In July, he revoked the license from the financial institution. Meanwhile, practice shows that such lawsuits do not end well for the former owners of credit institutions and the chances of winning are zero. However, this time it's not so simple. The fact is that the lawsuit was filed by David Gaon, a representative of the fairly well-known Gaon family, which became famous for many years of litigation with Russia over a contract for the supply of food in exchange for oil. figured out which of the top 50 Russian banks are related to foreign financial structures.

It is important to understand that credit institutions with foreign capital are fully subject to Russian law. Foreign participation indicates that a certain block of shares of the bank belongs to a foreign owner. Foreign banks cannot directly open their branches in Russia; they can own a Russian legal entity and operate in the format of a “subsidiary” organization.

UniCredit Bank is the largest bank in Russia with foreign capital. All voting shares of the bank are owned by the Austrian division of the Italian financial group UniCredit. Works in Russia since 1989. Initially it was called the International Moscow Bank (IMB). It is noteworthy that it was the first Russian financial institution with Western capital. Its founders were five foreign banks: Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank (HVB), Creditanstalt-Bankverein, BancaCommercialeItaliana, CreditLyonnais and Kansallis-Osaki-Pankki. Currently, the credit institution is actively developing its branch network and retail business. One of the main areas of the bank's work is also servicing companies. It has 13 branches, 12 representative offices in Russia and one in Belarus, as well as more than 60 additional and 16 operational offices. The number of employees as of July 1, 2017 was 4,540 people. The bank serves more than 27.8 thousand corporate and about 1.9 million private clients.

Global Look Press/ Arriens

Raiffeisenbank ranks second in the list of the largest banks with foreign owners. Today, the sole shareholder of the bank is Raiffeisen Bank International AG (100% share). Raiffeisenbank was established in 1996 as a bank with 100% Austrian capital under the name "Raiffeisenbank Austria". The organization consists of five branches: in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Krasnodar; more than 120 additional offices, two operating cash desks outside the cash node and 54 operating offices. It serves more than 80 thousand legal entities. At the disposal of plastic card holders there are 1300 ATMs, as well as a partner ATM network (Gazprombank, Moscow Credit Bank, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank, Uralsib, Energotransbank, UniCredit Bank). In addition, in June 2016, the bank merged its ATM network with Binbank's ATM network. As of July 1, 2017, the bank employed 7,843 employees. Bulkin

On the third line - Rosbank. It was founded in 1993 and was then called "Independence". During the 1998 crisis, it was bought by the Interros industrial and financial group. Today, the holder of 99.95% of the shares is the French banking group Societe Generale. The remaining 0.05% is owned by minority shareholders. In 2017, its network consisted of 365 sales offices. The Bank provides all types of services to private clients and organizations in 70 regions of the Russian Federation. Today, 10 thousand people work here (excluding subsidiary banks and companies). In total, 4 million individuals and 80 thousand corporate clients are served. Bulkin

Citibank, which is in the penultimate place in the top 5 Russian banks with foreign owners, was founded in 1993 initially as a bank with completely foreign capital. Citibank is a subsidiary of the American Citigroup. In Russia, it has 11 branches in Moscow, three in St. Petersburg and one each in several million-plus cities, such as, for example, Ufa, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg and others. In recent years, the bank has reduced its presence in Russia and reduced about half of its offices. In 2017, more than 3,100 employees worked here. More than 600 thousand individuals and over 3000 companies are served in the credit institution. For "physicists" the bank offers the following services: savings and savings accounts, deposits, loans, debit and credit cards, money transfers and others. For companies - securities transactions, collection, letters of credit, lending, etc.

AGN "Moscow" / Andrey Nikerichev

Eastern Bank

The Eastern Bank closes our list. It was founded in 1991 in the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region. Currently, the shares of the financial institution are also owned by foreign holders. Thus, 51.62% of the bank's shares are owned by the Baring Vostok fund. In addition to the head office in Blagoveshchensk, the bank has eight branches in Russian cities, 129 additional offices, several operating cash desks and about 500 operating offices. The number of employees in 2017 was over 9 thousand people. For legal entities, the bank offers services: lending, corporate deposits, bank guarantees, salary projects, etc. For private clients - plastic cards, deposits, electronic services, money transfers and others.

