And here lies the simplest, most accessible key to our liberation, neglected by us: personal non-participation in lies! Let the lie cover everything, let the lie rule everything, but let us rest against the smallest thing: let it rule not through me! And this is a cut in the imaginary ring of our inaction!

December 11, 1918, 90 years ago Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was born Russian writer, essayist, historian, public and political figure. We bring to your attention an article written by A.S. Solzhenitsyn 34 years ago, but still has not lost its relevance.

Once we did not dare to rustle in a whisper. Now we are writing and reading samizdat, and when we meet each other in the smoking rooms of the Research Institute, we will complain from the bottom of our hearts: what the heck do they do, wherever they drag us! And unnecessary cosmic boasting at the ruin and poverty of the house; and strengthening long-range wild regimes; and fomenting civil wars; and recklessly raised Mao Zedong (at our expense) - and they will drive us to him, and we will have to go, where can we go? And they judge who they want, and the healthy are driven into insane - all "they", and we are powerless.

It’s already reaching the bottom, already a general spiritual death has fallen upon all of us, and the physical one is about to blaze and burn us and our children, - and we still smile cowardly and babble in tongue-tied:

And what do we interfere with? We don't have the strength.

We have become so hopelessly dehumanized that for today's modest feeder we will give all our principles, our soul, all the efforts of our ancestors, all the opportunities for posterity - if only not to upset our fragile existence. We have no firmness, no pride, no warmth of heart. We are not even afraid of general atomic death, we are not afraid of a third world war (maybe we will hide in a crack!), We are only afraid of the steps of civic courage! We just don’t want to break away from the herd, don’t take a step alone - and suddenly find ourselves without white loaves, without a gas water heater, without a Moscow residence permit.

Just as they hammered at us in political circles, it’s become comfortable to live in us, it’s good for the whole century: the environment, social conditions, you can’t jump out of them, being determines consciousness, what do we have to do with it? We can't do anything.

And we can - everything! - but we lie to ourselves in order to calm ourselves. No "they" are to blame for everything - we ourselves, only we!

They will object: but you really can’t think of anything! They closed our mouths, they don’t listen to us, they don’t ask. How can we make them listen to us?

It is impossible to convince them.

It would be natural to re-elect them! - but there are no re-elections in our country.

In the West, people know strikes, protest demonstrations, but we are too crowded, we are afraid of it: how is it suddenly to refuse work, how is it suddenly to go out into the street?

Still, other fatal paths, tested over the last century in bitter Russian history, are all the more not for us, and indeed, they are not necessary! Now, when all their axes have been cut, when all that has been sown has sprung up, we can see how lost, how conceited those young, presumptuous who thought terror, bloody uprising and civil war to make the country just and happy. No, thank you, fathers of enlightenment! Now we know that the vileness of methods lies in the vileness of results. Our hands - let them be clean!

So the circle is closed? And is there really no way out? And we can only wait inactively: what if something happens by itself? ..

But it will never unstick itself from us, if we all recognize it, glorify and strengthen it all the days, if we do not push off at least from its most sensitive point.

When violence breaks into peaceful human life, its face is blazing with self-confidence, it carries the flag and shouts: "I am Violence! Disperse, make way - I will crush!" But violence quickly grows old, a few years - it is no longer self-confident, and in order to hold on, to look decent, it will certainly call Lies into its allies. For: violence has nothing to hide behind except lies, and lies can only be held by violence. And it is not every day, not every shoulder that violence lays its heavy paw: it requires from us only the obedience to lies, daily participation in lies - and this is all loyalty.

And here lies the simplest, most accessible key to our liberation, neglected by us: personal non-participation in lies! Let the lie cover everything, let the lie rule everything, but let us rest against the smallest thing: let it rule not through me!

And this is a cut in the imaginary ring of our inaction! - the easiest for us and the most destructive for lies. For when people recoil from a lie, it simply ceases to exist. Like an infection, it can only exist on humans.

We are not called upon, we are not mature enough to go to the squares and thunder the truth aloud, what we think - no, it's scary. But at least we refuse to say what we do not think!

This is our path, the easiest and most accessible with our germinated organic cowardice, it is much easier (terribly to pronounce) civil disobedience according to Gandhi.

Our way: do not consciously support lies in anything! Realizing where the border of lies is (for everyone it is still visible in different ways), - step back from this gangrenous border! Do not glue the dead bones and scales of Ideology, do not sew together rotten rags - and we will be amazed at how quickly and helplessly the lie will fall, and what should be naked will appear naked to the world.

So, through our timidity, let everyone choose: whether he remains a conscious servant of lies (oh, of course, not out of inclination, but to feed his family, to raise children in the spirit of lies!), Or the time has come for him to shake himself off as an honest person, worthy of respect and children his own and his contemporaries.

And from that day on he:
- henceforth he will not write, sign, print in any way a single phrase that, in his opinion, distorts the truth;
- he will not express such a phrase either in private conversation or in public, either on his own, or on a cheat sheet, or in the role of an agitator, teacher, educator, or in a theatrical role;
- picturesquely, sculpturally, photographically, technically, musically will not depict, will not accompany, will not broadcast a single false thought, not a single distortion of the truth that distinguishes;
- will not give either orally or in writing a single "guiding" quotation for pleasing, for insurance, for the success of his work, if the quoted thought is not completely shared or it does not apply exactly here;
- will not allow himself to be forced to go to a demonstration or rally, if it is against his desire and will; will not pick up, will not raise a banner, a slogan, which he does not fully share;
- will not raise a voting hand for a proposal that he does not sincerely sympathize with; will not vote either openly or secretly for a person whom he considers unworthy or dubious;
- will not allow himself to be driven to a meeting where a forced, distorted discussion of the issue is expected;
- will immediately leave a meeting, meeting, lecture, performance, film show, as soon as he hears a lie, ideological nonsense or shameless propaganda from the speaker;
- will not subscribe and will not buy in retail such a newspaper or magazine, where information is distorted, essential facts are hidden.

We have listed, of course, not all possible and necessary deviations from falsehood. But the one who begins to purify himself will easily distinguish other cases with a purified look.

Yes, at first it will not be the same. Some people lose their jobs for a while. For young people who want to live in truth, this will greatly complicate their young life at the beginning: after all, the lessons they answer are full of lies, you have to choose. But for anyone who wants to be honest, there is no loophole left here either: no day, none of us, even in the safest technical sciences, can deceive at least one of these steps - towards truth or towards falsehood; towards spiritual independence or spiritual servility. And the one who does not have the courage even to defend his soul - let him not be proud of his advanced views, do not boast that he is an academician or a people's artist, an honored figure or a general - so let him say to himself: I am a cattle and a coward, I as long as it's satisfying and warm.

Even this path - the most moderate of all paths of resistance - will not be easy for us who have stayed too long. But how much easier is self-immolation or even a hunger strike: the flames will not cover your body, your eyes will not burst from the heat, and there will always be black bread with clean water for your family.

Betrayed by us. The great people of Europe, the Czechoslovaks, deceived by us, really didn’t show us how even an unprotected chest stands up against tanks, if it has a worthy heart?

