The name of the Russian poet N. A. Nekrasov is known to everyone. Some fell in love with his children's works "Grandfather Mazai and Hares" or "Peasant Children". Others come to mind the poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Who lives well in Rus'." For others, this name is associated with the protector of the peasants and all the oppressed.

The chronological table will help to present the difficult path that the poet has traveled in life and literature. Nekrasov was never afraid of difficulties, and no circumstances shook his confidence that the Russian people were worthy of respect and reverence.

Origin and childhood

The poet was a nobleman: his father, a stern and despotic man, had an estate in the Yaroslavl province. In Greshnev, Nikolai lived with three Nekrasov N.A. - 1821-1877) before entering the gymnasium. This time left a heavy mark on the boy's soul, so he often witnessed his father's cruel attitude towards serfs, to a submissive wife, to his own children. Also, the Vladimir road, along which people of different classes constantly walked or rode somewhere, and the great Russian one, were forever remembered - here he first heard the song of barge haulers.

The period of life associated with study is reflected in the chronological table.

Nekrasov from an early age is distinguished by a willingness to defend his views. The first difficulties prepared by fate, he had to overcome already in

Life in St. Petersburg: chronological table

Nekrasovav capital at first expected hunger and poverty. But the desire to study and engage in literary creativity turned out to be stronger. Nikolai Alekseevich went through a difficult path from the rejection of the first collection by critics to the editor of the most popular magazines and a poet known throughout the country.

Arrives in St. Petersburg

Father, a former officer, insisted on entering the noble regiment. But young Nekrasov chooses his own path, as a result of which he loses all support from home. For about 3 years he earns his living and listens to lectures at the university. However, his dream never materialized due to lack of funds.

Acquaintance with V. Belinsky

This meeting will largely determine the future fate of N. Nekrasov and bring him closer to the revolutionary democrats. Communication with the critic replaced the university for the beginning poet. In addition, Belinsky introduced him to literary circles.

Rented by Sovremennik

Together with I. Panaev, they decide to take up the publication of a magazine created by A. Pushkin. Very soon all the progressive minds of St. Petersburg will begin to flock here. Until the closure of Sovremennik in 1866, he was its editor.

Civil marriage with A. Panaeva

Avdotya Yakovlevna N. A. Nekrasov dedicated the best poems to love lyrics. But they were also like-minded and comrades-in-arms.

Invents "Whistle"

It was an appendix to Sovremennik. The idea belonged entirely to N. Nekrasov, but N. Dobrolyubov was mostly involved in the publication.

Becomes the owner of the estate

The Karabikha estate was located in the Yaroslavl province. He came here to relax, enjoy nature, hunt. And, of course, it was written differently here too.

Comes to "Domestic Notes"

Until the end of his life, together with M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, he was engaged in publishing a magazine that practically replaced Sovremennik.

Acquaintance with Thekla (Nekrasov called her Zina) Viktorova, his future wife

The girl at that time was not even 21 years old, but it was she who spent the last years of his life next to Nikolai Alekseevich. And 8 months before the death of the poet, they got married.

The onset of the disease

Doctors diagnose N. Nekrasov with cancer of the rectum. No treatment helps the poet.

He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The beginning of literary activity

As the chronological table shows, Nekrasov has always been distinguished by a craving for creativity (we note at least the moment that he was the editor of magazines from 1846 to 1877).

Elena Andreevna, his mother, played a significant role in shaping the future poet. She dreamed of seeing her son educated and in every possible way encouraged her passion for poetry. Nikolai Alekseevich read a lot while studying at the gymnasium.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, Nekrasov managed to publish several of his poems. But they were published in minor magazines, and they paid very little for them. And the collection Dreams and Sounds, published in 1840, did not bring fame and fame. Trying to survive in a strange city, Nekrasov wrote in various genres. He later spoke rather harshly about his early work.

The first success came in 1845 with the poem "On the Road".