Summing up, we can add that there are now several dozen banks operating in Russia with partial or full foreign capital. Among them are both small and quite large. Some have a rather narrow specialization, in particular, they provide car lending services (for example,

Keeping money in a foreign bankan option on how to protect your funds from the surprises of the domestic economy.

Reasons why you should open a deposit in a foreign bank

The main purpose of a deposit abroad is the reliable preservation of funds. Rates abroad are low, mostly 1-2%, and only in some places - up to 5%. Western financial institutions have strict conditions for early termination of deposits, as well as high taxes on interest.

Many set a high threshold for depositing funds (especially in Switzerland) - 10-25 thousand euros. The minimum guarantee amount (payment of compensation to the depositor in the event of bankruptcy) according to EU standards is at least 20,000 euros. In some countries it reaches 100,000 euros, for example, in Lithuania. Placing money abroad is beneficial for those who study or work there, as well as have a business or buy real estate.

Popular countries for deposits in Europe

For many years Russians placed deposits in Cyprus. But after problems in the country's banking system, when many lost money, his popularity waned. Now widespread placement of funds in the Baltic States.

Also known among depositors are countries such as Germany, Austria and Denmark, and the classic of the genre - Switzerland, where there are very low rates and a large minimum contribution. Deposits in foreign banks, the interest rates of which are very low, are considered as a way to securely store money, but not to earn money.

Deposits in foreign banks - TOP 10 most profitable offers *

The proposal for deposits by country is as follows.

  1. In Cyprus, the best offers reach 4.5% (individually up to 6%) per annum in $ - Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd, and AlphBank.
  2. In Latvia, Citadele Bank is interesting, which offers up to 3% per annum in $. BIGBANK announces in euros up to 2.65%.
  3. USA: Edward and Jones Vanguard Group are offering up to 2.96% in dollars.
  4. In the UK, the Bank of London and the Middle East announce up to 2.8% in terms of pounds sterling.
  5. Italy. ING Direct Italia in euro - 1.4%.
  6. Belgium - ING Belgium - 1.25% (euros).
  7. Deposits in Germany: ING DiBa offers euro rates up to 1% per annum.
  8. Sweden – Nordea raises funds at 1% in SEK.
  9. Netherlands. ABN AMRO for euro deposits - up to 1% per annum.
  10. Switzerland. Bank Postfinance - 0.15% per annum in Swiss francs. Of the deposits in Switzerland, this is the most advantageous offer, taking into account the costs of maintaining the deposit. Credit Suisse has the highest rates in Switzerland (0.72%), but service costs exceed income.

Requirements for non-resident investors

The main requirement of foreign financial structures to non-resident depositors is the transparency of the source of origin of money. Therefore, the verification of this factor is very serious. You will need different types of certificates and statements, different from the usual documents accompanying the opening of a deposit.

Recommendations of a domestic bank are welcome if it is a “daughter” of a foreign one. Recommendations of business partners who cooperate with this institution will also be very helpful. If the depositor has a business in the country where the deposit is placed, this is a big plus.

A high minimum deposit threshold (thousands of dollars) allows you to exclude people with low and medium incomes.

How to open a deposit in a foreign bank

To open an account in a foreign bank, you must:

  1. Choose a suitable country, bank (reliability rating "A") and type of deposit.
  2. Enter into correspondence to clarify the conditions for opening (in person or with the help of intermediaries).
  3. Collect the necessary documents (in person or through intermediaries), translate them, notarize them.
  4. Send documents to the bank.
  5. Get a positive decision (or rejection).
  6. If the decision is positive, sign the contract by going abroad (for VIP clients, the bank can send its own clerk).
  7. Place money.
  8. Provide local authorities with all necessary information about opening an account abroad.

national legal requirements

Starting from 2015, citizens who placed funds abroad are required to submit information on the movement of funds on their accounts to the tax office every quarter. These reports must be accompanied by supporting documents translated into Russian and notarized.

The opening and closing of an account abroad must be reported to the tax office at the place of residence within a month (otherwise, a fine of 5,000 rubles threatens).

You can transfer funds to a deposit only through Russian financial institutions.

  • Count all income / expenses so as not to be at a loss. Low interest on deposits, as well as the cost of its maintenance, commissions for transferring funds and withdrawing them, converting them, lead to the fact that when placing less than 50 thousand dollars, the depositor may be in the red.
  • If a foreign bank does not give consent and requests more and more new documents, then in this way it tells the depositor that it is undesirable for them to place a deposit. Abroad, it is not customary to talk about it directly.