It will not be an easy path - but the easiest possible. Not an easy choice for the body - but the only one for the soul. It is not an easy path, but we have people, even dozens of them, who endure all these points for years, live in truth.

So: not be the first to embark on this path, but join! The easier and the shorter this path will turn out to be for all of us, the more amicably, the thicker we step on it! There will be thousands of us - and they will not be able to do anything with anyone. There will be tens of thousands of us - and we will not recognize our country!

If we are afraid, then it’s enough to complain that someone doesn’t let us breathe - we don’t give it to ourselves! Let's bend down, wait, and our biologist brothers will help bring closer the reading of our thoughts and the alteration of our genes.

If we are cowardly in this, then we are insignificant, hopeless, and this is Pushkin's contempt for us:

Why do the herds need the gifts of freedom?
Their inheritance from generation to generation
A yoke with rattles and a scourge.

Alexander Isaevich SOLZHENITSYN,

Sections: History and social studies

Lesson Objectives: continue acquaintance with the personality and work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn, the peculiarities of the development of the Soviet state in the late 60s and 70s, continue the formation of the ability to work with a document, highlight the main thing, find and solve problems, reflect on the moral lessons of history, to promote the formation of moral values ​​in students.

Lesson concepts: totalitarianism, citizenship, spirituality, morality, publicity, samizdat, dissidents.

Lesson equipment: texts of the document (excerpt), questions to the text, photographs by AI Solzhenitsyn.

Epigraph:"To show the world a society in which all relations, foundations and laws will follow from morality - and only from it!" (A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Cancer Ward").

Introduction to the lesson.

The Bible commandment says: "Do not lie." It has become a universal norm of morality. But how many times in history people, rulers violated it: they distorted the texts of messages, gave false oaths, deceived their people! Vladimir Monomakh in his "Instruction to Children" wrote: "Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because the soul and body perishes from them."

Guys, can you give examples from literature, life, how a lie destroys the spiritual world of a person?

Today we are getting acquainted with excerpts from AI Solzhenitsyn's appeal "To live not by lies!" Work on it was carried out by the writer in 1972-1973. At the end of August 1973 it was finished, but appeared in samizdat in 1974. this was preceded by the following events. In 1973 in Paris, the first volume of The Gulag Archipelago was published, where the history of repressions was stripped to the limit. The persecution of the writer in the USSR began. But it was impossible even at that time to prove that he had slandered Soviet power in the "Archipelago". Then the writer was accused of a more serious crime - treason. The head of the KGB, Yu.V. a criminal case.On December 12, a deportation decree was adopted. On the same day, Alexander Isaevich was arrested. The writer was deprived of citizenship. On February 13, without announcing anything to him in advance, he was deported to Germany. The photograph depicted him descending the plane ladder at the airport in Frankfurt "On the Main. What was he thinking at that moment, finding himself unexpectedly in a foreign country? Maybe about whether he would ever return to his homeland? It's hard to say. But on the same day, his appeal "To live not according to lies!"

Work with the text of the document.

Questions and tasks for working with text:

1. Read the text carefully, highlight the sentences in which the word "lie" is used. Get ready to expressively read the text.

2. Why do you think this article by Solzhenitsyn was called an appeal? (Exemplary answer: This is not just an article, but an appeal to Soviet people, citizens of their country).

3. Against what phenomena of the totalitarian state does AI Solzhenitsyn oppose? Give phrases from the text that support your words. (Exemplary answers: lack of publicity - "... having gathered in the smoking rooms of research institutes, we complain from the bottom of our hearts", lack of freedom of creativity "- we write and read samizdat", arbitrariness of the party-state bureaucracy - "they judge whoever they want", making the most important decisions without participation citizens, the lack of democracy - "they don't listen to us, they don't ask us", "they sealed our mouths", the lack of effective mechanisms for the responsibility of the authorities to citizens - "there are no re-elections in our country", ideological pressure - "we were already hammered in political circles", etc. d.).

4. What are the actions of the Soviet leadership in the late 60-70s. provoke the writer's protest? (support for regimes hiding behind socialist phraseology, fomenting civil wars, allocating large funds for the development of the space industry while maintaining a low standard of living of the population, persecution of dissidents - "people are driven into insanity" ...).

5. How do you understand the expression of A.I. Solzhenitsyn: "We ... dehumanized"? What problems of the country's spiritual development are of concern to him? (The writer criticizes the psychology of consumerism, the readiness of a person to "give ... his soul, all the efforts of our ancestors", to put up with meanness in the name of preserving his "fragile existence", "feeding trough", "Moscow registration", "white loaves", lack of spirituality, striving for a “comfortable” life, fear of “breaking away from the herd.” The teacher can quote the words of the writer S. Aleksievich: “The name of Solzhenitsyn alone suggests that pleasure is not the main thing a person should strive for, that comfort is not the only thing that something elusive is hidden in the lines of our favorite songs, in the colors of brilliant paintings, in the pages of novels...").

6. Why does the writer believe that violence needs lies? Give examples from history when rulers covered themselves with lies to create injustice. What realities from the history of the Soviet state of the era of L.I. Brezhnev can you cite, confirming the writer’s thought? (children can make such arguments: an undemocratic regime cannot hold out for a long time, relying only on violence, it needs to create an outward appearance of justice - "violence has nothing to hide behind but lies." From history, students can give an example of the Ems dispatch, the text of which was distorted by O. Bismarck and was used as a pretext for the Franco-Prussian war.From the history of the USSR in the 60-70s - false accusations against dissidents, the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia in 1968, into Afghanistan in 1979, etc.) .

7. Why do you think the writer believes that it is not "they" who are to blame, but "we"? What does he see as civil courage? Do you agree with him? How do you understand the expressions "spiritual independence" and "spiritual servility"? (suggested course of reasoning of children: civic courage is manifested in an independent civic position, in readiness to resist the herd instinct, readiness to bear responsibility for one’s actions. A person should not blame only external forces: the environment, social conditions, the government. Much depends on him. Very important for a person, awareness of spiritual freedom. One can quote the words of N.A. Berdyaev: "We will be freed from external oppression only when we are freed from internal slavery, i.e. we will take responsibility and stop blaming external forces for everything.")

8. What path to spiritual liberation does AI Solzhenitsyn offer? Why does he consider this path to be the most accessible? (personal non-participation in lies: people were not ready for democratic methods at that time, but "other fatal paths, tested over the last century in bitter Russian history, are all the more not about us ...", "the vileness of methods is nestled in the vileness of the results") .

9. Why do you think Solzhenitsyn ends his appeal with precisely these words of A.S. Pushkin? How do you understand them? (if people continue to support the lie, then spiritual slavery will strike not only them, but also the descendants "from generation to generation").

