This week at the Kapustin Polygon, the successful tests of the new rocket for the operational and tactical complex (CZDC) "Iskander-M" were held. According to the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of Defense and Security, Viktor Bondarev, an archiving event for the country. If we take into account the constantly becoming a stunning situation not only on the Korean Peninsula, but also on the border with the Kaliningrad region.

As the TASS senator stated, "the development and subsequent adoption of new missiles of high accuracy of the lesion of objects of pro and air defense serves as a guarantee of not only Russian, but also international security."

Indeed, the NATO General to "Iskander" are extremely serious. First, the PCC, which would be close to Iskander on combat opportunities, there is neither the USA, no other NATO country. Secondly, the methods of combating missile missiles "does not exist.

In the spring of this year, the head of the US Strategic Command General of the Air Force John Heiten, speaking in the American Congress, admitted: "We cannot protect Europe from the winged ground-based missiles, which were recently deployed by Russia."

It would seem that in such a situation, the developer of Iskander-M, which is Kolomna CB of Mechanical Engineering, can be launched. However, the Director General of the KB V. Kashin, at the beginning of this year, informed TASS, which the modernization of the complex was scheduled to preserve the leading position in the next decade. Past tests are directly related to it.

Since January, the situation covered in detail. Shortly before the tests it was reported that "developed seven types of missiles, and maybe more." Outwardly, they do not differ, but the stuffing of missiles is different - engines, combat parts, control systems. How many rockets in reality will be added to the two already available, until it is completely clear. But one thing you can say for sure. Since the modernization of ECF will pass in stages and stretches at least two decades, the connection to the complex of new rockets will be made step by step. At the same time, new rockets will be replaced by "on the fighting post" old. And in the near future one rocket may appear, which was now tested at the Kapustin Yar polygon. And the results of the launches of which everyone was satisfied.

So why is the United States and their satellites so afraid of Iskander? They inherited this fear from the previous generation of the military, who were as panically reacted to the Oka PCC, which appeared in the 80s. Panic was explained - the "Oka" rockets were guaranteed to overcome all the anti-missile defense of NATO at that time.

During the restructuring, when the USSR and the United States signed an agreement on rockets of medium and less distance (RSMD), the Americans insisted on the elimination of all the "OK" deployed at that time and turning their production. This was achieved at the expense of power pressure on Moscow, since the "Oka" did not have a relation to RSMD. The maximum launch range of its missiles was 450 km. The contract also provided for the elimination of ground-based missiles, the range of which was between 500 km and 5500 km.

In the mid-1990s, it was decided to create a new CPPC, not only using the developments obtained in the development of "Oka", but also introducing the latest scientific and technical principles. The main developer, as before, was the Kolomna KB, and the topics of the topic are a number of KB and Research.

Initially, the complex worked with one rocket - quasibalistic. Its tests began at the Kapustin Yar polygon in 1998. But there was a default, and it was unreasonable, that is, not for engineering reasons, was delayed. The complex was adopted only in 2006. And at the same time, the first missile brigade of the Volga-Ural Military District began to have "Iskander".

Until 2013, Iskander was completed with two quasibalistic 9M723 quasibalistic missiles with various combat parts - cassette, fragant and penetrating. There is a modification with a nuclear charge. The weight of the BC is 480 kg. At that time, the complex was superior in combat capacity to the best analogs of 5-8 times.

The quasiballestic rocket received such a name because when flying through a ballistic trajectory in an airless space, it maneuver with gas-dynamic steering wheels from the enemy's anti-missile. Single-stage rocket with solid fuel jet engine. Flying on the passive area after turning off the engine occurs at an altitude of 50 km.

Designers are extremely interesting to solve the problem of issuing false goals for the enemy radar. In flight, radio wave reflectors are shooting out in such a way that they form several groups. Each of these groups has the same effective area of \u200b\u200bscattering as the rocket itself. As a result, there are several identical "missiles" flying at the screens of locators, flying with the same speeds. In order for the reflectors did not lag behind in flight, thereby dragging the rocket, it periodically slows down, throughout the trajectory, moving in the "Czasiranet group".

At the final portion of the flight, when, as a result of diving, speed increases to 6-7m, the rocket maneuverates with the help of aerodynamic steering wheel. In this case, the overload reaches 30g.

The first option "Iskander", of course, made an unfavorable impression on the Americans. But the lentusion was replaced by hysteria, when the Yekaterinburg KB "Novator" made a second rocket for the complex - the Wintered R-500. In connection with the inability to defend against the modernized CVCs, the United States responded with accusations that the R-500 violates the RSMD treaty, since its range allegedly exceeds 500 km. And all this is unable.

The R-500 has a subsonic speed, but at the same time it has a unique ability to overcome about the enemy due to a number of engineering solutions, many of which became revolutionary. That is, to intercept it is as difficult as, say, get from the slingshot into the bullet released from the sniper rifle.

It took more than 10 years to create this rocket. Tests and finishes in their process continued for 6 years. And in 2013, she was adopted.

Many characteristics and principle of the R-500 missile are classified. It is known that with the weight of the combat part of 480 kg, its maximum deviation from the target is 1 meter. Flight to the goal when entering the zone about the enemy occurs at an altitude of 7 meters. This became possible thanks to a comparative analysis by the onboard computer of the area, images from cameras and data obtained from GOS. Like a quasibalistic rocket, P-500 can fit into various combat parts, including nuclear.

If each of the two types of Iskander missiles, it is almost impossible to intercept, then when the quasibalistic, and the winged is simultaneously suitable for the purpose, then they cannot be intercepted even theoretically.

The range of P-500 does not exceed 500 km, reflected in the name of the rocket. A new rocket, tested at the Kapustin Yar polygon, also does not fly away. And with this, as it seems, it seems incredible, finally begin to agree beyond the ocean. Let it be easy and not everywhere. Thus, commenting on the tests, Newsweek writes: "This means that Iskander-M missiles, although they are able to carry nuclear charges, do not fall under the contract on the elimination of medium and smaller rockets (RSMD).

KB Mechanical Engineering, creating new missiles for Iskander, increases the separation in this area of \u200b\u200bweapons from the United States. Indeed, the best American MGM-140 ATACMS SBUs significantly loses "Iskander-M" in all respects. The ballistic rocket overcomes the distance of 270 km and has a payload equal to 277 kg. Deviation from the target - 10-20 m. The rocket maneuver at the expense of aerodynamic steering wheel when flying in the atmosphere. But it is exhausted with the ability to resist the means of pro. The complex was created in the late 1980s, when the United States decided that there were no more serious opponents and would never. Therefore, the development of more efficient complexes turned.

The situation has changed. A year ago it became known that the United States starts developing a new complex. It will also increase both accuracy, and distance, and payload, and the ability to overcome the means of pro. It is reported that the new PCC will be ready for 2027. During this time, Iskander will continue further. So maneuver "catch up and overtake Russia" of large results should not give.

In world politics there are magical words leading to the conversion of entire governments of countries. For example, the phrase "chemical weapons in Syria", or "Iranian nuclear weapons" causes the state of extreme military-diplomatic arousal in the political elite of the West. However, in the speed of the reaction of the progressive public, there are no equal to such phrases from our "Iskander". Mention of Iskander-M, especially in the context of its placement in whose borders, inevitably entails close to the hysteria, the reaction of the media, military and politicians of the border countries and their Western suzerens. Let's figure it out, what is the secret so frightening our neighbors of the magical properties of this operational-tactical missile complex.

The problem of the missile complex "Iskander" lies in the fact that it is impossible to "catch". First, because during the flight process, the rocket maneuver with huge overloads, which are still inaccessible to any interceptor missile consisting of the countries of the world. Secondly, it flies very low - up to 6 km. From the surface at a speed of 4 maha, so it is almost impossible to move through standard radar means. Thirdly, throws false goals to deceive the enemy radar, sets active radio interference and "jam" all emitters for which they are oriented in the space system space. Those. "Iskander" can be destroyed, any object within 500 km with an accuracy of 2 meters and a probability close to 100%. Theoretically, running the rocket from Kaliningrad, you can "get" to the government quarter in Berlin, and the affecting impact strength can be easily increased, "joining" the nuclear combat part on the rocket. There is no such missile weapon in the world. At the same time, "Iskander" is extremely mobile and hidden - the likelihood of its detection, even by means of cosmic intelligence, is very low. For 1 minute, launched the rocket set and immediately left off the dislocation location, turning off all the instruments.

