Someone aptly noted that a person who has fallen into the forests of the Amazon twice experiences acute joy - when he first enters this "green paradise" and when he finally gets out of this "green hell". We invite you to an amazing land unusually rich in flora and fauna. It is called the lungs of the planet, and the death of the Amazonian forests threatens a worldwide ecological catastrophe ... and they are dying.

Edge of eternal summer

The Amazon Basin is home to the world's largest tropical rainforest. Its boundaries are clearly delineated by the eastern foot of the Andes and the slopes of the Brazilian and Guiana highlands. The forest is located on the territory of nine states, but most of it is in Brazil.

The equatorial climate is depressingly monotonous - humid and hot air masses dominate all year round. Regardless of the season, the temperature fluctuates between 25–28 °C and does not fall below 20 °C even at night. But even such a moderate heat is hard to bear due to the high humidity of the air and the lack of night coolness - you feel as if you found yourself in a greenhouse in the summer.

But local residents do not need weather forecasts. A day without rain is a unique phenomenon here. All year round, every new day begins with a cloudless morning. By the middle of the day, clouds roll in, the wind rises, and under the deafening peals of thunder, streams of water fall on the ground. After 2–3 hours, the downpour ends, and a quiet clear night sets in.

Horizontal and vertical

The Amazon surprises with the richness of flora and fauna, the biodiversity of these forests is much greater than the forests of Asia and Africa. The species composition and appearance of plantations varies depending on their "relationship" with the rivers. Three types of forest vegetation are distinguished on the Amazonian lowland: forests in river valleys, flooded for several months a year (in the local language - "igapo") and for a short time ("varzeya"), and forests in watershed spaces, not flooded ("ete" ). There are also mangroves on the Atlantic coast.

Under the rule of the rivers

The Igapo forests are not so rich in vegetation diversity. Usually they are devoid of soil cover and filled with boggy silt, enveloping tree trunks to a height of several meters. Often there are representatives of the flora with respiratory roots and prop roots. Lots of vines and epiphytes. And the surface of the waters is covered with various algae and aquatic plants, among which the royal Victoria (from the Nymphaeaceae family) is noteworthy, with leaves up to 2 m in diameter, capable of withstanding a weight of up to 50 kg. Its flowers during flowering change their color from white to purple.

Vegetation "varzei" is not much richer in species. The main trees in these forests are palms. Often there are representatives from the families of legumes, mulberries (the genus ficus), euphorbia, including the famous rubber plant - hevea. And in the lower tiers, various types of theobroma (chocolate tree) are not uncommon. There are also many vines and epiphytes in these forests, including orchids. In the rich grass cover, there is an abundance of ferns, plants from the banana and bromeliad families.

But the “ete” forests are distinguished by their special splendor and variety. They can safely be considered the richest type of vegetation on Earth. There are no dominant trees here. Although the abundance of species is great, the number of plants of each species is usually small. Characteristic trees of the upper tiers are Bertholletia, or Castaneiro (Brazil walnut - a tree that often lives up to 1000 years, with a trunk diameter of 1–2 m), ceiba (sacred Mayan tree), palm trees, as well as plants from the families of laurel, myrtle, mimosa , legumes. There are many creeping, creeping plants, the stems of which are not inferior in thickness to ropes. Ferns reach several meters in height, and grasses that do not grow in flooded areas are also found in the herbaceous cover.

In the eastern part of the Amazon, the climate is already subequatorial, and deciduous tree species, patches of light forests and savannahs appear on the watersheds, only the “igapo” and “varzei” strips remain evergreen.

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), due to global warming and deforestation, about half of the Amazon rainforests could be damaged or destroyed in 20-30 years. Already, due to climate change, droughts (contributing to forest fires) have become more frequent in this region.

Problems of the Amazon

Many have heard that the Amazon forests are called the green lungs of the Earth. All plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. But the Amazon rainforest produces about 50% of the planet's oxygen. Therefore, the death of this important "organ" can have the most serious consequences for the entire Earth.