10. How did AI Solzhenitsyn himself follow the commandment "to live not by lies"? (students give examples of the fact that even with external lack of freedom, Alexander Isaevich remained an internally free person. One can cite the statement: "Solzhenitsyn's life is his best and indisputable work." ("Between two anniversaries (1998-2003)". Writers, critics and Literary scholars on the work of AI Solzhenitsyn: Almanac, Moscow: Russian Way, 2005, p. 82. He was a student, a soldier, a military officer, a prisoner, a school teacher, a writer, a fighter against power, a political exile, a Nobel laureate. He survived the Stalinist camps and a fatal illness that did not break his spirit. He created the epic of the World War, the February and October revolutions, the Gulag. He returned moral strength and best traditions to Russian literature. He was a man who knew the era and spoke about the era, which was characterized by civic courage and civic stance.)


Father John said about AI Solzhenitsyn: "Alexander Isaevich is a man who can be trusted. He was a teacher of life, and this irritated many. Maybe because the gift of discipleship has been lost in us." Today, at the lesson, we got the opportunity to once again learn from the great writer, to touch his thoughts, his hopes. By discussing the moral issues that he raises in his article, we were able to learn more about the writer himself and about the difficult time when it was created.

What thoughts expressed in this work do you consider relevant?

Homework: answer in writing the question: What do the words "live not by lies" mean to you?

1 w: Introduction

"Live no lies"

2 sl: Solzhenitsyn. A man who passed through the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and was arrested at the end of it as a traitor to the Motherland. Prisons, camps, exile and first rehabilitation in 1957. Deadly disease - and miraculous healing. Widespread fame during the years of the "thaw" and silence during the time of stagnation. Nobel Prize in Literature and expulsion from the writers' union, world fame and expulsion from the USSR...

What does Solzhenitsyn mean for our literature, for society? I ask myself this question and think about the answer ... I believe that now the number one writer in the world is Solzhenitsyn.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is a famous Russian writer, the author of many famous works about the history of our country. Witness and participant, of which he was himself. A remarkable prose writer, historian and publicist - he proved this with many volumes of documentary texts. The meaning of Solzhenitsyn's work can be formulated as follows: The whole world surrounding us is God's Creation, in all manifestations of life: natural, social, historical, private and general. It is given to the writer more sharply than other people to understand him.

The personality of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, his creativity seemed to me interesting for writing an essay.

What attracts Solzhenitsyn's work? Truthfulness, pain for what is happening, insight. A writer, a historian, he warns us all the time: “Don’t get lost in history. They will tell us: what can literature do against the ruthless onslaught of open violence? - wrote A. I. Solzhenitsyn. - And you need to take a simple step: do not participate in lies. Let it come into the world and even reign in the world - but not through me. Writers and artists can do more: defeat lies. "

Solzhenitsyn was such a writer who defeated lies.

Main part

3 sl: Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “Alexander Isaevich is a real Russian writer, martyr and hero. This has always been typical for Russian writers - not only for Avvakum, but also for all subsequent Russian writers, to one degree or another. His heroism and, at the same time, going through the torment, in essence, set him in an optimistic mood: “I believe that the heroic efforts that Russian literature makes to break our country from the embrace of crime, indifference and idle talk will lead to success.”

4 sl: Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was born on December 11, 1918 in Kislovodsk. In the same year, his father, Isaakiy Semenovich, a second lieutenant, died from a hunting accident. Mother Taisiya, who graduated from the higher Golitsyn courses in Moscow during the war, became a stenographer after the revolution and settled with her son in Rostov-on-Don.

5 sl: There, Solzhenitsyn graduated from high school, then from the University of Physics and Mathematics, even before the war he completed two courses in absentia of the philological faculty of the Moscow Institute of Philosophy , literature and history named after Chernyshevsky. There he met Natalya Reshetovskaya. On April 27, 1940, Natalya and Alexander formalize their marriage.

In 1941 Solzhenitsyn graduated from the university in Rostov and came to Moscow.

6 sl: The war begins. Since September, Alexander has been teaching astronomy and mathematics in the town of Morozovsk, north of Rostov. His wife was assigned to the same school.

On October 18, 1941, Solzhenitsyn was mobilized and sent to an officer's school in Kostroma. In the fall of 1942, Solzhenitsyn completed an accelerated military course and received the rank of lieutenant. Then he was sent to Saransk, where an artillery reconnaissance group was formed. In his free evenings, he took up the pen and composed short stories. At the end of 1942, Alexander went to the front. With his connection, he went from Orel to East Prussia. He commanded a "sound battery", whose task was to detect enemy artillery and mortar batteries. Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class, after the capture of Orel, and the Order of the Red Star for the capture of Bobruisk.
7 sl: At the front, Solzhenitsyn continued to be interested in public life, he began to be critical of Stalin. His correspondence with friend Nikolai Vitkevich came under the supervision of military counterintelligence. In the letters they wrote about their "political indignation", designating Lenin by the diminutive "Vovka", and Stalin by the nickname "Godfather", and at the end of the winter of 1945 he was arrested. The war is over, compatriots are celebrating the Victory, and Solzhenitsyn is still being interrogated. And they are sentenced to 8 years in labor camps, and at the end of them - to eternal exile.
The investigation took place in Moscow, in the Lubyanka prison, described later in the First Circle. Then Solzhenitsyn was transferred to the Butyrka prison. On July 27, 1945, he was sentenced to eight years in a forced labor camp.

His first camp was in New Jerusalem, near Moscow, the second - in Moscow itself (near the Kaluga outpost). This first Gulag experience is reflected in the play The Deer and the Shalashovka.

8 sl: In June 1947, Solzhenitsyn was transferred to the Marfinskaya "sharashka", or "special prison No. 16", in the northern suburbs of Moscow. He works there in the acoustic lab, testing new "articulation patterns".

In May 1950, Solzhenitsyn was transferred to a camp "for general work" - in Ekibastuz, north of Karaganda. He worked as a foundry worker, a bricklayer, then became a foreman. Solzhenitsyn began to compose a huge poem "Dorozhenka". Meanwhile, his wife was assigned to Ryazan and soon divorced him.

9 sl: At the end of January 1952, Solzhenitsyn took part in the Ekibastuz Troubles. Immediately after this riot, on February 12, a surgeon in the camp hospital operates on Solzhenitsyn for a malignant tumor. The patient quickly recovered and was discharged from the hospital. A year later, Solzhenitsyn was released from the camp and assigned to an "eternal exile settlement" in the village of Kok-Terek, Dzhambul region, on the border of the desert.

10 sl: He rented a corner in an adobe hut, then bought his own little house. A deep cordial friendship connected him with the Zubovs, doctors, exiles like himself. Under the name of the Kadmins, they are bred in the Cancer Ward, and their true story is told in the Archipelago. In the autumn, unfortunately, the disease resumed - there were pains in the stomach.
In 1955, he was allowed to go to Tashkent for treatment and spend several months in the hospital. He was treated by Dr. Dunaeva, and the cancer receded.

11 sl: Subsequently, Solzhenitsyn admitted to his friends that up to this day he is sure: while he is writing, he has a delay, and he has plunged headlong into literary work.

In June 1956, after the rehabilitation of the Supreme Court of the USSR, Solzhenitsyn left for Rostov, where he was appointed to a rural school as a physics teacher.

