How to gain weight correctly

Weight plays a huge role in the lives of athletes. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to watch weightlifting competitions, where even an extra gram of your own weight can cause defeat.

But weight is important not only for professional athletes, but also for people who just play sports at an amateur level. After all, even in order for a thin person to start exercising, he needs to accumulate initial weight. Moreover, it is sometimes much easier to lose extra pounds than to gain.

2 most WORKING workout programs

There are many ways to gain weight

Let's consider a few of them.

  1. The easiest, but probably the longest way. Many people advise thin people not to worry about weight at all, but just to actively train. And the necessary kilograms will grow themselves already in the form of pure muscle mass. Consider the pros and cons of this method. The pluses, of course, include the fact that the person himself does not actually need to do anything for this. Just regularly go to the gym and eat a lot, hoping that weight will also increase in speed. But the effectiveness of such classes will be quite low. Many people actively exercise and eat, but do not gain weight. The thing is that sometimes all the foods eaten go only to restore the calories expended during the workout, and there are simply no elements left to build muscle. In addition, even if weight growth does occur, the pace will be too slow, a maximum of a kilogram of useful weight per month.
  2. The second method is more complicated, but its efficiency is high. To do this, you need not only to play sports, but also to eat additional supplements. Protein blends are best, which include just an insane amount of protein. You can drink them before, during, or immediately after training. Oh, and don't forget to eat well. As a result, food will restore lost energy, and protein supplements will go exactly to build muscle mass. Today on the market there are a huge number of protein shakes from completely different manufacturers. They vary both in quality and price. But in principle, you can not particularly care about their choice, and buy protein from domestic developers. In terms of quality, it is practically not inferior to foreign analogues. But the price is much cheaper than them. Now about the cons of this method. Whatever it was, but the protein is worth the money. A good protein - money is not small. In addition, even though such cocktails are just mixtures in which there is a huge protein content, with prolonged use they have a bad effect on human health. Therefore, manufacturers advise not to take them for more than one month. And this means that the course of weight gain will have to be interrupted.
  3. The third way is to stick to a strict, pre-set diet. The number of different diets is simply huge. You can find at least two dozen of them on the Internet. The most important thing with this method is to strictly adhere to those components that are indicated in the diet recipe, and if it is impossible, try to replace them with similar ones. The pluses are that you don’t have to invest additional funds, because you will have to eat anyway. Moreover, with due desire, you can find not very expensive products that are included in the diet recipe. The disadvantages of this method are also quite obvious. Sometimes it is difficult to find certain products and you have to replace them with analogues. In addition, the monotony of the products used quickly gets boring and sooner or later most people break down.
  4. Well, the last way is to combine all of the above at once. Actively exercise, eat well, drink protein and diet. This is quite difficult, but gives the most effective result.

But before you start adhering to any of these methods, for starters:

Train yourself to follow a few not-so-complicated rules

  • - Accustom yourself to the idea that at least an hour or two before training you should eat a very heavy meal. At the same time, your diet must include a product containing a large amount of protein - eggs, meat (best stewed or boiled), cottage cheese, etc.
  • – The same rule applies to food after training. After an hour or two, you should eat a hearty meal, including food containing protein.
  • Don't limit yourself to three main meals a day. It is better to eat a little, but often. It is optimal to eat plentifully three times, and between them to do two more non-main meals, such snacks. During them you can eat yogurt, fruits, vegetables.
  • - A person is more than 80% liquid. In training, we sweat, and, accordingly, we lose fluid. Conclusion - in order not to sweat during training, you need to constantly drink. You can use plain water, or you can use special protein shakes that are consumed during training. Thus, you compensate for the fluid reserves that you lose.
  • - Strict regime. And this applies not only to nutrition, but also to the frequency of training. The better your body understands what system you live by, the better.
  • - Give preference to dairy products. Cottage cheese and milk are best. But the rest will not hurt either - kefir, yogurt, sour cream is a little worse. Make it a rule to drink at least a glass of milk every day.
  • - Try to avoid spicy, starchy and sweet foods. Spicy burns calories, but flour and sweet, although it allows you to get fat, but not at the expense of muscles, but at the expense of fat, which you still have to get rid of later.
  • - After eating, in no case should you immediately train. Elements that have entered the body with food need time to be absorbed. The same can be said for most protein shakes. Manufacturers themselves advise drinking a cocktail at least 45 minutes before the start of the workouts themselves.

19 foods for fast weight gain and muscle mass

Now let's take a closer look at diets.

As mentioned above, there are just a huge number of them. It is pointless to list all the recipes, so we will focus on only two of them.

Basically, diets are seven days. That is, every new day of the week you have a new recipe for consumed products. But there are also other modifications, up to a two-day diet, in which the two-day diet is constantly repeated.


In order not to take up your time, we will give an example of only one diet, which is now quite popular in the West.

"3 components" - a seven-day diet, which involves five meals a day. The name was given due to the fact that it involves the daily use of proteins, vegetable fats and carbohydrates.

