How the girl let it slip and what reprimand she now shines:

Regina todorenko spoke about Orel and Reshka

The host of the popular travel show "Eagle and Tails" Regina Todorenko got into a scandal, frankly talking in an interview about the backstage of the project.

The girl said that viewers are being misled by talking about a gold card with an unlimited financial limit - in fact, according to the star, the budget of each program is severely limited. At the same time, producers rent expensive hotel rooms for several hours.

"After all, the program we are filming is, at some points, a staged show. Most often, hotels provide us with a barter, we rent in them not for two days, but for three hours. During this time, we need to have time to shoot the pool, jacuzzi and leave as soon as possible, because some king of Oman is coming to the hotel. We all spend the night where you can live on 100 greens, " Regina said.

Todorenko's statements did not go unnoticed by the general producer of "Eagle and Tails" - Natella Krapivina. In an interview, Krapivina stated that she was outraged by the lies from the mouth of Todorenko.

"To put it mildly, I was surprised at how easily Todorenko misled great amount fans of our program, which has been telling absolutely honestly and reliably for more than seven years about how you can spend a weekend with different budgets" says the producer.

"The gold card is not a symbol, it's real money that the producers manage within the framework of the program in unlimited quantities. The only condition is that it must be within the genre and not contradict moral and ethical standards. Of course, we cannot spend more per weekend than is physically possible, and this is perhaps the only limitation," noted Krapivina.

“But the fact that Mrs. Todorenko allows herself such, in fact, false comments, is a matter of her incompetence and lack of involvement in the project. She is not the organizer of the filming process, she is not the producer of the show, respectively, she does not have real information. Why should she "Perhaps for the purposes of personal PR. Regina will be fined for such inadmissible statements, possibly fired at the end of the season,"- said Krapivina.

The amount of the fine for Regina Todorenko for her scandalous statements could be about 35 thousand dollars - almost a million hryvnias (about 950 thousand).

Now Todorenko is taking part in the filming of the new season "Eagle and Tails. Heaven and Hell", where, together with Lesya Nikityuk, they explore the most extreme places on the planet.

It is simply impossible to get bored with her. Sometimes it seems that such people simply do not exist. It is amazing how a person who lacks sleep and lives practically in airplanes can look at the world so optimistically! And our beloved TV traveler has a lot personal news. Firstly, she flies to conquer the television academy in the United States, and secondly, she broke up with her boyfriend after 5 years of relationship. About everything - firsthand.

- Regina, let's start with the nearest news. Just yesterday, information appeared in the press that you left Eagle and Tails. What would you say to such "well-wishers" who "fired" you without your consent?

- I am so pleased, I would like to be hired as often as I am fired. If the season is “Eagle and tails. Heaven and Hell" is over, this does not mean that I no longer host the program. Every new season we go through the same path: someone is fired, someone comes ... How it will be next, I don’t know yet. We will see according to the circumstances. There is simply nothing to shoot, we drive and look for interesting cities. Well, how is there nothing?! In all cities there is something interesting, but not enough. We have to go around the whole country in search of adventure, new extreme entertainment. IN last time We traveled to places I didn't even know about. That is, we are no longer looking for tourist destinations, but all interesting places. No one would google them, but thanks to the program, someone will definitely go there.

- By the way, another reason for "your dismissal" was that you supposedly just grew out of this project. What do you think? Or is it the option from which it is impossible to grow?

— I believe that I grew up within the framework of this project. "Eagle and Tails" gave me a lot for the development of my own self, for personal growth. A person who travels is always learning something. As they say, from a trip we will never return the same. Especially since the program is entertaining and educational, we are always trying to find interesting historical facts, which then children use in geography lessons. I know that in many cities people watch "Tails" during history and geography lessons. It's very flattering. There are places to travel. Let's say I've never been to Seoul, New York, Sri Lanka, Bangkok. I still have a lot to explore. To me, yes, but there are few places left for research within the framework of the project.

- The season is over. Will there be a mini vacation?

Who gets a vacation, and who doesn't. The team is already preparing for the next season, and I will study and launch new projects.

- Cool! Which?

— They are still in development, but you will know about it in March. This is a TV show. And I really want to act in films, so I'll go to study.

— To Hollywood?

- Yes! Study filmmaking at the New York Film Academy. But now I keep my fingers crossed, because I have not yet been given a student visa. I'm really looking forward to it.

- And what will happen to "Eagle and Tails"? By the way, our readers write that they are filming the 16th season with Ekaterina Varnava and Kolya Serga.

- Where does this information come from (laughs)? We are shooting several projects in parallel. And, of course, there are some surprises, I guess.

What is that ring on your ring finger?

“It's just a ring.

- Well, given your relationship with Nikita Tryakin, a natural question arises ...