In the 60s of the last century, intensive, uncontrolled cutting began. Both banks of the Amazon between the mouth and the city of Manaus were subjected to the greatest devastation. Once along the entire coast of Brazil (and this is 8500 km!) Tropical rainforests stretched, and today only 7% of them have survived there.

Despite bans on timber exports, felling rates continue to rise. Often, trees are cut down by poaching, floating down rivers to seaports, and from there they are legally sent to consumers. Even worse, when forests are simply burned out for agricultural land. Feeding deforestation and increasing demand for soybeans - increasing soybean field area. Selective logging is also very harmful - when only selected trees are cut down, and the forest around remains untouched. Indeed, at the same time, perennial giant trees disappear and simply thickets appear, the value of which in the existing ecosystem is much lower. Cutting down even one type of tree has a devastating effect in all tiers of the "forest house".

In some areas, they are now trying to revive the forest, and, of course, it is being restored. But such plantations contain only a small part of the original species diversity.

But in some places, tropical forests have been completely turned into a desert, as, for example, in the industrial zone near the Trombete River - one of the world's largest centers for the development of bauxite. Watching the wind raise clouds of dust from the cracked reddish earth, on which there is not the slightest sign of life, it is hard to imagine that just 10 years ago this place was covered with thickets.

Having cut down a tropical forest, it is easy to turn its territory into a new Sahara. Rains very quickly wash away the upper, fertile layer from the soil that is not protected by plants. And the sun and wind complete their work.

Not thinking about the future...

The most terrible paradox is that the deforestation of the Amazonian forests is for the most part completely unnecessary in terms of economic development. Now in the Amazon basin, as a result of the inept use of land, the exploitation of agricultural land and pastures on an area equal to the territory of Germany has been stopped. If these lands are rehabilitated, there will be no need to take away the territory from the forest. Moreover, the soil of tropical forests cannot be called fertile. A farmer who has cleared a piece of forest for himself will be surprised to find that the yield of the land drops sharply after 2-3 years (in the beginning, the ash from the burned forest serves as fertilizer). In the Amazonian rainforest, plants do not get their nutrients from the deep layers of the soil. Some of the substances come with raindrops, which “wash” all plants on their way to the ground, and the other part comes as a result of the decomposition of forest “garbage” (fallen branches, fruits, leaves). Every year, about 8 tons of litter falls on 1 hectare of rainforest. Processed by the residents of the "forest house" (termites drag it underground, mushrooms decompose it into mineral components), it turns into a highly nutritious fertilizer.

But you can benefit from the forest without destroying it. How many medicinal plants grow in this forest! It deserves the name of a huge natural pharmacy. In addition to natural medicines, you can get fruits, oils, nuts, rubber ...

The person who destroys this forest is like a farmer who eats seeds prepared for sowing to satisfy his current hunger, without thinking about future reserves.

We need to look at the forest from a different perspective - as a source of wealth, and not as an obstacle to enrichment. However, the incessant puffs of smoke over the Amazon are a reminder that this intention is not so easy to implement ...

About the lives of which countless films have been shot for Discovery and the BBC, you will immerse yourself in the richest natural world of our planet, which has no equal in its parameters:

