Processed cheeses are cheaper than their classic counterparts, especially aged ones. But does it mean in this case that cheaper = less useful? What do you have to give up for cheapness?

Specialists of NP "Roskontrol" conducted an examination of ten processed cheeses from nine manufacturers at FBU "Rostest-Moscow" and the IC "Moloko" of FGBNU "VNIMI". Among them were Yantar and Druzhba from the Karat factory, Viola from Valio, as well as President, Hochland, Cheerful Milkman, Syrobogatov, Valde, Rostagroexport and B.Yu.Aleksandrov cheeses. ". As it turned out, the quality of processed cheeses is not much better than curd cheeses, previously tested by Roskontrol.

Set up or intent?

During the examination, many indicators were evaluated, but perhaps the most interesting was the question of the presence of palm oil. Vegetable fats were found in 2 out of 10 checked cheeses - in Druzhba (Karat) and in processed cheese from Rostagroexport. The rest of the samples, surprisingly, were real processed cheeses. They did not contain palm or other vegetable fats. And two falsified cheeses were included in the Black List of NP Roskontrol.

True, the fact of deliberate falsification of cheeses by the manufacturer is not as obvious as it might seem to us, consumers. It's all about the features of production. Processed cheeses are made from ordinary cheeses, which can be purchased from different suppliers. It is they who can “slip” a cheese product containing vegetable fats instead of real cheese. After all, it is objectively impossible for processed cheese producers to provide full input control for each unit of production. So, in modern terms, "Karat" and "Rostagroexport" could "substitute" suppliers of raw materials.

bacteria and preservatives

Consumers often pay attention to the bacterial contamination of the product. And rightly so, this is the most important indicator of quality and safety. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the product can lead to severe poisoning. Fortunately, in this regard, all cheeses turned out to be safe - in terms of the content of microbes, the results were in the redistribution of the norm, and experts did not find yeast and mold in them. True, the experts nevertheless noted that in the processed cheese “B.Yu. Aleksandrov” the number of microorganisms was at the maximum permissible level by the technical regulations.

To prevent spoilage of processed cheeses, the preservative sorbic acid (additive E200) is often added to them. This is acceptable if it is indicated on the label as part of the product, there is no violation. True, this does not make the cheese more natural, and a product without E200 is still more preferable when buying.

Excess phosphorus scares

Processed cheeses cannot be absolutely natural. The fact is that melting salts are necessarily added to them, it is they who give the cheese a plastic consistency. In this capacity, the so-called phosphates are most often used (salts of phosphoric acids - food additives E339-E341 and E450-E452). They began to be used in the USA. Before that, in the very first processed cheeses that were made in Switzerland, citrates were used - salts of citric acid, which can be completely natural. But now almost all manufacturers have switched to phosphates. The problem is that today these additives in the food industry are used very widely. They are found in almost all sausages and meat products, in semi-finished products, in bread and in many other products. As a result of phosphates, we get much more than we need.

Phosphorus is a very important element for the human body. And in itself it is not harmful. However, entering the human body in large quantities, phosphates "interfere" with the absorption of calcium. With an excess of phosphorus and against the background of a lack of calcium, the latter is “washed out” of the bones. Until the development of osteoporosis. This is called a decrease in bone density. As a result, this contributes to the occurrence of fractures, sometimes even with minor injuries. And for the growing body of a child or teenager, an imbalance between the intake of phosphorus and calcium is fraught with disturbances in the formation of the skeleton, - says Doctor, Head of the Expert Direction, NP Roskontrol Andrey Mosov.

According to the technical regulations, processed cheese can contain no more than 2% (20 g/kg) of phosphates by weight of cheese. It is impossible to directly measure the amount of added phosphates, since some phosphorus is present in the cheeses themselves from the very beginning. Therefore, the experts carried out calculations that made it possible to tentatively estimate the content of introduced phosphates. Judging by the calculations, at least three manufacturers "did not fit" into the permitted framework. Most of all phosphates were in “Yantar” (“Karat”), in second place was Hochland cheese, and with a slight excess, the list of violators is completed by President.