The rocket is a single-stage, has an engine with one nozzle, chicken and controlled on the entire trajectory of flights with the help of aerodynamic and gas-dynamic steering wheel. Most of the trajectory of the Rocket File, made using the "Stealth" technology and having a small surface of the dispersion, takes place at an altitude of 50 km, and on a split section - 6-20 km (depending on the type of PCC), which makes its defeat with the enemy practically not solved . The effect of "invisibility" is achieved due to the set of structural features, in particular, processing the rocket with special nanostructured dispersion coatings, dropping protruding parts after starting, etc. The "Iskander" trajectory is not only a non-unpleased, but also difficult to drive. Immediately after the start and directly when renting to the goal, the rocket performs intensive maneuvering. Depending on the trajectory, the overload oscillates ranging from 20 to 30 units. Accordingly, the rocket-interceptor must withstand overload at least 2-3 times higher, which is technologically impossible within the world of the world's 4th technological way and even promising fifth.

Iskander-M is the main option for the Russian army - significantly more complex than Iskander-E, supplied to export. Less noticeable, more maneuvering at the start and on the final portion of the flight. In addition, it has a not just an inertial guidance system like Iskander-E, and a combined, including a radio correction, GPS, GLONASS, laser and optical self-deployment on the final site. Heated with lattice steering. BC is not separated in principle, because The housing is used to create lifting power on the final site.

In 2012, the final tests were another complex - Iskander-K, which is the further development of M. It launches even more accurate, already winged, rockets that are equipped with small carrificities as on P-37. Due to this, it was possible to shoot on the flooring trajectory, as, in due time, the area complex, only much more accurate and faster. The rocket can fly at an altitude of only 6 km (there are no chance of a horizon radar), it applied combined GES and interchangeable combat parts. Two rockets in a volley can be equipped with different guidance systems and lead the shooting on both attachments and a nasal trajectory.

Experts express the view that the combined application of two brothers - Iskander-M and Iskander-K give a synergistic effect, to counteract which no out of existing systems. One of the experts on rocket technologies, speaking on the forums under the nickname "Evil Critic", so described the novelty: "It is known that both ballistic missiles (BR), and the winged rockets (CR), as well as their guidance systems, have a number of restrictions on "The current state" of the affected object ... For example, if you make a bet only on "Iskander-M", let's say with the optical-correction system of the final pointing on the affected object, and if we assume that the object is to be affected by the "Iks hour" With low cloudiness and intensive visual countering of the enemy, the rate can be lost. Similarly, with a radar finite-point system, similar to the principle of action with such from "Perching-2", - here "cards can confuse" an intensive rap of the enemy. At the same time, low clouds, for example, and intensive visual masking of the final object, will be in a certain extent "on the drum" of the Kyrgyz Republic with an inertia and an optical-rooting system that makes navigation amendments throughout the route (similar to Pendossk. Kr ALCM) .. . Here, no masking of the goal will help, - and here you need to shoot, shoot down on the route or to the Richnyak on the approach to the goal.

Finally, we will imagine the situation when "Iskander-K" and "Iskander-M" "fit" to the goal (Czech radar about or GBI's shuttle mines) - at the same time ... and everyone demonstrates "his brand set of missiles" - "Iskander-M" - highly intensity maneuvering of a high-air hypersonic target, "Iskander-K", - an extremely low flight profile (about 6 m) and following the terrain of terrain in almost "autonomous" (i.e. independent of the search for the goal Metal sensors) mode ... This is really a situation that is close to 100% of the target defeat ... So, to fight euro, it is indeed the optimal combination of "Iskander-M" + "Iskander-K". The whole chip is to use these products at the same time, "in one impact".

The German newspaper BILD with reference to its sources reported that Russia placed "Iskander" in the Kaliningrad region at the border with Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This message followed the US authorities reaction, which immediately on all the channels of interaction, called for Russia not to destabilize the situation by placing "Iskander" in the West. "We would not want them to make steps that lead to destabilization in the region," said the official representative of the US State Department Marie Harf. Translated from the diplomatic to human, it sounds like this: "The placement of" Iskander "will violate the entire balance of power in Europe, and not in our direction. All anything, just not Iskander! " Concerns also expressed in Poland and Latvia. The Minister of Defense of Lithuania Juozas Olakas called it alarming news, and the adviser to Lithuanian President Dali Grybauskaite said that Russia's actions do not comply with declarations about the desire for closer cooperation with the European Union and NATO. Even China was nervous when he learned that the missile complex would be placed near his border.

It should be noted that the delivery of "Iskander" of Armenia was associated with the hands of Azerbaijan, recently, attempted to play in the region by military muscles - the aggressive rhetoric in the address of Yerevan ceased. In 2014, Armenia will complete work on re-equipment of its missile parts for ultra-precise and long-range rocket complexes. About this at a press conference in Yerevan on January 24, the Minister of Defense of Armenia Sejan Ohanyan, answering the question of journalists about whether the reality of the acquisition of Russian modern operational-tactical missile systems (Iskander-M "is true. Notice, not cut into the export "Iskander-E" with a range of 280 km and one rocket in the launcher, and a full "M", shooting at a distance of up to 500 km and having 2 rockets at once (by the way, while the only PCC in the world capable Running 2 rockets at once with one PU). For friends-Armenians, apparently, made an exception in view of a non-height geopolitical situation on the entire CIS space.

"Iskander" can deliver a cassette to the target (with 54 combat elements), penetrating, fragant-fugasal, as well as nuclear combat parts. This allows you to affect small-sized and area targets, among which the fire facilities of the enemy, air defense systems and pro, aviation at airfields, command items, etc. The composition of the Republic of Kazakhstan includes a rocket, self-propelled launcher, a transport and commissioning machine, a mobile information preparation point, mobile units of technical and domestic support, as well as sets of arsenal and training equipment.

The history of the creation of this PCC began in the early 80s. Using the UCH, the usual (non-nuclear) equipment while maintaining the efficiency of the weapon forced the developers to search for new ways to build a control system (SU) rocket. The accuracy of inertial SU to solve this task is insufficient, it should be raised

approximately an order. In the 80s. In our country, attempts have already been made to solve this problem. An optical apparatus of homing for "Skad" was created (even managed to carry out polygon tests and pass the rocket for trial operation in the troops). Non-surfactant BC with guidance with a radar GSN correlation type was developed for the Volga complex. The modernized "Oka" and "dot" had not only an inertial su, but also an optical correlation and extreme guidance system, which was also not only tested, but also underwent an experienced operation in the troops. During the years of downtime, our MIC has great success, in this direction of the United States: on the American missile "Pershing-2", which was destroyed under the RSD Treaty, was established radar GSH, identifying the area in the goal area; Optical homing systems are used in modern versions of Tomahawk and Calcm winged missiles. Their effectiveness was visually confirmed in Iraq and Yugoslavia.

With the task of creating similar instruments for "Iskander", the TsNII automation and hydraulics (CNIIAG) managed to create a leading developer of guidance and management systems for domestic tactical and operational tactical missiles, having a 25-year-old in the area of \u200b\u200bdeveloping homing heads. As the main way to solve this problem, the union of an inertial system with optical guidance on the outside terrain was chosen. Moreover, the homing head of the homework created in TsNIIAG can be used both as part of the Iskander and on the ballistic and winged rockets of various classes and types (including intercontinental). This GSN has already passed flight tests and showed accuracy better than the Americans reached on their "tomahaws".

The principle of impeachment systems with the scientific name of correlation-extremal, is that optical equipment forms the area of \u200b\u200bthe area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe target, which is compared in the onboard computer with the reference, after which corrective signals are issued to the rocket controls.

Optical GSH universal and places only one requirement for an inertial rocket control system: to bring the last to the point in which the optics begins to see the target. Against such head, existing active rebne products are powerless, which are very effectively counteracting the radar homing systems. High sensitivity of GSN allows you to work even in a moonless night, which is advantageous with a new system from existing analogues. In addition, optical systems do not need signals from cosmic radio navigation systems, such as American Castur, which in crisis cases can be turned off with its owners or disabled with radio interference. By the way, many Potential Czander-E Customers put forward independence from satellite navigation. At the same time, the complexation of inertial controls with satellite navigation equipment and optical GSH allows you to create a missile that affects the specified goal in almost any conceivable conditions.

