How to reduce your weight with a lot of those who are considered to be real fat men? Man is not a robot, and therefore a wide variety of situations happen in his life. In particular, those from which very emotional and mentally tender girls begin to eat very hard in order to seize stress and longing. Sometimes it even gets boring. But the understanding that it’s time to stop, as a rule, comes after the development of diseases, or after reaching a weight mark exceeding 100 kilograms.

How to start losing weight with a very large weight?

You should first be examined by a doctor. Even if such weight is not caused by a disease, there may be serious contraindications for certain diets or types of physical activity.


An equally important success factor is mental attitude. You need to understand that there is a lot of work to be done on yourself.

How to deal with yourself

Sometimes constant overeating is not at all an allowance and not even a weakness of character, but a banal result of various problems. So, for example, a girl receives psychological trauma, which will be the true cause of her weight gain. But, she doesn't understand it. Accordingly, until the situation is fully worked out, then no self-control will help her. And in this case, attempts to lose weight from a huge weight will be simply useless. And it does not mean overeating, which occurs from boredom and from a lack of passion and love, this is basically a one-time property of many people, including slender ones. It is, by and large, about the problem that affects the final quality of life. It is necessary during your next attack of “zhora” to stop and hide the goodies back in the refrigerator, and then endure at least 3-5 minutes without them. If you can do this, then you can just stop, moreover, endure. And this means that the matter is in a weak character, or in the wrong nutritional regimen. If you can’t stop, then therefore, you need to turn to specialized specialists so that they find your true reason for overeating and help you deal with it correctly.

With a weight exceeding 100 kilograms, it is clearly forbidden to engage in such types of port and fitness that will heavily burden the cardiovascular system or joints. This means that you will have to exclude running and cycling, as well as skating and skiing, the same goes for aerobics of all kinds, including water aerobics with swimming in the pool. You can not engage in any cardio equipment, whether it be exercise bikes or treadmills, steppers or ellipsoids. The category of taboo also includes modern choreography, like contemporary and hip-hop, as well as martial arts. It is dangerous to shrug off this rule. In extreme cases, when overloading, you can go down with a heart attack, or severe damage to the joints. And then there can be no talk of any recovery.

In any case, you should slowly prepare your heart and joints, lose weight from a very large weight, it is generally good to start with a simple walk. First, consult a doctor. It is possible that he will allow you to go to the entry-level yoga and Pilates classes. These workouts help to slim down, albeit slowly, but surely. And they harmonize the general physical, as well as psychological state.

If we talk about walks, then you need to arrange them for yourself 2-3 times a week for at least 35 minutes. You have to go without stopping. And if it is very difficult, then you can increase the time gradually. If the doctor allows, then engage in power and anaerobic types of exercise. It will also help to effectively strengthen the muscular frame and increase the strength of bones with joints.

diet for weight loss

You need to reduce the consumption of flour products, exclude salty or spicy foods, replace harmful fats with healthy ones. It is very important to reduce the portion size. It is good to eat more fruits with vegetables, as well as add fiber to cereals or just to water.


You can lose weight with a weight of more than 100 kilograms only if you seriously take care of yourself. You need to be examined by a doctor and then start changing your diet. You should also be careful about choosing the type of physical activity.

Problems of fat girls - how to lose weight

A diet for very fat people is not very different from diets for those who lack 2-3 kg for complete happiness. Of course, there are nuances that do not allow the process of losing weight of the first and others to occur in the same way.

For example, very fat people often cannot run, as well as perform even the most primitive physical exercises. Therefore, in the early stages of the weight loss process, they have to limit themselves to diet only.
A sedentary lifestyle is very conducive to weight gain.

To begin with, let's decide who to call very fat. This category includes women of short stature, weighing over 100 kg, medium or tall, weighing over 120 kg, as well as men whose weight is 140+ kg with the same waist circumference, only in centimeters. In general, if your weight in numbers is not very different from height, congratulations - you are in the favorite category! The super prize for you is a ticket to a normal life. So let's get started.

Hormonal system

Often, in such overweight people who have been carrying this burden for more than a year, a bunch of small and not very sores looms, associated with pressure on the heart, joints, and high cholesterol in the blood. Once you lose weight, most of them will go away on their own, but first visit your doctor, get tested and make sure that you do not have diseases that can interfere with weight loss.