Chronological table of Nekrasov: briefly about the best works

"On the road". Belinsky, who smashed the first collection, was delighted

"Yesterday ..." - printed after the death of the poet

"Last Elegies" - a cycle of poems

A collection of 4 sections "Poems by N. Nekrasov", opened with the work "Poet and Citizen", included the poem "Sasha". The success was enormous, but at the same time the persecution of censorship intensified

"Reflections at the Front Door"


"In Full Swing...", "Green Noise", "Knight for an Hour"

"Frost, Red Nose", "In Memory of Dobrolyubov", "Orina, a Soldier's Mother"


“To whom it is good to live in Rus'” - part 1 (full text - in 1868)

"Songs about the free word" - a cycle of satire

"Grandfather" - a poem about the Decembrists

"Russian women"

N. A. Nekrasov is preparing a book of dying poems "Last Songs"

The value of the work of N. A. Nekrasov

In his works, the poet not only developed the best literary traditions established at the beginning of the century, but also significantly expanded the possibilities of Russian poetry. Reliance on folklore, an active appeal to the life of the people, epic narration, close to colloquial vocabulary - these are the distinctive features of Nikolai Alekseevich's poems and poems, which, of course, a brief chronological table cannot accommodate.

Nekrasov has always been distinguished by devotion to the interests of Russia and its people, which A. Lunacharsky noted in his statement: "... there is no such person in Russian literature ... before whom, with love and reverence, they would bow lower than before the memory of Nekrasov!"

Role and place in literature

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a famous Russian poet, prose writer, critic, publisher of the 19th century. Nekrasov's literary activity contributed to the development of the Russian literary language. In his writings, he used both folklore traditions and new speech elements. The poet is considered an innovator in the field of literary genres. His folk, satirical poems have become an important contribution to the golden fund of Russian literature.

Origin and early years

Nekrasov was born on December 10, 1821 in the city of Nemirov. The future poet came from a noble family, formerly rich.

Father - Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov, an army officer, a wealthy landowner. He had a weakness for gambling and women. The father could not serve as a good moral example: he had a cruel, violent character, typical of feudal lords. He mistreated the serfs, made his wife and children suffer.

Mother - Elena Andreevna Nekrasova (nee Zakrevskaya), heiress of a wealthy possessor of the Kherson province. She was educated and pretty. She liked the young officer Alexei Sergeevich, but her parents were against marriage. Then the woman decided to marry without their consent. However, family life with a despotic husband has become a nightmare.

The childhood of Nikolai Alekseevich took place in the family estate in the village of Greshnevo. He grew up in a large family. In addition to him, the parents had 12 more children. However, the atmosphere was not favorable: the father constantly mocked the serfs, did not respect his family. The precarious financial situation forced Alexei Sergeevich to take the post of police officer. He traveled around the neighborhood and beat out arrears from the peasants. Father often took little Nikolai with him to work, perhaps to show what a landowner should be like. However, the future poet, on the contrary, was forever inflamed with hatred for the feudal lords and pity for the common people.


When Nekrasov was 11 years old, he was sent to study at the Yaroslavl gymnasium. He stayed there until 5th grade. He did not study very well, did not get along with the school administration, which was unhappy with his satirical rhymes.

In 1838, his father sent his 17-year-old son to St. Petersburg to enter the noble regiment. However, Nikolai did not share his father's dream of a military career. Having met a friend from the gymnasium, who became a student, he also wanted to study. Therefore, Nekrasov violates his father's order and tries to enter St. Petersburg University, but to no avail. He becomes a volunteer lecturer. A strict father does not forgive his son and stops providing him with money. Young Nekrasov is now forced to fight for survival. He spent most of his time looking for a job. By chance, he found a way to make money - he wrote petitions for pennies.


Having lived independently for several years in need, Nekrasov gradually began to get out of it with the help of literary talent. He gave private lessons, published small articles in periodicals. The first successes inspired the young man - and he seriously thinks about literary activity: he tries himself in poetry and prose. At first, Nikolai writes in a romantic direction, imitating the best representatives, which later will become the basis for developing his own realistic method.