Information about the object of the lesion is transmitted from the satellite, an intelligence aircraft or an unmanned aerial vehicle to the information preparation point (PPI). It calculates the flight task for the rocket, which is then broadcast on the radio channels to the command and boring machines (CSM) of the division and battery commanders, and from there - on starting installations. Teams for starting missiles can be formed both in KSM, and come from the departments of the senior artillery bosses. The PPP and CSM equipment is built on local networks of Russian computers, and the functional purpose of the control facility is depends only on software and can be easily upgraded to control various fire facilities.

On October 11, 2011, it was announced that the completion of the first stage of testing the updated missile complex "Iskander-M" with a new combat equipment - with a new RES system, which ensures the rocket cover on the final portion of the flight. This system includes means of setting passive and active interference with overview and shooting radar radars of the opponent, through noise and emissions of false goals. Since 2013, new rockets have begun to deliver to the Russian Army.

In the analytical review of the CIA of 2012, "On the Strategic Risks and Global Military Environment in the World" contains a very indicative definition: "Iskander's operational-tactical missile complex is a weapon that can affect the military-political situation in the regions of the world, if located in They do not have the extended territory. Therefore, the issues of placement of the Iskander complexes, as well as their export deliveries are the subject of political consultation between countries. "

And, in addition, a few beautiful Viyushki:

SS-26 "Iskander" is a rocket operational-tactical complex designed to eliminate the objectives of an area and small-sized type, which may be deep in the operational arrangement of the enemy's troops. The Operative Tactical Rocket Complex "Iskander" was destined to be created in the situation in which the agreement on missiles of small and medium-range 1987 was operating. In addition, there was a refusal to apply nuclear weapons in the war of opposing parties.

It was for this that "Iskander" and created, and considering the new requirements for them:

  • The use of combat part only in the presence of regular equipment;
  • Refusal to apply nuclear strikes;
  • Maintaining missiles in all their flight trajectories;
  • High accuracy of fire;
  • The probability of changing the combat units, taking into account the types of liquidated goals;
  • A high level of automation of all processes.

The number of "Iskander"

"Iskander" - a tactical missile complex - appeared in service since 2010. At that time, the military officer put six complexes. In the state program for arms procurement provided 120 "Iskander" until 2020. Since 2015, the Russian army has formed brigades in which there is a missile complex "Iskander-M".

Some information from the history of "Iskander"

"Iskander" were developed simultaneously from the help of several KB and institutions. Nevertheless, the head company was destined to become the Kolomna "KB of Mechanical Engineering". It is known by many legendary means, for example, "point-y", SPK "Needle" and "Arena", as well as many Soviet and Russian mortars.

The development of "Iskander" began yet S.P.Nepobedy, the legendary general designer. As a basis, he took a very successful RK "OKU" for that period. It is known that it was the "Oka" was the first in history that was able to pass through the coefficient of almost one, which ensured the high probability of defeating the goal. However, according to the 1987 agreement between the USSR and the United States destroyed. New developments were instructed to engage in Valery Kashin, the current General Designer and the head of the KB of Engineering.

KBM set a task: any goals, fixed or movable should be destroyed by the new complex. And this is the main requirement - the highest degree of passing about the defeat of the goal, but without nuclear charges.

The passage of pro was based on:

  • Maximum reduction of rocket scattering surface. Their contours became extremely streamlined and smooth;
  • The outer surfaces were treated with radio filtering specials;
  • The ability to quick and active maneuvering, as a result of which the "Iskander" trajectory is unpredictable and the interception of missiles is impossible.

No other constructed operational-tactical and tactical rockets on the planet do not have similar properties. In the process of developing designers, absolutely unique works were performed. This led to the revision of many concepts laid down in the preliminary sketches of the project.

After the February Decree of the Russian President of 1993, related to the development work on the "Commander of Iskander M", prepared a tactical and technical task. It indicated new approaches to the construction of complexes, as well as optimizing all solutions.

For this reason, "Iskander M" had to become a completely new complex, and not upgraded old. The complex became the focus of numerous advanced domestic and global scientific achievements. Climatic, flight and possessions had to be dragged for many years. Mostly everything was carried out in the cabbage Yar, but some were in other regions of the state.

The mid-autumn of 2011 was marked by the completion of the first stage of tests conducted with the Iskander-M missile complex, which ended with obtaining a new combat equipment. Rockets 9M723 have excellent characteristics, as well as a new, correlation system of guidance.

Probable goals

Iskander can strike on:

  • Missile complexes, reactive systems of salvo fire, long-range artillery;
  • Funds and air defense;
  • Airplanes and helicopters at airfields;
  • Command items and communication sites;
  • Especially important objects in civil infrastructure.

Characteristic features of "Iskander"

Characteristic features of "Iskander" are:

  • Availability of highly effective effects of a wide variety of purposes;
  • Secrecy in the carrying of combat duty, in preparing for starting and in deposition;
  • Automation of calculations and input of flight tasks missiles on starting installations;
  • High potential in performing combat missions in the atmosphere of active countering the opponent;
  • High level of operational reliability of missiles, trouble-free start and flight;
  • High level of tactical maneuverability;
  • High level of strategic mobility;
  • High level of automation of processes in combat management of rocket units;
  • Fast processing and timeliness of bringing reconnaissance data to the necessary links in management;
  • Duration of service life and convenient operation.

Combat characteristics

The combat characteristics of "Iskander" call:

  • Circular probability of deviations: 1-30 m;
  • Launch mass of missiles - 3,800 kg;
  • Length - 7.2 m;
  • Diameter - 920 mm;
  • Mass of combat units - 480 kg;
  • Rocket speed after the initial portion of the trajectory 2100 m / c;
  • The minimum range of defeat goals is 50 km;
  • Maximum range of targets:
    • 500 km - Iskander-K;
    • 280 km - Iskander-E.
  • Time to launch of the first rocket 4-16 min;
  • Interval between launches: 1 min;
  • Lifecycle: Ten years, including three years in the field.

Elements included in the "Iskander"

The main elements belonging to the "Iskander" are:

  • Rockets;
  • Self-propelled launchers;
  • Transport-charging machines;
  • Regulatory maintenance machines;
  • Command-staff machines;
  • Data preparation items;
  • Sets of arsenal equipment;
  • Training and training products.

Self-propelled launchers are designed for saving, transportation, preparatory work and launches for the purposes of two missiles (in the export version of one rocket). Self-propelled launchers can be executed on the basis of special wheeled chassis, which are produced on the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. Tractors have a total mass of 42 tons, a payload of 19 tons, the speed of movement in roads 70 km / h in downturns 40 km / h, fuel supply of up to 1000 km. As part of the combat calculation of three servicemen.

Transport and charging machines are designed to transport additionally pairs of rockets. Transport and charging machines are executed on the basis of the MZKT-7930 chassis, equipped with loading cranes. Have a complete combat mass of 40 tons and the calculation of two servicemen.

Command-staff machines are designed to manage all processes in Iskander complexes. They are performed on the basis of KAMAZ-43101 wheel chassis. The combat calculation is four servicemen.

Characteristic features that KSHM possess:

  • The maximum range of radio communications in place is 350 km, for march 50 km;
  • Estimated tasks time for missiles up to 10 s;
  • Team transmission time up to 15 s;
  • The number of radio channels - 16;
  • Time of deployment (folding) before half an hour;
  • Time of continuous operation up to two days.

Ralacent and maintenance machines are designed to control devices, rockets, onboard equipment and for current repair work. Are on the KAMAZ wheelbase. They have a weight of up to 14 tons, time of deploying no more than 20 minutes, the time of automated cycles of regulatory checks of the onboard equipment of missiles - 18 min., Combat calculation of two servicemen.

Data preparation items are intended to determine the coordinates of the objectives and preparation of data for missiles to pass them on SPU. Points for data preparation are integrated with intelligences and can receive tasks from any sources, including from satellites, airplanes or drone. In combat calculation, two servicemen.

Life support machines are designed for recreation and meal by combat calculations. Are on the Kamaz-43118 wheelbase. Machines possess: consisting for recreation and consignment compartments.

