I got my nose wing pierced in my old age at the age of 23. It was quite a spontaneous decision from the category of "Why not!". If I knew then how much I suffer with him :)


I can not classify myself as a fan of piercing every millimeter of my body or covering it entirely with tattoos. But I’m forty and I didn’t want to deprive myself of the opportunity to “insert a glitter not only in my ears”. But I decided only at a conscious age, when the fear “my mother will kill” and “I won’t be hired by a serious organization” disappeared.


I got my nose pierced at a tattoo parlor close to home. There, the "master" offered two places to choose from and made a puncture, armed with a catheter ... Then I didn’t really read the materiel and didn’t know that such a piercing is done with a special needle, and that there are two options for nose piercing - lower, for a nostril or a ring, and tall, only for nostrils (which I randomly chose, although I also wanted to wear rings ...).

In general, I can not say that it is insanely painful. The pain is rather dull, as if the nose is strongly, strongly compressed at one point, it can be tolerated.

In the end, they inserted a medical steel nostril and released me with God.


On the advice of the same "master" I washed my nose with chlorhexidine, twisted the nostril and smeared it with levomecol ... It was impossible to do all this, but on the third day, surprisingly, the swelling began to subside and the puncture began to heal. Perhaps there would have been no further problems if a pebble had not fallen out of a cheap nostril a month later and I had not had to urgently change the jewelry ...

Start of problems

Here I decided not to waste time on trifles and ordered a white gold piercing from Sokolov (shamrock). And again went to the tattoo parlor. It was still too early to change, and since Sokolov does not specialize in such jewelry, the leg of the nostril was not only very wide and short, but also with a sample! Feelings inexpressible - as if re-pierced.

The nose hurt wildly all day, the piercing just sank into the swollen nose... And a few days later, a red pimple swelled up next to the jewelry. I began to panic, but did not take any action other than washing with Chlorhexidine.

Another master

One day at the university, I accidentally caught the piercing with my hand, and it flew out. I had to urgently run to wash my nose to the first-aid post and look for the nearest salon so that the puncture did not have time to heal. Fortunately, I stumbled upon a good piercer girl, who not only managed to save the piercing (the situation was deplorable - inflammation, blood, initially crooked puncture, too small jewelry), but also picked up a high-quality titanium jewelry in size.

Only after that the inflammation began to pass. She gave me the right care advice. I write them here:

  • No ointments if there is no pus! (Ointments promote the reproduction of microorganisms!)
  • 2 times a day do hot baths for the nose from saline (sold at any pharmacy. Lower the closed ampoule into a mug of hot water, wait, pour saline into a small container (I used a jar lid), lower the puncture nose there, wait 2 minutes, rinse with running water)
  • You can gently moisten the puncture with Miramistin once a day, but only if there was contact with dirty hands to disinfect. Better to avoid it.
  • DO NOT TOUCH the hole!!! And don't scroll anything.
  • Do piercing only with a good master, with a special needle.
  • The decoration for the first time should be made of titanium, and preferably as long as possible, as the nose will swell.


Now, thank God, everything is fine. My nose hasn't hurt for several months, I can probably already change the decoration, but I'm still afraid :)

General impressions

In general, such a piercing is quite popular, the grandmothers at the entrance are already used to it. I almost don’t notice it anymore, but I don’t want to take it off, I like a little informality in the image.

Agata Vasnetsova

Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.


If you decide to adorn the most protruding part of your face with a beautiful gold or silver earring, then before getting a nose piercing, learn about the necessary preparation, wound care, treatment and other issues associated with a piercing. The procedure should be taken seriously in order to avoid unsuccessful attempts and not harm your body with such an intervention.

How to pierce the nose

The tradition of decorating the nose with earrings in our country appeared not too long ago. The rebellious youth was the first to undertake such an experiment with their appearance. Today, this type of piercing is actively used by girls and guys. If you decide to decorate the most protruding part of your face with an earring, then it remains to decide on its type and the place where the nose will be pierced. There are several ways to pierce the nose: in the wing, septum, on the bridge of the nose.

