Australia is an unusual continental country. It is said that Australia has no neighbors and one occupies a whole continent, which is the smallest. In Australia, many amazing and interesting, and many even live here do not know about many interesting facts.

- Dingo Fence, Cameron Corn (Cameron Corner), Australia (Australia)

About all unusual facts somewhere once wrote. For example, everyone knows that Australia has no land borders with any state, but in Australia there are at least 2 unrecognized states - the Republic of Murravarry and the People's Republic of Euahlai.

Murrawarri, who lives in Australia, announced its independence and the relevant notice on May 12, 2013 was sent to Queen and Prime Minister of Great Britain, as well as the authorities of Queensland and New South Wales, in whose territory the tribes live.

The People's Republic of Euahlai declared its independence in the same year, only on August 3. This unrecognized state is fully in Queensland.

And yet, in Australia there is Principality Hatch River (Hutt River Principality). It seems to be a virtual state formally separated from the Australian Union, founded by Leonard George Casley in 1970. It is located on the farmhouse of the Kasley family of 517 km. north of Perth, Western Australia. Nearest city Northampton. In 1974, banknotes were issued, and in 1976 and 1978 - coins. Coin chasing was produced in Canada, on the Mint Lombardo.

It's kind of fact, but it is not mentioned anywhere else, because It is not comfortable. But we will not be about such sad, and we list the most famous unusual facts about Australia, who bring to her tourist fame. Since we touched upon Queensland, then I will start the facts from it. And so, 10 unusual facts about Australia.

1 - the longest fence in the world - Dingo Fence

- Morning in the desert and the fence from Dingo (Dingo Fence), Cameron Corner (Cameron Corner)

The fence was originally built in the 1880s state governments to stop the spread of the rabbit plague abroad. It turned out to be wasted with effort, and fences decline before the early 1900s, when they were restored to not let Dingo and protect the herd of sheep. In 1930, approximately 32,000 km of the grid was used in the Queensland alone. In the 1940s, fences were combined to form one continuous structure that was registered as the longest fence in the world. Until 1980, the fence was 8.614 kilometers long, but later was reduced by 5.614 kilometers.

The hedge stretches from Jimburn on the hills of Darling near Dobby, along the 29th parallels, Cameron Coreron Corner, crossing the Streletsky desert (Strzelecki Desert) north of Inna Minka.

When we drove into White Cliffs and Sturt National Park, we had to open the gate in this fence to move from the new South Wales to South Australia.

Interesting fact - Cameron Corner (Cameron Corner) Located right at the junction of three states, however, to get there from our state, you must first call out in South Australia, and then in Queensland. Directly get to Queensland from the new South Wales not work - the fence is so worth it, and there is no wicket.

Interestingly, another fence in the West of Australia, stretching at 3253 kilometers and is currently not supported, has been erected to protect against rabbits, which are one time a strongest ecological threat to the continent.

2 - Australian service "Flying Doctor"

- Royal Service "Flying Doctor" - Royal Flying DOCTOR SERVICE OF AUSTRALIA (RFDS)

The Royal Service "Flying Doctor" is the first and largest aircraft organization in the world.

Australian service Royal Flying DOCTOR SERVICE OF AUSTRALIA (RFDS) It has been operating since 1928 and for its 85 years of summer, many millions of patients who are also in hard-to-reach areas of the continent have helped. Wherever you are in Australia, if you suddenly need urgent medical care, a flying doctor will hurry to help you. This ambulance on wings can be called the oldest and most steep air-medical service in the world. Only over the past year she had a help more than 270 thousand patients in Australia, working twenty-four hours a day. 61 plane, 21 base and 1150 people personnel. These are those who save people, this is help from heaven.

Up until the 1960s, the service took the aircraft to rent, hired pilots and service personnel under the contract. But afterwards with the government, she began to acquire everything necessary.