The missiles of "Iskander" are represented by solid-propelled, single-stage, with inseparable headways, managed and maneuverized missiles along the entire length of the hard-hydrogenated flight paths. Especially the Boyko rocket maneuver on the starting and final sections of the flight on which they are suitable for targets with high overloads.

This is determined by the need for flights of the anti-absorption to intercept the Iskander missiles with overloads of two or three times large, which is considered almost impossible today.

Most of the flight trajectories of Iskander missiles were performed on stealth technologies with small reflective surfaces. The effects of "invisible" are ensured by the total constructive features of missiles and treating their surfaces using special coatings.

The conclusion of rockets for the goal is used using an inertial system control. They are further captured by the autonomous correlation and extreme optical heads of homing heads. There is a system of self-deployment of rockets on the principle of formation of optical images of images in the area of \u200b\u200btargets that the onboard computer is compared with data entered into it.

Optical headsemons are distinguished by an increased level of sensitivity and resistance to the existing RES funds. Thanks to this, you can run rockets in a moonless night without additional natural backlit and eliminate moving goals within a radius of two meters. Today, such tasks, except for Iskander, cannot resolve any other similar rocket systems on the planet.

It is interesting that the optical homing systems used in the missiles do not need to be adjusted signals that are created by space radio navigation systems. A complex of using inertial control systems with satellite navigation and optical GSN allowed to create rockets that affect the specified goals in almost any possible setting. Mounted on the missiles "Iskander", the homing heads can be installed on other rockets. These can be different ballistic and winged rockets.

Varieties of combat parts of "Iskander"

The main varieties of combat parts of "Iskander" are:

  • Cassettes having fragmentation combat elements of non-contact substrunels. They can work at an altitude of about ten meters above the ground;
  • Cassettes having cumulative fragmentation combat elements;
  • Cassettes having self-propelled combat elements;
  • Cassettes having a volume-detonating effect;
  • Fragantic fugasny;
  • Fugasno-incendiary;
  • Penetrating.

Fifty-four combat elements are placed in cassette combat units.

All "Iskander" are integrated with the most diverse exploration and management systems. They are able to make information on the targeted targets from satellites, intelligence aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles at the data preparation items. They calculate the flight tasks for missiles and the preparatory work of reference information information to missiles is carried out.

Through the radio channels, this information is translated and accepted by command-staff machines by communities of divisions and batteries, and then start-up. The command of the launch rocket is made from command-staff machines. In addition, the senior artillery bosses can also command, using managers.

The placed missiles (two) on each self-propelled launcher and the transport and charging machine significantly increase the fire power in rocket divisions. In addition, one-minute intervals between rocket launches are appeared according to a variety of purposes, while high firing productivity is ensured. Considering the high efficiency, as well as the combination of combat potential, the Operative Tactical Rocket Complex "Iskander" is destined to become the equivalent of nuclear ammunition and a reliable non-nuclear "home shield".

High-precision rocket complex of the land forces "Iskander" Designed for secretive preparation and applying effective missile strikes on particularly important small-sized and areas.

It was created as a result of the collaboration of the Group Research Institute of Research Institute of Research Institute of Research Institute of Research Institute of Research Institute of Research Institute of Research Institute, KB and Factories under the leadership of Mechanical Engineering (CBM), known as the Creator Creator Firm "Point", "Oka".

In the context of the agreement on the RSDD of 1987 and the refusal to use nuclear weapons on TVD to modern tactical complexes, a number of fundamentally new requirements are presented:

  • the use of only non-nuclear lesions;
  • ensuring precision shooting accuracy;
  • management on the entire flight path;
  • wide nomenclature of effective combat equipment;
  • the presence in the combat control system automation system and the information support system, including the preparation of reference information for correction and final guidance systems;
  • the possibility of complexation with global satellite navigation systems (GSSN - "GLONASS", "NAVSTAR");
  • the possibility of defeating strongly protected purposes;
  • raising fire performance;
  • the ability to effectively overcome the effect of air defense and pro;
  • the possibility of defeating moving goals.

To meet the above requirements and a missile complex was created " Iskander", Which has gained the best scientific and technical and design achievements in the field of operational-tactical missile systems and for a set of implemented technical solutions, high combat effectiveness is a weapon of a completely new generation, superior in its tactical and technical characteristics of the existing RK" SCD-B ", "Point-U", "Lance", "AtasmS", "Pluton" and others.

"Iskander" is intended for lesion:

  • enemy fire facilities (Battery SP, RK);
  • aircraft and helicopters on parking airfields;
  • air defense objects and pro;
  • command items and communication sites;
  • the most important civil infrastructure facilities.

Due to the implementation of terminal management and guidance methods, management on the entire flight path, a wide range of powerful combat parts and to ensure the complexation of on-board SU with various systems of correction and homing, as well as a high probability of performing a combat task in the conditions of active opposition of the enemy, typical targets are affected by the start of only 1- 2 RC missiles "Iskander", which is equivalent to the use of nuclear ammunition.

For the first time in the world, a rocket complex with a shooting range not exceeding 300 km is able to solve all combat missions using combat units of non-nuclear equipment and has two rockets on the starting unit, which significantly increases the firing performance of rocket formations.

The main features of the RK "Iskander":

  • high-precision and efficient defeat of various types of purposes;
  • the possibility of secretive training, combat duty and the effective application of missile strikes;
  • automatic calculation and input of the flight task of missiles by means of the launcher;
  • the high probability of performing a combat problem in the conditions of active counteraction of the enemy;
  • the high probability of trouble-free functioning of the rocket in preparation for the start, as well as in flight;
  • high tactical maneuverability due to the high passability of combat vehicles mounted on all-wheel drive chassis,
  • strategic mobility due to the transportability of cars with all types of transport, including transport aircraft;
  • automation of combat management of missile divisions,
  • operational processing and reconciliation to the relevant control links;
  • long service life and ease of operation.

"Iskander" in its tactical and technical characteristics fully corresponds to the position of controlling the non-proliferation of rocket technologies. These are "deterrent weapons" in local conflicts, and for countries with limited living space - strategic weapons.

According to the classification of NATO, the complex received the designation SS-26.

The complex includes:

  • rocket;
  • self-propelled launcher;
  • transport-charging machine;
  • command-boat machine;
  • movable information preparation point;
  • mobile aggregates of technical and domestic support, as well as sets of arsenal and training equipment.

"Iskander" can be equipped with a cassette (with 54 combat elements) penetrating, fragantive-fugasnaya, and in perspective and other combat parts.

The rocket itself is a single-stage, has a solid fuel engine with one nozzle, controlled on the entire flight path with the help of aerodynamic and gas-dynamic steering wheel. The designers laid the potential for overcoming pro, comparable to today, only with the "Topolem-M". Estimated data show that the prospective American SPC "Patriot" Ras-3 "Iskander" will not be on the teeth.

The flight path "Iskander" is not balvistic, but managed. The rocket constantly changes the plane of the trajectory, which dictates the need for developers of air defense systems to invent new methods of interception. It is especially actively maneuver on the site of its overclocking and approach to the target - with overload from 20 to 30 g. In order to intercept the "Iskander", the anti-cancer should move along the trajectory with overload two or three times higher, and it is almost impossible. In addition, the rocket was performed using the technology " stealth"And has a minimal reflection surface.

Directly on the purpose of the rocket is displayed with the help of an inertial control system, and then captured by the autonomous optical head of the homing. The similar principle of homing was implemented in the most modern American winged rockets " Tomahawk"I. Calcm.capable of a previously entered photographic data to identify the area in the goal area. The effectiveness of such guidance systems was confirmed during US military operations in Iraq and Yugoslavia.

Similar equipment for Iskander created the TsNII automation and hydraulics - a leading domestic developer of guidance and management systems for tactical and operational tactical missiles. Moreover, the homing head of the homework created in TsNIIAG can also be used on ballistic and winged rockets of various classes and types. The head has already passed the flight tests and showed the accuracy not worse than the one that the Americans reached their "tomahaws".

The principle of action of the Iskander's homing system is that optical equipment forms the image of the terrain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe target, which is compared with the onboard computer with the rocket in the preparation of the rocket to start the benchmark. Against the optical head, all existing active funds of the radio electronic struggle are powerless. It is so sensitive that it allows you to produce successful launches of rockets, even in moonless nights, when there is no additional natural illumination of the target, hitting a moving goal with an accuracy of plus-minus two meters. A similar task, except for Iskander, can not solve any tactical system in the world.

