1. Pentagram "POWER OF LIGHT"

also called the white pentagram, the main protective sign. A shield that repels evil spells and magic, turning them towards the source. Protects during magical practices, not allowing to exceed dangerous limits. With the help of the pentagram, you can take the unclean forces to their place and close them in a trap. The pentagram allows you to master supernatural powers and control them.

2. Korean coin of HAPPINESS

(second half of the Li dynasty, XVII - XIX centuries AD). Initiates a flow of happiness from the four corners of the world and finding all happy waves scattered side by side in time. The basis is: SU longevity, PU wealth, KONGNJONG health and peace, JU HODOK chastity, NO DZONGMJONG natural death. The coin produces the so-called successful thinking vibes that attract happiness, luck and success.

3. Egyptian CROSS OF LIFE "ANCH"

symbol and attribute of all ever-living deities. The combination of a circle and a cross is a symbol of initiation, rebirth. In the letter Ankh - a hieroglyph meaning life. In the symbolism and beliefs of ancient Egypt, it gives longevity, eternal health, and thus a long and happy life. It is its key to opening the gates of paradise in the other worlds and to unity with God. Gives energy balance, eliminates the causes of illness and fatigue.


created to multiply the state, to receive material benefits. It gives an honest increase in profits and a constant improvement in material conditions. The structure of the talisman is based on a magical shield, thanks to which it protects against financial risks, protects against unsuccessful investment and unreasonable spending of money.


from the environs of the Mediterranean Sea (XVIII century AD). It was used by travelers on long-distance sea voyages to achieve the goal of the journey and follow the appropriate course, bypassing unforeseen obstacles and protecting against disasters. The sign helps not only in achieving the desired goal, but also in the search for valuable trophies, treasures, wealth, valuable lost things and objects, and helps to meet interesting people. It is favorable to take with you on a vacation trip to have a good time and return home happily.


(Chinese "Taiji") is a symbol of the Great Ultimate in Chinese philosophy. This is one of the oldest symbols. Continuous existence and harmony with the entire universe, existing due to the balancing of the two opposite elements of Yin and Yang. Yang is a white male sign; active; day; sky symbol; the power of creation; dominant. Yin black female sign; contemplative; night; the emergence of life; mystery. On the reverse side of the tai chi amulet, surrounded by eight trigrams, is a magical amulet against evil spirits.


associated with the intellect and abilities of a person. Develops logical thinking and the ability to easily assimilate knowledge. Helps during study, gives clarity of mind, ease of memorization and consolidation of acquired knowledge. Applies to all areas of education.

8. Chinese Coin of Happiness Feng Shui

An ancient sample of a payment coin, which, even before the introduction of the monetary system, was a hallmark of noble origin, outstanding services to the country and society. Obtaining such a distinctive sign was associated with recognition and social promotion, as well as improving life and obtaining privileges. After the introduction of printed money (c. 16th century), such coins became unique and were kept for good luck. Currently, they are widely used in the practice of Feng Shui.

9. Talisman of VENUS (talisman of love)

An astrological sign that ensures the acquisition of love, happiness in love, and in marriage gives harmony and mutual understanding. Protects women. The planet and goddess Venus protects the fair sex from intrigues and intrigues, ailments, and also gives beauty and attractiveness to conquer a lover. The talisman, immersed in the drink of the enemy, changes him in a short time into a friend "to the grave." Thrown (gifted) to the desired person excites reciprocal feelings.

10. SHOU (Chinese "Chow")

ancient Chinese symbol of longevity, the basis of a happy life. The amulet awakens spiritual strength and internal energy, promotes good performance of the body and mind, gives health and strength throughout life, regardless of age. Reminds of the need for constant movement and development on the physical and spiritual planes. Supports during intensive work.


Magic Gnostic formula (c. 1st century AD). It originates from the tradition of "Alikwot" chanting of sounds that, with their vibrations, carry them into the appropriate states of the spirit (trances) and give strong results. Abracadabra, written and pronounced in the system of disappearance from the full name to one letter, should entail the disappearance (throwing out) of illness, evil fate, poverty and all evil energies that torment the body and soul. When wearing an amulet, this work is done by the shape of the pendulum and the engraving on it.