*Date of data update – April 2015

In our country, every day the confidence in domestic banks among the population is steadily decreasing. This is mainly due to the huge number of bankruptcies of Russian banks. The current situation as a whole is not even affected by the fact that the state is trying to attract the attention of depositors through the provision of deposit insurance and guarantees. Consider the most popular foreign banks in Russia.

Citizens' trust in "foreign" banks

Foreign banking giants more and more inspire confidence among legal entities and individuals. You need to understand that the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation does not give foreign banks the right to open branches, and all they can get is a share. In simple terms, foreigners have the opportunity to establish subsidiaries of Russian structures related to finance, be their founders and manage them.

When choosing a bank, you should pay attention to the assets and balance sheet for the last year, because if the bank operates with a negative balance sheet, and this trend continues for a certain period, it may lose its license. It should be analyzed whether the bank participates in the DIS (a system that will allow, upon revocation of the bank's license, to return up to 1.4 million rubles from the monetary amount of the deposit.

Financial balance and participation in CERs is not everything. You also need to find out how the bank treats its customers. Both legal entities and individuals are worried about how quickly its employees will solve the problem that has arisen.

List of foreign banks in Russia

Foreigners intend to invest colossal sums and develop such subsidiaries. Often, the invested funds exceed the authorized amount of the financial institution itself, as a result of which the trust in such organizations becomes higher among both individuals and legal entities. Russian citizens should not be blamed for such behavior, since everyone is aimed at preserving their earned money and, of course, no one wants to lose it. Below is a list of foreign banks in Russia:

  • UniCredit Bank.
  • Raiffeisenbank.
  • Rosbank.
  • Deutsche Bank.
  • Citibank.
  • HomeCredit Bank.
  • Barclays Bank.
  • "Credit Europe Bank".
  • Deltacredit.
  • "OTP Bank"
  • Rusfinance Bank.

When choosing a foreign structure, you need to be selective and careful, since it is the thoroughness of the analysis of the work of a foreign bank that will help to calculate the fate of the deposit. The financial market of our country is now famous for the fact that more and more foreign banks appear and strengthen on it due to loopholes in the legislation. Foreign financial organizations are a significant competitor to Russian ones, since they provide the most profitable conditions for lending and savings programs.

Among the huge number of foreign structures, it is necessary to single out a small list of banks that are very actively gaining popularity among the population.

"Deutsche Bank"

This is a well-known foreign bank in Russia.

From the name itself it follows that the organization belongs to a very large German concern. This structure has the following features:

  • The main activity is to invest and provide commercial services only to enterprises located in Russia.
  • Services are not provided to individuals.
  • Support is provided only to large private capitals.
  • Individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises cannot use the services of the financial organization "Deutsche Bank".

All of the above does not prevent the strengthening among Russian banks, and the use of innovative products, as a rule, ensures the transfer of large capital under its management.


Another foreign bank in Russia.

A subsidiary, which belongs to the huge Austrian holding Raiffeisen, and which is considered one of the most reliable financial structures in the Russian Federation. The following distinguishing features are distinguished:

  • The organization provides a full range of services for individuals and legal entities in Russia.
  • Services are available to both residents of the country and foreign citizens who are on a business trip or a business trip, they can become clients of this bank.
  • A huge number of branches covers the entire Russian market, competing with local banks.

What other banks with foreign capital exist in Russia?


This is a full-fledged institution that has been registered on the territory of the Russian Federation for a long time. A huge share of the authorized capital are foreign investments.

The consumer can enjoy a variety of products, and implies individual conditions. The larger the amount of the deposit, the more interesting the interest rate.

This bank deals with clients from both the private sector and legal entities. Such a policy allowed him to be a leader among other foreign banks on Russian territory for many years. Loans in foreign banks in Russia are not yet very popular, but everything is ahead.

Credit Suisse Bank

A private bank with foreign capital in Russia, which positions itself as a deposit institution with a fixed income from shares of companies.

The salient features are:

  • Carrying out activities in the field of finance with a license in Russia. The government ensured the issuance of a license among the first foreign organizations that officially established themselves in the Russian money services market.
  • He won a large number of awards and prizes, and became very popular when working with individuals.

