Life does not stand still: modern production is developing, new technologies, new professions, a new approach to life are emerging. That is why, in recent years, I have been working more actively on the topic "Vocational guidance work in elementary school". This problem today in pedagogy, as you know, is very relevant.

I see the urgency of the problem, first of all,

- V motivation that performs the function of its regulation and support

- in the formation of a younger student's attitude towards himself as a subject of future professional activity.

What is the scientific and practical my work:

- targeting a specific profession

– training in self-esteem skills

- development of the emotional component of psychological readiness.

We keep up with the times at school and our task as teachers is to give not only knowledge, but we teach children to live not tomorrow, but live here and now. From an early age, we are working on the formation of a child's attitude towards himself as a subject of future professional activity. And it is the age of the younger student that is most favorable for such formation.

The purpose of my work:

  • to develop the cognitive abilities of students on the basis of creating the most diverse impressions of the world of professions;
  • to form educational and educational motives;
  • give them the opportunity to test themselves in a game situation close to reality;
  • to form holistic knowledge, needs for creative activity;
  • develop intellectual and creative abilities.

Hence it follows main goals vocational guidance in elementary school:

  • to introduce students to the diversity of the world of professions;
  • to form concrete and visual representations of the essential aspects of the profession;
  • to cultivate industriousness, diligence, accuracy, perseverance in bringing things to the end, respect for the results of one's own and others' work;
  • understanding of the role of labor in human life;
  • development of interest in various professions.

In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adulthood, he must be introduced to the maximum number of professions, starting with the immediate environment, i.e. with the professions of people who are well acquainted, whose work children observe every day.

The age of a younger student is most favorable for forming an attitude towards oneself as a subject of future professional activity, but career guidance should be structured in such a way that the child is interested. And what is interesting for a younger student? It's a game.

Therefore, I spend my acquaintance with professions in role-playing game and not only at class hours, family holidays, excursions, but at all lessons. I carefully think over this activity during the preparation of educational and thematic plans for the coming academic year. Each lesson deals with a particular profession, students have the opportunity to expand their understanding of the world of professions, as well as explore their abilities in relation to the profession in question.

In the lessons of mathematics, reading, the world around me, I use role-playing games aimed at solving educational and educational problems. These are games: “Shop”, “Library”, “Guide” and others. Game exercises not only contribute to the assimilation of knowledge, but also activate cognitive processes, stimulate independence and self-control.

It is no secret that it is much more pleasant to live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, creativity. At the lessons of speech development, I conduct a game - the composition “Beginner Journalist”. The student acts as a journalist, interviews parents, neighbors, processes information and writes an essay.

At the lesson of the world around, in the course of practical work, the children planted flowers. Then I spoke for the first time about the profession of florist.

It was a surprise for me that this profession interested not only girls, but also boys.

On their own, from additional sources, the guys learned a lot of interesting things about this profession.

In technology lessons, it is very important that the child wants to create something of his own, unique, unlike the model that we often offer teachers. Therefore, getting acquainted with the technique of paper plasticity when making the “Sea Animals” panel, the guys master a lot of techniques for working with paper: folding, corrugating, cutting, twisting.

Children learn to create three-dimensional figures, which is not so easy to do. I, in turn, try to give an idea of ​​what kind of profession such skills can be useful. For example, when considering the profession of "architect", attention is paid to the development of abilities related to observation, eye, spatial-figurative, creative thinking.

A lively interest and a creative approach to this type of work activity allows me to conclude that such professions as a designer, fashion designer, architect are already of interest to children, and some of them even see themselves in these professions.

In the process of work, students share encyclopedic knowledge about marine life, which is very valuable for me. It's also a profession. scientist. Children learn to comprehend the basics of research work, intellectual work.

Such lessons in creativity arouse interest in a particular area of ​​work. And so that the children have the opportunity to choose what and how to create in the lesson, I tried to interest them as much as possible and give them the opportunity to express their creative imagination and independence of each of them, and then career guidance goes beyond the scope of the lesson.

