Naturally, the fire in the comments about the mixed relay is not only in Russia.

In an interview with the Norwegian Aftenposten, eight-time world champion Rafael Poiret shared the most balanced opinion from the French side about this story:

“The story has a strong resonance in France. There are more of those who support Fourcade, but many consider his withdrawal from the awards to be the wrong thing to do. I myself would probably do the same. But then I would have regretted it. Nevertheless, leaving the awards just like that is ugly on the part of Fourcade.

Marten feels he has no choice in this fight against doping. He cannot cope alone, although it is good that Fourcade is fighting. Martin feels alone in the fight against doping. Although we all do not want biathlon to become like cycling, where they talk more about doping than about sports. AShipulin acted disrespectfully when he laughed after Fourcade left the pedestal, - Martin's compatriot emphasized separately.

For Fourcade


“We have been hearing a lot about Russians lately. There is no place for scammers in any sport. When you can teach them a lesson on the track, it can be considered a settling of scores
Quentin Fillon-Maillet, French biathlete, mixed relay silver medalist

Opinions of readers of the leading French publicationLEquipment

“These guys are competitors and Fourcade has a lot to think about other than shaking hands with Loginov. The best answer is on the track and shooting, and we'll see if Loginov will continue to laugh like he did yesterday on the podium. I highly doubt it!"

"Useless conversation! Even if there was a deliberate contact, he did not interfere with the Russian, who had already finished the race.

“Is it voluntary? Don't know. Is it deserved? Of course! Loginov has nothing to do with fair competition in biathlon. At best, his place is at home, at worst, in prison.”

"At least the World Championships won't be boring! Germans, Norwegians are also proud of Fourcade's position on this issue."

“I support Fourcade, although some prefer to blindly listen to the Russian media, which is well known for its independence and honesty. What a shame."

“As usual, Russians don't know how to lose. When they don't use EPO, they look for the reasons for their defeat. Fourcade does not need to justify himself, he is clearly above these Russians.

Against Fourcade


- It got to the point that relations between Russia and France began to be compared with the Cold War. But there are no grounds for this, we decided to talk to Marten again so that he would not waste his energy on “biting” Russian biathletes, but would focus on winning gold medals.
Michel Vion, President of the French Ski Federation(full comment)

Opinions of readersLEquipment

“When passing the baton, Fourcade clearly did everything on purpose, such behavior should be punished. Such actions from a great champion are unacceptable. He clearly showed the limits of his intellect. He may have a personal opinion, but he has no right to behave like that on the podium - this also deserves strict sanctions.

“Collision involuntary??? It's a joke. Fourcade does everything on purpose, it's obvious. Therefore, France should be disqualified altogether, to my chagrin. I support Fourcade's opinion off the track, but in the race you have to follow the rules."

“He takes over the baton in front of the Russian to cross with Loginov, how to explain this? He slowed down, looking at the Russian, and of his own accord appeared in front of him, for the sake of this act. I love Martin Fourcade, but his act is unforgivable, he could well have been disqualified.

“We know that Fourcade has no brains… Did he run like that and risk falling? You can expect anything from him.”

“I have been watching biathlon for 7 years and for the first time I see this! All these incidents after the race are disgusting, they make me think about football. I think Fourcade's act was voluntary."

Why Fourcade will never be great

Martin Fourcade defiantly left the podium of the 2017 World Cup after the appearance of the Russian team on it. Great right? No, the usual hysterical trick.

It's not about the bandwagon Loginov at the start of the fourth stage (or the finish of the third, for whom it is). Whether she was there or not is not understood, although Martin Fourcade's apologies speak volumes. And not about the final fight with Shipulin, everything is legal here. Maybe not completely honest, not quite fair in a sporting way. No, it’s legal, no one will undermine their nose here. Finish in a straight line and prove your strength - this is for simpletons, for ideological ones. There is a chance - grab it. Cut corners - you're ahead. And it is right. In big sports.

But the awards ceremony is the most sour juice. The quintessence of all the Marten cases of recent months. And nasty comments, and escapes from congresses, and pitting athletes against each other by imposing boycotts. Defiantly leaving the podium of the World Cup, because you didn’t like someone on this podium, is primitive rudeness.

Fourcade did not shake hands at the 2017 World Cup mixed relay awards:

Fourcade cuts off Shipulin at the finish line in the 2017 World Cup mixed relay:

Fourcade knocked down Loginov while passing the baton at the 2017 World Cup:

Although what are we talking about, what rudeness? Ham, in fact, still needs to be. You need to earn, and then proudly and confidently carry this title, confirm it regularly. This takes strength and courage. Martin Fourcade just freaked out. A normal working hysteria of a person who is used to getting his own way with such tantrums. Waiting for them to run after him and bring him back. And they did run.

Hate Fourcade for his deeds? What are you talking about? "Psychic" can only be regretted. At least until it poses a threat to someone's life. Marten does not represent yet, although he wants to. The maniacally flaunted disgust for Loginov, who is pure in relation to the law, is another confirmation of this. This is exactly the same case as with today's finish: after all, everything is legal, although not completely honest.

Sport is not “faster, higher, stronger” for a long time. Honor and honesty are not just out of fashion, they simply get in the way. Stupid and old-fashioned leftovers. It is a fact. Athlete Fourcade owes nothing to anyone. And this is also a fact. Except for sponsors. The award ceremonies prevent him from recovering, he saw fans in the coffin, including his own. What greatness are we talking about here? And who gave this upstart the right to dictate something to someone? But, thank Marten, the World Cup received an excellent charge of PR. At all levels. We do not know how the championship is, but we are definitely fine.

Anton Shipulin has already said that Martin Fourcade's apologies, if any, will be accepted. First of all - for the very comment in Loginov's congratulations. They will talk again, they will communicate. Hands will be shaken. There is no doubt that Fourcade will apologize. And then he starts threatening boycotts again. Small bastard.

It's not enough to earn greatness. It's not enough to deserve it. It has to be worked out day by day. Use it not for your own benefit, but for someone else's. To help. Learn. Please. And even upset. And your greatness will not be confirmed by words. And not even business. It will be confirmed by the people who touched it.

Martin Fourcade is not a great champion at all and never has been. And it won't. No matter how much hysteria.

Is Fourcade to blame? Shipulin and Loginov were the first to not shake hands with the Frenchman

A detailed analysis of what happened at the awards ceremony for the winners of the mixed relay.

After the finish, Anton Shipulin, in an interview with Match TV, said that he no longer respected Martin Fourcade because of the way the Frenchman behaved on the track. According to Shipulin, Fourcade pushed Loginov when passing the baton, and at the finish he closed the target and did not allow Shipulin to push.

But is Fourcade wrong?

There really was a clash between Loginov and Fourcade, but it would be wrong to call it deliberate: the Frenchman saw that Loginov was nearby, but you can’t blame him for the intentional desire to hit our athlete.

