Alexander II is one of the most prominent Russian monarchs. Alexander Nikolaevich was nosted by Alexander Liberator.

There are really a people for what to call Alexander II. The emperor conducted a number of important life, for reforms. The course of his politics was distinguished by a liberal tint.

Alexander II initiated a lot of liberal undertakings in Russia. The paradox of his historical personality is that the monarch, who gave the people to the village of unprecedented freedom, was killed by revolutionary.

It is said that the draft constitution and the convening of the State Duma, literally on the table at the emperor, but his sudden death put a cross on many of his endeavors.

Alexander II was born in April 1818. He was the son and Alexandra Fedorovna. Alexandra Nikolayevich was purposefully prepared for joining the throne.

The future emperor received a very worthy education. Tsarevich's teachers were the smartest people of their time.

Among the teachers were Zhukovsky, Merder, Cankrin, Brunov. As you can see, the people of the Russian Empire themselves taught sciences to the future Emperor.

Alexander Nikolaevich was a man gifted, he possessed equilateral abilities, was a good-natured and responsive man.

Nicholas I was the Third Son and His Spouse - Maria Fedorovna. As soon as Nikolai Pavlovich was born (06.25.1796), parents recorded him for military service. He became the chief of the Life Guard of the horse shelf, in the rank of colonel. Three years later, Tsarevich first put on a uniform of his shelf. In May 1800, Nicholas I became the chef of the Izmailovsky regiment. In 1801, as a result of the palace coup, his father was killed - Paul I.

The real passion of Nicholas I was a military affair. Military affairs, apparently passed from the Father, and at the Genn. The soldiers and cannons were the favorite toys of the Grand Duke, for which, together with Brother Mikhail, he spent a lot of time. To the sciences, unlike brother, not painful.

On July 13, 1817, the marriage of Nicholas I and Prussian Princess Charlotte took place. In Orthodoxy Charlotte was admed to Alexander Fedorovna. By the way, marriage took place on the birthday of the spouse. The joint life of the royal couple was happy. After the wedding, he became a general inspector, head of engineering affairs.

Alexander I was the eldest son, was born 12.12. 1777, into bending. Since the attitudes of the father and grandmothers did not make up, the Empress took the grandson from his parents.

Catherine II, immediately pushed great love for her grandchildren and decided what would do from the newborn perfect emperor.

The Swiss Labap was engaged in the education of Alexander, which many were considered a convinced Republican. Tsarevich received a good formation of the Western sample.

Alexander believed in the possibility of creating an ideal, humane society, he sympathized with the French revolution, regretted the Poles deprived of statehood, and skeptically referred to Russian autocracy. Time however, dispelled his faith in such ideals ...

Alexander I became the emperor of Russia, after the death of Paul I, as a result of the palace coup. The events that occurred on the night of 11 on the 12th of March of March were reflected in the life of Alexander Pavlovich. The death of his father was greatly worried, and the feeling of guilt pursued him all his life.

Paul I was son and. Born on 09/20/1754. From an early age he was taught by diploma and various sciences: stories, mathematics, foreign languages \u200b\u200band geography.

According to the memoirs of his teachers, Paul was a man of a live mind, perfectly gifted by nature. He was hard for his childhood, he lost her father early. And lost himself, as he himself considered, according to the fault of the mother. Peter Fedorovich, Paul loved himself and could not forgive his mother's mother.

At 17, Ekaterina II married her son on the princess Wilhegemin, with the baptism of Natalia Alekseevna. During the birth, Natalia died.

In 1776, he married the second time. The wife of the heir to the Russian throne became Sophia-Dorota, which, when baptism, took the name Maria Fedorovna. Maria Fedorovna was related to the Prussian King. Apparently under the influence of his wife, he began to like many German customs.

Russia for Russians, and in Russian (Emperor Alexander III)

Alexander III is a significant figure in. During his reign, in Europe, Russian blood has not flowed. Alexander III has secured many years of calm for Russia. For peace-loving politics, he entered the Russian history as "King is a peacemaker."

He was a second child in the family of Alexander II and Mary Alexandrovna Romanov. According to the rules of the Prestoland, Alexandra did not prepare for the role of the ruler. The throne was supposed to take the elder brother - Nikolay.

Alexander did not envy her brother, did not experience the slightest jealousy, watching Nicholas prepare for the throne. Nikolay was a diligent student, and Alexander defeated boredom in class.