  • 1 day. Breakfast - scrambled eggs with grated cheese, tea or coffee without sugar. The second breakfast is bread with yogurt. Lunch - borscht, crab salad with egg and mayonnaise, orange, a slice of bread, tea without sugar. Snack - a sandwich (bread, sour cream, ham), yogurt. Dinner - beef cutlet, strawberries, tea without sugar.
  • 2 day. Breakfast - corn flakes with milk, almonds, coffee without sugar. The second breakfast is an apple with yogurt. Lunch - fried chicken fillet, tomato, cheese, walnuts, tea without sugar. Snack - canned green peas, cheese, peach. Dinner - fried chicken fillet, vegetable salad, strawberries, olives, tea without sugar.
  • 3 day. Breakfast - fruit salad with yogurt, raisins, coffee without sugar. The second breakfast is an orange with walnuts. Lunch - fried chicken fillet, tomato, cheese, apple, walnuts and tea without sugar. Snack - cottage cheese, pieces of canned pineapple. Dinner - fried fish fillet, canned green peas, raisins, walnuts, tea without sugar.
  • Day 4. Breakfast - bacon, yogurt, raspberries, almonds, coffee without sugar. Second breakfast - pear, bread. Lunch - mushroom salad, fried chicken fillet, tangerines, tea without sugar. Snack - cheese, apple. Dinner - stewed pork, with stewed cabbage, yogurt, tea without sugar.
  • Day 5. Breakfast - a sandwich with cheese and ham, raisins, coffee without sugar. The second breakfast is an orange with yogurt. Lunch - boiled chicken fillet, tomato, bran bread, walnuts, tea without sugar. Snack - ham, avocado, raisins. Dinner - beef cutlet, broccoli, cherries, walnuts, tea without sugar.
  • Day 6. Breakfast - ham, watermelon, walnuts, coffee without sugar. The second breakfast is cucumber. Lunch - cabbage soup, sandwich with ham and cheese, tangerines, tea without sugar. Snack - cottage cheese, almonds, pieces of canned pineapple. Dinner - fried chicken fillet, boiled zucchini, strawberries, olives, tea without sugar.
  • Day 7. Breakfast - omelet with bacon, bread, grapefruit, coffee without sugar. The second breakfast is cottage cheese with peach. Lunch - vegetable soup, bell peppers, plums, tea without sugar. Snack - egg, apple, walnuts, coffee without sugar. Dinner - fried salmon, canned green peas, fruit juice.

We do not list the approximate amount of products in grams, because this largely depends on your physique, height and current weight. So there are no universal portions for anyone. In addition, this diet is best suited in the summer.

How to lose weight and get rid of belly

The nutritious diet gives us a two-day ration with five meals a day.

  • 1 day. Breakfast - bread and milk with honey. Second breakfast - bran bread with butter, tomato, coffee without sugar. Lunch - soup, boiled fish, jacket potatoes, carrots, tea without sugar. Snack - raisins, tomato juice. Dinner - cutlet, boiled rice, walnuts, tea without sugar.
  • 2 day. Breakfast - rye bread, honey. Second breakfast - corn flakes with milk, prunes, coffee without sugar. Lunch - borscht, steak, oatmeal, orange, tea without sugar. Snack - walnuts, almonds, peanuts. Dinner - fried chicken, canned green peas, radishes, figs, honey, tea without sugar.

But do not forget that many dietitians recommend not sticking to the same diet for more than a month. Because no matter how saturated with elements for weight gain, it will lack something.

In addition, for the application of the diet, it is best to first consult with a dietitian. It will not only help you create an individual diet just for you, but also protect you from those options that can harm your health.

There are also special diets, such as dairy or nut. They are based solely on the daily use of a particular product. They are more harmful than conventional diets, but at the same time, they are much more effective.

And last but not least, weight gain.

If you do not want to adhere to any strict diet, or you know in advance that sooner or later you will simply break loose, then just try to eat foods high in protein and carbohydrates. These are dairy products, eggs, nuts already mentioned above. By the way, nuts contain almost more vegetable protein than meat. This advice is useful for those who are behind a vegetarian diet.

Now let's talk about the regularity of exercising. The best option is twice a week with heavy loads and equal breaks. For example, you can go to the gym on Monday and Friday. By exercising twice a week, you can load your muscles to the maximum. In addition, you give them a few days of rest, which means time for growth.

If you are inclined in favor of more frequent classes, then keep in mind that the shorter the break, the less the load. Otherwise, you simply cannot avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of injuries. By the way, the daily version of training is the least suitable for muscle growth. It is only suitable for people who have already formed muscle mass, and it simply needs to be constantly kept in good shape.

On days when you don’t go to the gym, you can’t completely relax - do ordinary morning exercises - squats, push-ups, bends. This allows the muscles not to stagnate, and also accelerates lactic acid better so that the muscles do not hurt after heavy loads.

How to gain weight without gaining fat?