At the finish line, Fourcade acted within the bounds of what was permitted and did not violate any rules. Yes, the target did not yield, but it should not have done so either. Usual tactical fight.

Now to the most important thing - Fourcade's demarche during the award ceremony. In the broadcast, which the whole world saw, during the time when the Russian athletes thanked the rivals for the race, the camera was transferred to a nice girl. The close-up came back only when Fourcade began defiantly clapping and running away from the pedestal.

But the video on the official Twitter of the Russian Olympic Committee shows that Shipulin and Loginov were not the first to approach Fourcade to shake his hand, which provoked the Frenchman into strange actions.

As a result, the President of the International Biathlon Union (IBU), Anders Besseberg, forcefully returned Fourcade to his place, and the awarding continued.

At this moment, on the air of the Match Arena, Dmitry Guberniev was already urging Russian fans to tell Fourcade on Instagram that they consider the Frenchman a pig. Approximately 7,500 users followed the commentator's call, and it hasn't even been two hours since the end of the race.

The World Championship has just begun, and there are already more events than last year's championship. But the most important thing is the first medal of the Russian team, when not everyone was waiting for it. It's a pity that after the race they discuss not her, but the relationship between the Russians and Martin Fourcade. One way or another, it will only get more interesting, the men's sprint is already February 11th.

Petty dirty trick Fourcade, or why Russia will never become Europe

Columnist "Soviet Sport" Yuri Tsybanev - about French cowardice and pettiness, passing through the centuries.

Two episodes vividly came to mind when I saw Fourcade's petty dirty tricks today.

Pokljuka -2014, World Cup. Three of them rush to the finish line - Shipulin, Fourcade and his compatriot Beatrix. And the great, then already, undoubtedly, the great Fourcade, blatantly trivializes. Hiding behind the back of a fellow-middle peasant, hiding from a direct male fight with Shipulin. Resting at the expense of a teammate, accumulating strength for the finishing joint with Shipulin. Anton r-time - goes to the side to overtake, Beatrix in the oncoming traffic stumbles on Anton's ski, falls, involuntarily slows down Fourcade ...

The Great then threw a tantrum after the finish. Filed a protest. On the circumstances that prevented his dexterity. It didn't even occur to him, the great one, that the biathlon god punished him for tactics that were unacceptable for a truly great athlete.

Feel the deep mental difference. A Russian athlete, who in such a situation was tactically cowardly, would simply be ashamed later in the genre of protest to download supposedly violated rights.

Another incident occurred quite very much in gray times. The Frenchman - oh yes, just a Frenchman - fighting the Russian strongman Ivan Poddubny for the title of world champion, smeared his body with either oil or fat - so that it was impossible to grab him. And the Frenchman was awarded the victory ... I can imagine what it cost Ivan Maksimovich, the glorious hero of the Russian land, to resist and not to punch the dodgy opponent with all his might in the ear after the fight. This would be our way.

... And Alexander Loginov gave himself to Fourcade! Well, the guy was a fool - violated. Did it make him stronger then? Looking at the current Loginov, I doubt it. And Fourcade does not know this for sure. Then what kind of demon attacked him?

He listened with bewilderment to the version of Dmitry Guberniev: this is de Frenchman looking for motivation. It's nonsense. Based on our sporting values.

Here, try to put one of the great Russian athletes in the place of the absolute biathlon coryphaeus. He is a champion-dominator, and there, at the bottom of the ranking table, some snotty boy, out of thoughtlessness, once did something wrong. Yes, he, the Russian champion-dominator, this boy will not give a damn! Isn't it? Yes, the Russian champion-dominator, looking for a new motivation for himself, perhaps, in the depths of his soul, will even give the boy-rival the go-ahead to use any stimulant. So it will be more interesting to defeat him!

And the Frenchman Fourcade is just a nasty chicane. A typical product of the so-called European values. Where the formal prevails over the human. And then even the great sometimes sometimes becomes disgustingly small - when you consider it in detail.

It is only important that Anton Shipulin, and preferably Alexander Loginov, correctly decipher the message received on the first day of the World Cup. Here Shipulin has already categorically stated after the nasty behavior of the Frenchman on the track: I no longer consider Fourcade a worthy athlete. So, we need to convert this momentum into a victory over Fourcade. For, no matter how he chimed in the relay, it was clear: now Anton is at least no weaker.

Scandal with Fourcade: what Martin is wrong with

"SE" on the basis of video evidence understands the scandal that occurred during today's mixed relay at the World Championships. So, what is wrong with the Frenchman Martin Fourcade and why is our team so angry at him?

Episode one. Fourcade puts a stick between Loginov's skis and knocks him down

Alexander Loginov passed the baton to Anton Shipulin, and Fourcade took it from Quentin Fillon Maillet. Having already gone to the race and left behind the Russians, the Frenchman made a slight movement with his ski and stick towards Loginov, who was rolling along the edge of the track, which, in turn, fell on the snow.

Episode two. Fight in the finish line Martin Fourcade and Anton Shipulin

Two people fly into the finish line - Shipulin (No. 4) and Fourcade (No. 5). According to the rules, the trajectory of movement at this moment can no longer be changed.

Episode three. Fourcade changes trajectory 100 meters before the finish line

Seeing that Shipulin (No. 4) can attack from behind and is preparing to do this, bypassing him on the left, Fourcade abruptly changes the trajectory and goes to the left himself, thereby interfering with the Russian biathlete. He, losing time, is forced to slow down and bypass the opponent on the right. As a result, the Frenchman, having gained an advantage, wins the fight for second place.

"Let's talk one on one!" Shipulin answered Fourcade for Loginov

The most interesting thing on Thursday at the World Championships happened not on the track and not on television, but at a press conference.

Recall that during the mixed relay, where the Russians lost to the French in the fight for silver, Martin Fourcade first cut off Alexander Loginov (whose performance in the World Cup and the World Championships he has long been fighting against) when passing the baton to Anton Shipulin, and closed the road at the finish the latter, violating the unspoken rules of fair play.

I am glad that the team took third place, - said Shipulin. The beginning of the press conference did not portend a storm. - We started this World Cup very well, I hope we won't stop there. As for the fight at the finish line, this is not the best example of how I can finish. I think other finishes at the World Championships will turn out better for me.

During the award ceremony, you refused to shake hands with Martin Fourcade.
- The relay is a team race, and we won this medal together. And when the attitude towards one person is not very good, in this case, towards Alexander Loginov from Martin Fourcade, then this applies to the whole team. I believe that athletes should perform, show good results, fight honestly on the track, and not engage in politics. And keep various statements or behaviors to yourself.

Can you explain what I did wrong?- a question to Shipulin from Fourcade.
- I think it's better for us to talk face-to-face after the press conference.

