Rice is the basis of the traditional cuisine of many peoples. If you know how to cook rice porridge in water, then you can cook a dish that is included in healthy diet according to many nutritionists. It will be not only dietary, but also useful for the stomach. It is included in the diet of both adults and children, as well as has a low calorie content.

To cook a rice dish on the water, it is recommended to use saucepan with thick bottom. To properly cook it in a saucepan, follow these steps:

For cooking in a slow cooker, the same rules are used as with cooking in a saucepan. For cooking, the modes " porridge" or " pilaf". Cooking time is approximately 15-20 minutes. After cooking, steam the rice for 10-15 minutes.

If the child has diarrhea, it is recommended to use rice water. This folk method should be used, because unlike drugs, it always works and is harmless. But the main treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, because rice water for diarrhea- it's just a help in treatment.

Children's bodies can also react allergicly to certain types of medications. That is why, when diarrhea is detected, the preparation of rice water is first practiced. In addition to nutritional value, the decoction is useful in that it envelops the walls of the stomach, preventing harmful microorganisms from passing through. The recipe for the decoction is very simple:

  1. A third of a glass of cereal should be soaked in cold water for a couple of tens of minutes.
  2. At the same time, half a liter of clean, filtered water is boiled. Tap water should not be used.
  3. Pre-soaked rice is added to boiling water, which you need cook 50-60 minutes. Stir occasionally to avoid burning the rice.
  4. After a little less than an hour has passed, the fire can be turned off. The next step is to let the rice cool for a couple of hours.
  5. When the liquid has cooled, you need to take gauze and strain it. Rice broth for diarrhea is ready for use.

Diarrhea should go away if every 3-4 hours you give the child 2-3 tablespoons of decoction. The approximate time to relieve irritation is about a day after the start of taking the decoction.

Rice porridge should be included in the diet of almost every baby. It well replenishes the spent energy costs, contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. Not only is the dish is not an irritant for a small stomach, so it also protects it from harmful microorganisms. The recipe for “adult” rice porridge is not suitable for a baby, so cooking for yourself and your child is done separately. In order to properly cook rice for a child, you need:

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly in cold water until completely free of impurities. Soak clean rice in boiling water for 10 minutes and rinse again with cold water.
  2. Next, completely dry both rice and grind it in a coffee grinder. After these procedures, the rice should become like flour.
  3. Boil filtered clean water and add salt.
  4. Boil chopped rice in boiled water for about 15 minutes.
  5. Add hot milk. It should be 2 times less than boiled water.
  6. Add a small amount of butter. It is not recommended to use sugar for children who are under 1 year old.
  7. Let the rice cool down.

This dish is recommended to feed the baby no more than 1 time per day, as well as in small quantities. Do not change the recipe to your liking, because there is a possibility of harm the young stomach of a child.

When preparing any porridge with liquid, there are certain proportions that must be adhered to. For rice porridge, this ratio can be both to water and to milk.

The final appearance of the porridge, and even its taste, depends on the boiling time and the proportions of cereals to liquid.

  1. For a completely liquid one, use 1 cup of rice for 6 cups of liquid. Cooking time for this porridge is approx. 20-25 minutes.
  2. For semi-viscous, 1 cup of rice is taken for 4.5 cups of liquid. Cooking time - about 20 minutes.
  3. Viscous will turn out if you use 1 cup of rice for 3-4 cups of liquid. Need to cook 15-20 minutes.
  4. Crumbly porridge is prepared with a ratio of 1 cup of rice to 1-2 cups of liquid. Cooking time up to 15 minutes. Such porridge must be especially carefully monitored in order to avoid burning.

How to cook rice porridge in water video

Do you now understand how to cook rice porridge on water in a slow cooker or in a saucepan? Did you also cook for a child with diarrhea? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

“Schi and porridge are our food!” That's what the ancestors said - and they knew a lot about healthy food. Yes, maybe porridge itself as food is rustic, but it energizes and gives a lot of strength. That is why cereals are recommended for breakfast. Although rice is not particularly rich in vitamins (except for B, PP and E), it contains proteins that are close in composition to proteins of animal origin, complex carbohydrates that provide a long-term supply of energy, and minerals - potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, necessary for the coordinated work of the body. Rice porridge is indispensable in dietary nutrition, the diet of vegetarians and people who, for certain reasons, are not allowed to eat meat.

