Drafts, extraneous smells, noise appear in our apartments not by chance. The point is not at all the thickness of the door, as many used to think, but the seal. After all, the tightness of the door blocks depends on it. You can adequately assess the quality of a sealant for a metal door by figuring out how tightly the sash sits in the box, there are either cracks and gaps. Nothing is torn, does not peel off, you can calm down. Your iron doors are securely protected. But if the rubber is disheveled, a characteristic knock is heard when opening, then most likely it is time to change the seal.

Types of seals for metal doors

Specialists distinguish several types. First of all, the material, design, section are taken into account. The latter characterizes the shape of the seal in the section, denoted by Latin letters. Standard equipment involves the use of O and D profiles. The minimum gaps up to 3 millimeters are eliminated by the C profile; for large gaps, V and P-shaped inserts are needed.

Seals are made of foam rubber, rubber, silicone, plastic, polyethylene foam. The method of fastening also differs. Self-adhesive seal for metal doors is the most popular and simple. The base is impregnated with a special composition, allowed to dry and paper substrates are applied. To adhere to the contour, it is enough to peel off and press. In addition, the seals are mounted on self-tapping screws. These complete wooden structures.

Some make their own seals. Foam rubber is wrapped in leatherette or vinyl skin. However, this method is only suitable for doors of the old configuration. For new ones, you will need special strips of the same length and density.

Models of entrance doors from the factory "Doors Pro" with a sealing contour

How to choose a seal for a metal door

When going to the store or placing an order in the online store, there are a few things to consider. Remember, they are produced using a similar technology, with the exception of only elite products. Be sure to find out how many circuits are on your door. Usually one or two, rarely three. Also, see how thick the gap is. A small one is perfectly removed with a foam tape 1-4 mm. Study the composition. Additional fastening components are used in the production of fire-resistant seals. This will be a huge plus. Smoke, combustion products will not penetrate the room. Typical heat-resistant tape retains integrity for at least an hour.

Seals are produced in the form of rolls, the average length is 6 meters. On the packaging write step-by-step installation instructions and indicate the necessary fasteners. Adhesive-based tapes are mainly purchased for entrance doors.

The door trim deserves special mention. The strips of sealant must harmoniously fit into the design. Dark doors, MDF and powder are equipped with black or gray seals. Light ones look good on solid wood, wenge shade veneers. However, you should not get too carried away with color.

According to experts, the dye reduces resistance, reduces strength. Therefore, it is better to take the classic version, brown, white or black.

Laying and replacing the seal on a metal door

New doors are sold already insulated, you do not have to do anything. A branded seal from a trusted manufacturer lasts at least five years, subject to proper operation.

The seal for the entrance metal door is attached at the last stage of the installation of the door leaf. With its help, it will be possible to reduce the gap between the metal sheet and the frame, and this, in turn, helps to reduce the intensity of heat outflow from the room. It is difficult to imagine doors without a sealant, because this material helps to reduce the error, which is always provided for during installation. It is represented by several varieties, which allows you to choose the most suitable option.

Door leaves have dimensional errors. When looking at the canvas, it is extremely difficult to notice them, however, during operation, various minor defects appear: slight bends, leaks, due to which some structural elements do not completely adjoin each other. This phenomenon is explained by the qualities of the metal - it is a strong and rigid material, which means that it is difficult to fit it with high accuracy. For this reason, a sealant is used. With its help, the smallest errors in the design are compensated, thereby improving the properties of the door.

What is a sealant

This is the name of a flexible material that has the form of a strip of small width. It provides a seal between the door frame and the structure leaf. It is customary to mount sealing material on entrance doors. Interior sashes need less clearance around the perimeter. In addition, metal doors are not used in the partitions at the facilities, so it is advisable to use a sealant to adjust the dimensions of the entrance structures.

Such material is universal, since it can also be used for other tasks (windows, vents, etc.). It is easy to install. Most seals are attached to the metal with an adhesive that is applied to one side of the product. Such material is always placed around the perimeter of the door. For this, a special groove can be provided, characterized by suitable dimensions for installing the seal. However, this condition is not optional, the strip can be mounted on a flat metal, it will still perform its function.

The purpose of the seal

The material is universal, since it simultaneously implements several functions:

  • prevents the penetration of odors and dust into the room;
  • thermal insulation;
  • draft protection;
  • ensuring tightness;
  • soundproofing;
  • compensation for minor design defects (metal sheet bends, dimensional errors);
  • performs the function of a shock absorber, so that the sash will not slam when closing.

