Are you interested in knowing the most important and significant moments in the life of a writer? Then you did the right thing by opening the page where the chronological table of Fet is presented. It will help not only students, but also teachers. The table briefly describes the life and work of Fet; the presented data can be given to your students during the lesson, or you can remember forgotten dates and events yourself. The writer of the golden age left behind many lyrical works, each of which conveys his inner mood. The biography of Afanasy Fet by date will help you independently understand the stages of development of his creative path and the main moments in the life of the great poet.

1820, December 5 (18)- Born in the Novoselki estate of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol province, which belonged to a retired officer Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin.

1835-1837 - Education in the German private boarding school Krümmer in Verro (now Võru, Estonia). At this time, he began to write poetry, to show interest in classical philology.

1838 - Entered Moscow University, first at the Faculty of Law, then at the historical and philological (verbal) department of the Faculty of Philosophy. Studied for 6 years: 1838-1844.

1840 - Fet's collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon" was published with the participation of Apollon Grigoriev, Fet's friend at the university.

1845 - entered military service in the cuirassier regiment of the Military Order, became a cavalryman.

1846 - He was awarded the first officer rank.

1850 - Fet's second collection was released, which received positive reviews from critics in the magazines Sovremennik, Moskvityanin and Domestic Notes.

1853 - Fet was transferred to the guards regiment stationed near St. Petersburg;
in St. Petersburg he met with Turgenev, Nekrasov, Goncharov and others, as well as his rapprochement with the editors of the Sovremennik magazine.

1854 - served in the Baltic Port, which he described in his memoirs "My memories".

1856 - the third collection of Fet was published, edited by I. S. Turgenev.

1857 - Fet married Maria Petrovna Botkina

1858 - retired with the rank of guards headquarters captain and settled in Moscow.

1859 - there was a break between the poet and the journalist Dolgoruky A.V. from Contemporary.

1863 - a two-volume collection of Fet's poems was published.

1867 - Athanasius Fet was elected a justice of the peace for 11 years.

1873 - Afanasy Fet returned the nobility and the surname Shenshin. The poet continued to sign literary works and translations with the surname Fet.

1883-1891 - publication of four issues of the collection "Evening Lights".

1892 November 21 (December 4)- died in Moscow. According to some reports, his death from a heart attack was preceded by a suicide attempt. He was buried in the village of Kleymenovo, the Shenshin family estate.

February's most popular materials for your class.

Chronological table: Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet


Dates WITH Events in lifeArtworks 1812

(November 23) Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in the Novoselki estate of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol province, which belonged to a retired officer Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin. Fet was the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Fet. 1835-1837 Fet studies at the German boarding school Krummer in Livonia, in the city of Verro (now Võru, Estonia); the main subjects in the boarding school are ancient languages ​​and mathematics. The desire to return the name Shenshin and the rights of a hereditary nobleman became an important life goal for Fet for many years. 1838Admission to the Moscow boarding school of Professor M.P. Pogodin.1838