On the Internet and on the covers of fashion magazines, there are more and more photos of bodybuilders with prominent press cubes. Inspired by the prospect of quickly and easily making Arnold of themselves, the men go to the gym and work out for hours with huge weights. However, few take into account their body type, as a result of which strength training becomes a waste of time. ?

There are many reasons for thinness in men. This may be a violation in the diet or a symptom of one of the serious diseases (tuberculosis, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and others). In such cases, changes in the body occur in a short period of time. However, some males suffer from thinness all their lives. This is perhaps the most common case, the reason for which is a genetic predisposition.

Pathological thinness

Pathological thinness is a vivid manifestation of metabolic or other processes in the body. Such leanness is a signal of the need to start predicting and treating any pathologies.

To understand if you are suffering from pathological thinness, you need to calculate your body mass index (we will discuss it later). If the resulting number is below 18 units, your body is susceptible to pathology.

Physiological thinness

Thinness at the physiological level is a manifestation of the genetic characteristics of the body. Naturally thin (lean) men must be observed, the calorie content of their diet should be at least 2200-2300 kcal in order to start gaining at least something.

Body types

Each person is characterized by such individual indicators as growth, the general structure of the skeleton, a tendency to gain muscle mass or deposition of adipose tissue. Based on this, experts have identified three body types: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic. Each of them corresponds to some generalized features of the organism.


People who are considered to be ectomorphs have poorly developed muscles and a very small amount of subcutaneous fat. Relatively long limbs, flattened ribs, narrowed shoulders and high growth visually enhance thinness. Metabolism in ectomorphs is much faster than in people with other body types.


The most aesthetic body type is mesomorphic. Its owners have developed muscle tissue with an average amount of body fat. Due to the peculiarities of metabolism, it will not be difficult for a mesomorph male to gain muscle mass.


The greatest predisposition to increase in musculature is observed in owners of endomorphic physique. However, men with such a physique are prone to an increase in adipose tissue. Endomorphs are small in stature, and their body is massive even in the absence of strength training.

Is it really necessary to gain weight?

To begin with, each of you should decide for yourself: do you really need to gain weight? In striving for the ideal, novice athletes tend to forget about possible injuries or serious health problems due to incorrect exercise technique. Changes in the habitual diet can cause the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Men over 40 and older should pay special attention to this.

But if you are determined and ready to devote a lot of time to studying bodybuilding material, practicing exercises and subsequently serious training, you should carefully read the article and remember the information provided here.

In some cases, men really do not need to change their own weight, as it is the norm for his height and age.

How to determine the optimal weight?

To determine the optimal weight, taking into account height, age and gender, there are many formulas. For example, Adolphe Quetelet proposed a formula by which you can calculate the body mass index:

Weight: (height*height)

Units of measurement are strictly defined: for weight - kilograms, for height - meters.

But what is body mass index and how to determine the optimal weight of a person? To link these two indicators, Adolf Quetelet developed a table with an exact indication of the characteristics of your specific weight.

But do not take the methods of calculating the ideal weight as something indisputable. The formulas give an approximate estimate, determined without taking into account the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue in the human body. For greater objectivity, you should take measurements in the chest, hips and waist, or draw conclusions from the appearance of the figure.

How to start gaining mass

So, you have made the necessary calculations, determined your body type and nevertheless decided to start training to gain muscle mass. Where to start?

There are three main elements that form the basis of any training process:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Sleep and rest regime.
  • Direct training.

Here are some tips for gaining weight ectomorphs:

  1. To gain mass, it is recommended to increase the caloric content of food.
  2. It is necessary to pay special attention not only to the calorie content of the diet, but also to the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food you eat.
  3. The increase in calories to a greater extent should be due to protein foods (low-fat meat dishes, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, and so on), as well as foods rich in “slow” carbohydrates (these are various cereals, durum wheat pasta, vegetables And so on).
  4. Do not feel sorry for yourself during strength training. You should take the maximum possible weight (with which you can do 4 sets, performing 5-8 reps) and feel a lot of tension in the muscles.
  5. The process of gaining muscle is individual. General provisions will not replace your observation of your own body. That is why you need to note all the changes that occur (for example, take a photo every few weeks) and, on this basis, make adjustments to the diet and training process.

Diet by day

The food eaten should correspond to the following proportions:

  • 45-60% carbohydrates (3-6 g per 1 kg of weight).
  • 20-30% proteins (1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight).
  • 9-20% fat (1-1.5 g per 1 kg of weight).

You should eat 6-8 times a day, depending on your daily routine. An example of a skinny man's diet for mass gain:

  • 7:00 - breakfast (you should give preference to foods rich in slow carbohydrates): 150 g of oatmeal in milk with 30 g of almonds.
  • 10:00 - a small snack (carbohydrate consumption is also welcome, but it is necessary to satisfy the body's need for protein food): 100 g of boiled buckwheat with fish and vegetables.
  • 12:30 - lunch: 100-150 g of wheat porridge with 100 g of fish or boiled meat.
  • 15:00 - snack: protein omelet with a salad of fresh vegetables.
  • 18:00 - dinner (mainly protein food): 100 g of fish or meat with 50-100 g of any kind of porridge (buckwheat, wheat, rice, etc.).
  • 21:00 - snack (preferably avoid carbohydrates as much as possible): a few boiled eggs with meat or fish.
  • 22:30 - snack or night light (only protein foods should be eaten at night): 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.