Taste and color

The technical regulations clearly define the organoleptic characteristics of processed cheese. And if you stick to the “letter” of this document, experts had certain comments on the taste and smell of most cheeses. So bitterness was found in the taste of President and Yantar (Carat) cheeses. Various foreign tastes or the taste of oxidized fat were found in cheeses Valde, Cheerful Milkman, Syrobogatov, Rostagroexport and B.Yu. Aleksandrov. Viola cheese had a noticeable taste of pasteurization, however, it can be considered more of a feature than a drawback. The taste of only four cheeses completely satisfied the strict experts: Druzhby (Karat), Syrobogatov, Viola and Hochland.

Table. Processed cheese quality indicators

Cheese brand Vegetable fats Estimated content of added phosphorus, g/kg Indicators of microbial contamination (QMAFAnM, CFU/g) Preservative sorbic acid Taste and smell
Syrobogatov No 18,1 <150 No Cheesy, characteristic of this type of product, without foreign taste
and smell.
"Friendship" ("Karat") indicating falsification of vegetable fats 11,8 <150 Yes Weakly expressed
slightly spicy
flavor without off-flavours
and smells
Viola No 18,7 <10 Yes Weakly expressed
slightly spicy and slightly sour taste
Valde No 19,2 <150 Yes Weakly expressed
slightly spicy, salty
with a slight foreign (grassy) aftertaste

Phytosterols were found: β-sitosterol, stigmasterol campesterol, brassicasterol, testify-
information about adding vegetable fats

17,3 <150 Yes Weakly expressed
cheese, slightly spicy
with a very slight aftertaste of oxidized
fat in the aftertaste
Happy Milkman No 20,2 <150 Yes Weakly expressed
slightly spicy
taste, with a slight aftertaste
"B.Yu.mAleksandrov" No 17,5 4 800 No Mild cheesy, slightly creamy, slightly spicy, with a very slight aftertaste of oxidized fat
"Yantar" ("Carat") No 24,9 <150 Yes Weakly expressed
cheese, cream; with slight bitterness
in the aftertaste
President No 20,5 <150 No Mild cheesy, sour-salty taste; with a light foreign taste (polymeric),
with a slight bitterness in the aftertaste
hochland No 23,6 <150 No Cheesy, the taste is slightly spicy, without foreign tastes and odors.

Note: the main violations are in bold


Mass fraction of fat in dry matter 55%.

Ingredients: cheese, butter, cottage cheese, drinking water, normalized cream, whole milk powder, emulsifying salts (E339, E452), salt, preservative (potassium sorbate).

Processed cheeses are dairy products, so they are valuable due to the amino acids that make up milk, the high content of fatty substances, vitamins, phosphorus compounds, proteins and calcium.

Processed cheese Karat Friendship: Useful properties.

Compared to hard cheeses, processed cheeses absorbed by 100% by our body. Processed cheeses contain less cholesterol compounds. These cheeses are very nutritious and may well become indispensable sources of calcium, phosphorus compounds, which are responsible for the condition of nails, bones and, of course, hair.

The fats contained in processed cheeses are high-calorie carriers of the fat-soluble type of vitamins. Thanks to them, the body receives vitamins A, D and E and fatty polyunsaturated types of acids. Processed cheese contains a lot of casein, a high-quality protein containing amino acids essential for our body. Processed cheese contains almost no carbohydrates, it contains only 2% lactose.

Processed cheeses do not have an obvious “aftertaste”, as well as a strongly pronounced smell. But the advantage of processed cheeses is a very long shelf life.

Processed cheese Karat Friendship: Harmful properties.

IN processed cheese varieties, compared to solid ones, contains much more sodium compounds. This is very harmful to people who suffer from vascular and heart diseases, as well as to those who often have “pressure jumps”.

The composition of soft processed cheeses includes chemical food additives (additives of the phosphate group and E), which are completely unnecessary for the body. They contain a lot of salt and can also cause allergies, such as skin redness.