The royal service not only evacuates patients from hard-to-reach places, but also brings doctors and medicines. Just the doctor flies to you on the plane, and it flies away. Some believe that flying doctors have pilot licenses. No, usually in such an airplane there is your pilot, your doctor and a nurse or a nurse. The service functions in all states and northern territory of Australia. Any time of the day.

"Flying Doctor" is one of the symbols of Australia and its culture. Few people know that on 20 dollar red Australian banknote, the founder of the Flying Medical Royal Service John Flyn is depicted. And the plane, hurrying to the rescue.

By the way, the city of Alis Springs is the main base of the famous Royal Service "Flying Doctor".

3 - Why is the capital of Australia is Canberra?

- Government House (Parliament House), Metropolitan Mountain (Capital Hill), Canberra (Canberra)

Canberra (Canberra) was built as a result of rivalry for the right to be the capital of the Australian Union - between Sydney (Sydney) and Melbourne (Melbourne). After long-term disputes in 1908 it was decided to build a new city in the middle between arcing megalopolis.

After choosing the territory of the future capital, the Australian government announced a competition for the best project of the city, in which architects from around the world participated. His winner was the project of American architects Walter Burley Griffin (Walter Burley Griffin) and Marion Mahon Griffin (Marion Mahony Griffin), which is the concept of a garden city.

Talented engineers decided to build a new city in full harmony with nature. When creating your project, the Griffin so skillfully accommodated all the landscape and climatic features of the terrain that the city was very harmonious fit into the surrounding nature. It should be noted that the Canberra project (Canberra) is listed in almost all tutorials on urban planning as the perfect combination of a modern metropolis with wildlife.

4 - Australia - House for 100 million sheep

- Australian Merino

In 2000, there were about 120 million sheep here, but due to drought and the incident demand for wool, the number of heads gradually decreased to 100 million at the moment. By simple calculations, it is possible to establish that sheep in Australia is 5 times more than people (20 million)

It is known that sheep and wool production is one of the main industries of Australia. The sheep were delivered to Australia in the 18th century from South Africa, and quickly went around here, thanks to the favorable natural conditions. Also, Australia occupies the world's first place in the world for the production and export of high-quality wool. The main areas of sheep fell covers the most oblivion of the eastern part of the country. But when the Australians themselves talk about the "country of sheep" - they, above all, have in mind the central part of Australia and the Western plateau, since it is here that the Merinos-breed of fine sheep is bred, which give the highest quality and valuable wool.

As shepherds, shepherds use dogs - specially derived in Australia for this purpose. Twice a year, brigades of Streigaly, which are engaged in haircut sheep are invited to the farm. About 5 kg of wool receive from each merino. Here, at the station, the coat sorted by quality categories (this is a very laborious process), pressed, package and transported to railway stations. More than 90% of the collected wool Australia exports annually, only 10% remain within the country. Large consumers of Australian wool are United Kingdom, Japan, France, Belgium, Luxembourg.

Interestingly, the head of the sheep is included in the coat of arms of the two states of Australia - Queensland and Victoria. Each coat of arms has its origin, reflecting a very ancient history, but in this case both states wanted to emphasize that it was on the sheep that they want to get to welfare

5 - the biggest pasture in the world

- Anna Creek Cattle Station Pasture (Anna Creek Cattle Station

In Australia is the biggest pasture in the world. Anna Creek Station Pasture (Anna Creek Cattle Station) In South Australia, west of the National Park of Lake Air, is the largest in the world, covering an area of \u200b\u200b34,000 square kilometers. It is more in area than the whole territory of Belgium or Israel. Here, without consequences, there are about 16,000 heads of cattle. But because of the drought at present the number of heads decreased to 2000.

6 - More snow falls in the Australian Alps than in Swiss

- Mount Hotham (MT Hotham), Victorian Alps (Victorian Alps)

Australian Alps Are part of a large waterproof ridge in the eastern part of the continent, which stretches 3,500 kilometers from north to south through Queensland, South Wales and Victoria. Every winter B. Australian Alps There is a large amount of snow, exceeding snow precipitation in the Swiss Alps. Winter sports are very popular here.