12 sl: The ex-wife returned to Solzhenitsyn. In February 1957, they decided to get married again. They moved to Ryazan. Here Alexander Isaevich worked in complete secrecy on the First Circle and continued to teach.

In 1959, in just three weeks, he wrote the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", which played a big role in his future fate.

13 sl: In October 1962, after long negotiations with the authorities, the editor-in-chief of Novy Mir, Tvardovsky, received Khrushchev's permission and published this story in his magazine, with a short preface. "Ivan Denisovich" quickly brought fame to the author.

Solzhenitsyn, based on his own experience, described a day in the life of a labor camp prisoner. The action, of course, takes place back in Stalin's time, and the narration is conducted in a simple and accessible language. But fame to the author was brought not so much by the literary merits of the work, but by the fact that Solzhenitsyn finally wrote something reliable, described real life, not ideological. It was the truth, which up to this point it was simply not customary to talk about. And he spoke! The book became a real sensation in political circles, and, in addition, it also gave rise to a desire for truth. Solzhenitsyn, as they say, "opened the floodgate."

The news of this publication spreads all over the world. Solzhenitsyn immediately became a celebrity. He is introduced to Khrushchev at one of the Kremlin receptions.

14 sl: In December, Pravda publishes an excerpt from the story The Incident at Kochetovka Station. The following year, Novy Mir published Matrenin Dvor and An Incident at the Kochetovka Station.

Encouraged by the attention of a gigantic readership, Solzhenitsyn experienced an unprecedented creative upsurge and began "too much at once": The Gulag Archipelago, The Cancer Ward, a novel about the 1917 revolution. However, soon his works ceased to be published and new books began to appear only in samizdat.

15 sl: At the Fourth Congress of the Union of Writers of the USSR, Solzhenitsyn addressed the delegates with an open letter in which he denounces the harm of censorship, as well as the persecution directed against him personally. "I propose to the Congress to accept the demand and achieve the abolition of any - explicit or covert - censorship of works of art, to free publishing houses from the obligation to obtain permission for each printed sheet."

It can be argued that it was from that time, from May 1967, that the open and merciless struggle of the writer Solzhenitsyn against the Soviet regime began. He wrote down the main episodes of this struggle in "sketches of literary life", which was called "The calf butted with the oak."

In 1968, his books Cancer Ward and In the First Circle were published abroad. On the invasion of Czechoslovakia, Solzhenitsyn wrote a leaflet in the Herzenian spirit: "It's a shame to be Soviet!" “We must save the throat for the main cry. It's not long now." In December, Solzhenitsyn learns that he has been awarded the prize "For the best foreign novel" in Paris.

16 sl: In the same year, Alexander Isaevich met Natalya Svetlova, a Moscow mathematician, a very active woman, quite famous among dissidents. In the summer of 1969 they traveled together in northern Russia. Solzhenitsyn lived with her in a de facto marriage, trying to get a divorce from his first wife. Soon their first son, Yermolai, was born. 1972 is marked by the birth of the second son - Ignat. Their third son, Stepan, was born in September 1973.

The residence permit in Ryazan, where the first wife, Reshetovskaya, lived, was lost, and the writer did not receive a Moscow residence permit. At this time, Alexander Isaevich found shelter with the famous cellist Mstislav Rostropovich in the dacha village of Zhukovka near Moscow.

17 sl: In 1970, Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, but he refused to accept it for a very prosaic reason. If he left the country for such a "mercantile" purpose, he would simply not be allowed back.

In 1971, the first part of the historical epic, "August the Fourteenth", was published in Russian in Paris. And finally, in 1973, the first part of the famous "Archipelago" was published there.
The huge archive of Solzhenitsyn, his personal memoirs, notes and diaries formed the basis of the artistic research "The Gulag Archipelago".

18 sl:“The genre of the work is unique,” ​​notes the book “Great Writers of the 20th Century”. - In this semi-documentary, semi-artistic narrative, the history, ideology, philosophy, psychology, life of the punitive organs of the USSR are recreated, weighty arguments are selected that shake the foundation of the Soviet system. The mechanism of the destruction of a person by the NKVD is described from the very beginning to the end. The artistic world of this main work of Solzhenitsyn is a huge camp, like a monstrous octopus spreading its tentacles over the entire territory of the superpower of the USSR, metaphorically called an "archipelago".

19 sl: The Gulag Archipelago is an attempt to piece together all that is known about the system of prisons and camps established after the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917. Could the authorities have liked this, even considering that the main "user" of these camps, Comrade Stalin, had long since passed away in peace. Immediately after the publication, Solzhenitsyn was attacked by the Soviet press. In the West, interest both in the personality of Solzhenitsyn and in his works flared up with renewed vigor.
20 sl: In January 1974, the campaign to persecute Solzhenitsyn in the Soviet press reached an unheard-of intensity. On February 13, he was arrested and imprisoned in the Lefortovo prison. Solzhenitsyn was stripped of his Soviet citizenship and taken to West Germany by a special plane.

He settled in Zurich. His loneliness quickly ended - Natalya Svetlova-Solzhenitsyna received permission to join her husband.

21 sl: In October 1976, Solzhenitsyn left Zurich and settled for a long time in the United States, in the state of Vermont, near the town of Cavendish. He bought about twenty hectares of land and on this site, in addition to a residential building, he equipped a library for storing manuscripts and printed materials.

22 sl:“He writes - at least ten, and often sixteen hours in a row. What is written covers the entire surface of countless sheets and leaves: he diligently avoids any kind of wastefulness. Often Alexander Isaevich is so absorbed in his work that he forgets to eat. His wife, methodically and resolutely attending to her husband's daily needs, never interrupts his writing. The time devoted to food, he considers wasted ridiculously and in vain, ”wrote journalist William Knaus.

23 sl: In May 1978, breaking his long silence, Solzhenitsyn spoke at Harvard University. He issued a solemn and stern warning to the Western world, guilty of taking “happiness” for the highest good and being blind to other independent cultures (including Russian). He declared Western humanism to be the root of evil. Solzhenitsyn sees the only way out in personal courage, the example of which is set by Russia.

24 sl: The main work for many years was the historical epic "Red Wheel", on which he has been working intermittently since the seventies. It reflected Solzhenitsyn's views on Russian history and modernity. In The Red Wheel, historical chapters, detailing specific events and persons involved in them, are interspersed with novel chapters dedicated to the fates of “fictional” characters, but, as a rule, having prototypes.

In 1982, "The Narrative in Measured Time" and "October 16" were published. In 1986-1987, the writer completed "March of the Seventeenth", and in 1991 - "April of the Seventeenth".
On May 10, 1983, Solzhenitsyn received the Templeton Prize in England for his contribution to the development of religious consciousness.

25 sl: In 1989, a significant date in its own way, the Novy Mir magazine finally published The Gulag Archipelago in Russia. A year later, Solzhenitsyn was officially returned to Russian citizenship.