12. Aztec calendar SUN STONE

a great altar to the glory of life with astrological symbols and directions of space. Gives the ability to Foresight, the ability to effectively manage your time and extract maximum profit in a short time. In ancient times, he allowed the dedicated deputies of God to read the time of the rotation of the planets, the onset of eclipses and other astrological phenomena, which helped to correctly control the subjects.

13. Pentagram of AGRIPPAS

the main amulet in ceremonial magic that protects a person (a universal figure located in the microcosm) from the bad effects of supernatural forces, unclean spirits and their intentions. Provides the magician with comprehensive protection and return at any time to the "world of the living." Worn as a talisman, it protects against the effects of superstition and bad predictions, protects from spells and curses.


(IX - XI centuries). The connection of the archaic circle of the mandala with the Christian cross, that is, the ancient pagan rites with the new faith that came to the Celts. Crosses, placed as signs, determined the areas in which Christianity had already come. The cross has become a symbol of a new higher, privileged civilization. Magical practices never stopped, but they always believed that the cross, like an axis connecting the real and unreal worlds, being close, will protect, and, if necessary, save in a difficult situation.


an ancient Greek magic circle (Pergamon, c. III century AD), which helps to exchange information with parallel worlds and predict the future. The talisman serves the development of the subconscious and intuition, helps to rescue supernatural possibilities in oneself and, thanks to this, to avoid many fatal events. It answers many questions and can be used to discover the false thoughts of other people.


astrological amulet against diseases. It gives spiritual strength and vital energy coming from space, thanks to the influences of all the planets, and especially the Sun itself. It focuses, like a lens, positive cosmic energy, while throwing out all the bad things from the body. Protects against weakening of the will, spirit and body before weakness, lack of desire, apathy and pessimism. As a solar talisman, it improves mood and stimulates creative activity.

17. Kabbalistic talisman of MERCURY

ensures safety on the road and at work, protects against sudden incidents. The harmony of the solar system under the influence of this planet protects the leading cars traveling by train or flying by plane, ensures the normal operation of mechanical components and devices on the road. Radial, symmetrical arrangement of lines ensures harmony and protection always and everywhere, eliminates human errors.


an amulet discovered during excavations in the Valley of the Kings around 1860 by the French Egyptologist Pierre d "Agrain. The sign, thanks to a special radiation system, gives very strong protection and immunity to aggression and evil from the outside. Protects from damage, evil eye, accidents and theft. It heals, eliminates pain and restores psychophysical balance.Enhances intuition and paranormal abilities, such as telepathy and foresight.

19. Amulet FAITH - HOPE - LOVE

The outer circle expresses a halo, an attribute of the unity of Christ and Mary, strong Faith and Truth. The circle of luminous rays symbolizes the Light of God, which gives hope, sanctifies, provides a path, leads through obstacles (a series of stars) to Paradise. The heart - a symbol of God's mercy, awakens in people's hearts love for everything that God has created. Returns and strengthens faith, connects with God, does not allow "break" in difficult life situations.


a symbol common in many ancient cultures, symbolizes rebirth and deep knowledge. The tree gives balance, gives new vitality, helps to develop spiritually and promotes intellectual growth. Makes the mind clear in gaining comprehensive knowledge, develops logical thinking, helps in learning. The eternal attribute of the Gods, as a symbol of higher knowledge and enlightenment.

an ancient and Tibetan sign, common in different religions and faiths, originating from Buddhism and Hinduism. It is a visual form of a magical sound (mantra) that opens the state of enlightenment, purification of the mind and detachment from earthly affairs so as to be worthy of knowledge and comprehension of higher truths, to achieve unity with the highest Spirituality (in Buddhism, the achievement of Liberation and Enlightenment).

