and increased adhesion even to wet surfaces, it is capable of creating a high-temperature focus (1000-1200 ° C) with a burning length of 5-10 minutes. Since it naplam is easier than water, it floats on its surface, while maintaining the ability to burn. When combustion, a black poisonous smoke is formed. Napalm bombs were widely used by American troops during the War in Vietnam. They burned settlements, fields and forests.

Piegel It consists of petroleum products with the addition of powdered magnesium (aluminum), liquid asphalt and heavy oils. High combustion temperature allows him to burn a thin layer of metal. An example of peyogel can be a metallized incendiary mixture "electron" (alloy 96% magnesium, 3% aluminum and 1% of other elements). This mixture flammives at 600 ° C and lit up a dazzling white or bluish flame, reaching a temperature of 2800 ° C. It is used for the manufacture of aviation incendiary bombs.

Termitic formulations - compressed powdered mixtures of iron and aluminum with the addition of barium nitrates, sulfur and binding substances (varnish, oil). They burn without access, the combustion temperature reaches 3000 ° C. At this temperature, concrete and brick are cracking, iron and steel are lit.

White phosphorus - translucent, poisonous solid, similar to wax. It is capable of self-propagation, connecting with air oxygen. The combustion temperature reaches 900-1200 ° C. It is used mainly as the igniter napalm and the smoke-forming agent. Causes burns and poisoning.

Incendiary weapons It may be in the form of aviation bombs, cassettes, artillery incendiary ammunition, flamethrower, various incendiary grenades. The incendiary means cause very heavy burns, stares. In the process of their combustion, the air is rapidly heated, which causes the burns of the upper respiratory tract in its people.

Remember! The incendiary substances that fell on the means of individual protection or upper clothes, it is necessary to quickly lose, and if they are a bit - cover with a sleeve, hollow clothes, turpentine, to cease burning. You can not knock down a burning naked hand, shake her on the run!

If a hazard fell on a person, a cape, a jacket, tarpaulin, burlap on it. You can plunge in burning clothes into the water or shoot down the fire with riding on the ground.

For protection against incendiary mixtures, the construction of protective structures and their fire fighting equipment are carried out, fire extinguishing means are preparing.

Incereral weapons - means for damage to the living force and enemy military equipment, the action of which is based on the use of incendial substances. The incendiary weapons includes incendiary ammunition and firecases, as well as their means of delivering to the target.

The incendiary substance is a special selected substance or a mixture of substances that can ignite, steadily burn and ensure the maximum manifestation of the affecting factor in the incendiary weapons during combat use.

The main affixing factor in the incendiary weapons is the release of heat energy and toxic combustion products for humans.

An important distinguishing combat property of the incendiary weapons (ZZHO) is its ability to cause secondary fire processes, which, along thermal power and the scale of manifestation of affluent factors, can largely exceed the primary fire effect on the lesion object.

The second important feature of the affecting actions of the ZZHO in relation to the living force is the "production" of a huge number of burn wounds, entailing the withdrawal of living force and long-term hospitalization, i.e., as a rule, irretrievable losses. The third feature of the affecting actions of the JSC is a high moral and psychological impact on the lively enemy power.

All modern incendiary substances, depending on their composition, are divided into three main groups: inhibition mixtures based on petroleum products, metallized incendiary mixtures based on petroleum products, incendiary mixtures based on termit.

A special group of incendiary substances is the usual and plasticized phosphorus, alkali metals, self-propagating mixture based on triethylene aluminum.

Flowing mixtures based on petroleum products - are divided into unguarded (liquid) and thickened (viscous).

Unguarded incendiary mixtures are prepared from gasoline, diesel fuel and lubricating oils. They are well flammable and applied from the knapless flamethos.

The thickened incendiary mixes are viscous student-like substances consisting of gasoline or other liquid fuel, mixed with various thickeners. They got the name Napalm. They are a viscous mass well adherent to different surfaces and resembling rubber glue. Color mass from pink to brown depending on the thickener.

Napalm is easily flammable, but burns with a combustion temperature of 1100-12000c and a duration of 5-10 minutes. In addition, the napalm b possesses increased adhesion even to wet surfaces and distinguishes poisonous pairs during combustion, causing irritation of eyes and respiratory organs. It is also lighter than water, which allows him to burn on her surface.