Meetings with representatives of various professions of our city have become traditional.

So, in the 1st grade, we invited an employee forestry.

The students themselves prepared material on this topic, gave many examples from the life of their pets.

During the excursion to the airport, we got acquainted with the professions pilot and stewardess.

And three of the guys decided to connect their lives with the sky .

The meeting with the honorary citizen of our city Farit Gazizullin did not leave anyone indifferent. An outstanding personality is a geologist, artist, musician.

He introduced us to his main profession - geologist and the children discovered a fascinating science - geology.

His story included visual material: photographs, drawings, paintings, videos from the expedition sites. Important points such as:

  • the history of the profession (where the word came from, how the face of the profession changed, etc.);
  • content of labor;
  • professionally important qualities;
  • restrictions on working in this profession;
  • interesting cases.

A survey of students shows that with such a system of work, interest in new professions is growing from year to year, because there are a great many exciting professions. In addition, children acquire the skills of self-esteem and self-realization, which develops the emotional component of their psychological readiness for professional self-determination.

Working in this direction, I came to the conclusion that to choose a profession :

  • desire to learn
  • pact with oneself
  • examination of professions and their characteristics,
  • emotional desire,
  • pragmatism.

And in conclusion, I want to say: "The future belongs to those who are sacredly faithful to their dream."

Slides captions:

Career guidance in elementary school
Compiled by: Prikhodko T.Yu. MOU secondary school No. 6, G. Kopeysk
Main idea: Career guidance in elementary school prepares the "ground" for a more meaningful and informed professional choice in the middle and senior levels.
Objectives: to introduce students to the world of professions most attractive to children (content, requirements); to create conditions for the development of an independent, actively developing creative personality, capable of adapting and self-realization in society.
Tasks: Analyze the age characteristics of younger students; Using the "Who to be?" (N.S. Pryazhnikov) to determine the range of professions that are most relevant for modern children of primary school age; To select the forms and methods of career guidance work outside of school hours
Project completion time: February-April, 2014. Project participants: Students of grade 3A (30 people) MOU secondary school No. 6 in Kopeysk
Project content: Vocational guidance is a specially organized activity aimed at providing students with psychological and pedagogical support in designing options for continuing their education in specialized classes of high school and vocational education institutions. Its main directions are: assistance to the student in choosing the direction and place of further education; increasing the readiness of children for social, professional and cultural self-determination.
Age features Hypersensitivity to external influences; The leading activity is educational; In studies, the motive of interest, curiosity, the desire to achieve approval from adults leads.
Age features 4. The volitional sphere is not sufficiently developed, thinking is visual and effective; 5. Self-esteem, self-confidence is formed in activities under the influence of adults; 6. The child must feel the significance and expediency of his work.

Methodology "Who to be" (N.S. Pryazhnikov) Draw who you would like to become, make a signature under the picture.

The results of the methodology "Who to be" (N.S. Pryazhnikov)