22. Sign "QI"

(Chit. CHI) contains the hieroglyph for QI energy. In accordance with the philosophy of the Chinese, this energy originates from space and passes through the body of every living organism, giving it strength, the will to survive and great achievements. This symbol reminds the doubting and weakened how much energy a person can extract from within himself and do what until now seemed impossible. The talisman gives energy and faith in one's own strength to overcome all obstacles.

23. Symbol of the FIVE BLESSINGS

happiness - health - peace - virtue - long life. Originating from the culture of ancient China, this sign, placed on clothes, military shields, jewelry, symbolically represents five bats around the sign "Universum of Eternity". An extremely auspicious sign, it has been known in thousands of years of Chinese culture since ancient times. According to tradition, an ideal gift in those cases when they want to wish a long, happy life, as well as prosperity and mutual understanding to loved ones. Favorable for wearing and for placement in the house.


patron of drivers, as well as travelers, guides and sailors. Designed specifically for DRIVERS of cars and other vehicles, protecting against accidents, injuries and unforeseen situations on the roads. It is good to wear it on a key chain or simply place it inside the vehicle interior.


attracting good luck in winning lotteries, casinos, gambling and just life situations when everything depends on luck. It can even help you win when "everyone is against you." It does not replace luck, but contributes to it, attracting happy occasions. On the reverse side, the wheel is crowned with the sign of Jupiter - the planet of wealth, prosperity and optimism.

26. The secret magic code of Alessandro Cagliostro

(1743 - 1795), with the help of which the magician and alchemist, using random combinations of letters from three separate keys, created spells that fulfill the most secret wishes. Concentration on the key causes spiritualistic abilities, fulfill cherished wishes, gives the ability to foresee the future.


with the personal monogram of CHRIST (note I century). God's supreme wisdom and knowledge contained between the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, knowledge that encompasses everything. An amulet with this image gives peace of mind, balance and wisdom in making decisions in life or logical tasks. Equipped with the inscription "In hoc signo vinces" "Under this sign you will win", a formula for victory over all human weaknesses arising from ignorance. Able to give strong faith and will in overcoming illnesses and their own physical disabilities. Success in intellectual rivalry.


used as a talisman of love. They are carved on different materials and displayed on different forms. Thrown, or donated to a chosen person, arouse reciprocal feelings in him. They serve to awaken a sleeping heart, as well as the strength of once open feelings and their constancy in later life. Wearing two hearts on oneself contributes to the search for that desired one, to which we would like to give a heart. A strong love talisman.

29. Celtic amulet "WOVEN LOVERS"

an amulet for a couple who found each other. Interlacing and many "threads" - connections that have neither beginning nor end, show the strength of the connection, make the connection permanent and inextricable. Such a sign is associated not only with the strengthening of joint ties, but also with the repayment of mutual conflicts, which will be “eroded” in many directions. Favorable both for wearing and for placement in the Corner of Love "Kun" (Chinese Feng Shui geomancy) in the house.

30. GANESHA son of Shiva and Parvati

An unbending guard who even the gods entrusted with the protection of their loved ones. His supernatural power has made him a "Master of Obstacles" who is enough to ask and he will eliminate everything that stands in your way. A talisman that ensures success and overcomes barriers, uncertainty at the time of making decisions and doing business. Provides material success and protects against loss of property, thieves and the aggression of others. It is possible to place it in a conspicuous place of the house, at the entrance.

31. Mythical AZTEC EAGLE

from the Nutal code. Brings strong energy, giving rise to all favorable changes. A messenger indicating what is good and necessary at the moment, bringing good news, hope for an improvement in life and strong motivation for action. To eliminate indecision and make the right choice.

The gesture has many meanings. a) An alternative gesture shaping the head of a goat, a common symbol of Satanism. If you point down with two fingers, it means that Satan is imprisoned in hell and cannot harm people. But if two fingers are raised up, this is a symbol of the triumph of the devil, the victory of evil over good. b) During the Second World War, Winston Churchill popularized this sign to indicate victory, but for this, the hand is turned back to the speaker. If, with this gesture, the hand is turned with the palm towards the speaker, then the gesture acquires an offensive meaning - “shut up”. c) During the Hundred Years War, the French cut off two fingers of captive archers, with which they pulled the string of the bow. And the happy owners of a complete set of fingers teased their enemies by showing “V” with their hand turned palm towards themselves. The French considered this gesture offensive to themselves. So until now this sign is considered indecent in England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand ...