Teachers Alexander III were such well-deserved people like historians of Solovyev, Grott, a wonderful military tactic of Dragomirov, and Konstantin Victoronians. It was the last one that was a great influence on Alexander III, in many respects by defining the priorities of the internal and foreign policy of the Russian emperor.

When Peter turned three years old, the king of his father gave him a child sabel. At the end of 1676, Alexey Mikhailovich died. For the throne, the consolidated brother of Peter - Fedor. Fedor was concerned that Peter did not teach a diploma, and asked Naryshkin to give this component of learning more time.

Fifth Emperor XVIII century

Becoming the emperor, Paul I sought to catch the missed, realize my views in business. He was a talented man, but his tragedy was that most of his life he failed his "queue" to the throne, grieving and worrying for his unclear future as the heir. Waiting for his hour lasted over 20 years, and the feeling of their worthlessness, humiliation, annoyance for the insignificantly lost years, the constant danger did not leave Paul I, ruined his character, made from the once cheerful, romantic men-neural man's young man. Having come to power, Paul I could not overcome the vengeful desire to destroy everything that was established with the mother. Pedantic attention to trifles, inconsistency, inconsistency with a clear tendency to solve problems with simplified, rude techniques - all this was its style of government. The character of Paul worsened. The fact that previously restrained the effort of will, the fear of the mother, broke out: the emperor became unpredictable, quick-tempered, capricious and sharp ruler with Tirana's peaks. He did not have the experience of state activities, but was stubborn and unable to understand the difficult problems of politics. At the same time, he was intolerant not only for free expression by the surrounding opinion, but also to any manifestation of independence. Having become a dealer, he began to exercise the "Gatchinsky" version of the transformation, to build not the "kingdom of mind and the law", which they spoke so much with N. I. Panin, and a rude repressive state.

Notes on the fields

Why Paul, full of liberal ideas in his youth, became such an unexpectedly harsh ruler? About the personality and political views of Paul I disputes do not subscribe to the second century: this tragic figure of Russian history appears so contradictory and difficult. It is clear that the political views of Paul I were under the influence of many factors and underwent a certain evolution during his life. These glances were ultimately united for enlightened XVIII century people and close Catherine II enlightened ideas, they pursued the utopian target for the XVIII century, but these ideas were interpreted and implemented by Paul I in another than Catherine II, the key. This determined the final difference between Pavlo I - Emperor's transformations from Catherine II transformations.

It is known that on the formation of the worldview of Cesarevich Pavel Petrovich, his teacher Count N. I. Panin had a strong influence - a consistent supporter of restricting the imperial power in Russia. It has already been said above that the meaning of the transformation offered by N. I. Panin in 1763, it was reduced to establishing the power of the Empress of the State Council of a clearly aristocratic type. The overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe supremacy of "fundamental laws" was laid into the system of raising a panine, without which it is indecent and impossible to rule a truly worthy sovereign. This idea itself was not particularly original. Since the time of Montesquieu, Ivan Shuvalov wrote about it and said many, the ideas of these vital in the air. It is quite complete logic of the judgments of Panin reveal his "reasoning on indispensable laws", compiled by it on the eve of his death in 1783 and intended for Paul. Reasoning these essence typical for the XVIII century Sillogisms:

1. The government is awarded the sole to the good of the people.

2. The benefit can only give a completely virtuous sovereign - "Virtue on the throne."

3. Given the natural weakness for the sovereign as a person, to achieve absolute virtue is unthinkable.

Hence the conclusion: the sovereign can reach the good of the people only by the only way - "Put in the state, the rules are immutable, based on the good and whom they could not disrupt himself." The set of laws themselves is not so important, but it is just that the monarch cannot violate their monarch. But then there is a deadly trap for autocracy, for thereby eliminating the most important postulate autocracy - complete, uncontrolled right at any time to change the laws, to establish them at its own discretion, and also rule them without any laws when the law is the will of the Sovereign.