Here is another option for a daily diet:

  • 7:00 - breakfast: 100-150 g of yogurt.
  • 10:00 - a small snack: 50 g of almonds.
  • 12:30 - lunch: 100-150 g of buckwheat with chicken.
  • 15:00 - snack: cottage cheese 5-9%.
  • 18:00 - dinner: 100g wheat porridge with chicken or fish.
  • 21:00 - snack: 3-4 egg whites.
  • 22:30 - night light: fat-free cottage cheese.

The proposed lists of dishes can be alternated (for example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, eating according to the first option, on other days - according to the second). Such a diet will always need to be followed (and not just the first month!).

What to eat before and after training

Before training, you can afford to eat a small amount of fast carbohydrates (these include dark chocolate, fruits like bananas or grapes) and without fail to eat protein foods (fast-digesting egg whites). After training, you also need to provide the body with protein for better muscle recovery and slow carbohydrates to replenish the energy expended.

Sports nutrition and dietary supplements

Almost any sports nutrition is classified as dietary supplements (dietary supplements). Protein or gainer is another source of protein besides food. If your body receives a sufficient amount of protein foods, you should not use sports nutrition. The reason is obvious: excess protein can cause serious gastrointestinal disturbances.


Gainer is one of the most common nutritional supplements. Due to the lower protein content and more impurities (for example, carbohydrates), the price of a gainer is an order of magnitude lower when compared with protein.


Another protein-rich food supplement is protein. Unlike a gainer, the entire composition of the product is pure protein. Depending on the price category acceptable for you, the quality and the desired proportions of BJU, you can choose one of the many types of protein: casein, egg, whey and others. Each of them has its own characteristics that are worth considering when buying.

Homemade protein shakes

Cocktails made at home can easily replace any dietary supplements. As already noted, it is worth using sports supplements only when there is a clear deficiency of protein in the diet. You can supplement the amount of protein

What exercises do you need to do to gain muscle mass?

To gain muscle mass, you need to reduce the training time of the cardio load. It is worth giving preference and doing the “base”: squats, bench press and deadlift. It is with them that it is desirable to start the training process. After that, it is worth "dilute" the training with other strength exercises for a specific muscle group (bench press, dumbbell press, bench press in a crossover, etc.).

Execution technique


There are many types of squats. The choice depends on the muscle group that you want to include in the work as much as possible. Basic rules for performing the exercise:

  • Arched back.
  • The thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • A small angle between the spine and hips (due to it, balance is maintained).


To avoid injury to the spine during the deadlift, the back should be straight, the pelvis is laid back. Keeping a straight spine position, you need to take the neck with a direct grip and perform jerks, pulling your elbows back.

Bench press

To perform the bench press, you need to lean on the bench only with the shoulder blades and buttocks. The rest of the body should be in weight. It is necessary to lower the bar in the area of ​​​​the lower part of the pectoral muscles. The elbows should be kept at a right angle when the bar is lowered.

Training program

The training program should be built taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete. Strength training consists of a set of exercises for one or two muscle groups. Typically, muscles are divided into training days as follows:

  • Legs.
  • Back + triceps.
  • Chest + biceps.

The press, as a rule, is not devoted to a whole workout. This muscle group is worked after doing the exercises according to the program.

To work out the quadriceps, biceps of the thigh and gluteal muscles on leg day, similar programs are usually chosen:

  • Squats (4 sets of 5-8 reps).
  • Platform Leg Press (4 sets of 5-8 reps)

  • Lunges with dumbbells (4 sets of 5-8 reps).

  • Romanian deadlift (4 sets of 5-8 reps).

  • Lifting on toes (4 sets of 5-8 reps).

Here is a variant of the back and triceps workout program:

  • Deadlift (4 sets of 5-8 reps).
  • French bench press (4 sets of 5-8 reps).
  • Barbell or dumbbell bench press in an incline or sitting (4 sets of 5-8 reps).

  • Barbell or dumbbell press with a narrow grip (4 sets of 5-8 reps).

During training for biceps and pectoral muscles, you can use this program:

  • Chest press (4 sets of 5-8 reps).
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars (4 sets of 5-8 reps).

  • Breeding dumbbells (4 sets of 5-8 reps).
  • Mixing in the crossover (4 sets of 5-8 reps).
  • Lifting a barbell or dumbbell while standing (4 sets of 5-8 reps).

All this can be replaced by home workouts. If the load at home is enough for you to feel strong muscle tension, the result at first will be no worse than after training in the gym.

You choose for yourself depending on the availability of equipment. The most successful solution would be various types of pull-ups, push-ups or analogues of exercises in the gym (the same presses if you have your own barbell or dumbbells).