Nose wing piercing

One of the most common ways to decorate your face is to pierce the wing of your nose. It is considered safe and can be performed on the left, right, or both nostrils. Healing with proper treatment takes from 4 to 6 weeks. Sometimes a hole is made on the side at the highest point of the wing. This option is painful and poorly healing. For decoration with such a puncture, you can use only a small earring, for example, a carnation.

Septum piercing

When a puncture is made in the nasal septum, the piercing is called a septum. It is often carried out through the tissues under the cartilage or through the cartilage itself. Pain may only last for a moment, so a septum piercing does not require the use of pain medication. With proper wound care, it heals in 6-8 weeks. The decoration of the septum are rings, rods and half rings.


When the septum is pierced vertically downwards, the puncture is called a septril. The procedure requires great experience of the master and caution, since during a puncture, a cartilaginous septum can be hooked. Such a mistake will significantly slow down the wound healing process and increase the risk of complications. Septril piercing is characterized by pain. A barbell is often used to decorate a puncture.

bridge piercing

Translated from English, bridge means "bridge". The bridge is pierced on the bridge of the nose, in its upper part. At eye level, a puncture is made through the soft tissues, while the cartilage is not affected. You can make a bridge horizontally and vertically. This type of piercing is referred to as an extreme piercing. Of the decorations in this place, it is appropriate to use a barbell.

Nose piercing with a gun

You can reduce the likelihood of an inflammatory process, negative consequences and complications, and make the procedure as painless as possible if you pierce your nose with a gun. According to reviews, to pierce the nose of a man or woman using such equipment, the master will need only a few seconds. At the same time, you can not worry that dust or contamination will get into the wound, because the use of the tool guarantees sterility. Sometimes the use of a gun is not suitable due to the large thickness of the puncture site.

How to pierce your nose at home

In beauty salons or offices, nose piercing will be done painlessly, without the risk of subsequent infection. If professional services seem too expensive for you, you are not afraid of bacteria, bleeding and inflammation, then you can try to pierce your nose at home. Particular attention should be paid to the rules of hygiene and act according to the following instructions:

  1. First you need to buy a nose piercing. Jewelry is sold by jewelry and souvenir shops in Moscow and other cities, tattoo parlors or online stores. It is better to choose small-sized products made of titanium, polycarbonate or stainless steel. If an allergic rash appears after the puncture, then remove the jewelry and consult a dermatologist.
  2. The skin around the piercing should be free of blackheads, pimples, or acne. For any inflammation, set aside your goal. Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses, poor blood clotting are also a contraindication to the procedure.
  3. Piercing is best done with a special new needle that matches the diameter of the size of the jewelry. It is perfectly acceptable to use an ordinary sewing needle, earring, catheter or safety pin, if the tool at hand is thoroughly disinfected and thoroughly processed.
  4. Sterilize all tools and jewelry. To do this, dip them in alcohol, and then boil them. Put the prepared tools on a clean towel. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and put on sterile gloves.
  5. Draw a dot with a marker at the place where you plan to make a puncture.
  6. Clean the area of ​​skin with alcohol. An ice pack can be used for pain relief. As it cools, the skin will become less sensitive, but firmer and harder to puncture.
  7. Insert the needle perpendicular to the skin surface at the marked location. Act in one motion, if you have a clamp, use it.
  8. Insert the earring as soon as possible before the wound begins to heal.
  9. Until the wound heals, give up smoking, alcohol, hormonal drugs and aspirin. Carefully take care of the wound: wash the piercing with chlorhexidine or miramistin liquids on both sides, apply Levomekol. Do not use cosmetic vaseline.
  10. If after 10 days the inflammation has not gone away, the redness does not go away, the crusts continue to appear, the discharge is yellow or green, then the piercing must be removed. It is better to pull out the earring on the exhale so that it does not get into the lungs with air.