People with kidney disease should not eat foods containing phosphates, as their increased concentration is very harmful to bones. The bones may become too brittle.

Processed cheese should not be consumed by those who have increased stomach acidity, as a lot of citric acid is added to it to speed up the “ripening” process.

Processed cheeses are very high in calories, and therefore, you should not eat a lot of them. Due to the presence of melting salts and fats in these cheeses, they are undesirable for young children and adolescents.

Unscrupulous manufacturers, taking advantage of the popularity of processed cheese, produce and offer us surrogate analogues of cheese to increase profitability. Do not forget that high-quality processed cheese cannot be very cheap.

The main raw materials for processed cheeses are a variety of dairy products: hard cheeses, cottage cheese, whey powder, milk, butter, milk protein. Therefore, in terms of nutritional value, processed cheeses are not inferior to hard cheeses. At the same time, the technology for their production is simpler and faster, because processed cheese does not require long-term aging. In microbiological terms, processed cheeses also stand out positively, since they undergo heat treatment during melting.

In addition to processed cheeses, there are a lot of cheese products on the shelves of shops, and with the same familiar names "Yantar", "Druzhba", "Russian", "Dutch", "City". The difference between processed cheese and a cheese product (milk-containing) lies in the fats. So for the production of processed cheese, only dairy raw materials are used only with milk fat. The composition of the cheese product (milk-containing) also contains dairy ingredients, but in addition to them there will also be vegetable fats, which replace milk fat in order to reduce the cost of the product. So the first thing that is important to pay attention to when choosing a cheese is its name, in the sense that it is “cheese” or “milk-containing cheese product”.

Many consumers treat processed cheeses with disdain, doubting their origin, they say, they are all made with vegetable fats. We decided to test the quality of this product through comparative testing. There are 10 brands of processed cheese Druzhba in the test, all 10 are domestically produced. Part is made according to DSTU, part - according to TU. These are such brands as "Gold Reserve", "Vapnyarka", "Pyryatin", "Our Milkman", "Slavia", "Como". As well as the brands "Veselaya Korovka", "Shostka", "Novokakhovsky Processed Cheese Plant" and "Starokonstantinovsky Dairy Plant". In processed cheeses, labeling and packaging were evaluated, checked in the laboratory, incl. and the presence of vegetable fats. And, of course, we tasted Friendship, i.e. tasted.

Labeling and Packaging
Oh, and the producers of processed cheese made fun of consumers. First of all, in small print, this applies to all curds, with the possible exception of "Slaviya" (among the tested curds, it has the largest letters). But in some cases, the font size is so small or its contrast with the background is so bad that without a backlit magnifying glass, you can’t read the information on the label. We, at the Test Center of Expertise, have one, we have already learned from the bitter experience of reading markings for 12 years. But even then, after studying 10 curds, the eyes, even with a magnifying glass, simply "climbed out on their foreheads." And what about ordinary consumers in the store? Small golden letters on a black background near the Golden Reserve cheese. Cheese "Merry Cow" has a color "stretch" on the label, because of this, the edge of the label and some of the information turned out to be blue letters on a blue background. "Como" has black letters on a white background, but it's very small. Just a terribly small, illegible font on the label of processed cheese from the Novokahovsky Processed Cheese Plant, the letters merge.

Another big, no, just a huge minus of processed cheese labeling is the date of manufacture. Only 4 manufacturers applied it with paint, so it can be easily read ("Shostka", "Merry cow", "Gold reserve" and "Pyryatin"). The rest of the date is embossed, and if the "Vapnyarka" can still somehow make out it, then in other cases it's just a quiet horror. It will not be possible to really consider the date of manufacture of processed cheeses "Como", "Our Milkman", "Slaviya", "Novokakhovskiy Processed Cheese Plant" and "Starokonstantinovsky Dairy Plant".