In 1840, with the support of his comrades, Nekrasov published his first book entitled Dreams and Sounds. The poems were a clear imitation of the romantic works of famous poets. The critic Belinsky gave a negative assessment of the book, although he noted that the poems of the young poet "came out of the soul." Not only critics, but also readers did not take Nekrasov's poetic debut seriously. This upset Nikolai so much that he himself bought up his books in order to destroy them, as the famous Gogol once did.

After a poetic failure, Nekrasov tries his hand at prose. In the works, he displayed personal life experience, so the images turned out to be truthful and therefore close to the people.

Nekrasov tries himself in different genres, including humorous: he writes joke poems and vaudeville.

Publishing activities also attracted a multifaceted writer.

Major works

The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" is a very important work in the creative heritage of Nikolai Nekrasov. It was written between 1866 and 1876. The main idea of ​​the poem is the search for a happy person in Rus'. The work reflected the true situation of the people in the post-reform period.

Of the many poems by Nekrasov, schoolchildren can be offered the work "On the Road" for study. This is an early work by Nekrasov, but the author's style is already visible in it.

Last years

In 1875, Nekrasov was diagnosed with a terrible disease - intestinal cancer. His last works are a cycle of poems "Last Songs" dedicated to his wife. The poet died on December 27, 1877.

Chronological table (by dates)

Interesting facts from the life of the poet

  • Nikolai Nekrasov was very critical of his own work.
  • The poet loved to play cards, once he lost a large sum of money to A. Chuzhbinsky. As it turned out, he cheated with long nails.
  • The poet was fond of hunting, loved to go to the bear.
  • Nekrasov suffered from bouts of melancholy and depression, which had a bad effect on his personal life. .

Museum of Nikolai Nekrasov

There are several museums in honor of Nikolai Nekrasov: in St. Petersburg, Chudovo, in the Karabikha estate, where the poet lived from 1871 to 1876.


1821 - November 28 (December 10, new style) in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province, the son Nikolai was born in the family of Alexei Sergeevich and Elena Andreevna Nekrasov.

1824 - Relocation of the Nekrasovs to the ancestral Greshnevo of the Yaroslavl province.

1832-1837 - Teaching in the Yaroslavl gymnasium.

1838 - Arrival in St. Petersburg. The appearance in No. 5 of the magazine "Son of the Fatherland" of the poem "Thought".

1839 - Unsuccessful attempt to enter the university.

1840 - The release of Nekrasov's first collection "Dreams and Sounds". The beginning of cooperation in the publications of F. A. Koni

1841 - Death of the poet's mother.

1842 - Acquaintance with Belinsky.

1843 - Beginning of publishing activity.

1845 - Release of the collection "Physiology of St. Petersburg"

1846 - Exit "Petersburg collection". It contains Nekrasov's poems "On the Road" and "Lullaby".

1847 - The beginning of Nekrasov's Sovremennik. Belinsky's work in it.

1848 - The beginning of the "gloomy seven years" in Russian public life. Censorship persecution of Sovremennik.

1853 - Serious illness of Nekrasov. Creation of the Last Elegies.

1854 - The arrival of Chernyshevsky in Sovremennik.

1856 - Departure of Nekrasov abroad. The release of the collection of N. Nekrasov "Poems".

1857 - Homecoming. Poem Silence. Dobrolyubov's arrival at Sovremennik.

1860 - Departure from Turgenev's Sovremennik.

1861 - Death of Dobrolyubov. "Pedlars" were written.

1862 - The arrest of Chernyshevsky. The first ban on Sovremennik. Father's death.

1863 - The resumption of "Contemporary". Creation of the poem "Frost-Red Nose". The poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" was begun. Acquisition of Karabikha.

1865 (beginning)- parting with A. Ya. Panaeva.