Of course, all these ideas of Panin were closely related to the actual political situation for those times. They contained the conviction of the reign at the court of Catherine II of Favoritism, the domination of the law, but "passions". After all, thereby the path to the arbitrariness was discovered when "not a moral of the sovereign is encouraged by law, but the laws to its moral" and when, finally, the sovereign is enslaved by the expressive passion - a pet, as a rule, is unworthy. Then the selfhood "reaches an incredibility." Everything, according to Panin, depends on the friend of the pet, everyone is afraid of him, and "the look of it, posture, we do not mean anything else, like:" Bogatrut me, I can destroy you! "

Reading this, Paul saw a familiar figure of Orlova, Potemkin or any other Favorite Catherine II. But for Paul, the constitutional ideas of Panin were important not only from the point of view of morality, decent and useful ministry to Fatherland, Russia (for Paul, these concepts were not empty sound), but also from the point of view of his future. And it was very foggy. Ekaterina II, in general, dissatisfied with Cesarevich Pavlom, he behaved with him the same way as Peter Fedorovich's unemployed. In other words, she simply held as an ax over the head of the heir, the charter about the throne of Peter the Great 1722, who gave her to appoint him to the successors of any of his subjects and cancel, if necessary, the decision was made already on the Preconsession. I will add to this other factors: distributed by the enemies of Pavel Insination about his "illegential", the special demonstrative love of Catherine to the son of Pavel Alexander, the humiliation and oppression of the heir from the Favorites, the memories of the tragic fate of the Father - Peter III, as well as suspicions and fears of Paul for their Life and freedom. In a word, considering all this, the problem of approving such a "fundamental law", which could be the law on the Preconsession on a straight man's descending line, seemed to be paramount. In the absence of him, he saw the cause and political instability in Russia, and his unstable position.

In 1787, Paul amounted to a draft such law on the Prepoligation of the Organization. It was necessary that the "state was not without the heir, so that the heir was always appointed by law himself, so there was not the slightest doubt who inherit and in order to preserve the right of birth in heritage, without violating the rights of natural and avoiding difficulties in transition from kind in kind. " Later, these considerations spurred Paul I on the day of coronation on April 5, 1797 to approve and publicly read the law on the throne, which should be higher than the will of a particular self-container and who canceled the Petrovsky "Charter" of 1722.

But it turned out that such a "fundamental law" was not enough. The root of the Paul's tragedy is that, recognizing the Paninic ideas, he tried to combine the limitless power of autocracy and human freedoms, the "Power of Personality" and "Power of the Law", in a word, to combine incompatible. So, he wrote:

"We found for the lonchery to agree on the necessary monarchical executive power in the vastness of the state, with the advantage of that liberty, which is needed by each state for preventing itself from despotism or the sovereign."

But such "coordination" was impossible in principle. In addition, Paul I hated my mother, spreading this hatred and on the liberal orders introduced by it, and on her pets, and on the outstanding, and on insignificant figures of her government. He denied everything she brought Russia with his reform activities. As a result, no matter how to speak Paul I on the right, the law (and without recognizing and continuing the acts of Catherine in this area, it was impossible to move further), in his mind, the image of thinking and behavior was made to the fore, the Gatchinskaya "model of life" . He wanted tightening discipline, introducing strict regulation, "indispensable order", and saw in this panacea from all troubles. Destroying the "state of the enlightened monarchy" erected by the mother, Paul began to build only an "executive state". This was the root of his personal tragedy and death ...

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Pety house of the XVIII century in Vyatka. Modern photo.

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Chapter 2 Emperor Andronik Komnet XII century is Jesus Christ during his stay in Tsar-Grad XII century 1. Brief chronicle biography of Emperor Andronicus Scaliger-Romanovskaya version of history says the following. In 1081, Byzantine Emperor in Bosphorus

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Chapter XVIII Georgia in the second half of the 20s of the 20th century and until the beginning of the 40s of this century §1. Social and economic system during the approval of the Soviet occupying regime and its transformation (the first half of the 20s of the 20th century) marks the decline of the economy and

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XVIII. Emperor Tivseli (574-582)

From the book Prince Vasily Mikhailovich Dolgorukov-Krymsky Author Andreev Alexander Radhevich

Chronicle of the XVIII century 1730-1740. Anna Ioannovna. 1731. The foundation of Rostov-on-Don.1733-1735. Russia's participation (in connection with Austria) in the struggle for the Polish Prestrol.1735. Russian troops first appeared on the Rhine. 1736-1739. Turkish war.1736. Taking Azov Minichi.1737 year.

From the book of life and the morals of Tsarist Russia author Anishkin V. G.

There is a huge reservoir of literature about the Russian rulers. But it was at Romanov, Russia became one of the great powers of the world.

