This article analyzes tax revenues to the budget of the Russian Federation for 2015-2016. analysis is an integral part of budget revenue and expenditure planning.

  • Tax planning as a method of minimizing the tax burden
  • Tax control and evaluation of its effectiveness at the regional level
  • Modern Threats to Economic Security in Russia
  • Problems and prospects of the organization of tax control as the main element in the detection of tax crimes
  • The role of automated programs in the taxation system

In the modern world, tax revenues are mandatory deductions and form the bulk of the income of budgets of different levels, they are the main source of funds of any state. The timeliness of paying taxes and fees affects the economic security of the country and the quality of life of society as a whole.

The primary task of any state, including the Russian Federation, is the development and creation of such a tax system to meet all the requirements. This determines the relevance of the chosen topic.

The main task of the tax authorities is to control compliance with tax laws, the correctness and completeness of tax calculations and mandatory payments, the timeliness of payment to the budgets of various levels of the Russian Federation.

The Tax Service controls the timeliness and completeness of payment of tax revenues. The analysis of statistical data also plays an important role in the formation of the tax system, it is possible to draw a conclusion on the dynamics of revenues and study the structure.

Consider the indicators of tax revenues in the budget system of the Russian Federation for the period 2015-2016.

Table 1. Revenues by budget levels for 2015-2016

Based on the official data provided in the table, it can be concluded that the total amount of revenues since 2016 has increased compared to 2015. The changes were:

  • The consolidated budget of the Russian Federation increased by 649.6 billion, the growth rate is 105%;
  • The federal budget increased by 48.6 billion rubles and the growth rate is 100.7%, not a significant increase, but this indicates good dynamics;
  • In the consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a significant increase in revenues, they amounted to 645.9, and the growth rate was 109.4%.

Table 2 examines in more detail the revenues to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation for 2015-2016.

Table 2. Revenues by types of taxes to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation for 2015 - 2016

According to Table 2, it can be seen that, in general, revenues by type of taxes to the consolidated budget have a positive trend. In the article tax on the extraction of minerals, there was a decrease in tax revenues by 297.4 billion rubles. This may be due to a change in the volume of mined minerals, etc.

The rest of the indicators show an increase.

To increase the personal income tax for 2015-2016. by 211.3 billion rubles, was affected by the growth of wages of the population of the Russian Federation and the decrease in the shadow economy in the wage industry.

To increase income tax for 2015-2015. by 171.4 million rubles, could be affected by factors such as an increase in export earnings, or due to positive exchange rates.

Value added tax in the context for 2015-2016 increased by 209.1 billion rubles due to an increase in the tax base.

In 2016, revenues from excises increased by 279.5 billion rubles due to an increase in excise rates on alcohol, tobacco, oil products and others.

Table 3. Structure of receipts to the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

Types of taxes

Billion rub.

In % to the volume of the post. FB RF

Billion rub.

In % to the volume of the post. FB RF

Billion rub.

In % to the volume of the post. FB RF

Total received by the federal budget

income tax

Other taxes and fees

The data in Table 3 reflect the structure of federal budget revenues in the dynamics of 2014-2016. The total flow of funds to the federal budget from 2014 to 2015 increased by 665.9 billion rubles, from 2015 to 2016 it increased by 48.6 billion rubles. The total increase from 2014 to 2015 amounted to 714.5 billion rubles.

A significant increase in revenues in 2015 compared to 2014 amounted to 267.1 billion rubles from value added tax and 302 billion rubles from mineral extraction tax. The cash inflow from other types of taxes was not significant:

  • income tax increased by 80.1 billion rubles;
  • excises increased by 7.1 billion rubles;
  • other taxes and fees increased by 9.7 billion rubles.

Comparing the receipts to the federal budget in 2015 and 2016, an increase in revenues from value added tax by 209.1 billion rubles and from excise taxes by 104.3 billion rubles was revealed. For other taxes and fees, the increase amounted to 32.3 billion rubles. At the same time, such types of taxes as income tax and mineral extraction tax decreased by 0.4 billion rubles and by 2965 billion rubles, respectively.

When analyzing the revenues to the federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2014 and 2016, one can notice that the total budget revenues increased by 714.5 billion rubles.

By types of taxes, the increase was:

  • revenues from income tax by 79.7 billion rubles;
  • VAT receipts for 476 billion rubles;
  • revenues from excises for 112 billion rubles;
  • MET revenues for 5.5 billion rubles;
  • receipts from other taxes and fees for 42 billion rubles.

After analyzing the data in Table No. 3, the following conclusions can be drawn. Despite the fact that in 2015 there was a decrease in federal budget revenues from income tax and mineral extraction tax, the overall picture of revenues in 2015 showed an increase in revenues compared to 2014. Comparing 2014 with 2016, there is a trend towards an increase in total revenues from taxes and fees to the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

This trend may be due to the fact that the tax authorities have strengthened tax control over taxpayers (field, desk and cross audits) and changes have been made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.