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These symbols have survived dozens of generations, and people have endowed them with power and meaning for centuries. Sometimes, over time, the meaning of symbols changes - it becomes overgrown with associations and distorted beyond recognition. And perhaps this
a beautiful pendant on your pendant carries an unexpected sacred meaning.

website looked into the history of the most famous symbols.

The earliest references to the symbol date back to 4200 BC. Ouroboros has been popular in religion, magic, alchemy, mythology and psychology.

It represents creation and destruction, the cycle of life and death. The symbol was borrowed from the Egyptians by the ancient Greeks to denote things that have no beginning and no end. In Chinese philosophy, the yin and yang monad is associated with ouroboros. In Gnosticism, he is both good and evil.

It is believed that the yin-yang symbol originally came from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries. In China and Japan, yin-yang is considered the model of all things.

The original concept of "yin" - "shadow", and "yang" - "sunny slope of the mountain." Yin and yang is interpreted as a continuous interaction of contrasts. Polar forces complement each other, and each carries a piece of its opposite. Yin and yang is a peaceful struggle in which the final victory is impossible, since the end does not exist.

The earliest images were created in 2000 BC. The symbol is found in Asia, the Middle East and Egypt. The wheel was an attribute of the sun gods and personified the cyclical nature of life, rebirth and renewal. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the wheel symbolizes the cycle of Samsara, the course of change, fate and time.

Later, the concept of "Wheel of Fortune" appeared - a symbol of the variability of fate. The spokes of the wheel of Fortune carried successes and failures, endlessly replacing each other.

The first mention of the symbol is dated 1300 AD.
The wind rose was a symbol of a guiding star and a talisman for sailors.

In the XVIII-XX centuries, tattoos with this talisman were popular: it was believed that it would help the sailor on the way and in returning home. Also, the wind rose was depicted on maps, symbolizing the cardinal points.

Early five-pointed stars date back to 3500 BC.

The pentagram was considered a talisman against evil and dark forces. Merchants of the Ancient
Babylon depicted a star on the door to protect the goods from theft and damage. Pythagoras considered it mathematical perfection, since the pentagram is fraught with the golden ratio. The stars were a symbol of intellectual omnipotence.

In early Christianity, the symbol of Jesus Christ was an inverted pentagram. But at the suggestion of Eliphas Levi, the inverted five-pointed star became the symbol of Satan.

Often, depicting and using any symbols, many do not think about where they came from, what they mean. Below is a transcript of some symbols and signs related to the sphere of Satanism. We advise you to get acquainted, as wearing and depicting such things can be very dangerous...

An inverted pictogram forming a goat's head. This emblem can be found on the cover of The Satanic Bible. Present in the symbolism of such metal bands as Slayer, Venom, etc. This is a very serious sign, which almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