Forms and methods of vocational guidance work in primary school after school hours Games and exercises; Competitions and conferences of design work;; Organization of the work of clubs and circles;
There are many games and exercises aimed at comprehending some elements of the profession being studied. those tools that are associated with this profession "
Games and exercises
Competitions and conferences of design works
Topic: "My profession is the profession of the future"; "I want to be ... and I will"; “Defending the profession…”; “To be me ...”; “The profession of my parents is my profession”; “The work of a hairdresser”, etc.
Conference "All professions are good, choose according to your taste"
“People of different professions are invited to talk about their profession. Pupils are given the opportunity to ask questions of interest to them about the specifics of a particular profession. People are invited not only to professions preferred by children, but also to those that children know little or do not know at all.
Using the LEGO constructor
City dwellers. DUPLOThematic set illustrating the occupations of city dwellers. The set contains 20 figures of people dressed in special. clothes that testify to the profession or occupation of the character.
Using the LEGO constructor
Freight and passenger transport. lego
A large base set illustrates the ways of freight and passenger transportation. A huge number of standard and special elements will allow you to simulate the work of air, land and water transport
Using the LEGO constructor
Railway. DUPLO
Traditionally loved by all Railway. This set includes 2 freight trains, rails, a railroad crossing, a railroad bridge and a railroad crossing, as well as driver figures and standard station building bricks.
Fire station. DUPLO
Thematic set illustrating the work of the fire brigade. The set contains 129 elements: two fire trucks, a helicopter, firefighter figures, as well as elements that simulate fire and water, and standard bricks for building a fire station.
Police station. DUPLO
A themed building and role-playing set that allows you to play out the story of the capture of criminals by the police.
Workers and employees. lego
More than 30 miniature LEGO - men, representatives of various public services, contains a thematic set to expand knowledge about socially useful professions.
Transport of municipal services. DUPLO
Themed building set features municipal vehicles, uniformed figures and traffic signs.
Organization of the work of clubs and circles
Scientific and technical orientation Circle of aircraft modeling, technical modeling, radio electronics, young cosmonauts Ecological and biological orientation Circles of young flower growers, zoologists, Club "Young Ecologist"
Artistic and aesthetic orientation Circle of macrame, cooking, artistic embroidery, knitting, etc. Musical creativity: Folklore circle, choir circle, etc. Social and pedagogical orientation Circle of young correspondents, Club "Young Fireman", Club "I choose a profession ..."
Making a career guidance corner “In the world of professions”
This corner may contain books, photographic materials, one way or another related to the profession. In the process of conducting a lesson, this corner must be addressed so that it is not something artificial, non-working.
Organization of excursion work
Excursion to the post office; Excursion to the store; Excursion to the hairdresser's; Excursion to the enterprise; Excursion to the factories ", Group of companies "Jemir", LLC Laminate. Furniture. Kit, Factory "Ural ExpressFoods") Excursion to the library;
This book will help educators instill in children a keen interest in the world of various professions. Its goal is through fairy tales, conversations, games, questions and creative tasks about professions and masters to bring children to the realization that there are no unnecessary professions on earth, that people who put their whole soul into their work are Great Masters. Alexandra Lopatina, Maria Skrebtsova “Secrets skill"

Vlasova Elena Valentinovna,
primary school teacher
GBOU gymnasium No. 168
Central district of St. Petersburg,

Vocational orientation is not a student's choice of a profession, one for life, but the formation of his readiness for professional self-determination, the activation of the internal resources of his personality so that, being involved in professional activities, a person can fully realize yourself in it.

The question "Who to be?" vital. The answer to it has an impact on the future life of a person. Properly constructed career guidance work allows you to solve many problems. Since the list of offered professions is large, it is important not to get confused, to find your place in the world of professions, to realize your potential. In order for students to learn to understand themselves, to objectively evaluate their success in various types of activities, this work must begin from primary school age.

Primary school age is not insignificant, "passing", from the point of view of professional orientation. The fact is that there are a number of indicators, moral-volitional and motivational characteristics, for the formation of which this particular stage of age development is sensitive.

Career guidance work in elementary school is propaedeutic, i.e. preceding the main one. At this stage, younger students should develop a conscientious attitude to work, an understanding of its role in the life of a person and society, develop interest in the professions of parents and the immediate environment, and interest in the most common professions. In addition, important areas of career guidance work in elementary school are: teaching schoolchildren the skills of self-assessment, the development of reflection and realistic self-assessment of children.

The goal of the primary school teacher is to develop the interests and abilities of the students.

The tasks of career guidance in elementary school are as follows:

  • to acquaint with the diversity of the world of professions;
  • give general information about the content of labor of various professions;
  • to form motivation and interest in educational and labor activities;
  • develop intellectual and creative abilities;
  • to cultivate industriousness, diligence, accuracy, perseverance in bringing the matter to the end, respect for the results of one's own and other people's work.

Career guidance work in elementary school is carried out in the unity of classroom and extracurricular activities.