  1. The Amazon Basin is the largest tropical rainforest in the world with over 6 million km2.
  2. Humans settled in the Amazon Jungle at least 11,200 years ago. The Amazon Rainforest itself has existed for over 55 million years.
  3. The Amazon rainforest accounts for more than half of the total remaining rainforest on our planet.
  4. 20% of the Earth's oxygen is produced by the Amazon rainforest, which is why it is often called the "lungs of the planet."
  5. The Amazon is the deepest river in the world. It carries up to ⅕ of the flow of all the world's rivers into the Atlantic Ocean. The Amazon River and its tributaries collect water from the territories of 9 states: Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana.
  6. The biological diversity of the Amazon is the highest on Earth: over 150,000 plant species, 75,000 tree species, 1,300 bird species, 3,000 fish species, 430 mammals, 370 reptiles and over 2.5 million different insects.
  7. The Amazon jungle is home to a number of deadly inhabitants of the Earth: jaguars, electric eels, piranhas, poisonous snakes and spiders, etc.
  8. About 80% of the food we eat comes from the rainforest - rice, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, coffee, chocolate, corn, pineapples and more.
  9. About 400-500 indigenous Indian tribes today live in the Amazon rainforest. It is believed that about 75 of these tribes have never had contact with the outside world.
  10. The city of Iquitos (Peru) is the largest city in the world that has no land connection with other cities. It is located deep in the jungle and has over 400,000 inhabitants.

Wild nature. Flora and fauna of the Amazon jungle

The Amazon forests are rich in a variety of trees and plants, many species of flora and fauna of the jungle are endemic - all over the world they can be found only here. At the same time, 10% of all currently known plant and animal species of the planet are found in the Amazon jungle.

Jaguars, cougars, monkeys, sloths, caimans, anacondas, copybaras, turtles, river dolphins, parrots, toucans, hummingbirds and many, many other inhabitants of the jungle are part of the world heritage of mankind. In terms of the number of species of animals and plants, the Amazon jungle far exceeds the tropical forests of Africa and Asia.

The jungle is a real treasury of useful plants - the fruits of some are used for food, parts of others serve as the basis for modern medicines.

Ferns, orchids, mosses, cacti, epiphytes - every plant has adapted to drawing everything useful from the humid air of the jungle. Frequent rains and high humidity led to the fact that some of the inhabitants of the jungle moved to the trees. Frogs in such conditions lay their eggs high in the trees.

The Amazon River is one of the 7 natural wonders of the planet.

In 2011, the Amazon was named one of the seven natural wonders of the planet.

This is the deepest river in the world. The Amazon and its tributaries form a system of inland waterways with a total length of over 25,000 kilometers. At the confluence with the ocean, the depth of the river reaches 100 meters.

During the dry season, the Amazon reaches a width of 11 kilometers, covering 110 thousand square kilometers with water, and triples during the rainy season, during this period the waters of the river rise to 20 meters, covering an area of ​​350 thousand square kilometers and spilling over 40 km and more.

There are about 3,000 species of fish in the Amazon and its tributaries, but the most famous inhabitants of these rivers are piranhas - predatory fish that can attack even large predators crossing the river.

Wild tribes of the Amazon

Of the more than 10 million Indians who lived in harmony with the jungle, only about 200,000 people have survived at the moment.

According to various sources, 400-500 tribes live in the Amazon rainforest today. Of these, about 75 tribes do not have contact with the outside world.

These people serve as a living reminder of the fragility of ancient cultures. The Indians more than once stood in the way of the commercial exploitation of the Amazon. In the past, oil extraction led to aggressive and disastrous contact with isolated Indians - in the early 1980s, Shell research led to contact with the isolated Nahua tribe, subsequently about 50% of this tribe died within a few years. Wild tribes are powerless in front of modern society - Indians do not have immune protection against epidemics of modern diseases.

Almost all isolated Indians are nomads - they move through the forest in small groups depending on the season. During the rainy season, when the water level is high, the tribes that do not use canoes live far from the river, deep in the forest. During the dry season, when the water level is low, they live on the banks of rivers.

In the dry season, river turtles lay their eggs on the banks of rivers, burying them in the sand. Eggs are an important source of protein for the Indians, so this is also a reason for moving to the banks of the rivers, along with fishing.

In addition to turtle eggs, non-contact Indians eat a variety of meat and fish dishes, bananas, nuts, berries, roots, and larvae.

Rest in the jungle of Peru. National parks of the Amazon

Most of the Amazon River basin is still unexplored and dangerous to humans; you can get into the wild rainforest only in protected areas permitted by the government, and only accompanied by accredited guides.