« The dynasty actually created and strengthened the Russian Empire. It was the most powerful state, a colossal power, which was created by Russian state trucks - Peter Great, Catherine Great ... and others. It was a rise in Russian civilization. The value of the novel dynasty and in social, economic, cultural and spiritual areas is great. It was a rod genus for Russian civilization throughout the three hundred years saturated by the events of the period "(Evgeny Bees, Candidate of Historical Sciences).

Emperor Peter I is the most vivid representative of the dynasty, the reformer of Russia, sharply accelerating the course of the development of the power. For merits to the fatherland, he was proclaimed by the first emperor of the Russian Empire, while he was given the titles "Great" and "Fatherland".
Russian rulers - warriors, diplomats, philosophers ... They are all different, but in their life it was the main thing - the service of their country. At the exhibition on the topic presents books, journal publications, as well as illustrative material.

Historyrussian states. Signatures, XVIII century. [Text]: Essays / Ros. nat. b-ka; Avt. Sost. E. M. Now [et al.]. - Moscow: KN. Chamber, 1996.

Formationempire [Text] / [COST: AMRYROVA G. S.]. - Moscow: Veche, 2010. - 379, p. : IL. ; 21. - (Russia in the works of great historians).

Pashkov, B. G. Rus. Russia. Russian empire. Chronicle of boards and events 862-1917. [Text]: studies. Manual / Pashkov B. G. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - Moscow: Center, 1997.

In the fight for Power [Text]: Pages Polit. The history of Russia XVIII century. - Moscow: Thought, 1988.

Anisimov, E. V. Russia in the middle of the 7th century [Text]: The struggle for the heritage of Peter / E. V. Anisimov. - Moscow: Thought, 1986.

Eidelman, N. Ya.The line of centuries [Text]: Polit. Fighting in Russia, the end of the XVIII - beginning. XIX century / N. Ya. Eidelman - Moscow: Thought, 1982.

Kamensky, A. B. From Peter I to Paul I: reforms in Russia of the XVIII century [Text]: Experience. Analysis / A. B. Kamensky; Ros. State Humanite. un-t. - Moscow: [b. And.], 2001.

Three centuries: Russia from Troubles to our time [Text]: East. Sat : At 6 t. T. 3: XVIII century. The first half / ed. V. V. Kallasha. - Reprint. ed. - Moscow: Patriot, 1992 - (reprint reproduction of the publication of 1912).

Three centuries: Russia from Troubles to our time [Text]: East. Sat : At 6 t. T. 4: XVIII century. Second half / ed. V. V. Kallasha. - Reprint. ed. - Moscow: Patriot, 1992 - (reprint reproduction of the publication of 1912).

Three hundredth anniversaryRomanov's houses, 1613- 913 [Text]. - Moscow: Contemper, 1990. - (Reprint reproduction of the anniversary edition of 1913).

Three hundredyears of the House of Romanov, 1613-1913 [Text]. - Reprint. ed. - Moscow: Assoc. "Informoko", B. G. G. (1990). - (reprint reprinting of the anniversary edition of 1913).

Russiaunder the scepter of Romanov, 1613-1913 [Text]. - Moscow; Tallinn: Mosk. And Tallinn. Phil. JV Interbuch, 1991. - (Reprint reprinting of the anniversary edition of 1912).

Birthempire [Text] / Sost. A. Lieberman, S. Shokarev. - Moscow: Sergey Dubova Foundation, 1997. - 538 p. - (History of Russia and the House of Romanov in the memoirs of contemporaries. XVII - XX centuries).

Kamensky, A. B. Russian Empire in the XVIII century: traditions and modernization [Text] / Kamensky A.B. - Moscow: New Lit. Review, 1999. - 326 p. : IL. - (Historia Rossica).

Marasinova, E. N. Power and Personality [Text]: Essays Rus. History of the XVIII century. / E. N. Marasinova; Ros. Acad. Sciences, scientific Council "The History of World Culture", IN-T ROS. stories. - Moscow: Science, 2008.

Russianstate Deli, 1598-1917 [Text] / [Avt.-Cost. M. G. Davydov]. - Smolensk: Rusich, 2004.

With swordand torch: Palace coup in Russia, 1725- 1825 [Text]: Sat. dock. and materials / comp., Intr. Art. and comments. M. A. Boytsova. - Moscow: Contemporanik, 1991.

Bychkov, A. A. Russian Empire of the Romanov Epoch [Text] / Alexey Bychkov. - Moscow: AST [et al.], 2007.

