The optimal place for maintaining the useful substances in sunflower oil is a storage facility with a temperature that does not exceed +20 degrees.

Storage conditions: container, temperature

The preservation of the beneficial substances that are part of the product may be subject to the basic rules of its savings. It is important to observe the appropriate temperature regime, take care of the sun rays from entering the container.

Storage features.

  • According to GOST, the temperature in the storage must be maintained within + 5 ... + 20 degrees. It should be a cold enough place. Storage in or near heating radiators, gas stove will sharply reduce the shelf life of the oil, reduce the percentage of healing substances.
  • Optimal packaging is a factory container in which the products were sold. If for some reason the capacity does not suit, then it is necessary to pour oil into a clean container in which there should be no stranger. The best material for packaging is glass.
  • Another requirement is the complete absence of light. Under the action of ultraviolet, vitamin E and other trace elements will be destroyed. Do not store goods on the table, by the window. This is possible only when all contents are spent within 3-4 days. It is better to give preference to a kitchen cabinet without glass doors, glazed balcony, cellage, Chulana. You can use the bottom box in the kitchen headset. If the bottle is opened, the product can be stored for 3 weeks at a temperature mode within + 18 ... + 20 degrees.
  • The oil in the refrigerator must be on the side door of the unit. Temperature should not fall below +5 degrees. In such conditions, shelf life will last up to 1 month with a tight plug-ins.
  • Storage is allowed in the freezer. In this case, the product will retain the beneficial properties and does not lose taste for 12 months.
  • It is necessary to eliminate the contact of oil with water, metals. This will negatively affect the quality of the product.

Tip! It is important to avoid a few frying in a row due to the fact that a strong carcinogenic substance is formed during re-heat treatment.

Oil must be thrown into the case if there were changes in its color, flavoring qualities, prestabing.

Duration of storage of sunflower oil

. The manufacturer guarantees the preservation of taste and useful substances within 4 months from the spill date.

Buying goods need to pay attention if the specified period has passed since the spill, then it is necessary to refuse this purchase.

There is an erroneous view that sunflower oil has no shelf life and is stored for a long time, but this is an incorrect opinion.

Preservation period depends on the variety:

  • Raw oil. Prepared using cold spin technology. It contains the greatest level of useful substances. Its shelf life is 1-2 months. The goods are poured into a container after the spin is made and the treatment is passed in the form of filtration. The crude product is categorically not recommended to use the expiration date: the oxidation process will begin and harmful substances are formed in the product.
  • Unrefined product. May be stored for 4 months. This type of oil is amenable to insignificant machining, therefore it contains less nutrients compared to a cold spin product. Food prepared with this type of oil has a pleasant taste. As a rule, an unrefined product is used when you need to prepare a salad.
  • Refined oil. It passes the bleaching procedure, deodorizing, alkali processing. This method allows you to get an almost transparent product that contains minimum of useful substances and fat. Refined oil practically has no taste. The advantage of this species is its long period of suitability for eating. It is about 6 months.

In the table, you can see the shelf life of each type of product in a closed and open container:

Shelf life depends on the place and storage conditions of the product:

Features of storing unrefined product

There are features of storage of unrefined sunflower oil:

  • Purchase this type of oil is preferably in small tanks.
  • After buying, the goods are desirable to put in an opaque container with a narrow neck. The bottle must be tightly clogged. Contact content with air will result in its oxidation and spoilement.
  • The optimal temperature is + 10 ... + 15 degrees. The repository should be protected from light. Otherwise, the useful substances are destroyed.
  • You can store this type of oil in the freezer. It will not freeze, but will be thicker. After defrosting, the product is suitable if it is necessary to prepare a fried dish.
  • If a muddy precipitate appeared during storage, the use of the product in raw form should be avoided. Oil is suitable after heat treatment.

How to store refined oil

  • Despite the passage of thorough thermal processing, this species does not tolerate in stuffy rooms in a sunny place.
  • The oil must be in a dark cool storage and get only as needed.
  • As containers, you can use the original containers from dark glass.
  • When storing goods in the freezer, it is not allowed to re-freeze.
  • To give oil the desired fragrance, the taste, the necessary spice is added to the contents of the container. Most often used oregano, nutmeg, basil.

Sunflower oil is almost the most demanded of our product, which is used not only with frying and salad dressing, but also for the manufacture of homemade mayonnaise, margarine, as well as canning. Because of the daily use of this product, it becomes necessary to buy it often. And those people who decided to make reserves should be known where and how to properly store sunflower oil at home.

How to choose

Before you go to the store for buying, you need to decide on the question, for which the oil will be used.