Among other remarks, the absence of E codes in food additives, as well as carbohydrates in nutritional value, there are also unscheduled stabilizers. But these remarks faded into the background. The date of manufacture and, accordingly, the determination of the suitability of a food product is an extremely important part of the labeling, both for consumers and sellers, otherwise how can they remove expired goods from the shelves. For the above significant comments, some of the cheeses were rated "bad" by labeling, which led to a decrease in the overall rating.

As for the packaging, the “excellent” for this item is for curds with a tongue for easy opening, the rest are “good” for the packaging.

Laboratory research
Three indicators were checked in cheese. The first is the mass fraction of fat in dry matter, this figure is indicated on all labels: 50% or 55%. There were no comments on it.

The second indicator to check is the identification of fat, i.e. is it completely dairy or are there hidden substitutes. All samples are declared exactly as processed cheese, i.e. real, without vegetable fats. It is worth noting that "Druzhba" in this sense pleased: all 10 tested curds turned out to be real, dairy. However, we draw your attention to the fact that there are a lot of processed cheese products with vegetable fats in the composition called "Friendship" in stores. So choose the products to buy carefully.

The third indicator is microbiological safety. In processed cheese, they looked for E. coli, the presence of which in the product is not allowed. And with this indicator, everything turned out to be in order, all the tested samples passed the test.

Another test with a microbiological character was the test for the presence of antibiotics (Delvo test). Luckily for all of us, they were not found in any product.

Organoleptic evaluation
In processed cheese, the taste and smell should be cheesy, creamy, slightly sour or sour-milk, moderately spicy. Block cheeses should have a moderately dense or slightly elastic or slightly plastic texture. The probands did not like the processed cheese "Pyryatin", it had a slightly sour, foreign, starchy taste and received a "bad" organoleptic quality.

Processed cheeses, like any other product, may have flaws - defects. Mold on the surface of processed cheeses is the result of packaging leaks, this is found in the group of bar cheeses that are dishonestly packaged in foil, especially if they are stored at high humidity. An incorrectly selected, unbalanced recipe, including melting salts, can lead to consistency defects. For example, too liquid, stretchy consistency or, on the contrary, too hard. Yes, and the cheese will stick to the foil so that you can’t bite it off. Another of the defects is a pronounced separation of fat and a bitter taste can occur when using very mature cheeses as raw materials. If the mixture is not sufficiently homogenized, then the structure of the curd will not be homogeneous. Too much melting salts can lead to a gritty texture.

Price and quality

use of the Quality Mark on goods...

For most consumers, a processed cheese block is associated with 100 grams, but these days quite a few manufacturers produce processed cheese weighing 90 grams. Pay attention to it.

We, in order to compare the cost of curds, recalculated it per 100g. So, two cheeses in the dough are more expensive than 6 UAH per 100 g: "Merry Cow" 6.46 UAH and "Starokonstantinovsky Dairy Plant" 6.32 UAH.

The most affordable were cheese brands "Como" 4.45 UAH and "Pyryatin" 4.00 UAH per 100g. Both curds have an overall rating of "bad". Druzhba "Our Milkman", "Novokakhovsky Processed Cheese Plant" and "Starokonstantinovsky Dairy Plant" received a "satisfactory" rating.

The overall rating is "excellent" for processed cheese Druzhba of the brands "Veselaya Korovka", "Gold Reserve" and "Shostka". The overall rating is "good" for cheese curds "Vapnyarka" and "Slaviya".

Center of Expertise TEST (www..