And yet you can explain, we also want to know - the request of journalists.
- You can watch a replay of the relay and it will be clear what Marten did. This is during the race. And how much more was negative from him to her, directed at Loginov. You can endure it once, maybe twice, but constantly looking at such “overlays” is not very beautiful. A person is congratulated on his birthday, and he expresses his impartial opinion in the comments. Despite the fact that Loginov's disqualification has already ended. It's not beautiful. We have one team, and hurting one of us hurts everyone else. I would ask not only Fourcade, but also others not to do this anymore. We have come to participate in the World Championship and I hope for a fair fight.

Martin, what do you say?
- I'm sure I didn't do anything out of the rules. I also want to remind you that a week ago the Russian Biathlon Union demanded that the IBU impose sanctions on me for a tweet against Loginov. How can you be disqualified for this?

How did you react to the fact that Russian biathletes did not shake hands with you? Is this a cold war?
- No, I do not think so. I have enough respect for what I do on the track. If someone does not respect me for fighting for a clean sport, this is his own business.

You didn't explain why you left the podium during the awards ceremony.
Because people didn't want to shake my hand. Because the Russian biathlon federation demanded to punish me for a tweet that Loginov had a two-year suspension. I am not a villain, I fight honestly and I want others to do the same.


Dmitry Guberniev(commentator "Match TV")

I bow to Martin Fourcade as a great athlete, but I share the words of Shipulin, because as a person he is a pig, and I said this in a report for the whole country. Ready to do it again. Why play back when all the people saw that he did it on purpose? We watched the replay 50 times. If you stand on your position, stand on it to the end, otherwise: “Oh, sorry!” Everyone saw that Fourcade pushed Loginov, and he is a pig.

Ricco Gross(head coach of the Russian national team)

I don't think that Fourcade deliberately pushed Loginov. I hope it was a random encounter. As for his confrontation with Anton Shipulin, they always have a tough fight. On the last lap they showed crazy speeds and fought until the last meters. This is normal when there is a tough contact struggle at such moments. But Fourcade did not break the rules, so I have no complaints against him.

Borut Nunar (IBU Flight Director)

We watched 50 times what happened there, and everything is clear to us. This was before the division of the track into three corridors, so Fourcade, who went first, had the right to choose any of them. Any athlete would have done the same to maintain his leadership, he would have chosen the most convenient corridor for himself. It seems to me that this was Fourcade's spontaneous decision, and not a desire to block Shipulin's path at all costs. For me, it was an absolutely normal racing situation. If the movement happened after the athletes entered the corridors, I would give you a completely different assessment. I followed the event not as a confrontation between Fourcade and Shipulin or two countries - Russia and France, but as a fight between two athletes for a medal. There were no rule violations. As for the collision with Loginov, I watched it after the competition in slow motion, also 50 times. It was definitely clear that Marten was trying to let Shipulin through and run behind him. Therefore, choosing a path, he looked in the opposite direction from Loginov and could not even see him. He ran into him with a stick and a boot, Alexander fell. This is an unpleasant situation, but I did not see malice in Fourcade's actions. In my life I have seen dozens of more serious collisions. As an IBU flight director, I'm sure it was accidental.

Olga Podchufarova(winner of the world championship)

Fourcade behaves definitely ugly. Why arrange provocations against Loginov, if, from the point of view of sports law, he has the right to speak after serving his sentence? He fulfilled all the criteria for entering the World Championship and has the right to compete in any competition.

Martin Fourcade ( two-time Olympic champion)

The Cold War was between the US and the USSR. No, I do not think so. I think most of the representatives of our sport respect me. Today on the track I did everything I could. If someone opposes me because of my desire to fight doping, this is his right.

Tarjei Boe, Emil-Hegle Svendsen, Ole Einar Bjoerndalen(according to NRK correspondent Hans Löcken)

Norwegian biathletes commented on the conflict between Anton Shipulin and Martin Fourcade. “Tarja Boe called the Frenchman because of his behavior at the awards ceremony “hysterical” (he used the stable American expression drama queen. - Approx. “Championship”) and said that it was better to discuss controversial issues not in public, but personally with Anton.

Emil Svendsen said he respects Fourcade for his intransigent stance on doping, but his behavior at the ceremony is not the best way to express this position.

Ole Einar Bjoerndalen said that both Fourcade and Shipulin behaved unworthily, although, in his opinion, they are outstanding athletes, ”NRK correspondent Hans Löcken told Championship special correspondent Alexander Kruglov.

Anastasia Kuzmina(two-time Olympic champion, Shipulin's sister)

I think that Anton and Marten will not reconcile at this World Cup. It's a matter of principle. Anton and Marten fought each other seriously for many years - but only on the track. Now the situation is moving to another level. This is very sad and dangerous. After all, we always say that real professionals fight only on the track, and they do it in the style of "fair play". Yesterday at the stadium it was not.

The leader of the Russian team Anton Shipulin about the conflict with Martin Fourcade

Marc Ventuillac (columnist for L "Equipe, France)

The problem is that in recent weeks and months, when we asked Marten about his attitude to the McLaren report, he emphasized that he considers Shipulin a pure athlete, because there is no evidence against him. Martin repeated this many times. Recently, he wrote a tweet about Loginov, where he mentioned his disqualification, which caused a negative reaction from the Russians. Today this problem has worsened. First there was a clash with Loginov, but we cannot say that Marten did it on purpose. No one thinks that this is a serious problem, except for representatives of the Russian team.

Ruslan Vasiliev (observer for Sport Panorama, Belarus)

I have not changed my attitude towards Martin Fourcade, because I never respected him. There is a sense of personal antipathy. I thought he was an overly arrogant snob. Secondly, it always happens when a person is so dominant. At first it delights, and then automatically starts to annoy. It's in human nature. Finally, words came out of Shipulin's lips that I had hoped to hear for a long time, but all this diplomacy and tolerance, the desire to smooth things over, harmed Shipulin himself. But now the exchange has taken place. Everyone who saw the episodes of "Fourcade - Loginov" and "Fourcade - Shipulin", if not blind or stupid, understands that the Frenchman acted deliberately, tried not only to win, but to harm the Russian team, and this causes disgust.

Evgeniy Slyusarenko(deputy editor-in-chief of the "Championship")

To be honest, I don't really care about Fourcade. I am worried about our guys who have committed not the most masculine act - they refused to shake hands with an opponent. Just imagine: what kind of wave would rise if one of the foreigners refused to shake our hand? At the last Olympics, rivals from the United States defiantly did not congratulate Yulia Efimova, considering her a doping fraud, but they stood on the podium together and even hugged. And they shook hands. Well, Fourcade ... We did not learn anything new about him. A great athlete - and a peculiar person. And which of the greats is not peculiar?