Where to pierce your nose

You can express your individuality and emphasize the brightness of your appearance with the help of various nose piercings. Where to pierce your nose is a purely individual decision. Jewelry can be parallel to the lips or perpendicular to their line. Modern techniques allow you to make holes for jewelry in the following ways:

  • piercing only the skin;
  • punching skin and cartilage;
  • piercing the entire wall of the nose or both nostrils.

Nose earrings

When choosing jewelry, you should focus on the location of the channel. If the nostril piercing is made high, then the earring in the nose cannot be in the form of a ring, only a carnation will do here. Rings and crossbars are suitable for a puncture in the center of the nose. For the wings of the nose, nostrils, labrets or tunnels are used, for the septum - half rings, rings, bananas, rods.

To prevent a pierced nose from becoming inflamed, you should carefully choose the material from which the product will be made. Piercers recommend using surgical alloy, titanium, or bioplast. After the channel has healed, the earring can be changed to silver, gold, platinum and even wooden. Products are sold with different clasps, the nose ring can be decorated with both diamonds and ordinary glass.

nose piercing price

If you decide to make a nose piercing, then contact a specialized salon. Read reviews about it, sign up for a consultation to check the cleanliness and conditions for the procedure. The cost of a piercing often depends on the package of services provided (medicines, jewelry, work of a master, preparation). How much it costs to pierce your nose in Moscow depends on the salon, the professionalism of the master, the complexity of the work and other nuances:

Video: nose piercing

nose piercing photo

The word piercing literally means "to pierce". Today, not only ears are “pierced”, piercing has become widespread throughout the body. Why and why they do it, no one will give an intelligible answer. If in the past, piercing carried some meaning and significance, now, most likely, it is just a tribute to fashion. In some eastern countries, nose piercing is still an obligatory attribute of culture and tradition.

With us, among the Slavic peoples, the fashion for such a type of jewelry as nose piercing came relatively recently. Probably, the first such piercings were made by young people as a sign of disagreement with the rules of the adult world.

Today, nose piercing is the most popular among other types of piercing. First of all, they pierce their nose for the sake of decoration, the desire to stand out and keep up with their peers.

For girls, nose wing piercing is in the first place in popularity. Probably because of the simplicity of its execution. A puncture of the wing of the nose is made and a decoration in the form of a special screw is inserted. From the outside, the decoration often looks like a metal ball or pebble, from the inside - a hook for better fixation. You can also use studs, rings, horseshoes, or microlabrets to perform a primary wing piercing. Healing here of the puncture occurs quite quickly - from two weeks to a month. The formation of the channel itself takes longer. All that is required of you is careful and meticulous care of the puncture.

How to make a nose wing piercing at home, at home? Care. Consequences and Contraindications.

This type of nose piercing, if desired, can be done at home. Of course, if you are extreme and are not afraid of any consequences. Of course there is a risk, but not very big. there are few blood vessels on the wings of the nose. Prepare everything you need in advance: cotton wool, alcohol or other antiseptic, gloves, of course, the pier itself and a piercing needle. It is best to take a system in a pharmacy, just so that it matches the earring in diameter. Everything must be sterile and disinfected before the procedure. Like in a surgery room. The piercing procedure itself is simple: we lubricate the puncture site with an antiseptic, wrap the nostril as much as possible, so that then the fastener is inside and along the wall. We bring the needle to the inside and quickly pierce. We insert the jewelry into the catheter and carefully pull out the catheter. Everything, an earring or whatever you chose there, is in place. Now we thoroughly and abundantly wash everything and check that everything is screwed on as it should be, so that one day we won’t inhale the clasp along with the aroma of perfume.

Nose piercing care.

Further care, as usual, is treated with an antiseptic twice a day. Even from a medical point of view, a nose piercing is technically easy. However, no one is immune from possible complications. Whether you make it at home or in a salon. Each person has their own anatomical features. There are contraindications in which piercing is not desirable.

Piercing is a kind of trauma for the psyche, so people with epilepsy and mental disorders are the first on the list of contraindications. Piercing is not recommended for women during the premenstrual period and during pregnancy.