By the way, here's a great video on the subject:

These were the basic rules for a novice ectomorph athlete. If the article was useful, be sure to subscribe to us and share it with your friends on all social networks. See you soon!

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This article will tell you how to quickly gain muscle mass, both for beginners and for those who have entered stagnation and cannot move from a dead center. Using the 8 proven ways described below, your muscles will start to grow, and increase.

Many do not understand the term how to quickly gain muscle mass to the end. There are 2 completely different concepts - to gain weight and gain muscle mass, in the first case you need to eat everything and not limit yourself in anything, while there will be a decent fat layer, in the second you need a properly balanced diet, find out an example for men -, for women – .

Below I will talk about ways to gain lean muscle mass without excess body fat.

How to Gain Muscle Weight

1. Frequent meals

Frequent meals are the key to success in a set of quality muscles, eat every 2-3 hours, do not skip meals. If you forget, put a signal on your phone, take notes, ideally, only a feeling appears, you must immediately satisfy it, otherwise the hormone Cortisol is included in the work, which destroys muscle tissue, eliminating hours of hard work in the gym.

In no case do not skip breakfast, muscles require high-quality fuel, without receiving it, they take all the energy from the muscles. If you can’t eat in the morning, well, food doesn’t fit and that’s it, use cocktails, liquid food is absorbed faster and consumed without problems.

2. Use post-workout complexes

Straightaway after the end of the workout, you need to refuel with a decent portion of proteins and carbohydrates, this must be done within 30 minutes. After this time, the exhausted body begins to look for energy to restore its condition after training, and since it does not come from outside, it gladly takes it from the muscles.

Of course, not everyone can decompose right into the locker rooms and knead porridge with cottage cheese, for this, use after training complexes - gainers, proteins, prepare a cocktail from them in advance and drink after training, get a lot of protein and carbohydrates, while almost no fat.

3. Keep a food diary

In this case, I don’t just recommend, but I insist, write down absolutely everything that you use during the day, don’t be lazy, don’t remember everything in your head. When all the consumed products are in front of your eyes, you can immediately see what needs to be consumed more, and where it is necessary to slow down.

Without a food diary, the numbers are spinning around, not clearly, and there is a very big temptation to eat something forbidden. If you see that adipose tissue appears, you need to reduce the diet by 200 calories. per day and for a clear vision, write everything down.

A clear fixation of nutrition is the best way to increase weight and avoid obesity. Without this, you will never know how many calories you consumed during the day.

4. No exercising when you're hungry

Never, I repeat, NEVER go to training with an empty stomach, it's the same as driving a car on a long journey, but fill in gasoline only 10% and hope for success.

Understand guys, any workout is stressful for the whole body, all organs begin to work hard, increasing energy consumption. If it does not come before training in sufficient quantities, all the energy will be taken from the muscles. It turns out that you are swinging not to build muscle, but to reduce it, what's the point ?!

At the same time, taking 2-3 cookies or a bun before training is not good, you need a decent portion 2 hours before the start of the workout, you can’t work with a spoon, and will always come to the rescue.

5. Optimal cardio

The most common cardio load is jumping on, riding on, more difficult - exercises on and different. Too frequent cardio burns a decent amount of body fat, but also slows down muscle growth, as a large number of calories are burned. Everyone knows that in order to increase weight, the number of calories must be received more than spent.

That's why with a properly composed diet, give cardio loads daily no more than 15 minutes at an average pace . Such an intensity will not allow fat deposits to accumulate and will not interfere with the growth of muscle fibers, in addition, it will speed up a little, appetite will improve and recovery processes in muscle tissues will take place faster.

6. Eat high-calorie foods

However, the calorie content is different, you can eat a decent piece of cake and get a crazy number of calories, and a large proportion of fat or eat buckwheat porridge with chicken fillet, you will also get a lot of calories, but mainly due to carbohydrates and proteins with a minimum fat content. The type of high-calorie foods you choose directly depends on the appearance of your figure.

Try to avoid foods that swell when in the stomach, causing a false feeling of fullness - popcorn, chips, low-calorie soups, large amounts of bread due to the swelling effect of yeast.

7. Double your serving

This conclusion suggests itself if you had breakfast 100g. buckwheat porridge, eat 200g., ate 70g for lunch. chicken fillet, now you will be 150g., if you are tired of working with your jaws, prepare cocktails.

The easiest way to carbohydrate-protein shake - 250ml. milk, 100 gr. cottage cheese, 1 banana, 2 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey will provide important calories throughout the day.

Prepare portions in advance in the evening or in the morning, this will save you the opportunity to constantly spend time in the kitchen in terms of cooking. When the opportunity presents itself, always try to eat more than you ate before gaining mass.

Always focus on the amount of weight gained, about 3 kg is considered optimal. per month, everything above will be a mixture of muscle and fat, also do not forget to read about.