Elena Vaytsekhovskaya

He just really wanted to win. I think that all those who, over the past 24 hours, have decomposed the declared scandalous transfer of the baton into the smallest components and come to a conclusion that is logical at first glance, will strongly disagree with me: Martin Fourcade specifically sought out Alexander Loginov in the starting town in order to settle scores with him. In the heat of the first seconds, it really seemed to us exactly like this: the Frenchman runs into the ski of the debutant of the Russian team, without looking sticks the stick somewhere back, hitting the opponent, Loginov falls - in a word, you yourself saw everything. Of course, at that moment, no one knew yet that the coaches of the Russian team, having reviewed the episode, would decide it was senseless to file a protest about this, and Loginov himself, whom I met in the corridor, would evasively answer: “I don’t know if it was intentional. I can’t say ".

But I'm not even talking about that now. Twenty-five years ago, Alexander Karelin, still very young, told me, talking about big-time sports, that he considers this occupation to be a completely legal manifestation of far from the best human qualities. For example, selfishness. Its quintessence, so to speak. Because any athlete who claims to win does not care at all that someone else wants to achieve this victory besides him.

If we start from this phrase in the discussions about Hochfilzen's first start, it becomes absolutely clear not only Fourcade's behavior in the relay race, but also his reaction, for example, to the fact that his personal trainer, Siegfried Maze, left for the Norwegians. Marten is an egoist to the marrow of his bones, sincerely convinced that the biathlon universe must revolve only around him. But this, you see, is not a crime.

At the same time, the Frenchman is an outstanding athlete. These differ from the rest not only in the ability to run faster and shoot more accurately. But also the ability to instantly assess any situation and make the most optimal decisions in it. The scene of the "collision" between Fourcade and Loginov at the turn of the third and fourth stages was shown to us over the past day from all possible angles, except for one: we did not see it through the eyes of the protagonist. What could the ten-time world champion and two-time Olympic champion think when he received the baton from Quentin Fillon-Maillet, the man who earned the team a penalty loop? About Loginov? Come on! Loginov at that time was only an unnecessary and completely uninteresting obstacle for him - in addition to those who ran ahead. Why didn't Fourcade rush forward immediately, having received the baton? Perhaps just because he wanted to assess the situation as well as possible and choose the most rational strategy: not to get into a blockage, not to break a stick, not to run into penalties.

I'm not making excuses for the French now. Rather, in some way I'm trying to fit into the shoes of a person who doesn't give a damn about anyone and who wants to be the first at any cost.

You can, of course, run into the already established version that the main thing for Fourcade was personal revenge. Well, approximately, as it was in 2006 in the case of Zinedine Zidane, who, with his suddenly aggravated vendetta with Marco Materrazzi, deprived his country of absolutely real football gold. The situation with Loginov, in my understanding, does not pull on this - for all the "sins" of the Russian athlete. And even more so, it is pointless to look for crime in Fourcade's actions on the final round of the fight against Anton Shipulin: the one who runs ahead is always right there.

A year ago, having won the pursuit race at the World Cup stage in Antholz, Anton said about Fourcade:

He generally loves all sorts of games with rivals on the track. He constantly comes up with some tricks, and I even wonder: what else do I not know about him? Someone starts to attack in their favorite places, someone likes to settle down behind his back and cough, making it clear that he is close, but at the same time not coming forward.

Shipulin, as no one else should have known, that it is pointless to expect any kind of gentlemanship from Fourcade in the final showdown. I suspect that Anton did not expect. Just losing to an opponent in the finish line is a rather humiliating thing that exacerbates the already high intensity of emotions. Everything that happened afterwards was just a consequence: the comments said to the camera in the starting town, the confrontation with the Frenchman on the pedestal, the verbosity at the press conference, and since the translation of Shipulina's hot speech turned out to be too primitive and superficial, Fourcade, sincerely perplexed, asked again, addressing Anton over the heads of the four German champions sitting in the center of the table: "What did I do that you are now telling me all this?"

Perhaps the Frenchman continued to play with his opponent at that moment, inwardly enjoying the fact that he had pissed him off: this happens to egoists. Perhaps he, like Shipulin, also did not immediately manage to extinguish the emotions raging after the race - hence the expansive attempt to leave the podium.

I don't think it makes sense to keep hyping it all up. Common sense, which, in fact, Shipulin said already leaving the press conference, boils down to the fact that he and Marten just need to shake hands and no longer stoop to insults. After all, whatever one may say, biathlon is one family.

Unfortunately, sometimes this happens in families: get together and ... spoil the birthday party. Although, I believe that the Germans, who won the mixed relay for the first time in seven years, were happy even though they were not asked a single question at the press conference.

Yuri Kashkarov, Olympic champion and multiple world champion in the USSR national team

During the competition, an incident occurred - Fourcade collided with Loginov.
- There are accidents, especially in such a fight. There is nothing special in this situation. If this was done intentionally, then only Fourcade knows about it. And, of course, he won't tell anyone about it. I did not see any bias towards our athletes.

Can this situation somehow affect the further performances of Loginov and Shipulin?
- I think it will piss them off, set them up for a fight. There will be a greater concentration in psychological terms. Anton and Alexander are in good shape. Now the desire to beat Fourcade will become even stronger.

What do you think, if the collision had not happened, Loginov could get ahead of Fourcade?
- There was wrestling, no one broke the rules. At that time, Fourcade was tactically stronger. Marten had the idea of ​​taking a better position, and not getting in the way.

Based on materials:,,


You, M. Fourcade, are the most natural pig. not anti-doping. Take an example from Justina Kovalchik! Yustina Kovalchik: “Loginov and Starykh honestly served their sentence and returned to the sport according to the rules”
Polish skier Justina Kowalczyk commented on the conflict between Martin Fourcade and Russian biathletes.
“It is a pity that sport sometimes fades into the background. Loginov and Starykh honestly served their sentence and returned to the sport according to the rules. Whether these rules should be changed or not is a completely different matter.
I also support the opinion of Wolfgang Pichler. In one interview, he said that catching athletes is one thing, but you need to look for those who are behind this whole system, ”wrote Kowalczyk. Here is an example of how to fight doping, and not hysteria about it! If you had started like this from the very beginning, then none of the Russian fans would have said a bad word to you. On the contrary, I would add respect to you. And so, your actions look very much like the fact that you are pursuing your selfish goals, moreover, with boorish methods ...


February 12, 2017 (11:59), Vladimir:
"""Where are our leaders of the delegation, heads of the federation, ministers of sports and vice-premiers, finally, just coaches?

And in my opinion - just cowards and loafers. Chase them. They left the athletes alone with all this pack. """

1. And it is so:
- in an interview for "Biathlon with Dmitry Guberniev" with Ilya Trifanov, Sasha Kravtsov again hiding behind "Anton Sh." and confirmed this:
What to take from a person who is morally lowered? The supporters got nervous!
But with what competent sarcasm Ilya asks! MA-LA-DEC!

2. All Fukak from the generation of Pepsi, only the box will fix.

Vladimir, so agree with you! Bureaucrats from sports - all these Voitsekhovskys and Alikins - cowardly and nasty! Protecting athletes is not part of their official authority, and they don’t pay for it, and they are used to spitting. Anton would not have taken such an action if at least one of our coaches had spoken out in defense of Loginov, since he was introduced to the World Cup.