  • If vegetable fat is designed for the preparation of salads or cold snacks, it is better to stay on an unrefined product. It contains vitamins and fats in large quantities that will make any salad useful.
  • For frying, refined oil is suitable - another use is undesirable.

The difference in refined and unrefined products is to clean and process.

  • Unrefined After cleaning, it is not treated. It is divided into varieties: the highest and first. Both have pleasant characteristic taste and aroma. They have no bitter taste and no precipitate is formed. Although the second grade these signs are sometimes present.
  • Refined It is exposed to complete cleaning from various impurities that can form a precipitate and influence the taste. This list turns out and useful components. Such a product can be immediately recognized on a bright shade and lack of pronounced taste. The smell of such a product is also much weaker than the unrefined, especially if the product is deodorized or frozen.

Even the proper storage of vegetable oil cannot be called successful if the product will not meet certain requirements from the very beginning.

When a precipitate is clearly visible in the product with a product, or even just extraneous particles that make the impression of turbidity, it is better not to buy it.

In order for the shelf life of sunflower oil to be long, much attention should be paid to the integrity of the packaging. If the container has damage or visible traces of tightness disturbance, there will be no such oil for a long time.

If the product stood on a lit shop window, it is better to refuse to immediately immediately: sunflower oil should be stored in a dark place. It should also be carefully referring to his manufacturing date, so as not to buy a product having, practically, expired.

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In what conditions are sunflower oil

The impact of bright light (all the more solar) leads to the destruction of vitamins and the beneficial substances that are part of the product. Therefore, it is stored in dark places.

  • Sunflower oil storage temperature - + 8 ° C - + 20 ° C,
  • and the humidity should not be elevated, the optimal limits are 60-75%.

Some hostesses hold a bottle on the refrigerator door, while others believe that the product will lose beneficial properties there. So where to store sunflower oil? Let's try to figure out.

In the kitchen, in a penalty or in a locker, where this product is usually stored, the temperature can often exceed + 20 ° C. And on the door of the refrigerator, it holds within + 10 ° C. Therefore, the answer is obvious: storing sunflower oil of any kind is better in the refrigerator. But in the locker, the short storage is also permissible.

What and where to store

Large reserves are better placed on the shelf of a cool pantry or a wall niche closed from light.

Capacity with the product that is currently used, can be kept in the kitchen cabinet if it is located far from the heating devices. It should be remembered that the oil cannot be subjected to sharp temperature differences.

Storage of sunflower oil at home is permissible in the factory container from plastic not more than 1-3 months. If there is a need to extend its storage, it is better to fill the product in a dark glass container.

Sunflower oil

The manufacturer indicates the shelf life on the label. But usually these are the following numbers:

Storage temperature


Refined (closed packaging)

18 ° C - + 25 ° С

unrefined (closed packaging)

18 ° C - + 25 ° С

refined (opened packaging)

18 ° C - + 25 ° С

refined (opened packaging

18 ° C - + 25 ° С

unrefined (opened packaging)

Fry, using oil several times it is impossible: it will negatively affect the taste qualities of products and health.

  • According to GOST 1129 - 2013, shelf life unrefined Sunflower oil - up to 4 months.
  • Refined And deodorized foods are stored until 6 months.

In order for the product for a long time retaining useful properties, it is necessary to present special requirements for such a process as storage of vegetable oil.

In vegetable oils, processes that lead to a deterioration in the quality of oils can occur. The depth of the processes depends on a number of factors, among which the storage conditions are occupied by an important place: temperature, relative air humidity, the presence of air oxygen, the effect of light. An important value is the original quality of the oil when laying them for storage, the presence of impurities in them. The material from which the container is made and its condition has been significant.

Currently apply the following storage methods:

- inertial storage in the air: Long-term storage of vegetable oil is carried out in large capacity tanks with tightly closing hatches. Under these conditions, the product is fully protected from the effects of light and partly - from air oxygen.

Warehouses of oils and fats of oil and fat enterprises and oils are intended for acceptance, storage and vacation of fatty products. They must provide uninterrupted acceptance and leave of oils and fats at any time of the day and year, maximum mechanization and automation of all processes for acceptance, storage and leave of oils and fats, as well as centralized control over these operations; Preserving the quality of stored oils and fats with their minimal losses and acceptance costs, storage and vacation.

The organization of rational acceptance, storage and leave of oils and fats makes it also possible to avoid supernormative downtime of transport under unloading and loading, prevents unwanted mixing of various varieties and types of oils and fats.