Chulkov, G. I. Emperors [Text]: Psycholis. Portrait. / Chulkov G. I. - Moscow: Art, 1995.

Manko, A. V. Women in the Russian throne [Text] / A. V. Manko. - Moscow: Shk. Press, 2002.

Chizhova, I. B. Ten Empress [Text] / Irina Chizhova. - Moscow: Eksmo; St. Petersburg: Midgard, 2006. - 813, p., L. color Il., Port. : IL. ; 22. - (Female age. Sowing lions and fatal beauties).

About the emperor Petre.I.

Peter I. (imp.). Favorites [Text] / Peter Great; Cost. hitch Art. and comments. A. B. Kamensky; In-t societies. Thoughts. - Moscow: Rossman, 2010. - 485 p. ; 22. - (Library of domestic social thought from ancient times before the beginning of the 20th century).

PeterGreat [Text]: Memories. Diary. Posses. Jokes / Sost., Intr. Art. S.5-50, and notes. E. V. Anisimova. - St. Petersburg: crops.-Lumen. O-in "Pushkin. Fund", etc., 1993. - 447 s: 8 L.Il. - (State figures of Russia through the eyes of contemporaries).

Bogoslovsky, M. M. Peter I [Text]: materials for bioogr. : [In 5 tons] / M. M. Bogoslovsky. - Moscow: Centerpolygraph, 2007.

Massey, R. K. Peter Great [Text]: Personality and Epoch: [in 2 tons] / Robert K. Massey; [Per. from English Vitaly Volkovsky and Nina Pubhetsk]. - St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2003.

Valishevsky, K.Peter Great [Text]: East. Research / Kazimir Valishevsky. - Moscow: AST [et al.], 2004. - 474, p. - (Golden library of historical novel. Romanovs. Peter the Great).

Furiousreformer [Text]. - Moscow: Foundation Sergei Dubova, 2000. - 554 p. - (The history of Russia and the house of Romanov in the memoirs of contemporaries. XVII-XX centuries).

PeterGreat: Pro ET Contra [Text]: Personality and Acts of Peter I in the assessment Rus. thinkers and research. : Anthology / Sev.-Zap. Deposit grew. Acad. Education, Rus. Christian. Humanite. In-t. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House Rus. Christian. Humanite. In-Ta, 2001. - 758 p. : Portrait. - (Russian way).

Brikner, A. G. Illustrated history of Peter the Great [Text] / A. G. Brikner. - Moscow: Svarog and K ", 2000. - 682 p.: Il. - (Great Russia).

Pavlenko, N. I. Peter Great [Text]: East. Essay / Pavlenko N. I. - Moscow: Thought, 1990.

Tolstoy, A. N. Peter first [Text]: Roman: [in 2 tons] / A.N. Tolstoy. - Moscow: Mosk. Worker, 1980.

Granin, D. A. Evenings with Peter Great [Text]: Post. and certificates of Mr. M. / D.A. Granan. - St. Petersburg: Eastor. Il., 2000. - (Library of the Foundation for the memory of the light prince A. D. Menshikova).

Shildkret, K. G. Podium Rus [Text]: (Trilogy) / KG Shildkret. - Moscow: Armada, 1994. - 792 p. - (Romanovs: Dynasty in novels. Peter the Great (1672-1725)).

About Empress CatherineI.

Petrov, P. N. The name of Her Majesty / V. N. Druzhinin. Waxer / Yu. N. Tyanyanov. White and black. - Moscow: Armada, 1996. - 780 p. - (Romanovs: Dynasty in novels. Ekaterina I).

Tynyanov, Yu. N. Wax person. Petrov, P. N. The name of Her Majesty / V. N. Druzhinin. Waxer / Yu. N. Tyanyanov. White and black. - Moscow: Armada, 1996. - 780 p. - (Romanovs: Dynasty in novels. Ekaterina I).

Pavlenko, N. I. Ekaterina I [Text] / N. I. Pavlenko. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2004.

About Empress Anne ioannovna

Anisimov, E. V. Anna Ioannovna [Text] / Evgeny Anisimov. -. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2004. - 362 c., L. Il., Port., Fax. : IL. ; 21. - (Life of wonderful people: Ser. Biogr.; Vol. 1076 (876)).