When light metals (sodium) are added to napalm, the mixture is called "super napalm", which is self-proposal on targets, especially on water or in the snow. Metallic mixtures based on petroleum products (pyrogels) are a type of napalm mixtures with the addition of aluminum, magnesium powders or heavy petroleum products (asphalt, fuel oil) and certain types of combustible polymers.

In appearance - a thick mass with a grayish tint, burning with flares with a combustion temperature up to 16000s, the combustion time is 1-3 minutes.

The pyrogels are distinguished by the quantitative content of the combustible base:

Thermal compositions are powder-shaped mixtures of iron and aluminum oxide. The compositions may include barium nitrates, sulfur binding substances (varnishes, oils). Separation temperature 13000С, combustion temperature 30000С. Burning Termites is a liquid mass does not have an open flame, burning without air access. Can burn steel sheets, duralumin, melting metal objects. Used for the equipment of incendiary mines, shells, small-caliber bombs, manual incendiary guarars and checkers.

White phosphorus is a solid wax substance, self-igniting in air and burning with the release of thick caustic white smoke. Flammation temperature 340С, combustion temperature 12000С. It is used as a smoke-forming substance, as well as the igniter of napalm and pyrogel in the incendiary ammunition.

Plastic phosphorus is a mixture of white phosphorus with a viscous solution of synthetic rubber. Pressed into granules, which, when breaking, are crushed, acquiring the ability to stick to vertical surfaces and burn them. It is used in smoke ammunition (aviation bombs, shells, mines, hand grenades) as the igniter in the incendiary bombs and fugas.

Electron - alloy of magnesium, aluminum and other elements. Flammation temperature 6000С, combustion temperature 28000С. Lights a dazzling white or bluish flame. It is used for the manufacture of aircraft bombing cases.

A self-ignorant incendiary mixture - consists of polyisobutylene and triethylene aluminum (liquid fuel).

Methods and means of an incendiary weapon

According to the currently existing views, the ZZHO can be applied independently or in a complex with other means of lesion. It should be used for massive, in the main direction, which ensures the greatest effectiveness of its combat use. At the same time, the use of the SZGO is organized and carried out in the system of complex firing enemy defeat to solve the following combat missions:

  • 1. Fast defeat on land and on the water of large masses open and partially covered by the living force of the enemy.
  • 2. Defeats of transport (landing) means and special equipment, both on the battlefield and in the places of their cluster and concentration.
  • 3. Creation of extensive landscape and object fires that destroy live strength, combat techniques and material values.
  • 4. Destruction of buildings and structures.
  • 5. Ensuring the effective damage to specific goals in the tactical depth of the enemy's combat order, especially with the born in the settlements.
  • 6. Psychological impact on the lively enemy power in order to demoralize it.

To solve the problems of combat use in the army of the probable enemy are used:

In the Air Force - incendiary aviation bombs, incendiary tanks, cassettes; - In the ground forces - artillery shells, mines, tank, self-propelled, ranked flamets, incendiary grenades, fugamas.

The incendiary aviation ammunition is subdivided into napalm (fire) incendiary bombs and incendiary cassettes and cassette installations.

Napalm bombs are thin-walled made of steel and aluminum alloys with a thickness of (0.5 - 0.7 mm) capacitance, equipped with napalms.

Napalm bombs that do not have stabilizers and a discontinuous projectile are called tanks. They are used on fighters-bombers and attack aircraft.

Aviation cassettes (create fires on large squares) are a membrane of one-time use containing from 50 to 600-800 small-caliber incendiary bombs and a device that ensures their dispersion. Used in helicopter aircraft.

Artillery incendiary ammunition is used in multi-reactive installations (based on termitite, electron, napalm, phosphorus).

Range flamets whose action is based on the emission of firecase by compressed air.

Jet grenade launchers have in amplifier except incendiary garnet cumulative and chemical CS-equipped substance.

Rifle incendiary bullets are intended mainly to damage the living force, as well as to ignite engines, fuel and flammable materials. Shooting range - 120 m.

The incendiary smoke cartridge is an individual infantry weapon and is intended to combat the living force and armored vehicles. Equipped with a mixture of powdered phosphorus and magnesium. Flame temperature 1200 ° C. Multification range is 100 m, effective 50-60 m. With a burning, a large amount of smoke is distinguished.