Warehouses oils and fats depending on their capacity are divided into four categories. Categories I categories have a capacity of over 20,000 m 3, II category - over 10,000 to 20,000 m 3, III categories - over 5,000 to 10,000 m 3 and IV category - up to 5000 m 3.

The warehouse capacity is determined by the overall capacity of tanks and containers for storing oils and fats, with the exception of the receiving ("zero") tanks of drain-liquid devices.

Reservoirs are among the main structures of the warehouse of oils and fats. They contain the main amount of oils and fats, while in small containers (mainly in metal barrels) is stored only a slight part. As part of the reservoir parks, there are reservoirs of various shapes, design and capacity depending on their purpose.

Design, equipment and placement of tanks provide:

b accepting oils and fats at any time of the year and day;

supporting their storage, not allowing quality reduction;

he warmed the frozen oil or fat and their vacation uninterrupted;

b The ability to fence the product from any given level;

protection of tank content from adverse external influences (rain, snow, dust, etc.);

b maximum duration of the reservoir operation;

the possibility of mechanical cleaning against sediment (fu);

b ease of service, care and repair;

b is the convenience and speed of control of the valves and other reinforcement;

the possibility of remote measurements of the level and control of the temperature of the product;

stabilization of the temperature of stored oils and fats;

the minimum costs during the construction and high technical and economic indicators during the operation of the tanks.

For greater efficiency, reservoirs are combined into the following groups:

b for light oils;

b for dark oils.

- incoming storage of oils in an atmosphere of inert gas: Since the oxidative processes in the oils are the most dangerous, causeing their downtakes, the storage of these products in an inert atmosphere with respect to gas fat (for example, nitrogen, carbon dioxide) with pre-deaeration of the product can be used. In this case it seems possible to completely eliminate the influence of air oxygen.

As a result of contacting fats and oils with air oxygen, oxidative bold and polymerization occur. The intensity of oxidative barbing and polymerization increases sharply in cases where the contacting of fats and oxyades with oxygen occurs at elevated temperatures, as well as in the presence of oxidation catalysts, such as iron. Oils and fats that were subjected to oxidizing barbishings have not only an unpleasant taste and smell, but also characterized by a smaller nutritional value. Most of the oxidation products plays a negative physiological role in the body.

Fats that were subjected to oxidative barbanium cannot be fully exempted from the oxidation products by conventional refined methods, so they are in some cases from the food balance of the country and are sent to technical needs, although the use of oxidized fats and oils is sometimes undesirable even for technical purposes. For example, oxidation products poison catalyst during hydrogenation; Soaps derived from oxidized fatty acids are extremely bad, and there are significant losses of fats in the arms.

The oxidation of fats and oils occurs both in the process of their preparation and during processing and storage. Especially easily in contact with oxygen in oxygen, refined fats are oxidized, of which natural antioxidants are derived during the refined.

The most effective means of protection of oils and fats from premature damage, especially in conditions of elevated temperatures, are their storage and processing in an inert atmosphere with respect to them, which eliminates contacting them with oxygen and air moisture. Therefore, at present, the use of inert gas in oil and fat factors and especially abroad is widespread. The use of inert gas is a peculiar indicator of the technical level and the culture of production in the enterprise.

Storage of oils and fats in an atmosphere of inert gas not only makes it possible to stabilize their quality, but also to lengthen the storage time, in particular on the oils of various ministries and departments intended for long-term storage. Therefore, the costs associated with the preparation, storage and use of inert gas are quickly paying off.

Currently accumulated significant material that characterizes the storage of oils and fats in an atmosphere of inert gas in production conditions.

When storing the oil in the atmosphere of nitrogen, the intensity of not only oxidative, but also hydrolytic processes is reduced, since in this case the oil is not moistened with outer air (see Table 10).

Table 10 - the composition of the oil depending on the environment and storage time.

Oils and fats stored in an atmosphere of inert gases are more stable in storage compared to fat stored with free air access.

As an inert gas, nitrogen or carbon dioxide is used as an inert gas. These gases are not burning, do not react with the metal and do not react with oil and fat.

The inert gas, depending on local conditions, can be obtained in various ways on the oil and fat factory: filed on the pipeline from neighboring enterprises producing inert gas as the main or by-product, delivered to the enterprise or base in cylinders or special containers. In this case, carbon dioxide is transported in a liquid or solid state, nitrogen in liquid or gaseous.

In each case, the choice of a method for producing inert gas is carried out only on the basis of economic calculation.

The reservoir of the storage of vegetable oil is convenient, economically beneficial.