Rice porridge - general principles and methods of preparation

Unfortunately, in our time of convenience foods and fast food, chips, cereals and food concentrates used for breakfast have relegated natural porridge far into the background. But in vain. After all, all cereals, and in particular rice, are insanely tasty, and most importantly, useful, you just need to cook them correctly. Rice porridge can be boiled in water, vegetable, meat broths or milk. Raisins, apples, nuts, pumpkin are added to sweet rice porridges, and unsweetened ones are cooked with vegetables or meat. And of course, rice porridge must be flavored with a generous piece of butter. After all, it’s not for nothing that we hear from childhood - “you can’t spoil porridge with butter.”

Rice is an excellent absorbent; has the ability to absorb various harmful substances, toxins and remove them from the blood and the body. Rice porridge will help with a hangover, and also remove excess salt from the joints. In this case, fresh liquid porridge is cooked without oil and salt, from grain soaked in water.

Rice porridge - food preparation

There are many varieties of rice. They differ in taste, appearance and purpose. One variety is more suitable for sushi, the other for pilaf. To prepare porridge, it is recommended to take round rice - it is more viscous and sticky, and is the best suited for porridges. It must be washed and boiled for several minutes in water. Then the liquid is drained, the rice is poured with milk and boiled to the desired viscosity. If the cereal is boiled only in milk, it will be boiled for a long time, the milk will boil away, and rice will lose most of the nutrients.

Rice porridge - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Rice porridge with milk

Cooking such porridge is not difficult, probably this is one of the simplest recipes. It turns out it is gentle, light, almost airy. For breakfast, adults and children will eat it with pleasure. The cooking process takes about thirty minutes.

Ingredients: 3-4 st. milk, a glass of rice, to taste - sugar, butter and salt.

Cooking method

Pour washed rice into boiled water (1.5-2 l), cook for 8 minutes. Drain the water through a colander, rinse the rice under running tap water.

Boil milk in a saucepan, add a little salt, put sugar to taste, add rice. Cook, stirring, until thickened. Add a piece of butter to a bowl of porridge.

Recipe 2: Rice porridge with pumpkin

This porridge is a favorite among many gourmets. It is delicious, sweet and sunny. It is especially useful to eat it in the winter months in order to get not only a portion of vitamins and useful microelements, but also a charge of good mood. After all, the orange color of the pumpkin is very colorful and reminiscent of summer. For pumpkin porridge, it is better to choose nutmeg varieties, with brightly colored pulp. But this is not necessary, you can also take a pale pumpkin - this will not affect the taste and usefulness, just the color will not be so saturated. The ingredients in the recipe do not have strict quantitative restrictions, you can put the products by eye, or at your discretion. Someone will like the porridge more thick or liquid, and someone will want to add more pumpkins. Therefore, you can deviate from the indicated proportions in the recipe.

Ingredients: 250-300 g of rice, 300 g of pumpkin, 1.5 l of milk, to taste - sugar, butter, vanilla sugar and cinnamon.

Cooking method

Pour rice into boiled water and cook for seven to eight minutes. Drain the water by putting the rice in a colander (sieve).

Cut the pumpkin into cubes or small slices and pour milk so that the liquid covers it for a couple of centimeters (one phalanx of a finger), add a pinch of salt. Light the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes. Put rice with sugar to the pumpkin and cook until such density and consistency that you like best. If the porridge in the pan is very thick, you can dilute it with hot milk. At the end of cooking, add vanilla sugar, butter and cinnamon. If the family is not all lovers of spices, then it is better to add them not to the pan, but individually to the plate.