Or maybe it's time to get out of hypnosis that we are the best and everyone is against us. Let's look from the other side, Shipulin thinks to outwit, outplay Fourcade and sits behind him and after sitting out at the finish line, make a 50m dash and win. The rider who pulls the passenger, knowing what the pursuer is waiting for, dictates the conditions and, as you all noted in your comets, without violating anything. Since I, Shipulin, am so strong, I will overtake you on the rise or even earlier, but I didn’t have enough strength, and the French pig does not give way, but how dare he!

Where are our leaders of the delegation, heads of the federation, ministers of sports and vice-premiers, finally just coaches?
Running around the markets eating up travel allowances?
And during the break, they babble embarrassedly that nothing happened, everything is according to the rules, it is necessary to observe the development of the situation, etc.
And in my opinion - just cowards and loafers. Chase them. Left the athletes alone with all this pack.

I wonder why the greatest and unique, respected by all for his deeds on the ski track, an unshakable champion of purity in sports, an unbending fighter for justice, as he understands it, that is, justice understands, a small nasty dirty trickster did not support Anton's proposal at a gathering of biathletes organized by Fourcade to open all therapeutic exceptions. Or scared of something?
By the way, one can no longer hear Schlesingr, Koukalova, Moravec, or their leader Hamza. The clowns subsided. Likewise, FurGad will soon fade. And if our guys do it at least once on the track, then they will generally SHUT UP!
And for our TS, here Tatyana is absolutely right - SHAME!

Fourcade is a coward. Our guys are great! Coaches, shame on you!

From Siberia with love, I looked into Loginov's performances before the disqualification - Sasha outperformed Furgad in several races!

February 10, 2017 (14:51), Oksana:
“”“Enough already, shame on you all, why we always suck the problem out of the ass, there is nothing fatal, two great biathletes got nervous, that's all. Moreover, reading foreign media, Shipulin brought another *** to Fourcade, you are raising his ratings even more with your negativity. Everything looks like Shipulin's resentment for his endless losses at the finish line, but this season he not only lost to him. Shipulin has only one chance to rehabilitate himself - to win against Fourcade at the World Cup, otherwise a complete failure in every sense.

2. With what fright should we become geyropa? What should we do in this WTO? We have our own way of life, but we do not impose it on anyone - if you don’t like it, don’t come, but come - wipe your feet. They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.
This is really funny...

1. Are you talking funny? Hmmm.
It looks like you, Mamzel, did not have a MOTHERLAND and never will. And it just makes me sad. Sit tea somewhere in this geyrop and rubbing children's little hands rejoice at OUR TROUBLE. Oh well.

2. Mazel, I repeat: “Don’t wake up famously while it’s quiet,” - they would be ashamed to spoil Anton Sh. Unless, of course, that feeling is familiar to you.

From Siberia with love, respect.
But I didn't forget about it. :)

Everything is simple. The West does not want to see the Russians on the podium. And now they took up Sasha Povetkin. And why?. Yes, they don’t want the belt of the world boxing champion to be transferred to Russia. He does not have doping, and they will later admit it, but it will be too late.

Now I re-read the old publications on Loginov, once again I was convinced that the guy was removed then, because he was the most prominent of the debutants at that time. Because the test was really only 1 positive, neither before nor after it was, but they constantly checked it - after all, it showed good results. They decided to recheck it only a year later, justifying this by the fact that new methods appeared and decided, like, to recheck the old samples of the Russians, but they found an antediluvian EPO, which they have been quietly finding since the 90s - it does not converge, however ... Kasperovich then said that Sasha even does not take vitamins without consultation (
At that time, Sasha and Fourcade were “banned” and many others noted that he ran into the elite too quickly, remember how it was:

the question is - what prevented Fourcade from remaining behind Anton's right shoulder after the handover (where he had a clean corridor - the Czech had already left) Well, or immediately sit on his heels. and in front of him, the corridor was clear - according to his mind, he would have figured it out ten meters later. So no - he climbed into the obstruction to the left, where those who had worked went, where he himself had an increased chance of stumbling there. Such a fan of walking to the left?

Personally, I got the impression that Fourcade's goal was not Loginov, but Anton. And in the photo of RosyR he looks at Anton. I wanted to follow him. Loginov was hurt by a specialist or by accident, only Fourcade knows. There was a similar situation in one of the seasons, when Fourcade also knocked someone down during the transfer, changing the trajectory of movement. Then they did not attach any importance, because Loginov was not there. I don’t like in this situation that Anton again blurred the beginning of the World Cup.
I agree with Olga's comment that Loginov had to explain himself at a briefing or press conference. Submit a note of protest, pointing out Fourcade's behavior.

and the system of contractual matches - isn't it a European invention? and betting odds...
so this is fair play

bob, that's why the Germans unanimously supported him ... Yes, it also seemed to me that he could catch up with Shemp, but he did everything in his power to ensure that the Germans remained first, and that Anton also did not reach 1st place. Therefore, I do not understand the position of the French team, because he essentially omitted them too, and in the literal sense of the word.

Fourcade did everything to ensure that the Germans were the first - what is HIS interest?

It was him - since the team (seemingly) went out to fight for first place

and mononucleosis is actually an infectious disease, and is transmitted by contact with a patient - figs here to shake hands
And Maygurov is the main carrier)) - he climbs to everyone with kisses

Even French biathlon fans wrote that fourcade specially cut off Sasha, that he staged a shameful performance and that everyone has long known that fourcade has no brains, they even calculated that 9 seconds. lost looking for Loginov, and most of our "experts" did not see anything ...

Julia, but I liked the idea of ​​flags with an inscription, I also think that it is necessary to press psychologically, as if from a neutral side, and at the same time push this topic through wherever possible, the sick should understand that fools and fools who still believe that with mononucleosis, toxoplasmosis, chronic hemochromatosis, tension asthma, ADHD and other rare diseases, you can run faster than a horse is very little, which means that many understand that their “fight for the purity of the sport” is empty words.

I even “see” such a beautiful poster: “Do not stand aside, save mononucleosis from sports!”
In general, I saw a lot of interesting options ... I can imagine how hysterical it would anger.

Tarjei Boe, youngster: Fourcade is truly a "drama queen". French team, Germans, Czechs, Americans - drama queen retinue. And the word "queen" is also a mannered, effeminate male homosexual (in jargon) ...