As a result, a high-quality seal for metal doors plays an important role; without it, the design will have many flaws.

Selection and classification

The material is selected taking into account the width of the porch. They also take into account the distance between the door leaf and the box. This is important, because the seals are presented in different options, different in size. When choosing a self-adhesive material, it is recommended to take into account the expiration date. The fact is that over time, the adhesive substance applied to one side of the product loses its properties. Because of this, the sealing tape sticks worse.

Take into account the shade of the product. This parameter is taken into account in cases where the sealing tape will be located in visible areas: if there is no groove for this material in the porch, and the color of the door leaf is light and additionally the leaf is well lit. Seals are characterized by different shades (white, beige, black, gray, brown), which simplifies the selection task.

The degree of elasticity of the product should also be taken into account. This parameter is checked as follows: it is necessary to squeeze the sealing tape with two fingers, when released, the shape is restored. The material should be characterized by medium rigidity. A soft seal will not provide sufficient tightness. As a result, the material will not perform its functions: leaks in the structure will remain. Efficiency soft tape will be characterized only in the case when the error in the design of the door leaf and box is minimal.

Use for an entrance metal door and more rigid tape. It is subject to less wear and tear. It is believed that this option copes with its task better. However, a rigid seal is characterized by a large thickness, therefore it is not suitable for all doors. In addition, during operation, the material loses its properties faster, because it is regularly subjected to heavy loads due to the fact that the door leaf and the porch have to be pressed harder against the frame.

What are the types

To seal the porch of a metal sash, several types of products are used that differ in the type of material:

  • rubber;
  • polyethylene foam;
  • foam rubber or polyurethane foam;
  • plastic;
  • silicone.

The rubber seal lasts a long time, is less susceptible to external factors: it does not allow air to pass through, it is non-hygroscopic, it is not prone to cracking. It is a flexible material that is offered at an affordable price. With it, it will be possible to eliminate drafts, but care should be taken to increase ventilation in the room by force, since the use of airtight materials helps to weaken air circulation.

Silicone seals do not contain harmful substances, they are elastic. They are often used in steel structures, for example, in the front doors of facilities such as hospitals, schools, kindergartens. Products represent a group of hypoallergenic materials, for this reason they are recommended for installation in rooms where there are children.

If we consider a foam rubber foam polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride seal, this option is flexible and soft. However, it does not last long due to the high degree of abrasion. It is better to use products of this type for sealing interior doors, or you will have to change the sealing tape on the porch of a metal front door more often. Plastic products are in demand to a lesser extent.

There are three types of seals, different in the method of fastening:

  1. Self-adhesives - an adhesive is applied on one side of the product.
  2. With clamping system.
  3. Magnetic seal for metal doors is more suitable. It consists of several circuits, and one must be mounted on the box, the rest - on the sash. In the case when the magnetic properties of the tape are strong, the door will be difficult to open.

Sealant configuration classification:

  • if the leaks do not exceed 3 mm, use a C-, E-, K-shaped profile;
  • for structures with gaps from 3 to 5 mm, a V-shaped version of the product is suitable;
  • for doors with leaks from 5 mm, an O-, D-shaped profile is used.

If the gaps are small (1-3 mm), a rectangular material is used.

Most requested types

Most often used rubber and silicone products. A foam rubber seal is also in demand, but it is used if the gap is not around the entire perimeter of the sash or it is too small. Then install the foam tape. It can be highly compressed, which will eliminate leaks in the right areas, while not preventing the door from closing.

Main Requirements

To isolate the front door, it is permissible to use only certain types of materials. First of all, you need to find out what requirements the sealant must meet. Main provisions:

  • tightness of the structure;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • softness of the closing of the sash;
  • wear resistance, non-susceptibility to temperature changes;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • elasticity.

Installation technology

The principle of fixing magnetic materials and self-adhesives is different. In both cases, it is first necessary to remove the old layer of sealant from the surface of the porch, the first version of the product (with magnetic properties) requires no less careful preparation than the second (with adhesive). This is due to the fact that it is more difficult to fix the material on contaminated surfaces. For entrance doors, it is better to use 2-3 layers of material: on the sash and the door frame. Before installing the tape, the surface of the porch of the web and the end of the box are wiped with a solvent to degrease.