26 sl: In 1994, Alexander Isaevich returned to Russia and spoke in the State Duma. However, the hopes of the new rulers of Russia that Solzhenitsyn, who returned to his homeland, would praise their achievements, did not come true. The attitude towards Alexander Isaevich and the new bureaucracy quickly changed.

“The clock of communism has struck. But its concrete building has not collapsed yet. And how could we, instead of liberation, not flatten out under its ruins,” Solzhenitsyn wrote in 1990 in his work “How can we equip Russia?”. Exactly what he feared at the time happened.

27 w: On December 11, 1998, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree awarding Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who is celebrating his eightieth birthday that day, with the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called for outstanding services to the Fatherland and a great contribution to world literature.


28 w: Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn lived an incredible life.

He was a student, a soldier, a military officer, a convict, a school teacher, a power fighter, a political exile, a Nobel laureate, and perhaps the most famous living writer in the world.

He passed away August 3rd 2008 at the age of 90, in his house in Trinity-Lykove, and on his last journey he was seen off by his beloved and loving wife, three wonderful sons and grandchildren. He died "full of days", having received from God the gift of such longevity, which none of the Russian classics had.

29 sl: When studying his biography, I learned that this man had to endure and suffer a lot, but he did not back down, expressed his views and protests in his works. He is a true patriot of his homeland and very deeply experienced all the hardships that occurred in the country. And it's not his fault that he had to leave his country for 20 years. But he returned, and with him his works returned, which amaze with their moral and artistic power.

On September 18, 1990, Literaturnaya Gazeta and Komsomolskaya Pravda published Alexander Solzhenitsyn's essay "How We Should Equip Russia." In this work, the author outlined his views on the current situation in the country, assessed the future of the state and made the people happy with a number of valuable reform proposals.

If we were talking about the creation of some Russophobic dissident, safely forgotten to this day, then there would be no need to recall the above essay. Alas, the author of the instruction on the arrangement of Russia is an anti-Soviet who has not disappeared into obscurity. Here we are talking about the famous writer, whose works are included in the school curriculum, the Nobel Prize winner and almost a symbol of dissident resistance. Many years of propaganda inspired the masses that Solzhenitsyn is an unconditional moral guide, a kind of Leo Tolstoy of our time and, in general, almost the conscience of the entire nation.

What exactly the conscience of the nation wrote about, they say less, and by the way, the conversation could turn out to be extremely entertaining. Take this essay, for example. Even reading the first page alone is enough to seriously doubt that its author is a celebrated giant of thought. And the style, and syllable, and logic of this work would rather suit some modern Black Hundreds and semi-educated obscurantist priest. Naturally, we cannot quote the entire multi-page essay here, but it is simply impossible to keep silent about some of its fragments. So, these are the thoughts that the brain of the conscience of the nation1 gave birth to:

“Seventy years of dragging behind the blind-begotten and malignant Marxo-Leninist utopia, we have put on the block or derailed a mediocre, even self-destructive, “Patriotic” war – a third of our population.” We have lost our former abundance, we have destroyed the class of the peasantry and its villages, we have driven away the very meaning of growing bread, and we have weaned the land to yield crops, and even flooded it with marshy seas. With the waste of primitive industry, we polluted the circles of cities, poisoned rivers, lakes, fish, today we are completely destroying the last water, air and land, also with the addition of atomic death, also buying radioactive waste from the West for storage. Ruining ourselves for the future great conquests under the insane leadership, we cut down our rich forests, plundered our incomparable bowels, the irreplaceable heritage of our great-grandchildren, mercilessly sold them abroad. They exhausted our women in heavy, heavy work, tore them away from their children, let the children themselves fall into illness, into savagery, and into a falsification of education. Our health is in complete disrepair, and there are no medicines, and even healthy food we have already forgotten, and millions are homeless, and helpless personal lawlessness is spilled over all the depths of the country - and we only hold on to one thing: so that they do not deprive us of insane drunkenness.

And this man urged us to live not by lies, in every possible way dressed up in the toga of a true Russian writer, a true patriot, and, like no one else, knew how to take on the image of a mournful sage-sufferer if he was in the camera lens. And meanwhile, almost everything that is said in the quoted passage is a lie. Even the Great Patriotic War, apparently, is not Patriotic War, since this word is taken in quotation marks, which should hint to the reader at the imaginary absurdity of such a definition.

And what are the remarks about the "meanly conducted" war and the "loss of a third of the population" worth! To this day, they are applauded by our liberal and conservative clerical public, who do not want to listen to the arguments of historians who, back in 1993, established that the USSR lost 6.3 million servicemen in the war with the Germans. The Reich lost 6.5 million - that is, MORE of us. As for the losses of the civilian population, the Soviet government cannot be responsible for the deaths of civilians who were bombed by German planes and destroyed by the SS in the occupied territories.

But the connoisseur of the arrangement of Russia, of course, is not limited to fictions about the war2. From under his pen comes not an analysis of the real situation in the USSR, but rather a picture of the local Apocalypse, where all the horrors are added to the flood of the earth with “marsh seas”. A hint, probably, at the numerous hydroelectric power stations built by the Soviet government, since it was inconvenient for the Chekists to shoot billions of people in pitch darkness.

It is also unclear what natural resources Russia is selling today, because, according to Solzhenitsyn, our subsoil has been “plundered” and our forests have been cut down. In addition, demonstrating an impeccable command of literate Russian speech, Alexander Isaevich writes that “ children were allowed into illness, into savagery, and into a falsification of education.”

I would not like to repeat platitudes, but in fact it was during the Soviet era that people learned to read and write. In Tsarist Russia, beloved by Solzhenitsyn, less than 30 percent were literate.

“The awakening Russian national self-consciousness, to a large extent, cannot free itself from space-centric thinking, from imperial dope, has adopted from the communists the exaggerated “Soviet patriotism” that never existed and is proud of that “great Soviet power” that, in the era of pigs of Ilyich II, only gnawed the last productivity of our decades on endless and useless (and now idly destroyed) weapons disgraced us, presented the whole planet as a fierce, greedy, boundless invader - when our knees are already trembling, we are about to collapse from impotence. This is the most harmful distortion of our consciousness: "but a big country, we are considered everywhere" - this is, even when we are dying, selfless support for communism. Could Japan reconcile, refuse both the international mission and tempting political adventures - and immediately blossomed.

Doesn't the writer want to say that we should have been reconciled in the past in the same way as Japan? If so, then he should have understood that in such a situation, the matter would not have been limited to two atomic bombs. However, he understood, and how. His calls to the Americans to “come and intervene” and provocative speeches about the USSR as a world evil, which allegedly “is determined to destroy your ( American - ed.) build”4.

As time has shown, NATO bombers were not needed to destroy the formation. The country collapsed due to the efforts of its own heroes, among whom is Solzhenitsyn, whose role, of course, was not in practical participation, but in the ideological justification of destruction. Long and vaguely suggesting to readers that they should abandon imperial thinking, the author ultimately proves that even if a number of the union republics he designated refuse to secede, then Russia itself must cut them off from itself.