The word "Pentagram" comes from two Greek words - "five" and "line". And in fact, it is a regular pentagon, on each side of which isosceles triangles are built, equal in height. The pentagram is one of the oldest religious symbols known to mankind. The first images were found on objects belonging to the Sumerian civilization. It was used by the ancient Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Babylonians, Chinese and Celts. For all peoples, the image of the pentagram was associated with magic. According to the main theories, the pentagram is a graphic image or a formula for the correct interaction of the magician and the elements.
The pentagram as a graphic figure has a rather large set of properties - this is the possession of five-beam symmetry, and construction according to the rules of the golden section. And, of course, the fact that the pentagram is the simplest form of a star, which can be depicted without once lifting the pen from the paper and at the same time never drawing a line twice. There are 10 different ways to draw a pentagram. In the practice of magic, the way the pentagram is drawn is very important and affects the type of magical effect. If the lines began to be drawn clockwise, then this is creative magic, if against, then this is destructive.
Along with the direction of the lines, the direction of the beam, symbolizing the "spirit", is also important. If the beam is directed upwards, then this implies the subordination of the spirit to the elements and participation in the life of the surrounding world. Directing the beam down is an attempt to direct all the elements towards the “spirit”, as if to gather them into a fist in order to change the current world.
Initially, the inverted pentagram was not a symbol of evil. In the ancient works of Kabbalah, the inverted pentagram is the so-called "Small Face" of the Lord. And the Roman emperor Constantine has an inverted pentagram on his seal.
But over time, this powerful occult symbol began to take on a negative connotation and is more often used in the practice of black magic. From the Pythagorean tradition came the image of the head of a goat or a ram inscribed in a pentagram. This was a reference to the Goat of Mendes, the symbol of the Egyptian god Neter Amun (Set). Set was described as a hidden force that permeates all nature and the essence of its phenomena.
The well-known occultist Eliphas Levi assigned the meaning of the symbol of Satan to the inverted pentagram. In his book The Doctrine and Ritual of Higher Magic, he wrote: "A pentagram with two ascending ends represents Satan in the form of a goat at the Sabbath."
And it was possible to finally form the image of the symbol of Satanism relatively recently. In 1966, Anton LaVey registered the Church of Satan. And the Sigil of Baphomet was chosen as the main symbol. Currently, this symbol is already a registered trademark for Satanism. It is used in the rites of black magic in order to enhance the ritual and / or benefit from higher demons. Strong black magic is impossible without the use of the symbol of the inverted pentagram in its original form,

It denotes mockery and hatred of the cross of Jesus Christ. Many Satanists walk with this symbol. Featured on the covers of Danzid Ozzy and Osborne albums. It is also a serious symbol denoting belief in Satan.

The Cross of St. Peter (also known as the inverted cross) is an ordinary Latin cross (depicted in accordance with the Roman Catholic tradition), inverted 180 degrees. The cross of St. Peter from the 4th century is one of the symbols of St. Peter, who, according to church tradition, was crucified head down in 67 AD. during the reign of Emperor Nero in Rome. The origin of this symbol is associated with church tradition that the Apostle Peter was crucified on the cross upside down at his own request, because he considered himself unworthy to die the same death that Jesus Christ died. Due to the fact that Peter is considered the founder of the Catholic Church, this symbol is depicted on the throne of the Pope. For example, during his visit to Israel, Pope John Paul II sat on a throne with a cross carved into the back.
The upside down Christian cross can be understood as an anti-Christian symbol. Because of this, the inverted cross has become widespread in modern popular culture as a symbol of Satanism. In popular culture, including such films as The Six Demons of Emily Rose, The Omen, Supernatural, the upside down cross is often shown as a symbol of Satan. Along with the inverted pentagram, the inverted cross is sometimes used by black metal musicians.

In any case, in Roman Catholicism, the cross of St. Peter is not regarded as a satanic symbol. However, the inverted crucifix carries a sense of extreme disrespect for the Christian religion and can be used to represent the forces of Satan. The differences between the cross of St. Peter and the inverted crucifix are sometimes obscured, leading to confusion about the acceptability of each symbol. A similar confusion arose after the aforementioned visit of the pope to Israel. A photo of the pope seated on a throne with the cross of St. Peter has been circulating the internet and used in attempts to "prove" that the Catholic Church is linked to Satanism

The number of the beast is a special number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is hidden; numerological embodiment of the protege of Satan. The number of the beast is 666. The number 666 is a very commonly used element of satanic paraphernalia, along with an inverted cross and an inverted pentagram.

It was often believed that under the guise of an apocalyptic beast, the Antichrist is depicted in the Bible. Since the Revelation of St. John says: “He who has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man,” therefore, in the name or appearance of every person in whom they saw the Antichrist, they tried to find the number 666. These searches are actively continuing to this day.