In addition, optical systems do not need signals from cosmic radio navigation systems, such as American Castur, which in crisis cases can be turned off with its owners or disabled with radio interference. At the same time, the complexation of inertial controls with satellite navigation equipment and optical GSH allows you to create a missile that affects the specified goal in almost any conceivable conditions.

The practice of wars of recent decades shows that no matter how effective a means of defeat, it cannot make a significant contribution to the victory, if not integrated with intelligence and management systems. "Iskander" is created taking into account this pattern. Information about the object of the lesion is transmitted from the satellite, an intelligence aircraft or an unmanned aerial vehicle to the information preparation point (PPI). It calculates the flight task for the rocket, which is then broadcast on the radio channels on the command-staffing machines (CSM) of the division and battery commanders, and from there - on starting installations. Teams for starting missiles can be formed both in KSM, and come from the departments of the senior artillery bosses. The PPP and CSM equipment is built on local networks of Russian computers, and the functional purpose of the control facility is depends only on software and can be easily upgraded to control various fire facilities.

The most important feature of the launcher was the placement on it not one (as in " Point"And" Oce"), And two missiles. One minute after starting the first one, the second can start. Fire calculation Cabin does not leave. The launcher itself was developed by the Volgograd CKB "Titan" and besides rockets, it carries a complete set of equipment for training and starting.

A large range of shooting that allows you to use the complex from the depth of the location of your troops, and a small time of finding on the starting position make the complex almost invulnerable for ordinary means of defeat.

Studies conducted by specialists from leading Russian military-scientific centers showed that, according to the criterion, the "effectiveness-value" of the RC "Iskander" exceeds 5-8 times the best overseas counterparts.

The structure of the complex, its control system, automated combat management and information support allow you to quickly respond to new requirements without a significant improvement of its combat facilities and, as a result, guarantee a long life cycle.

Data for 2017 (Standard replenishment, V.2)

Complex 9k715 "Iskander", Rocket 9M723 - SS-X-26 Stone

Complex 9k720 "Iskander-M", rocket 9m723-1 - SS-26 STONE-A
Complex 9K720E "Iskander-E", Rocket 9M723E - SS-26 Stone-B
Complex 9K720 "Iskander-M", Rocket 9M728 / R-500 ("Iskander-K") - SS-26 STONE-C

Operational tactical missile complex / multipurpose modular rocket system of ground forces. The development of the complex was carried out using the workflows on the complexes "," "," "and" ". It is also likely that the complex was created taking into account NIR "" on the study of the concept of a multifunctional missile complex of the module-type ground troops. The origins of the complex of the complex belong to the Iskander NIR, conducted from 1978. On the topic of the NIR, it was carried out to work out the possibility of placing two OTP class 9m79 "" on SPU similar SPU complex 9k714 "Oka". The main goal is to create a distance with a range of up to 400 km to replace the complex with a rocket 8k14 with increased combat capacity, as well as to ensure the guaranteed defeat of particularly important goals in two missiles. According to unconfirmed data, NIR "Iskander" was discontinued in the first half of the 1980s at the stage of working out the aiming system and rocket control systems.

The development of the "Iskander" complex initially begun in the KB of Mechanical Engineering (Kolomna, further - KBM) on an initiative order by order of the chief designer S.P.Nepobedym and under his leadership in 1987. The competitor of the CBC on the development of the new generation was Tula KB of instrument making under the direction of A.G.shipunova who proposed his own. The decision of the Sovin of the USSR on financing the work on the design of the complex was published in 1988. When creating the complex, the task of ensuring interaction in the composition of the hands of "Equality" with the plane of the target designation M-55 (Hand Development - NIEMI) was rated. In the initial project, it was possible that the use of SPU 9P76 with one rocket was planned. KSHM Hands "Equality" was designed on the MAZ-543 chassis (KSM similar to KSHM "Polyana").

Self-propelled launcher 9P78-1 9k720 missile complex 9K720 with a rocket rocket type 9m723 on the teachings of a rocket brigade in Primorye, November 14-18, 2016 (

The development of prototypes of self-propelled installations was carried out by the TITAN CKB. The prototype of the two-plated SPU BR-1555-1 was developed by the TITAN CKB based on the chassis of the BAZ-69501 chassis by 1991 at the 4C (4-ka old "site) of the Polygon RVSN Kapustin Yar (4th HZP) in the summer of 1991. A few thrust starts were produced (including volleal two-meter). In most SPU sources, the BR-1555-1 appears as a "Make Polygon Sample" of the launcher. SPU development on the BAZ-69501 chassis is not completed. Also, in some sources, the index "9P81" was converted, but whether it is real attitude to the "Iskander" complexes / "Iskander-M" or is an invention (error) - it was not possible to establish.

In 1990-1992 The TITAN CKB has been developed and manufactured by the first prototype SPU 9P76 on the BAZ-6954 chassis. Presumably the development of a new type of SPU on the new chassis of the Baz was previously carried out in parallel to the development of SPU BR-1555-1. The first launch from the new SPU was produced in the summer of 1992. Further, in 1992, the tests were continued by the second launch. During 1993, 5 launches were performed on SPU 9P76 No. 1. In 1994-1997 The prototypes of the prototypes of the 9m723 missile were tested from the cassette BC. Total produced more than 10 starts.

Platform №231 Polygon Kapustin Yar on which the tests of the Iskander missile complex were tested (, 2016).

Tests of missiles "Iskander" with SPU 9P76, Polygon Kapustin Yar (TV Program ").

For tests, 2 disposable SPUs 9P76 (samples No. 1 and No. 2) were manufactured on the BAZ-6954 chassis and 2 transport machines 9T246, probably on the same chassis. The tests were conducted on the same site of 4C 4th HPP Kapustin Yar. The second instance of SPU 9P76 was used to work out and used for launches at the Kapustin Capustine polygon, a limited number of times. Thus, the tests of the first variants of the Iskander complex have been conducted from 1991 to 1997. At the same time, on October 25, 1995, in the "Red Star", it was announced the completion of the tests of the Iskander missile complex.

At the site of landing the rocket complex "Iskander" work specialists of the KBM and tests. The second left is the deputy head of the scientific and technical direction of KBM I.N.Kotkov. Polygon Kapustin Yar, 1990s - the beginning of the 2000s (, processed).

After the first prototype launches, the Otr "Iskander" decided to change the approach to the concept of using the complex towards the "Multi-Purpose Modular Rocket System of the Ground Forces" with different types of missiles. In 1993, the technical task was approved for the Iskander-M complex. The work on the complex continued the team of specialists of the KBM under the leadership of the chief designer of the direction of Oleg Mamalygi. In 1995, the first experimental two-meter SPU 9P78 on the MZKT-7930 chassis (9P78 version 1 cm. Rear is below). Tests of the complex with an experimental SPU 9P78 Option 1 was carried out at the Kapustin Yar polygon since 1995:
- Since 1995, shifted and autonomous polygon tests were conducted, an experiment was carried out with a suspension rocket;
- In 1997, the polygon tests of the complex began;
- In 1999, at the 71st platform of the RV of SV Polygon Kapustin Yar began the state tests of the Iskander-M complex, which were completed with 9M723 ballistic missiles with a new version of cassette BC in August 2004 (probably 9m723k5 or its prototype).

In total, during tests from SPU 9P78, 9P78-1 №1 and No. 2, 13 launches of rockets 9M723 were performed. As of April 2004, 10 launches were produced within the framework of state tests, another 3 starts were produced. Government tests have been successfully completed in 2004 ().

Development of a wing rocket 9m728 As one of the types of combat equipment of the rocket complex, the OKB "Novator" (Ekaterinburg) under the general guidance of PI Kamnev was carried out. In 2007 According to the results of successful launches of the columns 9M728 (Iskander OKR), a decision was made to transition in 2008 to the final stage of testing complex "Iskander-M" in the final expanded composition of fire funds ().

Serial production and adoption.The MZKT-7930 chassis production has begun by the MZKT plant (Mr.) in 1998. The state tests of the basic version of the Iskander complex were to be completed in 2000, but began on the 71st platform of the RV of CB Polygon Kapustin Yar in 2001 and completed only in August 2004 (as of April 2004, 10 launches were produced within the framework of state tests, later than at least 5-6).