Recipe 3: Rice porridge with dried fruits

That's really for whom the expanse of such a porridge is for the sweet tooth. For some reason, most of them are found among children and men. The porridge is very tasty and nutritious. The recipe will indicate several types of dried fruits. Based on your preferences, some can be excluded from the composition or replaced by others, for example, dates or figs. Dried fruits are sweet in themselves, so porridge is cooked without adding sugar. Choose nuts at your discretion, for example, you can take walnuts or hazel. They must be freed from the shell and chopped with a knife or chopped with a blender.

Ingredients: a glass of rice, a handful of raisins, prunes and dried apricots (about 50g each), 100g butter, a third of a glass of nuts, a tablespoon of honey, salt.

Cooking method

Boil rice - for 1 part of rice, take 2 parts of water. Pour it into boiled water and cook for 10 minutes. Then, with the lid closed, allow the same amount to sweat. Rice should be fluffy. In water, when cooking rice, you can add one or two tablespoons of butter.

Wash dried fruits thoroughly, cut large fruits into pieces of arbitrary size and shape and add to the butter melted in a saucepan. Keep on low heat until soft, then put honey, pour two cups of boiling water and boil for about ten minutes. Divide rice among bowls and top with dried fruit gravy.

You can do it a little differently. After the dried fruits are boiled, add rice to them and boil for several minutes.

Sprinkle the finished porridge with nuts.

Recipe 4: Rice porridge with vegetables

This recipe will primarily appeal to people who adhere to a healthy diet, diet, vegetarians and fasting people. The rest will also be delighted with such porridge - both in taste and appearance. Bright spots of carrots and green peas look very contrasting and beautiful on a white background of rice. If it's out of season, fresh green peas can be substituted with frozen ones.

Ingredients: 1 glass of rice and green peas, 2 onions, 1 carrot, a little vegetable oil (30 g-2 tablespoons), salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method

Steam the washed rice, i.e. Pour in boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes. Season the peas, chopped carrots and onions (that is, add a little water to the vegetables and oil in the pan and close the lid). With this method of heat treatment of products, they retain more useful substances.

Put the steamed vegetables in a saucepan with a thick bottom or a stewpan, steamed rice on top and pour boiling water (the ratio of rice to water is 1:2). Add spices as desired and salt. Simmer over low heat until the rice has absorbed all the moisture.

To cook delicious rice porridge, there is a little secret that lies in the preparation of cereals. First, rice must first be sorted out to get rid of debris and spoiled grains. And secondly, it must be properly washed. First, to remove starch from the surface of the rice, warm water, and then the grains are washed with hot water. So the fat, which is formed on the cereal during its storage, dissolves better.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Porridge is a very healthy product that needs to be eaten daily. The choice of the very type of this product must be approached as responsibly as possible, since not all children and adults love it. Fortunately, there are a lot of different cereals, which allows you to make a home menu very diverse.
Rice porridge on the water, the recipe with a photo of which I decided to offer, is suitable both as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, and as an independent dish, for example, for breakfast. Rice can also be cooked in milk, made sweet or salty, crumbly or boiled, and other ingredients can be added. Try to cook healthy for the whole family.
My recipe is a delicious salty porridge with pleasant spicy spices that can be added in the amount that suits the owner of the plate. The entire cooking process will take no more than twenty-five minutes in total. All households will surely be satisfied with the result.

So, we need these ingredients:
- ½ cup rice cereal (round grain);
- 30 g of fresh butter;
- one glass of filtered water;
- spicy spices;
- 3 g of table salt.

From the inventory, we need a ladle or a small saucepan, an ordinary tablespoon and a deep plate.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Rice groats are washed several times until clear water is formed. I usually do it in three or four sets.

2. Pour cool water into the pan (the proportion of liquid to rice is 2 to 1), put it on the stove. Turn on the burner to medium power. We wait until the liquid boils, after which we pour the rice into the water. Immediately begin to stir so that the white grains do not stick to the bottom.
3. Cook for fifteen to twenty minutes, the liquid should completely evaporate. Be careful, periodically stir the contents of the pan so that nothing burns.