In studies related to the “number of the beast”, a mistake is often made: the number is decomposed into decimal places and presented as three digits 6, with which it is identified. However, at the time of the writing of the Apocalypse, there was no decimal positional number system, which arose in India only in the 6th century AD. e. The original Greek notation consists of three words "six hundred", "sixty" and "six" and does not allow for the decomposition described. Another common consequence of the mistaken identification of a number with its decimal positional notation is the association of the digits "666" with the infinite decimal fraction 0.6666 ..., equal to two thirds. In the Bible, the number "666" is used four times. Of these, it is mentioned once in the New Testament as a number under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is hidden:

Here is wisdom. Whoever has a mind, count the number of the beast, for the number is human; his number is six hundred sixty-six.
Original text (Old Greek) [show]

John the Evangelist, Rev. 13:18, 15:2

In addition to the fact that the numbers: 666 and 13 - fall on the 13th chapter of the Revelation of the Bible (John the Theologian), which describes the number 666 (= 18) in verse 18, which will already surprise the uninitiated, these numbers have a literal relationship. We always pronounce numbers in sounds, the symbol of which are the letters that form the Word.
So in Numberology the number of Words is: THIRTEEN = 144 and SIX HUNDRED (156) + SIXTY (184) + SIX (101) = 441.
These are the numbers: 18 and 45, i.e. 9.

We have a special relationship with these numbers, which we have heard from many people who are in the mood to expect something bad from these numbers.
Can numbers from 1 to 9 be good or bad? Can letters from "A" to "Z" be one better than the other. We can only like some number or letter, we may not like it ... But this does not mean at all that what we don’t like is bad, and what we like is good. Each character just has its own meaning.
Someone did not like the number made up of two digits - 13, someone from three - 666. Let's try to understand these numbers in order to have at least some certainty and our attitude towards them.

The number 13 \u003d 4, and the number 666 (18) \u003d 9. Two "root" numbers were obtained: 4 and 9, which in total is still the number 13, because the number 9 = 0 and does not change any number. Nine can hide in any number. The number 6 (similar to the number 9) taken three times also gives the sum - 9.
The resulting two numbers are distinguished from all numbers by the fact that when one digit is increased to two of all numbers from 1 to 9, substituting Zero (0), only two of these numbers do not remain the same when pronouncing: 4, like “Forty” and 9, like “ Ninety".
After pronouncing single-digit numbers, we pronounce: “Ten”, keeping this number at the end of the pronunciation of numbers in sound, like “Ten” (10) and “Twenty” - “Two-Twenty” (20), “Three-Twenty” (30 ), “…” (40), “Five-Ten” (50), “Six-Ten” (60), “Seven-Ten” (70), “Eight-Ten” (80) and “…” (90 ).
"..." - the sound of numbers in the words: "Forty" and "Ninety" fall under the pass. Where did "Twenty" or "Ten" go?

The numerology of the word Ninety in the name itself hides this number - NINETY (DE I ST) - TEN, and the remaining letters (in but o) - “new”, indicate something new.
This means that the Old is over, to which the End has come, the END - TERM, FORTY.
These numbers mean the end of any period, which means that changes are coming. People are afraid of these numbers, because changes are not always pleasing - it is better to let it be as it is, so calmer. And if these people are esoteric...? How do they feel about these numbers, if, according to the laws of the Cosmos, they are ready to leave the Cycle of births and deaths, for which this change is needed. They will be happy with these numbers, they will attract them, and not shy away and be afraid, like the townsfolk.

Number 666 \u003d 9. The nines in the number 666 repeat nine times the number 74, and this word is TIME. This means that the FUTURE 88 = 16 = 7 has already taken place and should go to the PAST 112, which is the number 13 = 4. Therefore, very SOON (Forty, Deadline) we must wait for what will be the END 73 after the lived LIFE 72, when everything will be measured out - TIME 74. The end is not necessarily a human life, but an event: either bad or good. And if we want to get rid of a boring disease, then the number 666 will be beneficial for us. It leads after TIME 74 to CROSS 75 (the next number after 74) so ​​that you can "disown" some event. Then there is OUTPUT 76 so that you can get SOURCE 77 of another, new event (for example, recovery, if there was a disease).
So, it turns out: 70 or 79 - BASE or ROOT.
71 - BEGINNING (of life).
72 - LIFE.
73 - THE END (of life).
74 - TIME (everything, the time has been measured).
75 - CROSS.
76 - EXIT.
77 - SOURCE.
78 - FATE.
= 666.

