There are things that really want to admit. Because the thought itself is extremely unpleasant. For example, that we all sooner or later die. Eternal life for the physical body nature is not provided. Although it would seem, what could be easier? The ability to regenerate is laid in any body and the same clams can live for 400 years. Obviously, it was done not just like that, but, apparently, with a completely definite purpose.

What is this goal? What is the secret and deep intention of the limitation of the existence of the physical body on the material reality of the planet?

Why does the spirit of matter?

I am afraid that simple answers to these questions will not be able to receive. Start by a little afar. With the explanation of some non-obvious things. For example, with the fact that our world is dealen (for owning dialectical thinking it is obvious, the rest just feel intuitive). And this duality includes both material and perfect (otherwise spiritual) part.

The meaning of the existence of matter is very simple - this is a space for the deployment of the spirit. In the matter (physical reality), the Spirit will know itself in the process of self-realization. Both spirit and matter are dialectical duality or opposites (in the process of fusion of polarities on PEAT technology or during the Gnostic intensive, its participants realize that there are no differences between dualities as such), which are in the process of eternal contradiction. This contradiction is gradually permitted by the only possible way - through the act of creation, when the idea (spirit) is embodied in matter.

In social terms, this leads to the fact that slowly, clumsily, with the excesses (like attempts to build communism), humanity goes to the recognition of a creative personality (and not bankers, non-oilmen, not top managers, non-stock speculators) elite and top of social evolution. Humanity is greedy than all the new, interesting, diverse. And without creativity it does not appear.

On the way to unprecedented

It would seem, where is the destination? Those who seek to find, find it in their lives are not always thinking about creative self-realization. And is it always the purpose associated with creativity? I have no definite answer to this question.

But there is a clear understanding that the purpose of man is a category from a spiritual reality reality. In other words, the purpose is a certain task that a person must fulfill in his earthly life. The task of this task of the soul (spirit) puts before yourself before being realized in the material part of the world.

Anyone in his life at least once, but asked himself a key question "Why am I in this life and what is my goal?". And this is not good because the answer to this question allows you to make a guaranteed to establish communication with its spiritual nature. And everyone who avoids finding a response to him always turns out to be in power of the prince of this world.

Can the soul do not set any task before you, but to incarnate solely for the sake of entertainment? So to speak, just play yourself. Such an idea is very pleasant for immature, selfish and infantile minds. Indeed, in this case, it is not necessary to work on yourself, develop, overcome the sideways and limitations of matter - know only that enjoy yes having fun, thereby serving the prince of this world.

In reality, recognizing the existence of the soul, we cannot but admit that:

  • the soul is eternal (because there is out of the categories of space and time invented by the mind)
  • the soul is inextricably linked with God
  • the soul knows and sees much wider and deeper restricted egoistic mind

This leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the soul is in the process of achieving some. Objectives, the achievement of which will lead to the final resolution of the contradiction of spirit and matter in the unprecedented and unthinkable act of creation.

Each soul seeks to bring this act to bring into a physical reality reality with a certain task, the implementation of which contributes to the deployment of spiritual (ideal) in material, helps bring the act of creation.

If the soul is able to "reach" to the personality consciousness, then the human life gains deep meaning, is filled with true, genuine happiness, gradually cleaned from all dirty and apparent. God is blessing to the one who seeks to hear him, giving such a person to good luck, defense, opening new opportunities and prospects, helping in difficult situations. After all, how to refuse to someone who is striving for you, following your destination?

When you follow your destination - everything else comes itself

Output beyond

As a rule, the awareness of its purpose in life wears a very common, even abstract character. It lacks specifics. It is comparable to how the fighter of the upcoming army understands his task - to participate in the offensive and defeat the enemy. But at the same time, it is exactly its role that his role is and what exactly he should do it for some reason does not realize.

Of course, in the real army, with real combat actions there should be no such - at all levels, until each unit, the upcoming tasks are clearly and specifically. And every fighter knows what he needs to do when performing a combat operation. But with the embodiment of the soul in reality, it turns out not so simple - a limited egoistic mind, as an enemy pest, prevents to see and understand the meaning of a particular human life, forcing a person becomes a deserter, a traitor against the truth.