On the territory of Peru there are 3 interesting protected areas to visit the Amazon Jungle:

  • Nature reserves in the Iquitos area
  • Manu National Park
  • Nature reserves in the Puerto Maldonado area

1. Iquitos

It is the largest city in the world that has no land connection with other cities. You can get to Iquitos only by water or by air.

The city began to grow in the 19th century in connection with the beginning of the "rubber fever". Here they began the production of rubber from natural raw materials - a tree growing in the Amazonian selva. The tycoons who owned rubber factories set up luxurious mansions that still give the city a unique style.

From Iquitos you can make a lot of interesting trips into the jungle, immerse yourself in the world of the jungle, get to know the local tribes and their culture.

How to get there: There are 8-9 daily flights from Lima to Iquitos. You can view tickets on the websites of local airlines: LAN Perú, Peruvian Airlines and Star Perú. The flight takes 1 hour 45 minutes.

2. Manu National Park. Foggy Andean Forests

Manu National Park is one of the largest reserves in the world: it covers almost 2,000,000 hectares and is located at an altitude of 300 to 4000 meters above sea level. Due to this location and vast territory, several different ecosystems meet in the park, which provides a great variety of plant, insect and animal species. Manu is the reserve with the largest number of biological species in the world!

Most of the park is closed to visitors, only scientists are allowed in, but even for them it is difficult to get a pass. Visitors can enter the Manu Conservation Area, but only in groups organized by accredited agencies. A limited number of visitors are allowed into the park daily. In this part of the park you can observe a huge variety of landscapes, flora and fauna, river bends form lagoons with a magnificent variety of flora and fauna.

How to get there: Groups accompanied by accredited guides leave for the Manu Reserve from Cusco. You can get to Cusco from Lima by plane (1 hour) or by bus (24 hours).

3. Puerto Maldonado

This small town, 55 kilometers from the border with Bolivia, is very similar to Iquitos, but much easier to get to. There are several national parks around Puerto Maldonado where you can see caimans, monkeys, capybaras and other animals, reptiles, insects and birds.

How to get there: There are direct flights to Puerto Maldonado from Cusco (the flight takes only 1 hour) and from Lima (1 hour 40 minutes).

Amazon Jungle Tours

The Amazon Jungle Tour is an amazing adventure where you can feel the primeval forces of nature and hear the call of the wild Earth.

Houses on stilts, mosquito nets over the beds, night walks with flashlights, boat trips along the seething river, bungee rides and much more will become unforgettable moments of your bright adventure.

Even at night, you will feel with all your senses that you are at the mercy of the wild jungle.

What's included in the tours:

  • Transfer
  • Accommodation in houses
  • Professional English speaking guide
  • Meals: all breakfasts, lunches and dinners
  • Drinks and water to refill your bottles
  • Excursions, active recreation programs

Not included in tours:

  • Travel insurance
  • Single occupancy (upon request)

Comfort and safety in the jungle. Important information

Do not forget that the jungle is not an artificial park adapted for people. The Amazon forests hide many dangers that are invisible to our eyes - sharp thorns can hide under the soft moss on the trees, and cute ants on your way can be poisonous.

Being close to the best jungle guides, you can be sure of your safety, but you need to be vigilant and strictly adhere to the rules that will be announced to you upon arrival.

If you are planning a trip to the rainforests (Manu National Park), we recommend getting vaccinated against yellow fever. We also recommend that you take the usual precautions to avoid mosquito bites: use repellents and wear long sleeves and trousers whenever possible.

When to go. Seasonality, climate, temperature

You can go to the Amazon Jungle in any season, each of them has its own advantages: in the rainy season you can see flowering plants that attract birds and primates descending to the water itself, in the dry season, when the water level drops, you can see migrating schools of fish, birds attracted by easy prey, fish-hunting caimans.

The average temperature in the jungle throughout the year is +30º

Rainy season: mid-December - mid-May.

Dry season: mid-May - mid-December.