I already wrote earlier that FurGad (by the way, a wonderful interpretation of the surname) is a mean, petty dirty trick, which he confirmed with his behavior on the relay and after it. It was a pity to look at his attempts to push the biathletes among themselves, to organize a boycott. Initially, it was clear that no self-respecting biathlete would agree to any boycott for one simple reason. International competitions are their bread, their earnings, and they are all well aware that the boycott is, among other things, fraught with disqualification. And FurGad will not feed their relatives.
There are two surprises in this story. The arguments of the respected E. Vaitsekhovskaya, who is trying to whitewash and justify the paddling pool and the behavior of our TS and the leadership of Russian sports (Mutko and company). Again, we begin to bend, to prove that we are good and to bow, to show no one needs nobility at the moment .. Tell me, with what fright should we invite this dirty trick to tea, take steps towards reconciliation. After the words of Anton Shipulin, this looks at least strange. It is this petty nasty dirty trickster who should ask our forgiveness, invite us to him and in every possible way seek reconciliation. He, not us. That is why they wipe their feet about us lately and do not show the slightest respect. And the last. Personally, it was very unpleasant for me to listen to Gross evading direct answers to direct questions. It was unpleasant to watch how he wagged his eyes and, at the same time, answered reluctantly, with condescension.
And the girls and boys are great. Especially A. Loginov. After such a break, after all the hassle, he quite adequately ran his stage.
So all with an initiative - with the first medal.

stoik79, the thing is that all our bureaucrats, led by Mutko, are cowardly, constantly shaking in their chairs, and therefore to expect from them something similar to the words that A. Shipulin said today about the constant humiliation, an ignoble and unpromising occupation. And you, it seems, are from the same category as Mutko and the company. If so, it's very unfortunate.
And about pouring mud on each other, I didn’t notice something like that, everything is generally decent. And let your statement remain on your conscience. Because I think that it is precisely with such expressions that people like you inflame passions.

Once again I carefully re-read Vaitsekhovskaya. It is ridiculous to look at her pitiful attempts to justify the great and terrible, petty, nasty dirty trick. I did not expect this from Vaitsekhovskaya, whom I remember as a novice athlete.

RozaR, your photo convincingly proves Fourcade's lies. Only some Borut after 100 views did not see anything.

Alexander99, don't, then all of our people will be imprisoned or sent out of the country as football fans at the European Championship). No need to go with your charter to someone else's monastery. In order to live by “your own” rules, you need to build your own monastery. Correctly Lord here writes.

Or maybe it’s the IBU and this KM? They are waging a vile war against us, and we are squeaking and climbing “well, take us to your sandbox! But we want to play by our rules”)) Can we become a proud nation and run quietly in the endless snowy expanses of Russia? And with a proudly raised head to say - they say we are so cool!))

Elen, the problem is that our sense of justice is not perceived in the cynical west, where everything is tied to money, they don’t want to see us there, and they are outraged, who is into what. It is necessary to give back to give back, something to be respected otherwise they will peck.

druid40, what are you talking about)? Don't you know that Fourcade is to blame for all our problems?) There will be no Fourcade - and the problems will go away).

The situation is not worth a damn and it was caused not at all by a small and insignificant episode of the collision between Fourcade and Loginov, but by the general situation in our sport of high achievements. Mutko And we are still trying to shift our guilt onto someone but not ourselves.

And you know what annoys you the most? This vicious dirty trick also managed to make himself a victim! At first he crap, and then he makes innocent eyes and exclaims: “What did I do ?!” And constantly lies. He knocks down Loginov, after the finish he apologizes, and a little later he declares that he did not see how he fell at all ... And what did you apologize for then ?! And he left the pedestal only because his script failed. I expected that Sasha would extend his hand for a handshake, and he would ignore it. But then something went wrong ... That's what pissed him off.

Ded Mazai, in principle, if a psycho is assigned to work as a Western official, then I will not be surprised. It is quite modern and trendy

Fourcade's behavior can determine his future. He understands that he will soon jump back and he needs to look for a warm place in the ruling elite of biathlon, WADA, or in a group of independent experts, where he can shit as he pleases. Here he is Fourcade.

“Therefore, choosing a path, he looked in the opposite direction from Loginov and could not even see him. »

If the Reich director of ibu Borat is so openly lying in the eyes, then what kind of justice and objectivity in this very ibu are we waiting for?

No, he really holds all those millions of viewers who saw everything live for fools?!?


After watching the video, it should be quite clear to any sane person that Fourcade used the situation in the transition zone to attack Loginov very cleverly and even skillfully. He instantly assessed the situation, missed Shipulin, looked where Loginov was, moved in his direction and, like a bully schoolboy, hit the ski with a stick. Relaxed, tired, unsuspecting Loginov fell. Maybe Fourcade did not foresee the fall, but he delivered the blow quite deliberately and purposefully. Fourcade is a great sportsman. He won everything and everyone. He imagined himself a biathlon god, deciding what is fair and what is not. He considered himself entitled to establish his own laws in sports. He got bored just running around. He seeks other adventures in racing besides shooting and running. I think he played. Yesterday I was ready to forgive him for this stupid trick. But today, having reviewed all Fourcade's interviews, he has changed his point of view. Instead of regret and remorse, I saw that the Great One was trying to make fools of us all. He allegedly did not attack Loginov and everything happened quite by accident. At the same time, his large black gypsy eyes did not look divinely truthful at all.

We need the PR service of our RRF at all corners (flags with a photo of Shipulin, badges, etc.) to post the slogan "I don't have TUE. I compete clean" and talk with a straight face about our contribution to the fight against doping.

Irina, also interesting, are they held there under the auspices of ibu?
It seems like Russia is holding, and certificates from Vada are quoted there or not?)
There is no information about ibu and wada here.

Hmm, interestingly, after the Olympic Committee, the International Military Sports Council is considered one of the influential organizations.

A man with a vile soul, such as Martin, cannot be a GREAT sportsman. Ordinary rhinestone. Well, about those who support him - "tell me who your friend is" or "what books do you read."

The time will come, you'll understand
After all, he (Furgad) is almost not to blame (tatata)
Probably, probably, probably.
Probably (ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta...)

Dear Irbis! These are the questions you should ask our sports officials. I would like to hear from them a clear answer.

And why are patients generally allowed in big sports?

To whom, but Fourcade should be silent in a rag about doping, the same wrestler was found for me, to sit quietly and not stick out, he, with his supposedly congenital disease (Hemochromotosis), is a walking EPO factory, he doesn’t even need to inject. My sister has such a disease, so the main struggle with it is constant blood thinning and a decrease in hemoglobin levels. What is high hemoglobin for athletes, I think it is not necessary to explain, and what advantage it gives. It is not for nothing that blood passports have been introduced and people with excess levels are suspended from competitions, and Fourcade has this level of life beyond the limits.

Alex125, how many times to write that Loginov is a FORMER dopingist. Not now. If you once pissed yourself in kindergarten, then it is unfair if you will be reproached for this until old age.

Petrova Tatyana Viktorovna, They have a special Mononucleosis, as well as a special asthma! Who makes these diagnoses? Who prescribes the treatment? Who gives the certificate? Who checks it? And most importantly, why do we believe these gentlemen at their word?