The first stage of this work is professional information, when students get acquainted with the professions of people whose work they observe every day. The purpose of this stage is the development of cognitive abilities based on different impressions of the world of professions, the formation of a conscientious attitude to work.

At all lessons in elementary school, the importance of educational and labor activity is emphasized, a sense of responsibility for one's work is brought up. At the lessons of the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the world around us, technology, fine arts, physical culture, music, students get acquainted with various professions, and the teacher tries to convey their importance and significance to the children's consciousness. When teaching almost all subjects, teachers use active teaching methods - games, project method, research and problem. All this has a positive effect on the development of personality and preparation for the profiling of students. So, in the Russian language lessons we use words, sentences, texts related to a particular profession, for vocabulary, spelling work, for dictations and cheating. In mathematics lessons we solve practical problems (we can be builders, salesmen, scientists, machinists, etc.). In speech development lessons, students can act as journalists (collect information, write essays of various genres, create newspapers and thematic collections). At the lessons of the surrounding world, there is an acquaintance with professions in various industries, the food industry, and agriculture. Riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles, short poems about professions, games “Guess by gestures”, “Who is more?” (name as many words as possible related to the profession), “Tool of labor is a profession” (to learn the profession from the tools of labor), etc. A new form of training session for us is the solution of a project problem. Children get the opportunity to express themselves in a particular role, to show independence, creative imagination. Very often career guidance goes beyond the scope of the lesson.

A variety of extracurricular activities of younger students fully contributes to the formation of motivation and interest in various activities, develops the intellectual and creative abilities of students. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in elementary school made it possible to provide our children with a wide range of circles, sections, creative associations for the implementation of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practical socially and personally significant activities outside of school hours, i.e. organize an appropriate space for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child's personality.

Extracurricular activities contribute to a more versatile disclosure of the child's individual abilities, which are not always possible to consider in the classroom, the development of children's interest in various types of activities, the desire to actively participate in productive, socially approved activities, the ability to independently organize their free time.

Extracurricular work on vocational guidance of students begins with the first grade and has a logical continuation in the next grades. On this topic, we plan and conduct classes using a variety of forms, such as:

  • conversations;
  • gaming activities;
  • excursions;
  • quizzes;
  • contests;
  • meeting people of interesting professions;
  • participation in competitions of drawings, photographs, essays;
  • family holidays;
    • project protection, etc.

The primary school teacher in the classroom and after school hours works in the following areas:

1) shows students the role of labor in human life;

2) involve students in the implementation of socially significant cases;

3) holds meetings with representatives of various professions (including parents);

4) involve students in various types of educational and cognitive activities (labor, play, research);

5) introduces students to the world of professions;

6) teaches work on the formation of a "Portfolio" ("Portfolio of Achievements").

Primary school students are just beginning to develop an interest in professions. Socially useful activities in which children participate (and this can be caring for plants, making crafts and toys, repairing books, etc.) have a decisive influence on the formation of their interest. When children see and feel that their work is needed by people, they experience great pleasure from this. For primary school students, visibility and a change in activities are necessary and important, the selection of material that is appropriate for the age and interests of the child is very important, so the goal of career guidance in the first and third grades will be somewhat different.

So, in the first grade, the purpose of the work may be to expand knowledge about work, to form a culture of work, to get acquainted with the professions of parents. And in the third grade, for example, acquaintance with the classification of professions, expanding knowledge about the professions of our city.

As a result of this work, primary school students should:

know and understand:

  • the role of labor activity in human life;
  • the impact of technological processes and human labor activity on the environment and human health;
  • purpose and scope of various machines, technical devices and tools;

master the methods of cognitive activity:

  • compare and highlight the features of the content of various professions based on observations;
  • evaluate the results of their activities in accordance with the task;
  • plan their activities and control them;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene and safety when working with materials, tools, electrical appliances.

Speech to the pedagogical council

Scriabina L.A.

Career guidance in elementary school

At present, the issue of the formation and development of a successful personality, confidently adapting to the changing conditions of the modern world, is becoming increasingly relevant.