Mark) 1 funny cow Gold reserve Shostka Vapnyarka Slavia
Name (label data) processed cheese with vitamins Druzhba processed cheese Druzhba processed cheese Druzhba processed cheesesquare Friendship
(label data)
LLC "Reshetilovsky Butter Plant" / village Reshetilovka, Poltava region, Ukraine PJSC "Bel Shostka Ukraine" / Shostka, Sumy region, Ukraine LLC "Inter-Food" / Tulchin, Vinnitsa region, Ukraine PJSC "Bashtansky cheese factory" / Bashtanka, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine
Weight, g/Price, UAH) 2 100/ 6,46 90/ 5,27 90/ 5,05 90/ 5,05 100/ 5,62
Price 100 g, UAH) 2 6,46 5,86 5,61 5,61 5,62

(label data)
9,5/ 20,3/ 5,6 9,55/ 26,85/ 5,61 4,3/ 21,4/ 12,9 13.2/ 25.3/ not specified 16.4/ 26.4/ not specified

(label data)
244 302,3 262 280 303
Shelf life / storage conditions
(label data)
at -4…0 0 Sleep more than 90 days, at 0…4 0 From no more than 75 days before the specified date at 0 ... 8 0 С at -4…0 0 Sleep more than 90 days, at 0…8 0 From no more than 75 days at -4…0 0 Sleep more than 90 days, at 0…4 0 From no more than 75 days
(label data)
water, hard cheeses, butter, skimmed milk powder, sodium polyphosphate melting salt, stabilization system (carrageenan, esters of glycerol, diacetyltartaric and fatty acids, calcium carbonate salts), salt, acidity regulator citric acid, vitamin complex (vitamins A, E, D3) hard cheese, drinking water, butter, skimmed milk powder, whey powder, melting salt (sodium polyphosphate), salt, citric acid water, butter or cheese, hard cheese, stabilizer (modified starch, locust bean gum, carrageenan, potassium chloride), dry milk whey, fat cheese for melting, melting salt (sodium pyrophosphate, triphosphate), emulsifier (esters of glycerol and diacetyl tartaric acids, calcium carbonate), salt, acidity regulator citric acid, natural identical cheese flavor cottage cheese, hard cheese, fat and low-fat cheese for melting, butter, skimmed milk powder, water, emulsifying salt (E450, E451), stabilizer (E406, E407a, E412, E415), natural dye Annatto E160b, preservative E200 hard, semi-hard cheeses, fresh cheese, skimmed milk powder or dry whey, butter, sour cream, melting salt, water
Overall rating (100%) Great Great Great Fine Fine
Marking (10%) satisfactory satisfactory Great satisfactory Badly)*
Packaging (10%) Great Great Great Great Fine
Organoleptic (80%) Great Great Great Fine Great
Consistency Great Great Great Fine Great
homogeneous, moderately dense homogeneous, moderately dense homogeneous, moderately dense homogeneous, very dense homogeneous, moderately dense
Smell Fine Great Great Fine Great
creamy, mild cheese, creamy cheese, creamy creamy, mild characteristic cheesy, pronounced
Taste Great Great Fine satisfactory Great
characteristic creamy, slightly sour cheesy not expressed characteristic cheesy, slightly sour
Physical and chemical index fine fine fine fine fine
50 / 50,4 55 / 54,8 50 / 50,5 55 / 55 55 / 55,2
Fat identification non-dairy fat not detected non-dairy fat not detected non-dairy fat not detected non-dairy fat not detected non-dairy fat not detected
fine fine fine fine fine
Escherichia coli, not allowed in 0.01g not detected not detected not detected not detected not detected
Presence of antibiotics and sulfa substances (Delvo test) not detected not detected not detected not detected not detected
Rating scale The test results refer only to the samples that participated in the test. We do not track further product changes.
Great 1) - stamps are arranged by ratings in descending order, if the ratings match - in alphabetical order
Fine 2) - prices are indicated at the time of purchase of samples, November 2013. The price may differ depending on the type and weight of the package, as well as on the store
very bad )* - led to a decrease in the rating

Center of Expertise TEST (www..