(August) Fet was admitted to Moscow University in the Faculty of Philology. 1840Issue of the first collection under the initials "A. F." "Lyrical Pantheon" 1841 Fet's poems are published in the magazine "Moskvityanin", published by Pogodin and Shevyrev. 1842 Through V. Botkin and V. Belinsky, Fet becomes a regular contributor to the journal "Domestic Notes". In 1842-1843. 85 poems by Fet were published in magazines. 1844 Fet graduated from the university. The death of his mother. 1845 Seeking the return of the noble rank, Fet decides to enter the army (Officer rank at that time gave hereditary nobility). He serves as a non-commissioned officer in a cavalry regiment in the Kherson province. After the death of his mother in 1844, Shenshin's help became scarce and irregular. Fet lives in poverty, he is deprived of a literary environment (during his student years he became friends with A. Grigoriev, Y. Polonsky, Aksakov, Granovsky and Herzen). 1850 The second collection, signed with his full name. In the family of the Kherson landowner and poet A. F. Brzhevsky, with whom Fet became friends, he meets an educated girl, an excellent musician Maria Lazich (in Fet's memoirs she is called Elena Larina). Fet and Lazich fell in love with each other passionately, but Fet breaks up with her, considering marriage impossible because of their poverty. Shortly after this, Maria Lazich dies: due to a carelessly thrown match, the dress catches fire, possibly it was suicide. Many of Fet’s poems are dedicated to Maria Lazich: “Old Letters” (59), “You have suffered, but I still suffer ...” (78), “Alter ego” (79). “Poems by A. Fet” 1853 managed to go to the guards, to the Life Lancers regiment stationed near St. Petersburg. His literary activity resumes. 1854From this year, Fet regularly publishes poems in Sovremennik, and is included in the circle of writers of the staff and authors of this magazine (Nekrasov, Panaev, Turgenev, Goncharov, Druzhinin, Botkin, Grigoriev). Published in Otechestvennye Zapiski, Library for Reading, Russian Bulletin. 1855 Acquaintance with L. Tolstoy. From 1858 to 1884, Fet was in active correspondence with L. Tolstoy (171 letters of Tolstoy and 139 letters of Fet have been preserved), often meeting with him. 1856 A collection of Fet's poems prepared by Turgenev is published. A decree according to which only officers with the rank of colonel become hereditary nobles, before which Fet still has to serve for many years. Fet decides to retire, takes an annual leave, which he partially spends abroad in Germany, France, Italy. 1857 Fet marries M. P. Botkina, sister of V. P. Botkin. 1858 Retires and settles in Moscow. translator D. Mikhailov, but with the obvious participation of Dobrolyubov. 1860 Fet buys 200 acres of land in the Mtsensk district, builds a house there and moves to the village of Stepanovka and farms. The article aroused indignation throughout the leading press. 1863 The two-volume collected works of Fet were published in the publishing house of K. Soldatenkov. to which Fet receives the right to join "the family of his father Shenshin with all the rights and titles belonging to the family." 1877 Fet sells Stepanovka and buys a large estate in the Kursk province Vorobyovka where he spends the winter months. 1883 Fet publishes a book on which he has been working since his student years - a verse translation of all Horace. "Evening Lights"

Collected unpublished works. 1885 "Evening Lights".

The second issue of unpublished works. 1886 Fet was awarded the title of Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences for translations of ancient classics. 1888 "Evening Lights".

The third issue of unpublished works. 1890 Two volumes of Fet's My Memoirs are published. The third book, "The Early Years of My Life" - was published after the death of the author. 1891 "Evening Lights".

The fourth issue of unpublished works 1893 After a suicide attempt, Fet dies of a heart attack.


Golenkovsky Anton Ivanovich,

Athanasius Fet, the chronological table of life and work is set out in this article.

Athanasius Fet chronological table

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (correctly Fet) the first 14 and the last 19 years of his life he officially bore the surname Shenshin- Russian lyric poet of German origin, translator, memoirist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

December 5, 1820- Born in the Novoselki estate of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol province, which belonged to a retired officer Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin.

1835-1837 - Education in the German private boarding school Krimmer in Verro (now Võru, Estonia). At this time, he began to write poetry, to show interest in classical philology.

1838 - entered Moscow University, first at the Faculty of Law, then - at the historical and philological (verbal) department of the Faculty of Philosophy. Studied for 6 years: 1838-1844.

1840 - Fet's collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon" was published with the participation of Apollon Grigoriev, Fet's friend at the university.

1845 - entered military service in the cuirassier regiment of the Military Order, became a cavalryman. In 1846 he was awarded the first officer rank.

1850 - Fet's second collection was released, which received positive reviews from critics in the magazines Sovremennik, Moskvityanin and Domestic Notes.

1853 - Fet was transferred to the guards regiment stationed near St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg he met with Turgenev, Nekrasov, Goncharov and others, as well as his rapprochement with the editors of the Sovremennik magazine.

1854 — served in the Baltic Port, which he described in his memoirs "My memories".

1856 — Fet's third collection was published under the editorship of .

1857 - Fet married Maria Petrovna Botkina

1858 — retired with the rank of guards captain and settled in Moscow.