In the Victorian Alps and the Snow Mountains we were more than once. Places here are beautiful. Let me remind you that the Australian Alps were opened in 1839 by the Polish researcher Strozhetsky. These mountains are less rocks and obversities compared to their European namesakes. In the Alps there are several large National Parks of Australia, as well as ski resorts. The average temperatures in the winter of less than 9 degrees Celsius and below zero in the highest places.

Interestingly, the most cold part of Victoria is the Victorian Alps in the northeast.

7 - the biggest reef on earth

- Heron Island, Big Barrier Reef (Queensland), Queensland (Queensland), Australia (Australia)

Great Barrier Reef - One of the most huge coral reef systems around the world. It consists of 2900 separate reefs and 900 islands that stretch out 2600 km around about 344,400 square meters. km. Reef is located in the coral sea, near the northern border of the mainland. It is so great that it can be noticed even from space - this is the world's largest education created by alive organisms. In the north, he is almost continuous and located just 50 km from the coast of Australia, and in the south decays to groups from individual reefs, in some places, retreating from the coast of 300 km.

Interestingly, there is a mailbox on a large barrier reef. Swimming up to it ferry, you can send a native postcard with reef views.

8 - Australia has become a house for 160,000 prisoners

In the UK, the XVIII century was marked by significant social changes that led to the growth of crime. The main reason was the extreme need. To stop it, the authorities issued strict laws providing severe penalties. At the beginning of the XIX century, about 200 crimes were punished with death. "To death, even for the smallest thief," wrote one traveler. For example, one 11-year-old boy hung over the stealing of the nasal handkerchief! Another man was recognized as guilty of insult, in the theft of a silk wallet, gold watches and approximately six pounds sterling. He was sentenced to hanging. The execution was replaced by a lifetime link. In that terrible era, such a fate has suffered approximately 160 thousand people. Women, as a rule, together with their children, sentenced to 7-14 years of religion work.

However, at the beginning of the XVIII century, the authorities issued the law, in many cases allowed to replace the death penalty to the English colonies in North America. Soon there, mainly in Virginia and Maryland, on the courts began to send up to thousands of prisoners per year. But, declaring himself in 1776 by an independent state, these colonies no longer wanted to take British criminals. Then they began to send them to the terrible floating prisons on the Thames River, but they were crowded.

The exit appeared thanks to the opening of the new lands by Captain James Cup. In 1786, it was decided to make the eastern coast of Australia by the place of reference. Next year from the shores of England sailed "First Fleet" (The First Fleet) For the founding of the first colony called New South Wales. Many have not survived a long movement in the ship's trums that continued for eight months. And those surviving prisoners became the first inhabitants of this country. To date, 25% of all residents of Australia are descendants of criminals.

Interestingly, the British - Australians are sometimes called their relatives - Australian, "POME" by the Abbreviation "PRISONERS OF MOTHER ENGLAND" - "Captives of Mother England".

And yet - the very first division of the Australian police consisted of 12 people. All of them were reproduced in police officers from prisoners who distinguished themselves approximate behavior.

9 - Australia owns the largest part of Antarctic

Australian Antarctic Territory is part of Antarctic. She was announced by the United Kingdom and was transferred to the Office of Australia in 1933. This is the largest of Antarctic, ever declared by any nation covering the area in 5.9 million square kilometers. The whole territory is uninhabited, with the exception of the service personnel of scientific stations. On the territory there are three Australian year-round polar stations conducted by various research work.

Australia's rights to this territory are recognized by the United Kingdom, New Zealand, France and Norway. But since Australia has signed the Antarctic Treaty, it does not prevent any scientific programs of other countries. It only retains control over this territory in such a way as not to infringe on the rights of other countries and not violate the contract

Interestingly, the Australian Antarctic Territory is assigned its own telephone code +672.