Preparing schoolchildren for a reasonable choice of a profession seems to be one of the important tasks of school education and upbringing.

In order for students to learn to understand themselves, to objectively evaluate their success in various activities, this work must begin from primary school age.

The purpose of this direction: the development of cognitive abilities of students on the basis of creating the most diverse impressions of the world of professions.


To acquaint students with the diversity of the world of professions;

To form concrete and visual representations of the essential aspects of the profession;

Develop the intellectual and creative abilities of the child.

Career guidance work in elementary school is propaedeutic.

The problem in elementary school is that the lessons of acquaintance with professions in the framework of the school curriculum occupy an insignificant part. In order for a child to consciously make a choice in adulthood, already in elementary school it is necessary to introduce him to the maximum number of professions, starting from the immediate environment, that is, the professions of people who are well known, whose work children observe day after day. The first professions that a child learns about are the professions of his parents and those people that he often encounters in everyday life. The child daily observes how people work, what they do at work. Parents usually talk about their work only in the most general terms, without overloading the child with unnecessary information, so random details sometimes seem to be an essential feature of the professional activities of parents. The external side of adult activity remains more essential for children than its meaning.

The words "work, work, work" are one of the first words in a child's vocabulary. He knows that if mom is not at home, then she went to work. Dad should not be disturbed when he is working. You need to work in order to have money, with which people buy everything necessary for life: food, clothes, medicines, etc. All adults should work; only sick and elderly people who have already retired do not work. Children also do not work, but they go first to kindergarten, and then to school to learn and choose their profession.

It often happens that a child continues to do what his parents did - a “working dynasty”. With children of primary school age, it is necessary to talk about the fact that there are many professions in the world and it is very difficult to choose your own business. In order to navigate the world of adult professions, to understand what you like to do and why, it is good to observe the work of adults in advance.

Have I, a primary school teacher, thought about the importance of this problem? No. But intuitively, I still carried out work in this direction and continue to do it, and quite regularly.

Acquaintance with professions in my class, I start from grade 1. In career guidance, I use a variety of forms: meetings with parents, with people of interesting professions, master classes, creating presentations about various professions, competitions, exhibitions of drawings, reading books, class hours, quizzes and other types of work.

1 class Class hour "Rainbow of Professions", a conversation about different professions, drawing competition "Rainbow of Professions" - who I want to become; excursion to the Fire Safety Museum, class “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”, acquaintance with the profession of a fireman; interesting meetings - the story of grandfather Volkov V.A. about the profession of a military pilot.

2 cells Class hour “I am talented”, group project “What I can do best”. At the lessons of the surrounding world, we get acquainted with the profession of a geologist, agricultural professions, we talk about “The work of people in the fall”, “Spring work in the garden, garden, field”. In April 2016, Viktor Igorevich Vasiliev, an actor and chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Belarus, came to our gymnasium. The guys saw the animated films "The Stork" and "Stupid Miss and the Reasonable Pan", as well as played and were able to feel like on a real film set.

3 cells As part of interesting meetings - a master class from the parent Mesengiser N.S. dentist. She told the children about the structure of their teeth, taught them why it is necessary to take care of their teeth and how to care for them.

My years are growing

will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

what to do?

Essay writing what i want to be when i grow up. For your attention, I present excerpts from these works.

Preparing for this teachers' council, I began to look at this direction in the upbringing of our children with different eyes, realized the importance of this moment and now I will review the plan for the educational work of the class for the next year

Preparing schoolchildren for a reasonable choice of a profession is one of the important tasks of school education and upbringing.

The basis for professional self-determination should be laid at the stage of concrete and visual representations of the world of professions long before adolescence. Therefore, an important place in career guidance work belongs to younger students.



Career guidance work in elementary school

Speech by Saratovtseva Elena Vladimirovna,

Primary school teacher at the Gymnasium in Volsk.