Installation of a self-adhesive seal

On one side of the tape is a paper strip that covers the adhesive. No need to immediately remove it along the entire length. It is better to act gradually, opening a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seal and immediately gluing it. It is recommended to use a one-piece tape, because the gaps are a bridge for air to enter. It is important to carefully paste over the corner sections of the vestibule. Here the material may lie unevenly.

When the work is finished, cut off the excess tape. If in some areas the material lags behind or does not hold firmly enough, glue or sealant is applied. Such a measure will make the structure more reliable, and the seal will not separate from the porch when opening.

Installation of magnetic seals

This type of product is treated with an adhesive on one side, here the tape is closed with special paper. The seal is a thermoplastic material, which contains a rigid insert with magnetic properties. You can install it by removing the protective paper. It should be done gradually, exposing areas of the material with adhesive as the tape is attached.

The difficulty of mounting such a product lies in the impossibility of installing it in areas with complex configurations, since it will be difficult to go around the protruding elements due to the presence of a rigid magnetic insert inside. In addition, it must match the parameters of the door. So, if the magnet intensively attracts the sash, it will be difficult to open it, and with a small force of attraction, on the contrary, it is impossible to provide sufficient pressure.

Which one is suitable for Chinese metal door

Such designs are of low quality, so they gradually lose their shape, dents appear on the surface. It is better to use a rubber seal of the entrance metal door. If the gap is minimal, it is permissible to use a foam strip. To prevent the material from failing ahead of time, it is recommended to apply an additional layer of glue to the rubber tape, which will ensure increased fastening reliability. If the seal is made of foam rubber, it is better not to do this, otherwise it will be difficult to dismantle it.

The sealing tape has not only the function of protecting the home from drafts. In the fight against extraneous sounds coming from the street, the sealant can also play an important role. When choosing, you should pay attention to several aspects: the types of seals, the materials from which they are made, and also use tricks that will help you choose the right door insulation.


The most important function that a sealant has is draft protection. If the device does not cope with this task, it is a priori of insufficient quality. This is especially true for entrance doors: thermal insulation in this case is extremely important, and only a sufficient level of insulation can provide it. An important heat-insulating function "works" in both directions, at the same time protecting the apartment from cold wind from the street or from the entrance and preventing heat from escaping from the home. It is estimated that doors not equipped with a seal release up to 40% of all heat generated by heating appliances. Heating prices are currently quite high, so no one wants to waste precious heat.

Speaking of thermal insulation, it is impossible not to mention that a number of products can withstand significant temperature fluctuations. The amplitude can vary from -65 to +95 degrees Celsius. Thus, by installing high-quality insulation on the front door, you can not worry that it will crack in summer or winter.

Another plus of the sealant is its soundproofing properties. They are inherent both for metal water doors and for interior doors. It happens that the front door opens just next to the road or the playground, and the insufficient level of sound insulation does not allow residents to feel comfortable enough, because annoying sounds from the street greatly interfere. If the rooms are not well insulated from each other, then another problem arises: the impossibility of each doing his own thing without the risk of interfering with the other. Good sound insulation makes situations comfortable when, for example, they play the piano in one room and read in another.

Cushioning properties are another important factor. Everyone has come across a situation where in the summer, because of the open windows, drafts walk around the house, and the doors close with a strong bang, disturbing not only the residents of the house, but also their neighbors. The sealing tape hides an unpleasant sound, preventing the creation of annoying pops, as well as extending the life of the door and door frame (due to sudden slamming, they wear out faster).

The seal well protects the house from unnecessary odors or smoke. For example, something might burn in the kitchen. No one wants the “aroma” of burning to instantly spread throughout all the rooms, so the insulation will help keep the smell only in the kitchen. The same can be said about the door to the bathroom: it is better to leave wet steam directly within the bathroom and not let it out into the hallway or corridor.

Thus, the main property that the door seal carries is the sealing of the door leaf. In the Russian climate, this property of the door is extremely important due to strong temperature fluctuations on the streets. Moreover, you should carefully consider the choice of product if you live in a big noisy city, because many metropolitan areas are very busy both day and night. It is for such "sleepless" cities that doors with seals for enhanced sound insulation are well suited. When choosing a door to the kitchen, you also need to make it as airtight as possible, because it is far from always appropriate and pleasant when food smells are heard, for example, in the bedroom.