4. Add some table salt and a large piece of butter. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

5. Carefully lay out the dish in a deep plate. Photo5
6. Sprinkle on top with spicy spices to taste, decorate with green onion sprigs. Photo6
That's all! Fragrant, satisfying and super-nutritious rice porridge on the water is ready! You can serve it on the table in five minutes, when the dish has cooled down a bit. Bon appetit to you and your whole family!

By the way, if you need to cook this rice cereal for more servings, then you just need to increase the proportions given in this example.
Victoria Shchepeleva

It turns out very tasty

Classic, vegetable and dairy variations of rice crumbly porridge

2017-09-16 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

7 gr.

2 gr.


77 gr.

351 kcal.

Option 1. Friable rice porridge: a classic recipe

Rice is rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates and other useful substances, which makes it indispensable for people who care about their health and lead an active lifestyle.


  • half a kilogram of round rice;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • four stack. purified water;
  • 5 g of table salt.

Cooking method

1. Rice groats must be washed in cold water, changing it at least five times.

2. Place a thick-walled pot on the stove, pour in purified water and bring to a boil. Place rice in boiling water, salt.

3. Continuously stir the porridge for the first five minutes. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the rice for another half hour under the lid, stirring occasionally so that the cereal does not burn.

4. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid, remove the pan from the heat and set aside. Wrap with a warm cloth and leave for 20 minutes. Dissolve the butter in a water bath, and pour over the finished porridge.

Rinse rice thoroughly. This is one of the main secrets of proper rice preparation. This procedure will get rid of excess starch. If you are fasting, you can add olive oil instead of butter. To make rice crumbly, follow the proportions: take two parts of liquid for one part of rice. Rice prepared according to this recipe can be served as a side dish, adding vegetables, canned corn or peas to it.

Option 2. Friable rice porridge with vegetables

The dish can be included in the diet of people who are overweight. Friable rice porridge with vegetables can be used as a side dish for fish or meat dishes. This dish will help diversify the diet during fasting.


  • 250 g round rice;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 500 ml of drinking water;
  • 5 g of table salt;
  • spices;
  • two small zucchini;
  • medium carrot;
  • bell pepper - two pods.

Cooking method

1. Put rice grits in a sieve and rinse under running water. We place in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour the required amount of drinking water, salt and cook until tender. Drain the boiled rice in a colander and set aside to get rid of excess liquid.

2. Wash vegetables. Cut the stems out of the bell peppers and clean out the seeds. Cut the vegetable into long thin strips. Cut the zucchini on both sides and chop into small cubes. Peel the carrots and chop with medium shavings.

3. Heat up the oil in a frying pan. We spread the zucchini, carrots and bell peppers. Fry, stirring regularly, for a quarter of an hour. Cover with a lid and simmer for another five minutes. We spread rice to vegetables, season with salt and spices. Mix and serve with meat, fish or as an independent dish.

You can add any vegetables you like. To make the rice fluffy, do not stir it during cooking. Zucchini take young, with unformed seeds. Pepper is better to use fleshy. You can cook porridge for a side dish from any kind of rice.

Option 3. Milk rice porridge - crumbly

Porridge is the best dish for breakfast. Cooking does not take much time, which is especially important in the morning when you are in a hurry to work, and the child needs to be fed so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • 150 g of steamed rice;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • kitchen salt;
  • 200 ml of purified water.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the rice with warm water. Transfer the cereal to a saucepan and fill with purified water. Soak for half an hour, then rinse again.

2. Return the grits to the pan, refill with purified water and put on medium heat. Cook for ten minutes. The rice should absorb all the water.

3. Now pour in the milk and continue cooking. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, add sugar and salt. Stir.

4. Continue cooking until all the milk has evaporated from the cereal. Turn off the fire, leave for ten minutes under the lid. Divide the porridge into bowls, add a piece of butter and serve.

It is desirable to use natural homemade milk. You can add a handful of raisins, dried fruits or nuts to milk porridge. Steamed rice does not need to be washed for a long time, it is enough to change the water a couple of times. It is better to cook crumbly rice milk porridge from steamed rice, as it turns out to be crumbly even after prolonged heat treatment.