“So, to declare the undoubted right to the complete secession of those twelve republics must be urgently and firmly. And if some of them hesitate, should they separate? With the same certainty we are compelled to announce our separation from them - we who are left.

What is this if not betrayal? What will happen to those millions of Russians who remain in the seceded countries?

“Millions of people will face a difficult question: to stay, where they live, or to leave? - and this is connected with the ruin of their whole life, life and the need for significant assistance. Where to go? where is the new shelter? how to survive until a new job? This should not become a personal misfortune, but the concern of these commissions of experts and state compensations. And each newly created state must give clear guarantees of the rights of minorities.

I wonder what Russian-speaking citizens and "non-citizens" of the Baltic States, Turkmenistan and a number of other former Soviet republics would say to Solzhenitsyn today? Alexander Isaevich scolds Brezhnev with a pig, which in the thieves dialect means an unscrupulous, untidy person who does not look after his appearance. In this case, many rightfully could also call the expert on the arrangement of Russia morally a pig.

Behind the guise of a giant of thought compassionate to the people, we can easily guess the banal propagandist of capitalism.

“There can be no independent citizen without private property” - this is what the Nobel Prize winner leads his confusing arguments, constantly making reservations about the need to prevent monopolization, predatory capitalism and other ESSENTIAL features of a market economy.

However, not only the absence of private property prevents the Russian people from living happily.

“And our immediate concern is the school. How much we fooled over her for 70 years! - but rarely in what years did she graduate from us who knew, and then only in the proportion of subjects, and such and such - only in selected schools in large cities, and Lomonosov provincial, and even more so village - today would not appear, not break through, there are no ways for such a person (yes, first of all, “registration”). The upsurge of schools must take place not only in the best metropolitan areas, but by a stubborn movement from the lowest level and in all the expanses of the homeland. This task is by no means more urgent than all our economic ones. Our school has taught badly for a long time and educates badly.”

No, definitely the name for his essay, a person with a speaking surname Solzhenitsyn, chose an extremely unfortunate one. Based on the fact that his “mind” gave birth, a more appropriate name would be “The Propaganda Handbook for Preschool Children,” for only the erudition of a kindergarten fool must be possessed to believe this libel.

According to Solzhenitsyn, Soviet schools and universities, famous for the extremely high level of education received there, which produced hundreds and hundreds of thousands of highly professional specialists who are still in demand in the West, according to Solzhenitsyn, "rarely produced knowledgeable people." One can only guess what was going on in the minds of the people of the late Soviet and early post-Soviet era when they read such slander and believed in it, although the reality surrounding them refuted Solzhenitsyn and his ilk.

By no means do I mean to say that the Soviet system was flawless or that Stalinism did not commit crimes. However, why was it so necessary for the sake of a red critical word to lie shamelessly, demonstrating ignorance and moral degradation? Varlam Shalamov, describing the history of his suffering, was able to do without lies. He did not need to invent nonsense to make the reader be horrified by what is described in the same Kolyma Tales. The harsh, strict and truly literary style of Varlam Tikhonovich contrasts with the stony, clumsy speech of Solzhenitsyn, overflowing with endlessly multiplying invented mutant words. Alas, it was the latter who was put on a pedestal, and Shalamov is remembered less and less. His laurels were appropriated by a traitor, a slanderer and ... an anti-democrat! The last fact is especially important, since the admiration that liberals bestow on Solzhenitsyn is a very strange phenomenon. Here is what the Nobel laureate writes:

“When Stalin introduced our monkey “elections” in 1937, he was also forced to give them the appearance of universal-equal-direct-secret voting (“four-tails”), an order that in today's world seems undeniable as a universal law of nature ... Since 1918, it has slipped (sic! - approx. ed.) to the general suffrage and England. Dostoevsky considered universal-equal voting "the most ridiculous invention of the 19th century." In any case, it is not Newton's law, and it is permissive to doubt its properties. "Universal and equal" - given the extreme inequality of individuals, their abilities, their contribution to public life, different ages, different life experiences, different degrees of rootedness in this area and in this country? That is, the triumph of contentless quantity over meaningful quality. And yet, such elections ("general civil") suggest the non-structural nature of the nation: that it is not a living organism, but a mechanical collection of scattered units. "Secret" is also not an adornment, it relieves spiritual indirectness or, alas, answers the needs of fear.

Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov would approve of such a position. It is more difficult for a normal person to do this. The idol of dissidence demonstrates here, firstly, a complete misunderstanding of the very essence of democracy, and secondly, it engages in very low-grade demagoguery, calling for the introduction of a residency requirement for voters and the creation of an extremely dubious system of democracy in small spaces, with zemstvos and a Duma composed of representatives of the estates!

On the other hand, this is just not surprising. The man who, according to Shalamov's apt remark, was engaged in the activities of a businessman, "aimed narrowly at personal success with all provocative accessories"5, shone, denouncing the Soviet system to applause from the enemy camp. However, as soon as he began, as they would say today, to put forward a positive program, he publicly revealed his own intellectual poverty, banality of thought, historical illiteracy and inability to be a creator. He could only appear to be the last. The essay “How do we equip Russia” is not the only proof of this.

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"Live not by lies. By hook or by crook"

Under whose dictation did Solzhenitsyn write?

Historian Elizaveta Pashkova on the sources from which Solzhenitsyn drew his ideological constructions, when and by whom the term "communo-fascism" was coined, and why "The Gulag Archipelago" was first published by the "IMKA-Press" publishing house. Host - Andrey Fefelov

“England, France, the USA are the victorious powers in World War II” (Speech in New York on July 9, 1975 \\ Solzhenitsyn A.I. American speeches. - Paris: YMKA-PRESS, 1975. YMCA PRESS, p. 27 ), and through the mouth of his heroes he says to our people "Wait, you bastards! Truman will be on you! He will throw an atomic bomb on your head!" (The Gulag Archipelago. vol. 3. p. 52.)

It is well known that A. Solzhenitsyn is a camp informer, secret agent, informer, recruited without any pressure with the nickname "Vetrov", he himself never denied this, because the thing is obvious. Having served his term without a single disciplinary punishment, Isaevich agreed that he was writing a written denunciation from the conclusion of his friend Kirill Simonyan ("... drowning, I splashed you on the shore ..." - so artistically he described his betrayal to a friend in a letter). In 1952 Simonyan was summoned by the investigator and given a thick notebook of 52 pages to read, filled in with the neat handwriting of his friend Sanya Solzhenitsyn, familiar to Kirill. "Heavenly powers!" cried Simonyan, "on every page it is described how I am opposed to the Soviet regime and how I persuaded him to do so." Nikolai Vitkovich also read denunciations of his thimble friend. "I couldn't believe my eyes!" - this is how he described the impression of reading. All this is well known, only completely blinded paint us a benevolent portrait of a Nobel laureate.

There are so many lies and untruths in his books. and fiction, which in an unbiased reader simply causes a feeling of disgust.
When Isaevich himself was pointed out to this, well, for example, a horror movie, that after the defeat of Wrangel in Sochi, White Guard officers and other nonsense were fed to animals in the zoo, the writer simply stated that he had explored reality by the method of artistic creativity and would not refuse anything.