Seals are classified according to several criteria. The first of these is the type of door:

  • For entry doors. The seal of the porches for entrance doors is usually made tubular. The profile with a cavity inside completely ensures a sufficient fit of the door, contributing to complete isolation from external influences.
  • For interior doors. There are completely different requirements here: there is no need for such a strong protection of the room from the environment, the aesthetic component comes first. In some cases, isolation is important (for example, in the bedroom), but not necessary.
  • For plastic doors. Seals for plastic doors are placed in a separate category, since they differ significantly from seals for ordinary doors. It is necessary that the groove element reacts well with the environment. As a rule, such seals are placed on balcony doors. Please note that, as a rule, only such a part is suitable for a plastic door, which is produced by the same manufacturer as the door itself.
  • For glass doors. The profile, which is attached directly to the glass, can be aluminum or silicone. Silicone elements must have a special section, they also serve immediately as a heater, while a special rubber seal must be made on the aluminum profile. The silicone glass seal is suitable for rooms with high humidity, as there is no risk that it will “leave”.

According to the materials, the following types are distinguished:

  • Rubber.
  • Silicone.
  • Foam rubber.
  • Magnet.
  • Thermoplastic.
  • Felt.

By configuration, the following types are distinguished:

  • Tape. It is a soft cord with a rectangular cross section, the width of which is approximately 9 mm.
  • Tubular. Despite the fact that a tube seal is most often used for entrance doors, it boasts less sealing properties than tape models. It is a hollow tube inside, which is pressed when the doors are closed, due to which there are no gaps between the door leaf and the frame.
  • Slotted. It is made specifically for plastic doors, it is a hollow profile made of soft rubber, on one side of which there is a special brush installed in the grooves. Thus, the impact of the external environment on the seal is reduced and is almost completely transferred to the door leaf itself.

  • Spring. Attaches to the door frame, not the door. When closing, its parts slide along the spring and close the gaps. Only suitable for mounting on perfectly flat surfaces.
  • Mortise. Made for wooden doors. Under such a seal, a small niche is specially cut out in the door frame, which allows you to tightly fit the door leaf in the future. A rubber profile is attached to the niche.
  • Folding. Suitable for sealing folding doors, bellows and similar structures.

Tape seals are rarely made wider than 10 mm. This is due to the fact that such a width is optimal both for attaching around the perimeter of the door leaf and for the door frame. Tubular options generally have the same characteristics, regardless of what material they were made from. The size of the seal for a plastic door depends entirely on the manufacturer. It often happens that only one seal model is suitable for each specific door model, and there is no way to replace it with an analogue. It is recommended to pay special attention to this issue when choosing a door, whether it is possible to replace parts with those purchased from another manufacturer, otherwise it may be necessary to change the entire door during repairs.

A complex rubber profile remains a universal choice, suitable for both interior doors and entrance doors. It is available in various versions, it can be made of soft rubber or more dense, the width of the profiles is traditionally 8-10 mm.

  • foam rubber it is better not to use the element for entrance doors and save it for the case of interior structures. The fact is that foam rubber is not the most durable material and simply will not withstand the kind of exploitation that the front door is subjected to. Foam rubber is quite cheap, while it tolerably copes with the basic functions of a sealant. It is best to use foam inserts for doors that are subject to little use, for example, to the hall.
  • Unlike foam, magnetic constructs are used only for entrance doors. The magnetic inserts on the soft rubber profiles guarantee the best fit of the seal, so that protection against drafts or heat leakage from the house is guaranteed. Problems can only arise with the installation of elements, they must be matched exactly to the size of the door, otherwise the magnetic protrusion simply will not allow the door to close.

Another relevant option is colorless heaters. Many people think that they are a good solution only for glass doors, however, this is far from the case. A transparent seal looks great on wooden, plastic, and metal doors, since it is practically invisible. Thus, it can be used in cases where the owner is afraid to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the door or if, from a stylistic point of view, the use of a seal is inappropriate.

According to the invoice, the following types are distinguished:

  • Flexible. Smooth or flexible profiles can be made from many different materials, including rubber, silicone, magnet.
  • Liquid. Usually used for insulating front doors. It is a kind of liquid foam rubber, which, under the influence of pressure, is applied to the desired areas.
  • Pile. The fleecy version is very familiar to many, since it was felt that was originally the only alternative for making door insulation. At this stage in the development of the repair business, a tourniquet and tape are produced not only from pure felt, but also from synthetic fleecy fabric.