Complex 9k720 "Iskander-M" was adopted in a truncated composition in 2004 and in 2005 the complex began to flow into the system parts (630th RVD of the 60th Center for Combat Application, Kapustin Yar). In 2006, Complex 9K720 "Iskander-M" (earlier it was believed that this name is extremely fiction of the media, but in the second half of 2009 we have established the accuracy of the names on documents on public state contracts.) In full force, Russia is adopted by Russia with ballistic missiles of type 9m723(East - sign to SPU 9P76 complex in the open part of the Museum of Polygon Kapustin Yar) . Planned (2008) Start of mass production - 2010 Completion of the deployment of the army grouping according to plan (2008-2009) - 2015 Rockets are produced on a Votkinsky factory, self-propelled launchers and TZM - on "Barricades" (g . Volgograd, in the series since 2006, production opportunities for 2008 - 12 complexes per year), chassis - Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant (Minsk, Belarus). "Iskander-E" is the export performance of the complex with reduced range and ordinary BC. It is likely that the initial project of the Iskander's missile system was assumed to use several types of ballistic missiles. The acquisition of the first military missile brigade is completed in 2010 ().

According to the plans voiced in early 2011, during the implementation of the arms state program for 2011-2020. (Adopted on 12/31/2010) It is planned to put 10 missile brigades of the Iskander-M complexes in the Armed Forces. On August 01, 2011, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, D. Bulgakov, stated that the entire Arms of Russia is planned to receive 120 Iskander complexes (i.e. 12 on the brigade). In 2011, a contract for the supply of 10 brigade kits "Iskander-M" complexes with ballistic and cylinder missiles was concluded between the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the NPK "KBM" - each kit includes 12 launchers, 12 transport-charging machines, 11 commanders Staffing machines, 14 livelifting machines, one item for preparing information, one regulatory and maintenance machine, a set of educational funds, a set of portable automated workplaces, a set of arsenal equipment and a military-trojacker missiles of two types (). Supply of the first such kit was carried out in June 2013. Supply of the second set is planned for autumn 2013. Until 2018. At such a pace, the program of 2011 is possible during the transfer of the first set 28.06.2013, it was stated that missile brigades were not ready to provide storage Completed complexes - no appropriately equipped heated and air-conditioned boxes. Storing the same equipment on the street provides wear technology 50% per season. In the same place, it was also published information that the system of combat application and target designation of the Iskander-M complexes was not worked out and was not adopted ().

On February 10, 2014, the media reports that the missile of a new type () is created for the Iskander-M missile complex ().

Hypothetics 2009-2010 -in our opinion, the complex "Iskander" in the process of creation passed three stages:

1) Iskander Nir - The first version of the 9M723 rocket and the complex - was investigated in the configuration of the OTP of the ground forces in the framework of preliminary NIR based on ideas in the projects "Uranus", Oka and Point, which were conducted in the mid-1980s or even earlier. There is evidence that the development of some nodes of the rocket management system and complex in the framework of the Iskander project was conducted until 1986 in SKB-626 (now NGO automatics. Academician N. Samiikhatova, Miass). The complex was allegedly intended for replacing the USSR of the USSR complexes 9k72 SCUD-B according to the principle of 1 Iskander with 2 rockets instead of the battery of 9k72 complexes, and taking into account the high accuracy - instead of the 9k72 division. It was possible that the use of a two-meter non-paying bundle similar to the SPU design of the Oka complex on the base chassis. In the rocket and complex, the implementation of the following technological solutions was assumed: the implementation of topographic bindings at any point of the route, obtaining a target designation from external sources of information in real time, releasing the rocket after the start, the use of correlation GSNs at the final stage of the trajectory, the minimum radar notice of the rocket and a set of measures for Overcoming the potential pro, the implementation of data entry into the rocket control system inside the SPU before the rocket is transferred to the starting position (for the first time implemented by 1972 at the IBC "Temp-2C"), control of the missile on the entire flight path.

2) 9k715 "Iskander" / OKR "Tender" - second option rocket9m723. and the complex - was created since 1987. As a replacement, the Oka "and 9k72 scud-b. Tests started in 1991 at the Kapustin Bar polygon, reduced the weight of the BC. Tests were conducted using a polygon PU, SPU 9P81 and 9P78. On the basis of this option, the rocket is created and moved to the market the initial version of the Iskander-E "of the test of which was conducted approximately in 1995-2001. (as part of testing missiles9m723. ). According to fragmentary data and interviews of the chief designer O.I. Mamalygi (2004), Iskander-E carries 1 rocket on SPU.

3) 9k720 "Iskander-M" - The third option is a modular multifunctional complex created using the results of the NIR "Wave". Fire facilities:
- Basic model - "Iskander-M" with a rocket 9m723 ("
9m723. The third option ") - the characteristics of the rocket are noticeably changed - more modern mixed fuel and control system and rocket and complex, built on a new element base, are used.
- Export option "Iskander-E" with a rocket 9m723.
- Development - "Iskander-K" with a winged rocket in TPK. SPU 9P78-1 is used with a single arrow of SPU 1 TPK. Tests started in May 2007
This system is intended only for the Armed Forces of Russia. The tests were carried out in 2001-2005 Basing - Universal Two-Plate SPU 9P78-1.

P.S. Based on the concept of a modular multifunctional complex on the starting units of the Iskander-M complex, various fires can be used - the winged rockets ("Iskander-K") including at the same time (one boom - ballistic rocket, another - winged), operational-tactical missiles enlarged range, etc. The chassis on the basis of the MZKT-7930 "Astrologer" made on this concept by replacing the modules can be quickly rebuilt under the SPU of other types of fire facilities.


- Experienced Wheel BR-1555-1 /polygon Macata Sample Startup (1991) - the development of prototypes of self-propelled installations was carried out by the TITAN CKB. The prototype of the two-plated SPU BR-1555-1 was developed by the TITAN CKB based on the chassis of the BAZ-69501 chassis by 1991 at the 4C (4-ka old "site) of the Polygon RVSN Kapustin Yar (4th HZP) in the summer of 1991. A few thrust starts were produced (including volleal two-meter). In most SPU sources, the BR-1555-1 appears as a "Make Polygon Sample" of the launcher. Development of SPU on the BAZ-69501 chassis was not completed. Until 2011, we believed that there was a separate polygon master's launcher, but it turned out, this is not true.

An experienced two-packet self-propelled launcher of the BR-1555-1 complex "Iskander". Probably on SPU installed a rocket option for shifting starts. Polygon Kapustin Yar, 1991 (Photo from the archive of the user "case", published 06/30/2011).

The prototype of the SPU 9P76 chassis is the BAZ-69501 chassis (V. Vasilyev to the 40th anniversary of the Bryansk Automobile Plant. // Technique and Armament. №2 / 1999).

During the first stage of tests at the Kapustin Barbonate Polygon, the start of the complex rockets and the operation of the starting systems were worked out. The feature of the launch of the "Iskander" missile in the use of the lifting boom of the launcher and shooting bandages of the rocket fastening. After departing from the boom locks of the lower rings of the bandage and the domain of the main plug connector, the team is held on the triggering of the pyropatic, holding bandages (two sopatrons for each bandage). Bandages are shooting, holes for fastening pins in the rocket housing are closed by spring-loaded lids - in order to reduce the EPR rocket.

The start of the launch of the Rocket complex "Iskander" is clearly visible by the cloud, which arose as a result of a shooting of the upper buffered closure (rocket-artillery weapons. Catalog "Weapons of Russia". M., Military parade, 2004).

Shot of the upper buffered clip at the start of the 9M723K5 rocket, the Kapustin Yar polygon, August 22, 2011 (by the author of the photo - Vadim Savitsky,

- SPU 9P81 - In some sources, the "9P81" index is converted, but whether it has a real attitude towards the "Iskander" / Iskander-M complexes or is an invention (error) - it was not possible to establish.

- experienced Wheel SPU 9P76 on the chassis BAZ-6954 - SPU was designed by the TITAN CKB (KB of the Barricade Plant), the first prototype 9P76 was made in 1992. Presumably, the development of a new type of SPU on the new base chassis was previously carried out in parallel to the development of SPA BR-1555-1. SPU chassis developed within the framework of the topic of the NIR "FASET" KB of the Bryansk Automobile Plant based on the BAZ-69501 chassis in 1990-1992, head of the KB - V.B.Vukhkin, Chief Designer Chassis - V.P.Trussov (since 1997 . - Yu.A.Shpak). SPU is not floating, carries one rocket, in the front of the body with a rocket there is a gas turbine electric generator that provides power supply.