At present, the issue of the formation and development of a successful personality, confidently adapting to the changing conditions of the modern world, is becoming increasingly relevant.
Preparing schoolchildren for a reasonable choice of a profession is one of the important tasks of school education and upbringing.

The need for career guidance in elementary school

The basis for professional self-determination should be laid at the stage of concrete and visual representations of the world of professions long before adolescence. Therefore, an important place in career guidance work belongs to younger students.

Learning reveals the selective attitude of the student to different academic subjects. Some children very early show interest in some of them, a tendency to a certain type of activity: visual, musical, constructive, etc.

Based on the survey conducted in grade 4, I found that children give preference to subjects: physical education - 15 people, mathematics - 14 people, fine arts - 9 people, Russian language, literary reading, OM - 8 people, English language - 7 people. technology - 4 people.

Early career guidance for children is characterized bymainly by identifying the sphere of interests of children and enriching this sphere with knowledge about new professions.

Features of the formation of ideas about the world of professions among younger students

In the process of development, the child saturates his consciousness with various ideas about the world of professions. He symbolically tries to play the actions of the driver, nurse, teacher, etc., based on observations of adults.

At this stage, a certain visual basis is created, on which the further development of professional self-awareness is based. That is why it is very important to create the most diverse palette of impressions about the world of professions, so that later, on the basis of this material, the student can analyze the professional sphere more meaningfully.

career guidanceis a system of measures that contribute to the professional self-determination of the individual, the formation of a future professional who knows how to use his inclinations and abilities with the greatest benefit for himself and society. Career guidance is carried out through academic subjects, extracurricular activities, work with parents.

The main task career guidancein the primary grades - expanding the child's horizons and awareness of professions in the process of direct communication with adults or observing their work.

  1. Career guidance through academic subjects

In the course of education in primary schoolall academic subjectscan be used as an opportunity to form an interest in the work of adults in younger students.

Work with illustrations and language material can be successfully carried out in the lessons of reading, Russian, mathematics, etc.

In the lessons of the Russian language and literature, I use proverbs about work: The work of the master is afraid. Patience and a little effort. Work feeds, and laziness spoils. You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. A small deed is better than a big idleness.

When studying vocabulary words, I use riddles about professions.

Our scientist with friend Vasya
Swimming at home on a mattress.
Deftly rounded the sofa
Vasya, brave ... (captain)

In the book sea it is endless

The real captain.

Find any book

Help us quickly! (Librarian)

Chalk writes and draws,

And fights with mistakes

Teaches to think, reflect,

What's his guys name? (Teacher)

When studying single-root words, I offer riddles to children

We will rise when you sleep

And sift the flour in a sieve,

Let's heat up the oven,

To bake bread in the morning. (Baker)

I will find them in the restaurant -

These people in caps

They conjure over pots

With ladles in hand. (Cook)

According to the options, you need to select the same-root words of different parts of speech and highlight the root.

When studying the theme of the world around "In the service of man", younger students learn that getting food is the result of the work of people of different professions (grain growers, gardeners, bakers, tractor drivers, drivers, farmers, etc.)

Role-playing games , for example, such as "Shop" (at a math lesson), "Library" (reading lesson), "Tour guide" (lesson of the world around).

In such games, the didactic task of the lesson is integrated with the career guidance one.

There are many games and exercises aimed at understanding the individual elements of the profession being studied. Both during lessons and after school hours I offer career guidance games to schoolchildren. For example, “Profession with a letter ...” (k- cashier, courier, horse breeder, x-hockey player, artist), “Who uses it in work?” (for example, a mirror or a needle - name professions that use a given tool or material), “Association” (guess the intended profession using associative questions like “What smell (color) does the profession have?”)

  1. Extracurricular career guidance workincludes different directions: excursions,

class hours, extra-curricular activities, meetings with specialists in various fields of work, competitions, exhibitions, circles and special courses.

By visiting museums, art galleries, libraries, theaters, younger students not only join the world of beauty, but also have the opportunity to get information about the profession of a guide, artist, librarian, actor.