Nose piercing. Effects. Contraindications. Recommendations.

Piercing is contraindicated if there is a predisposition to keloid formations at the wound site. This refers to the formation around or near the decoration of the skin tissue in the form of "beads" or "hoops". It is almost impossible to identify this predisposition immediately. Treatment of keloid scars is also problematic.

You can not do piercing in case of any pathologies of the blood or diseases that affect the blood or its clotting. This includes hepatitis, diabetes, and leukemia. Another reason to refuse piercing is an allergy to metals. In this case, you can try to put jewelry made of high-grade gold or titanium.

Congenital diseases of the heart, kidneys, bronchial asthma, as well as sinusitis and various skin diseases are dangerous. The shock from a piercing can cause heart muscle spasm and trigger an asthma attack. The most common complications after a piercing are swelling and local infection. The most terrible infection, which can lead to an abscess or even blood poisoning. In case of infection, you should immediately find the cause and start making antiseptic compresses: - twice a day for 5 minutes, apply a swab with an antiseptic to the wound from the inside and outside. Antiseptic ointments work well, such as levomekol or tetracycline ointment.

Almost always, lymph is released from the wound, which is not at all a symptom of infection or rejection of the pier. Lymph should be cleaned periodically with a cotton swab dipped in saline or hydrogen peroxide. Seek medical attention if redness or discharge of clear fluid occurs. It is not recommended to remove jewelry until it is completely healed, as it is possible for infection to enter the canal. During the first week, the decoration must be periodically moved in the resulting channel. At the same time, the period is not recommended to apply cream and powder on the face, swim in open water, do not visit the steam bath and sauna. In order not to lose your jewelry, be careful during a runny nose.

There are other types of nose piercings. For example, a puncture of the septum or otherwise the nasal septum. It is considered the most painful of all facial piercings. Anesthesia does not help in this case, because the cartilaginous septum is not completely frozen. Such a nose piercing is technically more difficult and should not be done at home. When piercing the spetum, jewelry in the form of horseshoes and rings is more often used.

Non-traditional types of nose piercing:

Bridge - piercing in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose. Horizontal and vertical punctures differ. A rod is taken as a decoration;

Puncture of the tip of the nose - the upper part of the nostril is pierced from the inside towards the tip of the nose;

Austin Bar - piercing the tip of the nose horizontally. With this puncture, the cartilaginous septum is not touched;

Septril - the underside of the tip of the nose is pierced. It is made in the center through a wider septum puncture towards the lower nasal prominence.

In addition to the listed types of nose piercing, there are various combinations of them.

You can rebel against worn out concepts and principles with the help of a nose piercing. Such decoration will help emphasize the symmetry of the face and visually adjust the accent of the whole image. It is not difficult to pierce the nose at the present time of technical achievements - salons have appeared even on the remote streets of any city, the equipment has become safer, and the masters have learned to conduct a preliminary dialogue with the client, which greatly simplifies the procedure itself.


Before you figure out how much it costs to pierce your nose, you should understand the intricacies of the operation.

  • It is possible to pierce any area only for patients with a sufficient indicator of blood clotting. The nose is a rather capillary part of the body, and an incorrect puncture can lead to profuse blood loss in people with poor clotting.
  • A runny nose or allergic rhinitis is not the best condition for any action. It is better to conduct a course of proper treatment and only after its completion return to the idea of ​​​​piercing the nose.
  • Chronic heart conditions are limiting factors for tingling.
  • Hormonal drugs (especially contraceptives) should be completely excluded 2-3 weeks before the operation.
  • "Aspirin", "Citramon" and coffee are also blacklisted - their active influence on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels can lead to a non-standard reaction of the body to intervention.
  • During the day, the body should not receive alcohol. The vasodilating properties of the drink can also affect the response of the human body.


You can perform a puncture yourself, but most of those who have already completed the procedure are advised to contact a trusted specialist. The main criterion for choosing a venue should be complete sterility and professionalism.