When using it with the best conditions in which vegetable oils can be maintained 1.5 - 2 years, the temperature is 4-6 ° and the relative humidity of the air is not higher than 75%. Therefore, the tanks must be covered with refrigerating paint and are located in an underground room.

- storage in Tare: Some oils and fats are transported and stored in a container. Type type is made depending on the properties of the product required quantity, the distance to which the container will be transported, as well as on the type of transport.

As container for storing oils and fats, wooden and metal barrels are used, metal flasks, drawers board, plywood, polymer multi-turn, from pressed and corrugated cardboard, plywood drums, etc.

Metal barrels are made of steel, aluminum, titanium and other materials. Welded steel barrels for transportation and storage of oils and fats, steel welds with riding hoops were obtained.

These barrels are produced with a capacity of 100, 200 and 275 dm 3 and are made of semi-luminous steel grades of Esset brands or bodies. The barrel consists of a shell and bottoms. Shelter, bottoms and other parts of the barrels should be made of solid blanks. The shelter has one longitudinal seam made of jack. Metal thickness for barrels with a capacity of 275 and 200 dm 3 1.8-2.0 mm, for barrels with a capacity of 100 dm 3 1.5-1.6 mm. Barrels are made of two types: I - a barrel with a cream-liquid neck on the bottom; II - barrel with a cream-filling and air neck on the bottom. The creamy and air neck is equipped with a plug with a carvings and a sealing gasket made of leaf oil resistant rubber. The neck is welded over the bottom and should not act inside the barrel beyond the bottom plane of the bottom. The neck with a plug installed on it with a gasket should not be for the dimensions of the barrel. The barrels must have anti-corrosion coating: galvanized inside and outside. The release of barrels painted outside and covered inside with special food paints and other materials allowed to contact with food fats and oils are allowed. Recently, the production of metal barrels made from titanium is mastered in the country for transportation and storage of liquid products. These barrels can be used without any restrictions for the transportation and storage of food oils and fats, including deodorized. Barrels are not a measure to determine the amount of packaged products. The test of the barrels on tightness is carried out at an overpressure of air 0.05 MPa. Weld seams are wetted with soapy. The inspection of the inner surface of the barrels is produced through the neck using a low-voltage lighting device intended for inspection of barrels made in explosion-proof version. Its power is carried out through a lowering transformer. Empty steel barrels are transported by all types of transport:

in railway covered wagons - in three tiers, while in the upper tier barrels are located lying on the shell;

on cars with extensive sides - in two tiers. Between the tiers are installed wooden gaskets with a cross section of 2-3x10 cm. The mounting of the barrels should exclude their movement during transportation.

Railway cars intended for the transport of galvanized barrels must be clean; If necessary, the wagons are well wash, dried and ventilated. Transportation, loading, unloading and storage of barrels are made in such a way as to eliminate the possibility of damage to parts and disorders of anti-corrosion coating. Barrels must be stored in a dry place; It is allowed to keep them in open areas with solid ground and a slope that ensures the flow of water. The barrels are stacking no more than five tiers. The barrels of the lower tier are laid on wooden lining with a thickness of at least 10 cm. Between the tiers, gaskets are set to 2-3 cm thick. The neck of the barrels are closed with plugs. When stored up to three months, it is allowed to lay barrels in a stack without gaskets between tiers.

Metal flasks for milk and dairy products are used to deliver oils and fats in shops for sale in bottling and catering catering. Flasks are made of two types - single aluminum (Fa) and welded steel with subsequent logging (FL). They are produced with a nominal capacity of 25, 38 and 40 dm 3. The flasks have a neck with an inner diameter of 170 and 220 mm, above the cover-closed with a lid, made of aluminum or steel. The body and cover of the FL type should be inside and outside are covered with tin grade 01. The calculated amount of tin, applied to 200 cm 2 of the tinned surface, should be 3.0- 3.5 g, while the thickness of the layer of sections of at least 10 microns is provided. Hoops, handles and fittings Flags made of carbon steel are also covered with tin or zinc. The thickness of the coating layer must be at least 9 microns.

With short-term storage of vegetable oil and for implementation on the network, this product is poured into iron or less often - in wooden (oak, beech or aspen) barrels, pre-punched inside, so that the fat is not absorbed by wood. For retail, bottling oils in bottles are also widely practiced. Bottles are clogged with cortical plugs with rods, aluminum caps with cardboard gasket and polyethylene plugs under polyethylene and foil caps.

Before laying on the storage of vegetable oil, the container of all kinds is thoroughly cleaned, since the remnants of products are quickly adsorbed by a new part of the oil. The inner surface of iron barrels and tanks are covered with food varnish to prevent contact with metal.