The soul is calling the bell to report the reason for the purpose of man, but the person does not hear, because it has lost contact with his spiritual start and through the education system is accustomed since childhood NOT TO HEAR And not scientific hearing the voice of his soul, his intuition, but only the voice of his mind is accustomed to hear.

Therefore, to see, find your destiny it is meaningless to reflecting, analytically predicted before the answers. There is another solution, simple, but faithful - you need to go beyond the limits of the mind, beyond the usual leaf-hazard thinking.

You can make it either by learning directly (that is, without filters of lies and the illusions of the mind) the perception of reality, when the state of reciprocal equilibrium is achieved, otherwise the silence of the mind, which requires long and hard workouts and the ability to ask themselves honest and frank issues.

Either within the framework of a special process (and I spend it for my customers in two stages) When with the help of special techniques, the mind is literally "cut down" and a person is aware of reality directly, getting the experience of the immediate experience of truth. At this point, contact with the spiritual component is achieved and the person is capable of getting an internal answer about its purpose in life.

The next step is its concretization and incarnation.

Very often a man early or late to torment questions: "Who am I, for what I live on earth, and how to find my purpose in life?" The most difficult thing is to find the right answers, but not everyone succeeds. However, there are ways to find your way and go along with a happy smile.

Mission Definition Test

Psychologists offer a very simple test, allowing to determine their mission. Personally, I am a journalist by profession, - according to the results of the questionnaire turned out to be herald. So in my case you can say: the test works!

All questions are divided into groups. You need to answer "Yes" or "not", At the end of the test, count the number of positive answers. So let's go!

Group A.

  1. Are the strangers ready to tell you about yourself?
  2. Do you often hear in your address: "The feeling that we are familiar with the whole eternity!"
  3. Tell other people how to improve their existence?
  4. Do you recognize that we give truly wise advice?
  5. Are friends often addressed for support?

Group B.

  1. Do you like to read?
  2. It happens that, looking into the mirror, start singing?
  3. Do you have an artistic gift?
  4. Do you like to come up with a new one?
  5. It happens that we start a new business, but often do not bring it to the end?

Group V.

  1. Foreign people like your touch?
  2. Are you often asked to make a massage?
  3. Do you like massage yourself and do it yourself?
  4. Did you have heal anyone at a distance?
  5. Is it often happening that an electrical appliance broke with your presence?


  1. Do you think you could become a great doctor?
  2. Does it seem that you understand the causes of children's tears?
  3. Are you interested in new techniques?
  4. Did you often feel angry in childhood?
  5. Do you feel necessary to help sick people and animals?

Calculating the number of positive answers in each group, select the one where the number "yes" was maximum.

Group A. Teacher. Your mission is to assist people. Steps - jurisprudence, pedagogy, religion, psychology, volunteering, sales.

Group B. Herack. The main talents are communicativeness and creativity. Steps - creativity, journalism, design, architecture.

Group V. Healer. Your gift is an impact on the physical shell of a person. Steps - medicine (including unconventional), veterinary, sports.

Group Energy. The calling is working with energy shells. Steps - chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage, Reiki.

Back to the roots

Despite its simplistic and schematics, this test really helps determine what one person succeeds best. But, unfortunately, not always the purpose of man becomes his profession. However, there is a way out, because you can pay your mission free from work time.

An example from life: I have a friend of Olga. She works as a cook in kindergarten; Moreover, it loves myself and enjoys respect from colleagues. However, Olya for a long time suffered from thought, as if something in her life was going on at all as it should be.

Then she began to remember their childhood; read the diaries of youth; I thought about how long there were her dreams for a long time ... and I understood: she always liked to help people! Today, Olya is in volunteer movement, participates in the cleaning of garbage, purification of water bodies, gardening of the city. And feels absolutely happy!

Therefore, the Council "№1" for those who want to understand how to find their purpose in life: Return to the origins. Remember that most interested in and worried you in childhood; What did the shower originally lay when choosing a profession ... so you can understand what exactly is your destination.