1859 — there was a break between the poet and the journalist Dolgoruky A.V. from Contemporary.

1863 — A two-volume collection of Fet's poems was published.

1867 — Afanasy Fet was elected justice of the peace for 11 years.

1873 — Afanasy Fet was returned to the nobility and the surname Shenshin. The poet continued to sign literary works and translations with the surname Fet.

1883-1891 - publication of four issues of the collection "Evening Lights".

November 21, 1892 died in Moscow. According to some reports, his death from a heart attack was preceded by a suicide attempt. He was buried in the village of Kleymenovo, the Shenshin family estate.

Fet's chronological table briefly describes the main events in the life of the writer, but you can expand it at your discretion.

Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich - Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892). Biography in dates and facts

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892). Biography in dates and facts

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (
"pure art"

Presumably between
29th of October AND
November 29, 1820







1857. - married M. Botkina.




Beginning with

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892). biography in dates and facts

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (
Shenshin) is a Russian lyric poet who became famous as a "poet of feelings" and a "beauty fanatic". Being an adherent
"pure art", he developed in his work the "eternal" themes of love, beauty, nature, "poetry of the soul", art.

The life of A. A. Fet in dates and facts

Presumably between
29th of October AND
November 29, 1820- was born on the estate of the landowner Afanasy Shenshin, in the village of Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province; at birth was recorded under the name of the father.

1834- was sent to study in the town of Verro, located in Livonia (now Estonia). While there, the future poet received news from his father that his surname had been changed to the surname "Fet" due to the "sad circumstances" of his birth that had been revealed. This event brought him a lot of suffering and doomed him to years of struggle to regain his lost position in society.

1837- was transported to Moscow and given to the boarding house of MP Pogodin, a famous writer, historian and journalist. Then Fet became interested in writing poetry.

1838- entered Moscow University, where he first studied at the Faculty of Law, and then moved to the verbal department of the Faculty of Philosophy. In his student years, Fet received recognition from the most authoritative connoisseurs of fine literature, in particular, N. V. Gogol, who noted his talent, and V. G. Belinsky, who approved his first poetry collection "Lyrical Pantheon", published in 1840 for signed "A. F."

1845- after graduating from the university, the poet entered military service in the Cuirassier regiment stationed in the Kherson province, thereby hoping to regain, in accordance with the laws of that time, the noble rank. He successfully combined military duties with poetic creativity, which was evidenced by the flowering of his literary fame in the 1850s.

1848. Fet met M. Lazich, to whom he experienced a deep love feeling, but with whom, due to social and material reasons, he could not get married. Soon the girl died, and this loss left a deep wound in the soul of the poet. The image of Maria Lazich is present in many of Fet's poems.

1856- made a trip to Europe, during which he visited Germany, France and Italy.

1857. - married M. Botkina.

1858. - retired and settled in Moscow.

1860 in his native Mtsensk district of the Oryol province, the poet bought the Stepanovka farm and, having built a house there, lived the life of a village landowner. Immersed in the chores of the estate, he abandoned literary work for some time, but eventually returned to it again. During the years of voluntary "flight to Stepanovka" Fet actively translated the poetry of antiquity (Anacreon), the East (Saadi, Hafiz), German and French authors (Goethe, Heine, Musset, Beranger). He also wrote the first Russian translation of the famous treatise by the German philosopher A. Schopenhauer "The World as Will and Representation".

1863- Fet's collected works were published.

Beginning with
1883, consistently released collections of his poems under the general title "Evening Lights", thanks to which he again ascended to the pinnacle of fame.