About the emperor John Antonovich

Karnovich, E. P. Love and Crown [Text] / E. P. Karnovich. The world / P. Danilevsky. Two masks / V.A. Sosna. - Moscow: Armada, 1994. - 764 p. - (Romanov: Dynasty in novels; t. 8. John Antonovich (1740-1764)). - Tilt. oblast : John Antonovich.

About Empress Elizabet Petrovna

Anisimov, E. V. Elizabeth Petrovna [Text] / Anisimov E.V. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2000.

Valishevsky, K.The daughter of Peter the Great [Text]: Elizabeth Petrovna / Valishevsky K. - Reprint. Play with ed. A. S. Suvorin. - Moscow: Soviet. Council. Fin. enterprise "IKPA"; Minsk: Hollow, 1990.

Valishevsky, K.Daughter of Peter the Great [Text]: Elizabeth Petrovna / K. Valishevsky; hitch Art. E. V. Anisimova. - Reprint. Play Ed.1911 - Moscow: Book: JV "Insecurity", 1990.

Maurin, E. I. Louis and Elizabeth [Text] / E. I. Maurin. Daughter of the Great Peter / N. E. Heinz. - Moscow: Armada, 1994. - 715 p. - (Romanov: Dynasty in novels. Elizabeth Petrovna).

About the emperor Petre.III

Samarov, G.On the throne of the Great Grandfather [Text]: Translation / G. Samarov. Witness: [to sat. In general: ed. and comments. N. Yu. Rumyantseva] / E. M. Skobelev. - Moscow: Armada, 1995. - 713 c. : Portrait. - (Romanovs: Dynasty in novels. Peter III). - Tilt. oblast : Peter III.

Soaps, A. S. "He did not look like a sovereign ..." [Text]: Peter III. Narration in the dock. and versions / A. S. Soilnikov. - St. Petersburg: Lenzdat, 2001. - 670 p. : IL. - (historical facts and literary versions).

About Empress CatherineII Great

Ivanov, V.N. Empress Fiech [Text] / V. N. Ivanov. Ekaterina Great / P. N. Krasnov. Petrovsky days / E. A. Salias. - Moscow: Armada, 1995. - 731 p. - (Romanov: Dynasty in novels. KN. 1, Catherine Great).

Catherine II. (imp.). Notes of Empress Catherine II [Text]: Per. With Fr. / Catherine II; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t History of the USSR; Ot. ed. E. L. Rudnitskaya. - Reprint. Play, 1859, London. - Moscow: Science, 1990. - VIII, 277 p. - (Russia XVIII century in editions of the free Russian printing house A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev).

Obolensky, G. L. Century Catherine Great [Text]: Time of heroes and heroic. Affairs / G. L. Obolensky. - Moscow: Rus. Word, 2001.

Donner, E.Ekaterina Great [Text]: Personality and Epoch / Erich Donnerte; [Per. with it. Vladislav Pevchev]. - St. Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2003.

De Madariaga, I.Ekaterina Great and its era [Text] / Isabel de Madariaga; [Per. from English N. Pubhetskaya]. - [So. Pererab. KN version. "Ekaterina Great" (1990)]. - Moscow: Omega, 2006. - 445, p., L. color Il., Port., Fax. : IL. ; 24. - (Mysterious Russia. NEW VIEW) (Yale University: experience of an objective study).

Tchaikovskaya, O. G. Empress. The reign of Catherine II [Text] / Tchaikovskaya O. G. - Moscow: Olympus; Smolensk: Rusich, 1998. - 508 p. : IL. - (Legendary person).

Bushkov, A. A. Ekaterina II [Text]: Diamond Cinderella / Alexander Bushkov. - Moscow: Alma Media Group, 2007.

Ravich, N. A. Two capitals [Text] / N. A. Ravich. Last favorite / D. G. Zhdanov. Senate Secretary / E.A. Salias. - Moscow: Armada, 1995. - 633 p. - (Romanovs: Dynasty in novels. KN. 2. Catherine Great).

About the emperor PavelI.

Peskov, A. M. Pavel I [Text] / Peskov A. M. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2000. - 420 p. - (Life of wonderful people: Ser. BioGr.; Vol. 783).

Cross, V. V. Grandparents [Text] / V. V. Krestovsky. Maltese knights in Russia / E. P. Karnovich. Conspiracy / M. A. Aldanov. - Moscow: Armada, 1994. - 731 p. - (Romanovs: Dynasty in novels; t. 12. Paul 1 (1754- 1801)).

O. I. Kryukovskaya, Librarian of the Service Department