By the way, according to the test, Olya refers to representatives of Group A. and Volunteering - indeed, its element!

Meditation and prayer

The reason for the person for a long time can not find his destination, is a bustle of the world. Information that practically turns around the chain around the clock, 97% is garbage. He prevents separating the grains from the whores.

Meditation will help in this situation. Every day, at least 30 minutes free from thoughts; Immerse yourself in the depths of your subconscious; Look for the answer to the question "How to find out your destination?"

Prayer is perfectly suitable for believing people. Daily reiterated in thoughts with God and asking him for help, you can find an answer to this question. The main thing at the same time is to distract from the external fuss and your own problems.

Paper and handle to help

The search for your own path is not necessarily too far. Enough to take a sheet of paper and pen to respond to the following questions:
  • What do I like to do best?
  • What would do, be a billionaire?
  • What areas of life do I pay attention first?
  • People of what professions or lifestyle admire me most?
Thus, a bright picture of individual interests, addictions, hobbies is evaporated. She is the answer to the question "How to understand your destination?"

For the sake of interest, I asked my best friend Kati to answer these questions. It turned out that most of all she likes to spend time with his daughter; Having a huge fortune, she would give birth to two more kids and travel around the world with the whole big family; Of interest is the "Parental" topic; And admiration - large families. What to say, the true vocation of Kati is motherhood. And, most importantly, she does not deny it!

We say "no!" Stereotypes

There are still several effective ways to determine your way. But first, it is necessary to free themselves from a number of common stereotypes that pursue us all your life. Here they are:
  • "The main thing is prestige!" It is not true. Today is prestigious to be a lawyer, so most school graduates run to file documents for the corresponding faculty. But the next day the trend is changing, and economists come to the "fashion". Choose your way on the basis of the degree of prestigidity (this is just an advertising trick), and according to the inner aspiration.
  • "Money - first of all." This is not quite like this: for some, the main thing is creativity; For others - family values; For third - inner harmony. Therefore, seeking implied social signs of well-being behind the society, you can easily lose your own essence.
  • "Listen to the elders." Over and well dad and mom, of course, well ... But - to certain limits. Very often, parents want to see "failed" themselves in children, and shift ambitions on them. However, each person has its own destination, and it does not match the opinion of parents most often.
As for the last item, the representatives of Western civilization should be taken as the wise Japanese. They offer their kids a few items to choose from - pen, "gadget", book, coin ... that the child will choose first of all, then it is considered to be destined. Thus, parents do not impose their will of their will, but provide him with the right to search for his own destination. After all, each of us should find your way on your own.

Did you think about what is the meaning of your life? "Why do I live? Is there anything important that I need to do in life? " Most often, people ask themselves these questions aged 36 - 42 years. And this is due to the fact that at this age we revise our vital values, overestimate what is important and what does not matter for us really.

Perhaps once you succumbed to the influence of society or your relative environment and chose "not that" the occupation, "not the" profession, "not the" person. In other words, they did not choose, did not hear themselves. And for many now, at this age, the question remains unresolved - and the way I go? Do I have a destination and if so, what? About, how to find out your destinationThis will be discussed in this article.

What is the purpose

Different philosophical currents understand the purpose in different ways, and some are completely denied.

But if you have experience browsing past lives, then you understand that there is a plan for every embodiment, and if you followed him, then you have a sense of satisfaction at the end of life. But if you did not follow this plan of the soul, then at the end you are waiting for disappointment, wines or condemnation yourself. The task is transferred to the next embodiment.

I support the point of view that each soul has its own definite destination that she needs to fulfill in most of its embodiments.

Such tasks of the soul can be grouped in 3-4 groups and such a point of view is supported by many philosophical current flows:

  • in the ancient-Slavic tradition, this is called "Varna": artisans, merchants, warriors, teachers
  • in the ancient Greeks, in particular in the ideal state of Plato, there is a similar separation between people, called "classs": the first class - artisans, delints and peasants, the second - the guards (warriors), the championship - the wise men (philosophers),

and many other traditions.

As you can see, different times and different cultures, but speak by and large about the same thing.What is the basis of such division of people into groups?