Mark) 1 Our milkman Novokakhovskiy Processed Cheese Factory Starokonstantinovsky Dairy Plant Como Piryatin
Name (label data) processed cheese Druzhba processed cheese Druzhba processed cheese Druzhba processed pasty cheese Druzhba processed pasty cheese Druzhba
(label data)
PJSC "Novokahovsky Processed Cheese Plant" / Tavriysk, Kherson region, Ukraine DP "Starokonstantinovsky dairy plant" / Starokonstantinov, Khmelnytsky region, Ukraine PJSC "Dubnomoloko" / Dubno, Rivne region, Ukraine JSC "Pyryatinsky cheese factory" / Pyryatin, Poltava region, Ukraine
Weight, g/Price, UAH) 2 90/ 4,78 100/ 5,49 90/ 5,69 90/ 4,09 100/ 4,00
Price 100 g, UAH) 2 5,31 5,49 6,32 4,54 4,00
Proteins / fats / carbohydrates, g per 100g
(label data)
13/ 25/ 5,6 13.5/ 29.3/ not specified 13/ 25/ 5,6 13.2/ 25.3/ not specified 13.2/ 25.3/ not specified
Energy value, kcal per 100g
(label data)
299 317,7 299 280 280
Shelf life / storage conditions
(label data)
at -4…0 0 Sleep more than 90 days, at 0…4 0 From no more than 75 days at -4…0 0 Sleep more than 90 days, at 0…4 0 From no more than 75 days at -4…0 0 Sleep more than 90 days, at 0…4 0 From no more than 75 days at -4…0 0 Sleep more than 90 days, at 0…4 0 From no more than 75 days at -4…0 0 Sleep more than 90 days, at 0…4 0 From no more than 75 days
(label data)
water, hard fat rennet cheeses, butter, cow's milk cream, skimmed milk powder, melting salt E451 butter, fat cheese for melting, cottage cheese, water, low-fat cheese for melting, whey powder, skimmed milk powder, emulsifying salt E451, salt, stabilizer (410, E415, E412), flavor mixture "Solvar Gouda", preservative sorbic acid hard cheese, cottage cheese, water, buttercream cheese, whey powder, melting salts (E450, E451, E339), skimmed milk powder, stabilizer "Prodamal" hard cheese, cottage cheese, cheese butter, water, butter, whey powder, melting salt (sodium tripolyphosphate), "prodamal" stabilization system (packaging gum, xanthan gum, starch)
Overall rating (100%) satisfactory satisfactory satisfactory Badly Badly
Marking (10%) Badly)* Badly)* Badly)* Badly)* Great
Packaging (10%) Great Fine Fine Fine Fine
Organoleptic (80%) Fine Fine Fine satisfactory Badly)*
Consistency Great Fine Fine satisfactory satisfactory
homogeneous, moderately dense homogeneous, plastic, soft homogeneous, soft soft, buttery heterogeneous, with grains
Smell Fine Great Fine satisfactory satisfactory
cheesy, mild characteristic cheesy cheesy, mild weak cheesy, sour not expressed
Taste Fine Fine Fine satisfactory Badly
cheesy, slightly sour, quite spicy creamy, sweet-sour cheesy weak cheesy, sour slightly sour, foreign, starchy taste
Physical and chemical index fine fine fine fine fine
Fat content in dry matter, declared / actually, % 50 / 50 55 / 55,2 50 / 50,5 55 / 55,3 55 / 54,9
Fat identification non-dairy fat not detected non-dairy fat not detected non-dairy fat not detected non-dairy fat not detected non-dairy fat not detected
Microbiological indicator fine fine fine fine fine

Cheese "Druzhba" is a tasty and interesting product. This is one of the processed cheeses that are now presented in a large assortment on the shelves of most retail outlets. However, it was Druzhba cheese that was one of the first such delicacies for the inhabitants of Russia.

A bit of history

The product itself, which is called processed cheese, was invented in Switzerland. This discovery dates back to 1911. In the future, the recipe was modified and refined. Moreover, this product hit the shelves much later.

Processed cheese "Druzhba" appeared one of the first on the territory of the USSR. This may explain its popularity. The very name of this product is known to many, even jokes or various stories are associated with it.

The Karat plant began to make Druzhba cheese. Processed cheeses are the strong point of this enterprise. They have been produced from 1960 to the present. The company also produces pickled cheeses and dairy products.

