Dota 2 lobby commands allow you to use cheats and other features, some of which are very useful. They can only be used in specially created lobbies (with some exceptions) where this feature is enabled. To do this, when creating your lobby, you need to check the "Enable cheats" checkbox in the "Game Rules". Previously, they had to be entered only in the console, which first had to be turned on, now they can be entered simply in the general chat.

Below we will present you with a complete list of cheats that can be used in the Dota 2 lobby.

Clearwards - the team will remove all Observer wards from the game map, if any;

Killwards - Destroy all wards placed on the map.

Allvision - the fog of war will disappear (for two teams), it will be possible to follow the entire map and all the heroes. You can disable this mode by entering -normalvision, this will return the usual mode.

Startgame - rewinds the timer to the beginning of the game, that is, the first waves of creeps and runes will immediately appear.

Item - will give you any item, you just need to know its name. For example, you want to get ((dagon)), so you need to enter -item dagon. There must be a place in the inventory, if the item is only in the side or secret shop, it does not matter.

Givebots - similar to the previous one, only it will give this item to all bots (both yours and the enemy).

Gold - This command for the Dota 2 lobby will give you a given amount of gold. You need to enter it like this: -gold 777, where instead of 777 you can put any number, but not more than 16000. If you enter more, all the gold in your account will disappear.

Refresh - will completely refresh your hero, hp and mana will become full, cooldowns of abilities or items will be reset to zero.

Respawn - used to resurrect a hero, he will appear near the fountain with a full set of hp and mana. Also, this command for the Dota 2 lobby can be used simply to teleport to the fountain.

Lvlup - will increase the level of your hero by a given number. Enter like this: -lvlup 25. You can’t bet more than 25, since this is the maximum level in the game. If you enter a negative number or a number that is less than the current level of the character, it will not change, that is, it will not work to lower the level.

Dumpbots - will show you detailed information and statistics about each player (or bot).

Levelbots - the command will set the specified level for all bots, as well as in the case of the level for your hero, you cannot lower it.

Createhero - will add a hero or other unit that you can control to the place where the cursor points. You need to know the exact name, you need to enter it like this: -createhero io - will add ((io)), which you can control. In this way, you can summon a whole gang of heroes (or creeps) and control them.

You can also call Roshan, you need to enter -createhero roshan. But it is better not to do this, since his appearance introduces bots into a stupor and they can freeze in place. Do not forget that Roshan can only be killed in his "house", in any other part of the map he will be invulnerable to any attacks. In addition to creeps and heroes, you can summon creatures that are summoned by heroes or some effects. For example, if you try to call plasma_field, then the corresponding ability that ((razor) has) will work.

Disablecreepspawn - disables creep spawns on all sides.

Enablecreepspawn - cancels the previous command, creeps start spawning again.

Spawncreeps - this command for the Dota 2 lobby causes an unplanned creep wave, but it should not be abused, as too many units can lead to slowdowns on the server (the game is simply not designed for a very large number of creeps).

Killcreeps - Kills all creeps on the map. At one time, the developers turned it off, then turned it on, now it doesn’t work again, so you need to check it yourself.

Wtf - this command for the Dota 2 lobby will enable a mode in which the heroes will not spend mana on spells, and the cooldown will be zero. The mode is disabled with the -unwtf command.

This was a list of cheats for special Dota 2 lobbies that can be used both when playing with friends and while playing with bots. All of them are entered in the game chat, but there are also commands that need to be entered only through the console, entered in the game chat, they will not work.

Console commands for Dota 2 in the lobby

Console commands for Dota 2 in the lobby are not cheats and they do not require additional options to be enabled. Everyone should know some of them, as they are very useful. Here is a list of the most necessary ones that will be useful to everyone.

Ping - will show the ping of all players, this command can be entered in the chat as -ping.

cl_showfps - if set to 1, it will show your fps on the screen, a value of 0 will remove this data from the screen.

Volume - you can set the value from 0 to 1, adjusts the sound level. Convenient, so as not to climb into the game settings.

Snd_musicvolume - the command is completely similar to volume, it only adjusts the sound level.

Dota_player_units_auto_attack - If set to 1, then auto-attack will be disabled. Recently, this can also be done in the game settings.

Dota_force_right_click_attack 1 - enables a mode in which you can kill your creeps with the right mouse button.

We have listed the most useful and necessary console commands for Dota 2. Unlike cheats, you do not need to allow the use of codes in the lobby, they can be used in any game. This list is not complete, you can find the rest in other articles on our website, they contain complete information about even the rarest console commands for Dota 2.

Unturned is an acclaimed sandbox survival horror game in which the only goal is to survive. Its popularity to the only developer - a Canadian programmer - she brought thanks to the freedom of action: you can fish, hunt, travel by car or exterminate hordes of zombies with your friends.

But survival can get too difficult, and in order to make life easier, gamers are learning how to do it in the game in several ways. The choice depends on your perseverance and the available playing time.