8. Use large utensils

By increasing the volume of the plate, you push yourself to eat everything to the end, but do not increase it indefinitely, getting up from the table, there should not be a feeling of nausea from sorting out food. This trick was invented by nutritionists, only there the plates are reduced by 2 times, but here we will do it exactly, but vice versa.
If you can’t master it, try to eat 1 part, and after 20 minutes the second.

I'm interested to know who and which of the 8 proven methods brought the greatest benefit, I'm waiting for your comments, and I wish you a lot of clean, embossed meat 😉 .

Let us immediately indicate that this article is not of a medical nature and the way to gain weight with the help of sports nutrition is only at your own peril and risk. This topic has often been discussed on specialized forums.

What you need to gain weight with sports nutrition

  1. Make sure that you have the tolerance of all the components that make up the gainer.
  2. To make sure your low weight is not caused by any disease, you must be sure that your health is in order.
  3. Need a gainer to gain muscle mass.
  4. A sports nutrition shaker is required, it is important that the nutrient mixture is homogeneous and without lumps.
  5. It is necessary to observe the regime, the time of taking sports nutrition.

How sports nutrition works on the body

In order to understand how sports nutrition works and what happens in the body when it is taken, let's look at what a gainer is.

Gainer is a dietary supplement containing carbohydrates and protein. First of all, a gainer is necessary for people who need to gain muscle mass by doing strength training, since carbohydrates are necessary for physical activity, and protein, as mentioned earlier, is necessary for muscle growth and muscle mass gain.

The complex carbohydrates contained in the gainer are needed by the body in order to produce the necessary energy during long workouts. A gainer cocktail is recommended for athletes with a thin physique, or scientific words for ectomorphs, in order to increase body weight in a short time.

To begin with, professionals recommend purchasing a trial package of a gainer in order to understand what taste suits you (there are a large number of them on sale), and a trial package will also help you understand how your body reacts to a gainer. Some people get diarrhea after taking formula. Please note that the gainer gives a full effect if the mixture is diluted with milk.

Take sports nutrition strictly according to the instructions that are written on the package. It is important to take a nutritional shake at the same time to accustom your body, while the nutrients must be fully absorbed by your body.

Proper nutrition

If you thought that weight gain is limited only to sports nutrition, then you are mistaken. Sports nutrition is a nutritional supplement, you cannot refuse good nutrition, as it is the basis.

Diet (it is important to follow the schedule).

In the morning- more proper carbohydrates. To ensure performance (both during the day and during strength training) for breakfast, you should eat a significant amount of carbohydrates - however, not just bread and jam or cornflakes (that is, fast carbohydrates), but rather regular oatmeal with the addition of a moderate quantity of honey or pieces of fruit.

Dinner- the main meal. You should eat the largest amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats at lunch - and not at all for dinner, as many are used to. This minimizes the process of deposition of excess calories (and without an excess of calories, muscles simply will not grow) in fat stores.

Happy- healthy snack. Around four o'clock in the afternoon, refresh yourself with a portion of nuts and dried fruits. If your goal is to gain mass as quickly as possible, fry a three-egg omelette.

Dinner- light protein products. The basis of dinner should be lean meat (or fish) with as many seasonal vegetables as possible, stewed in vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Buckwheat, the basis of an athlete's nutrition, should become a source of carbohydrates.

How long does it take to feel the effect

With proper nutrition in combination with regular intake of a gainer, within a month after the start of taking sports nutrition, you will notice weight gain. It will not be superfluous to weigh yourself on an electronic scale once a week to control your weight.

If after a month you did not notice the effect and the weight did not increase even minimally, then the whole thing is in an accelerated metabolism. People who have a fast metabolism cannot quickly gain weight due to the specifics of their body. If you have a fast metabolism, try to lift your weight by gaining muscle mass, training in the gym will definitely help you with this.

The problem of insufficient weight is relevant, as are the issues of losing weight, and most importantly, not only men, but also females strive to gain weight. As absurd as this idea may seem, it affects a huge part of the population, and as nutritionists say, losing weight is sometimes easier than gaining a couple of pounds. Everyone has heard about the mass of diets, nutrition options that help you lose weight quickly and effectively, but not everyone understands how to gain weight so that it looks beautiful and harmonious. There are many nutrition plans, rules that will help you gain the cherished kilograms.

Causes of thinness or why people cannot get better

Often we meet thin people who do not know the word "diet", eat large portions, abuse sweets, and look like no one is feeding them. There can be many reasons that prevent you from gaining the desired weight, but in order to determine, simple guesses or Internet monitoring are not enough. If you have been struggling with the problem of insufficient weight for a long time, you should contact specialists who will help you choose the right treatment plan, the necessary medications to gain weight.

To start therapy and achieve stunning results, you need to eradicate the patient's main problem, cure the ailment that prevents you on the path to health, good mood, and a beautiful figure. Often, weight problems affect adolescents whose body is in puberty. Below is a large number of all kinds of tips, rules, proper nutrition diets that are necessary for a healthy lifestyle and getting the figure of your dreams.