When permission to lose weight from a doctor is received, you can proceed to the actual diet. But remember, while your weight is very large, the body is in a state of severe stress, therefore, if you experience ailments during weight loss, immediately consult a doctor. We have warned you.

Diet for very fat people

Rigid diets are forbidden for you, because you may have to diet for 2-3 years (what did you want? You probably didn’t gain fat in a month either) and the diet should have enough nutrients and calories to survive during this time. Be patient and get ready to lose no more than 4 kg per month at first and no more than 2 in the future.

Being overweight creates many problems in everyday life.

This is the only way to lose weight with a very large weight, without harming the body. In addition, too rapid weight loss will lead to severe sagging of the skin. Of course, to some extent, the skin will sag in any way. But over time, everything will return to normal.

Our weight loss will take place in stages. Each step will get more difficult. Think of it as a quest.

Stage 1

Eliminate all sweets from your diet. Sugar in tea and coffee also counts. No "one chocolate bar a week." Do it in a "bang" by removing all cookies, candy bars, pastries, and sugary sodas from your diet in one fell swoop.
The second exception is fast food. Hot dogs, shawarma, food from McDonald's, chips, crackers, nuts and other rubbish should be forgotten.
For a start, these restrictions are enough. Follow the conditions of the first stage for two months. During this time, you can lose weight by 8-10 kg. If the weight is large, weight loss at first goes very quickly. Then the process slows down, this is normal.

Stage 2

We continue to exclude junk food from the diet. We limit all flour. Bread and pastries should be a thing of the past.
Stop eating potatoes.
We exclude rich broths, soups and borscht from the diet. Soups - only dietary, without fat.
Everything got a little more complicated. This phase will continue for another two months. How much you lose weight during this time depends on the individual characteristics of the body. At the end of this period, we will assume that you are ready for more serious restrictions.

Stage 3

Stop eating pasta. We replace them with oatmeal.
We exclude milk from the diet. Eat cottage cheese instead of milk. Fat free.
Bring your daily diet to mind: before 14:00 any cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.) with something protein (fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cottage cheese), after 14:00 - only protein foods .
Vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
It seems to you that there is nowhere to complicate your life? You just seem to. After 3 months, we move on to stage 4.

Stage 4

We cook all food without fat.
We limit the amount of fruit in the diet.
We drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
Don't eat 3 hours before bed.
We follow this diet until the weight returns to normal. When that happens, you may find that it's been over a year since you started it, and if you haven't snapped yet, dietary restrictions won't bother you as much anymore.

Physical exercise

When you turn from a very fat person into just a well-fed person, you can add a little physical education to your daily routine for more effective weight loss. For starters, try just walking more.

Then you can move on to light exercises from the exercise therapy complex: arm swings, body tilts, lying leg swings. In the future, you can connect a more intense aerobic exercise - a stepper, an exercise bike, possibly running (be careful with your knees!), Swimming.

Don't give up and you will succeed. The time will come and you will not recognize yourself in the mirror!

A diet for very fat people is not very different from diets for those who lack 2-3 kg for complete happiness. Of course, there are nuances that do not allow the process of losing weight of the first and others to occur in the same way.

For example, they often cannot run, as well as perform even the most primitive physical exercises. Therefore, in the early stages of the process of transformation from a pig into a human, they have to limit themselves only to diet.

A sedentary lifestyle is very conducive to weight gain.

To begin with, let's decide who to call very fat. This category includes women of short stature, weighing over 100 kg, medium or tall, weighing over 120 kg, as well as men whose weight is 140+ kg with the same waist circumference, only in centimeters. In general, if your weight in numbers is not very different from height, congratulations - you are in the favorites category! The super prize for you is a ticket to a normal life. So let's get started.

Hormonal system

Often, in such overweight people who have been carrying this burden for more than a year, a bouquet of small and not very sores looms, associated with pressure on the heart, joints, and blood. Once you lose weight, most of them will go away on their own, but first visit your doctor, get tested and make sure that you do not have diseases that can interfere with weight loss.

When permission to lose weight from a doctor is received, you can proceed to the actual diet. But remember, while your weight is very large, the body is in a state of severe stress, therefore, if you experience ailments during weight loss, immediately consult a doctor. We have warned you.