The first launch from the new SPU was produced in the summer of 1992. Further, in 1992, the tests were continued by the second launch. During 1993, 5 launches were performed on SPU 9P76 No. 1. In 1994-1997 The prototypes of the prototypes of the 9m723 missile were tested from the cassette BC. Total produced more than 10 starts. For tests, 2 disposable SPU 9P76 (samples No. 1 and No. 2) were manufactured on the BAZ-6954 chassis and 2 transport machines 9T246, probably on the same chassis. Tests were conducted on the 4C Platquer of the 4th HPP Kapustin Yar. The second instance of SPU 9P76 was used to work out and used for launches at the Kapustin Capustine polygon, a limited number of times.

Engines - 2 x diesel KAMAZ-740 with a capacity of 210 hp, each engine runs on his board

Wheel formula - 8 x 8

Length - 11.3 m

Width - 3.08 m

Height - 3.05 m

Clearance - 470 mm

Mass complete - 36000 kg

Curb weight - 18,500 kg

Loading - 17100 kg

Highway speed - 60 km / h

Fuel stroke - 682 km

Calculation - 4 people

Experienced self-propelled launcher 9P76 "Iskander" complex, Kapustin Yar polygon, 1992-1996. (Photo from the archive of the user "case", published 06/30/2011).

Experienced SPU 9P76 on the BAZ-6954 chassis at the Kapustin Yar polygon (television shows "Serving Russia!", TV channel "Star", 12/17/2006)

Figure experienced SPU 9P76 on the BAZ-6954 chassis, the lifting arrow from the "Oka complex" is mistakenly drawn (probably the drawing is made on the basis of the TV material of the TV channel "Star",

Experienced self-propelled launcher 9p76 complex "Iskander" on the BAZ-6954 chassis, an outdoor Museum of Engineering Polygon Kapustin Yar, Summer 2016 (photo from the archive of the user "case", published on 10/21/2016).

- wheel SPU 9P78.- After changing the concept of the "Iskander" complex, since 1993, work is underway to reflash SPU on the chassis of the MZKT-7930 under two starting arrows with different types of combat load (OTP, CR). In 1995, a new SPU 9P78 was made. The launches with her started in the same 1995, later SPU 9p78 was re-equipped in SPU 9P78-1 - upgraded body. Probably, the reason for the modernization was the refusal to place on the complex of some kind of combat load.

- Wheel SPU 9P78-1
(Apparently, not earlier than 1994) - the chassis of MZKT-79301 (two rockets on SPU with separate lifting archers). In our opinion, this is a prototype or the first SPU series "Iskander" on the chassis of MZKT, visible differences from 9p78-1 are insignificant. Perhaps SPU 9P78 can only run 9m723 ballistic missiles. The installation is designed by the CCB "Titan" (KB of the Barricade Plant). The chassis of the MZKT-7930 "Astrologer" was developed by SKB-1 Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant in 1990 (prototype). The serial production of the chassis began in 1998. Chassis tests were carried out at the Kapustin Capustine Polygon, the NIIAT RF and General Test Runs. After a 30-thousand mileage, the tractor was tested in a climatic chamber at a temperature of -50 ° C, then in the aerodynamic tube, where the resistance to the shock wave was estimated.

SPU 9p78-1 Option 1 with a rocket 9m723, in a represent position of the left of two missiles, the end of the 1990s - the beginning of the 2000s (, according to RIA "News" Photo Made 07.11.2008 that does not correspond to reality).

- universal Wheel SPU 9P78-1 / 9P78-1E (Serial modification, appearance - 2001-2005) on the MZKT-7930 chassis (apparently model MZKT-79305) "Astrologer" (two rockets on SPU with separate lifting boosters - a ballistic or winged or combination of ballistic and winged). The TSM 9T250 on the MZKT-79305 chassis carries two rockets and is equipped with a rift crane. The installation is designed by the TITAN CKB (KB of the Barricade Plant) and produced on "Barricades" (Volgograd) on the chassis of the Minsk Plant of Wheel Tractor (Minter, Belarus). The mass production of SPU and TSM began in 2006, the production capabilities of Barricades on the 2008 data - 12 complexes per year. As of 2014 - 2 brigades per year.

Machines of the complex Aviatransportable airplanes of the An-124 class. In the front of the body with rockets there is a gas turbine electric generator, which is part of the power and air conditioning unit (controlled from the driver's console). Presumably in the body a laser target optical system for the exhibition of the GSP rockets is placed in the starting plane and entering the numbers of the flight task in the BTSM before starting in a horizontal position. It is possible that SPU 9P78-1 differs from 9P78 in that it can be used as the rockets of the old and the missile of new types (see those who are the stages of the development of the complex), as well as probably SPU 9P78-1 is universal and used as part of the Iskander complexes -M "and" Iskander-K ".

Engine - Diesel YAMZ-846 with a capacity of 500 hp, Manual gearbox YAMZ-202.04 (9/2) with a clutch of YMZ-151-10, MZKT-79306 - Diesel Deutz BF8M105C with a capacity of 544 hp With the 5-speed Hydromechanical PPC Allison HD4560P.

Wheel formula - 8 x 8 (the first two axes of rotary)

Length - OK.13070 mm
Width - 3070 mm
Height - OK.3290 mm
Road clearance - 400 mm
Tires - R25 with adjustable pressure

Mass complete - 40000-43200 kg (up to 45,000 kg by chassis)

Mass Curb Chassis - 21000 kg

Load capacity:

MZKT-79301 - 22200 kg

MZKT-79305 - 25000 kg
- MZKT-79306 - 24000 kg
Allowable axial weight (MZKT-79306):
- Front axles - 21800 kg
- Rear axles - 23200 kg

Highway speed - 70 km / h
Speed \u200b\u200bon the dirt road - 40 km / h
Speed \u200b\u200bby rough terrain - 20 km / h
Depth of overcomed by fusion - 1.4 m

Fuel reserve - 1000 km

Calculation - 3 people (2 people TZM)
Rocket start sector - 180 degrees.

The chassis of MZKT-79306 is a close analogue of MZKT-79305 (technique not knowing the barriers. Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. Booklet, 2009).

SPU 9P78-1 Option 2 of the complex 9K720 "Iskander-M", rehearsal of the Victory Parade in Moscow, 04/26/2011 Last two photos - 05/03/2011 (Photo - Vitaly Kuzmin,

SPU operative-tactical complex "Iskander-M" / "Iskander-K" on the 231 platform of the 4th GCH of Polygon MO of Russia, 2010 (4 interspecifications: the XXI century begins. 4 HCP MO RUSSIA, 2011.

SPU 9P78-1 board number 811 Probably the 630th RVD after starting a rocket, Polygon Kapustin Yar, 08/22/2011 (by photo - Vadim Savitsky,

Serial military SPU 9P78-1 complex "Iskander-M". 26th Nemnysky Red Banner Rocket Brigade. 10/20/2011 (photo - Alexey Danichev,

SPU 9P78-1 with cruise missile rockets 9k720 "Iskander-M" of the first serial brigade set on the day of transfer of technology 107th RBD. Kapustin Yar, 06.28.2013 (

SPU 9P78-1 Option 2 and TSM 9T250 complex 9k720 "Iskander-M", rehearsal of the Victory Parade in Moscow, 03.05.2011 (Photo - Andrey Kryuchenko,

New bu Baz - In February 2007, at the Departure meeting of the military-industrial commission on the basis of the NGO "Diamond", the database guide was stated that on the basis of the chassis-1 and / or on the basis of the prospective chassis "Warshina-2" will be created for Complex "Iskander". There is no other information.

Rockets complex.
Ballistic rocket 9m723
(The 9M728 winged rocket is described in a separate article - " " ):
Design Single-stage rockets with undegrade BC. Much attention is paid to the decrease in EPR - there are no protruding parts, holes and noticeable joints, the cable gallrot is minimized as much as possible in the first variants of rockets and is made in the form of a thin loop on the surface of the rocket body on more modern series, aerodynamic steering wheels instead of the lattice are replaced by sweat. A special thermal coating of the housing is used, which is likely to perform the role of a coating of a decrease in EPR.