4 species of purpose

All these groups differ in their destination of the soul. If you do not recognize the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a soul, (as Buddhists do), here we are talking about that the deformist part of our consciousness, which is reborn in life. And the reincarnation of Buddhists do not deny.

Here are these 4 types of destinations that follow the soul from the embodiment in the embodiment:

  1. Master some profession, become a master in the profession, to find and use your talents for this, work with your hands - this is the purpose of the "artisans" group. This group, as well, many include Leonardo da Vinci.
  2. Learn to trade, establish communication, the exchange of information is the purpose of "merchants"
  3. To serve other people, keep the word, adhere to the concepts of debt and honor, protect the country, to serve society, voters, the country is the purpose of "warriors". For example, many politicians, military, company executives are just examples of people of this group.
  4. Store and transfer knowledge, including about the meaning of life, to train not only the subject, but also spiritual truths, to bear love, wisdom and mercy is just the purpose of "teachers" or "philosophers."

Reincarnation works through immersion inside itself, work with the subconscious, viewing past lives or early childhood.

Astropsychology is a method at the junction between astrology and psychology and helps to see with what talents or unresolved tasks a person came into this life.

In reincarnation, the client works himself, in the immersion "goes" for the voice of the conductor consultant, and together we collect information from your past lives or images that you come.

In astropsychology, I watch your card planets at the time of birth (the formula of the Soul) and tell you that it is written in it.If there are some unresolved tasks (programs), then I, as a psychologist, suggest you as these tasks decide.

For example, programs are visible from the formula of the soul as:

  • "Financial support from the husband is not wait, become the bread itself" (when there is this program, then any man, as soon as it becomes your husband, immediately takes this program and ceases to be a minider in the family)
  • "I am looking for a husband perfect" (then there is a risk for a long time to stay and stay alone)
  • "All men are deceivers" (such a woman has a man deceive her or even change)
  • sacrificial love (such a person will feel a victim in any relations he creates)
  • high offending (such a person will perceive any relationship as a problem)
  • negative karma of kind (and then you need to watch generic programs)
  • and other programs brought from past lives.

From the formula of the soul is also clearly visible to the purpose of the current life, as well as the type / activities that correspond to this purpose.

How to find out your destination by date of birth.

Many people seem to be righteous, do not make an evil to others, keep the commandments of Christ to the measure of their forces, work with complete return, but the success of something is in no hurry, the life of their full of heavy tests, problems that rolling like a snow avalanche. These people are increasingly and more often asking themselves the question: "For what is all this to me?" If the question is asked, the answer to it will come. More and more people begin to ask themselves the question: "Why do I live on earth? Is it really to eat, drink, work, happily? " And it's great! People who ask for themselves this question already "rose from short pants", moved to a new stage of their development. More and more people want learn about the purpose of man They want to perform tasks this embodiment so as not to live in life. And it is also great! It remains only to understand and catch your destination . It's time to start living consciously.

The main task that is placed in front of us in every embodiment on Earth is to continue its development, to gain a new positive experience, to negotiate its vices. This is the overall task of incarnation for all people. But this task is very extensive, so that people do not spray, each define the main task, which must be devoted to most of the time and several additional tasks. The main task is determined by our karmic debts and its decision does not tolerate deposits. Our soul knows these tasks, yes, I have trouble, we were so fascinated by the charms of material benefits, which lost sensitivity to subtle energies and stopped hearing the voice of their soul . How to find out your karmic task?

There are many signs that can help understand us the purpose of a person: the signs of the zodiac, under which we were born, analyzing the data in this life of talents and aspirations, building a psychogram according to the Pythagore method and others. Today I want to introduce you to the method of digital analysis of our date of birth. In the date of birth, a lot of secrets are hidden. Let's try to open the veil over this mystery, and find the code of our destination. These knowledge gave us a spiritual teacher and mentor Kut Humi.

Karmic task by date of birth.

We write the date of our birth, starting in the year, months and end in the afternoon.

For example: 1965, 05 month and 15 Number (19650515).