Diet for very fat people

Rigid diets are forbidden for you, because you may have to diet for 2-3 years (what did you want? You probably didn’t gain fat in a month either) and the diet should have enough nutrients and calories to survive during this time. Be patient and get ready to lose no more than 4 kg per month at first and no more than 2 in the future.

Being overweight creates many problems in everyday life.

This is the only way to lose weight with a very large weight, without harming the body. In addition, too rapid weight loss will lead to severe sagging of the skin. Of course, to some extent, the skin will sag in any way. But over time, everything will return to normal.

Our weight loss will take place in stages. Each step will get more difficult. Think of it as a quest.

Stage 1

  • Eliminate all sweets from your diet. Sugar in tea and coffee also counts. None "one chocolate a week". Do it "Jerk", removing in one fell swoop all cookies, bars, pastries and sweet soda from the diet. If you really want something sweet, drink it. Infrequently.
  • The second exception is fast food. Hot dogs, shawarma, McDonald's food, crackers, nuts and other rubbish should be forgotten.

For a start, these restrictions are enough. Follow the conditions of the first stage for two months. During this time you will be able to If the weight is large, weight loss at first goes very quickly. Then the process slows down, this is normal.

Stage 2

  • We continue to exclude junk food from the diet. We limit all flour. Bread and pastries should be a thing of the past.
  • Stop eating potatoes.
  • We exclude rich broths, soups and borscht from the diet. Soups - only dietary, without fat.

Everything got a little more complicated. This phase will continue for another two months. How much you lose weight during this time depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. At the end of this period, we will assume that you are ready for more serious restrictions.

Stage 3

  • Stop eating pasta. We replace them with oatmeal.
  • We exclude milk from the diet. Eat cottage cheese instead of milk. Fat free.
  • Bring your daily diet to mind: before 14:00 any cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.) with something protein (fish, meat, poultry, eggs,), after 14:00 - only protein foods.
  • Vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

It seems to you that there is nowhere to complicate your life? You just seem to. After 3 months, we move on to stage 4.

Stage 4

  • We cook all food without fat.
  • We limit the amount of fruit in the diet.
  • We drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Don't eat 3 hours before bed.

We follow this diet until the weight returns to normal. When that happens, you may find that it's been over a year since you started it, and if you haven't snapped yet, dietary restrictions won't bother you as much anymore.

Physical exercise

When you turn from a very fat person into just a well-fed person, you can add a little physical education to your daily routine for more effective weight loss. For starters, try just walking more.

Then you can move on to light exercises from the exercise therapy complex: arm swings, body tilts, lying leg swings. In the future, you can connect a more intense aerobic exercise - a stepper, an exercise bike, possibly running (be careful with your knees!), Swimming.

Don't give up and you will succeed. The time will come and you will not recognize yourself in the mirror!

I have never been fat. But suddenly, as if by magic, at the age of 18 my scales began to show the number 94 (thanks to sedentary work, weak will and a large refrigerator!). Now I'm 27 and I've lost 29 kilos in a year.

Fat is a sentence

For a long time I could not realize my true size. I first heard this frightening word "fat" from my little niece, who at that time was 4 years old. The child said with absolute sincerity, "I don't love you because you're fat. Look at you!" I got angry and… looked. Seeing the real me for the first time! You probably know that everyone has their own image of themselves in their head, and often it is many times different from reality. My rich imagination helped me to believe that I was average. And only at that moment the mirror showed me a real picture: here is my nephew, and next to her is a swollen and shapeless middle-aged aunt (I had just turned 21 then). I was worried for a couple of days and again forced myself to draw in my head the image of a damsel with forms. And so she lived.

"You are not to us, but to the store for the full ones!"

I love beautiful clothes and stylish people. But only this year I'm "breaking away", buying clothes in Europe and metropolitan stores. Mom scolds me: "I don't believe you've turned into a shopaholic!" And I... I'm just catching up. I buy another short shorts, which I dreamed of for 8 years. A stunning dress in bright blue, which previously could only be pulled on one leg. Boots to the knee (I remember well how I scared the saleswoman in the shoe store when she ran around the hall in her "first" boots and squealed: "Hurrah, they buttoned up on me!"). Flashy bright pink swimsuit to be noticed on the beach (after all, quite recently I was embarrassed to get up from the sunbed and go to the water).