1866 - Strengthening of the reaction after Karakozov's assassination attempt on Alexander II. "Ode to Muravyov". Closing of Sovremennik.

1868 - The beginning of Nekrasov's "Notes of the Fatherland".

1869 - Publication in the "Notes of the Fatherland" "Prologue" and the first chapters of the poem "To whom in Rus' to live well."

1870 - Rapprochement with his future wife Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova (Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova). The poem "Grandfather" was published with a dedication to her.

1871-1872 - Creation by the poet of "Russian Women".

1873-1874 - The release of the last lifetime edition of "Poems" by Nekrasov. Collaboration of L. Tolstoy and Dostoevsky with "Notes of the Fatherland".

1874-1875 - The beginning of the last illness.

1876 - Work on the fourth part of the poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'" - "A feast for the whole world."

1877 - Release of the book "Last Songs". December 27 (January 8, new style)- Death of poet. December 30th- Burial at the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent in St. Petersburg.

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  • On October 10 (November 28), 1821, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born in Nemirov, Vinnitsa district, Podolsk province.
  • 1832 - 1837 - studying at the Yaroslavl gymnasium. Nekrasov studies averagely, periodically conflicting with his superiors because of his satirical poems.
  • 1838 - Nekrasov, having not completed the training course at the gymnasium (he only reached the 5th grade), leaves for St. Petersburg to enter the noble regiment. My father dreamed that Nikolai Alekseevich became a military man. But in St. Petersburg, Nekrasov, against the will of his father, is trying to enter the university. The poet does not pass the entrance exams, and he has to decide on a volunteer at the Faculty of Philology.
  • 1838 - 1840 - Nikolai Nekrasov volunteer student of the philological faculty of St. Petersburg University. Upon learning of this, the father deprives him of material support. According to Nekrasov's own recollections, he lived in poverty for about three years, surviving on small odd jobs. At the same time, the poet enters the literary and journalistic circles of St. Petersburg.
  • In the same year (1838) the first publication of Nekrasov took place. The poem "Thought" is published in the magazine "Son of the Fatherland". Later, several poems appear in the Library for Reading, then in the Literary Supplements to the Russian Invalid.
  • All the difficulties of the first years of life in St. Petersburg, Nikolai Alekseevich will describe later in the novel "The Life and Adventures of Tikhon Trostnikov." 1840 - with the first savings, Nekrasov decides to publish his first collection, which he does under the signature "N.N.", despite the fact that V.A. Zhukovsky dissuades him. The collection "Dreams and Sounds" is not successful. Upset Nekrasov destroys part of the circulation.
  • 1841 - Nekrasov begins to collaborate in the Notes of the Fatherland. Nikolai Alekseevich makes a living doing journalism. He edits the Russkaya Gazeta and maintains the headings “Chronicle of Petersburg Life”, “Petersburg Dachas and Surroundings” in it. Collaborates in "Notes of the Fatherland", "Russian invalid", theatrical "Pantheon". At the same time, under the pseudonym N.A. Perepelsky writes fairy tales, alphabets, vaudevilles, melodramatic plays. The latter are successfully staged on the stage of the Alexandria Theater in St. Petersburg.
  • 1843 - Nekrasov meets Belinsky. He tries publishing and publishes the almanac "Articles in verse ...".
  • 1845 - Nekrasov's first realistic poem "On the Road" was written. The poem received Belinsky's highest praise. Nekrasov publishes the almanac "Physiology of St. Petersburg".
  • 1846 - Nikolai Alekseevich publishes the almanacs "Petersburg Collection" and "April First". All the poet's almanacs included works by Belinsky, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Dahl, Herzen. In police denunciations, Nekrasov is called "the most desperate communist" for his depiction of the "low" life of St. Petersburg.
  • 1847 - 1866 - Nekrasov is the editor of the Sovremennik magazine.
  • 1847-1864 - Nekrasov is in a civil marriage with the writer Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, who also collaborates in Sovremennik. The main themes of the poet's work during this period were lyrics (poems dedicated to Panaeva), poems about the urban poor, about peasant life, about the people.
  • Mid-1850s - Nekrasov is treated for a sore throat in Italy.
  • 1856 - another collection of Nekrasov's poems is a resounding success.
  • 1862 - the poem "Knight for an Hour" was written. The work was the result of Nikolai Alekseevich's trip to his native places. The same year - Nekrasov acquires the Karabikha estate, located near Yaroslavl. Starting this year, the poet spends every summer in Karabikha.
  • 1866 - after the peasant reform, the revolutionary-democratic magazine Sovremennik was banned by censorship.
  • 1866 - 1876 - work on the poem "Who should live well in Rus'."
  • 1868 - Nekrasov acquires the right to publish "Notes of the Fatherland", which, together with M.E. Saltykov leads until his death.
  • 1870 - the poem "Grandfather" was written.
  • 1871 - 1872 - Nekrasov writes the poem "Russian Women".
  • 1875 - the poem "Contemporaries" was written. At the beginning of the same year, the poet fell seriously ill. The then-famous surgeon Billroth came from Vienna to operate Nekrasov, but the operation did not produce results.
  • 1877 - Nekrasov publishes a cycle of poems "Last Songs". December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878) - Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov dies in St. Petersburg from cancer. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The chronological table of Nekrasov is one of the best ways to briefly get acquainted with the periods of the life of the great poet. It is in it that all the most important events that influenced the fate of the author are concentrated. These significant stages of his biography will help both schoolchildren and graduates to better understand the motives of the poet's activities and the features of his character.