Effective ways to gain weight at home

The entire Internet is filled with tips on how to quickly lose weight, pump up, dry out, but few people write about how to increase weight, and for some this issue is much more relevant than the problem of excess weight. Not everyone wants to go to the doctor, some are just afraid, others do not want to. Therefore, gaining weight at home is the best choice. There are some interesting safe tips that do not require a doctor's permission:

  • Proper nutrition, moderate consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Positive attitude, attitudes.
  • Useful vitamin preparations, for example, fish oil.
  • Sports supplements (protein).

In order for a person’s weight to be normal, you need to know the basics of proper nutrition. To gain weight, it is not necessary to overeat on buns, sweets and pasta. Proper nutrition is a way of life that will help regulate metabolism. Eating right, you will always be in a great mood, your skin, nails and hair will shine, and the problem of excess and insufficient weight will no longer bother you.

  • The main meal is breakfast, it should be dense, saturated. This is the time when we can afford even simple carbohydrates: sweet buns, cakes, sweets. If you want to gain weight, then the ideal breakfast for you will be: oatmeal in milk with a spoonful of honey, banana, tea, coffee with cookies, waffles or delicious chocolate. A couple of hours after breakfast, have a light snack: yogurt, whole grain flour sandwich, fruit.
  • For lunch, a light soup with croutons, an omelet with vegetables, or cereals: buckwheat, rice or barley are ideal. It is worth remembering that in order to gain weight, it is imperative to consume a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates, and sometimes you need to add baked potatoes to the diet. Don't forget to snack after dinner. So that the body does not get used to it, give it a light shake, then it will begin to put it off “in reserve”. These can be fasting days on kefir, apples or buckwheat, and the next day return to your diet.

  • Dinner is a modest meal. Even if you want to gain weight, you don’t need to overeat foods that are forbidden for proper nutrition: sweets, chips, crackers, sweet sparkling water. The body prepares for rest in the evening, so you should not strain it. For the right dinner fit: grilled vegetables, salads, chicken meat - boiled or baked, turkey fillet, fish. Cottage cheese is an ideal evening dessert, those who want to get better can add a spoonful of honey or jam to it.

Products for weight gain

To gain weight, you need to read the list of must-have products. Unfortunately for all sweet tooth and junk food lovers, such products are not included in the top of proper nutrition, and are also not suitable for weight gain, they can adversely affect your health, add a couple of unwanted kilograms to you, which will consist of only fat. To get enough vitamins, benefits and the right kilograms from food, you need to consume in moderation:

  • Eggs. They contain many useful vitamins, minerals necessary for the body: vitamin A, folic acid. Most importantly, egg protein is best absorbed in the body.
  • Kashi. They will provide the body with the necessary energy, vitamins and a considerable amount of calories. Porridges cooked with milk have twice the energy value.
  • Meat. Chicken, turkey, beef are the best friends for those who are wondering how to gain weight.
  • Pasta. It should be pasta made from durum wheat, they will provide the body with the necessary vitamins, and most importantly, they will let it get full, help it gain weight, and in addition with minced meat, it will make your dish not only satisfying, but also tasty.

Approximate diet

Diet is an important element for those who want to get better, gain muscle mass. A large amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals, as well as energy - this is what the body needs to build kilograms. Therefore, a properly drawn up nutrition plan for a week will help thin people get rid of the problems of missing weight. Here are some tips for your proper menu, diet, which will help you gain weight:

  1. Oatmeal, a cup of coffee, cocoa, tea with a small chocolate or cookie, any fruit.
  2. Omelet from two yolks and three proteins, toast, tea, coffee with milk, waffle, banana.
  3. Vegetable casserole with some potatoes, a glass of milk, biscuits, fruit.
  1. Cottage cheese with fruit or jam.
  2. Rusk or bagel with tea.
  3. Nuts, dried fruits.
  4. Sandwich with cheese, ham, green tea.
  1. Soup, chicken porridge, salad, juice.
  2. Soup, porridge with fish, green tea with honey, fruits.
  3. Potato baked with meat, eggs, juice.
  1. Fruits, coffee with dark chocolate.
  2. Bananas with cottage cheese.
  1. Buckwheat, rice, fish, fresh vegetables, oranges.
  2. Cottage cheese, jam, tea.
  3. Salad, boiled eggs, juice.

How to quickly gain weight for a man

The question of how to gain weight for a guy in a short time is of interest to gym enthusiasts, asthenics and those who just want to get a beautiful figure. It is usually difficult for tall guys to get fat, and even with the densest diet, they sometimes only lose kilograms. If, after a comprehensive examination, the man did not reveal any violations and deviations, then a few tips should be taken into account:

  • To drink a lot of water.
  • Increase the calorie content of foods.
  • Increase the frequency of meals. Three main meals and at least two snacks.
  • The use of protein, gainers.
  • Physical, power loads.
  • Healthy sleep, at least eight hours.

Brewer's yeast for mass gain

Brewer's yeast is one of the effective means to quickly gain the mass you need, as it speeds up metabolism and helps stabilize body weight. Do not confuse beer and brewer's yeast, beer can adversely affect your figure.