How many humiliations had to endure from the Belarusian sellers! For if your size steps over the 46th, then for the seller you turn into enemy No. 1. After all, the Chinese "collections" for sale in retail outlets end precisely at this size. And you come to the store and whisper ingratiatingly: "Do you at least have something on me?" In response, I heard everything. Believe me, I'm still running from consultants and salespeople. I try to act like a mouse on the trading floor and merge with the wall. Indeed, for 9 years of completeness, I began to hate shops and everything connected with them. Ateliers and "second-hands" helped out. I was sick of the smell of someone else's worn clothes, but there was no other choice.

The girls are standing, standing on the sidelines ...

Night clubs, cafes, restaurants and parties are a real torture for a full girl. You need to have unrealistic courage and willpower to "get out into the light." Because after each meeting with your friends you understand: you are not like everyone else, scary, fat, and absolutely nothing shines for you at this celebration of life. Or shine! But only what remains of your slender well-groomed girlfriends.

Imagine, I still remember every face control! And the face of every guard, which read either disgust or contempt. Perhaps I exaggerate. But being fat, you are constantly waiting for a moral "kick in the ass" and looking for a catch in every action of others.

First year university. Student's Day and one of the capital's clubs. I dance with my future husband, look around and see many, many girls who are standing against the wall. They are outcasts, and most of them are far from skinny. I quietly rejoice that "not like that." If someone told me that literally in a year I would be in their company, I would never have believed it. But, alas, it happened.

Impotent medicine

When my scale hit 86, I learned a lot about my health. For example, that the feet can hurt unbearably because of the heavy load that they carry. That it’s better not to go to the 4th floor without an elevator - after all, there is a minimal chance of dying from shortness of breath. That the heart and back can constantly "wine" because of the fat around them. And this is just the beginning. Further - worse.

I got an appointment with an endocrinologist - a portly plump woman who definitely weighed more than me. The doctor looked at me and said in surprise: "Why do you need to lose weight, you are already a beauty!" This attitude simply killed in me the desire to ask for help from medicine. Although a little later I went to a therapist, passed a lot of tests and received a stunning diagnosis: obesity, diabetes in the initial stage and hormonal failure. With this cheerful list, I lived, making absolutely no attempt to help myself.

Salvation from the hands of a plastic surgeon

Yes, don't be surprised. I was saved by a wonderful plastic surgeon Oleg Valerievich. Depression, problems in family life, another creative crisis and the impending spring pushed me to a terrible decision - to cut off everything unnecessary and superfluous. Finally become the old Masha, thin!

Gathering all the determination and will, I came to a familiar surgeon who often advised me on work issues. The conversation was long and difficult. And in the end, he said: "I will operate on only one condition: if you lose 20 kg." Said it suddenly and bluntly! I was shocked. If even a plastic surgeon can't help me, who can?! "You yourself," smiled Oleg Valeryevich. I left with tears in my eyes.

Do it, Marina!

I got angry at the whole world, which (as it seemed then) did not care about me. My beloved husband sided with the surgeon and suggested that I try to lose weight myself, save 2,000 euros (which we collected for plastic surgery) and spend it somewhere in Milan or Paris on whatever I want. This pissed me off even more. I constantly repeated as a spell "I'll show you all" and "I'll be fine." After that, I began to act ...

320 slimming days

It was during this period that I crossed out the sentence "obesity", diabetes and hormonal failure from my life. Imagine I remember every day of the first month of fighting with myself. Because it was a war. Real. And I won it!

It always seemed to me that I didn’t eat anything and at the same time continued to get fat. Many overweight people think so, saying "I get fat even from the smell of food!" For three days I recorded everything that entered my stomach on my phone. It was an unpleasant surprise! Only daily coffee (4 cups with sugar and full fat milk) was 500 kcal. And I didn't even consider it food! I couldn’t live without a cake (or better, two or three baskets of cream!), The standard pizza didn’t saturate me at all, and the traditional “night” tea (with two sandwiches and a couple of sweets) was never canceled! Work at the computer "worked" with the help of three milk chocolates. The secret of my "amazing" obesity has been revealed...