10 - one of the most unusual opera house theaters of the world

- Sydney Opera House, Sydney (SYDNEY)

Sydney Opera House (SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE) - One of the most prominent and recognizable opera theaters of the world and the symbol of Australia. It is the UNESCO World Heritage. All tourists visiting Australia as if magnet attracts a wonderful, apparent air silhouette Sydney Opera House (SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE)faulting over the waters of the harbor.

Seeing the building of this theater only if you never confuse it with any other world building. The architecture of the structure is appreciated by the contemporaries, the theater is recognized from the day of its opening a Sydney and Australian business card.

Inside Sydney Opera It looks more ascetic than her romantic shell. At one time, the construction of the theater took 14 years and cost 102 million Australian dollars, while initially called incomparably smaller numbers - 4 years and 7 million dollars. However, despite the giant recalculation of all conceivable resources, October 20, 1973, the Queen of England Elizaveta The second solemnly opened the Sydney Opera House, which since then is a huge theatrical complex, which includes about a dozen different lifetimes of various purposes: a concert hall for more than 2.5 thousand viewers, opera room for 1.5 thousand, Hall of the Dramatic Theater on more than 500 people, Drama and Comedy Theater, Theater Studio and a few more small rooms.

- Eyre Highway, South Australia

Sydney OperaPerhaps already nailed Oskomin and how an alternative can be given the fact that the most direct road in the world long 146 kilometers without a single turn passes through the Australian Nullarbor Plain (Nullarbor Plain) - This is part of the road Eyre Hwywhich has a total length of 1675 km. Aboriginal title of this plain "Oondiri" means "anhydrous". This is the world's largest single limestone monolith, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200babout 200,000 km² (77,200 kV miles). In the widest zone of the Plain extends 1200 km from East to West and 350 km from north to south between States South Australia and West Australia.

Australia is an amazing country that attracts millions of tourists a kind of culture, landscape design and monuments.

An adult or child will be useful to learn interesting facts about Australia, which allow you to look at an amazing country from the new side. Australia is the fourth continent of our planet. It ranks 6th in the list of the largest territories of the countries of the world.

For people, the discovery will be interesting facts about the country, its economic and political situation, as well as animals that live in Australia. If you want to learn about the country a lot of new, interesting information, then the following facts will help in this endeavor:

  • Australia has three official flags. The familiar flag on which the Southern Cross is depicted, a sign of every person, and the islanders of the Torresov Strait and Continental Aboriginal will become a discovery for you.
  • In Australia, more than 80% of the inhabitants speak English. Australians use their own English dialect, which is called "Strey". This word has Australian origin and denotes "Australian".

  • The bulk of people - 60% - lives in the five largest cities of Australia - Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne. The Quarter of the Russians is in two cities - Sydney and Melbourne.
  • The first world currency, which began to be manufactured from plastic, is the Australian dollar.
  • Australia lives 1.5% of indigenous people. British exiles became the first migrants.

  • Tourism is the main article of the budget of Australia. Every year it is visited by about a million people from around the world.
  • The official head of state is the British Queen.

  • If Australian ignored participation in elections or census, then an impressive fine is imposed on it. Absent on state events without penalties can only be for good reasons.

  • In the state road traffic - left-sided.
  • None in the city of Australia has no metro. Residents and tourists move on an extensive tramway system, which is the longest worldwide.

  • Tourists have exciting impressions of Phillip Island Island, off the coast of which the Penguins parade begins at sunset.
  • To get into virgin fern forests, located near the Australian village of Kuranda, tourists overcome the road laid through the air.

Australia is a separate state with its traditions, indices and features. For tourists, she remains a mystery that he wants to solve, so having been in the cities of the country, many of them are returned again. Canberra is the capital of the country, a business card - Sydney, and the cultural capital - Melbourne.

Australia is an amazing state in which hundreds of animals, insects and other fauna representatives live. Incredible information about the animals of Australia sometimes causes contradictory feelings: alone animals cause admiration, while others are dangerous.

Many interesting facts are found about Kangaroo in Australia, and the most amazing of them cause a real shock:

  • The number of kangaroo exceeds the number of residents of Australia 2.5 times.
  • Bags for kengury eat only in females.
  • Red Kangaroo is the largest representative whose weight reaches 90 kg.