Rocket 9M723-1 complex "Iskander-M". Cuba, Forum "Army-2015", 06/17/2015 (Photo - Sergey Karpukhin, Reuters).

Rocket 9M723-1 complex "Iskander-M". Cuba, Forum "Army-2016" (September 2016).

Rocket projections 9M723 complex 9k720 "Iskander-M" (06.11.2016).

According to the complexes previously adopted on complexes, the scheme of the complex (for example, 9m723k5) includes a rocket part (for example, 9m723) and a combat part (for example, 9H722K5).

According to the information available for 2011, the 9M723 and 9M723-1 missile parts are mentioned.

Mockup "Iskander-E" with a rocket part of 9m723 at the exhibition "Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2010", Moscow, 30.06 - 04.07.2010 (

Cable Gargrot on the old model of complex rockets (left, probably 9m723) and on a new one (right, probably 9m723-1). Frames from "Impact force" films.

9m723K5 rocket design fragments (probably). Frames from the report on obtaining complexes 9k720 "Iskander-M" 26th rocket brigade in the meadow, 10/21/2011 (NTV TV channel).

Educational missile 9M723 when overloading from the TSM 9T250 complex 9k720 "Iskander-M" on SPU 9P87-1. Publication no later than 2015 (photo - Dmitry Rogulin,).

Presumably in the course of group launches of complexes 9k720 "Iskander-M" during the "Center-2011" teachings used rockets with a rocket part 9m723-1, Kapustin Polygon, 22.09.2011 (

The ballistic missile 9M723 9k720 "Iskander-M" rocket complex in a transport container. The photo is done at the transmission ceremony of the first serial brigade set of technology 107th RBD. Kapustin Yar, 06.28.2013 (

The same moment is the Frame of the TV channel "Star" (

9I293-e containers with missiles for Iskander-E complexes of the Armenian Armed Forces (09/22/2016, executive frames of the Armenian television).

Management and Guidance System -autonomous inertial missile control system (CNIIAG, Moscow), the rocket is controlled by the control system throughout the flight. The control system is based on a gyrostabilized platform (GSP) and a digital computer (analogue of giving the "point"). When using missiles with GHN, the BTVM inertial rocket control system adjusts the trajectory according to GSN. The control is carried out with the help of aerodynamic and gas blades and, probably, on the rocket portion 9M723-1, gasodynamically using maneuver reusable RDTTs or using a gas generator. The combat part is intense.

Deep modernization and experimental testing of a previously developed team gyroscopic device (a complex of gyroscopic devices) for Iskander's missile / "Iskander-M" was carried out by NGO electromechanics (Miass). Government tests have been successfully completed in 2004. Serial production of gyroscopic devices is conducted in the same place ( see the annual report of OJSC NGO Electromechanics ... ", ).

Autocollimator (left) and automatic gyrocompass of the first SPU complex "Iskander" Development of KB Arsenal (Kiev), staff of Ukrainian television.

The top acceptance system of the starting unit of the complex can interact with the Space Navigation Systems of the NAVSTAR type and GLONASS. Entering the aiming data into the rocket (Exhibition of GSPs in the Start Plane and entering the number of flight tasks in the BTVM) occurs automatically when the missiles in the horizontal position inside the SPA, it is likely to use the improved optical system for exhibiting the GSP rocket using a laser optical device (because There are no light guides typical on the light systems - see "Point" and "Oka"). Entering the goal data takes a little time and before the start of the goal data can be adjusted according to information from an external source. With an interval in 1 minute, the complex can strike two missiles for two different purposes. The flight trajectory is the flooring ("quasibalistic"), perhaps some options for maneuvering.

Supports of automatic gyrocompass (AGC) in the central part of SPU 9P78-1 ().

Probably wind sensors on SPU 9P78-1 board No. 811 apparently the 630th RED. Polygon Kapustin Yar, 08/22/2011 (Author of the photo - Vadim Savitsky,

The equipment of the GLONASS system on SPA type 9p78-1 is represented by the 14c821 "Grotto-V" ("crazy") receptionist. Antenna of the recede indictor is located on the roof of the SPU cab. The product is developed and serially produced by the NII KP since 2001.

Probably, the rockets of the "Iskander" complex (G.

Command-gyroscopic device (gyrostabilized platform), automation unit and BTVM (giving) on \u200b\u200b9m723 rockets of the Iskander complex. Photo from the area of \u200b\u200bthe Georgian-Ossetian conflict (August 2008) and the frame from the films of the "Shock Force" series (

The porthole of the optical aiming system of gyroscopic devices 9m723 rocket (

Probably optical system aiming of gyroscopic devices of a rocket on SPU 9P78 (a frame from the Titan's advertising film "Titan",

For comparison, similar to the intended system on SPU complexes "Oka" (left) and "Point-y" (right).

The inner device of the equipped cable rocket R-500 SPU 9P78-1 complex "Iskander-M", Kapustin Yar, 10/30/2015 (Frames of the Russian Ministry of Defense of Russia,

Presumably regular theodolite maintenance system of the aiming of the SPU on the polygon position. The base reflector of the automatic gyrocompass is to be visited and further through the second portable theodolite in several techniques is binding to the reference point and the azimuth of the base director of the start is checked. At the SPU SPE complex 9k720 "Iskander-M" during the launches on testing a new type of combat equipment, the Kapustin Yar polygon, 10/11/2011 (TV channel "Star").

In addition to rockets with an inertial control system, rockets of two types can be used, which are used at the final stage of the flight (according to our assessment in service as of 2009, there is probably tested, starting from 2004 or later). The GSN on the end portion of the trajectory corrects the operation of the inertial rocket management system (estimated, cannot be used for Iskander-E):

- radar correlation GSN - Developed TsNIIAG (Moscow) in the late 1980s on the topic "Volga", the rocket is guided by comparison of the digital map of the area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe goal and data of the RL GSN;

- optical correlation GSN 9E436 - Developed TsNIIAG (Moscow), the rocket is guided by the reference image of the target, similar to the GSN Rocket 8K14-1F. GSN is first introduced at the EUROSATIL-2004 exhibition.
Mass HSN - 20 kg
The time input of the flight task is not more than 5 minutes
Quo - up to 20 m

Optical GSN 9E436 for OTP "Iskander" on the stand of TsNIIAG at the IWSV-2004 exhibition

- Radar active GOS 9B918 - Developed and produced by NPP "Radar MMS" as of 2009. In 2009, there are mass production of 22 blocks of primary information processing units for GSN 9B918 Rocket 9M723-1F in 2010-2011.

Option 1 (Perhaps 9N722K1 or other) - Cassette BC - R & D - KB of the Votkin Machine-Building Plant. The mass of 480 kg, 54 combat elements, the height of the disclosure of the BC - 900-1400 m, the height of the operation of combat elements - 6-10 m, the use of this type of BC with optical or radial correlation GSN is estimated as unlikely.
Types of combat elements:

1. Dragging non-contact

2. Cumulative fragmentation

3. Self-propelled

4. Volume-detonating

Option 2 (Perhaps 9N722K1 or other) - Cassette BC with 45 combat elements of 9H730 development and production of the State Master (Dzerzhinsk) with a central discontinuous charge (CRC) 9N731. As of 2008, there is a serial production in the experienced workshop of 4510 GosNiyimash (production per year of 16 sets of equipment). In 2009, the laboriousness of the manufacture of combat element 9H730 was 16.23 Normochas, the CRC - 30 normochs. Non-contact explosions 9E156 "Umbrella" for combat elements of cassette BC are developed by electronic devices (Novosibirsk,).

- Rocket 9M723-1F / 9M723-1FE - Rocket with radar GSN 9B918 Development and production of NPP "Radar MMS". Developed as of 2009

- Complex 9K720E "Iskander-E", Rocket 9M720E / 9M723E - export modification of the complex with SPU 9P78-1E,

- Complex "Iskander-MKR" - During the exhibition of the IMC-2005, it was stated that on the basis of the Iskander, the Marine Base Rocket will be created.

- Rocket 9M723, option 2016 - In September-October 2016, the rocket launches were held at the Caputsin Polygon, the shooting of which were lined with Youtube's network in October 2016. The rocket in appearance differs from the previously known options for the 9M723 missile.

9m723 type rocket version 2016 (frames video recording from YouTube network).