Through a preliminary consultation, you can find out:

  • how much does it cost to pierce your nose in this salon;
  • conditions for subsequent care of the decoration;
  • possible complications.

The price of the procedure varies from 600 to 5000 rubles, it depends on the complexity of placing the jewelry, the conditions for the manipulation and the qualifications of the puncture master himself.


The place where you can pierce your nose remains important. Due to the variety of techniques and equipment, the nose can be pierced in many ways:

  • pierce only the skin;
  • capture both skin and cartilage;
  • carry out a through puncture of the entire wall of the nose or both nostrils.

The earring can be placed parallel to the lips (horizontal) or parallel to the nose itself. The choice of place, the decoration itself and additional decoration depends entirely on the client, the master can only correct certain points, based on experience.

Does it hurt?

Before the procedure, many teenagers ask like-minded people and familiar owners of such jewelry about whether it hurts to pierce their nose. In truth, pain in each person is a strictly individual indicator. There is a sufficient number of capillaries and vessels in the nose, the violation of the integrity of which can lead to minor bleeding in a healthy and prepared organism, which can be stopped without much difficulty.

Modern devices help to carry out a puncture in a fraction of a second, so pain flashes are so insignificant that people with a low threshold of sensitivity do not catch discomfort at all.

You can get a reliable answer to the question of whether it hurts to pierce your nose from the chosen specialist. The master can easily determine the degree of vulnerability of a person and advise possible ways to facilitate the procedure.

Anyone can now pierce their nose, but everyone who wishes must be objective when making such an eccentric decision.

Owners of an elongated and very narrow nose should refuse the procedure. Placed in this area, the decoration focuses on the flaw.

But people with large and slightly slanted oriental eyes will only enhance their peculiarity with an earring in their nose.

Beautiful facial contours, harmonious curves and plump lips are an excellent foundation for the procedure, the decoration on such a face will look organic and even coquettish.

But often not physiological features are the decisive factor for those who want to pierce their nose. Modern office etiquette and stricter health and safety regulations prohibit workers from wearing this type of body jewelry.


Piercing your nose in the cabin is not so difficult. The operation itself is carried out with a disposable sterile needle inserted into a gun or similar apparatus. A carefully crafted jewelry (carnation, ring or screw) is instantly inserted into the resulting gap in the skin. It is impossible to remove, replace or fumble the installed jewelry until it is completely healed.

Each master has his own ritual for the speedy healing of the damaged area, but there are still standard tips:

  • the first week, the wound must be plentifully treated daily with an antiseptic; starting from the second, you can carry out the procedure every other day;
  • open water bodies, public pools, and especially saunas, are excluded from the life calendar until complete healing - an open wound easily perceives bacteria and viruses, so increased attention to the cleanliness of the environment will not hurt;
  • it is useful to scroll the jewelry for speedy healing - for this, a solution of sea salt is prepared, with which the product is processed (peroxide cannot be used for such purposes - the metal will crust over after contact with the solution);
  • in the event of the appearance of purulent balls or edema, it is necessary to immediately visit a doctor, because this reaction of the body indicates violations or rejection of the metal from which the selected jewelry is made.


It is rather difficult to understand why a nose is pierced in a modern, rather enlightened world. Most of the admirers of this jewelry strive for a simple individualization of their own person. Others are trying to correct the existing image. Still others are simply following newfound principles or a new philosophy of life.

Hi all!
I recently got myself another piercing, namely the piercing of the wing of the nose. To be honest, I would never have dared to pierce the septum (septum), so I settled on the wing, because I think that this type of piercing will easily decorate the nose, and what to wear in a puncture - a ring or a nostril - is up to you!