Location options are as follows:

  • Threshold. They are a good solution in cases where the design of the door does not provide for a threshold. It is mainly done on automatic control, which allows the profile to "adjust" to the width of the gap between the door and the floor in the open or closed position.
  • Contour. Contour options are the easiest to understand. They are attached around the entire perimeter of the door leaf or frame, while simultaneously eliminating gaps everywhere. Most often used for entrance doors, a triple profile is taken.
  • Fireman. A similar thermally expanding option is a substance that, when heated strongly, turns into foam. The foam completely seals the door, preventing the passage of smoke and preventing oxygen from reaching the source of ignition.


Depending on the type of sealant, its dimensions also vary. Also, the optimal size depends on the gap, on how thick it is. A significant role is played by the total footage of the door structure, as well as the features of the purpose of the door. For example, entrance doors require thicker and wider insulation. Flexible rectangular profiles are sold in large rolls, the footage of which depends only on the manufacturer. They are great for eliminating narrow gaps that do not cause much discomfort to the owners of the door.

In some cases, rubber profiles of complex configuration are used. They are suitable for ordinary doors, and even for heavy armored doors. Each of the profiles has its own special shape: C, P, O and so on. Each of the shapes is designed for slots of certain dimensions, however, remember that these profiles serve to insulate gaps 1-4 mm wide, but some shapes are good for insulation and larger slots.

  • Profiles of forms C, K, E are suitable for masking small gaps, the size of which does not exceed 3 mm.
  • Forms P and V will do an excellent job of masking lye up to 5 mm.
  • Less commonly used profiles O and D, which allow you to work with gaps up to 7 mm.

When calculating the required amount of a flexible profile for door insulation, keep in mind that you will definitely need at least 5-6 m of material. It is always better to take a soft seal with a small margin, since if a part of the installed profile suddenly deteriorates, it can always be quickly changed. Rigid seals are made directly to the size of the door. As a rule, independent measurement and acquisition causes certain difficulties, so it is better to turn to professionals with this issue. There is only one seal on the market that requires such a delicate selection - this is a magnetic option.

Seals differ in thickness. Soft thin profiles are selected for interior doors, while entrance doors need more impressive insulation. Thick rubber profiles, often multi-layered, have impressive dimensions compared to miniature interior samples. Thus, when choosing a seal of the required size, it is imperative to focus not only on the type of seal, but also on the functional purpose of the insulated door, on the size of the existing gaps. Pay attention to where the element will be attached: around the perimeter of the door frame or directly on the door leaf. Traditionally, thicker options are mounted on the door frame than on the door itself, since when installed on the door frame, there is little risk that the door simply will not close.

Which seal material is best?

At the moment, a huge range of materials from which door seals are made is presented. After reviewing the characteristics of each of them, you will be able to determine exactly which option is right for you.

  • Rubber sealant, perhaps the most popular today. This is due to the versatility of the material, since it tolerates temperature extremes, high humidity and other negative effects. So that bacteria do not multiply at the joints or a fungus does not appear, the rubber is pre-treated with a special compound that prevents the activity of bacteria and disinfects the surface.
  • Silicone option is a good alternative to a rubber seal. Mostly silicone is used for insulating glass doors, since it is tightly glued to the glass, one has only to moisten it with water and let it dry. Silicone does not crack under the influence of strong temperature changes and does not come off glass. Silicone elements are much better than rubber ones, they are suitable for rooms with high humidity, such as a bathhouse, sauna, bathroom.

  • A special place is occupied by modern TEP seals. They are distinguished by the ability to adapt to extremely high or extremely low temperatures. Sometimes the spread can be more than 100 degrees - from -70 to +95 degrees Celsius. The European formulation of thermoplastic elastomer guarantees high reliability, long service life, good resistance to impact loads, and low profile deformation during operation.
  • Felt is the most traditional and familiar material from childhood. Due to the fact that felt is still made from natural wool, it protects the room well from the cold and is on the list of leaders largely because of this. During the entire service life, felt insulation does not lose its original properties, well enduring Russian harsh weather realities, and saves heat. Contrary to popular belief, felt is completely fireproof because it has a very dense structure that makes it difficult to burn.

What are the colors?

Today, seals are produced in a mass of colors, which include not only classic black or white. It is possible to choose the necessary model for the door of any shade, whether it is a balcony plastic sample of white color or a bright door to the nursery. However, it is the white and black versions that are most popular with consumers. White models are selected mainly for plastic doors when the owners need to decorate some cosmetic flaws. Also, white seals look good on interior options, while a white element is unlikely to look appropriate on the front door.