A. Tvardovsky said to Solzhenitsyn in his eyes: "You have nothing sacred." M. Sholokhov pointed out: "Some painful shamelessness." Almost the same thing was said by L. Leonov, K. Simonov and others.

For me personally, the person who declared our Great Victory over fascism is something like this: what difference does it make who won: they would take off a portrait with a mustache and hang a portrait with a mustache, everything and business is unacceptable.
It is obvious that Solzhenitsyn actively participated in the implementation of the Dulles plan in the USSR, helped to destroy the great industrial superpower, and now those who were in the same cage with him are now singing hosannas to him, erecting monuments, awarding him, putting them in textbooks.


In the United States on June 30, 1975, a "Russian patriot" declared: "I am a friend of America ... The United States has long shown itself to be the most generous and most generous country in the world ... The course of history itself has led you - made you world leaders ... Please, intervene more in our internal affairs."

Liar Solzhenitsyn
A dead lion can be kicked by a donkey.

Beautiful words were said by A.I. Solzhenitsyn: "Live not by lies." So we will retell the contents of the book "Do not create an idol" (VIZH No. 9-12, 1990) in order to see how Alexander Isaevich himself adhered to this principle. Its author, former editor of the Vlasov newspaper L.A. Samutin, who honestly served his term in the Vorkuta camp, in fact, was a co-author of some pages of the book "The Gulag Archipelago". In the seventies, at the request of Solzhenitsyn, he hid this manuscript with him. Samutin remained faithful to Solzhenitsyn only until the moment when the KGB officers confiscated this manuscript from him. Three weeks earlier, their mutual friend Elizaveta Denisovna Voronyanskaya had been summoned to the state security agencies; she kept typing Solzhenitsyn and was with him, as they say, in a "particularly close" relationship. Frightened, the woman hanged herself, and Samutin, after analyzing the circumstances of her death and his arrest, draws an unequivocal conclusion: they were denounced by none other than ... Solzhenitsyn himself! This allowed him to raise a fuss in the West around Arkhip and declare in the preface: "But now that the state security has taken this book anyway, there is nothing left for me but to publish it immediately."


Testimony of Vetrov (aka Solzhenitsyn). Photocopy.
“...informant Ivan (Megel) was killed with an aimed shot in the head. This was a method used in the camps to eliminate people who could be dangerous to the secret informants of the camp leadership. (Military History Magazine, No. 12, 1990, p. 77)

The school textbook includes Solzhenitsyn's recommendations for a person who wishes to "live not by lies."
"From this day forward, he: - henceforth will not write, will not sign, will not print in any way a single phrase that, in his opinion, distorts the truth ..."
Just at the time of writing this, Isaich, racing with Roy Medvedev for a prize of 5 thousand "bucks", rushed to prove that the author of "The Quiet Flows the Don" was not Sholokhov.
"... picturesquely, sculpturally, photographically ... will not depict a single distortion of the truth that distinguishes ..."
IO, Grade 11, p. 220

It turned out that Isaich had fabricated many of the "compassionate Zekov" photographs after his release.
Another fact of shamelessness. Here the employees of the State Archives could not stand it anymore:
“If you count the number of those arrested under Article 58g, you will get that about two million people have been in forced labor camps. Is two million a lot or a little? 110 million."
(For reference: Goebbels, who claims that the more incredible the lie, the faster it will be believed, was able to "master" only 14 million repressed.)
Employees of the State Archive ridiculed Isaich's phrase: "I do not dare to write the history of the Archipelago. I did not have a chance to read the documents."

"Come to Moscow. These documents are waiting for you," they invited "who lives not by lies" sarcastically. The Gulag archives are open! (Knowledge - to the people, No. 6, 1990).
But now he has no time to do it. More recently he wrote:
"There is no nation in the world more contemptible, more abandoned, more alien and unnecessary than the Russian." Until recently, he begged the CIA for the Nobel Prize: "I need this award. As a step in a position, in a battle! And the faster I get it, the harder I will become, the harder I will hit!"

The time for strikes against an "alien and unnecessary" nation has passed: the Union lies in ruins, on the recommendation of Isaich, the Baltic states and Central Asia have been "released", blood and refugees all over the country ... Now Russia must be equipped for new owners. And they know that the best anesthesia, so that the "despicable nation" does not rebel, is anti-communism.
Solzhenitsyn does this job well. The former secret agent is no stranger to working for the "owner".


Solzhenitsyn readings - first edition, supplemented (Dmitry Puchkov)

Intelligence questioning: Boris Yulin about the year of Solzhenitsyn

Metropolitan Seraphim of Krutitsy and Kolomna

"To the renegade Solzhenitsyn - the contempt of the people!"

“As a metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church, constantly speaking out in defense of peace, I consider the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR the only correct measure against A. Solzhenitsyn,” Metropolitan Seraphim of Krutitsy and Kolomna told a TASS correspondent. - Solzhenitsyn is notorious for his actions in support of circles hostile to our Motherland, our people. All his actions are essentially directed against the mitigation of international tension and the establishment of lasting peace on Earth“…”.

CIA revelations about the collapse of the USSR AND DISSIDENT FINANCING

A.Sakharov: "What have I done..."

It is no longer a secret to anyone that the dissident movement in the USSR was inspired as a battering ram for the destruction of the USSR by completely different forces. But it is hard to overestimate the voluntary or involuntary role of dissidents, who often "wanted the best, but it turned out as always." Everests here look natural Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn. Yes, and the CIA is already beginning to cover up individual pages of its multi-kilometer vaults.

Here is the CIA document, which is called:

"Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn: the Soviet dilemma"

And here is also an interesting document called "The spectrum of Soviet dissidents." It describes all existing groups from the USSR, including neo-Stalinists, whose dissatisfaction with certain actions of the authorities (which constantly happens in the same capitalist countries) can be used to your advantage. On the last page of the report - a map of potential dissidents in the USSR.

RESULT: The defeat of the USSR in the Cold War, indirectly inspired by the August coup, the criminal 90s.

"Pravdoborets" with the American brand. Who did Solzhenitsyn work for?

This book is now a bibliographic rarity. Solzhenitsyn managed to destroy not the entire circulation

Considering that I. A. Alberti did not react in any way to the accusation thrown at her, and she had such opportunities, then we can rightly say that she really was connected with the American special services and that it was they who recommended her to A. I. Solzhenitsyn as a secretary. But in this case, the opinion of V. E. Maksimov and regarding Lenard Di Lisio deserves attention. It turns out that with the appearance of I. A. Alberti in the Vermont house of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, he was placed under the complete and total control of the CIA ...


"The CIA has not yet declassified all documents about Solzhenitsyn" ITAR TASS

Corr. ITAR-TASS was once again convinced of this by requesting from the archives of the CIA and the FBI of the United States materials relating to Alexander Solzhenitsyn. From the responses received, one gets the impression that for the United States, the activity of the famous writer was much more profitable and less troublesome when he waged an uncompromising struggle against the Soviet regime in the USSR itself than when he settled in the West.