The first week was just unbearable. Every night after work, I cried and slapped my fat cheeks, trying to keep the hungry beast inside. It helped, and I stopped eating after 18.00. Then I began to look closely and sniff at healthy food. We obviously didn't like each other. After all, my spoiled stomach demanded sweets, more fried and fatty, and not rice, boiled breast and vegetable salad. My husband and mother helped me a lot, without whom this battle would have been much more difficult for me.

Naturally, I broke down. I gorged myself on buns and smoked sausage. I sobbed, hysteria, promised myself to quit everything - after all, I am already so happy! I woke up the next day and started fighting with myself again. Made a rule: for each breakdown, I have to endure a fasting day on kefir and low-fat cottage cheese. Three months later, my breakdowns stopped. I am used to eating well and well. Only for breakfast could I eat something "harmful" to support myself morally. I didn't diet and didn't count calories. I had breakfast with oatmeal, coffee / tea, a healthy sandwich with whole grain bread, vegetables and meat. My lunch so far is porridge (buckwheat / rice) + meat or fish (not fried!) + vegetables. Dinner is always light and early (salad, unsweetened fruit, low-fat dairy or chicken breast steak + lots of green tea). Occasionally I allow myself a late dinner or ice cream.

I forced myself to love the sport that I had hated since high school. At first it was aqua aerobics (after all, my fat clumsy body was not visible in the water!). Then I began to walk with a dog in the morning and in the evening for 5 kilometers at a fast pace. I have been doing yoga for six months now. This is exactly my sport. It's important to do what you love. Yoga makes me happy and helps me become even better.

Hello new me

Sometimes at night I wake up and look at my body with horror. Because it seems to me that all this is a dream and I still have these 94 terrible kilograms in me. But no. This is the new me! And I'm getting used to myself. I continue to lose weight. I try to help complete people. I am proud that two people were able to lose 20 kilos after I told them my story.

I am sure that you can feel happy at any weight and in any body. But if your fullness bothers you and you think at least once a week about what would not hurt to lose weight, it's time to take on yourself. Just start right now. From this magical moment! After all, "tomorrow" can drag on endlessly. And you are waiting for amazing outfits, new acquaintances, sea beaches and a happy life! You also understand that these hated kilograms are so superfluous ...

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Summer is rapidly approaching, ahead of sunny days and relaxing on the beach, where it will immediately be clear who and what was doing in the winter. For those who want to lose weight, we have made a powerful motivational photo selection. The heroes of these pictures pulled themselves together and incredibly changed! See for yourself.

The progress of this guy is minus 77 kg in one year.

I ran for a year and a half and lost 56 kg.

This is my sister before and after losing 76 kg.

This is how I look after losing 70 kg.

I lost weight from 145 kg to 54 kg and I feel great!

Having lost excess weight, I look much better.

This man was told that he would die if he did not lose weight. He lost 150 kg.

A young mother lost 45 kg after she found out that her husband was cheating on her and called her a fat cow behind her back.

This guy was homeless, every day he ate only fast food - 10,000 calories. Since then, he has lost 140 kg and found his love.

Three years ago, this woman weighed 272 kg, now her weight is about 100 kg

I worked hard and here is my result.

Lost almost 40 kg, acquired a new life and a cool hobby.

The photo shows that now I close only a third of the refrigerator.

This girl was an alcoholic. Having coped with addiction, she was able to lose 75 kg.

Before - 144 kg, after - 64 kg.

We lost weight together. The before and after photos clearly show the difference.

The bride has lost 90 kg since her wedding day. Now, on her 16th birthday, she can wear her wedding dress with her husband.

This couple weighed 350 kg for two. By engaging in physical activity, they lost half their weight.

I'm wearing the same shorts. Then I weighed 122 kg, now - 61 kg

A year ago, I made a promise to myself that I would stuff two legs into one leg of my trousers. I kept my promise!

One year has passed since my weight loss.

In 2007 I weighed 156 kg, today my weight is 84 kg.

Slowly but surely. In seven years I lost 50 kg.

It was - 124 kg, now - 81 kg.

This is what the fattest man in the world looks like after losing 317 kg.

My transformation from 120 kg to 52 kg.

My fiancé lost almost 65 kg in a year.

After losing weight from 84 kg to 62 kg, only my smile remained the same size.