During class hours and extracurricular activities, younger students read poems about various professions, solve riddles, stage works, make proverbs about work, talk about their parents' professions, and participate in quizzes "All work is good."

For example, while reading different books, we meet different characters who have become famous due to their profession. And you, of course, will recognize them and be able to name the characters and authors of these works.

1. The best nanny in the world is a governess who once flew in on an umbrella from nowhere

(Mary Poppins, P. Travers)

2. A teacher who had a very high opinion of herself. “For me,” she said, “both children and dogs become silky” (Freken Bock, A. Lindgren)

3. Of the three queens, one became a queen, the other a weaver, and the third? (cook A.S. Pushkin)

4. The most famous postman living in the village of Prostokvashino (Pechkin. E. Uspensky)

6. Fabulous veterinarian (Aibolit K. Chukovsky)

We talk about professions that we encounter on a daily basis.

School nurse.Her job is to protect the health of children and teachers. She provides first aid for various diseases, injuries, treats wounds. The nurse is responsible for the quality of the food prepared in our school cafeteria. It organizes vaccinations for children, annual preventive examinations of both children and teachers.

It seems like a profession cook familiar to everyone, and it is not necessary to talk much about it. An old Russian proverb says: "A good cook is worth a doctor." Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, cannot be indifferent. After all, how to feed a person depends on his health, and mood, and labor productivity and academic success.

“There are many good professions in the world, but I know mine is not more interesting”

Profession primary school teachervery important and necessary. The teacher teaches children, prepares and conducts class and school events, parent-teacher meetings; conducts lessons and circles, organizes cultural events; children's leisure and recreation.

We also talk about other professions that you can’t do without - a janitor, a cloakroom attendant, a cleaning lady.

In elementary school, we organize meetings with parents, professionals in various fields of work - traffic police specialists, firefighters, VVIMO cadets, a school librarian, a school nurse.

Students of my class participate in creative competitions, exhibitions of school, municipal, regional levels "Age is not a hindrance!", "Autumn crafts"

Younger students enjoy attending the theater club.

At the classroom hour, I conducted a survey and found out that younger students are familiar with many professions. Children like professions - a teacher, a doctor, a military man, a seamstress, a hairdresser, an inventor, a veterinarian, a model, a singer, a confectioner, a designer, an educator, a builder, a policeman. In the future, schoolchildren dream of becoming doctors - 9 people, teachers - 4 people, policemen - 2 people, military - 3 people, veterinarians - 2 people, seamstress - 2 people, designer - 1 person, translator - 1 person, business lady 1 people

All professions are great.

All professions are important.

We know that our hands

The Motherland will need.

Starting from the 1st grade, we have created a "portfolio" - folders of students' achievements, which will help to identify areas of preferred professional interests among younger students, to conduct information and educational work on choosing a profession in the future.

Although elementary school students will not have to choose a profession soon, but now I am aiming them at the fact that they need to prepare for choosing a profession:

Gather information about professions

Observe the work of adults in life,

Visit special museums where you can "touch" professions,

Try yourself in different activities to understand what you like to do the most

And, most importantly, learn! After all, school is the first step in any profession.

  1. Career guidance work with parents of students

Depending on the characteristics of the character of the child, his temperament and abilities, he begins to show interest in certain professions.

Someone asks his parents to buy him a typewriter, someone a first aid kit, someone is interested in sewing, and someone cannot sit still: he is drawn to run, dance, sing, etc.

The teacher should help parents understand the psychological characteristics of the child and their desires.

At parent-teacher meetings, I aim parents to include schoolchildren in different circles and sections. As a result, 8 people are engaged in sports sections (hand-to-hand combat, karate, boxing, judo, swimming), 3 people in the music school, 3 people in the art school, 5 people in dance clubs, and 5 people in the art school. 2 people In the theater circle - 1 person, beading - 1 person.

The more professions a child is familiar with and the wider his understanding of the world of professions, the fewer mistakes he will make in the future in the process of forming a professional choice.