Briefly about the procedure itself:

The puncture should be carried out only by the master! I do not welcome self-piercing, as in some cases it can lead to serious consequences. It is better to pay and get a puncture from a good (!!!) master and sleep peacefully than to do it yourself and then suffer from infections that you can bring yourself. For a nose piercing (and for any other) are used only disposable needles. Pistols to use IT IS FORBIDDEN!!! As a primary decoration that will last from a month to six months, this titanium nostril. Some masters may offer you to put D-ring(outside it looks like a ring, inside it is a direct decoration), but such decorations are also undesirable, as they can be screwed on. In my puncture there was a titanium nostril - a direct decoration without unscrewing parts, at one end of which there is a pebble (ball / opal, there are a lot of types), and at the other end there is a “snail” or “L” (there is no photo of the decoration, unfortunately).
When your nose is pierced, tears will flow (most likely from only one eye). This is a normal phenomenon, such an anatomy of a person. When the septum is punctured, tears also flow!
It doesn’t hurt to pierce the wing of the nose, but I automatically start yelling as soon as I see piercing and cutting objects next to my face.
After the puncture, the left wing of the nose began to hurt. It's natural: you've been hurt. So redness, slight swelling and aching pain are normal. It is best to walk / drive home after the puncture and go to bed. Pretreatment of the piercing site. This is what will be discussed now.


Any wound, scratch, any damage to your body must be treated. And if many people smear wounds and scratches with brilliant green, cauterize with alcohol and iodine (although this is not recommended), then everything is different with piercing.

So, here it is, a list of what you need:

1. Miramistin. I think many people know this miracle cure, which can prevent virtually any sore: from a sore throat (yes, you can take it inside!) To STDs. With the same remedy, you should wash your puncture 3-5 times a day: in the morning, in the evening, after coming from the street and whenever possible. , then with a cotton swab dipped in Miramistin, remove the crust and everything that has accumulated around the wound (blood, lymph)
2. Chlorhexidine. This is a cheaper analogue of Miramistin (~350₽), costs around 12₽ (prices in St. Petersburg). Sold in a small and handy 100 ml pack that you can take everywhere: from work to the plane. But this remedy has side effects (redness, itching, plaque on the teeth and tongue, if taken orally, it can cause vomiting) and should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. Also, the effect of chlorhexidine weakens upon contact with blood, lymph, etc.
2. Sea salt/saline solution (NaCl). These tools can be used as you wish. They cost about 60 rubles. It is necessary to heat the solution to a hot but tolerable temperature, then lower the nose into it so that the puncture “floats”. After removing the accumulation. If using sea salt, fill it with hot water and repeat the same.

What NOT to do!

1. It is forbidden to swim in pools, reservoirs, visit baths, saunas for 1 month;
2. It is forbidden to scroll, take out and masturbate jewelry in every possible way! Due to the high level of polishing, modern jewelry (of course, high-quality ones) does not grow in and even contribute to faster healing;
3. It is forbidden to treat the puncture with peroxide, alcohol, brilliant green / iodine, calendula, holy water. These agents interfere with healing, as they act aggressively on tissues;
4. Contact of cosmetics to the puncture site is unacceptable, as an infection can be introduced.

How long does healing take?

Primary healing occurs in 1-2 months. This means that after a month or two, the puncture should not hurt, there should not be severe redness. If any of this is there, it means that you are doing something wrong, or the master who pricked you, rukozop, or there is a low-quality jewelry (ask for a certificate!). There is a white list of masters by city, you can ask them any question regarding a puncture! You can change the decoration to the same one, but with a different wrap or from “snail” to “L” or vice versa in 3-4 months!

After six months, you can replace your direct jewelry with a ring or a circular and walk calmly. The main thing is that these jewelry be of high quality, otherwise your puncture will become inflamed and healing will have to be done again!

Puncture impressions:

It seems to me that a small stone on the wing is the most acceptable decoration, and in any case, such a piercing will look advantageous. However, you will not be able to hide this piercing, unless you grow a long bang. It is very important to carefully care for this piercing, as there is a risk of keloid scars, and this is fraught with an operating table. After all, this is your face, and a crooked, non-healing puncture will look disgusting on it! Another of the minuses you want to note is that the nostril will constantly cling to towels and clothes. And if you remove the jewelry, then a small scar may remain, which in most cases can be hidden with foundation.
Hope this review was helpful