The highest water level in the river is in May, the lowest is in September.

What to bring? Clothing, footwear, protective equipment

  • Clothing: We recommend bringing light, quick-drying, preferably cotton clothing, including several short-sleeved T-shirts, a long-sleeved sweater/jacket, several pairs of socks, a raincoat, and a bathing suit.
  • Headwear for sun protection
  • Comfortable waterproof shoes
  • Flashlight and spare batteries
  • Camera and spare battery
  • Binoculars
  • Repellent (we recommend OFF factor 35)
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • water bottle

In the jungle you will be given rubber boots.

Frequently asked Questions

Can you get into the jungle on your own?

Some tourists dare to go into the jungle unaccompanied, but this does not always end well. You can find a guide who will agree to work individually and live with tourists for several days in a wild forest away from organized accommodation (hotels and lodges).

What is the maximum group size?

Usually there are no more than 8 people in a group. In the case when the group is large - 10-16 people, it is accompanied by one or two additional guides.

Is there an age limit for being in the jungle?

There are no age restrictions. Lodges welcome guests of all ages.

What if you didn't get vaccinated?

You can get vaccinated in Lima, but you will need to wait 10 days for the vaccine to take effect before heading into the jungle.

You also want to change the situation, you are driven by a thirst for knowledge, then fly to Brazil for new experiences. Just do not forget that rest in the forests of the Amazon is unlikely to be passive, rather extreme. But if you listen to the local guide, follow all the recommendations, then keep only the most pleasant memories of this place, and you will definitely return more than once.

Amazon forests - an amazing and primitive world

The Amazon forests have always been a curiosity for foreigners. The beauty and richness of nature Amazon rainforests conquered almost everyone. And some daredevils are ready for a lot to see all the splendor at least once.

Just imagine that more than forty thousand different plant species grow in the Amazon jungle, and there are so many animals in the Amazon that some species are still unknown to man.

Do you want to see the largest water lily in the world? You will only find it in the Amazon. The dimensions of some Victoria regia water lilies are impressive, 3 meters in diameter, and even with a load of 50 kg, the plant will remain on the surface of the water, as if this insect decided to take a break for a moment. And the flowers, which, by the way, are also not short, 30-40 centimeters in diameter, exude a delicate aroma that will remind you of a walk in an apricot garden. The water lily pleases with its flowering for a long 5 months, from March to July. Therefore, you will definitely have time to admire this miracle of nature.

If you decide to come here, be prepared for hot days and cold nights, especially after heavy rains. not without reason Amazon forests called rainy and wet, heavy rainfall here is a constant phenomenon.

Animals of the Amazon - amazing creatures

Separately, I would like to talk about animals of the amazon. Some are very dangerous to human life. Therefore, it is better if you admire them from a distance or in photographs.

The jaguar is one of the largest felines. The weight of the male can reach up to 120 kilograms. You probably don't want to come face to face with this "kitty". However, locals claim that if the jaguar is not provoked, it will not attack. And some look at the person rather with curiosity. But, it is better if you do not climb to the jaguar with tenderness.

Dangerous to humans are caimans and alligators. That's why, if you want to swim in the river, be sure to ask your guide about a safe place. Do not enter the river without permission, no matter how hot it is for you.

Also dangerous are snakes in the forests of the Amazon, especially the anaconda. Attacks on a person, although rare, at least so the researchers say, but few people want to suffocate in her arms. In addition, the anaconda does not disdain pets.

The most insidious snake in the Amazon is the zhararak. It is very common in the jungle, because of the favorable conditions for its living. Most often, people and pets die from its poison. And some settlements were forced to look for another place of residence, fearing for their lives and their children. Therefore, be careful, especially if you decide to take a walk deep into the forest. The size of this snake reaches about one and a half meters, so you can notice it. The saddest thing is that antitoxins against a bite are very expensive, and even if a person was saved on time, he may remain disabled, since the limbs affected by necrosis will have to be amputated. So, once again, be careful. Don't take a single step without a guide.