  • An adult animal develops an incredible speed - 60 km / h, jumping up the barriers with a height of 3 meters, and his jump reaches 13 meters long.
  • Kangaroo is born in the form of an embryo, the dimensions of which correspond to the worm. After birth, the small animal climbs into the mother's bag, in which it is also growing for another 6 months. Only after the end of this period, Kengurenok gets out of the bag and becomes independent.

The habitat of the most dangerous spiders, funnel and mon-pine, are forests of Australia. Since 1981, no resident died from their bites, since antidote was invented.

The Australian continent is represented by the largest population of camels. There are 750 thousand camels, which cause serious damage to local farmers. To preserve the harvest and protect the land from the ubiquitous camels, farmers resort to serious measures, including catching and destroying animals.

A mammal dwells in Australia, which resembles a large rodent or bear and is called "Vombat". Womb weigh 30-45 kg and live in nonorah. Mammals are regularly subjected to attacks from Dingo's dogs and stealingly defend themselves from them, located in the rear of the body.

The common animal of Australia includes clocks, Tasmanian devils, rodents of Wongo, Koala.

Millions of years most generally isolated Ocean, which contributed to the emergence and distribution of animals on its territory, which are difficult to meet in other countries. Do not live on other continents, countries and regions most mammals, insects and reptiles Australia.

Cognitive facts about Australia for children

For schoolchildren will be a useful occupation to receive additional information about the amazing country, the island and the continent. And all this is united in a huge territory, which is called Australia. The geography of the mainland has many amazing facts, including the following them:

  • Australia is the largest country in terms of gold mining and precious stones.
  • Australia is the ground continent who is populated by people and animals. On the territory of the desert and semi-deserts of the mainland falls only 50 cm of precipitation annually.
  • The Australian ranch grows a numerous flock of sheep. The livestock of animals is 150 million.
  • Since 1933, part of the Antarctic area of \u200b\u200b5.9 million km2 belongs to Australia.
  • 2 billion rabbits on a small territory - a serious problem for the country. Rabbits were delivered to Australia with the colonists. 150 years old Australians are struggling with rabbits.
  • The island is famous for the largest barrier coral reef with a length of 2.3 thousand km. Barrier Reef is clearly visible from space.

  • The main agricultural culture grown in the continent is wheat. Every year, Australian farmers collect 20 billion tons of grain. The culture of culture is engaged in 4% of residents of the country.
  • In Australia, there is own, National Holden auto industry. The cost of the car is 2-3 times lower than the machine of a similar configuration in Russia. The cost of gasoline changes several times a day. In the morning the car is refilled by gasoline at one price, and in the evening - on the other.

  • The main architectural miracle of the country is the Sydney Opera House. In the building there are 1000 halls, which accommodate 5 thousand people at the same time. The roof of the building weighs a record 161 ton.
  • The average salary of engineers and doctors is 100-130 thousand Australian dollars. In recalculation, the amount will exceed 700 thousand.
  • Australia is the largest tourist country in which colorful, virgin landscapes are combined, high-rise buildings of non-standard forms, unique attractions.

Flora mainland conquers variety and beauty. In Australia there are hundreds of plants, trees and shrubs that do not grow in other territories. About mainland Australia walks a lot of interesting legends and stories that are not always truthful. There are many interesting facts about Floore, which allows you to look at Australia in a new way:

  • A common tree that grows in Australian forests is considered to be Eucalyptus - the highest plant in the world. Tourists will be interested in visiting a light eucalyptus forest. The leaves of the trees do not delay the light, as they turn in parallel with respect to the sunshine.

  • Eucalyptus absorbs water from the soil with a volume of 300 liters daily. For example, birch for a similar time absorbs no more than 40 liters. If the inhabitants of the island need new territories for the construction of houses, they plant eucalyptus trees. After a while, the wetland is being built.
  • In the mainland there is a bottle tree. In appearance, the tree resembles a bottle. It absorbs water from the soil and accumulates in the trunk. In drought, water reserves end, and at the first rain, the tree accumulates water again.