7 (sevens) - number 9, sum (7 x 9) = 63 = 9.
Numbers from 1 to 8 (9 = 0) total = 36 = 9.
Numbers 63 and 36 ---> 6336 = 666.
Three 3 sixes 6 –––> 666. Words with number 36: MIND 63, MOVEMENT 63, FACE 63, INSIDE 63, EVOLUTION 162 (LIFE 72) = 36, HISTORY 126, Celebration 126 = 36.

From the numbers: 77 and 78 - the SOURCE of a new DESTINY begins.
Something about the number 666 can be read on the website in article No. 13 "NAME" (catalogue of articles).

One story.

Two people got married in such a way that their parents (or one of the parties) did not know about it. They carefully concealed their passports so that the seal was not noticeable, but lived apart, meeting at one or the other in the apartment (apparently, the parents were against this union). In the summer we lived weekends at his dacha. She was not opposed to revealing everything, but He insisted on this, whose desire She did not violate. So some time passed, and in the third year of their secret marriage, and seven years of communication, the secret was revealed.
Suddenly, He, being with her at the dacha, remembers that he left his passport at home ...
Going home, They go on the road. On the way, they were constantly overtaken by cars with different numbers, but three times they came across numbers with three sixes - 666. Having heard about this number, they understood that something was about to happen, especially since the passport was forgotten. Maybe they would not have met this number or paid attention if they were not afraid of exposing the secret?!
And, indeed, His mother found an entry with a seal of marriage in her passport ...
Further, the development of events is no longer so important, the main thing is that they received the Sign of the events already taking place. There was an END to the concealment of secrets and a new BEGINNING was “born” - reality.
Anything can end, because Different people live with different concerns and fears. And someone, on the contrary, wants to start something ...
It can be assumed that the mother, before finding her passport, could have a sign in the number 13, because. it is a sign of CHANGE (DEATH is the 13th Major Arcana in the Tarot cards). She could not notice him because of her lack of observation. The Mystery was revealed to her, becoming Yavu.

This is a symbol of the Satanic Church in San Francisco. It is also found in the "Satanic Bible" in the "Ninth Satanic Commandment". This sign is found on several rock and metal albums, such as "Seven and the Ragged Tigen" by the band Duran Duran. This emblem always speaks of reckoning with Satan.

The Church of Satan is a countercultural group founded in the United States by Anton LaVey and which "proclaims itself a conscious bearer of evil and the antipode of Christianity." The first officially registered organization that declared Satanism as its ideology. The Great Encyclopedia Terra notes that the Church of Satan is "chronologically the first of the satanic sects." At the same time, the current leader of the organization, Peter Gilmour, says that "atheism is primary, and Satanism is secondary"
The official symbol of the Church of Satan is the Seal of Baphomet.
The Church of Satan was founded on Walpurgis Night (April 30), 1966, in San Francisco by Anton Szandor LaVey, later author of The Satanic Bible (1969). 1966 was named by him as the first year of the satanic era. LaVey served as High Priest of the Church of Satan until his death (1966-1997).
Anton Szandor LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan.

From the background: in the 1950s, Anton LaVey organized the Trapezoid Order community, which later became the governing body of the Church of Satan. Among those who participated in LaVey's activities were "Baroness" Karine de Plessen, who grew up in the royal palace in Denmark, Dr. Cecil Nixon, an eccentric magician and inventor, Kenneth Anger, an underground filmmaker, Russell Walden, city legal adviser, Donald Werby, one of the most influential private owners of San Francisco, anthropologist Michael Harner, writer Shana Alexander and others. Also LaVey's companions during this time period included science fiction and horror writers Anthony Boucher, August Derleth, Robert Barbour Johnson, Reginald Bretnor, Emile Petaya, Stuart Palmer, Clark Ashton Smith, Forrest J. Ackerman, and Fritz Leiber.