Last digit - 5 and there is a code of your karmic problem , the rest of the birthday numbers show codes for which you have already developed qualities in past incarnations. For the harmonious development of the person in this life, they should not pay much attention, and that is weakly accumulated or not at all accumulated qualities will have to pay a lot of attention. .

Their numeric codes we calculate the missing numbers from 0 to 9 and write them in descending order. In this example, it will look like : 8, 7, 4, 3, 2. These figures show us the tasks codes that will also have to solve in this life along with the main karmic task. The smaller the missing numbers in the task code, the closer to the harmonious development is a person.

When the program of life was compiled for each person, the situations were laid that exactly according to the code numbers would be perceived by us as problems that we must learn to decide. And while we do not learn to solve them correctly, and I will not bring the correctness of solving them to automatism, they will be repeated in different versions and with different degrees of complexity. Therefore, you should not look at the difficulties in life as problems. These are just tasks for our learning and development. Moreover, the tasks of each person are given to those that he is able to decide. The higher the level of human development, the task is naturally harder.

The tasks and lessons of life will be with enviable constancy to break our calm, creating the most notorious black stripes of life. But this is if you put life on samonek. If you start living consciously, take these knowledge and use them in your life, you can avoid many troubles. It is possible to more consciously choose a profession, albeit not fashionable and highly paid, but appropriate to its tasks. You can consciously begin the development of our weak directions, develop those talents that are given, and not those that are not. Then you can turn life into an amazing adventure, full of joy of victories, success and happiness.

for example, a person is given the ability to learn or treat people, and salaries in these industries are small and a person makes a decision to do business. This is where life lessons will begin. Business will crumble, income will not be, although others, more stupid business will be successful. If a person does not understand these lessons, and will persist, the disease will begin. In addition, a person will have a soul to hurt, he will feel dissatisfied with his life and is unlikely to be happy. Whereas at work in its intention you can find glory, honor, success and live in Ladu with your soul, and she will find a way to make life successful and self-sufficient.

Interpretation of numeric codes.

9 - Processing tasks will be associated with the development and disclosure of the first chakra. A person must learn to overcome all the difficulties of life with joy and love, without the disturbance and search for the guilty, without fear and excitement. His motto should be the word: "I overcome all the difficulties with joy and love in the shower." These people need to constantly overcome resistance, to be very active, develop the strength of physical, willpower, to comprehend the mechanism of self-restraint in the family, at work, in society. They will have to learn to take care of others, develop a sense of debt to society and people, to develop discipline and responsibility. A person needs to work control of animal instincts, learn how to manage them, and not vice versa.

In the choice of profession, you should give preference to such work, where you need to make hands to change and improve the material world, where much movement, where you need strength and endurance: sport, martial arts, dancing, geology, any forms of physical work, surgery, traumatology, massage. Humanitarian activities will bring many difficulties in their lives. Do not work to engage in spiritual practices, work with subtle energies.

8. Operation goes on the second chakra. Creating a family, the ability to build a relationship with parents, relatives, spouses, children here are their main tasks. Mastering the mechanism of sacrifice towards loved ones, wisdom, patience, sensitivity to others. The creation of a large family is welcomed. The development of sexual chakra goes through the disclosure of the sexual aspect of love. These people need to learn to control their passions and desires, subjugate their mind. It is also necessary to understand that sexual energy can be directed to the needs of the development, and not just spending in sexual joy. Sort a sexy life.

Professions should be chosen such that will help to accommodate such qualities as sacrifice, patience, mercy. These are like: pedagogy, educators, staff in hospitals, in the nursing homes, in the houses of the child, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics. You can find yourself in professions related to nature, ecology. It is not necessary to strive for the leadership of large groups, permissible to lead small teams with the development of relations in them by the type of family. For spiritual practices, Tantra is suitable.

7. The study of this task is on the third chakra. The most important thing for these people learn to control their emotions is to understand that control over them will ensure stable development in many aspects of being. If you give will to your emotions, then there will be a biotea of \u200b\u200bvarious adverse situations and life problems. These people need to seriously start developing a mental body. We need to learn to be guided in life not by emotions, but a logical analysis of events and situations. These people need to understand and realize that their material well-being and success depends on a stable emotional state.

