Even today, in the third millennium of development, people are actively looking for reasons to destroy their own kind. And, as you can see, they are easy to find. It is not surprising that entertainment related to combat operations, military equipment, tactics and strategy is so popular among the younger generation. We bring to your attention a selection of their brightest representatives - the game Tanks in the labyrinth.

In principle, these are classic "tanks", complicated by one unusual moment - the need to maneuver through locations consisting of a web of endless corridors. This feature turns simple tank shooting games into exciting labyrinth quests with elements of real action. Ready to get your dose of adrenaline? Then go ahead! The iron monster control panel is at your service.

Think and win

Games Tanks in a labyrinth are one of the most successful flash variations on the theme of the classics of the "tanks" genre - Battle City, which your parents once played with passion on rare consoles from the last century. But in addition to the usual algorithm of actions “received an order, rushed into battle, defeated the enemy, returned to the base”, they contain elements of an exciting quest that perfectly clear the brain. That is, in addition to developing a battle strategy, you will need to solve puzzles that help you get out of the dungeon, think over the retreat path if the enemy wins, be able to maneuver along narrow corridors, and when shooting, take into account the possibility of a projectile ricocheting off walls and ceiling vaults.

Your opponent will have to do all the same, and therefore, participating in the process of playing Tanks in a labyrinth for two is much more interesting than in a single player campaign. The number of participants in the future battle, as well as the mode of interest, you can choose yourself before starting each level. Tanks in a labyrinth games for three, two, and sometimes even more players can be calculated. True, it will not be very convenient for them to act at the same time, and therefore it is better to make moves in turn.

In the process of passing the game of getting points on the account, gamers will be able to upgrade their cars, pumping their main characteristics: armor strength, movement speed, navigation system accuracy, number of guns, etc. Don't be lazy to do it. Only by using the full range of gaming features, you can win.

Most games are designed for just one or sometimes, if you're lucky, for 2 people, but what if you want to play with three people? Of course, not everyone needs to play three of us at the same computer, but there are times when friends come to you, or you share one computer place with your relatives and you don’t have the opportunity to play network shooters in the place. So, especially for such occasions, we have found a game of tanks for three people, where you can fight each other!

By itself, this tank shooting game is very simple and captivates only because it is almost the only game for 3 people! By the way, it is also suitable for those who decide to compete in 2 and even 1! In total, you will be presented with three modes to choose from - the first, in which you will fight against the computer, the second, for fighting together on one keyboard, and the third, where in addition to the keyboard, a mouse is also added.

In a single battle, you will fight with Laika (controls a tank) - a dog that looks a bit like a real demon, both in its appearance and in the strength of the onslaught. When choosing a game not for three, but for one person, you can configure a huge number of parameters, ranging from standard guns to map options. Maps in this game are generated automatically, so each of the levels will be slightly different from each other.

Gameplay of tank games for three

With a projectile fired from a tank, you can easily destroy your own tank if you do not calculate its flight path, so be careful. The number of cores produced is limited to 5. This is done primarily in order to prevent the destruction of all opponents by releasing too many cores that will scatter throughout the map. After all, each core flies around the site, pushing off the walls for about 15 seconds and only then disappears. However, releasing 5 cores at once is still one of the most effective tactics for defeating all opponents. As for a single battle, you will have 5 attempts in it, after which you will be asked to either leave or continue the game.

Below, under the map, there are fields where the matches won by you and your opponent will be reported. Control in this mode will work using the arrow keys to move and "M" to attack from a cannon. In tank battle mode for three people, you will need to control both the arrow keys and "WASD", as well as the mouse. True, the mouse in control is not very convenient, but there is nothing to be done about it. During the battle, bonuses will appear on the field, allowing you to use super weapons - lasers, homing missiles and machine guns!

Tanks are one of the most popular vehicles in video games. They are available in almost all genres, from arcades to cool shooters! Just remember the GTA series, which had these wonderful armored units, or the popular Battlefield series today, in which you will have the opportunity to control almost all popular means of combat with opponents!

However, on this page we have marked the arcade, and to be honest, there are very few good and interesting shooters in the flash format, although this is not quite an ordinary arcade game, since here you will need to drive and shoot using the keyboard or mouse, but still it is more important here it will not be the speed of your reaction, but whether you can calculate the trajectory of the bullet so that it can reach and destroy your opponent and at the same time, so that it bounces off the wall and does not hit you! The game of tanks in the labyrinth for two players will allow you to have fun with a group of your friends, grappling with each other in a very unusual fight! And this fight is unusual in that you will fight each other not on the ability to control a tank and not even on accurate shooting at targets, but on dexterity and ingenuity!

Simple doesn't mean bad

Only by showing these wonderful qualities, you will be able to defeat your opponent! This game is also notable for the fact that there will not be first-class graphics or any other characteristic features of modern games, but on the contrary, "tanks in the maze" will be extremely simple both in terms of graphics and in terms of gameplay. The entire design of the arcade will be a gray, unremarkable labyrinth, separated by black walls. There are two tanks in this labyrinth - one is red and the other is green. In the 3 player version, the third person will be blue.

In addition to the characters, with a frequency of several seconds, boxes with bonuses will appear in the gray corridors, which any of the heroes can pick up. On the Internet, due to problems with the organization of management, it is very difficult to find a game that could be fought with three people, so this arcade game is unique. Be sure to bookmark it in case your friends come home! But let's get down to considering what we need to do here.