- ... with whom I broke up. So it's just a ring that fits on a single finger (laughs).

- Stop! Okay, ring. What about Nikita?

“I just traveled around. It was difficult for both of us. For a relationship, you need to see each other at least once in a while.

- Do you have tears in your eyes?

- Tears (smiles) ... I already cried, cried ... Thank God, everything is in order. Nikita and I are friends. We are fine, we work together. It happens. Maybe we're just more friends than lovers.

Who was the initiator or was it a mutual decision?

- It was a mutual decision. Well, where is next? The woman runs around the Amazon while he works in the studio. You come every time, like a sailor: “Hi, my name is Regina. Do you remember! You get used to it, the connection is lost. Just biorhythms become different. But I believe that there will be something new, kind, bright.

Recall that the fans were struck by the photo in which the Girl appeared with short hair.

Previously, our site has already introduced photos taken by Todorenko.

During her trip to Novosibirsk, the girl said that the budget for the Eagle and Tails program is limited, and fans of the program are sometimes misled. In addition, Todorenko said that the famous "golden card" "exists, but as a symbol of wealth." Regina's interview caused heated public debate. TV project producer Natella Krapivina expressed outrage at her words.

After some time, representatives of the program disclosed information about the same “gold card”. In addition, they clarified the data on the alleged dismissal of Regina Todorenko, discussed on the Web.

Gold Card is real money. It is no secret that the Eagle and Tails project is quite attractive from the point of view of commercial integration of large brands, which, in turn, allows the project producers to replenish the balance of the “golden card”. However, this still does not mean that the leader can afford to lose his head and spend money left and right. The producer has the right to veto,” said the creators of the TV show.

// Photo: frame of the program "Eagle and Tails"

The creators of the program also spoke about when they had to resort to extreme measures. According to representatives of the TV show, this can happen if the purchase price exceeds all allowable limits, as, for example, in the case of the diamond exchange visited by Zhanna Badoeva. However, this, the creators of the program emphasized, was extremely rare - only a few times in the seven-year history of the project.

As for the possible punishment for Regina Todorenko, to the delight of her fans, they are not going to fire her. IN currently the filming of the program is going according to plan, they do not intend to remove the girl. “However, the presenter may indeed face a large fine under the terms of the contract,” added representatives of the Friday! channel.

The producers of the program also spoke about the fact that the project has a set of pre-established rules that its employees must follow. The "format bible" or, in other words, the charter of the TV show, allows him to remain himself for a long period of time, reports "TVNZ".

We add that earlier Regina Todorenko apologized to her colleagues about the misinformation of the public. “Each of us can make a mistake, think something up, take it out of context, especially for the media. I'm not a project producer and I don't know how budgets are formed. I have a golden card in my hands, which gives me great opportunities. Even the presenters do not know how much money is on it, ”the presenter wrote in one of her social networks.

Regina Todorenko, the host of the popular television project Eagle and Tails, told how the royal apartments are actually rented. During her last trip to Novosibirsk, Regina Todorenko revealed main secret popular program "Eagle and Tails".

The TV presenter admitted that the golden card, which entitles you to a heavenly weekend and immoderate spending in one of the cities of the world, simply does not exist!

Recall that under the terms of the project of the Friday! TV channel, one of the hosts of the show must live Saturday and Sunday on $100, and the second can spend unlimited money with the so-called "golden" bank card. Naturally, many viewers are tormented by curiosity - who is funding this map of a carefree life?

Regina Todorenko. Heads and tails: the whole truth about the gold card

The creators of the project "Eagle and Tails" do not advertise the details, but this time the presenter let it slip! “The golden card… it exists, but as a symbol of wealth,” said Regina Todorenko.

- Still, the program that we are filming is, at some points, a staged show. Most often, hotels provide us with a barter, we rent in them not for two days, but for three hours. During this time, we need to have time to shoot the pool, jacuzzi and leave as soon as possible, because some king of Oman is coming to the hotel! We all spend the night where you can live on 100 green dollars.

Regina Todorenko also said that all free time she is busy with travel. However, she does not forget about her figure, and between flights she manages to do yoga. “I can stand at the airport in some strange position. People probably think that I show the direction to the terminals, - Regina adds.

- I motivate the film crew to do it. Together we look very strange, but this method really helps to relieve stress and be in shape.
The TV traveler was in the capital of Siberia for the first time and decided that here, perhaps, she could easily live on 100 dollars not for two days, but for a whole week.

“There are places where I haven’t spent a dime! For example, Caracas is the capital of Venezuela. Everywhere we met people who fed us with pleasure and left us to spend the night. It turns out that sometimes money is not important when traveling. All you need is a backpack and the ability to find a common language with people.”