It is also necessary to understand the difference between the creative activities and the destructive and destructive and make their activities creative. People with the missing seven will have to learn money in this life, learn to appreciate them, be able to spend rationally. They need to understand and master the laws of cash flows, learn how to subjugate this energy for their good and to live is bleached and happily in cash flow. Choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account its focus on the creation of something. This is any production activities in all sectors of the national economy from the worker to the head, folk crafts and crafts, trade. These people can be the leaders of large teams, but they must come to this through labor and merit. Making career in any way will be a violation for them with subsequent life lessons.

6 . The study of this task is related to the development and opening of the fourth cardiac chakra. The tasks that you have to solve these people are similar to the objects of the eight, but more complex and multifaceted. There are no longer interfere with passion and emotions, therefore there is an active and conscious accumulation of such qualities as mercy, compassion, empathy. But the horizons of the application of these qualities from the family and relatives are expanding here, on large groups of people. Moreover, these qualities are no longer open at the level of emotions and feelings, but consciously, on the soul damage. A person must open his heart to people and peace, take, realize the beauty and harmony of the world and carry it to other people. These people should know the laws of love, the stage of development of love and constantly expand the range of unconditional love in different aspects of being.

It is good if professional activities will be associated with medicine (therapy, neurology), psychology, pedagogy, narcology, work with difficult teenagers and other activities related to the problems of the soul. These people understand beauty and art, but they can not be engaged in this professionally, since there they rule the emotion ball and illusions that can be knocked down from the right direction. It is undesirable to choose professions related to machinery and accurate sciences.

5. The study of this task is directly related to the development and disclosure of fifth throat chakra. Here, the main direction is associated with knowledge and creativity. The main goal of these people will comprehend the knowledge of the love, beauty and harmony of the world, and then convey these knowledge to people through creativity or teaching. In addition, these people need to establish for themselves the "golden middle" rule in all aspects of being and not violate it under any circumstances of life. These people should learn how to build relations with all people without exception on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. These people need to determine their talent in this direction and develop it to perfection. It is impossible to burl your talent for some false idea and illusion.

The professions of these people are often associated with art: artists, writers, singers, artists, art historians and many others. You can recommend them and professions such as diplomacy, translators, professions related to travel, good and pedagogy, but not at school, but at the university.

4. It is already under study on the sixth chakra. This chakra is responsible for clairvoyance and a person will have to learn how to see the cause of what is happening, get rid of all illusions. All that happens to him must be linked as a consequence of some reason that it is necessary to find and realize. This will allow a person to go to the level of stable and prosperous life. Otherwise, fate will throw a person "from fire, yes in a worm of".

Professions can choose any, if only they were not associated with monotonous and monotonous labor. Work very well in public organizations, volunteer movements, work is welcomed by the creation of labor and creative teams.

3 . Here, the development is associated with the highest corona chakra. These people have to learn to fulfill the law and order in everything. Moreover, they have to know not only public, but also divine laws, but to know and take them only at the level of the soul. You cannot comprehend their material mind. Therefore, these people have to improve their mental body no longer at the level of personality, as it was in people with a seven in the tasks of incarnation, but at the level of the soul. This is a more difficult task. To solve it, these people will remove restrictions in obtaining any knowledge, including from the primary sources. They will have a constant thrust for new knowledge. But the more given, the more asks. Their task to comprehend the hidden knowledge and convey them to humanity without distortion and their own delusions. With them, there will be a rigorous demand for non-compliance with Divine laws and distortion of information.

Given their connection with the information field of the Universe (to the extent that their level of development allows), they will always have enough knowledge to master any professions in which they will be able to show themselves worthy. But it is best to stop their choice on mathematics, astrology, physics, they can successfully engage in scientific activities. Not bad to do jurisprudence, public and legislative activities. But the main thing for them is to be law-abiding and not violate the order and harmony of the world.

Figures 0, 1, 2 already relate to divine energies and personify the help that people get to implement their tasks.

