ON THE PICTURE:Sedge is able to take root even in difficult conditions for other plants.

Due to the fact that Sedge prefers moist soil, it is most often found on the banks of reservoirs and in wetlands. This fundamentally distinguishes it from other cereal plants that grow mainly on dry land.

There are two morphological groups Sedge:

  1. sprawling. These include black sedge, sharp, aquatic, nosed, pointed, coastal and vesicular. The rhizomes of the species of this group are long, with rosettes extending from them, rooting within the area of ​​growth. Growing, such plants create green arrays-clumps, loose or dense.
  2. tussock-forming. This is Osoki drooping, millet, succulent, tall, fox-like, soddy. Their rhizomes are short and dense. They form clear and dense bumps.

The height of the sedge stems can be different depending on the species and variety. For example, the stems of some forms of high Sedge can reach 100 cm in height, in Capricorn Sedge they do not exceed 70 cm, and in undersized Bohemian Sedge - 30 cm.

The length of Sedge leaves reaches 30 cm. Their color varies from green (with a wide range of shades) to gray-bluish, with a border of various tones. The width of Sedge leaf blades is from 2 to 15 mm. The shape and arrangement of the leaves on the stem are varied: in some species they are erect, in others they are curved into an arc.

Spikelets of inflorescences can be low-colored and low, like those of Soddy Sedge, or, conversely, high, lush and large (such are Black and Bubble Sedge).

ON THE PICTURE: Spikelets of palm-leaved sedge (Carex muskingumensis).

The color of the inflorescences of Sedge is from light tones of green to black-olive, brown and black. Narrow-cylindrical, cone-shaped or drooping spikelets give Osoka curtains a special decorative effect. The fruits of plants of the genus - diaspora - are slightly biconvex or trihedral in shape.

Popular varieties

On window sills, balconies and terraces, they are usually grown, especially the varieties "Ice Dance", "Variegata", "Fisher's Form", "Goldband". And, she's graceful. Very interesting shapes the last type - "Jenneke", "Jubilo", "Lady Sunshine", "Sophia".

ON THE PICTURE:A variety of Sedge Morrow "Ice Dance", popular in Russia.

The winged sedge looks spectacular in the garden: variety "Knighshaye" s Form "with bright yellow leaves, golden-green bushes" Bowle "s Golden", sophisticated "Aurea" with a yellow border. For single plantings, the "morning star" with large seedlings 2.5 cm in size is well suited. - Grey's sedge "Morning Star". The creamy white border on the leaves of 'Island Brocade' rusty sedge gives this variety an outward sophistication.

ON THE PICTURE:Sedge gray with unusual inflorescences "Morning Star".


Cultivated Sedge can grow in greenhouses, on the banks, in and on lawns, in group plantings and live borders. Outdoors, the plant is best planted in a well-lit place, but in no case under direct sunlight.

For black sedge, coastal and blistered sedge, light shading is desirable. But strong shading is harmful to any variety of Sedge, as it is worth remembering that the plant belongs to cereals that prefer well-lit areas.

The ideal soil for Garden Sedge is neutral (pH 6.0–7.0) or slightly acidic (pH 5.0–6.0), with high level humidity. Waterlogged soil is suitable only for some types of Sedge (leaf-eared or coastal). Sedge graceful and hanging do not tolerate stagnant waterlogging.

ON THE PICTURE: Group planting of sedge bushes in the garden.

Diseases and pests

Frequent diseases of plants of the genus Sedge - and. Kopfugo Super preparations cope with the prevention and treatment of gray rot, and. The spread of powdery mildew will be prevented and stopped by effective fungicides, Bayleton and Sulfarid.

They are capable of severely damaging Osoke,. Effective modern drugs to combat these ticks and insects are insectoacaricides,.


Basically Sedge is propagated by dividing the bush. Long-rhizome species, after the formation of several shoots, are seated at almost any time. It is better to propagate tussock-forming and replant in the spring. How to properly transplant Sedge and other ornamental grasses is described in our article:.

It is possible to grow plants of this genus from seeds, sowing them mainly after spring warming (with the exception of Rusty-spotted Sedge, which is usually sown before winter). Seed propagation of most species of Sedge is less popular due to the risk of losing its decorative effect.

First steps after purchase

Immediately after the acquisition, Sedge seedlings should be treated against diseases and pests. For several days, planting material is kept in quarantine, separately from other indoor and garden plants.

The recommendations from the article will help you not to make a mistake when buying seeds or young plants. Sedges for planting in your garden.

Success Secrets

For Sedge, a moderately cold content (+ 15–18 ° С) is optimal; during the dormant period, it is necessary to provide it with a temperature of + 5–7 ° С. Like other cold-flowering ornamental grasses, Sedge "wakes up" at 0°C and reaches its highest point of growth at a temperature of +15–24°C (if humidity is sufficient). This must be taken into account when storing rooted cuttings.