For the front door, on the contrary, black insulation is the best solution. Black models go well with almost all types of metal doors, and this fact should be taken into account. In addition, painted rubber insulators for entrance doors do a worse job of their functions, since the paint significantly changes the chemical composition of the material. The same can be said about plastic balcony doors. It is best to choose a black sealant, it will protect the living rooms as much as possible from drafts from the outside.

There are a lot of color models. There are no texture swatches or patterned options, but color choices are virtually unlimited. The whole range of brown shades is the most popular, since seals are often selected for wooden doors, and people try to choose them so that they are as invisible as possible on the door leaf, and do not spoil the overall impression. Please note that often, for a relatively small fee, they offer to immediately supply the door with a suitable seal of the desired color. As a rule, this option is more preferable, especially if you know in advance that you need to install such a semblance of a slot cover. The decision to buy a door with a ready-made sealing element will greatly save you the time and effort that you would have spent searching for, and it will not hit your budget too much.

Whatever color of the seal you choose, remember that the overall appearance of the room and the door separately must remain harmonious, however, it is much more important that the selected sample does its job well.

What are they fastening?

There are several options for attaching seals. Each of them is determined by the type of fastening that a particular option is equipped with.

  • Groove installation. Profiles for fastening in a groove are equipped with a special fastening-brush. For installation, you will not need additional materials, however, this does not make the installation of such elements the easiest. The main difficulty that most people have when working with groove seals is fitting them to the required size. It should be understood that rubber is a material that stretches easily and takes its original shape just as easily, therefore, when cutting or pressing directly into the groove, the product cannot be pulled out, on the contrary, it should be “picked up” a little. The cutting of the groove seals should be carried out after they have been installed in place, otherwise there is a high risk of cutting off the excess, and this will inevitably negate the entire effect that was planned to be obtained due to the installation of the elements.

  • Self adhesive option. Usually installation with self-adhesive tape causes the least difficulty. As in the previous case, the only equipment you need is a paint knife, which, after gluing, needs to cut the insulation to the desired length. The most important place in the preparatory process is the preparation of the surface: it must not only be well cleaned of dirt and dust, but also thoroughly degreased. Traditionally, the tape is glued from left to right and from top to bottom, that is, on the sides, pasting must begin from the top corner. Gradually, little by little, the protective layer is removed from the sticky side of the seal, the tape, without stretching, is fixed on the surface, and only after it is completely fixed, you can again release a little adhesive tape and fix it further. The step is approximately 10 cm.

  • For nails or screws. This option has not been very popular lately, since duct tape or glue is a good alternative to nails. In some cases, it is impossible to install a self-adhesive sample (for example, if the surface is uneven or the sealant is too heavy), and then traditional nails are remembered again. The distance between the nails is 5-7 cm, it is not recommended to install fasteners less often, as sagging may occur through which cold air will enter the room. When installing insulation on self-tapping screws or nails, you need to act very carefully, because if the hats are not deepened enough, the door will close with difficulty or not at all. The option is mainly suitable for entrance doors, and in the case of interior doors, it is better to do without a sealant at all than to choose a nail mount.

How to choose the right door heaters?

  • For a wooden door in a log house, a good solution would be to use silicone insulation. Pay attention to how easy it is to replace one model with another. Wooden houses “shrink” over time, and after a few years, the door will be hard to close, then it will be necessary to replace the existing sample.
  • For wooden doors in ordinary houses, the installation of mortise seals, which are almost invisible against the background of the door, is very popular. If possible, it is recommended to choose this particular contour option, as it will provide you with good sound insulation, and if the door dries out, the seal can simply be removed without harm to aesthetics.
  • It is imperative to select a sealant to match the door structure so that it looks as organic as possible against the general background and does not spoil the whole look.

How to fix the door seal, see the video below.

Any front door needs to be insulated, especially when the door faces the street, for example, in country houses. In urban apartments, a draft or odors from the entrance may also appear, and this is a signal that the door needs to be sealed.

The tightness of any entrance door is one of the main requirements, heat and sound insulation in the room depends on it. A good sealant, which is placed on the entrance opening, can cope with such a problem, and then it makes the structure more airtight and protected from dust and wind.

The main requirements for the seal

All seals are made from different materials, but they have the same purpose - to seal the door so that not a single gap remains in it. All materials used for this must meet certain requirements.

  1. The quality on which the service life of the sealing tape depends.
  2. Tightness, this property can protect the living space from the penetration of foreign odors, dust, drafts, cold.
  3. Wear resistance is related to the density of the composition of the material, its ability to be durable to mechanical damage.
  4. Compliance, it depends on how much the sealing tape can gently compress and regain its original state.
  5. Softness, this property helps the door to be more cushioned, eliminates squeaks and softens blows on the door frame.