"OTP Bank"

OTP Bank is a commercial bank that is part of the OTP Group. It is the leader in the Eastern financial services market and "OTP Bank" is a universal credit organization, its range of services is quite wide, many products are offered to individuals as well.

"Barclays Bank"

It mainly takes the place of commercial offers at retail. The list of services includes:

  • transfers between countries;
  • investing money in foreign currency;
  • provision of brokerage services for private capital;
  • availability of a wide range of financial products;
  • targeting investors from Russia.

It goes without saying that the list of foreign banks that operate in the spaces of our country does not end there, and it can be continued. The above organizations, in turn, are more popular.

Weak participation of the own system of banks in our country is a problem of economic development. A number of researchers see a way out of this situation in an increase in lending to the economy by foreign banks. To achieve this goal it is necessary:

  • remove currency restrictions related to the receipt by Russian residents of foreign loans;
  • eliminate the quotas in force in Russia that create boundaries for subsidiaries of foreign banking organizations;
  • simplify the registration of banks with foreign participation, and ultimately open up our banking services market.

All this will allow opening more branches of foreign banks in Russia.

There are reasonable doubts that foreign banks are able to provide loans in those forms and volumes that satisfy the national interests of the country. At the same time, the probable negative consequences of their activities in Russia are indicated, for example:

  • the direction of credit funds exclusively in the extractive, secondary sectors of the economy;
  • an attempt to force out banks with Russian capital from certain market segments;
  • support for foreign companies that compete with Russian enterprises;
  • influencing the internal political life in the country, etc.

In fact, the owners of foreign banks are closely connected with international companies that are fighting fiercely for sales markets, including in Russia. Foreign banks work in the name of the interests of their countries.

and loans

There is a certain trend: the larger the bank, the lower the interest rate on the deposit. The best conditions for deposits can be found in foreign banks. It is imperative to pay attention to the early termination of the deposit agreement, due to unforeseen circumstances it is easy to lose part of the interest on the deposit.

So, for example, in "UniCredit Bank" the interest on the deposit is 7.5%, in "Raiffeisenbank" - 7%. In all other banks, interest rates are about the same. The average in foreign currency is 2.5-3%.

We reviewed representative offices of foreign banks in Russia.

Foreign banks in Russia are attractive to potential investors and are becoming increasingly popular. Experts explain this by the fact that the Russian financial and banking system does not inspire confidence in the population - at the moment, the country's economy is not in the best condition. But at the same time, domestic banks are still in the leading positions in the rating indicators of financial organizations in the Russian Federation.

Foreign banks operating in Russia offer investors favorable terms of cooperation. A list of the most popular of them is presented below.

Basic information

The current domestic legislation states the following: the opening of branches of non-Russian banking institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited. At the same time, it is allowed to launch subsidiaries within the Russian Federation - their part of the capital belongs to residents of other states. Such organizations with foreign capital operating within the borders of the Russian Federation must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and obey the domestic Central Bank.

Thus, formally, international banking institutions do not have branches in Russia. However, many subsidiaries of non-Russian financial institutions have been opened - their list is discussed below.

Foreign banks in Russia: the most popular in 2018

Currently, there are 69 commercial enterprises operating in the country. Founders' funds are the property of foreign financial groups. Many of them cooperate only with legal entities.

1. UniCredit Bank

The institution began operating in 1989 and at that time was called the International Bank of Moscow.

In 2007, its name was changed - UniCredit Bank. The institution is part of the largest banking network, which includes 22 states in Europe. It occupies the 12th position in the rankings. Legally, the company is located in Italy, Rome.

UniCredit Bank is the first organization that received a license to conduct financial activities within the Russian Federation from the Central Bank.

2. Raiffeisen Bank

It was formed in the 19th century, began to function in Russia only in 1996. Legally, the organization is located in Austria, Vienna. As for the headquarters of the enterprise, it operates in Moscow.

Both legal entities and ordinary citizens cooperate with the organization. The company is ranked 13th in the rankings.

3. Rosbank

It is a subsidiary of the French Financial Group. In Russia, it launched its work in 1998. The foreign financial group owns the vast majority of shares, so it fully controls the work of a commercial banking organization in the Russian Federation.