Option 4. Friable rice porridge with pumpkin in the oven

Our great-grandmothers cooked porridge in ovens. They turned out incredibly tasty and fragrant. Modern housewives can cook this dish in the oven. Rice stewed in the oven, and even in combination with pumpkin, is not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • 200 g round rice;
  • salt;
  • 600 ml of purified water;
  • 70 g of liquid natural honey;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 300 g pumpkin nutmeg.

Cooking method

1. Clean out the seeds with fibers from the pumpkin. It is convenient to do this with a tablespoon. Then clean the flesh of the vegetable and cut into small pieces. Take an earthenware pot, rinse it, wipe it and grease the bottom with a piece of butter. Put pumpkin in it.

2. Rinse rice groats under running water several times. Lay the rice on top of the pumpkin. Smooth out and sprinkle with honey. Salt and fill with purified water.

3. Put the clay pot in the oven and turn it on 200 degrees. Cook crumbly rice porridge for an hour. Remove the pot from the oven, season the porridge with ghee and stir.

Place pottery in a cold oven, otherwise it may crack. For sweet porridge, take a pumpkin of nutmeg varieties, it has a special aroma and taste. In the same way, you can cook porridge in a slow cooker.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to cook rice porridge for a child. We will consider the option of cooking, both on water and milk porridge. You will know the most popular recipes for this dish.

Cooking on the water

Rice porridge on the water for a child is where the baby begins to get acquainted with this cereal. For the first time, we introduce rice into complementary foods in a crushed state, without adding fruit or milk.

Let's look at what you need to cook:

  • rice - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water for baby food - 320 ml;
  • salt.

If the peanut is very small, then the finished dish will be crushed with a blender to a puree state.

Milk porridge

Rice porridge with milk for a child is a more nutritious dish than cooked using only water. However, here you need to be careful and absolutely sure that the little one does not.

For cooking, take the following products:

  • cereals - two hundred grams;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • two hundred ml of water;
  • Art. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 30 grams of butter (butter).

You need to cook for about 15 minutes. It all depends on what kind of porridge you want to get: thick or liquid. The main thing is that the rice has time to cook.

My son, when he was very young, adored such a porridge, and now he likes the option of a dairy-free dish more.

Dish with pumpkin and milk

Pumpkin has a positive effect on digestion, so its appearance in the children's diet, and even together with rice and milk, should have a positive effect on the baby's well-being.

If the child is a year old, and he was previously familiar with both rice, pumpkin, and milk, the adaptation was successful, there is no allergy, then you can cook porridge according to this recipe.

You will need:

  • milk - two glasses;
  • pumpkin pulp - four hundred grams;
  • half a glass of rice (round);
  • teaspoon of sugar;
  • thirty grams of butter.

Porridge with apples

For this recipe, you need to have:

  • five st. spoons of rice;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • apple;
  • on the edge of a teaspoon of salt;
  • twenty grams of oil;
  • Art. a spoonful of sugar.

with berries

Such a dish will be very useful for a growing organism.

To prepare, take the following ingredients;

  • two st. spoons of berries (any, most importantly fresh);
  • a glass of squeezed berry juice;
  • Art. a spoonful of cereals;
  • half a teaspoon of butter;
  • Art. a spoonful of sugar.

Kissel from rice

You will need:

  • fifty grams of sugar;
  • three grams of salt;
  • two st. rice spoons.

We use a slow cooker

In addition to the usual method of cooking porridge on the stove, you can use the recipe for the dish in a slow cooker.

Dish Ingredients:

  • milk - eight hundred ml;
  • two st. spoons of sugar;
  • salt;
  • a glass of rice cereal;
  • oil - thirty grams.

Now you know the recipe for rice porridge. Remember, if your baby is allergic to milk, you can prepare a dairy-free version. For a peanut over a year old, do not forget to experiment, adding new ingredients each time, thereby making its menu more diverse.