In addition to crocodiles, there are other dangerous animals in the water, such as electric rays and piranhas. Even before the trip, you should read the literature to be ready. Knowledge + a competent guide and you will be able to maintain your health. Electric ramps in some cases can kill a person. And piranhas can attack even if you have a small bleeding wound.

Beware of mosquitoes, carriers of malaria. Surely, you know that before traveling to Brazil, you should undergo a medical examination and make all the necessary vaccinations. Many diseases are better prevented than treated later. By the way, do not ignore mosquito nets, they will also serve as good protection. And in the Amazon they are strung over every bed.

Despite the fact that not all animals are safe for humans, some do not bear any harm. On the contrary, they cause admiration and smiles. For example:

1. Marmosets. These are tiny monkeys, weighing only about 100 grams. They are rarely shown to humans, as they are very shy. However, they are the cutest creatures. If you are lucky enough to see this baby, you will definitely not remain indifferent.

2. Among monkeys of intellectuals it is necessary to allocate a woolly monkey. Perhaps you can see them, firstly, they are much larger than marmosets, and secondly, they live in groups of ten to seventy individuals. They are very interesting to watch.

3. In the Amazon jungle there are also very unusual animals - paki. Imagine a rodent weighing about 10 kilograms, and even with hooves instead of claws. Our mice will seem to you not so scary. No, paki will not attack you, they are very fond of mangoes and avocados, and are good at climbing trees.

4. The armadillo is also an interesting animal. Armadillos weigh an average of 6 kg and feed on insects and worms. If you think that you can catch him, then you are mistaken, he will run away from you at a gallop and hide in a hole. He usually doesn't move that fast though.

5. Another animal harmless to humans is the tapir, although it is the size of a pony. They are very skittish. But if you really want to watch them, go to the river, they usually live there, because they like coolness and swimming. Tapirs have a small trunk that moves well. From the outside it looks funny.

6. Did you miss the bears? Brazil has its own ukumari bear. By the way, he is also a vegetarian, with the exception of insect larvae. He can get them with his claws. And so it usually eats roots and fruits. Do not be surprised, but sometimes he builds nests in a tree, and lives there for several days until he eats all the fruits.

7. And, probably, the most striking and cheerful representatives of the fauna of the Amazon are parrots. But where without these talkative, beautiful birds. In addition, they quickly get used to people. By the way, therefore, near some hotels in the Amazon you can watch a whole home zoo. Knowing what tourists want to see in the first place, local residents feed parrots and monkeys, and they are happy with tasty and plentiful food, so they don’t hide from people, and suddenly something else falls to them.

Amazon rainforests are endangered

Amazon jungle not only unusual and interesting for researchers and tourists, they are also considered the lungs of the planet, as they produce enough oxygen. However, there is a danger that these majestic forests may disappear. Until 2011, the most global problem was deforestation in the Amazon. People cleared land for plowing and grazing domestic animals. However, for several years now, such land has been depleted and become unsuitable for growing vegetables or grain crops, since it was not reclaimed and the environment was not taken care of. By the way, scientists say that if the felling is not stopped, it can lead to a sad outcome, a decrease in yield by about 30%. And over time, deforestation can lead to an ecological disaster, to the disappearance of plants and animals that are not adapted to another area.

So, deforestation in the Amazon must be suspended so as not to lose this wonder of the world.

In addition, the Amazon is the only home for two hundred thousand Indians, whose descendants have always lived on this land. And some of them are still isolated from civilization, they simply do not know how to live differently, and even if they meet people from another world, they are not very friendly towards them, because they are afraid that their life, their foundations and traditions may be destroyed.

If you are attracted nature of the Amazon If you want to look at least one eye into the past, be sure to come to Brazil. You will be captivated by the primitiveness of the inhabitants, amazing flora and fauna, and you will finally be convinced that life is beautiful.

Journey to the Amazon Jungle, video:

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