  • Eucalyptus is a fast-growing tree. For 10 years, it reaches 20 meters in height, and the stem diameter is 1 meter. Trees are able to live 3-4 centuries.
  • Shrub without leaves Kazuarina grows only in Australia. It resembles a fir tree and a spruce at the same time, so residents call it a "Christmas tree". There are no leaves on the tree branches, but there are thin falling shoots in the form of hair. Bright red durable wood wood, so it is used for the manufacture of furniture and wooden structures.

  • In the territories of deserts and semi-deserts grow grain and agricultural crops. The main cultivated plant is wheat, providing feeding animals, locals and exported to other countries.
  • Residents tell the legend that a plant grows in the Australian forests, which hunts people. Fortunately, the murderer plant is fiction.

In fact, in Australia, attractive vegetation affecting magnificence. Flora and fauna of the Australian forests and desert are represented by hundreds of plants and animals that cause surprise.

The smallest continent on our planet - Australia. This is the birthplace of amazing animals and plants. Almost all the silent animals, those that wear their cubs in a bag - pocket on the stomach, live here. These are Koala, and Kangaroo, and animals with a funny name of Kusks. In the rivers of Australia, climbers live: they have a thick brown fur, four paws-flippers, the tail of the shovel, and the head and nose like ducks. In the sky, multicolored wavy parrots and crumpled cacada flush.

As well as in Australia, Emu ostriches are found. You can't fly these plumbs, but they are very quickly running, because they have strong strengths. Eucalyptus and palm trees, ferns and acacia grow in Australian forests. And even a bottle tree: his barrel is very thick, and then it becomes thin - thin.

Along the entire coast of the continent, the most huge coral structure in the world stretches - Great Barrier Reef. These underwater coral cliffs are dangerous for ships, but someone who sank into the sea with aqualung will open an unforgettable, just a fabulous picture.

The weather in Australia is almost always hot. Even in winter there is no one below +10 degrees of heat. Rain falls a little Australia is considered the longest continent on the ground. When in Europe, the winter comes here.

In all continents, people of one nation live - Australians. They say in English. And all because a long time ago in Australia, gold and ancestors of most of the current residents came here from England, Scotland and Ireland to seek happiness. There are also in Australia and the indigenous population - the aborigines now there are less than one and a half percent of the total population.

Some entertaining facts about this interesting place, for example, you know that:

The residents are less than all in the world violate the laws.

Favralia first, wearing the name "New South Wels".

There is an adult resident if he does not come to the elections - a fine will discover.

This is the lowest continent in the world, its average height above sea level is 330 meters.

A long-premissive fence around the world is also located here, its length is as much as 530 kilometers, and it was built to protect the sheep from Dingo.

In Australia there is the longest fence in the world.

In Australia, the most huge amount of sheep all over the world, more than 700 thousand, and accordingly, the first place for the production of wool legitly belongs to Australia.

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What do you know about Australia? Probably not all;).

Australia is the smallest continent in the world, but at the same time the sixth largest country of the world! Here you have 10 facts, we are sure that not everyone has been known to you.

1. On the coat of arms of Australia, red kangaroo and ostrich emu are depicted. They were chosen because neither a kangaroo nor Emu could move back, and it symbolizes the course where the country moves - only forward!

2. Australia ranks 9th in the list of the most unclosed countries in the world. The population density of the country is 3.07 people. per quarter. km.

3. According to 2013, 27.7% of Australia's population were born abroad. For comparison, in the US, this indicator is 14.3%.

4. In Melbourne, the largest population of the Greeks outside Greece. For 2001, 151,785 Australian Greeks lived in Melbourne.

5. In Australia more than 10,000 beaches. You can go to different beaches every day for 27 years and still do not go to all of them.