Under adverse conditions storage of vegetable oilit appears various defects. Fuck, the moldy smell acquires oil obtained from defective seeds. Furious taste, fat, olisy taste and smell appear in oxidized and stored for a long time. The turbidity of the oil can be caused by an increased moisture content of concomitant substances, as well as the storage of oil at a reduced temperature.

Stored packaged in bottles vegetable oilIn closed darkened rooms at a temperature not higher than 18 ° C. mustard - not higher than 20 ° C. The deadlines for the storage of plant oils in accordance with the current regulatory documentation are the following (in the month of bottling):

  • sunflower packaged in bottles - 4;
  • sunflower, bloated and barrels, - 1.5;
  • cotton refined deodorized - 3;
  • cotton refined underented, peanut refined deodorized - 6;
  • soy deodorized - 1., 5;
  • mustard - 8.

In vegetable oils, processes that lead to a deterioration in the quality of oils can occur. The depth of the processes depends on a number of factors, among which the storage conditions are occupied by an important place: temperature, relative air humidity, the presence of air oxygen, the effect of light.

An important value is the original quality of the oil when laying them for storage, the presence of impurities in them. The material from which the container is made and its condition has been significant.

Long storage of vegetable oilsit is carried out in large capacity tanks with tightly closing hatches.

Under these conditions, the product is fully protected from the effects of light and partly - from air oxygen. Since the oxidative processes in oils are the most dangerous that causes their downtakes, the storage of these products in an inert atmosphere with respect to gas fat (for example, nitrogen, carbon dioxide) with pre-deaeration of the product can be used. In this case it seems possible to completely eliminate the influence of oxygen. The reservoir method is convenient, economically beneficial. When using it with better conditions in which vegetable oils can be maintained by 1.5-2 years, the temperature is 4-6 ° and the relative humidity of the air is not higher than 75%.

Therefore, tanks for storage of vegetable oils Must be covered with a ray-reflective paint and are located in the premises of an underground type.

With short-term storage and for implementation in the retail network, vegetable oils are poured into iron or less - in wooden (oak, beam or aspen) barrels, pre-punched inside, so that the fat is not absorbed by wood. For retail sale is widely practiced by bottling oils in transparent bottles. Bottles are blocked with cortical corks with a row, aluminum caps with cardboard gasket and polyethylene plugs under polyethylene and foil caps.

Before booking on storage of vegetable oils The container of all kinds is carefully cleaned, as the remnants of products are quickly adsorbed by a new part of the oil. The inner surface of iron barrels and tanks are covered with food varnish to prevent contact of metal with metal. Otherwise, free fatty acids oils and iron form salts of fatty acids, which have the property to actively catalyze oxidative processes.

The intake of vegetable oils is carried out when they receive them in warehouses, the supplier bases, as well as the buyer in accordance with the instructions on the procedure for production and textile purposes and consumer goods in the number of GOST 5471-59 "vegetable oil".

Sunflower oil is used in the preparation of various dishes. To your dishes are delightful and accounted for everyone to taste, adhere to simple recommendations for storing it.

Sunflower oil storage rules

  • Oil must be stored at the right temperature. Do not store it in the refrigerator, as it can perch up, and also do not leave it in place is hot. At low or high temperatures, sunflower oil loses vitamins and useful elements, with improper storage it can become harmful to health and unsuitable for food. The best quality oil saves at a storage temperature from +5 to +20 degrees.
  • Make sure that the straight sun rays do not fall on the oil. Retinol or vitamin A and other trace elements are destroyed under the influence of the Sun. After use, do not leave the oil on the table or by the window, it is better to remove it into the kitchen cabinet.
  • Pay attention to the shelf life. It is the opinion that the shelf life of sunflower oil is practically unlimited. This is not true! For your health, it will be better to throw a bottle of oil that has just been discovered than adding oil to salads or other food with harmful oxes.
  • Try to use a bottle of sunflower oil for 3-4 weeks after it was opened. If the oil continues to use after the datched period, then the substance included in its composition will lose their useful properties.
  • Sunflower oil should be stored in the factory packaging or in a glass container.
  • Try to use a new portion of oil for each new dish. If you fry on the secondary oil, then the product "will move" carcinogens, which can contribute to the development of tumors and cancer.
  • To save the beneficial properties of sunflower oil, after buying a break it into a bottle of dark glass. Storage in such a dishes will save the oil from the formation of harmful substances and will prolong the shelf life. To a greater extent, this refers to an unrefined oil.