0 - Help is on the ray of will and power . The beam requires constant renewal from people, then he plays a positive role in the life of these people. If this does not happen, it begins powerful cleaning from physical and mental slags. The beam teaches a person with humility to accept the blows of fate, be able to read their signs and prevent the blows of fate. Teaches sacrifice. A person must recognize God, his strength and power. If a person does not make it and does not change, it begins hard upbringing: loss of work, loved ones, loved ones, health.

1 - Help is on the ray of love and wisdom . This beam manifests its activity only when a person has a firm conviction that the source of power in it itself. When he reveals his heart towards people, communicates with them honestly, without cheating. When internal transformation occurs in man. Otherwise, this ray thickens the fog of illusions, self-deception, and a person often falls into unclear and incomprehensible situations. It stimulates internal transformation, getting rid of self-deception, return to reality.

2 - Activated Help Ray of Active Cognition . If a person is committed to knowledge, the ray gives knowledge, through the illumination helps to make discoveries, gives energy for active activities. The ray teaches seriously treating any little things taking place in a person's life. For any little thing may spoil the fate of these people that will not seem little. This person must know and recognize the availability of energy laws.

Therefore, if there are these numbers in the date of birth, that is, and additional help on a particular beam. But remember, having access to divine energies, attention increases to you and increases demand for violations. For example, the date of birth 06 means that the main karmic problem comes according to the number 6, and on the ray of will and the power there is help or lessons to solve this problem.

If the karmic task (birthday) consists only of these numbers: 01,02,10,11,12,20,21,22,

such people should know that they Selected And that the demand from them will be special. These are either people who come with a certain mission for the benefit of humanity, or with big debts in matters of spirituality. Perhaps, in previous lives, they did not cope with the high mission entrusted to them, their spirit conquered the flesh, because of which his fall occurred, and the karmic debts that need to be corrected.

Up to 33 years old, these people differ little from others, except with ease and luck with which everything is given to them. Then the program of debt time or making a mission is turned on and here their lives depends on whether they fulfill their tasks or fascinated by the material benefits using their strength and power to meet personal interests. Many politicians, diplomats relate to this category, if they become on the way to use their power for personal purposes, they are waiting for serious tests according to the digital code.

These people need in their actions and theories correspond to that religious flow, in which they were born. For them is an irreparable sin to change religion. Their energy is adjusted under the dominant religion in the region of their residence. They receive a powerful energy feeding from it. These people will bring a lot of problems with both the complete denial of the foundations of the spiritual device of the world and participation in various false teachings, in sects, the occupation of magic, various fortune tells. In the depths of the soul, these people are aware of their position and often experience inexplicable longing, anxiety and a sense of loss. I hope you realized that these people should fully serve God, and carry his ideas to people.

So, now you can by date of birth, determine your destination, calculate the main karmic problem and a number of additional tasks of this embodiment .. It should be kept in mind the fact that with the non-fulfillment of its main task, life lessons and problems will arise in the theme of the largest number. In this example, this will go in number 8, that is, problems in the family will appear, in relations with partners, relatives and loved ones. There may be diseases of reproductive organs feedable by the second chakra.

I advise you to carefully examine this hard material, try it to myself. Make corrections in your life. With this, hope for the improvement of fate is not worth it. I analyzed and compared the facts of your problems and difficulties with the calculated tasks, the received codes revealed to me to many of my problems, their causes and allowed to adjust and improve their lives.

Perhaps you are a nihilist, and do not believe that there is a higher goal, and life does not make sense for you. It does not matter. If you do not believe that you have a destination, it does not mean that you will not find it, just like the lack of faith in gravity will not save you from falling. Everything that the disbelief will lead to - the destination will take more time. If you are one of these people, simply change the number "20" in the name of this blog's post on "40" (or even on "60" if you are so stubborn). Most likely, if you do not believe in purpose, you will not believe in anything that I said. But even if so, what are you risking, spending an hour for it? So, just in case.