6. In Australia, a large number of poisonous spiders, two types of them belong to the most dangerous in the world. This is the males of Sydney Funnel-Web Spider (Sydney Funnel-Web Spider) and a redback spider. However, since 1981, in Australia, not a single person did not die from the bites of these and other spiders, thanks to the antidote invented.

7. The world's largest camel population is located in Australia. About 750,000 camels roam the Australian Waste. Often they damage the farms of local residents and shoot them in order to control the population.

8. From Queensland to South Australia stretches "Dingo" - the longest fence in the world (5613 km). As you can guess from the name, it was built to monitor the migration of Dingo dogs.

9. Uggs - Australian boots. Australia claims that the Uggs first appeared here. They say this comfortable shoes were worn in the countryside of Australia back in the 1920s. However, the "UGG" brand in Australia is actually an American company.

10. About 20 million tons of wheat are grown in Australia, about a ton for each inhabitant of the country. A significant part goes to export. But in agriculture, only 3.6% of the able-bodied population is involved.

Australia is one of the most amazing corners of our planet, and its uniqueness is already that this is a separate state, and a whole mainland. We learn what is still famous for this continent, and will present to your attention the most interesting facts about Australia. Also on our website you can find out what the longest.

The mainland was in about 70 thousand years ago, and the first settlers arrived here by the sea. So Australian's aborigines became the first navigators in the history of mankind.

Historians believe that long before the European navigators, the continent attended the Chinese. Starting from the 1400s, they actively attended the southern lands and traded with local tribes fish and seafood.

The first Europeans, which stepped on the Earth of the South Continent were sailors of the expedition of the Dutch navigator Villa Yanzzon. It happened in 1606, but called the open lands of New Holland.

There is a special meaning in the state emblem. The fact is that it is depicted Kangaroo and Emu. Both representatives of the Australian fauna can not move back, which symbolizes the course of the state - only forward.

Most of the population, just over 80% of Australians live in a hundredokilometer coastal zone. And on the expanses of the continent, intact rainforests, deserts and semi-deserts are preserved. Mountains of Australia and her amazing beaches are also unique.

On the territory of the continent there are 16 World Heritage sites and, except historical monuments, here include natural and landscaped attractions. About one amazing attractions - red we have an interesting article.

The majority of the Australian population communicates in English. In addition, the Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Greek are popular.

In total, the continent is talking on more than two hundred tongues and dialects, and 45 of them are the languages \u200b\u200bof the indigenous population.

Such an order was started by the British, sending in a distant link to the green continent of their criminals, who became the first migrants.

Today, statistics show that more than 27% of Australians were born outside the country and, except for the indigenous population, people who arrived here from 200 countries of the world live on the continent.

The city of Melbourne lives the largest diaspora of the Greeks outside, actually, Greece.

All of them are just over 151 thousand. Therefore, hear on the streets of the largest city of the continent, Greek speech is not something unnatural.

Australians, compared to other inhabitants of the planet, spend the most money, playing gambling.

Until the beginning of the twentieth century, in no state in the world, women did not have the right to vote and officially could not participate in political life, as well as be elected to representative authorities.

Australia Recordsman in many indicators, including in the size of farms.

The largest farm of the planet "Anna Creek Station" spread out on the state of South Australia, the farm area of \u200b\u200b34 thousand km². For comparison, Belgian Square is only 30.5 thousand km².

Australian is a rather sports nation, but despite this, the country is in 10 world leaders in obesity.

26% of Australians are subject to this demussion, and 63% of 24 million citizens are overweight.

Southern continent among leaders in the number of wine-made areas. They are 60 here, and Australian winemakers produce about 1.3 trillion. Wine bottles annually.

On the coast of Australia, more than 10 thousand beaches spread. All of them are different and unique, and even if you visit several beaches a day, not enough and 30 years to visit everyone.

It is no secret that during the development of new lands by Europeans was the destruction of the indigenous population, evicting them from hidden places.

Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Radd in 2007 apologized for this before the rootific of the continent. It became an important step towards national reconciliation.