Chronological table: Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet



WITH Events in life


Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in the Novoselki estate of the Mtsensk district of the Oryol province, which belonged to a retired officer Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin. Fet was the son of Charlotte-Elizabeth Fet.
1835-1837 Fet studies at the German boarding school Krummer in Livonia, in the city of Verro (now Võru, Estonia); the main subjects in the boarding school: ancient languages ​​and mathematics.
1835 The Orel Spiritual Consistory established that the boy was born to Charlotte Fet before her marriage to Shenshin and should be called not the hereditary nobleman Athanasius Shenshin, but the Darmstadt subject Athanasius Fet. The desire to return the name Shenshin and the rights of a hereditary nobleman became an important life goal for Fet for many years.
1838 Admission to the Moscow boarding school of Professor M. P. Pogodin.
Fet was admitted to Moscow University in the verbal department of the philological faculty.
1840 The release of the first collection under the initials "A. F." "Lyric Pantheon"
1841 Fet's poems are published in the Moskvityanin magazine, published by Pogodin and Shevyrev.
1842 Through V. Botkin and V. Belinsky, Fet becomes a regular contributor to the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski. In 1842-1843. 85 poems by Fet were published in magazines.
1844 Fet is graduating from university. Mother's death.
1845 Seeking the return of the noble rank, Fet decides to join the army (Officer rank at that time gave hereditary nobility). He serves as a non-commissioned officer in a cavalry regiment in the Kherson province. After the death of his mother in 1844, Shenshin's help became scarce and irregular. Fet lives in poverty, he is deprived of a literary environment (in his student years he became friends with A. Grigoriev, Ya. Polonsky, Aksakov, Granovsky and Herzen).
1850 The second collection, signed by the full name. In the family of the Kherson landowner and poet A. F. Brzhevsky, with whom Fet became friends, he meets an educated girl, an excellent musician Maria Lazich (in Fet's memoirs she is called Elena Larina). Fet and Lazich fell in love with each other passionately, but Fet breaks up with her, considering marriage impossible because of their poverty. Shortly after this, Maria Lazich dies: due to a carelessly thrown match, a dress catches fire - perhaps it was suicide. Many poems by Fet are dedicated to Maria Lazich: “Old letters” (59), “You have suffered, but I still suffer ...” (78), “Alter ego” (79). "Poems by A. Fet"
1853 A sharp turn in the fate of Fet: he managed to transfer to the guard, to the Life Lancers regiment stationed near St. Petersburg. His literary activity resumed.
1854 Since this year, Fet has been regularly publishing poems in Sovremennik, including a circle of writers - employees and authors of this magazine (Nekrasov, Panaev, Turgenev, Goncharov, Druzhinin, Botkin, Grigoriev). Published in Otechestvennye Zapiski, Library for Reading, Russian Bulletin.
1855 Acquaintance with L. Tolstoy. From 1858 to 1884, Fet was in active correspondence with L. Tolstoy (171 letters of Tolstoy and 139 letters of Fet have been preserved), often meeting with him.
1856 A collection of Fet's poems prepared by Turgenev is published. A decree according to which only officers with the rank of colonel become hereditary nobles, before which Fet still has to serve for many years. Fet decides to retire, takes an annual vacation, which he partially spends abroad - in Germany, France, Italy.
1857 Fet marries M.P. Botkina, sister of V.P. Botkin.
1858 He retires and settles in Moscow.
1859 Break with Sovremennik after the publication in the magazine (No. 6) of the insulting article "Shakespeare in the translation of Mr. Fet", written by a professional translator D. Mikhailov, but with the obvious participation of Dobrolyubov.
1860 Fet buys 200 acres of land in the Mtsensk district, builds a house there and moves to the village of Stepanovka and is engaged in agriculture.
1862 Fet publishes "Notes on Freelance Labor" and essays "From the Village" in the "Russian Bulletin", in which he acts as a defender of the interests of the landowner. The article aroused the indignation of the entire advanced press.
1863 The publishing house of K. Soldatenkov published a two-volume collection of works by Fet.
1867 Since this year, for 10 years, Fet has served as a justice of the peace, writes almost no poetry, is engaged in philosophy, becoming a follower of Schopenhauer.
1873 Decree of Alexander II to the Senate, according to which Fet receives the right to join "the family of his father Shenshin with all the rights and titles belonging to the family."
1877 Fet sells Stepanovka and buys a large estate Vorobyovka in the Kursk province Translation of Goethe's Faust, Schopungauer's The World as Representation.
1881 Buys a house in Moscow, where he spends the winter months.