Not everyone knows that processed cheese "Druzhba" even received its own monument. In 2004, the Karat company announced a competition for the best idea for a monument celebrating the legendary product.

As a result, in 2005 a new monument appeared in Moscow. On it, a crow and a fox from Krylov's fable are sitting, embracing. In their paws is a package of processed cheese. It, by the way, weighs about 200 kilograms and is made of bronze.

the nutritional value

By itself, processed cheese is a solid similar product heated to a certain temperature. However, manufacturers are now using different additives to diversify the taste or make the product more competitive. The greatest danger is vegetable fats, which are actively added by some manufacturers of processed cheeses. Thus, they lower the cost of the product, making it far from the original. On such cheese should be written "cheese product". The tastiest, of course, is real processed cheese, with a minimum amount of additives.

If we take the product of the company "Karat" as a sample, then the composition of the processed cheese "Druzhba" should include cheese, butter, milk powder, cottage cheese, cream, water, table salt, as well as a number of additives. The latter include potassium sorbate and emulsifying salts. The fat content of cheese is 24%. One hundred grams of the product contains 287 kilocalories. Of these, fats predominate - 24.2 grams, then proteins - 15 g, and carbohydrates are in last place, there are only 2.5 grams.

Appearance and taste of the product

The cheese is quite dense in texture, although soft in structure. It's easy to spread on sandwiches or crackers. Its color is light, slightly yellowish. There is no pronounced cheese yellowness.

The aroma of cheese is weak. It's hard to notice him. The taste is dominated by milky notes, slightly sweet. The cheese does not have a pronounced taste, the aftertaste remains light, imperceptible. Thanks to this, the product can be combined with others. Reviews of Druzhba cheese say that this product is delicious with fresh vegetables, as well as with seafood, in particular, with squid.

Recipes with melted cheese. Soups

Soup is one dish in which broth is extremely important, even if we are talking about mashed soups in which liquid is not visible at all. Therefore, the taste of this very broth can be given in various ways. For example, processed cheese complements a number of traditional soups well.

If you add a small piece of processed cheese to rich pea soup and mix it thoroughly, you can get a rich aroma and a creamy note. It will also add thickness to the first dish. The same can be said about vegetable soups, in which melted cheese brings a bright aftertaste.

An example of such a dish would be cheese soup with vegetables. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • processed cheese - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 medium tubers;
  • carrots - 1 medium root crop;
  • green peas - 150-200 g;
  • canned corn - 100 gr
  • leek - 200-300 g;
  • salt, spices to taste.

First of all, you should prepare the cheese. It is better to put them in the refrigerator so that in the future it will be easier to grate. Also, the soup can be prepared on any broth, choosing tender and dietary chicken, pork or beef. Cheese also goes well with turkey.

Peeled vegetables, cut into small cubes, are added to the broth. Then comes the turn of fresh or frozen peas. All vegetables should be boiled for seven or ten minutes. Then canned corn is added. In this case, the broth must be stirred all the time so that the cheese dissolves. Now you can add salt and other spices, at the end of cooking - finely chopped white part of the leek. The soup is then covered with a lid and allowed to brew for ten minutes. This dish is best served with toasted white bread.

Salad with squid and melted cheese

Cream cheese recipes are quite popular. Despite the fact that many of them describe the preparation of soups, there are also original and quick salads in which cheese plays an important role.

To prepare a quick salad you need:

  • squid carcasses - 300 g;
  • processed cheese "Druzhba" - 1 pc.;
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - to taste.

The first step is to remove the cheese in the freezer. Then the squid carcasses are boiled. Boiled ingredients are cleaned of films and cut into small strips, finely chopped eggs should be added to them. Then comes the time for cheese: it is better to grate it on a fine grater and add it to the salad. Garlic is passed through a press. The more cloves, the spicier the salad will be. Two small cloves of garlic are traditionally taken for this amount of ingredients. You can fill the salad with sour cream or mayonnaise, depending on the desire of the cook.