Mononucleosis is an acute infection that affects the body's lymphatic system. The disease proceeds with acute fever, sometimes enlargement of the spleen and liver. It leads to the occurrence of angina, a decrease in immunity (official source).
It remains to be seen how the fastest biathlete with reduced immunity is treated in this way.
Yes, not caught, but it is necessary to turn on the brains. Probably heels *** are smeared before the start - they definitely won’t find him. And one more thing: usually those who are not all right are most outraged. This is a defensive reaction.
And there are a lot of such international athletes with official hospital cards in big sports. They cooperate well with medicine, in a pair.
It is a pity that only dentists-surgeons work perfectly for us. They pulled out all the teeth, stopped snapping and biting. Our "proud" silence is now regarded as a sign of consent. We are being watered, we are proudly silent.
Respect to the guys and Guberniev. We must fight back.
It's a shame that politics has firmly entered big sport.

the only one with whom I agree is Vasiliev, Voitsekhovskaya, with her article, reminded me of the stupidity of one of our fools, known for OC in gymnastics, when his performance was judged, the whole stadium was indignant, and he asked “quiet, quiet!”)) while conducting with his hands, more I don’t remember any humiliating behavior, so apparently even now everything is being turned into a farce: “it didn’t happen, you didn’t see it, it seemed to you” Anton, don’t let people think about you too!

Oksana, what if you see it with your own eyes? Or, nevertheless, to trust "inosmi"?
So, in the 90s they trusted them. Well, what did it lead to?
No, it's better in the old fashioned way - to trust your eyes and universal, and not purely "European" moral values.
And to behave decently, in my opinion, well, it’s not at all funny ...

The mixed relay at the Biathlon World Championship brought the Russian team not only the first medal in 16 races at the world championships, but also a big scandal. Fontanka explains what happened.

Vladimir Bertov/Interpress

The Russian biathlon team successfully started the World Championships in Hochfilzen (Austria): in the first race - the mixed relay - they won a bronze medal. This is the first Russian award for 16 races at world championships and the first since 2008 in mixed relays. However, the race was not remembered for this. Absentee claims of the French biathlete Martin Fourcade to the Russian Alexander Loginov turned into a direct collision - first on the track, and then at the awards ceremony. Added fire and the main voice of the Russian biathlon.

How it all started

Before getting to the point, it is necessary to tell the backstory. Otherwise, you can not even try to understand everything that happened. Alexander Loginov is a 25-year-old biathlete from Saratov. Four times World Junior Champion. In November 2014, even before the grandiose doping scandal, he was temporarily suspended by the Russian Biathlon Union (RBU) after the International Biathlon Union (IBU) found a banned drug, recombinant erythropoietin, in an athlete's sample. All repeated samples also gave a positive result. As a result, Loginov was disqualified until November 2016. Having honestly served the disqualification, he immediately returned to big sport. Two-time Olympic champion and five-time winner of the overall World Cup Frenchman Martin Fourcade immediately went on the attack. On January 14, he stated that he had a negative attitude towards Loginov's participation in the World Cup.

“Erythropoietin cannot be a mistake, it is not an accidental injection, it cannot be accidental, it is a deliberate step by an athlete towards doping. I know that the punishment has passed, but if the federation wants to really fight doping, you don’t need to invite him here, ”Fourcade said.

At the end of January, Loginov successfully performed at the European Championships, winning three gold and one silver there. The official account of the Russian Biathlon Union (RBU) on Instagram published a congratulatory entry. A few minutes later, Fourcade left his comment under it: “And he received a two-year disqualification for using EPO. Don't forget one of his biggest trophies." Soon the comment was deleted (it is not clear who exactly did this - Fourcade himself or the RRF). Here, in general, and all. And now to today's event.


The day before, on January 8, it became known that Loginov was included in the mixed relay, which will begin the World Championship in Hochfilzen. It was initially controversial. Three victories at the European Championships is good, but this is the second league: the leading biathletes almost never compete there. The psychological state of Loginov, who found himself under psychological pressure at the suggestion of Fourcade (following the Frenchman, several other foreign biathletes and functionaries spoke in a similar manner), was also in question. If desired, this could even be seen as a provocation on the part of the Russian team. There must have been some kind of reaction. And so it happened. In particular, the German biathlete Eric Lesser said that he had no respect for Loginov, and the head coach of the German women's team Gerald Hoenig complained that the Saratov athlete had no remorse at all. Most interested in the reaction, of course, Fourcade. He was silent for the time being. The Frenchman saved his answer for the race.

So what happened?

This play is divided into four acts. Act one: the fall of Loginov. The first two stages of the mixed relay were run by girls. Tatyana Akimova passed the baton to Loginov fifth. Loginov, in turn, passed the baton to Shipulin, who ran the final stage, fourth. And then this happened. Fourcade ran fourth among the French. Taking the baton from Quentin Fillon-Maillet, he drove close to Loginov - and a second later the Russian fell. The moment is controversial and looks different from different angles. On the one hand, it seems that Fourcade even deliberately slowed down when taking over the relay in order to intersect with Loginov. The Russian side (and, first of all, Loginov himself) is sure that there was a push.

Act two: the finish line. The German national team came off far, and nothing could stop her from winning gold. For the second place there was a struggle between Fourcade and Shipulin. When both came out of the turn to the finish line, Fourcade cheated and cut the Russian. Formally, the French did nothing illegal. To be honest, he simply outplayed Shipulin tactically. But he didn't like it very much.

“If you consider yourself a strong athlete, then you should understand honestly, and not close the corridor. Maybe it was according to the rules, but I wouldn’t behave like that, ”Shipulin later said on emotions.

“After the shooting, I realized that it was no longer possible to fight for gold, so I started playing my favorite game with Shipulin,” Fourcade retorted in absentia.

Act three: handshake. Everything is simple here. When the bronze medalist (the Russian national team) was announced, Russian athletes approached the podium and traditionally began to shake hands with those who were already on it. Having reached Fourcade, Shipulin and Loginov defiantly did not shake hands with him. Fourcade responded to this with sarcastic applause.

"Before the award ceremony, I was so angry that I told Alexander (To Loginov. - Approx. ed.): “I will not shake his hand,” Sport-Express quotes Shipulin. - Alexander replied: "And I am even more so." He has even more reasons to be offended. I wanted to support Loginov, because there is a lot of negativity around him now. It is extremely difficult to compete at the World Championships when there are so many statements around you. Fourcade is especially zealous."

from Hochfilzen

He just really wanted to win.

I think that all those who over the past day decomposed the declared scandalous handover of the baton into the smallest components and came to a conclusion that is logical at first glance will strongly disagree with me: they specifically looked for it in the starting town in order to settle scores with him.

In the heat of the first seconds, it really seemed to us exactly like this: the Frenchman runs into the ski of the debutant of the Russian team, without looking sticks the stick somewhere back, hitting the opponent, Loginov falls - in a word, you yourself saw everything. Of course, at that moment, no one knew yet that the coaches of the Russian team, having reviewed the episode, would decide it was senseless to file a protest about this, and Loginov himself, whom I met in the corridor, would evasively answer: “I don’t know if it was intentional. I can’t say ".