There is no warmth in the country, and it is not necessary to spend big funds on warm clothes. But the Australians pay the highest price in the world for electricity.

Business card Australia and the most recognizable attraction Famous Opera House in Sydney.

The architect was inspired by the type of orange, and if you fold all the elements of the roof, it turns out a one-piece sphere.

The largest living organism spread off the coast of Australia, and it is called a big barrier reef.

Underwater beauty and unique animal world are amazed by beauty and variety. By the way, natural attractions have a private mailbox.


Historically, the Australians are called the British "Rome", and this is an abbreviation from the expression of Prisoners of Mother England ("Prisoners of England Mothers").

Despite the fact that the criminals referred to live here for a long time, the crime rate in the state is rather low. For comparison, the level of murders in the United States is 6.3 per 100 thousand people, whereas in Australia, this indicator is 1.2.

According to the quality of life, Australia has long been entrenched in the 10th world leaders, and the social sphere is one of the most developed in the world.

For example, if in the family 4 or more children, then the benefits received from the state are so great that the parents can not work for some time.

Interestingly, there are only 3.5% of the able-bodied Australians in agriculture, but labor productivity on farms is very high.

Australia grows a little more than 20 million tons of wheat per year, and this is almost one ton for each inhabitant. Naturally, this is the main product export.

The quality of medical care is quite high, but here is one oddity - doctors do not go to challenges as accepted in many countries.

Ambassador medical care, of course, is, but it leaves only for severe cases. And so it is necessary to go to the hospital, recording at the reception to the desired specialist.

In 1770, the famous navigator James Cook was planted on the east coast of the mainland, and raised the British flag over unbelievable expanses.

Literally, two days later, two frigates of France entered the same harbor, but it was too late, the territory was declared the property of the British Queen.

Australians love and know how to play football. The national team record holder in the number of goals scored in one international match.

In 2001, the Australians were scored in the gate of the American Samo Air team, an unrequited goal. Archie Thompson player hit the book of records, who scored 13 goals to the rivals, which is an absolute record in the history of football.

The active development of the continent led to the disappearance of many types of Australian fauna.

Before the arrival of enterprising Europeans, a giant kangaroo could be found in the continent's expanses, the growth of which exceeded 3 m. Varana was taken up to 7 m long, as well as large ducks, the size of which slightly inferior horses and majestic short lions.

During a walk in Australia, you can meet with poisonous. By the way, they are here are the most poisonous among relatives on other continents. And in general, the continent of the leader in the number of poisonous representatives of the fauna living in its territory.

Sometimes they crawl into the housing of people, but since 1981, not a single death case from the bite of spiders has not been recorded. All thanks to antidotes invented by doctors.

No matter how strange it sounds, but in Australia the largest population of camels. Zoologists are spent the population of 750 thousand.

They roam the spaciousness of the deserts and semi-deserts, but sometimes they make great harm to agricultural farms.

From the city of Queensland to the state of South Australia, the largest fence in the world stretches. Its length is 5,613 km, and it is called "Dingo's fence".

Already from the name it can be seen that they built it to control the migration of these unique dogs living on the mainland.

Australians, nor at home, nor traveling around the world, never leave tips, because of what the waiters in cafes or restaurants in different countries of the world are a bit of them disliked.

Perhaps the Australians protect the money to pull them into poker on arrival home.

I do not understand

In any book, or reference books for schoolchildren and children about the southern continent, interesting facts about Kangaroo in Australia begin with the legend about the origin of the name of this beautiful animal.

We repeat it and we. The first Europeans seeing an unusual animal, asked aboriginal, as it was called. Those in response shrugged, and repeated the "Ken-Gu-ru", which in their language means "I do not understand." So behind the jumping original animal with a bag and enacted such an unusual name.


Interesting facts about remote and secluded mainland approached the end. You can write a lot about this corner of the globe, but we presented, in our opinion, the most interesting thing. We hope, in the comments, readers will continue to discuss, and we will have 100 facts about Australia.