In order to seal profiles, seals from the following materials are most often used:

All of them can be released in the form of strips of different widths and thickness, color, they should be selected depending on the nature of the gap in the doorway.

Foam sealing tape is the most common and simplest type. It has a self-adhesive film, looks like a foam tape, which comes in different thicknesses. If the door frame is made of wood, then the sealant is attached to it or to the end edges of the door itself using wallpaper nails. It can be attached to metal entrance doors using glue.

This type of sealant does not always cope with the tasks, it can let in cold, and it also does not have a long service life. It is best suited for sealing on interior doors.

A rubber product can be called a universal seal; it is perfect for a door structure made of wood and metal. There are two types of such sealing tape - self-adhesive and those used with the installation of a metal profile.

Self-adhesive look can be installed in a few minutes, it needs to be pressed to the base of the door frame or to the end part and it will stick by itself. If you use the second type, then a profile is needed here, without it it is impossible to fix this type of sealing tape. The advantages of rubber seals are their low cost and good sealing of the door structure after its use. When buying a sealant, you need to pay attention to its service life, which should be indicated in the technical documentation. After the specified period, the rubber loses its elasticity.

silicone material very similar to rubber, but it becomes sticky after a certain period of time, this makes it unusable, it begins to tear. Silicone seals are environmentally friendly, so this material is often used to seal entrance doors in children's and medical institutions.

The polyurethane seal can be easily installed, on the one hand it is equipped with a self-adhesive film.

The best are considered thermoplastic seals because they have high strength and elasticity. They belong to environmentally friendly materials, withstand low temperatures, have a pleasant appearance and can serve reliably up to 20 years, provided that the seal is installed in accordance with all the rules. The disadvantages of this type include the complexity of installation and its high cost, but the quality and reliability are worth it.

Product classification

All seals are divided according to the type of construction and method of attachment, they can be:

  • Magnetic
  • self-adhesive
  • With additional clamping mechanism.

The easiest and easiest way to install a self-adhesive seal is suitable for metal and wooden entrance doors. Magnetic are considered a classic option for installation on metal door structures, they were developed recently, so they are not yet so popular. The disadvantages include a strong attraction of the door, it can be difficult to open it.


Before you start choosing a sealing tape, you need to know what gaps there are between the canvas and the box, in order to more accurately determine the dimensions, you can use plasticine wrapped in polyethylene and insert it into the door gap.

The quality of the sealant can be judged by how, when pressed on it, it straightens out. Good material literally in a matter of seconds takes on its original shape.

The best thing buy a spare seal, first you need to decide on the number of layers and then measure the dimensions of the door, the perimeter of the door frame.

If you choose a sealing tape only for the threshold, then it will not give the desired result, but contour products are placed in several rows and fit snugly around the entire perimeter. A good quality seal, properly selected and installed, will always help protect your home from cold and noise.

Often they do not cope with their main task - saving heat in the apartment. And this is even in the presence of high-quality internal filler. The sealant for metal doors allows to solve the problem of sealing joints.

Sealant functions

There are a number of tasks that are assigned to a sealant for metal doors:

  • protection of housing from the penetration of unpleasant odors from the outside;
  • elimination of drafts;
  • ensuring a secure fit of the canvas to the design of the door frame;
  • preventing the spread of smoke and fire in the event of a fire hazard.


On metal doors, it can be done using several types of sealing tapes. Depending on the nature of the material of manufacture, products of the following types are distinguished:

  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • foam;
  • polyurethane.

Let's find out which metal door seal is better, consider the pros and cons of individual solutions.


Most often used for sealing doors that go directly to the street. This method of application is due to the specific properties of rubber. In the presence of various modifiers, such a sealant for metal doors perfectly adapts to the most severe operating conditions.

Among the advantages of a rubber seal, it is worth highlighting:

  • long service life;
  • special resistance to environmental influences;
  • high elasticity, which prevents the appearance of cracks as the product is used;
  • absolute water tightness;
  • low cost.

Separately, it is worth highlighting self-adhesive for metal doors. The use of the latter greatly facilitates the installation process, eliminates additional waste for the purchase of fasteners.


For metal doors, it is inferior, according to some indicators, to products made from rubber. The material has increased elasticity, which facilitates its installation on the surface of a wide variety of textures. However, the main disadvantage here is the lack of the possibility of upgrading the composition with special additives that slow down the destruction of the structure under the influence of moisture, ultraviolet radiation, and temperature changes. As a result, silicone seals are rarely used to seal external doors.