  1. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part one), adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on July 26, 2000 and approved by Federal Law No. 117-FZ of August 5, 2000; (part two), adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on July 19, 2000 and approved. Federal Law No. 117-FZ of 08/05/2000.
  2. Shchepotiev, A.V., Taxes and taxation: textbook. allowance / A.V. Shchepotiev, S.A. Yashin. - Tula: NOO TIEI, 2015. - 161 p.
  3. https://analytic.nalog.ru/portal/index.ru-RU.htm - official data from the IFTS for 2015-2016
  4. https://analytic.nalog.ru/portal/index.ru-RU.htm - official data of the Federal Tax Service for 2014-2016
  5. Maksyutova R.I., Mineeva V.M. Efficiency of ensuring the payment of taxes in the Russian Federation. In the collection: Innovative science and modern society. Collection of articles of the International scientific-practical conference. 2014, pp. 166-169.
  6. Akhmetshin I.I., Mineeva V.M. Taxation in numbers. website. 2015. V. 1. No. 38. S. 213-218.

In Russia, it was defined as the main financial document of the country for 2016. The main components of the budget are budgetary savings, indexation of pensions, adaptation to the new reality of the world economy, and the fight against the "Dutch disease".

The federal budget of Russia for 2016 is planned with a deficit of 2.8% of GDP against 3.0% in 2015, and in absolute terms - 2.2 trillion. RUR (34.4 billion USD). The income of the Russian treasury is expected at the level of 13.6 trillion. RUR (214.4 billion USD), expenses - 15.7 trillion. RUR (248.9 billion USD). Starting next year, the Russian government will temporarily switch to a one-year rather than a three-year budget. In addition, the budget rule, which involves linking to the average oil price over several years, is being canceled.

Russia's budget for 2016 is calculated on the basis of an oil price of USD 50 per barrel, an average annual dollar exchange rate of 63.3 RUR, a 0.7% growth in gross domestic product, and annual inflation of 6.4%.

The main source of financing the budget deficit will be the Reserve Fund, which is formed at the expense of federal budget revenues from the production and export of oil and gas and is designed to ensure that the government fulfills its spending obligations in the event of a decrease in oil and gas revenues. Of this fund in 2016, it is planned to spend about 1.9 trillion soums to cover the deficit. RUR. As of October 1 this year, it contained 4.67 trillion. RUR (70.5 billion USD).

Of the 14 main items of expenditure of the federal budget, the reduction will affect 6. Thus, compared with 2015, appropriations for education will decrease by 7.9%, for healthcare - by 10.9%, defense - by 7.2%. Spending on physical culture and sports, as well as the media will be slightly reduced. But the largest cuts are expected in the housing and communal services - by 41.4%, follows from the materials of the RF Ministry of Finance, which are cited by Russian publications.

Growth is expected for other budget items. In particular, spending on the national economy will increase by 11.7%, social policy - by 5.2%, intergovernmental transfers will increase by 6.1%.

The deficit of the consolidated budget of Russia (includes federal, regional, local budgets and off-budget funds) in 2016 is expected to reach 3.8% of GDP against 4.6% this year. Its revenues are planned in the amount of 27.5 trillion. RUR, or 35.1% of GDP (35.8% in 2015), expenses - 30.5 trillion. RUR, or 38.9% of GDP (40.4% in 2015). Functionally, the expenditure part of the budget system - 2016 will practically not change in comparison with 2015.

To curb the spending of the regions, the financial department proposes from next year to legally limit the size of their budget deficit to no more than 10% of income, excluding transfers. To prevent the territories from borrowing, the Budget Code proposes to introduce their obligation to formulate a debt policy for a period of at least three years and submit this document to the Ministry of Finance.

For pensioners in the whole of the Russian Federation, in order to determine the amount of the federal social supplement for pensions for 2016, it is set in the budget at the level of 8,803 RUR (139 USD), which is 22.9% higher than the previous value.

One of the most controversial issues in the preparation of the budget was the indexation of pensions. The Ministry of Finance proposed indexing the pensions of Russians next year by 4% once (in February 2016) and refusing to increase payments to working pensioners, as well as officials, judges and military personnel. In turn, the social bloc of the government insisted on the indexation of pensions in full - to the level of inflation, which is expected to be within 12.2% by the end of 2015. As a result, apparently, a compromise option was chosen: to carry out two indexation of pensions by 4%. Although this will still not be enough to compensate for rising prices, which is expected to lead to a decrease in the standard of living of pensioners.

Also in 2016, the moratorium on the transfer of pension savings to non-state pension funds will be extended again. As a result, 342 billion RUR (about 5.4 billion USD) of “frozen” funds will be reserved in the federal budget and will go to current consumption (i.e. “getting into the pocket” of future pensioners to pay current ones).

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov believes that Russia is now not in a crisis situation, but in a new economic reality, and therefore it is necessary to think about how to live in the new conditions. “There have been structural changes in the world economy, and Russia must also respond to this with structural changes and adaptation to the new reality,” A. Siluanov noted at the government hour in the State Duma on September 23, 2015. At the same time, it is the budget, in his opinion, that should become an instrument that sets the investment agenda for the entire economy. And this requires a number of measures.