4. Citibank

American banks are represented in the Russian Federation by a subsidiary of Citibank. In the United States, the organization appeared in 1812; in Russia, it received a general license in the fall of 2001.

Citibank cooperates with both organizations and ordinary citizens. The company is given 21 positions in the rating indicators.

The headquarters of Citibank is located in the capital of the Russian Federation.

5. Home Credit Bank

It is the leading company in the processing of consumer loans to individuals. Its owner is the international Amsterdam financial group PPF. In the Russian Federation, the institution launched its work in 2002.

Initially, the specialization of the institution was the registration of targeted lending in retail outlets. In 2002, the organization entered into an agreement with Eldorado, 2 years later announced the first issue of credit cards, and a year later the institution had its first office branch. At the same time, the bank began to offer consumer loans to customers.

6. OTP Bank

The owner of the organization is the Hungarian financial group OTP Group. In the Russian Federation, the organization began its work in 2008, and in 2009 it took the second position in processing consumer loans.

7. Rusfinance-Bank

In the Russian Federation, this banking organization is not particularly popular with Russians - in the rating indicators, it is given only 63rd place. The bank specializes in issuing credit cards, car loans, consumer loans. About 7 years ago, the institution took first place in terms of the number of issued car loans. This is one of the most serious and largest institutions that deal with car loans.

8. Credit Europe Bank

9. Deltacredit

The banking institution specializes in mortgage lending. In Russia, he began his work in 1998, in 2005 he was attached to the French financial group. The full owner of the bank's shares is PJSC Rosbank.

Other bank subsidiaries in Russia

Other subsidiaries of foreign banking organizations also operate within the Russian Federation.

Foreign banks operating in Russia include:

  • Toyota-Bank (Japanese bank);
  • Plus-Bank (an institution established in Kazakhstan);
  • Mercedes-Benz Bank Rus (German institution);
  • Commerzbank (Eurasia);
  • Volkswagen Bank Rus (German institution);
  • Bank of China (Chinese enterprise).

Is it possible to get a loan abroad

Loans from foreign banks are distinguished by a low% rate. So, if you get a mortgage in the US or European countries, then its size will be about 5-6%, and a consumer loan will cost 7-10%.

Unfortunately, such loyal conditions at the% rate do not apply to subsidiaries of foreign countries operating within the Russian Federation. Such banks are guided by the peculiarities and rules of the Russian market.

As for obtaining a loan abroad, foreign banks prefer to work either with citizens of their country, or with foreigners who officially reside in the territory of their state for a long time, are employed, etc.

This distrust of the Russians is explained as follows. A potential borrower draws up a loan in one state, and if any disputable situation arises, it will be considered according to the laws of his native country. As a result, few Russians have the opportunity to become a client of a foreign banking organization.

However, those people who live abroad on a permanent basis or have a residence permit have a good chance of getting approval from foreign banks. Also, citizens of the Russian Federation conducting business activities abroad have the opportunity to obtain a loan.

Attention! According to the laws of some European states, a person who has acquired real estate abroad, rents it out and pays tax to the country automatically becomes an entrepreneur.

There are two ways of proceeding for those who plan to become a client of a foreign bank:

  • send applications by e-mail to foreign banks (you will need to write them in English);
  • study thematic forums on the net, find those who managed to get a loan from a foreign banking organization.

So, those people who open a deposit in a foreign bank have a high chance of obtaining a loan in it.

In addition, one should take into account such a disadvantage: if you want to spend money in Russia, you will need to pay commissions that are charged for an international money transfer. The funds on the loan will attract the attention of the Russian tax inspectorate. As a result, the total cash costs may outweigh the benefit of low interest rate loans from overseas banks.

Summing up

Foreign banking organizations are of interest to Russians. Increasingly, they are beginning to pay attention to offers from subsidiaries of foreign banking institutions. However, the rating indicators for the reliability of organizations indicate that Sberbank, VTB24, Rosselkhozbank and other domestic institutions are among the ten most reliable financial organizations in the Russian Federation.

Foreign organizations operate successfully on the territory of the Russian Federation and do not plan to move from the domestic lending market. The enterprises are strengthening their positions in the Russian market and are expanding their network of branches.

As for the foreign banks themselves, they are more willing to cooperate with citizens of their country or with foreigners who have been living in the territory of their state for a long time.