Foam rubber

The foam seal is the most budgetary solution. Often, its use is resorted to per service for one season. More with regular use of doors, such products do not withstand.

The old foam rubber seal often begins to disintegrate and crumble under the influence of humidity, sudden changes in temperature. Over time, the material gets lumped up, loses its original elasticity and eventually ceases to cope with the assigned tasks.


Both ordinary and self-adhesive seals for metal doors made of polyurethane have quite good characteristics. Products of this category are easy to install and durable. However, polyurethane has a relatively low resistance to mechanical stress on abrasion. Therefore, such a seal is highly not recommended for installation on doors that are subject to regular use.


Plastic seals have excellent sealing properties. Most products in this category have a hollow internal structure. Thanks to this feature, an additional sealing contour is created in the form of an air chamber along the edge of the door, which ensures the preservation of heat in the room.

Plastic products are affordable, but their installation can be difficult. The fact is that such products are installed in a groove and for this reason must be selected individually in accordance with the design features of a particular door.

How to choose a seal for a metal door?

Going to buy material for sealing the front door, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. If preference is given to self-adhesive material, the expiration date of the adhesive should be clarified, which will be applied to the inside of the product.
  2. It is highly not recommended to seal metal doors that face the street with a foam rubber seal. As a rule, such structures account for an increased number of openings and closings. Therefore, in this case, the material will quickly become completely unusable.
  3. Before dwelling on a specific type of seal, it is necessary to carefully study the information regarding the qualities of the material, technical characteristics, operating features, and shelf life.
  4. To verify the tightness of the product, just press on its surface. If the seal instantly restores its shape, this option is suitable for installation on entrance doors.
  5. How to glue a sealant on a metal front door? To do this, you should use high-quality glue. It is better to give preference to products made on the basis of silicone, which have good sealing properties.
  6. Attention should be paid to the shade of the product. In most cases, the consumer is offered seals in standard colors: white, black and brown. However, some manufacturers allow you to choose the shade of the material individually, in accordance with the color of the door.
  7. It is better to pay attention to products of medium hardness. Frankly soft materials quickly lose their original properties. At the same time, rigid seals can prevent the door from closing freely.
  8. The self-adhesive product must have a textured inner surface. The presence of a coating of small particles of fiberglass is welcome, which will provide the most reliable setting of surfaces.

Let's figure out how to properly install the seal on a metal door.

To begin with, the old sealing material is dismantled. Surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. To do this, it is advisable to use fine sandpaper. At the end of the preparatory work, the ends of the door are washed with an alcohol solution or acetone, which contributes to the degreasing of the surfaces.

Often a metal door is installed at the entrance to the room. In this case, it is recommended to install several layers of sealant. This approach allows for the most reliable sealing of joints. Several contours are superimposed on the door frame and the inner edge of the leaf, while the rest is mounted on the outer surface of the door. At the same time, the main requirement for the qualities of an external seal is: resistance to mechanical damage, temperature extremes, moisture.

Installation of rubber products is carried out by landing on glue. How to stick a sealant on a metal door? In the course of work, the surface of the tape is gradually covered with a binder as it is applied to the end and tightly pressed against the surface. If it is necessary to install a rubber product on a painted base, at least several weeks must elapse from the moment of painting.

The simplest solution is to install a self-adhesive seal. For installation, it is enough to remove the protective strip that covers the inner surface of the product, and then evenly distribute the material along the edge of the door leaf. If during operation the seal begins to lag behind, it is worth additionally fixing it with glue or sealant.

During installation, it is not recommended to use separate pieces of material. Such actions entail poor-quality sealing of joints. Particular attention should be paid to sealing corners. It is here that the risk of wrinkling and insufficiently dense sticking of the material increases.


Seals act as an extremely convenient means for sealing the joints of the front door. All of them have one common advantage - ease of installation and operation.

To eliminate drafts, protect the premises from the penetration of extraneous sounds and unpleasant odors from the outside, special skills, professional tools and special training are not required. During installation, it is only necessary to clean and degrease the surfaces, treat them with glue or sealant and evenly apply sealant to the joints.

Self-adhesive products are a particularly convenient solution. They do not require the purchase of glue or additional fasteners to install them. Such seals serve for a long time, at the first need they can be easily dismantled and replaced with new material.