In the next three years, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation intends to reduce the budget deficit to a level that can be financed by market borrowing in an amount that does not lead to the crowding out of private investment. The current size of the deficit (about 3.0% of GDP), according to A. Siluanov, is very high for the Russian economy in the face of external restrictions and closed financial markets. Maintaining the deficit at today's levels threatens to increase inflation - the so-called tax on the poor - and maintain a high level of interest rates - a tax on future economic growth, the head of the finance department believes.

The Ministry of Finance also intends to gradually reduce the share of current budget spending. The effectiveness of social expenditures, which occupy the largest share in the structure of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation, remains low, A. Siluanov believes. The principle of need is not applied, pension payments have ceased to be a payment associated with the loss of a person's ability to work, but have actually begun to play the role of a social payment upon reaching a certain age. In this regard, according to the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, it is urgent to resolve the issue of raising the retirement age. This will allow not only to better balance the pension system without increasing insurance premiums, but also to mitigate the effects of weak demographics on the economically active population. From such a decision, the Russian economy will receive a double positive effect.

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, oil prices will remain at a low level in the coming years. So, in 2017, the agency expects that the price of black gold will be at the level of 52 USD per barrel, in 2018 - 55 USD. In September, the head of the Russian Ministry of Finance expressed the opinion that the price of oil at USD 100 per barrel "is unlikely to ever return." In this regard, Russia, as a country with a resource-based economy, should, according to A. Siluanov, build budget rules based on new conditions: send additional income from oil prices above 50 USD per barrel to reserves, and spend these funds when prices fall below of this mark, the main task of the new budget rules is to ensure long-term sustainable dynamics of budget expenditures, the economy, the real exchange rate of the ruble, as well as a low and stable level of interest rates, the head of the Ministry of Finance stressed.

According to him, the Russian budget has already responded to the new realities: next year, the share of oil and gas revenues will fall to 43% of all budget revenues from 52% this year.

The decline in oil prices, although a bitter medicine, cures the economy of the "Dutch disease" that has plagued the Russian economy in recent years, A. Siluanov believes.

In 2016, the Russian regions reduced their consolidated budgets to a deficit. From Rosstat data it follows that it exceeded 12.6 billion rubles.

Rosstat calculated the execution of the consolidated budgets of the regions (the treasury of the subject of the Federation together with the budgets of municipalities). At the end of last year, in general, incomes exceeded expenses only in the Central Federal District, the other seven districts were in deficit.

However, the overall indicator of the cumulative budget deficit has become minimal over the past nine years, Alexander Deryugin, director of the Center for Research on Regional Reforms at the Institute for Applied Economic Research of the RANEPA, writes in one of the reviews. According to him, this was due to cost containment by the regions. "Regions in their budget policy have ceased to respond to short-term positive fluctuations in income," states Deryugin.

According to the analyst, the improvement of these parameters had a positive effect on the dynamics of the state debt of the regions: "So, despite a slight increase in its nominal volume from 2.32 trillion rubles as of January 1, 2016 to 2.35 trillion rubles as of January 1, 2017, its ratio to revenues of regional budgets decreased over the same period from 36.5 to 33.8 percent, and to GDP - from 2.8 to 2.7 percent. Despite this, the total accumulated public debt of poor regions remains at a high level, he warns.

According to Rosstat, the maximum deficit of the consolidated budget (in monetary terms) in 2016 was demonstrated by St. Petersburg - 19.32 billion rubles. Large budget deficits were noted in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Crimea, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KhMAO) and Udmurtia (from 7.94 billion to 15.2 billion rubles).

Compared to regional budget revenues, St. Petersburg and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug have fairly small deficits - only 4.2 percent of revenues, says Alexander Shurakov, senior analyst at the sovereign and regional ratings group at the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA). In addition, they are distinguished by a low level of debt burden and can "afford" a deficit budget, he believes. At the same time, for example, Udmurtia has a high budget deficit (11.3 percent of income) associated with a large accumulated debt of 48 billion rubles, Shurakov adds.

The undisputed leader in the surplus of the consolidated budget last year was Moscow with a result of 115.6 billion rubles, follows from the data of Rosstat. In Bashkortostan, which took second place in this indicator, the surplus is much more modest - 10.1 billion rubles.

Also, the leaders in the surplus of consolidated budgets last year were the Moscow Region, Altai Territory and the Vologda Region (from 4.68 billion to eight billion rubles).

The surplus of these regions (except Moscow) gave rise to the own revenues of regional budgets (revenues from income tax, personal income tax, excises), outpacing the growth of regional spending, says Shurakov. "Moscow has a significant part of the surplus due to receipt of income from the placement of temporarily free funds on deposits (64 billion with a surplus of 115 billion rubles)", - says the analyst. According to him, Bashkortostan and the Moscow region also partially went into surplus in this way.

Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Roman Markelov