How to play tanks in the maze

To get started, select the number of people! If there are two of you, then from the control you only need a keyboard, but if there are three, then you will also need a mouse! In single player mode, we also only need a keyboard, and besides, here we will only fight with the computer. Once in the labyrinth, we should immediately understand a few things. Firstly, your tank can fire only 5 cores in a row, after which you will have to wait until they all disappear! Each of the cores disappears 15 seconds after the shot. Secondly, as you have already noticed, all bullets bounce off any surface, so you need to make sure that one of them, bouncing off the wall, does not hit you back! Bonus boxes will appear on the field, picking up which you can use very cool bonuses!

  • Laser shot - is one of the most formidable weapons of your tank. Picking up such a bonus, you get a laser sight that shows the entire trajectory of the shot. And after pressing the trigger, the shot is carried out along the entire trajectory and if the enemy hits the laser beam, then you will win.
  • Self-guided missile - when fired, it flies in the direction where it was launched, but after a few seconds after launch, it automatically aims at the nearest target and follows it.
  • The enhanced laser beam is the most formidable weapon in the game of tanks in the labyrinth. Allows you to shoot directly through walls and has an almost 100% chance of hitting your target.
  • A large projectile - when launched, differs from the usual one only in its size, but after 15 seconds, during the explosion, its fragments scatter along a large trajectory.
  • Guided missile - very similar to a homing missile, but you yourself are able to control it.

Of course, playing tanks in a labyrinth with three of us is not very convenient, since it will be more difficult to control the mouse, but nothing can be done. Although you can always compromise and arrange a 2v2 tournament, fighting each other in turn. By the way, the better you can calculate the move, but at the same time not drive yourself into a dead end, the more chances you have to win! After all, if in this game you go to a dead end on your tank, and then the enemy shoots from a cannon there, then with a high probability the bullet will reach its target and a bonus point will be credited to it!

The age of the Internet makes us loners who sit at home at the computer instead of spending time with family or friends. And games are also written for those who do not like to share their moment of glory with anyone else. In principle, this is mostly logical, but there are different situations. For example, if you have a brother or sister and you want to spend time together in an interesting activity. It's a little easier here - there are multiplayers where two people can participate. And if you have a large company as a guest, and you need to involve one more person? You can spend a lot of time looking for an application that can provide simultaneous access for three or two players at once. But now your torment is over, because the developers did not stint, and gave you a wonderful multiplayer just for the right amount of people. Be careful: there are several parts at once, so you need to remember the one that you liked the most after you experience all the delights of each!

Tanks for two

This shooter invites you to become a part of a tank crew and you will be able to take part in a real military mission. The very process of the game is incredibly easy, and understandable even to those who are not too versed in military equipment, or combat tactics. In addition, this is hardly the only representative of its kind, where you can play three pairs of hands. If your friend suddenly falls ill, or simply cannot come for some other reason, don't worry, you have two more options - a single game and a couple. That's right, the game has three modes, and any of them is available to you. So you can always complete the shooting game, even if you don't have enough people in your team right now. If you want to be the only participant in the battle, then you will have an advantage in the settings of the game, which is not the case for a match for three. Your faithful friend will be Laika - a dog bold, confident and intimidating, as it should be in such battles. The locations in the shooter are different, and they will be set automatically, so you can be sure of the diversity of the environment.
Tank management features

It's not as simple as it seems here. If you think about your shot incorrectly, you can become a victim of your own projectile. The thing is that the core can ricochet off the walls for a long time, and only at the end hit the target. In total, you can only fire five charges at a time, and this limit was put in place so that you do not kill all opponents in one fell swoop. However, it's up to you, because the more shells - the higher the chance of hitting the enemy with them. If you choose to fight without helpers, then you will only have five attempts to achieve victory, otherwise you will be asked what you want to do next - play or leave the game. In the management you will use the arrows. When another participant is added, he will get the WASD buttons. If a third person joins you, he will be left with a mouse. Of course, this is not the best way to manage, but there is nothing else left. One can only hope that the developers will find a way out and pick up another combination on the keyboard to make it convenient for everyone. You will be able to watch the score below, and then it will immediately become clear who is keeping the score - you or your enemies. Be careful - you may come across various bonuses that make it easier to win, make you invulnerable for a while, or make some other nice improvement. In general, now you have a great way to not only pass the time with a shooter, but also invite friends to spend time together. Do as you like and defeat all opponents easily!

Description of the flash game

Tanks in the Maze 4 - Problem

AZ Tank Trouble 4

In this cool game called "AZ Tank 4 - Trouble" you need to be careful. The only game for two or three players. The main goal is to destroy your opponent before he destroys you. Who will win? "AZ Tank 4 - Trouble" is great to have a good time.
Each player controls his own tank and must deal with the opponent. The path to the goal is blocked by numerous walls. It will not work to break through them, so you need to look for a way. The game is especially notable for the fact that with each level the complexity and size of the labyrinth increase. But it does have useful bonuses. Each box you pick up will help you achieve success, load the tank with new ammunition. Use this weapon and hit the enemy first. You will need to compete with other players or from computers (like a dog). You will appreciate this shooter. Usually, whoever shoots first wins. But do not shoot at random, and even more so, do not dare to fire shells at idle. They can ricochet off walls, hitting your own tank back. Such unpleasant incidents make us conserve ammunition, although it is endless. You can wait until the enemy himself rolls into a corner or vice versa - shove towards him, driving the enemy into a dead end. The tanks in the labyrinth got stuck for a long time.

You can play one-on-one with the computer, or with friends.
In order to select the number of players, you should click on the appropriate mode before starting the game. The goal of the game is to destroy all enemy tanks in a gloomy labyrinth. In order to win, you are given a powerful battle tank with various weapons. In order to stay and win the game, you need to maneuver and shoot at opponents. To change the weapons, controls and labyrinth, you should go to the settings.