There are few calories in brewer's yeast, there are practically no fats and carbohydrates, and the presence of essential minerals, vitamins and proteins favorably affects the state of the body, proteins are absorbed, and fats are quickly burned. Buying such a product is not difficult. They are sold in powder, tablets or flakes. In order not to eat them just like that, you should sprinkle them on oatmeal, add them to protein shakes and gainers.


Protein is a mandatory supplement for an athlete, which, together with physical activity, proper nutrition, has a positive effect on weight gain. However, you should also combine protein intake with proper training to gain mass. Protein is an indispensable building material for our muscles, it is the basis of proper sports nutrition.

There are a huge number of recipes for pancakes, muffins based on protein, which makes them healthy, saturated with proteins. Protein is best drunk in shakes, it's easy to digest, convenient to use, and the variety of flavors makes it even more enjoyable. There are several types of protein, in order to decide which one will be better for you, you should consult nutritionists, trainers:

  • Whey Protein.
  • Casein.
  • Soy protein.
  • egg protein.
  • protein isolates.
  • Hydrolysates.

How to get better during pregnancy

It is believed that during pregnancy a girl should gain about 10-18 kg. If weight is gained slowly, then this can adversely affect the development of your fetus, its size and weight. If a woman does not gain the necessary kilograms, the child may be born with a missing weight. Therefore, if you are pregnant, you should adhere to the principles of proper nutrition:

  • Get the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Necessarily with the appointment of a doctor, no initiative, because it can be dangerous for the fetus.
  • Proper, healthy nutrition.
  • Fresh air. Walks in the park or simple gatherings near the house will favorably affect your health and the condition of the fetus.
  • The use of infant formula.

After childbirth

After childbirth, some mothers complain of weight loss and inability to gain it. Breastfeeding promotes weight loss, so you need to be careful about your health, stick to proper nutrition, not be nervous, and most importantly - relax. Problems with being underweight can cause a lack of menstruation. If you adhere to all the rules, then the problem should be sought in the improper functioning of the body. To understand what the problem lies, you should undergo an examination:

  • Stomach check. To exclude gastritis, prolapse of the stomach.
  • Intestines.
  • Endocrine system.

How to gain weight very quickly in a short time

If you want to quickly get back in shape, pump up, gain a couple of kilograms, then you need to understand that everything should be in harmony. Rapid weight loss, and a sharp weight gain is not a natural phenomenon for the body, so you should not chase quick results, but slowly and confidently go towards your goal. There are many ways to gain weight, and most importantly, normalize your metabolism, make the body work like clockwork. To do this, it is not at all necessary to rush, there are mythical supplements that will help in achieving the goal.

It must be remembered that it is almost impossible to gain muscle mass quickly, and you absolutely do not need layers of fat. There are also folk methods that you can borrow from grandmothers. The main thing is to try to eat right, in moderation, use the right ratio of fats-proteins-carbohydrates and then you will reach your goal in the shortest possible time, and most importantly, preserve the health and beauty of the whole body.

Weight Loss Workouts

The body of ectomorphs does not tolerate power loads quite well, which is why it is sometimes necessary to reduce their intensity. For example, you can reduce the number of training days per week in order to give the body more time to recover or do fewer working sets for a particular exercise. Of course, this approach is only suitable for beginners who only accumulate with hard workouts in the gym. How to gain muscle mass for a lean person? Do more basic exercises, which usually include the following: squats, bench presses, deadlifts, bicep curls, pull-ups and push-ups (off the floor and on the uneven bars). As for the frequency of training, then 3 times a trip to the gym will be the best choice for everyone. What to pump on a given day? Your program should look something like this:

Between training days, take one day of rest. Proper nutrition and adherence to the regime is the key to your success!

Sports nutrition

Often the importance of sports nutrition is extremely exaggerated. These are not anabolic steroids, and therefore a rapid increase in muscle mass and strength indicators can not be expected. First of all, these are ordinary food products that are able to supplement your natural food to some extent. What is included in this group of additives? Let's list them all:

  1. Protein. High-protein mixtures, which are the most popular in bodybuilding due to the priority of protein in this sport. There are several types: whey (fast protein, which is suitable for taking in the morning and immediately after training), casein (slow, which is suitable for use before bed), egg (medium duration) and soy (also medium). The priority for athletes should be the first 3 types.
  2. Gainer. Carbohydrate-protein mixtures for accelerated weight gain. The product contains fast carbohydrates and proteins, and therefore this cocktail is ideal for ectomorphs after training and in the morning. How to gain weight for a thin teenager? A weight gainer can help you achieve your desired weight and fitness goals.
  3. Amino acids. An important component that prevents catabolic processes in your body. Can be taken during and after strength training.
  4. Creatine. Increases strength and endurance.
  5. Fat burners.


Gaining mass for skinny guys, especially hardgainers, is sometimes very difficult. However, nothing is impossible. Proper balanced nutrition, adherence to the regimen and hard training will change even the thinnest person. Good luck in achieving your goals!