On February 1, 1967, Anton LaVey held an open satanic wedding ceremony for radical journalist John Raymond and Judith Case, which brought the Church of Satan considerable media attention. The ceremony was photographed by San Francisco Chronicle's Joe Rosenthal, who took the iconic photograph of the US troops raising the flag on Mount Suribachi during World War II. Photos of the satanic wedding have been published in several reputable publications.

In May of the same year, the ceremony of "satanic baptism" of LaVey's three-year-old daughter Zina Galatea takes place. The journalists, who arrived long before the start of the ceremony, were fascinated by the angelic smile of the girl who was to be dedicated to the devil. "Satanic Baptism" was designed to please the child.

Another important event (December 1967) was the open satanic funeral of a member of the Church of Satan, naval officer Edward Olson, at the request of his wife, while Satanism was soon included in the register of officially recognized religions in the United States.

In June 1967, Jayne Mansfield died in a car accident, according to LaVey, who had a close relationship with LaVey and was a priestess of the Church of Satan. Although these claims were false, the tabloid press claimed the actress's death was a side effect of a curse LaVey allegedly placed on Mansfield's partner Sam Brody.

The Church of Satan was mentioned in many books, magazines and newspapers in the 1960s and 1970s. Also in 1970, the feature-length documentary Satanis was released. Anton LaVey starred in Kenneth Anger's Invocation of my Demon Brother and was a technical consultant on The Devil's Rain, which starred Ernest Borgnine, William Shatner and (for the first time) John Travolta. It has also been claimed that LaVey unofficially played the part of the Devil in Rosemary's Baby, but this claim was later refuted. The Church of Satan also featured in Luigi Scatini's film Angeli Blanca, Angeli Negra (known as Witchcraft '70 in the US).

In 1975, LaVey began to modify the "grotto" system of the Church of Satan, getting rid of people who, he believed, sought to succeed in the organization only to compensate for their failures in the outside world. Subsequently, real success in life became one of the criteria for advancement within the Church of Satan. During the same period, Anton LaVey became more selective in his interviews. This transition to a "closed" activity caused rumors about the collapse of the organization and even about the death of LaVey.

In the 1980s, a new wave of mass hysteria, criminal conspiracy theories and fear of Satanism swept through, started by Protestant fundamentalists, some medical professionals and the media. During this period, members of the Church of Satan such as Peter Gilmour, Peggy Nadramia, Boyd Rice, Adam Parfrey, Diabolos Rex, and rock musician King Diamond were active in the media to refute the false accusations of criminal activity of the Church of Satan made by Christian evangelicals. Subsequently, the FBI released an official report refuting all the criminal conspiracy theories of that period. This social phenomenon has been called the "Satanic Panic".

During the 1980s and 1990s, the Church of Satan and its members were very active in producing films, music, and magazines dedicated to Satanism. Among the most significant are Adam Parfrey's publishing house Feral House, music by Boyd Rice, films by Nick Bugas (including the documentary Speak of the Devil: The Canon of Anton LaVey). The Church of Satan and Anton LaVey featured in many magazines and news articles of the time.

In 1997, after the death of Anton Szandor LaVey, Blanche Barton, his civil wife, became the head of the Church of Satan. Although Barton is still involved in the activities of the Church of Satan, in 2001 she lost her post to Peter Gilmour and Peggy Nadramia, who today are the high priest and priestess of this organization and publish The Black Flame, the official magazine of the Church of Satan. The central office of the Church of Satan has also moved from San Francisco to New York, where they reside.

In the fall of 2004, the British Armed Forces officially register the first Satanist - technical sergeant Chris Cranmer, serving on the Cumberland frigate. Admiral John "Sandy" Woodward on this occasion said that

My first words when I heard about this case were: “God, what the hell is going on here? When I served in the Navy, some colleagues were Anglicans, others were Catholics, I never heard of any Satanists. I think it's extremely weird."