Sedge needs in large numbers fresh air. IN warm time of the year indoor plant well "ventilate" on the balcony or terrace. But in no case should you leave Sedge in a draft!

ON THE PICTURE: Air bath for young plants Sedges of the "Phoenix Green" variety.

Regular removal of dry leaves and inflorescences will preserve not only the attractive appearance of curtains, but also the health of home Sedge.

Possible difficulties

Acquisition of leaves of a red or brownish hue, their drying.


  1. insufficient watering.
  2. lack of additional nutrients, which is eliminated by the introduction of complex fertilizers.

Paleness of leaves.

Cause: lack of lighting.

A sloppy look of curtains.


  1. untimely pruning.
  2. overgrowth of bushes.

Rotting roots, stems and leaves of the plant.


  1. excess moisture.
  2. severe waterlogging of the soil.

Question to a psychologist

Hello! My name is Ekaterina, I am 21 years old... And for several years now I have been tormented by a problem. Like all people, sometimes I think about of death, but not about parallel worlds or about how scary it is to die, but about how inevitable, and I am completely calm about this process. BUT! If only we are talking about me! AND profession I chose a rather risky one for myself. But when I think about the death of someone close, I start to go crazy... It's very scary and painful for me to even think about it.. But to think, these are just trifles... When I was younger, I pretended that I call my mother in a dream so that she responds and I make sure that she is not dead .. When I sleep with a young man and he begins to breathe more quietly, I can sit over him and see if he is rib cage... It’s the same with my mother now .. Every time I pass the room at night and stop to see if there is breathing ... And it’s in a dream ... I can’t understand what this is connected with, but it drives me crazy .. When I was still at school and was little, I came from a walk, my mother was without a pulse, but our neighbor pumped her out, thank God ... Trying to understand the reason, I referred to this, but it seems to me that this started for me much earlier .. And it has been tormenting me for many years ... I am a completely healthy, adequate person, even with the last job, I confirmed this for myself, having passed a medical commission with a psychologist, neuropathologists and psychiatrists .. But this ... Sometimes it seems to me that I am not normal .. Please give me advice, I am tired of these thoughts and fears 😢

Hello Ekaterina! the problem is not that these thoughts exist - this is normal - for a person to be aware of the transience of life, BUT - or you can continue to remain in this slough and drag yourself into your fears further, and then your life will not be filled with NOTHING, except for anxiety from the coming daily fear. Or ACCEPT the fact of death, stop being afraid of YOUR feelings - stop being afraid of pain, the unknown, accept it AS THAT IS AND WILL BE, and then you can give yourself a chance to fill your life with THAT IS IMPORTANT and NECESSARY - Love, happiness joy. THEIR fears you need to take UNDER YOUR CONTROL, and not give your life to THEM in control! You have already seen the source, you saw your mother unconscious, you experienced fear, an acute fear of loss, and it is THIS feeling that you are afraid of inside yourself - now the next stage is ACCEPTANCE!

Ekaterina, if you really decide to figure out what is happening - you can feel free to contact me - call - I will be glad to help you!

Shenderova Elena Sergeevna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 2 bad answer 4

Hello Ekaterina.

You speak very sensibly. experience constantly fear loss of loved ones is to be in constant voltage. It is necessary to work with this in order to finally live a full free life. I'm working with this.

I invite you for a consultation. Call.

Smirnova Alexandra Vladimirovna, psychologist in Moscow, skype consultations

Good answer 2 bad answer 2

Hello Ekaterina! Afraid of death- your own or loved ones - this is normal. After all, we do not know what is there, beyond life. And everything that we do not know scares us, makes us vulnerable. Sometimes fear death in individual, usually very sensitive people, exceeds the point of tolerance for awareness of this existential reality - our life is finite. This often happens because during the period of development a person did not pass, or passed with a complication, the phase of accepting this givenness of the finiteness of our being. This is especially acute at 6-7 years old, at 12-14 years old. If during these periods someone close died or was of death(as in your case), was seriously ill, then the child does not "grow" out of this, stops in this phase of development as psychologically immature. And then he can be successful and stable in everything except accepting the fact of death. This can be dealt with better the help of a psychologist who has specialized training in dealing with trauma. Long-term work, up to a year, with intervals of one hour once a week. It is up to you to choose - to continue to suffer or to already decide to meet with the "skeleton in your closet" and look into his empty eye sockets.

Isaeva Irina, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 6 bad answer 3

Ekaterina, I sincerely sympathize with your condition, but I'm afraid no advice will help you! ..

It is necessary to understand the reason for this strong fear. Only by understanding the reason, you can take control of the emotion and gradually deal with it! ..

Seek a face-to-face consultation, and as soon as possible: the longer such fears live in us, the stronger and stronger they become!

I'd be happy to help if you'd like!

Karamyan Karina Rubenovna, psychologist, psychotherapist, Moscow

Good answer 6 bad answer 3

All the best!

Svetoch Vlad Evgenievich, psychologist, Moscow

Good answer 6 bad answer 3