Fight Fugas - are designed to defeat the live strength, technicians, as well as to enhance explosive and non-explosive barriers.

Incendiary projectiles

Incendiary projectiles, appeared much earlier, porch and fellows. gun. First indicated on Z. CH. They are in the elder of the Epoch "Greek. Fire", which is in vessels, in tubes, etc. He was lit and rushed into a manual Idy. Methat. Machines advantage - but with mor. Frames, but there is definitely. Specified on the use of them and on sushi. In case of siege of the cities, Z.N., In the species of Mѣshkov, filled with "Greek. Fire", Gorshkov, gusting oil, etc., rushed to Zdania, Town. Towers, fences, bridges, etc., spread of powder for prepared by Z. CH. They began to fill them and specially prepared, which was also prepared from the composition. Parts of powder. SMѣSI, Split. vessels, eg, clay pots for manual z.nh. (Fig. 1)., Clevish round mens, rided with ropes, and Z. Zh. We began to prepare in the species of two-shredded or mѣy-half-hostess (Fig. 2), the wed-up wire. the binding and filled with the composition of the SMRSI resin, litter, lime and powder; Such Z. CH. Straight from Bombard and Mortira great. Caliber. Large spread-nіm used and the same Z. CH. In the species of Mѣshkov, filled with Z. composition, only Nѣsk. Modified and called frameworks (Fig. 3). Crusadingly located arcuilding. The stripes were covered below to zack. CHASHKѣ; The inside was poured by a drain. Mѣshok, half filled with gunpowder, which served the gap. Charging, half of the composition, and outside all this washed with resin ropes. The sides in Mѣschok was inserted alone or nѣsk. trees. Tubes (Fig. 4) of the appearance of the composition and the stopic blank for the burning composition when equipped or in front of the gauge already in the mortar channel. The package was added to the package, impregnated with oil, K-paradise Vmѣstѣ the appearance of the composition of the Earth and the explosion of him, lightathed and spread in the Side. Sometimes bullets were invested in the tube. On Z. CH. Sometimes the hooks were covered, for Zatväniya, when they hit the village. Clothes, tree. Buildings, etc., at the end of the XVI century. Norse began to be inserted inside Z. CH. and gap. cast iron. Shells for amazing them fragments of people. To the end of the XVII century, first in Sakson. Art-RII, appear on a number of cuts and cast iron. Z. Bombs, - Brandkugels (see this word). Z. Composition for the post: 16 h. Powder. Meakty, 16 hours. Selitras, 8 hours. Slah, 6 h. wax, 2 h. Sala, 8 h. resin, 3 hours. Antimony, 8 h. Turkidar and crumpled rags. All this was boiled by Vmѣstѣ, when Sѣra had a clergy slowed down, Salo increased ignorance, and Skipididar served for an increase in the flame. Gap. charge in quantities 8 h. art. Powder was poured on the bottom of the progress of Brandkugel Z. composition. Came the transition to narѣz. ART-RII ROLE CH. Moved to ki. grenade; Only in Australia to recent. Time (1892) still remained specially Z. Grenade (Fig. 5), which was distinguished by the seashest TѣM, that the emptiness of the cast iron. thickness The projectile was filled with the composition (as for firecakels), and the head of the projectile was Nѣsk. side. Points of shapes, K-Rya, when equipped and light up, because there was no need to in special. tube. In the rest of the same artilers until 1866 part of the CA Granat has been equipped for Z. Duality, for what is a gap. The charge was numbed. Z. Composition, lugged canvas and frustrated pulp (Rossiya) or brass. Tubes of the appearance of (Prussia). Provided by the post of war of 1866. Special. The experiments of Stroilby on the tree. buildings b. Installed quite good Z. Duality Caid. Granat, and therefore at the same time entering, chrome Austria, b. It is derived from the consumption of cutting grenades on Z. Duality.

Military encyclopedia. - SPb.: T-in I.D. Sytin. Ed. V.F. Novitsky and others.. 1911-1915 .

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    Incendiary - Pyrotechnic. Compositions, as well as combustible in was or mixtures, used for equipment of ammunition or flamethos. 3. p. They are divided into two groups: 1) compositions with oxidizing agents Mn and Fe (see Termites), nitrates or metal perchlorats)