Groups of items in the game

To get an item using the "cheat" method, you need to know its id - a name, a set of numbers that is entered into the database and is used by the game itself to quickly create a virtual world. All items in this indie project are divided into 8 groups:

  1. Armament and ammunition.
  2. Materials for creating items (crafting).
  3. Rags, clothes.
  4. First aid kits and other medical supplies.
  5. Food and drinks.
  6. Flora elements.
  7. Traps.
  8. Vehicles.

In order to no longer suffer from the question of how to issue items in Unturned, you need to find out the code of the selected object and use it as part of a special command.

Console commands

Console command - a set of phrases chosen by the developer to perform various manipulations in the virtual space. It is they that allow you to easily get various objects, which is why many players are perceived as cheats.

Console commands are present in all games - they allow developers to debug a project, fix software bugs, and do not worry about how to issue items. There is no separate console in Unturned, so all combinations are entered directly into the game chat. The most popular are two sets of phrases:

  • @give[space][player nickname]//[number of items] - allows you to get any of the objects for yourself;
  • @vehicle[space][player nickname]//[number of vehicles] - helps to get any vehicle.

The presented commands are used in single mode. Once you learn them, you won't have to worry about how to drop items in Unturned. If you want to quickly get items in a multiplayer game, then you must be a server administrator. Remove the @ symbol from the command before calling objects.

Game modifications

Using game modification is the fastest way to get any of the items in the virtual space. The question of how to give yourself items in Unturned 3.0 will no longer bother you if you download and install a small package of files for the game.

It's time to tell you about the ID of all items, blocks in Minecraft. This article will consist of several particles:

Now we will consider and discuss everything in detail. Well let's go:

What is Item ID in Minecraft

Item IDs- a unique identifier, which consists of numbers. Each item has its own ID. In many cases, knowledge of these IDs of items and blocks is needed for the creators of the modification and for the administration of various servers in Minecraft.

Since if you want to give someone an item, a block, then you will need to use the /give command. But not everything is so simple, after you have entered this command, you will also have to write another console command (if necessary) - the item ID.

Using the Give Command to Get Items

In order to receive items and blocks using the /give command, you must have cheats enabled. Well, in order to distribute items on the server, you must have rights to do so.

/give [number] [additional data]

In order to make things easier for you in the future, get any items in minecraft you need to learn this table below.

Basic commands for obtaining items:

  • /give- issuing command and getting items in minecraft.
  • - the name of the player to whom you want to send the item.
  • - at this point you need to specify Item ID from the table.
  • [quantity]- type in numbers how much of this item you want to send No.
  • [Additional information]- in this paragraph, the second part of the ID of the digits of the item that has it is indicated.

ID of all Minecraft items

Now knowing the necessary commands and ID of all items in Minecraft, you can get any items in Minecraft in any quantity.

What is the difference between an object and a block?

A block is all those things that can be put on the ground. And objects are called - those things that cannot be put on the ground. That is, items are mainly used by the player, and blocks in the form of earth, grass, vegetation, etc.

The game world of Unturned is truly huge. A large number of various maps, locations, weapons, monsters, items that you can make yourself will not let a lover of games of this genre get bored for many hours.

There are a lot of different objects in the little thing, which can be divided into several groups:

  1. Weapons and ammunition for it.
  2. Building materials and other raw materials for crafting.
  3. Cloth.
  4. Medicines.
  5. Traps.
  6. Food and drinks.
  7. Objects of the plant world.
  8. Transport.

At the same time, there is an interesting opportunity in the game to "conjure" almost any item for yourself, without making any special efforts. It's about that how to give items in Unturned and we'll talk more...

How to give yourself a game item in Unturned?

In order to get any item while playing Unturned (single player), it is enough to enter the following command into the game chat (opens by pressing "Enter"): "@give[space][player nickname]//[number of items]" . Also in a single player game, you can "summon" a car in a similar way using a similar command: "@vehicle[space][player nickname]//[number of cars]". Quotation marks are not required.

The issuance of game items when playing on the server is practically the same as this process in a single game.

Items and the car are issued by the corresponding commands to the server console:

  • give[space][player nickname]//[number of items];
  • vehicle[space][player nickname]//[number of vehicles].
  • The only condition for being able to throw things in Unturned out of nowhere when playing online on the server - the player has the status of a server administrator. This feature is not available to other players.

    Of course, for such "magic" it is also necessary to know the ID numbers of all Unturned items available for distribution. This list is constantly updated and is freely available on the Internet.

    Below will be the id of the most commonly used items and cars in the game.


    • 9 - hiking backpack
    • 15 - first aid kit
    • 16 - ax
    • 73 - explosives
    • 164 - green T-shirt
    • 276 - flashlight


    • 7 - SUV
    • 30 - executive sedan
    • 33 - police car
    • 34 - fire truck
    • 40 - truck
    • 45 - small double car


    Summing up what has been said in the article, it is worth noting that issuing things in Unturned- this, of course, is great, but will this help to maintain interest in the game for a long time and enter it again and again? Hardly. Therefore, such game "chips" should be used wisely, not abused, because otherwise the game will cease to be what the developers intended it to be.