Here is the story about Bruce Lee, who served as the basis for this small exercise. Master of Martial Arts asked Bruce to teach him everything that he knew about martial arts. Bruce showed him two glasses filled with water. "The first glass," said Bruce, "" That's all you know about martial arts. The second glass is all that I know about it. If you want to fill your glass of my knowledge, you must first get rid of yours. "

If you want to find a present purpose in life, you need to first clean your consciousness from all acquired destinations (including the idea that you do not have it at all).

So how do you know your highest goal? There are many ways to do it, some of them are quite complicated. It describes one of the easiest ways. The more you trust him, the more you believe that it will work, the faster this method will start working for you. However, if you have doubts, or you think it is a completely stupid and meaningless spending time, this reception will still work until you apply it. Again, just need more time.

That's what you need to do:

1. Use a blank paper sheet or create a text document where you could type the text (I prefer the second - it will be faster).

2. Will the title: "What is my purpose in life?"

3. Will the answer (any answer), which will come to mind. It should not be a complete offer. A rather short phrase.

4. Recover the third item until you write a response that makes you cry. This is your destination.

It's all. It does not matter, consultant you or an engineer, or bodybuilder. For some people, this technique is quite acceptable. For others, he will seem complete nonsense. To release the mind from the bustle and goals imposed by society, it usually takes 15-20 minutes. Invalid answers come from consciousness and from memory. But when, in the end, the correct answer will appear, it will seem to you that he came from a completely different source.

Those who are used to living, without thinking about the meaning of their existence, it will take more time to cut off the wrong answers, perhaps more than an hour. But if you will continue to continue, then after 100 or 200, and maybe after 500 replies, you will find the answer that will cause a tide of emotions - the answer that will change everything. It sounds very stupid for those who have never done it. Well, let it seem stupid, but you still try.

When you start, some answers will be very similar. You can even start another list. You can switch to another, adjacent topic and make another 10-20 answers on it. And this is good. You can record any responses that come to your head during the process.

At some point (usually after 50-100 replies), you will want to quit everything. In this case, you will not see the result. You may have a desire to come up with a reason to do something else. This is normal. Do not give up to this gust and continue to write. The feeling of opposition will soon pass.

Perhaps a few answers will arise that will cause a small tide of emotions, but will not make you sob. So it's a little wrong. Highlight them and go on - you can return to them later and change something. Each of these answers is part of your destination, but separately they are not a complete goal. When you get answers from this kind, it means that you attacked the next. Continue in the same spirit.

Make a list alone and without interruptions is important! If you are a nihilist, you can start with answers like "I have no goal" or "life is meaningless", and then delete them from the list. If you do this, then over time you reach the goal.

Performing this exercise, I spent 25 minutes. Answer number 106 turned out to be what I was looking for. The constitutive finite response occurred at 17, 39 and 53 hours. Then all parts of the puzzle steel into place. At 55-60 stages I wanted to throw everything and do something else, waiting for the experiment to fail. I was very annoyed and even angry. On 80 answers, I made a two-minute break: I closed my eyes, relaxed, threw it out of my head and focused on getting a response. This reception was very useful, since after a break, the answer that I received was much clearer.

Here is my end response: live consciously and fearlessly, finding reciprocity in love and participation, inspire others and leave the world.

When you find your own answer to the question, why did you come to this world, you will feel the response deep inside. It will seem for you that these words fill you with energy - you will feel it every time reading them.

Find your calling is easy. It is much harder to live every day in accordance with it and work on yourself until you begin to exercise your destination.

If you are going to ask why this reception is working, wait until you successfully finish. When this happens, you yourself will receive an answer to this question. If you ask 10 people who applied this technique why it works, then, most likely, get 10 different answers that have passed through an individual set of belief and containing their own mapping of truth.

Naturally, this reception will not work if you leave the execution before you get the end result. I calculated that 80-90% of people are able to achieve a goal in less than an hour. If you are completely approved in your beliefs, and oppose the process may need 5 approaches and 3 hours of time. However, I suspect that these people just threw the work halfway (after the first 15 minutes) or did not start it at all. But if you like to read this blog (and you are not going to refuse the mailing), it is doubtful that you will fall into this group.

Try! At least you will learn two things: or what is your true purpose in life, or what you should unsubscribe from mailing this blog.