Fet publishes a book on which he has been working since his student years - a verse translation of all Horace. "Evening Lights"

Collection of unpublished works.

"Evening Lights"

Second edition of unpublished works.
1886 Fet was awarded the title of Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences for translations of ancient classics.

"Evening Lights"

Third edition of unpublished works.
1890 Two volumes of "My Memoirs" by Fet are published. The third book - "The Early Years of My Life" - was published after the death of the author.

"Evening Lights"

Fourth edition of unpublished writings
1893 After a suicide attempt, Fet dies of a heart attack.


Golenkovsky Anton Ivanovich,

FML No. 39, Ozersk.

Other works on the topic:

Others inherited from nature a prophetically blind instinct: They smell them, hear the waters And in the dark depths of the earth. Beloved by the great mother, Your destiny is envious a hundred times: More than once under the visible shell You have seen her very.

Tell that the forest woke up. Tell that from everywhere. The beginning, and the whole poem as a whole, is so unconventional that when it appeared in print, critics called it poetic insolence. But it was in this originality that Fet saw his closeness to nature.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is one of the most remarkable lyric poets. His main themes were - love, beauty, nature. The poem “Spruce covered my path with a sleeve” can be attributed to a lyrical miniature, the content of which was a description of nature. Fet has an amazing gift to admire simple things, but you have to be a poet to see beauty in this ordinary phenomenon.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a famous Russian poet. The first collection of his poems, Lyrical Pantheon, was published in 1840. By the beginning of the 1860s, when the social forces associated with the revolutionary situation disengaged in Russia, Fet advocated the rights of the landowners. He wrote little during this time. Only in his declining years did the poet return to creativity, releasing four collections of poems under the general title "Evening Lights".

Author: Fet A.A. ... I'm only among those who sing. A. Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is an outstanding Russian lyricist who managed to convey all the beauty of nature in his poems. It seems to me that two types of landscape poems can be distinguished in the work of A. Fet. In the works “Another May Night”, “Evening”, “Forest”, “Steppe in the Evening” he refers directly to the image of nature, using many bright details and rich colors.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is an artist of unique and deep talent. His works are distinguished by a variety of topics and issues that the author and his characters touch on, and most importantly, they are interesting to readers.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a poet who sings of beauty. In this he saw the task of the creator. Sublime motives sound in Fet's lyrics, he creates images that fascinate with their beauty and grace. The main themes of his poetry are nature, love, creativity.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy Two brothers and gold Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich Two brothers and gold LN Tolstoy TWO BROTHERS AND GOLD In ancient times, two brothers lived not far from Jerusalem, the elder Athanasius and the younger John. They lived on a mountain, not far from the city, and ate what people gave them. The brothers spent all their days at work.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov belongs to that group of writers whose work does not fade over the years, but acquires a modern sound.

The biography of the poet is, first of all, his poems. This fully applies to Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. According to his poems, one can judge not only the affections and friends of the poet, but also the slightest nuances of his feelings, thoughts, experiences.

Lyrics by A. A. Feta Author: Fet A. A. The lyrics of A. A. Fet occupies a special place among the masterpieces of Russian literature. And this is not surprising - Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was an innovator of his time in the field of verse, he had a special, inimitable gift of the finest lyricist. His poetic manner of writing, "Fetov's handwriting"; gave his poetry a unique charm and beauty.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet wrote the poem "The Steppe in the Evening" in 1854. The main theme of the content is a description of the violent nature of the steppe. This poem was first published in the Sovremennik magazine.

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Shenshin Afanasy Afanasyevich (aka Fet) is a famous Russian lyric poet. Born on November 23, 1820, near the city of Mtsensk, Oryol province, in the village of Novoselki, the son of a wealthy landowner, retired captain, Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin. The latter married a Lutheran abroad, but without an Orthodox rite, as a result of which the marriage, legal in Germany, was declared illegal in Russia; when the Orthodox wedding ceremony was performed in Russia, the future poet already lived under the maternal surname "Fet" (Foeth), being considered an illegitimate child; only in his old age did Fet begin to fuss about legalization and received his father's surname.

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