In fact, you can trace the life and work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov by dates. This format is designed for those who want to get basic information and facts quickly and clearly. In addition to the standard data on the birth and death of the poet, the memo will acquaint you with the key periods of his creative activity. You will learn a lot about your favorite author and his works, you will be able to quickly remember important dates. Our website provides a detailed biography of Nekrasov in the table.

1821 November 28 (December 10)- N.A. was born. Nekrasov in Ukraine in the town
Nemirov of the Podolsk province in the noble family of retired lieutenant Alexei Sergeevich and Elena Andreevna Nekrasov.

1824-1832 – Life in the village of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province

1838 - Leaves the estate of his father Greshnevo in order to enter the St. Petersburg noble regiment at his will, but, contrary to his wishes, decides to enter St. Petersburg University;
father deprives him of his livelihood.

1840 - The first imitative collection of poems "Dreams and Sounds".

1843 – Acquaintance with V. G. Belinsky.

1845 - The poem "On the road";
enthusiastic review of VG Belinsky.

1845-1846 - Publisher of two collections of writers of the natural school - "Physiology of St. Petersburg" and "Petersburg Collection".

1847-1865 - Editor and publisher of the magazine "Contemporary".

1853 - Cycle "Last elegy".

1856 - The first collection of "Poems by N. Nekrasov".

1861 - Poem "Peddlers";
the release of the second edition of "Poems by N. Nekrasov".

1862 - The poem "Knight for an Hour", the poems "Green Noise", "In full swing the village suffering";
acquisition of the Karabikha estate near Yaroslavl.

1863-1864 - The poem "Frost, Red Nose", poems "Orina, a soldier's mother", "In memory of Dobrolyubov", "Railway".

1868 - The release of the first issue of the new magazine N.A. Nekrasov "Notes of the Fatherland" with the poem "Who should live well in Rus'."

1868-1877 - Together with M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, he edits the journal "Domestic Notes".

1870 - The poem "Grandfather".

1871-1872 - The poems "Princess Trubetskaya" and "Princess Volkonskaya".

1876 - Work on the fourth part of the poem "Who in Rus' live well."

1877 - The book "Last Songs" is out of print.

December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878)- Nekrasov died in St. Petersburg. He was buried in the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent.

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