The first period includes the analytical notes "The Case against Solzhenitsyn", "Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the Politburo" and "Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn: The Soviet Dilemma" sent from the CIA. They are dated respectively in the summer of 1969, December 15, 1970 and September 26, 1973...


Briefly about the CIA: on September 18, 1948, the CIA (central intelligence agency) of the United States was created, the main purpose of which was to conduct subversive activities against the Soviet Union-Russia ..

Briefly about the CIA: On September 18, 1948, the CIA (central intelligence agency) of the United States was created, the main purpose of which was to conduct subversive activities against the Soviet Union ..:

CIA revelations about the collapse of the USSR ... wU0sIzI6ME

Other US CIA crimes:

205 Human rights A look into the world War crimes USA MILITARY CRIMES Novikov Chronicle

2012 04 16 Human Rights USA =Nazi Germany Novikov Belarus

Human Rights: Looking at the World (19.09.2010) Concentration camps in the USA

Alex Jones on the Poison in Our Food Part 1/2

Very briefly about how the dissident hireling - traitor Solzhenitsyn collaborated with the US CIA for money and privileges, thus conducting subversive activities against the USSR-Russia (hence against its citizens), therefore against all the peoples inhabiting Russia. What disasters this led to for Russia is now known. It was the US CIA, Mossad and MI6 who stood and stand (now it is Ukraine ...) for instigating and generously financing wars both in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, as well as Transnistria, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and so on ...


And here is how the third world war began immediately after the end of the second:

The Dulles Plan (US methods in the war against Russia)

Allen Dulles (1893-1969), worked for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from its inception in 1947. In 1942-1945. was in charge of political intelligence in Europe. Director of the CIA in 1953-1961. One of the organizers of intelligence and espionage and sabotage activities against the USSR and other socialist countries, the ideologist of the Cold War.


The war will end, everything will somehow settle down, settle down. And we will throw everything we have - all the gold, all the material power - into fooling and fooling people!
The human brain, the consciousness of people are capable of change. Having sowed chaos, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself.
Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness, will be played out. From literature and art, for example, we will gradually erase their social essence, wean artists, discourage them from engaging in depiction ... research, or something, of those processes that take place in the depths of the masses. Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists, who will plant and hammer into the human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, any kind of immorality. In government, we will create chaos and confusion.
We will imperceptibly, but actively and constantly promote the tyranny of officials, bribe-takers, unscrupulousness. Bureaucracy and red tape will be elevated to virtue. Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone, will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, first of all enmity and hatred for the Russian people - we will cultivate all this deftly and imperceptibly, all this will bloom in a terry flower .
And only a few, very few will guess or even understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn them into a laughingstock, find a way to slander them and declare them the dregs of society. We will uproot spiritual roots, vulgarize and destroy the foundations of folk morality. We will shatter thus, generation after generation. We will take on people from childhood, youthful years, we will always place the main stake on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, corrupt it. We will make cynics, vulgarities, cosmopolitans out of them.
This is how we will do it.

A. Dulles. "Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR", 1945.

Margaret Thatcher:
(Report on the collapse of the USSR USA, Houston, 11.1991)

The Soviet Union is a country that posed a serious threat to the Western world. I'm not talking about a military threat. She, in fact, was not. Our countries are fairly well armed, including nuclear weapons.

I mean the economic threat. Thanks to a planned policy and a peculiar combination of moral and material incentives, the Soviet Union managed to achieve high economic indicators. The percentage of growth in the gross national product was approximately twice as high as in our countries. If we take into account the huge natural resources of the USSR, then with a rational management of the economy, the Soviet Union had quite real opportunities to oust us from world markets.
Therefore, we have always taken actions aimed at weakening the economy of the Soviet Union and creating internal difficulties for it.

US Crimes (USA - gendarme "democracy") Part 2

And while we regularly stigmatize other states as rogue states, we ourselves have become the biggest rogue nation. We do not honor treaties, we defy international courts, we voluntarily strike where we please. We give orders to the UN, but we don't pay dues. We complain about terrorism, but our empire (USA) has become the most daring terrorist today.
American writer Gore Vidal. "Why they hate us" Moscow 2003

Excerpts from books, analytical articles, collections of facts about America and its little secrets.
Here are some of them:
- US cooperation with the Nazis;
- terrorist financing;
- "lost" Boeing at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001;
- business relations between Bush and bin Laden;
- various war crimes from Indian genocide to Iraq;
- prohibited experiments on humans;
- political assassinations commissioned by the United States;
- America's participation in the collapse of the USSR and subversive activities against Russia;
- hundreds of thousands of slaves in America;
- the colossal US prison system, the largest and most capacious in the world;
- terrorist training at the School of the Americas, Georgia;
- purchase of internal organs of children from Russia and other poor countries;
- economic strangulation of dozens of countries, responsibility for death from starvation and disease of tens of millions of people, etc. etc.

Ukrainian nationalists in the service of the CIA, Operation Belladonna and the Cold War
The history of the Cold War, which is being researched in universities and research institutes in the West, has been the subject of numerous books and articles by historians and journalists. These publications exposed many of the covert anti-Soviet operations funded by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) throughout this era. However, these publications did not adequately highlight the role played by the Ukrainian-American organization called "Prolog Research and Publishing Inc.", which existed from 1952 to 1988.

Reflections on the New Order of International Plunder

It turns out that the UN, and the Security Council, and NATO, and the system of international treaties, and the Hague Court are just tools for robbing the weak by the strong. It turns out that all this freedom of speech, all these Nobel Peace Prizes and the whole culture are used only as an excuse to kill in the name of humanism, to call the aggressor the one who defends himself and bombard the victims, declaring at the same time the intention to save them. It turns out that capitalism exists by robbing its own peoples through financial fraud, and the peoples of other countries through armed robbery.


USA - the world empire of evil or the standard of democracy;
- Millennium scam. How American financiers cheated the whole world;
- Crime springboard. How, after the Second World War, the United States suddenly got rich;
- Goodbye America! Why the descendants of the Indians are sharpening the hatchet of a new war;
- Discrimination and deportation. How white gentlemen drove the Indians from the fertile lands;
- Democratic genocide. 10 American ways to destroy the enemy;
- Washing the soul. Why Americans are the richest, but not the smartest people;
- Dividing line. Why are US cities divided into neighborhoods for whites and neighborhoods for people of color and everyone else;
- Feast in Time of Plague. For whom are dead zones created in the USA.

Complete list of all United States war crimes since 1622
“In order to assert and maintain its "right" to exploit other peoples, America regularly resorts to the use of extreme forms of violence, and above all military. Here is a list of known armed interventions and other crimes. Of course, it cannot claim absolute completeness, but there is no more complete one.

The Jewish lobby in the United States controls the foreign policy of the "superpower" in the interests of Zionism
Jews rule America, forcing the "world gendarme" to fulfill Israel's orders to the detriment of American interests. Anyone who tries to unmask the Jewish lobby in the United States is subjected to harassment, intimidation and elimination of...