But I'm not even talking about that now. Twenty-five years ago, a very young man told me, talking about big-time sports, that he considers this occupation to be a completely legal manifestation of far from the best human qualities. For example, selfishness. Its quintessence, so to speak. Because any athlete who claims to win does not care at all that someone else wants to achieve this victory besides him.

If we start from this phrase in our discussions about Hochfilzen's first start, it becomes absolutely clear not only Fourcade's behavior in the relay race, but also his reaction, for example, to the fact that a personal trainer left for the Norwegians -. Marten is an egoist to the marrow of his bones, sincerely convinced that the biathlon universe must revolve only around him. But this, you see, is not a crime.

At the same time, the Frenchman is an outstanding athlete. These differ from the rest not only in the ability to run faster and shoot more accurately. But also the ability to instantly assess any situation and make the most optimal decisions in it. The scene of the "collision" between Fourcade and Loginov at the turn of the third and fourth stages was shown to us over the past day from all possible angles, except for one: we did not see it through the eyes of the protagonist. What could the ten-time world champion and two-time Olympic champion be thinking about when he received the baton from the person who earned the team a penalty loop? About Loginov? Come on! Loginov at that time was only an unnecessary and completely uninteresting obstacle for him - in addition to those who ran ahead. Why didn't Fourcade rush forward immediately, having received the baton? Perhaps just because he wanted to assess the situation as well as possible and choose the most rational strategy: not to get into a blockage, not to break a stick, not to run into penalties.

I'm not making excuses for the French now. Rather, in some way I'm trying to fit into the shoes of a person who doesn't give a damn about anyone and who wants to be the first at any cost.

You can, of course, run into the already established version that the main thing for Fourcade was personal revenge. Well, approximately, as was the case in 2006, which, with its suddenly aggravated vendetta, deprived its country of completely real football gold. The situation with Loginov, in my understanding, does not pull on this - for all the "sins" of the Russian athlete. And even more so it is pointless to look for crime in the actions of Fourcade on the final round of the fight against: the one who runs ahead is always right there.

A year ago, having won the pursuit race at the World Cup stage in Antholz, Anton said about Fourcade:

He generally loves all sorts of games with rivals on the track. He constantly comes up with some tricks, and I even wonder: what else do I not know about him? Someone starts to attack in their favorite places, someone likes to settle down behind his back and cough, making it clear that he is close, but at the same time not coming forward.

Shipulin, as no one else should have known, that it is pointless to expect any kind of gentlemanship from Fourcade in the final showdown. I suspect that Anton did not expect. Just losing to an opponent in the finish line is a rather humiliating thing that exacerbates the already high intensity of emotions. Everything that happened afterwards was just a consequence: the comments said to the camera in the starting town, the confrontation with the Frenchman on the pedestal, the verbosity at the press conference, and since the translation of Shipulina's hot speech turned out to be too primitive and superficial, Fourcade, sincerely perplexed, asked again, addressing Anton over the heads of the four German champions sitting in the center of the table: "What did I do that you are now telling me all this?"

Perhaps the Frenchman continued to play with his opponent at that moment, inwardly enjoying the fact that he had pissed him off: this happens to egoists. Perhaps he, like Shipulin, also did not immediately manage to extinguish the emotions raging after the race - hence the expansive attempt to leave the podium.

I don't think it makes sense to keep hyping it all up. Common sense, which, in fact, Shipulin said already leaving the press conference, boils down to the fact that he and Marten just need to shake hands and no longer stoop to insults. After all, whatever one may say, biathlon is one family.

Unfortunately, sometimes this happens in families: get together and ... spoil the birthday party. Although, I believe that the Germans, who won the mixed relay for the first time in seven years, were happy even though they were not asked a single question at the press conference.

Everything was mixed up in the biathlon house. "Fighter for a clean sport", French biathlete Martin Fourcade disputed the scandal at the Biathlon World Cup in Austrian Hochfilzen. Details below.

Actually, you need to start the "story" from the end. Commenting L'Equipe events in the mixed relay, where the French team became the second, and the Russians took third place, Fourcade openly stated that “ was a big battle with Russia, from start to finish ».

And his teammate and in the relay Quentin Fillon Maillet noted that his team simply settled scores with the Russians.

“There has been a lot of talk about Russians lately,” leads Le Huffington Post words by Fillon Maillet. “Cheaters have no place in any sport. When you can teach them a lesson on the track, it's settling scores.

So whatever one may say, the continuation of Fourcade's scandalous comment followed. However, now in the form of a clear physical impact. Naturally, to the "swindler" Loginov. So let's say, "removed from the track." Although it is not forbidden to think otherwise.

The fact is that when passing the baton, the Frenchman knocked down Loginov. After the incident, Fourcade apologized and said that he did it unintentionally. Here it is interesting: where does Fourcade have eyes on his back? And why did he so quickly rush under the "Russian reporters"? Yeah?

If you look from the “rear view” camera (see on, then the words of the Frenchman could be believed. But ... Unfortunately (or fortunately?) There is also a recording from the front camera. Where it can be seen that Fourcade, who received the baton before Shipulin, is delayed in the "transfer" zone. He looks at Loginov, and moves diagonally towards the Russian athlete. Then the so-called. "unintentional" contact. The question why Fourcade didn't “rush” along the track right away, as he usually does, is apparently inappropriate.

However, see for yourself...

Naturally, the "incident" did not go unnoticed by the Russians. They did not file a protest, limiting themselves to the assessment - "boorish behavior." Moreover, such an assessment was made by the head of the RRF Kravtsov and the head of the ROC Zhukov.

The conflict continued on the so-called. "flower ceremony", where Shipulin and Loginov did not "shake hands" with Martin Fourcade. The latter, apparently offended, tried to leave the podium, but was returned by the head of the IBU ... Significantly returned to the framework of the regulations.

Be that as it may, the story will obviously have a continuation. Although officials are taking steps to "reconcile the parties." They say, we must forget, they say, we must shake and move on. Yeah...

However, according to Anton Shipulin, whose words are reported by the Norwegian NRK, “ …We are a proud nation. If someone wants war with us, we will fight to the end. I talked with Loginov after the race. He believes that Fourcade hurt him intentionally. I believe him. This was the last straw».

Abstracting from the conclusions of experts and the media, we can state: Fourcade hit Loginov from the sly. As well as he began to “cut the trajectory” of Shipulin at the finish line. What neither Alexander nor Anton clearly expected. Hoping for a fair fight. The French seem to have a different logic. The logic of the "big battle". And Shipulin's discouragement at the finish line is generally understandable.

Fourcade, we believe, is not aware that all wars with Russia end the same way. Equally bad for "beginners". Even if at the first stage the "instigator" is successful ...

The battle has begun but is not yet over. So we believe.